Design Portfolio2019

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Selected Works 2017- 2019

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Safira Dwisiwi

Safira Dwisiwi

In Design We Belive

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi +6283849895094

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi

Table of Contents Intoduction

Curiculum Vitae



Portfolio 2019

1. Watercolour Potrait


2. Cover Layout


3. Pattern Design


4. Poster Re Design


5. Illustration (Vector Based)


Safira Dwisiwi

Table Of C ts . ten on

Projects 1. ITS ECO campus Map


2. KPPN Kediri Booklet


Design Portfolio 1. Visual Identity


2. Design Promotion


3. Editorial Design


Telkomsel Internship

Portfolio 2019

1. My Ads Booklet


2. Photo Frame Asian Games 2018


3. Digi Ads Rate Card 2018


Safira Dwisiwi

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi


odu r t n I ct i

. Safira Dwisiwi “Siwi� Hola ! My name is Safira. I am currently on my third year majoring Visual Communication Design at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. I self-describe myself as a traveling enthusiast since I am always thrilled to explore then getting lost within my thought. By traveling, I learn a lot from the unraveling experience. In which, affecting my design style starting from how I see, how I feel and how I communicate trough design that I make. Therefore, I believe by studying Visual Communication Design I could change something good to be better and something better to be the best for society.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi


Curiculum Vitae 2005-2010

: SDN Penjaringansari II 602 Surabaya


: SMP Negeri 23 Surabaya


: SMA Negeri 14 Surabaya


: DKV Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember



Portfolio 2019

01 July 2018 31 July 2018

: Internship at Telkomsel Jakarta as designer at marketing division of Digi Ads

01 January 2019 28 February 2019

: Work for KPPN Kediri as layout designer for KPPN year books 2019

July 2017 ....

: Volunteer for Basic Media Schooling Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember as Design Teacher



2016 : 1001 IDE Rekacipta Liaison officer Division member

2017-2018 : HIMA IDE journalistic bureau information media staff

2017 : IDEART 2017 Ticketing Division member

2018-2019 : HIMA IDE head of journalistic bureau information media

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 01

Skills Set Design Skill

Software Skill

1. Layout

1. Adobe Illustrator

2. Illustrasion (manual & digital vector based)

2. Adobe Photoshop

3. Branding 4. Typography

Personal Informations Languages Bahasa Indonesia English

Interests Design Books Movies Musics Gigs

Contact Information Phone : +6283849895094

Portfolio 2019

ID : safirasiwi

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 02


Artwo rk s

2. Cover Layout 3. Design Pattern 4. Poster Re Design 5. Ilustrations Vector Based

rtfolio Po

1. Watercolour Potraits


Watercolour Potraits

This work was made as a tribute my favorite bands, by drawing illustrations of the faces of each band's front man that characterizes the band. Drawn with watercolors and supporting materials such as watercolor paper, brushes and a set of koi watercolor, then scanned.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 05

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 06

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 07

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 08


Portfolio 2019

Cover Layout

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 09

This work was made to make my Spotify playlist looks attractive, clean and neat. The arrangement of the cover design is defined by giving different colors to each playlist and providing photos as the main assets in the cover, the photos taken in the cover are the results that I took myself and with friends.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 10


Design +Pattern

This work was made in the second year of my study. It was intended for real case apparel business. My team was selling numerous scarves with 90s accent as design.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 11

One of the 90 assets that I made is the theme of music, by arranging three illustrated assets like tapes, headphones and Walkman then arranged into several parts which become a pattern on the scarf.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 12


Poster +Re Design

These movie posters are my favorites. I redesigned it from the previous design style and I made them more modest by giving some delicate stylization.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 13

Star Trek is represented in Swiss international style design style because besides this design style is one of my favorite styles. It illustrates the balance and simplicity in its styling and applies some geometric elements as a form of modernism in its design. Besides I consider Star Trek is matched with this design style because it was filmed during that period.

