Flightcom Magazine March 2024

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FlightCm Afr ican Commercial Aviation  Edition 182 | March 2024 SAAF Repair or Replace? Cover: Frans Dely • UAVs approved for Civil Airspace • The sacrifices of Flying • Pilatus - record sales
MARCH 2024 EDITION 182 TABLE OF CONTENTS +27 (0)83 607 2335 +27 (0)81 039 0595 +27 (0)15 793 0708 ACCOUNTS: ADMIN: TRAFFIC: Publisher Flyer and Aviation Publications cc Managing Editor Guy Leitch guy@flightcommag.com Advertising Sales Howard Long sales@saflyermag.co.za 076 499 6358 Layout & Design Patrick Tillman: Imagenuity cc Contributors John Bassi Laura McDermid Darren Olivier Jeffery Kempson © FlightCom 2023. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronically, mechanically, photocopied, recorded or otherwise without the express permission of the copyright holders. Jeffery Kempson - Flights With Tim 04 08 09 10 14 15 16 19 20 24 28 30 31 32 34 News - PC-24 in Air Ambulance Service Laura McDermid - Iris Joins Sunbird Aviation Pt2 Hugh Pryor - Stop Cards Pt2 Alpi Aviation SA: Flight School Directory Merchant West Charter Directory Skysource AMO Listing Backpage Directory News - Camcopter approved for civil airspace Defence - Cheetah VS Gripen News - Ghana’s Super Tucanos AME Directory News - Phenom 300 still best-selling light jet John Bassi - Sacrifice News - Pilatus Reports a Record 2023


Much was hoped for from SAA Version 2. The government made promises about no more bailouts, including no guarantees for debt and aircraft leases. Yet Minister Pravin Gordhan has now been given a further R1 billion for SAA – for “business rescue purposes.”

THE MAGIC BULLET FOR SAA was supposed to be the sale of a majority shareholding to the Takatso Consortium. This was supposed to provide the capital and skills to run the airline without yet more taxpayer money.

It is increasingly likely that the Takatso deal will never happen. In June it will be three years since the deal was announced and we are still waiting for the SAA Act of Parliament to be repealed. In his latest delaying tactic, Gordhan has withdrawn the SAA Bill from Parliament – so yet again the Takatso deal stalls.

are 20% more efficient and have far better in-flight entertainment.

Under Business Rescue, the headcount was slashed from 5000 to just 1000, and at first the new streamlined and debt-free company made taxpayers happy by claiming that it had made a profit and was cash positive.

it was short lived honeymoon

Only once the SAA Act is replaced, will government start the time-consuming process of applying for amended operating licences. If government was genuinely committed to selling off the airline, these steps would have been completed years ago – while it was grinding through the Competition Commission and Tribunal.

There are also unanswered questions about where Takatso will get the promised R3 billion from – and even whether it promised the funds at all.

Without Takatso, or government guarantees and subsidies, the airline remains undercapitalised, underskilled and uncompetitive. It cannot lease, or buy, new cost-efficient airliners for its long-haul routes. Instead, it relies on an obsolete 25-year-old Airbus A340 to compete against modern twin-engine airliners which

But it was a short lived honeymoon. For 2022 the airline produced a R122 million loss – and that was on a paltry R3.6 billion revenue, just 14% of pre-Covid levels. By 2023 the world’s airline industry had recovered to 95% of its pre-Covid levels, yet SAA remained the dunce of the class – and an embarrassment to all South Africans, apart from the tone-deaf government. For the 2023 financial year, the SAA Group loss had swollen to R761m, which was not as bad as it might have been without the quiet star of the show; SAA Technical, and a miraculous contribution from the defunct Mango Airlines. In 2024 SAA has reported a loss of R776m for just 9 months, and thus a probable loss of R1 billion for the year.

The government is deceiving its taxpayers. From its delaying tactics, it can only be concluded that it has no intention of completing the Takatso deal. And so SAA will continue to struggle along, with obsolete aircraft, and unable to attract quality management. The losses will continue. Pravin’s promises are meaningless. 



Last month Hugh described the over-zealous application of stop cards. Here is Hugh’s reply:


Report on Stop Card ref 174/11/01

Raised on 9th-November-2002

Raised by Anon

On 9th-November-2001, a Stop Card was raised against the flight crew of the De Havilland DHC-6, which is currently on contract to the Company.

