Selected Works PORTOFOLIO 2020
Graphic Design & Illustration
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Safira Dwisiwi
Portfolio 2020
Portfolio 2020
Safira Dwisiwi
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Table of Contens 05. Design Portfolios
01. Profile
1. Visual Identity 2. Design Promotion
02. Curicullum Vitae 06. Projects 03. Telkomsel Internship
1. ITS Eco Campus Map 2. KPPN Kediri Booklet
1. RoLi Marchendise 2. My Ads Booklet 3. Photo Frame Asian Games 2018 4. Digi Ads Rate Card
07. Artworks 1. Watercolour Potraits 2. Digital Arts
04. Fullfill Internship 1. Glow Inc 2. Setiabudi One 3. KEMENKEU RI 4. F(x) Studio 5. Belgaizi
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Portfolio 2020
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01. Profile Personal Informations: Name Brith Date/Place Address Contact
: : : :
Safira Dwisiwi “siwi�
Safira Dwisiwi June 29th 1998/Surabaya Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia 083849895094 linkedin safira dwisiwi
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Special Remark
Others Informations: Indonesia English Design Books Musics Movies Gigs
Safira Dwisiwi
Portfolio 2020
Portfolio 2020
Hola ! My name is Safira. I am Bachelor of Design, Visual Communication Design from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. I self-describe myself as a traveling enthusiast since I am always thrilled to explore then getting lost within my thought. By traveling, I learn a lot from the unraveling experience. In which, affecting my design style starting from how I see, how I feel and how I communicate trough design that I make. Therefore, I believe that anything related to Visual Communication Design could change something good to be better and something better to be the best for society.
Safira Dwisiwi
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02. Curiculum Vitae Education: Bachelor of Design 2016 - 2020
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Visual Communication Design
GPA 3.45/4.0 Final Project: The Designing of Semarang City Cultural Heritage Architectural Visual Book as Conservation
1001 IDE Reka Cipta 2016 IDE ART
Job Experiences: Graphic Design Intern 01 July 2018 - 01 Aug 2018 Graphic Design Intern 23 June 2019 -3o Aug 2019
Telkomsel Smart Office - Jakarta As junior graphic designer helping designing a few project for telkomsel and other telkomsel’s products. Fullfill Studio - Jakarta
2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 Pemandu Hasta Brata 2017 - 2019
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Design Tut0r
2017 - 2018 Advance Media Schooling ITS
Design Tutor
2017 Skill Set:
As junior graphic designer help build few brands from brainstroming to implementations, also do some layout and illustrations
Software Skill
Design Skills
Himpunan Mahasiswa (HIMA) IDE Create campus activity articles that can be read in digital magazines for approximately for four semster. Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) FTSP
Training and mentoring freshmen about self management and leadership at college
Safira Dwisiwi
Ticketing Division Member
2017 Basic Media Schooling ITS
Organizations: Information Media Bureau
Liaison Officer Division Member
Portfolio 2020
Portfolio 2020
1. Adobe Illustrator 2. Adobe Photoshop 3. Adobe Indesign 4. Microsoft Office 1. Graphic Design 2. Illustration 3. Layouting 4. Branding 5. Typography 1. Creative 2. Hardworking 3. Commitment 4. On time 5. Enthusiastic
Safira Dwisiwi
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A. RoLi Merchandise 2018
Mascot Alternatives Moves
Safira Dwiswi Mas Rodhim mas vikcy
Branding, Marchandising
Roli is an application product from Telkomsel. Like other Telkomsel products, Roli also has its own branding from the logo to the mascot and one of the branding of the RoLi application product is merchandise.
The image on the left is the logo of the RoLi application which means that the RoLi application offers many gifts for its users that can grow a smile like the logo. The following is an alternative movement While the picture on the right is the mascot
of the OLi mascot along with the logo of the
of RoLi, which is a white bear with the name
merchandise which is combined with the RoLi
OLi. The use of a white bear takes the letter O
Logo and the OLi mascot image. The images
as its body and rarely other applications use
of Oli’s mascot will be used later on RoLi
a white bear as a mascot.
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RoLi Merchandises
The following pictures on this pages are the design merchandise that i had opportunity to design it.
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B. My Ads Booklet
Booklet Layout
Safira Dwiswi Mas Bima
My Ads booklet is a digital booklet launched by My Ads and the layout was done by me as an apprentice designer. It was intended to provide information to Telkomsel users about My Ads only on certain events.
