Ebrake 300t UK

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The first electronic press brake for heavy-duty work


A head start with the Safan e-standards Safan has set new standards in terms of efficiency, economy, ergonomics and ecology with the SAFAN E-Brake




E-standards will give you, as a sheetmetal working manufacturer, a head start over your competitors, now also with sheet bending using pressure forces up to 300 T. What are the most important advantages for you in comparison with (traditional) hydraulic press brakes?

The e - volution in sheet-metal working reaches a new milestone




in Efficiency

* Up to 30% shorter cycle times * Bending without crowning * Back stop can be used across the entire

Since the very first CNCK servo-hydraulic press brake in 1980,

I-Brake won the Techni-Show Innovation Award (among others).

Safan has been world leader in the development of innovations for

And the

sheet-metal working. Safan introduced the patented servo-elec-

After all, top performances in terms of efficiency, economy, ergo-

tronic brake press (SMK) in 1995, the hybrid guillotine cutter in

nomics and ecology are needed now more now than they ever were


1999 and the first full electronic press brake in 2004, the SAFAN

in order to stay ahead of the competition in the world of sheet-

* Up to 50% energy savings

E-Brake. With this pioneering machine concept Safan began the

metal working manufacturers. With the SAFAN E-Brake ‘Dual

* Minimum maintenance costs

'e-volution in sheet-metal working', a development in which the

Drive’ 300T, Safan has now ensured that the unique advantages

application of innovative electronic technology has a central role.

of the E-Brake technology are available for the heavy-duty segment


Safan has taken a leading role in that development as inventor of

with pressing forces up to 300 T. This breakthrough was only pos-

* SAFAN E-Control touch screen controls

the electronic press brake with pulley drive. After the first genera-

sible thanks to a new Safan invention; the 'Dual Drive' with double

* Significant bending leeway due to slender

tion 'Original E-Brake' with pressure forces up to 100T, the

pulley system. Together with the newly developed lower beam and

middle-weight E-Brake 150T and E-Brake 200T followed in 2006.

the new E-Control touch screen controls, this results in an unprec-

Safan surprised the sheet-metal working world a short while later

edented increase in performance in heavy-duty work. The SAFAN

with the SAFAN I-Brake, the intelligent press brake with two inte-

E-Brake Dual Drive 300T: a new milestone for SAFAN, a potential

grated robots. Both the SAFAN E-Brake 200T and the SAFAN

head start for you.


In sheet-metal working continues undiminished.

working length * Optimum programmability



in Economy

in Ergonomics

lower beam * Optimum safety The


in Ecology

* No environmentally harmful oil * Low-noise operation 3



The SAFAN Dual Drive, a unique innovation

Perfectly compensating lower beam, just as unique

As a manufacturer of the most advanced press brakes, Safan is aware of the requirements that are set in the heavy-duty market. This know-how is combined

The lower beam of the SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive 300T is a

with the latest technology in the field of electronic bending in the SAFAN E-Brake

completely new development, as a second important innovation

Dual Drive 300T.

within the E-Brake concept for the heavy-duty market.

In order to facilitate the step towards tonnages of 300 T

of forces across the entire press beam. The poly-

The lower beam perfectly compensates the minimum

Reinforced O-frame for optimum

(and more in the future), the Safan R&D department were

urethane belts are 100 mm wide and reinforced with

deflection, eliminating the need for a crowning table,


faced with an amazing challenge: developing a new con-

steel wires, a very reliable and abrasion resistant

even at maximum pressing force. The machine does not

The machine has a very stable O-frame construc-

cept drive based on the tried and tested E-Brake pulley

technology that is also used in the elevator industry.

have to be fitted with a sword. The lower beam is only

tion with a reinforced bridge and side frames. The

technique. The solution was found in a double pulley sys-

This is why Safan gives a 5 year guarantee on this part

180 mm wide, a beam as slim as this is unprecedented

bending tools remain in a straight line even under

tem, the patented SAFAN Dual Drive.

of the drive (in combination with an annual service con-

in this heavy-duty machine class. The machine also has

maximum bending loads. In addition to optimal


an exceptionally large 400 mm stroke. This means that

stability, there is another advantage to this con-

300 T of evenly distributed pressing force

Thanks to the balanced distribution of force, the deflec-

the SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive 300T provides an e-nor-

struction: the back gauge can be used across the

The press beam is driven by eight servo-motors on

tion is still minimal, even at 300 T pressing force. And

mous freedom to bend for your operators.