This expressed the concern of one of the aircraft’s passengers about the apparent practice of landing with the right main wheel touching down first. This he considered to be unsafe and he recommended that the airline procedure of ‘bringing all the landing gears into contact with the runway at the same time’ be adopted, in order to prevent an accident which might endanger the lives of the passengers who are compelled to use this form of transport.

Firstly, readers of this report should get one thing absolutely clear in their minds, before anything else is discussed. No modern airliner, with a tricycle undercarriage configuration, lands with all the wheels touching the ground at the same time. A large aircraft landing in that flight attitude would almost certainly require a ‘Hard Landing Inspection’, at the very least, after carrying out such an arrival. It is true to say that there are some specialised aircraft which do touch down with all wheels concurrently. One is a heavy bomber and the others are freighters designed for very specific requirements. None of them carry passengers.

In order to explain the need for the De Havilland DHC-6 to touch down with the left main wheel first, it is necessary cast our minds back to the early days, during the Construction Phase of this project.

Previously, during the Exploration Phase, only two of the nine destinations on the project were equipped with permanent runways. These were not paved but were constructed from Gypsum which was graded flat, sprayed with water, rolled and then compacted. Landings at all the other destinations were carried out on open areas of desert, adjacent to the various camp sites. The ability of the DHC-6 to be able to operate successfully in this environment was one of the deciding factors in the choice of this type of aircraft for the contract.

With the start of the construction phase, air traffic increased markedly and a need for a permanent runway, at Camps Kilo and Tango, was identified. Camp Tango’s landing ground was already sited and orientated conveniently for construction to start immediately. Camp Kilo, on the other hand required a completely new runway and so the air crew were invited to contribute their input to the calculations. Basically their recommendations, which were forwarded to the Client’s Management team, were that the new runway should be sited close to the main

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living area, for reasons of security and convenience and facing east/west, into the prevailing winds, which can reach speeds in excess of sixty knots at certain times of the year.

These recommendations were sent to the Client’s Head Quarters where a decision was made, by somebody who paid no attention to them at all, to position the new air strip seven kilometres away from the Camp Kilo construction site, facing north/south.

Only in conditions where the wind is straight down the axis of the runway or the wind is calm, can the DHC-6 be landed with both main wheels alighting at the same moment. For a landing with the wind across the runway, the upwind wing MUST be lowered into the wind, in order to keep the aircraft straight and therefore the upwind main undercarriage will perforce, touch the ground before the others. A cross-wind from the right will precipitate a landing with the right main wheel first. This is a fact of life. If a cross-wind landing should be attempted in a wings-level attitude, the aircraft will land sideways. Tyre damage and possible structural distortion may be expected in these circumstances. The aircraft may also depart from the runway and substantial airframe damage, injury and death could easily follow such an excursion.

My report was considered too aggressive and confrontational to be copied to management and so we, the aircrew, remained guilty as charged, until proved innocent.

This politically correct outcome got right up my nostrils and I resolved not to leave our condemnation unchallenged.

The person who had caused us to be forced into this situation was the person who had put the runway there in the first place, against our recommendation. I decided to raise a Stop Card against him for, if nothing else, causing so much trauma to one of our esteemed passenger.

In case you should run away with the impression that a Stop Card is no more important than a Valentine’s Day greeting, I must describe the recommended method of delivery.

the staff mess effluent riser spigot

Upon witnessing a dangerous act or the High Potentiallity (HIPO) of a dangerous act being committed, the witness shall approach the offender purposefully, catching his attention and maintaining eye contact. He shall then raise the Stop Card, and address him thus; -

“You have committed (or are about to commit) an unsafe act and I am raising a Stop Card against you.”

There are two possible solutions to the complainant’s concerns. Firstly, it would be necessary to construct a new runway, facing into wind, following the aircrew’s original recommendations, in order to facilitate landings with both main landing gears touching down simultaneously. The second, less costly, solution is to continue as we are and request that the anonymous complainant be required to travel by road in the future.

Hoping that this assists you in your search for a safe and efficacious solution to the problems raised and that you will feel free to contact me if you have any further points for discussion.

I remain........etc.

