Summer mini mag 2016 upload proof

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Your guide t o healt hy living


3 success stories,

78kg you can do it to!

weight loss -

Travellers tool kit

Speedy Summer recipeS Taming your holiday road rage Summer emag SOUTH AFRICAN EDITION FREE

How to sack your sugar cravings



Roasted garlic hummus

Great Choices for Good Living

1 Serve = ½ Protein + 2 Fat Serves 6 – Best Choice recipe 1 head garlic 2 tbsp Weigh-Less ExtraVirgin Olive Oil 1 tin Weigh-Less Chick Peas 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice 3 tbsp tahini ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp ground cumin 3 tbsp water Place the whole head of garlic on a chopping board and cut about 1cm off the top of the head. Place on a piece of tinfoil and drizzle with half the olive oil. Close and bake in a 200°C oven for 40 minutes until soft and golden. Remove from oven and leave to cool. Place the drained chickpeas, lemon juice, tahini, salt and cumin in a food processor, and blend for two minutes. Scrape down sides and bottom of food processor, and add remaining olive oil and 10 of the roasted cloves and blend until smooth, adding water to thin if needed. Serve with vegetable fingers and toasted pita bread from your daily serves.

Prep 10 min Cook 40 min

Av a i l a b l e a t a l l l e a

d i n g re t a i l s t

o re s

the w i t h m e. n o i t c m u n c o n j e n t Pr o g r a i e s u r a t e d fo nagem Formul s Weight M a Le s Weigh-


A New Year is the perfect time to make those resolutions and start afresh – unfortunately many of us are so preoccupied and tired with working late to complete tasks before taking leave, plans made, visitors, last minute running around that often New Year flies by and it is the 3rd of January before we realise New Year has started without our resolutions in place! And by that time we have already broken most of them.

So this New Year I am resolving to start fresh with every sunrise – each new day is a gift to start again, to be better than yesterday and to put yesterday’s disappointments behind us. Each day is a blank canvas for us to do with what we wish – it is our choices that determine how we live our life, each new day is a gift to us. My Christmas wish for you is that your year ahead be your best year ever, and that your goal and dreams are realised. Wishing you all a blessed festive season and a wonderful year ahead. Love

Trasi Holroyd Editor



MAGAZINE Publisher Weigh-Less (Pty) Ltd Executive editor Mary Holroyd Editor Trasi Holroyd Brand and public relations Shristi Harinarain Beauty editor Natasha Liviero


Food editor Carmen White Journalists De Wet Ferrera, Carmen White, Shristi Harinarain Art director Lyndsay Jensen Designer Leigh-Anne Du Bruyne


Photographers David Weeks, Carmen White Hair and Makeup Vanessa Hughes Weigh-Less dietetics Heidi Lobel Subscriptions Shristi Harinarain

CONTENTS #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #10 #11 #12 #16 #20 #21 #22 #24 #28 #30


Head office Unit 1, Bishops Court, 10 Delamore Road, Hillcrest, 3650, P/Bag X 7022, Hillcrest, 3650, Tel: 031 765 1600, Fax: 031 765 1640 Customer relationship centre (South Africa only) 0861 100 551 International enquiries 0027 31 765 1600 Copyright: All rights reserved. No editorial matter published in this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publishers. Reporting in the Weigh-Less Magazine is intended to keep you up-to-date on a healthy lifestyle. Its contents should not be used to provide medical advice on specific complaints on diets. A proper target weight assessment by trained Weigh-Less staff is advisable. Should you have any medical condition, your medical practitioner should assess your sustainability for the Weigh-Less Weight Management Programme. The editor reserves the right to alter or amend the material in any way deemed necessary, unless there is a written agreement to the contrary. The opinions expressed by the individual contributors or sources are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher and we cannot be held responsible for these opinions expressed.



Defined Inspiration WALK IT OUT

As we prepare to wrap up 2016, we give thanks for the opportunities we have been awarded and reflect on our journey to Goal Weight thus far, no matter where we have ventured. One of the important traits of living well is staying active. The work days are long, the evenings are short –where do we fit the fitness in? Rest assured, there is hope for your active selves to share in your busy schedules. Put your faith in WeighLess this winter, and take my hand as we WALK ourselves fabulous!

WHY WAIT? Staying active and keeping mentally healthy go hand-in-hand; the truth is that when we look good, we feel good. Waiting for a convenient time slot to present itself will leave you frustrated and demotivated – so why not try swap

“Losing weight is an emotional battle that requires strength of character, willpower, and perseverance.” 2 WWW.WEIGHLESS.CO.ZA

out one less-productive activity for a chance to get the sweat flowing (and the mind glowing) this sunny season? I decided 41 years ago to stop waiting and start doing, starting Weigh-Less from such humble beginnings. If I had not taken that step out of my comfort zone, I’d probably in a very different position right now.

ARE YOU GETTING IT ALL? Ensuring that you keep to your WeighLess Formula and Profile guidelines, allowing your body just the right amount of serves, as well as ensuring that you get your eight glasses of water will leave you with enough energy at the end of each day to tackle some toneup techniques! Self-doubt is something that is very hard to shake once it creeps in. As soon as you think you are starting to drown, take out your Weigh-Less Filo and the latest magazine and grab a big dose of motivation.

LIVE A LITTLE! It might be getting colder, but you don’t have to feel any older! Try taking a pleasant stroll around your neighbourhood before settling into your evening activities. Dance in the rain, kicking up water from the puddles that

you find. Walk barefoot in your garden, feeling the grass as it tickles your toes. Life was meant to be lived – not endured. I revel in every opportunity to spend time with my grandchildren, often taking our fun activities outdoors. Always remember: It’s never too late to do something great!

KICK THOSE NAUGHTY KILOJOULES! We often need a little pick-me-up jolt of nutrition to help us make it through the day. The important thing to remember is that some snacks will actually leave you with less energy than you started out with, such as highly refined starches and any foods with a high GI rating. Feeling the grumble-gremlin approaching? I always grab a delicious Weigh-Less Break-Out to nibble on instead (the Weigh-Less Nougat and Chocolate Coated Rice Cakes are my favourite). I invite all of you beautiful people to take some me time every once in a while this summer, remembering to look after you and your family’s health and wellbeing before anything else grabs up all of your free time. I wish you all love, light and holistic wellness this winter, as we walk with confidence into the summer sunshine! Love


DIFFERENT Why Weigh-Less is different

• Weigh-Less is not a diet; it is a scientifically formulated

healthy eating plan.

• There are no pills, shakes and meal replacements. • Weigh-Less includes all food groups from Complex carbohydrates to protein and even fat! • Weigh-Less is adaptable to every age, culture and lifestyle. • Weigh-Less individualises an Eating Plan according to your Profile and personality. • Weigh-Less provides you with a sense of belonging and purpose through our unique in-Group experience. • You are held accountable through weekly weigh-ins. • You are motivated and supported by a trained Group Leader and Members also on their own weight loss journey. • Weigh-Less is the only health and weight management company in South Africa to be named as an endorsement entity by the South African Department of Health.

Discover a new career in 2017

What you can expect from Weigh-Less:

There are wonderful opportunities for you to grow within yourself whilst at the same time helping those in your community, by opening a Weigh-Less Group, as a Group Leader. In addition, if you are working for a corporate company, we will work with you and your HR department in setting up a Group in your work environment. You will be supported by our highly trained staff and our marketing team, and will receive quality training to assist you in marketing your Group so that it may grow. All you need is 1½ hours a week, a dedicated room for Members to weigh-in, at least 10 people who are interested in joining the Group, and time to attend a monthly Group Leaders meeting. Be part of a winning team, with added earning potential. Should this interest you, email, to find out more on how you can become more involved with the Weigh-Less family. Together we can make a difference.

• To be met by a caring, friendly, empathetic Weigh-Less

Group Leader who has lost weight on the Weigh-Less eating plan and can relate to YOUR yearning for a slimmer, healthier you – for life. • Access each week to Group meetings run by passionate, well-trained Group Leaders who have both the empathy and training to assist you in attaining Goal Weight membership and staying there for life. • Your Group Leader to record your present weight, height and bone structure while asking about your lifestyle (activity levels, social needs, eating requirements, etc). • You will be presented with Awards to recognise your weight loss achievements. • You can expect to feel the energy and positive atmosphere that are part of the Weigh-Less weekly Group meetings. • Most of all, we promise to care!

Feel free to contact our friendly call centre on 0861 100 551 or email us at for more information.

New Year, new body, new you! Start 2017 off with a bang and take advantage of our 13 week contract. Weigh-Less Members pay only R675 for 13 weeks of health and inspiration, and as an added bonus you get three weeks free. Call our friendly call centre NOW on 0861 100 551 and find a Group near you. *T & C’ apply.

In Group this January Spring clean your life this January in Group! January’s in-group promo includes delectable (healthy) summer recipes, heaps of motivation and easy to follow hints and tips on refreshing your finances, revitalising your Weigh-Less journey, renewing your exercise regime as well as top tips from some of our inspirational success stories.




