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3 Food sources to help beat hay fever

Edible flowers Suffer from irritating spring allergies? Try turning to your grocery cupboard to sooth your red eyes and burning sinus.

Spring is in the air, and with it comes the blossoming of fresh, eye-catching flowers. Flowers are worth more than just their pretty looks though, and many can be eaten. Adding flowers to your food is a pleasant way to add colour, flavour and a

1. Pineapple: Pineapple is a rich

little eccentricity. Here is a list of popular

source of bromelain, an enzyme with

edible flowers:

strong systemic anti-inflammato-

Alliums (leeks, chives and garlic) –

ry effects, which helps decrease

Flavours range from a subtle and

mucosal inflammation and nasal

delicate leek, to a more prominent

congestion. (100g = 1 fruit and is a

garlic. Every part of these plants is

Better Choice)

in fact edible.

2. Kiwifruit: Kiwifruit contain more

Calendula (Marigold) – Has a pep-

Vitamin C, gram-for-gram, than

pery, tangy and spicy taste. Their

oranges. Vitamin C is an effective nat-

vibrant gold colour invigorates

ural anti-histamine and anti-inflam-

any dish.

matory, and it also supports healthy immune function and protects from

Citrus (orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit) – Citrus blossoms

secondary respiratory conditions.

are sweet and highly scented.

(90g = 1 fruit and is a Best Choice)

Be careful not to over-perfume a

3. Turmeric: The prime ingredient in

dish by adding too many.

this Indian spice, curcumin, has a nat-

Jasmine – Common in the use of

ural antihistamine effect. Stir it into

making tea, these extra-fra-

soups, egg based dishes and curries.

granced blossoms can also be

(Miscellaneous serve)

added to sweet dishes. Use sparingly though.

Crazy food facts! ❋ Apples belong to the rose family, as do pears and plums. ❋ Honey is the only natural food that never goes off. ❋ Cucumbers are 96% water. ❋ You burn more kilojoules eating celery than it contains. ❋ A pumpkin is a fruit.

twist 46


If you prepare a savoury dish and find that it needs a little oomph, try a squeeze of lemon instead of a pinch of salt. A hit of citrus can make the whole recipe come to life.

good to know!

Apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee. Fructose, a natural sugar found in apples will provide the energy boost required, and will get absorbed at a slower rate than caffeine does because of the high fibre content of an apple.

Rose – Once the bitter white base has

Avoid these flowers! These flowers are poisonous and should definitely not be eaten: ✿ Azalea ✿ Hydrangea ✿ Oleander ✿ Potato Flower ✿ Lilly of the valley Remember: Just because the flower is not on this list, it does not mean that it is edible. Make sure you know exactly what you are cooking with and be sure that it is safe for you and your family.

been removed, these pretty perfumed petals are perfect to float in drinks or scatter across desserts. Flavour is more pronounced in the darker varieties.


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