entire working length of the machine.

four axles using the double pulley system. In a perfect

another Safan innovation is used to eliminate the very

balancing act with fixed and flexible rolls, flexible belts

same minimum deflection!

are used to create the most perfectly even distribution

Detail drawing Dual Drive double pulley technique


Dual Drive double pulley technique

SAFAN E-Brake 300T ’Dual Drive’

Force distribution with Dual-Drive drive






Heavy duty backgauge with a large range

Switch to 300 T of competitive power

The SAFAN E-Brake 150-3100 and the E-Brake 200-4100 are both

You will have a much stronger position in the market with the new

equipped with a heavy-duty CNC controlled backgauge system fitted with

Safan electronic heavy-weight. You can produce the most accurate

recirculating ball screws and precision linear ball-bearing guides. The basic

and constant bending angle across the entire 4100mm range of the

model comes complete with CNC controlled X axis.

machine without the need for crowning. Faster, uses less energy, more ergonomic and durable than any other hydraulic press brake. A step forwards in productivity

to achieving the shortest possible cycle times.

Due to the electronic drive (therefore no valves and

the upper beam is actually moving. This generates

The standard version of the backgauge has two

Optional equipment includes backgauge systems

considerable savings that can amount to 50% in

hinging backgauge fingers that can be manually moved

equipped with CNC controlled R, Z1, Z2 and

other hydraulic delays), the switching times of the

A step forwards in durability

comparison with conventional hydraulic press brakes.

along the bending line (Z axis) as well as adjusted in

X axes, or full 3D movement with X1, X2, Z1, Z2,

SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive are extremely short. This

The absence of hydraulics means that the problems

This means that an e-normous decrease in your pro-

height (R axis). The stop fingers are provided with

results in a cycle time that is an average of 30% faster

associated with environmentally harmful and risky oil

duction costs goes hand in hand with a much lower

interchangeable pins. In optimum use, they permit a

than a conventional hydraulic press brake.

are a thing of the past. The servo-electronic system

burden on the environment.

maximum backgauge range of 1100 mm.

R1, and R2 axes.

is therefore much more reliable than the hydraulic A step forwards in safety

system due to the absence of oil, tank, pump, seals,

A step forwards in working range

In terms of the safety of your operators, the SAFAN

valves and filters.

The back gauge can be used across the entire work-

E-Brake Dual Drive provides the ultimate solution: a

ing length by using an O-frame machine construction. A step forwards in energy savings

the SAFAN E-Control controls. This also contributes

The SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive only uses energy when

Kilo Watt

safety screen that is automatically controlled from

Heavy-duty backgauge

Standard backgauge stops

3D backgauge stops

E-Brake Conventional

SAFAN E-Brake energy consumption

Integrated safety light guard





SAFAN E-Control, the new



in ergonomics

Options for 2D simulation and 3D graphic programming

Since the introduction in 1995, the SAFAN TS-controls have been the international standard for ease

The optional E-Control 2 and E-Control 3 controls facilitate 2D and 3D

of operation. The Safan touch screen concept is therefore the most functional and intuitive Man-

graphic display and programming.

Machine interface in the sheet-metal working industry. Safan have once again shifted the standards with the SAFAN E-Control as the latest generation touch screen controls.

Complete Touch Screen convenience

controls, which in turn regulates the various axis via

Web-based communication and support

The SAFAN E-Control is fully touch screen, whereby

a so-called CAN-BUS (Control Area Network). The

The controls are set-up for web-based communication

the only buttons visible on the 17” screen are those

system can be programmed quickly and accurately

such as online diagnoses and loading software updates

that are needed during operation. The controls simply

thanks to a ‘self-teaching’ database with data on

via the web. Machines can also be coupled to each

run on a PC under Microsoft Windows®, the software

materials, tools and previous, already corrected

other in a group and tooling databases can be shared.

was developed based on Microsoft.net Framework.

bending. The SAFAN E-Control can be coupled to the

By monitoring and analysing your operating data online,

The unit is fitted with a 100 MB Ethernet UTP network

majority of off-line programming systems. The stand-

Safan will be in a position to optimise your production

connection as standard. The instructions are transmit-

ard SAFAN E-Control 1 controls work with numerical

process from a distance in the near future

ted to a central processor from the SAFAN E-Control

input and bending parameters display, however the

Summary of SAFAN press brake controls TEC1 - EC2 - EC3

Control type

user receives immediate graphic support in many areas.