TOOLKIT Whether you travel for leisure or for business, being away from the comfort of your homestead makes sticking to a healthy eating plan challenging at times. With a few tricks and a minute of research, turn your potential travelling bender into a trip to remember! BY DE WET FERREIRA #1 PACK YOUR (SMART) FOODS If you are travelling on four wheels, and you know you will be away for a few days, plan ahead and pack the foods you will use to cook your healthy meals. If you know you won’t have access to a kitchen, pre-cook your meals for the period, pop them into a cooler box, and hit the road knowing that your meals are sorted! This will be impossible if you are flying, owing to strict customs rules about taking foods across borders, but is doable if only travelling nationally via motor vehicle. Remember to keep a full water bottle handy at all times, and pack non-perishables and sandwiches in airtight containers to keep them fresher for longer!

#2 DON’T KNOW? ASK! If you are flying overseas for holiday or business, and you intend on sticking to your healthy eating plan while abroad, get in touch with your accommodation and inform them of your specific eating habits. Nine times out of ten they will be able to accommodate you and if they don’t, run through your required ingredients with them and ask where you could find these close to the accommodation. Take your food scale with you – weighing your foods might get you a few sideway glances, but you’ll be thankful for them when you get to the scale upon your return.

#3 SLOW AND STEADY When it comes to eating and drinking while on holiday, many of us tend to go a bit over the top. Concentrate on your


food while you eat it, being mindful of what you are putting into your body. Eat slowly and steadily and remember to chew every mouthful at least ten times. Try limiting your alcohol intake, and protecting your liver, by having a glass of water between your alcoholic beverages. Your tomorrow self will thank you for the lack of hangover, allowing you to do more holiday things.

YOUR POCKET RESTAURANT SURVIVAL GUIDE So you are away on a business trip, and your hotel room has nothing in the line of kitchenware. You know of a few restaurants in the area selling the healthy variety of food, and you decide to grab dinner from one of these. Below are common tactics used by many in the restaurant industry to get you eating – and out the door – as quickly as possible. This is so that the establishment can serve more patrons per night, boosting turnover. Look out for these tactics, and don’t allow them to put a fly in your proverbial soup: Loud music: Studies have shown that we eat faster when there is loud music playing in our hearing range. This makes us feel tense, and we subconsciously decide to eat faster so as to get away from the auditory assault. If you experience this while dining out, call your waitron and request that the loudness be toned down a bit (remember, the customer is always right). Positioning: Many waiters are trained to place large tables of patrons in the centre of the restaurant when possi-

ble. This tactic causes diners to feel self-conscious as they are totally surrounded by strangers, and they hasten their dining experience for this reason. If you can see this happening to you, rather wait a few minutes longer for a table against a wall. Service timing: When dining out, you will find that your drinks order will arrive promptly, after which your waiter will disappear for a while – leaving you to drink and salivate over the mouth-watering descriptions of the meals on offer. This tactic is used to get you even hungrier that you were when you walked in, and increases the chances of you ordering more food than you were going to. WL TOP WEIGH-LESS TAKE-OUT TIPS We have chosen our top picks from international fast food outlets to keep our travelling Members walking the WeighLess Way wherever they may roam: KFC: Mini Twister (grilled) - 1½ CC + 1 Protein Green Salad (undressed) - 1 Veg Snack burger - 2 CC + 1 Protein MCDONALDS: Crispy Chicken Salad (undressed) ½ CC + 1 Protein + 1 Fat + 2 Veg Grilled chicken fold-over (no mayonnaise) - 2 CC + 2 Protein BURGER KING: Whopper Junior - 2CC + 1 Protein + 2 Fat Delight Salad (undressed) - 1 Veg NANDOS: Chicken and Pine Wrap (no mayo) 1 Veg + 2 CC + 1 Fruit + 2½ Protein Chicken strips, ½ rice and veg 2 CC + 2 Protein + 1 Veg



In today’s busy world, finding the delicate balance between work and personal life can be a challenge. We ask some of our Group Leader to shed a bit of light on how they balance their work life, Weigh-Less life and home life.

“I keep a balance between work, professional life, family and personal commitments with effective planning. I manage my time by setting priorities and then organising myself and my time around them. This also encourages me to be more productive, to stick to a routine and when interruptions arise, I adjust my schedule around it. I love what I do! A positive attitude helps you to become a successful Group Leader. Get 60 seconds’ worth out of every minute and make them count!”



I am semi-retired and don’t need much effort to keep a balance between my home life and Weigh-Less. With years of experience and being a mentor, I have instilled trust and developed relationships with my Members. I support and encourage my Members as they walk the path to better health and wellbeing. Just listening and trying to understand what they are going through can be a big comfort. I am on my Weigh-Less Plan, and I believe that I lead by example, by portraying the image and motivating my Members to keep going. That is how I am successful in what I do in all aspects of my life.”



“I believe I am a jack of all trades, from housework to hosting my WeighLess Groups. I have all of my Groups on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The days in between I catch up with my household chores and other plans or activities. Sunday afternoons is family time and if we don't embark on an outing or have visitors, I plan my motivational talk for the week ahead. I follow-up with calls and messages in the evenings after my Groups. I enjoy my Weigh-Less Groups and interacting with different people. “



I enjoy stretching and flexing at gym, but sometimes my busy work and life schedule does not allow for a regular fitness regime. When I miss a gym class session, I gather my energy and visit the gym on my own. I plan my week around the Groups I will be having. Family time is a must in my busy bee life and I always set time for much needed family time or a catch up over a cuppa with my friends. Sundays or Monday mornings are my admin days, as this is the most convenient time for me to update my paper trails. I get in touch with my Members on a regular basis.



“I find there has to be a balance with everything in life - work, Weigh-Less, friends and most importantly, family. I am disciplined in how I structure my day as every day is different, so I plan and organise ahead. Mondays I opt for completing my admin work. Thursdays and Fridays are my days off and I allow for some much needed personal time. I also cuddle up with a book to read or I go out for lunch with family. Taking time off helps

me have a positive attitude towards life.”





Success Story

Tessa proves the camera wrong and joins Weigh-Less to become a fitness mom, losing 21.4kg! Tessa de Klerk had no weight issues growing up, but eating for two during both her pregnancies was a decision she regretted. A supportive group of friends and a loving husband never pointed out her weight, prompting her to leave it alone. Eventually, an unflattering photograph would push her over the edge. Read more to find out how this fitness mom lost 21.4kg!

EATING FOR TWO Tessa was a slim child growing up, without a weight-related care in the world. Her first pregnancy saw her gaining 30kg by the time little Ethan(9) came along. Everyone close to her kept going on about the notion that she was eating for two; this saw Tessa giving in to every little craving that she felt. Never thinking to watch her portion sizes at all, Tessa indulged with foods of all sorts and shapes. Being overweight made her feel extremely uncomfortable in her own skin and shopping was an activity she used to dread. Tessa shares that, buying myself clothing was the most depressing thing I had to endure, as I was not fitting into the sizes I used to fit into. Demotivation crept in and this put me on a downward spiral towards calamity. Fast forward three years and Tessa was a 103kg mommy giving birth to her second bundle of joy, Devan(6). There she was, overweight and with two little ones keeping her on her toes constantly. Add one highly stressful job and you get a recipe for complete disaster. There was no time the mom of two could dedicate to healthy eating or steady exercise routines. I didn’t worry about the food I was putting into my body, as I climbed upon the vicious roundabout of low self-esteem causing me to comfort eat and ultimately adding more weight to my

already struggling body, she admits, and the mirror was my arch enemy. At that point in my life, I was losing the battle. Tessa’s friends were never really concerned with her weight issues. Being a friend to an overweight person leaves you with a difficult decision to make, as they didn’t want to offend her but at the same time were concerned about her wellbeing. One thing that got Tessa through all of this was her pillar of strength and ever-supportive husband, Grant(40), who stood by her through thick and thin –nomatter what life threw at them. Without him, I am not sure exactly where I’d be today. Grant has always made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, even when I was overweight, she concedes.

PICTURE OF A THOUSAND WORDS Tessa was at an all-time low in her life, hopelessly overweight and eating herself into oblivion. Unhappiness began to negatively affect her relationships with the people she holds most dear. Tessa shares, I wanted to lose weight and set a good example for my children, but that was something that turned out to be more difficult than most imagine. After her first child, Tessa decided to embark on a fad diet to lose the weight she had gained. It promised her the world but delivered

nothing, so she went to that one place nobody should ever have to go to, and started starving herself. As irresponsible as this was, she managed to lose all of the weight she had gained, only to fall pregnant shortly after. The weight-gain roundabout started up again, and Tessa gained even more weight than when she was first pregnant. After the birth of her second little one, Tessa went onto a low carb high protein diet but this only kept her from gaining more weight than she had already. She needed to lose it, not

Tessa before



My first week was both exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time. I didn’t find the first week hard at all, but the second hit me like a ton of bricks. maintain it at an unhealthy level. She became borderline diabetic, with dangerously high cholesterol and glucose levels. Tessa experienced two major turning points in her life that prompted her to get onto the Weigh-Less health and weight management programme. The first came in the form of an honest yet devastating mistake made by a stranger at her local mall. My husband and I were in an elevator and the woman standing next to me asked how many months pregnant I was. I burst into tears as soon as we got to the car, she emotionally shares. Tessa simply had enough of being overweight and unhealthy. Fittingly, the second great motivator came in the same week that she actually joined Weigh-Less. She went to a family party and an aunt took a photograph of her cousin, unaware that Tessa was bending down in the background. When I saw that picture I could not believe how big my bum had gotten! That moment was the straw that broke the camel’s back, she admits.