The miscreant should then desist from any activity in which he is involved, pending a thorough risk assessment. Only after a full risk assessment in the presence of a supervisor, can work proceed after the raising of a Stop Card. The urgency of a Stop Card delivery supersedes all other activities. A man, for example, kneeling to receive the honour of a Knighthood from Queen Elizabeth the Second of England, might be about to sink his knee into a potential hazard, left behind by one of the Corgis. Can you imagine the HIPO for scandal among the Palace courtiers, unless YOU had managed, at the last nanosecond, to reach into your back pocket, grab a Stop Card, purposefully approach the rostrum, gain the attention of the about-to-be-knighted and, maintaining eye-contact, announce in an authoritative tone, “You are about to commit an act which will make you and

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you family and the general public laugh for a very long time indeed......”

So, it was with this in mind that I purposefully approached the office door of my friend Dermot, the Construction Manager. I knew that, at this time in the morning, he would be buried in deeply sleep-inducing discussions with his deputy, about the flange gasket washer valve on the staff mess effluent riser spigot. He would appreciate a little light relief, I was confidently sure.

His office door was ajar, as usual. I knocked and entered. Nothing gets in the way of the bearer of a Stop Card. Dermot looked up in some surprise as I advanced purposefully towards his desk. I produced a Stop Card from behind my back and raised it between us, maintaining eye-contact and intoning the ritual HSE litany as I approached him.

“Dermot Eliot. You have committed an unsafe act and I am raising a Stop Card against you.”

“You can’t do that, Hugh!”

“Why not?”

“We’re friends!”

the wrong direction is something which I told them myself. I have read all the correspondence, but they just told me to wind my neck in and get on with it. So I did. We’ve all got wives and families to support, you know!” He threw his hands in the air in a gesture of resignation.

I suddenly had a brain wave and stuck my finger up for attention. “Who was the guy who told you to put the airstrip where it is?”

“It was an old guy called Trent. I don’t believe he’s ever been out of Head Office. He has lost interest a bit, I suppose, since he was offered early retirement.”

“Do you think a Stop Card would grab his attention?”

Those stitches would have cost me

I couldn’t hold a straight face any longer.

Dermot’s face cracked into a smile. “What’s this all about, anyway? What have I done now?!”

“You built the airstrip facing in the wrong direction and this forced us to land on the left main wheel all the time and we have had another Stop Card raised against us for doing that, on top of the one about the cockpit fans and HSE won’t accept my back-away report about the left main wheel landings because it’s too aggressive and confrontational and the tenders for the new air transport contracts are in and they are coming up at the management meeting at 9 o’clock this morning and... and...it’s all your fault!”

“Well you can’t blame me, Hugh. I am just a Construction Manager. I do as I am told. They tell me where to put the airstrip and in what direction to lay the runway and I do it. The fact that it is pointing in

“Oh yes!” Dermot grinned, “Senior Management don’t like to be held up in public. Particularly old Trent. He was one of the founding fathers of HSE in the company. He was kind of brought in to start the HSE ball rolling and now that it has gathered its own momentum, there’s nothing much more for him to do, so they’re putting him out to pasture.”

“Have you got any Stop Card forms handy, Dermot?”

“I most certainly have, Hugh. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!”

It was fun watching the pin-ball progress of the Stop Card, as it bounced around the intrays of the mandarins in Head Office, but my glee was comparatively shortlived and HSE’s pay-back time came swiftly. Seven stitches had been necessary to staunch the flow of blood from my head when a heavy steel wrench slipped out the hand of Alex, our engineer, who was working, up on the aircraft wing, under which I should not have been standing.

If I had just been wearing a hard hat, I wouldn’t have needed those seven stitches. I’m just thankful that I was no longer on the Sahara gas project when it happened. Those stitches would have cost me an awful lot of beers!

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EMBRAER’S PHENOM 300 has been the world’s best-selling light jet for 12 consecutive years, according to data released by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA).

The company delivered 63 Phenom 300 series aircraft in 2023, making the Phenom 300 the most successful business jet of the past decade, having accrued more than 730 deliveries worldwide and operating in 40 countries.

With over 2 million flight hours logged, the Phenom 300 recently became the most-flown aircraft in the United States, with more than 360,000 flights in a 12-month period.