The image on the left is the logo of My Ads
On the right page is the following contents
and it used on the cover of the booklet on the
in the My Ads booklet with 30 sheets with 28
image next to My Ads logo.
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C. Photo Frame Asian Games 2018
Asian Games Photo Frame 2018
Safira Dwiswi Mas Bima
supergraphic design
Telkomsel contributes and supports the events of Asian Games, one of wich is to provide Asian Games 2018 themed photo frame that can be use on the RoLi Digi Ads by Telkomsel application.
The following image on the left page were the all the design for Asian Games photo frame 2018 by Telkomsel.
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D. Digi Ads Rate Card 2018
Rate Card Layout
Safira Dwiswi Mas Bima
The final assignment given to me as a telkomsel internship is to compile and to layout the Digi Ads 2018 Rate Card wich aims to summarize all the data entered on Digi Ads that year that make it easier for Digi Ads to evaluate their perfomance on Digi Ads that year.
The image above are the design layout for the
The iamge on the right page are the deign
cover, the left one is the front cover then the
layout for Digi Ads rate card 2018, with a total
left is the back cover on the rate card.
of 26 sheets and 24 pagesand 4 main chapters.
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A. Glow Inc
Logo Alternatives
Safira Dwiswi Aya Ka Al
1 juli 2019 22 Agustus 2019
Branding, Logo, Packaging
Glow inc is a beauty product brand located in Jakarta. Glow inc positions its brand by offering a beauty that shines not only from the outside but also from the inside.
Glow inc has a concept derived from a brand
The concept of the Glow Inc logo is to present
name which consists of two words, namely
a clean and simple impression so that it can
Glow and Inc. “Glow” means shine or shimmer
look more exclusive and elegant to target
while “Inc” stands for the word increase
adult women. The color chosen is rose gold
which means “to increase”. “Glow Inc” itself
which depicts feminism but still looks elegant.
has the meaning of increasing light which
The meaning of the Japanese word below is
when read also means “Glowing”, which is
the meaning of “flashing light” or in short,
sparkling or glittering.
it is Japanese for “glowing”. The addition of Japanese writing ornaments aims to make it look more attractive and contemporary.
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Color Concept
Packaging Design
Packaging Box Design
Pastel Pink Represent blushing skin tone / the user #f9bfc6 c : 0
m : 30
y : 10
r : 249
g : 191
b : 198
Pastel Blue Represent nature / the ingredients #c6def3 c : 20
m : 5
y : 0
r : 198
g : 222
b : 243
Pastel Peach Represent nature / the Outcome #fcc7a3 c : 0
m : 25
y : 35
r : 252
g : 199
b : 163
Packaging Sachet Design
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B. Setiabudi One
Redesign Logo The new logo design concept has three
27 juli 2019 26 Agustus 2019
keywords, namely iconic, modern and
Safira Dwiswi Aya Ka Zul
progressive so that when combined, it will have an iconic logo meaning that reflects the experience of a modern lifestyle and connects
Branding, Logo, Sign System
progressive societies in diverse cultures.
Logo Redesign Setiabudi One is a department store located in Kuningan, DKI Jakarta. Setiabudi One offers a different experience in every consumer visit.
Too many elements involved; makes it harder for the eye to focus, as well as the mind to memorize it.
The sharp edges of the crescent shapes lack warmth and hospitality.
The relationship between the crescent doesn’t connect with one another, contradicts the idea of connected society.
Logo Anatomy The logotype lacks clarity due to its narrow space between individual letter forms. It also doesn’t suit well with the logogram, so the overall logo doesn’t look like a holistic logo.
A better unifying contrast in
A semi rounded font treatment
A more focused logogram
the color composition, creates
gives the logotype a sense of
design compared to the
an easier attention grabber
casual formal atmosphere. A
initial one, giving it a
and distinctive presence.
welcoming feeling of office
character of “aim” in
life and lifestyle oriented
business and retail area
of the brand. Without the
Setiabudi One, which has the concept of
The current Setiabudi One logo has a concept
offering the opportunity for a different
that is not integrated with one another. As
experience to its consumers, namely by
explained in the image above, the following
distracting blue grid of the
rebranding its brand, both in the form of a
are the shortcomings of the Setiabudi One
initial logo design.
logo and a sign system in that place.
logo that is used today.
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Alternatives Logo
Logo Application The following is the application of the Setiabudi One logo and supergraphy for both office and business purposes.