FACTS & FIGURES Name: Tessa Thompson Age: 40 Occupation: Payroll/HR Lives: Randpark Ridge Height: 1.75m Starting Weight: 90.4kg Weight lost: 21.4kg Goal Weight: 75kg Time Taken: 7 months Goal Weight achievement date: 13 August 2014


MY DELIVERANCE Friends told her about this remarkable weight management company that allowed you to eat all the food groups and still lose weight. Initially, she thought it was impossible, but Weigh-Less quickly showed her that losing weight is not a quick fix at all – it’s a sustainable lifestyle change. Tessa concedes, “My first week was both exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time.

I didn’t find the first week hard at all, but the second week hit me like a ton of bricks.” So began her journey towards Goal Weight and overall wellness. Eagle Canyon Estate in Honeydew was the Group she joined, with Emmy Palm at the helm. “Emmy is probably the most encouraging person I have met, supporting Members with genuine encouragement every single week,” she shares, and that, “even in the times I only managed small weight loses, Emmy would tell me that I was going in the right direction and that this was all that mattered.” The mother of two started noticing physical changes to her figure after losing her first five kilograms. The successful slimmer divulges that it felt absolutely amazing to shed the weight and get rid of her size 42 jeans once and for all. “I used my size 34 jeans that I could fit into before I fell pregnant as motivation along my journey. I was determined to get back into them – at all costs!” The biggest struggle Tessa encountered was giving up chocolate and wine for a long period of time. She used to keep one of her fruit allowances as an after-dinner sweet and when she craved wine, she’d have a nice big glass of water instead. It took the slimmer seven months to get to her Goal Weight and everyone noticed how she had changed for the better. After bumping into a couple who sends their son to the same school her boys attend, the husband – who


I used to order burgers and chips at restaurants - I now order steak, fish or chicken with a nice salad on the side.

had seen Tessa almost on a daily basis before – didn’t even recognise her.

THEN AND NOW Adopting the Weigh-Less principles into her day-to-day life was hard at first, but became easier the more Tessa practised it. All it took was developing a few good habits and it became second nature. “I used to order burgers and chips at restaurants – I now order steak, fish or chicken with a nice salad on the side,” she shares. Tessa only cooks Weigh-Less meals, so her family has no choice but

TESSA’S TYPICAL GYM WORKOUT WARM-UP: Stretching followed by a 30 minute walk/run on the treadmill, adjusting the incline and speed.

LEG DAY: Lunges and Squats with free weights.

ARM DAY: Arm curls with free weights, then push-ups and sit-ups.

COOL DOWN: Stretching.

to join in practising healthy eating habits. Her husband tends to eat more than he should but Tessa is content in the knowledge that what he is eating is healthy and nutritious. Now that she is on Goal Weight, Tessa has to admit to cheating every now and then. Some nights she will have a glass of wine (just one) and then cut back on her carbohydrate intake for the next day. The small smart choices make the difference for this Goal Weight Member, like eating a healthy meal before going to a party so that she doesn’t end up snacking on unhealthy chips and sweet things. One thing Tessa makes full use of in excess is water – she just cannot get enough of it! “I do believe that drinking lots of water throughout my weight loss journey played a big role in getting me to Goal Weight,” she admits. “I stick to the Weigh-Less principles strictly during the week, and allow myself one or two small cheats on the weekends.” The key for Tessa was to find a balance between the good and the bad. Giving up every single little pleasantry you enjoy in life will leave you completely demotivated. Looking and feeling good should be challenging but fun and engaging at the same time.

FINDING MY FITNESS Tessa’s parents raised her to respect her body and her health. She has always been an active person, but the decision to live life the Weigh-Less Way got her hitting the gym hard again. She decided to start taking care of her body – both inside and out. Some days she finds herself in the wrong mood to exercise, but she slips into her gym clothes and goes anyway. Tessa admits that she walks out feeling so much better than before, with a renewed sense of motivation. Talking about her exercise habits, Tessa divulges, “I try and hit the gym at least three times a week. I usually take a brisk walk working up to a run on the

Tessa before treadmill for thirty minutes, increasing the incline as I go. After that, I hit the weights section for twenty minutes, working whichever muscles I did not exercise during the previous gym session. I do realise that I will get better results if I follow a proper fitness plan, however the bottom line for me is that I am staying active and doing something that I enjoy.” Weigh-Less has given Tessa a new lease on life. She feels a lot more motivated at work and finds it easier to socialise with colleagues. When she was overweight, going out was terrible as she could never find anything to wear that made her feel comfortable. “I now wear tighter clothes that show off my new figure and even try on a few risqué numbers now and then,” Tessa shares. To anybody looking to join Weigh-Less or who might be struggling to get to their Goal Weight, Tessa advises that they decide where they want to be, visualise it, and then stick to it – Weigh-Less works if you work it! Having a good support base consisting of people who will encourage and motivate you is vital for attaining Goal Weight. Tessa has never felt better; her energy levels have increased and when she wears a bikini she feels attractive in it! WL





Have thoughts of chocolate bars and sugar-sprinkled pastries been on your mind more than usual lately? Do you ever find yourself hungry for a sweet treat like you’ve never been hungry for something before? We look at why your body craves sugar, and how to beat the sweet monster.


the low sugar shake didn’t. So what of the brain scans? These showed a massive activity increase in the nucleus accumbens (addiction-controlling) section of the brain for all participants, owing to the thought that sugar alters the chemicals of the brain. To make matters worse, we consume spoons and spoons of hidden sugars every day. Processed foods, often contain sugar added to make the bad ingredients (processed flours and chemicals) taste better to us. According to Mark Hyman, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Centre for Functional Medicine, there are 5 signs that you might be addicted to sugar, flour and processed foods: #1 You eat certain foods, even when not hungry, because of cravings. #2 You worry about cutting down certain foods. #3 You feel sluggish or fatigued from overeating. #4 You have health or social problems regarding weight and health, yet you continue to eat foods you know are not good for you. #5 You need more and more of the foods you crave to experience any pleasure or reduce negative emotions.

CRAVINGS AND OVEREATING Weigh-Less dietician, Heidi Lobel, is well educated on food cravings and how to avoid them. Regarding how cravings contribute to overeating, Lobel shares, “It is not uncommon for hunger to set off overeating, particularly on foods high in sugar. One of the

keys to preventing overeating is to eat small regular meals, like on the WeighLess Eating Plan, to ensure appe tite control and prevent hunger. Controlling appetite can go a long way to controlling sugar cravings.

IS THERE A WAY TO CURB THE CRAVINGS? The good news is that sugar craving can be beaten with dedication, a few minor lifestyle adjustments, and bucket loads of self-control. We give you the 5 best ways to subdue your sweet tooth for good: EAT BREAKFAST! When you consume a bowl of the good stuff first thing, you prevent the drop in blood sugar that will cause cravings later. IF YOU MUST, INDULGE STRAIGHT AFTER DINNER Make yourself accountable by having a sweet, when you simply cannot live without it, after supper and try sharing it with your family to reduce your sugar intake. GO HALF AND HALF Instead of drinking a big glass of ‘pure’ fruit juice, containing heaps of hidden sugars, pour half a glass and dilute it with water. DON’T SAY NO TO REHAB Embarking on a weight loss journey often means going ‘cold turkey’ off of sugar. After a few days, your body will start craving sugar less and less. FRUIT FOR THE WIN Grab an apple, banana, orange, or naartjie instead! These temper natural sugar with fibre and antioxidants. WL


WHY DO WE CRAVE SUGAR? Christine Gerbstadt, dietician and American Dietetic Association spokeswoman, states that, “sweet is the first taste humans prefer at birth.” The taste for sweet things is hardwired into us from birth, and for this reason cutting out sugar completely from one’s life is almost impossible. Sugar is known as a simple carbohydrate, and releases a feel good brain chemical known as serotonin. The actual taste of sugar also releases calming endorphins, and offer us a natural “high”. We have become psychologically dependent on sugar and the high it offers. Our brains store this information, and when we achieve something but don’t reward ourselves with sugar – the cravings commence. A 2013 study conducted by the American Society for Nutrition took 12 overweight or obese men between the ages of 18 and 35, and asked them each to drink a low sugar milkshake. Four hours later researchers measured brain activity in the region that controls addiction. Blood sugar and hunger was also measured. A few days later, the chosen 12 were asked to return, and this time researchers gave each a milkshake that looked and tasted exactly the same as the one they had sipped on days before, only this time the milkshake was loaded with sugar. The milkshakes had exactly the same amount of kilojoules, protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Surprisingly, the high sugar milkshake caused cravings and hunger four hours after consumption, as well as a spike in blood sugar – but




The hands of the clock move at the same pace they always have, so why does it feel like we are deprived of it? The answer is simple – we work! We wake up early, keep ourselves busy all day, and eventually we sleep (only to do it all again tomorrow). With life taking up the majority of our time, where could we possibly fit healthy eating in? To answer this question we spoke to our Man of the Year for 2016, Clifford James, about how he juggles a super busy corporate life and his Weigh-Less Eating Plan – and the secret is a lot simpler than you might think!