Recently, Embraer announced a new autothrottle feature that will be available for the Phenom 300E. The optional feature is set to enhance the already single-pilot-friendly cockpit, which includes the highly advanced Prodigy Touch based on Garmin G3000.

As the fastest light jet in production, the Phenom 300E has a high-speed cruise of 464 knots and a fiveoccupant range of 2,010 nautical miles (3,724 km) with NBAA IFR reserves.

Additionally, the aircraft offers avionics that includes a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System (ROAAS)—the first to be developed and certified in business aviation—as well as Coupled Go-Around, Emergency Descent Mode (EDM), and more.

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Embraer's Phenom 300 is the best selling light jet.



, Australian company Wedgetail Aerospace has successfully obtained the approval from the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to operate the Schiebel CAMCOPTER S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS) in civil airspace.

This is the first large (>150 kg) Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) UAS to attain this civil approval from the Australian authorities.

WedgetailAerospace, in close cooperation with Schiebel Pacific and the Australian authorities, completed the process to achieve experimental approval with a series of flight demonstrations in Western Australia.

Possible applications now being pursued include fire and disaster monitoring, cargo delivery, as well as inspections and surveillance.

In addition, Wedgetail Aerospace is a CASA approved training organisation and will offer an S-100 license for civil operations. Of note, the S-100 is regularly flying under a Defence Aviation Safety Agency (DASA) UAS permit, which the Royal Australian Navy obtained back in 2017 for their S-100 operations.

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has been approved for civilian airspace.


Iris Joins Sunbird Aviation – Part 2

On the 26 August 1980 I was asked to fly charter clients in the Aztec: 5Y-ARN. This aircraft had a 12-volt battery which often caused me to have serious heart flutters when trying to start the engines. All the energy in the battery was used up in starting the left engine and I’d have to wait for it to charge up again before I could start the right engine.

ANYHOW, ‘ARN’ AND I were teamed up together for many trips and over time I learnt to manage his idiosyncrasies.

We departed Wilson Airport in Nairobi at 04h15Z, our destination was Entebbe, on a peninsula in Lake Victoria, in Uganda. I was nervous as I’d never flown that far north on my own before. My fellow pilots at Sunbird were very supportive and the day before we departed, Dicky Bird sat me down with a rudimentary map, and circled all the critical landmarks. These were the days before detailed maps and charts, all we had to go on was local knowledge which was passed down from pilot to pilot.

Laura McDermid continues her stories about Iris McCallum in East Africa. we’re

‘Your timing when flying into Moroto is critical Iris; there are a LOT of pointy rocks on that route.’

For emphasis he drew a big red circle around the word ‘Wagagai’.

in for a rough ride

‘At 14,177ft this is the highest peak on that range. Fully laden and with a high-density altitude, ARN might battle.’

Mount Moroto is one of a chain of extinct volcanoes along Uganda’s border with Kenya that begins with Mount Elgon in the south. Geologists estimate that Mount Elgon is at least 24 million years old, making it the oldest extinct volcano in East Africa.

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The flight went smoothly, and I landed without any problems at Entebbe. I did my post-flight checks, refuelling from a private supply of Avgas that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had organised.

The airport terminal building had been decimated; every conceivable fixture had been removed. Tentacles of wires stuck out from empty plug sockets. Basins and toilets had been ripped out of walls and floors. Even the window frames and panes had been stripped, leaving gaping holes in the walls.

Idi Amin, the third president of Uganda, had attempted to annex Tanzania’s Kagera Region in 1978. In response, the Tanzanian president, Julius Nyerere, ordered his troops to invade Uganda. In 1979, Kampala was successfully captured, and as a result one of the most brutal despots in modern history was ousted from power.

A massive famine ensued, and the ICRC were called in to assist.

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Brian Nicholson as chief warden of the Selous Game Park with some Maasai. Piper Aztec 5Y-ARN.

My VIPs were the head of the ICRC, and his adjutant, Christopher, who were both ex-military from Switzerland. Their aim was to conduct a recce of Uganda to determine the extent of the damage and to assess what relief aid would need to be deployed.

An ICRC driver was waiting to collect us and take us to the temporary headquarters on the outskirts of town.

We drove through numerous roadblocks manned by Tanzanian soldiers who were easily recognized by their bad attitudes, dark aviator sunglasses and machine guns that were casually slung over their shoulders.