American ultra is described as a psychedelic design style because American Ultra has a film element with the same psychedelic design style elements including hallucinations possessed by one's soul unconsciously within him. In addition, because the original poster is not much different from the design that I chose and used

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 14


Il;lustration Vector Based

This work was made in addition to having fun as well as to appreciate the characters in my favorite films and tv series, illustrating vector-based illustrations that I made.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 15

Miles, Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy (Marvel’s Spiderman into the spider-verse film)

Alyssa (Netflix’s the end of the f *** ing world)

Portfolio 2019

Eleven, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max and Will (Netflix’s Stranger Things).

Eleven (Netflix’s Stranger Things).

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 16


Proje cts

2. KPPN Kediri Booklet

lio rtfo Po

1. ITS ECO Campus Map


ITS ECO Campus Urban Map Design

This project was given by ITS UP4’s sector campus environmental resources to me to improve the design of the signage map on ITS Urban Eco Campus that was intended to facilitate the civitas in visiting the ITS urban eco campus.



Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 19

The following are assets that I made adjusted to the image and symbol on the previous map.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 20


KPPN Kediri Booklet

This project was given by KPPN (kasih tau KPPN apaan) Kediri to improve the company profile book and innovation book. The company profile book is the first book which contains the introduction of KPPN Kediri institution.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 21

The Innovation Book is the second book which contains the innovations from KPPN Kediri for Kediri city.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 22

Design Portfolio

Desig n

2. Promotion Design 3. Editorial Design

olio rtf Po

1. Company Profile


Visual Identity

The specific industry I made for the visual identity design is library, here is the design brand guideline. It contains procedures for using logos, supergraphics and color palettes used.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 25

The following is a corporate identity asset, including administrative equipment, merchandise and signage that will be applied.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 26


Promotion Design

I chose ITS campus bikes to be the topic for design promotion with the aim of increasing awareness of the benefits using ITS campus bicycle.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 27

The following are assets which are the main media in promoting, including conventional media such as brochures, posters, maps, and vertical and horizontal banners. Also, non-conventional media such as slide ads on the main page of the ITS website and TVC.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 28


Editorial Design

There are some works I made in editorial designs including the design of the newspaper and some posters describing myself.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 29

The newspaper design that I chose was Kompas with many uses of pictorial assets. One of them is an animal image asset which is the main point in compiling this newspaper layout because its shape is not symmetrical, so I consider it interesting if applied to Kompas newspaper which always uses standard layout.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 30


Editorial Design

The first poster design illustrates me by giving a brief description and three main points that describe myself. The layout on the canvas is A3.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 31

Not much different from the previous poster design, this poster design is intended for pages in an A5 sized magazine that makes it two sheets on the right and left side.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 32

Telkomsel Internship

lkomsel In Te t ip nsh er

1. My Ads Booklet

2. Photo Frame Asian Games 2018 3. Digi Ads Rate Card


My Ads Telkomsel Booklet

My first project as an internship was in the marketing division at design subdivision in the Telkomsel Digi Ads sector. My ads booklet is a digital booklet launched by My Ads and the layout was done by me as an apprentice designer. It was intended to provide information to Telkomsel users about My Ads only on certain events.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 35

The following is the contents in the My Ads booklet with 30 sheets with 28 pages.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 36


Photo Frame Telkomsel Asian Games 2018

Telkomsel contributes and supports the events of Asian games, one of which is to provide an Asian games 2018 themed photo frame that can be used on the Roli Digi Ads by Telkomsel application. The opportunity to design this photo frame was given to me as the Telkomsel internship at the time.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 37

Here are seven photo frames I designed.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 38


Digi Ads Rate Card

The final assignment given to me as Telkomsel internship is to compile and to layout the Digi ads 2018 Rate card which aims to summarize all the data entered on Digi Ads that year and make it easier for Digi ads to evaluate their performance on Digi Ads that year.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 39

The following is the content within the Digi ads rate card with a total of 26 sheets and 24 pages and 4 main chapters.

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi, hal 40

Design Portfolio Selected Works 2017-2019

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi

Safira Dwisiwi

Portfolio 2019

Safira Dwisiwi

Selected Works 2017- 2019

De si

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gn Portfolio

Safira Dwisiwi

Safira Dwisiwi

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