When it comes to effectively planning your healthy eating, the operative word is planning. Life is all about making plans. We plan to get to work on time by setting alarms for the morning. We plan to go on holiday by booking accommodation. If we can take the time to plan other aspects of our lives, why can’t we find time to plan our eating rituals? What we put into our bodies is one of the most important things we can be planning, and we should be paying much closer attention to our eating habits. Think of your mouth as a portal to yourself – what you put in will most certainly have an effect on your health, happiness, energy levels, weight, and ultimately your future.

ing saves a few rands here and there, so why not save yourself a few trips to the store – and a few bucks more – by purchasing bulk vegetables for the month to come. Potatoes, pumpkin, gem squash, are always sold in large quantities at a reduced price, and last a while in the vegetable drawer.

CLIFFORD’S STEPS TO MANAGING YOUR HEALTHY EATING It may sound like a tedious task, but planning meals in advance not only save you time – but it can save you money too!

Step 3: Prep ahead Save yourself time and stress by preparing lunches for the week in advance and freezing them. Set aside five containers and label them with the days of the week. Prepare, cook, and portion your lunches for the week on Sunday. This means that all you need to do for lunch is grab a container from

Step 1: Buy in bulk It is well known that bulk purchas-

Step 2: Plan ahead Sit down on a Sunday morning and plan the meals you and your family will be enjoying for the week to follow. Break each meal down into the various ingredients you will need, and total your amounts needed for the week. This will allow you to know just how much of each ingredient you will need.

the freezer and remember to take it to work with you! Take five smaller containers and divide up your snack. Again, with this preparation, all you will need to do is grab and go! Step 4: Cook and freeze Save yourself time hunched over the stove by actually cooking and freezing your dinners for the week on a Sunday afternoon. So when the hungry wolves start getting restless, simply grab a container from the freezer and defrost! Mashed potatoes and rice freeze well, but pasta is a big no-no. Step 5: Stick to a schedule It might bring back memories of being at school, but scheduling your days goes hand in hand with sticking to a healthy Eating Plan. Going to work helps by breaking the day up into segments, divided by tea times and a lunch break. This allows you to have breakfast, your morning snack, lunch, your afternoon snack, and finally dinner when you get home. Give yourself a sleep-in on Saturday, and get an early start on Sunday morning to prepare for the week. You’ll be done by lunch time and will have the rest of the afternoon to spend time with the ones you love. Healthy eating does not have to be a chore! With careful planning, and a bit of forethought, you can successfully go through the motions of a hectic work week without having to worry about sticking to your Eating Plan. WL

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn




Success Story

Cam sheds her negative views on health, as well as 35kg and discovers self-love Cams weight was used to hide her feminine figure when she hit puberty, but when her weight started to take toll on her health in her later years in life, it was time for her to change her ways and finally face up to her health problems that accompanied her weight issues. Read how she discovers the health freak within.

THE BEGINNING OF THE END Cam was a sporty child at school, loving physical activities of all sorts. She seemed to blossom faster than her peers, as the tomboy she was started becoming a woman. Puberty hit and she started gaining weight, and her extra weight allowed Cam to remain a tomboy-ish girl until matric. She started a nursing career in 1976 and stayed in the Nurses Residence. As nurses they were given nutritious foods aimed at keeping them at peak health, allowing Cam to get through the long hours that come with medical work, and being active on her feet all day meant that the weight just melted off effortlessly. Unfortunately, this triumphant shedding didnt last very long. She married her husband in 1978, and the lovebirds started working on their beautiful family almost immediately. Cam fell pregnant with her first bundle of joy in 1978, prompting the soon-to-be mommy to put her nursing career on hold, and causing her to gain 15kg of extra body weight. This was not a problem, as she easily shed her baby weight while running after her very active little daughter. The second time around wasnt as easy for Cam. After falling pregnant again, she gained weight despite not overeating and for some reason no amount of running after two active children made any kind of dent in her added weight. If anything, she was gaining more weight! Cam admittedly blames this on her lack of self-respect and her unwilling-

ness to take part in exercise. Being overweight started to take a toll on the mother-of-twos emotions. She became completely devastated, her self-esteem was nonexistent, and she didnt feel like being in public at all. Cam lied to herself, never facing up to the bad habits and poor lifestyle choices she continued to practise. She went as far as surrounding herself with people that were more over weight than she was, finding comfort in the fact that she was one of the smallest people in her group of friends. Being a stay at home mom helped feed her insecurities; Cam could keep lying to herself in the privacy of my own home. Her view of the world became very warped, and she began believing that sport, exercise, and anything healthy were for gullible people – anyone healthy and slender was deemed anorexic and seen as the enemy. Cam acted as though she would hate to look like that, but deep down she wanted nothing more than to be slim and fit. Cam recalls being 114kg at this point, and she remembers trying to exercise once, but not being able to breath put a prompt stop to that. Referring to her wellbeing, Cam shares, my health also started to deteriorate. I was sick more often than I was healthy, constantly in the doctors rooms being treated for a cold or cough. My blood pressure increased along with the numbers on the scale. The sickly mother was prescribed medicine to stabilise her blood pressure, but that meant owning up to the

fact that she had a problem. Instead, she only took her medication when she was feeling really dreadful. Cam even started changing doctors, as she couldnt take them questioning her lifestyle habits. For her, it was easier to change a doctor than to face up to the truth. Her ballooning weight even damaged her bladder and because of her doctor-hopping habit, this went undiagnosed. This resulted in surgery, and the healing process was unsuccessful

Cam before



My Group is the main reason I stayed on track with my weight loss and continue to do so. The inspirational messages I received not only from my wonderful Group Leader, but my fellow Members kept me going. due to her weight and unhealthy habits. Cams body was clearly giving her signs that she needed to change, but still she chose to ignore them. She became an angry person because of her excessive weight, and even angrier if anyone tried to bring up the fact that her weight was the reason behind all her health maladies. Cams children were the easiest excuse to use, as she would claim, I had two cesareans, of course Im not going to have a flat stomach. Her health and wellbeing was failing fast at this stage; even her friends, concerned for her deteriorating health, tried to get her up and active. I used every excuse I could come up with not to go and if they questioned any of them they soon became exfriends, she admits.

FACTS & FIGURES Name: Cam Ineke Venter Age: 57 Occupation: Self-employed Lives: Westville, KwaZuluNatal Height: 1.72m Weight then: 114.8kg Weight lost: 35kg Goal Weight: 80kg Time Taken: 18 months Goal Weight achievement date: 9 November 2010


DIET IS A FOUR LETTER WORD Before her relationship with Weigh-Less, Cam had tried every single fad diet that she came across. You name it and she has probably tried it. From diets that consisted of eating very complicated foods that required hours of cooking, and ones that would only let her eat a certain food group, to a diet that only let her consume liquids and no foods at all! The lotions and potions started soon after. There was nothing this mom wouldnt try, especially if it promised instant weight loss and a lifetime supply of happiness. At the end of her dieting disaster, she hadnt lost a single kilogram, and was hungrier than ever before.