The HQ was based out of a house that doubled as accommodation and offices. It was a great big colonial double-story house nestled in a canopy of emerald green trees and rolling hills, with a wraparound veranda that offered 360 degree views, a critical feature for safety reasons.

After freshening up, my pax were ushered into an all-day meeting and I was left to my own devices.

I always travelled with books, so I made myself comfortable on a sofa and had just immersed myself in a story when scraping sounds on the

wooden floor above me interrupted my concentration. I put my book down and went to investigate. I was greeted by the sight of the staff moving furniture around. I singled out the Major-domo and asked him what was happening.

His face split into a huge grin, his bone white teeth standing out in stark relief against his blue-black skin. He explained that they had expected the pilot to be a male and as such had arranged for shared living quarters.

My arrival changed all of that, and the gallant member of staff voluntarily gave up his room for me and was in the process of moving in with another member of staff.

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Wagagai Peak was a one of many 'pointy rocks'. The pastoral Karamojong Tribe of Uganda.

My newly acquired bedroom was beautifully appointed with incredible views of Kampala’s hills.

That evening a cocktail party was thrown in honour of the VIPs. An entourage of guests, all NGOs affiliated with the ICRC, began streaming in. I felt a bit like a fish out of water amongst all the relief workers, so I put my experience of organising safaris into action and made myself available as a bartender.

The evening was a great success, and thanks to my heavy hand, everyone was very relaxed.

We took off from Entebbe at 06h00Z, and an hour and forty minutes later landed at Moroto in the Karamojong area. This part of the country was surrounded by mountains, rocky outcrops, and unique vegetation. My notation in my logbook read ‘a beautiful day’.

A chauffeured Landcruiser was waiting for us. We were driven to the local hospital where my guests met with the staff to see what medical supplies were needed. The smell of rot hung in the air and a few sick and wounded patients were milling around listlessly. There were no mattresses on the beds. A woman with a sick child was sitting on the bare springs. Bloated green flies clustered around the mucous that spilled copiously from the child’s nostrils. The mother looked at me, her glazed eyes imploring me for help. I shrugged my shoulders in a helpless gesture, feeling more impotent than I’ve ever felt before.

It was an eye opener for all of us.

After the visit to the hospital, the driver took us to an abandoned lodge in the Matheniko Game Reserve which had escaped the looting.

It was managed by a caretaker from the Karamojong tribe, Jonas, who kept the place spotless and had arranged a few sprigs of wildflowers in an empty tin can in anticipation of our arrival. We had brought rice, tea, and basic supplies with us, but Jonas was adamant that he would treat his distinguished guests to a nice meal.

I’ll never forget the spectacle of Jonas running around the outside of the building, knobkerrie in hand, in hot pursuit of a few scrawny Crested Guinea Fowl. Much to my amazement, he managed to catch one. The Swiss were suspicious of the blue hued meat, and ate the meal of the boiled, tough fowl in silence.

Jonas hovered around the table, his slanty Nilotic eyes darting expectantly from person to person, the taut decorative scars on his face glowing in the soft light of the paraffin lamps, lending him an otherworldly look.

The Swiss were too polite to complain, appreciating the effort that Jonas had gone to, to put this meal on the table.

Content with their survey, my passengers were ready to return to Geneva to begin making plans. My job done; I contacted the folks back at Sunbird to let them know that I’d be departing the next day.

We were airborne out of Moroto at 11h30Z, arriving in Nairobi late afternoon just before the last shard of orange slipped below the horizon.

It was trips like these that I remember fondly, selfless people doing their best to help others in times of hardships. I know that I was just doing my job, but I’d like to think that I was also contributing to this noble cause in some small way.

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Mount Elgon in Uganda has the highest peak at 14177ft.


THE GHANA AIR FORCE is in the ongoing process of acquiring the Super Tucano training and light attack aircraft from Embraer.

The expected cost of the acquisition is $52.8m, according to GlobalData’s Ghana Defense Market 2024-2029 report.

Against the backdrop of heightened security concerns in the sub-region, the Ghana Air Force, in collaboration with Embraer Defence and Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), hosted an air show featuring the A-29 Super Tucano. The event at the Air Force Base Accra, aimed to highlight the aircraft’s versatility in close air support and aerial reconnaissance missions.