This supergraphy is a derivative of the symmetrical partition based on the logogram of the Setiabudi One logo. The main identity ranges from supergraphy from basic shapes to logo elements. Page 30
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Signage In addition to working on logo branding and its application to several business needs of Setiabudi One, one of which is the application of the logo on the front facade of the Setiabudi One building.
North Pile Signage I got the part to work on the redesigned signboard size with the team, this is the nameplate on the north pillar of the building.
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Photo Plan
Safira Dwiswi Ka AL
18 - 21 juni 2019
In the photo plan, there are locations,
The photo plan is divided into two different
clothes, angles, the number of people in one
main locations, namely indoor and outdoor.
photo, age range, photo themes and photo
Per each main location, there are several
references to make it easier for shooters to
locations that become a photo shoot.
streamline and shorten the shooting time set
Branding, photoplan
by the team.
SETJEN KEMENKEU RI stands for the
The Ministry of Finance’s annual book report
Sekertaris Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan
contains information about many things
Republik Indonesia. Every year the SETJEN
about these government agencies, including
KEMENKEU RI updates its branding. One of
company profiles, jobs, staff and so on. In it,
them is the annual book report.
the main supporting information is added, namely photos of the staff of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Finance.
The following is the concept of the 2019 photo
Carrying the theme of the pinisi ship which
The following is an example of a photo plan
plan which will be compiled to facilitate
represents every element of staff and system
done by the author which will later be used
taking pictures that will be used in the annual
performance at the Secretariat General of
as a reference for taking pictures by the team
report book.
the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
to the Secretary General of the Ministry of
Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
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D. F(x) Studio
Instagram Feed
Safira Dwiswi Ka Dilla
5 - 17 agustus 2019
Instagram feed content from fx studio is
The concept that I chose is to adjust the type
compiled based on projects that have been
of design so that the resulting layout remains
done by fx studio. Designed in an attractive
continuous from one project to another.
and orderly manner.
Branding, communication
F(x) Studio is a form of international collaboration with fullfill studios. Fullfill studio works on projects given by F(x) studio and vice versa. The office of F(x) studio itself is located in Dubai United Arab Emirates.
The following is the composition of the Instagram feed content that I have arranged for promotional purposes on Instagram media. There are seven projects that are used
One of the projects undertaken by Fullfill
as content on Instagram including; Buttermilk,
for F(x) studio is compiling content for
Cartier, Kadche, Volt, We, Fiks and Belgaizi.
communication and branding purposes for F(x) studio using Instagram media. The author gets the opportunity to compile the communication content.
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Instagram Feed
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Instagram Feed
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E. Belgaizi
Catalogue Layout The author has the opportunity to layout the catalogue of this Belgaizi product. The chosen
Safira Dwiswi Ka al
17 juni 2019
layout concept prioritizes the readability of the writing because it is the main source of information. Then use as many photo elements
Branding, layout, catalogue
as possible as the main media to showcase the products offered through this catalog.
Belgaizi is a wooden furniture brand from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This project was given to the studio fullfill team to design one of the communication media, namely a catalog.
The concept chosen uses two languages, namely Arabic and English because later the products sold in the catalog will be marketed internationally.
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Catalogue Layout
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Catalogue Layout
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A. Visual Identity 2017
Logo Anatomy
Safira Dwiswi
The spesific industry I made for the visual identity design is library. Here is the design brand guideline. It contains procedures for using logo, supergraphics and color palette used.
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
The image above is an arrangement of the main logo consisting of a logogram and logotype. Which can be used separately according to predefined rules.
Color Scheme
The image above is the main logo of visual
The image above is the secondary logo
identity which uses two main elements,
consists of the logogram only. This logo can
namely a logogram consisting of an image of
be applied to media whose fields are quite
a bespectacled rabbit with an open book and
a logotype consisting of writing with dots to
DFC34E C : 14 M: 18 R : 223 Y : 19 G : 195 K : 0 B : 78
A87B4F C : 30 M: 50 R : 168 Y : 75 G : 123 K : 10 B : 79
603813 C : 40 M: 70 R : 96 Y : 100 G : 56 K : 50 B : 19
A9892F C : 33 M: 41 R : 69 Y : 100 G : 195 K : 7 B : 47
F05150 C:0 M: 84 R : 240 Y : 67 G : 81 K : 0 B : 80
FFFFFF C:0 M: 0 R : 255 Y : 0 G : 255 K : 0 B : 255
emphasize the impression of the writing.
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Reverse Logo
Supergraphic Supergraphic Component
The following is an image of a reverse logo where the logo can be used in a negative or positive plane according to the rules set out in the guidelines.