MY WAYWARD UNDERTAKING WITH WEIGH-LESS Cam was skeptical the first time she joined Weigh-Less. Her first mistake was not joining for her, as her friends had eventually decided that she was going to join Weigh-Less whether she wanted to or not – they even went as far as paying her fees for her. She was horrified when the Group Leader explained that she had 15kg to lose, and immediately thought that it was not for her. Cams friends encouraged her and ensured that she was always over at their houses for meal times, as they knew she wouldnt stick to it on her own. The weight began to disappear, and Cam absolutely loved the progress she was making. I loved the way I was losing weight but my heart wasnt in it. I fell off the wagon with just 600g to Goal Weight, she shares. Her on-and-off Weigh-Less journey continued for many years after, as well as flirting with a few fad diets in between – causing her weight to creep out of the cupboard and back into her life. This up and down rollercoaster ride came to a halt when Cams first husband passed away, and something as trivial as weight loss no longer mattered to her. She continued to gain weight and lose weight half-heartedly. This continued for many years until she met her now husband, Johan, in 2009. Whilst visiting her sister-in-law the following year Cam discovered a pile of Weigh-Less magazines in her bathroom. Not wanting anyone to catch her


reading them, she spent most of her time sitting on the loo, devouring what she found upon the pages. By the Sunday, which was Valentines Day, Johan asked Cam what he could get her. When she replied with a membership to Weigh-Less he was shocked to his very core, but said he would do whatever he could to support the hopeful slimmer. I was excited to make my way back down to Durban, and finally start my journey for no one else but me, she enthusiastically divulges. Walking into her first Group Meeting, Cam was at an advantage as she had been to Weigh-Less before and was clued-up on the procedure. What she wasnt prepared for was being faced with the fact that

CAM’S TIPS FOR THE REJOINING MEMBER • Reflect on your last walk with Weigh-Less, and try seeing where you went wrong. Every negative is not a failure, but a lesson. •Ask yourself who you joined for last time. Was someone pres surising you into losing weight? Make sure you do it for YOU this time. • Plan, plan, plan. Get your self a hard-cover lined exer cise book and plan your meals for the week to come on a Sunday. Write about how you feel every day, and re flect on your writings for each week. • Finally, compile a playlist of your 25 favourite songs ever. Keep these on your phone or an mp3 player, and listen to them when you start to feel down on yourself.

My doctor told me that if Weigh-Less had worked for me before, it was time for me to go back. she now had 27kg to lose. Her determination was shaken but not destroyed; Cam changed her habits and decided that this was going to be the time that she would lose the weight for good. She managed to get to Goal Weight for her wedding in October 2010. She had never been as proud of herself as she was in that moment. Cam shares, We went to Australia for our honeymoon, where two months away from my Group Meetings and trying to maintain and keep to my Eating Plan proved too much to bear and I soon fell off the wagon again.” By April 2014 the newly-married Cam was back to her old ways; sick most of the time and constantly at the doctors. Her thyroid was underactive, her blood pressure was through the roof despite the fact that she was now religiously taking her blood pressure medication, and her cholesterol was alarmingly high. My doctor told me that if Weigh-Less had worked for me before, it was time for me to go back. Her husband was fully supportive; he loved his wife through her body being thick and thin, and was concerned for her health –but never wanted to pressure her into anything. Cam decided once and for all that she would join and this time she would stay healthy for life. Cam rejoined Weigh-Less and was greeted by the wonderful Lesley Pete, who gave her the devastating news that she now had 34.8kg to lose! She suddenly remembered those initial 15kg and how she now had more than double that to relieve. Lesley hugged her and promised, Dont worry, we will fix you again. To this day it brings tears to Cams eyes when she thinks of her supportive Group Leader and how she only welcomed the slimmer, never once passing judgment - Cam felt like she was coming home. Through all her journeys on WeighLess, Cam thoroughly enjoyed her last one the most. She was taught to put herself first and take care of her body.

Cam before

Any problems that I had, Weigh-Less had an answer for, she shares. With every kilogram that she lost she felt her mindset changing, and Cam realized that healthy living wasnt for gullible people. Talking about how she did it, Cam shares that, without my Group Leader, I would never have made it. She kept me motivated and moving forward – picking me up when I wanted to sit down and give up. As soon as I felt like flinging myself off of the wagon, she would swop my Formula around. I made sure I attended every single Group Meeting and the motivation I got from my fellow Members still sticks with me to this day.” She was also much more open to the idea of trying new foods. Food wasnt seen as the enemy anymore, and Lesley helped me make all my favorite meals Weigh-Less approved. It was so relieving for Cam to eat the food that she loved without feeling guilty. She shares that, my Group is the main reason I stayed on track with my weight loss and continue to do so. The inspirational messages I received not only from my wonderful Group Leader, but my fellow Members kept me going. For every problem Cam had, Weigh-Less had a wonderful easy solution. Thank you Weigh-Less for teaching me how to love myself, and to be proud of who I am, Cam enthusiastically shares. WL









Prep 15 min Cook 30 min 1 Serve = 2 CC + 2 Protein + 1 ½ Veg + 1 ½ Fat Serves 4 – Better Choice recipe

 20ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  1 onion  1 carrot  1 celery stick  1 tsp crushed garlic  400g lean beef mince  1 tin Weigh-Less Canned Chopped Tomatoes  125ml beef stock  1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce  5 fresh thyme leaves  70g peas  650g sweet potatoes  20ml extra lite low-fat spread  80ml low-fat milk  60g reduced fat hard cheese Heat the oil in a large, non-stick pan. Roughly chop the onion,

celery and carrot, and lightly fry in the pan for 10 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for an additional two minutes before adding the mince. Brown mince well before adding the tinned tomatoes, beef stock, Worcestershire sauce and chopped thyme leaves. Bring to a gentle simmer and leave to cook for half an hour. While mince is cooking peel, dice and boil the sweet potatoes in a pot of salted water. Drain the sweet potatoes and mash with the low-fat spread, milk and grated cheese. Transfer cooked mince into an oven-proof bowl, top with mash and grill the top in a hot oven until golden and crisp. Serve.

SPEEDY BEEF STEW Prep 5 min Cook 25 min 1 Serve = 2 Veg + 1 Protein + 1 ½ Fat Serves 4 – Best Choice recipe

 200g onion  1 tsp crushed garlic  20ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  360g beef strips  200g yellow pepper  1 tin Weigh-Less Canned Chopped Tomatoes  ½ tsp dried rosemary  90g pitted olives Heat the olive oil in a large pot. Gently fry the onion until soft and translucent. Add the garlic, and fry for a further minute before adding all the remaining ingredients, except the olives. Simmer for 20 minutes, topping up with water if necessary. Stir through the pitted olives and


serve with rice, polenta or mash from your daily serves.

Vegetarians can substitute the meat for cubed butternut and sweet potato.

SPICY FISH AND VEG Prep 10 min Cook 15 min 1 Serve = 1 ½ CC + 1 Veg + 1 ½ Protein + 1 Fat Serves 4 – Best Choice recipe

 1 tbsp chilli powder  1 tbsp cumin  ½ tsp cayenne pepper  560g hake fillets  20ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  ½ tsp crushed garlic  200g mealies  100g onion  100g red pepper  1 tin kidney beans

pan, along with the corn, and fry for five minutes before adding the drained beans and garlic. Serve with brown rice or baby potatoes from your daily serves.

Vegetarians can substitute the meat for cubed butternut and sweet potato.

Mix together the spices and use to season the hake fillets. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan and grill the hake until firm, turning half way. While fish is cooking, slice the onion and red pepper. Remove fish from pan and set aside. Add the prepared veg to the

FIESTA CHICKEN Prep 10 min Cook 35 min 1 Serve = 2 CC + 1½ Veg + 1 ½ Protein + 1 Fat Serves 4 – Best Choice recipe

 80g wild rice  1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander  600g chicken breast fillet  1 tbsp Cajun spice  20ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  200g onion  200g red pepper  100g yellow pepper  400g mealies  1 tsp crushed garlic  1 can kidney beans  1 tin Weigh-Less Canned Chopped Tomatoes Cook the rice according to package instructions, drain and mix in chopped coriander. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, and

season with Cajun spice. Heat the olive oil in a large pan and grill the chicken until golden. Remove chicken from the plate and set aside. Slice the onion and pepper, and add to the pan, along with the corn. Fry for five minutes, add the garlic, and fry for a further 30 seconds before adding the drained beans and tomatoes. Return the chicken to the pan and heat through. Serve with rice.

Vegetarians can substitute the meat for cubed butternut and sweet potato.





Prep 15 min Cook 20 min

Prep 10 min Cook 30 min

1 Serve = 1 CC + 1 protein + 2 Fat

1 Serve = 2 CC + 1½ Veg + 1 Protein + 1½ Fat

Serves 6 – Good Choice recipe

Serves 2 – Better Choice recipe

 60ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil

 100g ricotta  1 tbsp fresh basil  ½ tsp crushed garlic  15ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  1 baby marrow  10 button mushrooms  1 medium eggplant  ½ red onion  1 red pepper  4 slices seed loaf  ½ cup rocket leaves  Salt and pepper

 600g chicken breast fillets  80g flour  250ml buttermilk  Salt and pepper Chicken glaze:  ½ cup honey  ¼ cup soy sauce  ¼ cup pineapple juice  ¼ cup Weigh-Less Spoon for Spoon

Sugar Replacement

 Juice of 1 lemon  ½ tsp crushed garlic  Salt and pepper Combine all chicken glaze ingredients into a small pot and bring to a gentle simmer. Simmer for 10 minutes, or until glaze has thickened. Turn off heat and set aside to cool. Cut the chicken into strips and toss lightly in the flour, dredge in buttermilk and coat once again in flour. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan, and fry the chicken until golden and cooked through. Transfer to serving plate and pour over cooled glaze. Serve.