SAFAN EC2 control

Off-line connections to

EC1 Numerical product data entry - 2D programming of products by means of Touch Screen and bend simulation with - numerical bending parameter Safan Easy 2D representation - usage of the actual database

- SAFAN EC or Easy 2D software - Delem Profile on Windows - Delem V-Bend - Autopol - SomaBend (Radan)

EC2 As EC1, but with graphical - 2D programming of products 2D and 3D representation and bend simulation with of the bending sequence Safan Easy 2D

- SAFAN EC or Easy 2D software - Delem Profile on Windows - Delem V-Bend - Autopol - SomaBend (Radan)

EC3 As EC2, but with graphical (no Safan Easy 2D) 2D and 3D programming and representation of the bending sequence

- SAFAN EC software - Delem Profile on Windows - Delem V-Bend - Autopol - SomaBend (Radan)


SAFAN EC3 control



Off-line programeren met Delem V-Bend

SAFAN TS control with keyboard

SAFAN EC1 running mode




Options for optimum ease of operation Fast, simple and reliable angle measurement can be essential for your bending process. SAFAN has made


advancements in this area too. Two SAFAN E-Bend systems, electronically

linked to the SAFAN Touch Screen controls, increase your efficiency through exact sheet thickness or angle measurement.

With the Electrically or Hydraulically driven bending aids from SAFAN, you prevent angle deviation when bending thin sheets with large dimensions. The bending aid provides the operator with a simple and ergonomic means to remain within set angle tolerances.



It is often not easy for an operator to position large

bending aid. In most cases, it can be used by a single

The SAFAN E-Bend S sheet thickness measurement

This system consists of two pneumatic sensors on

sheets. Especially during the return movement of the

operator to position larger products. In brief, along

system is mounted next to the backgauge finger. The

a rail, which can be programmed at every desirable

top beam, it is difficult work to keep everything in hand.

with accuracy, productivity is increased by the SAFAN

system measures the sheet thickness to an accuracy

position. Both sensors are in contact with the sheet

Instead of having a second operator provide assistance,

Bending Aid, the best partner for your operator.

of ± 0.01 mm. It can be precisely programmed when

during the bending cycle. Before the definitive angle

it is frequently more efficient to install a SAFAN

measurement should take place. Measurement takes

is bent, the spring-back of the sheet is measured.

just tenths of a second and the data in the control

Based on this, a correction is entered after which

Machine type

system is immediately adjusted. The control system

the definitive angle is bent. The values measured can

• E-Mate plus bending aid

150 kg.

database maintains all records of measurement and is

be used for other bends in which angle measurement

• Hydraulic bending aid

500 kg.

set out graphically.

is not possible due to the product’s geometry.

1 SAFAN E-Bend S



SAFAN bending aids


1 SAFAN E-Bend M


1 SAFAN E-Mate plus bending aid

Max. sheet weight

2 SAFAN hydraulic bending aid



Moveable and adjustable support arms SAFAN










construction for both light and heavy-duty sheet-metal work. This makes it possible to rapidly set up the correct solution for each application. An optimum combination of ergonomics and efficiency.

In 1988, SAFAN had already installed the first robotic press brake in Europe. Safan is now an experienced specialist in the field of automated bending cells including the standard SAFAN R-Brake. The SAFAN integral solutions for your production process go much further than stand-alone solutions. The integral automation is not restricted to the bending cell alone, this also applies to other parts of the process such as punching and spot-welding, and the entire routing of sheet material around the bending cell. Flexible solutions and off-line software

cells. You have a choice between off-line or parametric

From advice & consultancy to manufacturing

and realises turnkey solutions for bending and cutting

the machine and pneumatically adjustable in height

You retain your flexibility with Safan in terms of new

programming. Naturally, you can contract out all pro-

Safan makes automation of sheet-metal working easier

systems with guaranteed cycle times. This fixes the

(programmable on the control)

products or changes in your production process. You

gramming to Safan.