The visual identity of the supergraphic form
Which then changes the color of each element
is a description of the main logo components,
to a color that comes from the main color
namely the shape of the rabbit’s head and the
palette of the logo.
book on its face.
Supergraphic Croping Option
This logo is used in dark areas or other colors
This logo is used in bright areas or other
Supergraphics can be placed in full in the
such as red on this background, the logo color
colors such as white on this background, the
desired area, whether it is supergraphics with
must be white.
logo color must be dark.
full color version conditions or only outline versions.
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Design Colleteral
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Design Sign System
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B. Design Promotion
Logo Making
The following is the Gowes ITS logo which
Safira Dwiswi Raisha
was designed together by combining two logo elements, namely the ITS ECO CAMPUS logo and the ITS campus logo.
Branding, Promotion
Logo for Sepeda ITS
The ITS ECO CAMPUS program also has a visual identity so that it can be recognized by anyone, here is the logo used by ITS ECO CAMPUS, this logo is widely applied to the use of any promotional media both in internal and external activities organized by ITS ECO CAMPUS.
Color Palet
The color palette used is also a combination of the three colors of the logos mentioned earlier. And take the six main elements from the logo color.
With the composition of the logo, the logogram depicts colored flames like leaves and the type of logo with a sanserif typeface reads ITS ECO CAMPUS with a different type of font for each writing.
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Alternative Supergraphics 1
Graphic Strategies
Supergarfis apart from being taken from the
logogram contained in the ITS ECO CAMPUS logo which has a flame shape resembling the
Icons in implementing the design are
In the visual strategy of design
formation of green leaves which means fire as
used to make it easier for readers to read
implementation, I use illustration images to
a symbol of enthusiasm and the formation of
promotional media. The following are the
support design implementation, rather than
green leaves means a green environment.
icons that I created and used in the selected
using photos. The following are the results of
promotional media.
the illustrations that I created and used in the implementation of the promotional media that I used.
Alternative Supergraphics 2
This supergaphics is taken from buildings that are already familiar in ITS, namely the library building, research building, epuluh nopember building and the rectorate building. I use this goal to be able to introduce the ITS green campus to the community and introduce
more students to the ITS campus itself.
I use the map to make it easier for readers to find destinations such as bicycle shelters and bicycle parking lots on the ITS campus. here is a map that I made.
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Promotion Media
The following pictures are the final design of
There are brochures, banners, x banners,
the promotional media that will be used in the
layers, magazine ads, and posters of different
ITS and ITS ECO CAMPUS cycling program.
X Banner
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Magazine Ad
Informative poster
Pressuasive Poster
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A. ITS ECO Campus Map 2018
Redesign Map
Safira Dwiswi
Branding, DEsign map
This project was given by ITS UP4’s sector campus environmental resources to me to improve the design of the signage map on ITS Urban Eco Campus that was intended to facilitate the civitas in visiting the ITS urban eco campus.
The following is a map image that has been
The image below are the most important icon
redesigned by providing many icons in the
wich are can find many on the map.
form of illustration images making it easier for people to identify an area within the urban farming area.
Hedge Icon
Open Field Icon
Green House Icon
The image above is the previous design map ITS ECO URBAN FARMING. There is no clear information that can be obtained from the map and it looks unattractive.
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B. KPPN Kediri Booklet 2019
KPPN Inovation Book
Safira Dwiswi
Branding, Layout
This project was given by KPPN Kediri to improve the company profile book and innovation book.
KPPN Profile Book
The Innovation Book is the second book which contains the innovations from KPPN Kediri for Kediri city.
The company profile book is the first book which contains the introduction of KPPN Kediri institution. Page 64
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A. Watercolour Potraits 2018
Watercolour Illustration
Safira Dwiswi
Artwork, watercolour
This work was made as a tribute my favorite
Drawn with watercolors and supporting
bands, by drawing illustrations of the faces of
materials such as watercolor paper, brushes
each band’s front man that characterizes the
and a set of koi watercolor, then scanned.
Watercolour Illustration
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B. Digital Arts 2019-2020
Brush Based
Safira Dwiswi
Artwork, digital arts, brush, vector
I created this work to explore further about a
This includes exercising my sensitivity to color
drawing style that is comfortable for me and
and image composition and never to stop
learn more about illustration drawing. The
works based on two technique wich is vector based and brush based.
Vector Based
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N K A S H ! T let’s have an adventures together !
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