Stack the basil leaves and roll into a tight cylinder, finely slice and mix with the ricotta, garlic, salt and pepper. Slice all the vegetables into bite-sized pieces and place on a baking tray. Drizzle with olive oil and roast in a 220°C oven for 15 minutes, or until cooked through and golden. Remove roast vegetables from the oven. Spread the prepared ricotta mixture onto the seed loaf and top with the vegetables. Top with rocket and serve.

SPICY MEATBALLS WITH TOMATO GRAVY Prep 5 min Cook 15 min 1 Serve = 1½ Protein + 1½ Veg + 1 Fat Serves 4 – Good Choice recipe

 400g lean beef mince  ½ tsp crushed garlic  2 tbsp chopped parsley  ½ tsp cumin  ¼ tsp chilli powder  200g onion  1½ tsp dried oregano  20ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  400g baby tomatoes  60g reduced fat feta cheese  Salt and pepper Finely chop the onion and mix half with the mince, garlic, parsley, cumin, half the oregano, chilli powder, salt and pepper. Using your hands mix the ingredients together well and shape into 12 evenly sized balls. Flatten slightly and place in fridge for 10 minutes to firm-up. Heat the olive oil in a large, flat bottomed, non-stick pan and gently fry the meat balls, turning frequently until cooked through and golden. Transfer to serving plates when cooked. Add the remaining onion to the hot pan, along with the remaining oregano and all the tomatoes. Fry gently until the tomatoes begin to burst and soften slightly. Spoon cooked tomato mixture over the meatballs and serve.

Make it a meal by serving with pita bread or couscous from your daily serves. WL WWW.WEIGHLESS.CO.ZA 19




Packing a healthy lunch does not have to be tedious, boring and time consuming. With a little know-how you can graduate from a drive-thru connoisseur to a lunchbox packing professor. BY CARMEN WHITE COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES


Carbohydrates provide the fuel our body needs to function. It not only keeps us going throughout the day but also keeps organs functioning properly. Try stick to whole grains and foods with a low GI value (0-55) for sustained energy. Some to try are:

Dairy is extremely important to our diet. It provides calcium for healthy bones and teeth and also prevents osteoporosis – a disease that causes deterioration of bones quicker than they can be built and maintained. Some healthy choices of milk products include:

 Wholewheat or rye bread sandwiches are quick and easy to prepare.  Rice cakes – Try the Weigh-Less Yoghurt Coated Rice Cakes as a welcomed “treat”.  Pita breads make a tasty alternative to bread and can be made with an assortment of fill ings. Some Weigh-Less worthy fillings in clude tuna mayo made with low-oil dress ing, garden greens with chickpeas and savoury mince.  Mealies make a great addition to a salad with couscous and fresh veggies.  Avoid high GI carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, cream crackers and instant noodles. These foods lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and will not give you sustained energy.

PROTEIN Lack of protein in our diet can lead to a variety of conditions like joint and muscle pain. It can also lead to failure of growth, weakening of the heart, loss of muscle mass and weakening of the respiratory system. Some options to try are:  Lean biltong is quick and easy to eat – and tasty too!  Lean meats and poultry can be chopped and added to a salad.  Hummus makes a great spread or dip, go to for a Weigh-Less approved humus recipe.


 Ice cold milk with a bit of vanilla essence makes a tasty drink that is good for you too!  Yoghurt is a favourite amongst old and young, just make sure its low fat.

FRUIT AND VEGETABLES These are one of the most important food groups in a healthy eating plan – they provide vitamins that your body needs to function and fight off viruses. Munch on a few of these to keep your health (and waistline) in check.  Peppers are extremely versatile and packed with vitamin C. Try them on a sandwich or with a bit of cottage cheese dip.  Raisins are an easy addition to almost any salad or baked goods. They are easy to store and are a great snack option.

FATS Fats are an important part of any healthy eating plan – within moderation! Fat helps you absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K, the so-called fat-soluble vitamins. Unsaturated fats, like those found in peanut butter, oily fish and nuts help reduce the chance of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. All of the below are good for you:  Peanut butter, this can be spread onto bread or added to stews and sauces for a “nutty” taste.  Avocado pear can be mashed and used as a sandwich filling or sliced and added to your favourite salad.  Nuts are a tasty snack or can be added to salads or breakfast cereal. WL

FACEBOOK FOLLOWER CLIFFORD JAMES, WEIGH-LESS MAN OF THE YEAR 2016 SHARES HIS FAVOURITE LUNCH: Black bean, corn and avo salsa salad for me today, can’t wait, yummy! (100g cooked beans + 200g corn + 40g avo + 300g cucumber and tomato mix = 2 CC + 3 Veg + 1 Protein + 2 Fat)


Cooking with kids

Improve your childrens culinary skills with these easy, tasty and healthy recipes!

Top tips for nurturing a future MasterChef Take your time and be patient while cooking with your tots. Expect everything to take longer than it usually would so set aside extra time for cooking. Expect a lot of mess - cooking can be a messy business and when children are involved even more so. Plan ahead – select an appropriate recipe, and make sure you have all the ingredients and equipment ready.

Get them ready – put them in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty!



Prep 5 min Cook 15 min 1 Serve = 1 ½ CC + ½ Protein + ½ Fat Serves 4 – Better Choice recipe

Prep 5 min Cook 10 min

 4 x 150g potatoes  200g (6 rashers) Weigh-Less Eskort Back Bacon  20ml extra light low-fat spread  20ml low-fat milk  Salt and pepper

 1 cup cake flour  2 tbsp Weigh-Less Spoon for Spoon Sugar Replacement  2 tsp baking powder  ½ tsp salt  1 cup milk  1 egg  3 tbsp vegetable oil

Prick the potatoes several times with a fork. Microwave on high until tender and a fork easily pierces into the centre. Remove from microwave and leave to cool. Grill bacon in a nonstick pan, remove from pan and roughly chop. Once potatoes have cooled, cut in half and using a table spoon, gently scoop out the potato. Mash the potato with the low-fat spread, milk and seasoning. Mix the mashed potatoes with the bacon and gently spoon the mixture back into the potato shells. Cook on high in microwave for 1 minute to heat through, serve.

1 Serve = 1½ CC + 1½ Fat Serves 6 – Good Choice recipe

In a large bowl whisk together the milk, 2 tablespoons of the oil and egg. In a second bowl sieve together the dry ingredients. Slowly mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Heat 1 teaspoon of the remaining oil in a large, non-stick pan and fry ladleful spoons of the batter until cooked though and golden. Repeat with remaining batter and oil. Serve with fresh fruit from you daily serves.

Keep it clean – Teach children about food hygiene by ensuring they wash their hands before starting and in between touching raw and cooked foods.

Make it fun – Children will learn to love cooking if you relax and have fun with them in the kitchen.

Tip: have fun with your food and decorate your flap jacks to resemble animals! WWW.WEIGHLESS.CO.ZA 21


Feature Story


JOINTS OF FIRE... How often have you heard the excuse ‘sorry, I can’t make it, my gout is killing me’? How much of an excuse is it? Do you really know what gout is, how it’s caused, how to prevent it and how dangerous it really is? Weigh-Less investigates.

WHAT IS IT? Gout is an extremely painful form of inflammatory arthritis which is caused by a build-up of uric acid crystals in the joints. Uric acid comes from the breakdown of substances called Purines which are found in all of your body’s tissues. These acid crystals can also deposit themselves in other tissues throughout the body, such as the kidney, which can lead to kidney stones. Gout strikes quickly and can last for several days. After an initial attack, most people will experience another painful flare within a year of the first attack. Subsequent attacks often are more severe and last longer. When a gout attack hits, a person experiences sudden and severe episodes of pain, swelling and warmth in one or more of their joints. It can often begin in one of their big toes and then spread to the feet, ankle, wrists, hands and elbows. Attacks usually resolve themselves within 10 days from initial onset, with the first 36 hours being the most painful. WHY SHOULD I SEEK HELP? Despite the excruciating pain some experience, only 10% of gout sufferers ever seek professional help and treatment. If left untreated this disease can cause permanent damage to joints and may also lead to other health issues like kidney stones. Lack of treat-


ment in extreme cases can lead to extensive destruction of the joints. Large tophi (which are crystals that form under the skin) can lead to deformities – particularly of the hands and feet.

WHAT CAN TRIGGER GOUT? Gout triggers are different depending on the sufferer. Once a trigger has been identified gout can be easier to treat and manage by simply avoiding the lifestyle factors that bring on the attack. Some common gout triggers include:

Alcohol: This includes excessive intake of alcohol, especially beer, or binge drinking. Purine-rich roods: Eating large amounts of foods high in Purines, including red meat, organ meat and shellfish, are often associated with gout attacks. Crash diets: This especially includes high-protein fad diets. Uric-acid lowering medicines: Although treating gout with uric acid-lowering


medications is important for many gout sufferers starting a new medication can actually trigger attacks. If gout symptoms seem to be developing after starting medication, call your GP and discuss a treatment plan before stopping medication. Surgery or sudden illness: Those who are in bed or stationary for a long period of time are at higher risk of developing gout. Stress: Stress as a trigger seems more prevalent when stress is long-sustained, ie: it is not a one day stress episode but more long term stress. Long term stress depletes the vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid from your body, these nutrients usually help your body remove excess uric acid.