than you think. This starts with the convenience of a

costs per product. The return time of your invest-

All support arms can be used in combination with the

• Support arms movable across the front side of

light guard.The support arms are as standard equipped with brushes. You can choose from the following possibilities: • Support arms fixed to the machine


Turn-key delivery of automated bending solutions

are also flexible in relation to coupling with external

The Safan Robowave off-line programming is a guar-

single contact person for the entire project. Our con-

ment can be properly determined based on those set

Optionally all support arms can be

systems and choosing your robot. The SAFAN E-Brake

antee for maximum efficiency of your bending cell All

sultants clearly present you with the entire range of

costs. With the help of a simulation model, you will

equipped with adjustable front stops

is perfectly suited to operate as a mid-point for every

movements can be programmed and simulated in

options, enabling you to make the best possible

get a reliable indication beforehand of your expected

automated bending cell. The SAFAN controls run under


choice for your production process. SAFAN develops

Return On Investment.

• Support arms movable across the front side of the




• Support arms movable across the front side of the

options for links, networks, software packages and

platform, adding a whole range of

machine and height adjustable with a handwheel

resolving downtime of the unmanned production process over the Internet. Safan can supply complete, fully tested programs for both new and existing robotic

Movable support arms


Movable support arms adjustable in height

Off-line programming


SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive 300T 4100

Tool adapters SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive 300T

• Safety in conformance with CE, maximum speed press beam ≤ 10 mm/sec.



400 690

* Q - size: optional 750 of 790 mm

Clamping table OB II MC Premium

Accessories (optional) • CNC driven R- axis





20.400 5380

715 715

C in mm (Q = 690 mm.)

B in mm


A in mm


Weight in kg


Motor Power in kW

• 1 Hold to Run operating console

Adapter NSCL-II MC Premium

Return speed in mm/sec

• 2 support arms (300 mm)


Bending speed max. in mm/sec

• Standard size (in-built) 690 mm (Q-dimensions)

Clamping table OB/S-3-W

Closing speed in mm/sec

• Upper and lower beam prepared for securing various optional tool inclusion systems

Q size* in mm

• Manual variable adjustment of back gauge fingers width across a linear parallel guide


Maximum stroke in mm

Q=690mm Stroke =400mm

• Back gauge beam fitted with 2 foldable back gauge fingers

Dual Drive 300T

Q=750mm Stroke =400mm

• CNC driven back gauge (X-axis) with a range of 800 mm • Manually operated R-axis


Q=790mm Stroke =400mm

• CNC driven Y1-Y2 axis (top beam adjustable inclined +/- 2.5 mm)

Pressure force in kN

• SAFAN EC1 Touch Screen CNC press brake controls

C in mm (Q = 750 or 790 mm.)

Technical specifications SAFAN E-Brake Dual Drive 300T 4100

Standard version:

4100 3175 3175 (Subject to modifications)


• CNC driven Z1-Z2 axis (horizontal repositioning back gauge fingers) • Programmable and integrated safety light screen (incl. floating blanking and 1-2 break setting)

Adapter NSCL-II HC Premium



• CNC driven Delta X-axis (horizontal repositioning of one back gauge finger) • Built-in size increase up to 750 mm or 790 mm (Q-size) • Various upper and lower tool inclusions • Various bending aids with a sheet weight of 150 kg to 500 kg

Clamping table OB II HC Premium 90

• SAFAN E-Bend S sheet thickness measurement system • SAFAN E-Bend M angle measurement system


• Various support arms, fixed, moveable and adjustable in height where required • Finely adjustable stop ridge for the support arms • Extra Hold To Run operating console (compulsory with 2 machine operators)




Clamping table OB/S-3-C


• Integrated tool kit




Flattening table DD005 Ty




Q 930


Segmented European Adapter





- EC2 control, graphic representation in combination with off-line programming - EC3 control, complete 2D and 3D graphic programming







• SAFAN E-Control press brake control:



• Machine lighting

2320 2320 15

E-Brake 35 - 200T E-Brake B 20 - 100T

E-Brake 300T Dual Drive



Safan B.V., Kwinkweerd 11, NL-7241 CW Lochem, P.O. Box 96, NL-7240 AB Lochem Tel.: +31 (0)573 222 222, Fax: +31 (0)573 252 057, E-mail: info@safan.nl, Website: www.safan.nl

B-Shear & M-Shear


E-Brake Ergonomic

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