GlobalData forecasts an upturn in Ghana’s defence spending over the next five years, with an anticipated annual growth rate of 11.3% from 2025 to 2029, reaching $509.6m by 2029, after experiencing a decline in recent years. The country’s security concerns are exacerbated by instability in the Sahel region, prompting efforts to bolster border security and control.

In 2021 neighbouring Nigeria held an induction ceremony for the A-29 Super Tucano, acquired through the US Foreign Military Sales programme at a value close to $500m. The ceremony marked a milestone in enhancing Nigeria’s ability to combat terrorism. The aircraft is expected to play a role in Nigeria’s efforts to combat violent extremism and ensure sustained deterrence.

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Ghana joins Nigeria in operating Embraer Super Tucanos.


IN 2021, Australia’s New South Wales Ambulance decided to purchase two Pilatus PC-24s to further increase the organisation’s speed and distance operational capabilities.

The operator will use the PC-24 to provide aeromedical services to the people of New South Wales, covering an area of approximately 800,000 square kilometres. It is anticipated that the “Super Versatile Jet” will conduct around 800 flights, transferring approximately 6,500 patients, during its first year of service.

“The PC-24 increases the capability of our aeromedical operations and is ideal for the long distances we have to cover in Australia, it will be a great asset to our clinical staff and patients”, said NSW Ambulance Commissioner Dr Dominic Morgan.

“The PC-24 is no stranger to the aeromedical space, it’s a highly sought after platform for many of the top aeromedical organizations around the world. Like the aircraft, the aeromedical configuration has proven itself in some of the harshest operating conditions anywhere. We’re extremely proud that the New South Wales Ambulance has chosen our aircraft to save lives and serve their community”, said Pilatus Australia’s CEO, Sebastian Lip.

The PC-24 is the world’s first air ambulance jet with a patient loading door. Patients can be loaded and unloaded by means of an electrically powered loading device or alternatively with a ramp.

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PC-24 RFDS Medevac Mission. PC-24 Medevac Interior RFDS Air Ambulance.




Many African governments have lacked the skills and resources to do major maintenance and repair work to keep older equipment up to date. With the carrot of foreign aid and industrial participation offsets being dangled over procurement departments, the preferred option has usually been to replace older equipment.

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The Nigerian Air Force has successfully refurbished its old Alpha Jets. Image Manchester Photo Group.

HOWEVER, THIS MAY BE a false economy. A recent discussion on a WhatsApp group dedicated to the SA Air Force provided interesting insights onto the subject of repair – or replace. The identities of the contributors have been withheld and contributions have been in many instances paraphrased.

It was noted that as warfare gets more asymmetrical, the value in less expensive means of doing the job becomes higher. The value of a mature system is that there are few teething problems and spare parts are usually plentiful.

Thus, for example, many older aircraft, such as the Douglas DC-3 and the AV-8B Harrier, have a long fatigue life and can operate from almost anywhere. While older aircraft require more maintenance hours, maintainers are relatively inexpensive and older people can be retained with incentives far more cheaply than hiring and training new.

Our defence columnist, Darren Olivier, noted that, “Every aircraft type has an operating cost curve. It’s high when first introduced, then reduces for the next 10-20 years as units become familiar with the type and learn the most efficient techniques. The original equipment manufacturers continually improve production techniques, and early issues are ironed out.

“By around 20-25 years of life the cost curves upwards again. You can prolong things with capital investments to replace some of the more obsolete and expensive parts, but you’ll never get back to the operating costs achieved earlier.

“After a few more years, with OEMs no longer producing parts, life extensions become increasingly non-feasible and key knowledge is lost through retirements. The cost climbs rapidly again until it becomes unaffordable for most forces. For example, in 2001 the cost to remove an engine from an AV-8B and take it apart to repair damaged fan blades, such as from a bird strike, was $500 000 ($860 000 today) and took 850 man-hours.

“That said, if your needs are modest and you don’t need much in the way of upgrades, new weapons integrations and so on, you can quite efficiently and effectively operate older aircraft for a while.

“This isn’t an argument to always have the latest and greatest. For instance, Nigeria is quite comfortably operating relatively old Alpha Jets after returning them to service a decade ago, and even re-militarised some ex-civilian examples they bought from US collectors. But the aircraft are also increasingly vulnerable to enemy forces.