Gout is a lifelong condition, but it can be managed. AM I AT RISK OF DEVELOPNG GOUT? There are a number of risk factors that may lead to you developing this painful condition. The more risk factors a person has, the greater the risk there is for developing it. Hyperuricemia: High levels of uric acid can lead to gout attacks. High uric acid levels usually occur when your kidneys don’t eliminate uric acid effectively. This may be caused by excessive consumption of rich foods, being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics and drinking too much alcohol. Family history: One in four people with gout have a family history of the disease. Age: Gout can occur at any age, but typically develops in people over the age of 45. Gender: More gout sufferers are men but a woman’s risk of developing gout increases once they are post-menopausal. Obesity: Someone with a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher is considered obese, this increases your risk of developing gout. Research suggests that losing excess weight lowers uric acid levels and reduces the number of gout attacks. Losing weight also lessens the overall stress on joints. Eating habits: People who follow a sensible eating plan with plenty of wholegrains, fresh fruit and vegetables and lean, white meat are less likely to develop gout symptoms. Other health issues: Gout is associated with other health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease. Joint injury: People with previously damaged joints are more likely to get gout. Use of certain medications: This especially includes diuretics or water pills and certain anti-rejection medications used in transplant patients.

TOP GOUT CAUSING KITCHEN INSTIGATORS RED MEAT: Red meat is high in purines. However, white meat like pork and chicken can also be high in this gout causing substance. You don’t have to completely deprive yourself of your sizzling rump, just try keeping the serving size to a respectable level. ORGAN MEAT: Animal innards such as liver and kidney also contain high levels of purines. SEAFOOD: Oily fish such as anchovies, herring and tuna may not only exacerbate the painful symptoms but they could induce a gout flairup to. BEER: Beer is twice as bad for you compared to red meat or seafood. This is because beer increases uric acid levels to a level that your body may find it difficult to eliminate. HIGH IN SUGAR BEVERAGES: Sugary drinks made with high fructose corn syrup stimulates your body into making uric acid. CERTAIN VEGETABLES AND LEGUMES: Vegetables high in purines like asparagus, spinach and cauliflower or plant proteins like beans can trigger a gout attack.

Gout is a lifelong condition, but it can be managed by sticking with a proper treatment plan that combines the right medication with diet and lifestyle changes. Because of gout’s association with other serious health issues, an accurate diagnosis by a GP and ongoing management is critical. WL




Success Story

Martin becomes the man that has it all and loses 22kg! Growing up Martin was bullied and teased for being overweight, which lead to him being an insecure adult that was more of a wall flower than the centre of attention. After being rushed to the hospital, Martin made the life-changing decision that he was going to become healthy. Read how he discovered the new confident businessman hidden behind his weight.

FIGHTING A LOSING BATTLE Martin used to constantly struggle with his weight. Growing up, both his parents were overweight due to inactive lifestyles and bad eating habits, which he is fairly sure he inherited. As a result of his weight, teasing was an ever-present part of his childhood. Not only did he have body issues – he also had a dangerously unhealthy relationship with food. It was a vicious cycle; the more depressed he got because of the teasing, the more he ate and the more weight he piled onto his already ballooning person. My family and friends just accepted me for who I was, no one ever told me I needed to watch what I eat and exercise, he divulges. By 2013, a 30 year old Martin had managed to shrink his weight down with better food choices and an on-off relationship with his gym, but he was still heavier than he knew he should be. Visibly anxious, Martin shares that, When I started working it was the kind of job that is every overweight persons nightmare; it was in promotions – tight deadlines, late nights and worst of all client functions by the ton. He started eating junk food in between his daily energy thievesknown as meetings, and his relationship with the gym came to a mutual end. Within 12 months he gained 23kg and was back in that boat many find themselves in. He kept telling himself that this was okay, that he

would lose the weight when he eventually stepped foot back in the gym and started eating healthily once more, but this never happened. Martin found himself feeling like a child again; depressed, insecure and hopeless. He gave in and allowed all the weight to pile back on. Martin was made associate publisher in his company, so even though he never felt like going out and that eating in public was a form of torture for him, his new job title still demanded that he attend functions and interact with clients on a weekly basis. Since food was Martins comfort, when he was placed in situations that made him uncomfortable he would often be in the corner of the room like a naughty child, eating the food his company had ordered for the guests. His eating habits started affecting his ability to do his job, as he felt drained and bloated all the time – leaving him unable to be the flamboyant promoter he so desperately wanted to be. The fact that his weight was now affecting his already stressful job made Martin even more stressed. He started suffering from stomach ulcers, but because he was overweight, he thought the pain was due to bad eating habits.

AT THE CROSS ROADS On the 1stof January 2015 Martin was rushed to the hospital for an emer-

gency appendectomy. While in the hospital he made the tough decision that he needed to make a serious life resolution: Should he carry on ruining his body or listen to it and become healthy? His decision was obvious, he needed to lose weight, and do it the right way no matter how long it took. Martin deserved to have a healthy body, and deserved to enjoy his life.

Martin before



Weigh-Less isn’t a quick fix solution; it requires time, patience and effort, something I wasn’t interested in before.” Martins initial foray into his new-found desire for weight loss didnt go so well - his desire to lose weight trumped his inherent ability to think logically. Climbing headlong into every fad diet that promised him what hed always wanted – the body of his dreams. No amount of diet pills, shakes or injections made a difference. He would lose small amounts of weight, and promptly put it back on and then some. I wanted to be healthy but I didn’t want to change my attitude towards food, the successful slimmer admits. His mother had always been on Weigh-Less and yielded amazing results, but Martin never considered it as an option for himself. When he finally realised that he needed to do this healthy way, and in a way that really works, his first thought was to do it the Weigh-Less Way. Weigh-Less isn’t a quick fix solution; it requires time, patience and effort, something I wasn’t interested in before.”

MY WEIGH-LESS JOURNEY When he walked into his first Weigh-Less meeting, a wave of embarrassment came over the associate publisher, as squeezing into his tight clothes left Martin feeling very uncomfortable in his own skin. Most of all, he was afraid of the judgment that he assumed would befall him. He was promptly proved wrong after meeting his amazing Group Leader, June Pinkas, and the rest of his Group Members. June went from being Martins Group Leader to his personal friend. When I was told I had 22kg to lose, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Martin was not sure as to how he would

FACTS & FIGURES Name: Martin Hiller Age: 33 Occupation: Associate Publisher Lives: Robindale, Johannesburg Height: 1.70m Starting Weight: 90.2kg Weight lost: 22kg Goal Weight: 74kg Time Taken: 8 months Goal Weight achievement date: 20 May 2015


Martin before


Ive even made new friends after shutting people out for so long. I now love exercise; something I never thought would happen and has really surprised me

Martin before

tackle this mammoth task, but June motivated him and kept him going on the road to Goal Weight. The reward stickers he achieved with each weight loss milestone and new Step were a huge help. I am a naturally motivated person but knowing that one of those stickers was only a few kgs away kept me going, he admits. Martin shares that the dreaded work functions were always hard, as mouth-watering unhealthy food was always freely available and he had the freedom to take as much as he wanted. June always told him to eat before hand and to rather drink a glass of water than reach for the nearest morsel. He now had the tools to control his portions rather than eat as much as he likes. Martin usually loads up on salads and manages to keep away from the deep fried food (most of the time). Martin was not afraid to put himself out there and started going to park runs, he was no longer self conscious and hating what he looked like; Heknew that exercise was an important part of his weight loss journey. Ive even made new friends after shutting people out for so long. I now love exercise; something I never thought would happen and has really surprised me, he enthusiastically admits. His greatest surprise though, was the food. He was prepared to be faced with bland, boiled flavourless food; instead, he was allowed to eat amazingly tasty food. He no longer felt embarrassed to admit what he was doing to lose weight. I was happy to tell them that I was on Weigh-Less and was allowed to eat. Being so comfortable and happy on my own journey inspired me to help others start theirs.Discussing his journey to Goal, Martin shares, what got me to my Goal Weight was the ever-present support from my significant other and my Group Leader, and the fact that Weigh-Less took the chore out of preparing my meals – I

Martin before used to hate it, but now I wouldnt have it any other way. Since reaching his Goal Weight Martin has begun to see things differently, dedicating himself to positivity and being an active human being. His goal is to run a marathon by the end of 2016, and never turns down an invitation to paint the town red.

THE NEW ME Not only has Weigh-Less helped Martin achieve things in his personal life but his professional life has been given a welcomed revamp too. Talking about work, Martin shares that, I am no longer the shy promoter, indulging in the corner. I interact with our guests and conduct myself in a confident manner. It has helped me to grow in my industry and make leaps and bounds that I wouldnt have made before.He now dresses professionally, and finding stylish tailored suits that fit him is easier than taking sweets from a toddler. Referring to the Weigh-Less principles, he shares that they are easy to follow and can be implemented in your daily life. Nothing is more rewarding than having a healthy body and a healthy life.� WL





REBUTTAL It’s time to RELAX! You wake up at four in the morning to the sound of your alarm. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you stumble out of bed and down the passage to get the little ones up. Your partner still needs to pack, something you managed the night before. A ten hour drive, slugged by at least twenty bathroom stops, stares you down as you begin to question whether this holiday trip is even worth the grey hairs. Driving down the road you can’t shake the niggling feeling that you, or one of your passengers, may have forgotten something. You hope and pray that the roads will be quiet, as you just can’t bear bad drivers on a day like today; all you know is that this trip is going to be interesting. To you, that fuming person showing the middle finger who’s parking bay you just stole is suffering from road rage. But doctors call it something else – intermittent explosive disorder – something more and more people are being diagnosed with these days. Try our five tips to avoid unleashing the red monster when waving bon voyage. Don’t become a statistic - just RELAX!

REST UP Your ability to keep your temper at bay as you drive to and from your holiday destinations will depend greatly on how you prepare yourself for the trips. Don’t be a moonflower – get at least 8 hours of sleep, eat a nutritious hearty dinner and get the little ones bathed and tucked in early. Put a lid on your night cap as drinking alcohol the night before departure will leave you feeling tired and fuzzy on the road. Driving long distances is extremely taxing on your energy levels, so ensure you and your family are well rested come time for the great trek. EMPATHY IS ESSENTIAL Think about those you share the road


with that may not have read this article. The man in the SUV behind you flashing his lights and looking like he might suffer an imminent aneurism is going through the same pre-vacation problems you are. Would you enjoy being flipped off or sworn at while driving with your family? Are you setting the best example for your tots by exploding because of some driving-related irritation? Ask yourself these questions before BLOWING YOUR GASKET. LIMIT THE LEGWORK One of the biggest frustrations, when it comes to heading off on family holiday trips, is all the packing and unpacking that needs to be done. You

might prefer playing boot Tetris just before you head out, but this will be time consuming and frustrating –especially if you are doing it in the early hours of the morning. Try packing all of the luggage into the car the night before, as well as preparing food and hydration for the journey that can be stored in a packet in the fridge, ready to grab just before departing.

Remember that when you drive, you are taking your life, your family member's lives and the lives of all other commuters in your hands.


HOLIDAY TRAVEL STATISTICS 1,118– The number of fatal road accidents in SA during December 2014. 1,368– The number of people who died due to fatal road accidents in SA during December 2014. 25– The number of people who are paralysed on a daily basis due to road accidents in SA.

X MARKS THE SPOT Not only will this tip prevent potential road rage, it could also save you valuable time while on the road. Plan your route a few weeks before D-Day (departure day) by using services such as Google Maps to plot out the best means of getting to your destination. Check the directions to your holiday venue on their website and print it out. Make sure you know where you’re going and how you are going to get there. Remember that when you drive, you are taking your life, your family member’s lives and the lives of all other commuters into your hands. To prevent unnecessary frustration, leading to lapses of concentration, ensure that you rest up, empathise, limit your legwork, activate your awareness and mark your spot on the map with a confident, well-planned X! Here’s to safe and sound end of the year holiday period. WL

Avoid having cranky co-travellers by keeping everyone hydrated and hunger-free with these perfect padkos nibbles:

MINI MEATBALLS Prep 10 min Cook 10 min 1 Serve = 1 Protein + ½ Fat Serves 6 – Best Choice recipe

 480g beef lean mince  15ml Weigh-Less Extra Virgin Olive Oil  100g onion  1 tsp crushed garlic salt and pepper Finely chop the onion and mix with the mince, garlic and seasoning. Divide into bite size pieces and roll into balls. Leave to chill in fridge for 30 minutes. heat the olive oil in a large, flat bottomed frying pan and cook the meatballs until golden and cooked through. Serve.

BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Prep 10 min Cook 25 min 1 Serve = 1 CC + 1 Fat Serves 12 – Good Choice recipe

 2½ cups self-raising flour  1/3 cup Weigh-Less Spoon for Spoon Sugar Replacement  1 1/3 cups buttermilk  ¼ cup vegetable oil  1 egg  200g blueberries  180 mango slices  Salt  Weigh-Less Non-Stick Spray

Combine the flour, sugar replacement and salt. Whisk together the buttermilk, oil and egg and mix into the flour mixture until just combined (the mixture should still be lumpy). Gently fold in the berries. Spoon into a prepared muffin tin and bake in a 190°C oven for 25 minutes.

HOMEMADE LEMONADE Prep 5 min Chill 2 hours 1 Serve = Miscellaneous serve Serves 4 – Best Choice recipe

 1 cup Weigh-Less Spoon for Spoon Sugar Replacement  1 cup lemon juice  1 cup water  3 cups (750ml) soda water, chilled Place the sugar replacement in a saucepan with the water and stir over low heat until the sugar replacement dissolves. Allow to cool. Stir in the lemon juice and store in the fridge until ready to serve. Top with soda water and ice before serving. Add a cup of one of the following ingredients to the saucepan just as you take it off the stove: • Raspberry and lime • Lemon and orange • Pineapple and mint • Strawberry and blackberry • Watermelon and mint


ACTIVATE YOUR AWARENESS For your family’s safety, and the safety of other holiday makers on the roads, staying aware of your surroundings is vital. Reaching to the back seat to reprimand a restless youngling while hurtling along the freeway is not recommended. If you are driving, all you should be concentrating on is driving. Keep your eyes on the road at all times and be aware of other drivers that might not be keeping as vigilant as you are. Prevent road rage by driving defensively – do your part!




I’m skinny

FAT... You decided to turn over a new leaf this year by getting fit and fabulous, but things don’t seem to be going to plan. You are losing weight all over, but you still have that pesky tube wrapped around your stomach. You’ve been jogging holes in your running shoes, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator, so why is it that your body won’t reciprocate your fitness efforts? The answer is simple; you might be skinny fat!

WHAT THE HECK IS ‘SKINNY FAT’? Skinny fat is a term that has many people scratching their heads, as it seems to contradict itself. Mark Hyman, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Centre for Functional Medicine, confirms that the medical term for this is ‘MONW’, or metabolic obese normal weight. “It means that you are under lean but over fat – not enough muscle and too much fat”. A shocking study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that nearly 1 in 4 skinny people are actually pre-diabetic and are metabolically obese.

HOW COULD I BECOME ‘SKINNY FAT’? To successfully obtain your optimum physique, you need to be practising two health and wellness undertakings: Proper nutritional eating and exercise. They go hand in hand to get you where you want to be in terms of your health, weight, and appearance. Skinny fat people only practise one aspect of general health – nutritional eating. This will cause you to lose weight, but without exercise, your muscles will lose tone and mass – leaving you looking ‘soft and squishy’.

tests might point you to the answer: • Fasting blood sugar or glucose (normal is less than 90 mg/dl) • Triglycerides (normal is less than 100 mg/dl) • HDL [good cholesterol] (normal is 60 mg/dl) • Blood pressure (normal is less than 120/80, ideal is less than 115/75) • Body fat percentage (lower than 25% is acceptable) • Bone densitometry

Try and get all your fruits and vegetables as fresh as humanly possible. Nutrients are lost when foods are stored, frozen and shipped.

#6 Change your oil

Eat omega-3 fat-rich foods, including sardines and wild salmon.

#7 Get going, get strong

Very important if you think you’re skinny fat: Incorporate BOTH cardiovascular and weight training into your workouts.

#8 Sleep, per chance to dream If your numbers are higher than the normal or ideal examples, your doctor might diagnose you as metabolically obese. Fear not, there are natural ways to correct this:

#1 Eat foods with a Low-Glycemic rating Be sure to opt for low GI carbohydrate options; and incorporate nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruit into your diet.

#2 Power up with protein

Ensure that you eat a protein serve for at least two of your three daily meals.

#3 Dont drink your kilojoules


Steer clear of fizzy drinks, fruit juices, and sweetened drinks.

You’ve lost the weight, gotten into a decent exercise regime, but still can’t seem to shake the jiggly bits? These

Anything baked with white flour has a high GI load.


#5 Eat from plant to plate

#4 Dodge the white wizard

Don’t daydream about your perfect body all day, rather do it at night! Sleep deprivation alters metabolism and increases cravings for carbs and sugar.

Mark Hyman concludes that, “these latest facts are alarming because those of us who think we get a pass because we are thin need to take a second look at our health. You can still be skinny and sick and be metabolically obese, which in the end may be even more dangerous.” There is good news though. Getting tested and working through the 8 steps to being a slim healthy person is a scientifically proven and effective way to kick your health and wellness and take you from skinny fat to ‘toned and all that’ the smart way.

Always there to celebrate with you (even if there’s no real reason to celebrate).


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