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Maturity Initial Investment Time Learning & Maturing (acceptable) Operating Margins Cut-off Start point The cost cycle of military equipment.
Cost End-of-life

Olivier concludes by noting that “by not funding a Rooivalk mid-life upgrade, which would reduce operating costs and improve availability, the South African government is basically ensuring an early retirement of the type.”

Another contributor discussed the retirement of the SAAF’s Cheetahs in 2008 in favour of the Gripen. He noted that, “They were already on wonky legs by 2008 with few of the original fleet going. It was still a capable aircraft with lots of knowledge on how to operate it, but it was becoming very long in the tooth. Add to that Denel’s current woes, and it would have left them in a proper predicament.”

It was pointed out that the maintenance costs on the Cheetah are probably higher than that on the Gripen. “If we can only afford a handful of airworthy Gripens, how many Cheetahs would be airworthy if they were in service?” Darren Olivier supported this question, noting; “I strongly believe that if the SAAF had continued operating the Cheetahs and never acquired Gripens, it would currently not have a fighter fleet.”

Those who argue that the Cheetah should not have been retired, often make the claim that they are still

flying in the USA and Ecuador and use this as a reason to justify why the SAAF should not have bought the Gripen. However, the reality is that the Cheetahs never flew in the USA, and Ecuador retired their fleet in 2021.

An interesting comment about the Gripen vs Cheetah capability was that, “It was more about the SAAF equipping themselves for the previous war, rather than fully embracing and committing to the new capabilities they have in a modern package. … the operators have complained about the lack of upper management understanding and appreciation. For example, having a dumb bomb capability is useful, but that should be secondary to the laser guided bomb. Yet it seems it’s the other way around in the SAAF.

“We bought a great product, but are choosing not to embrace it, at least not in the upper brass levels.”

This claimed resistance to fully adopting the latest technology may tip the balance in favour of repairing and maintaining older types, particularly in the increasing evident asymmetric warfare scenarios.

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The Cheetah in Ecuador. Should the SAAF have kept them? Image, Santiago Chavarria.


a lot.”

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on subject matter ”
Cell: Brand Wessels - 073 337 9154 Email: brandwessels63.bw@gmail.com Includes: • All Theory Manuals
All Course Presentations
All Q&A for Examination Preparation
Theory Summaries for all Subjects. • One-on-One Inter-active Student Support CPL/ATPL On-line Ground School
(ATP course): “Application focused – helped me


Back in the early seventies, I started a charter outfit based in Johannesburg, which piggy backed on someone else’s licence on a royalty basis. As most of our passengers were male businessmen, I called it Esquire Airways. Then we moved to Gaborone in Botswana and changed the name to Esquire Botswana Airways.


the company was sold, and given a new, more appropriate name; Desert Airways.

We became principally involved with operating charter and scheduled flights on behalf of Air Botswana. Business picked up in the Okavango region, to the extent that we based a pilot and a twin piston Aero Commander 500B there with a pilot in Maun.

Early in our northern tenure, the famous, locally based hunter, Harry Selby, who had opened luxury Safari Game Lodges at Khwai River, Savuti and Xugana, offered us a contract to fly “Lindblad tourists” from Maun to the various lodges on a rotational shuttle system basis. These flights also carried a professional game guide.

outboard motor, refreshments, and several rolls of bright pink toilet paper to prepare for our arrival.

Once at the lake, Dougie would set about festooning numerous tree stumps, invisible from the air, with bright pink toilet paper to show the beginning of the useable landing area on the lakeshore.

we consumed more than our fair share of his liquor

One of the tour highlights involved taking off from Maun then landing at Lake Ngami a few miles to the south. There was no official runway there. Early in the morning Dougie Graham would set out in his Land Rover, complete with a trailered pneumatic dingy,

These short flights involved circling over the lake in each direction to allow those on board to photograph the flamboyant Flamingos. That done, we would fly the approach over the flagged pink tree stumps and touch down on the smooth, though unprepared, lakeshore.

A symbiotic relationship existed between cattle dung, and the shoals of bream and barbel (catfish) in the lake. The cow dung created a rich plant system which fed the rapidly increasing shoals of fish. Barbel carcasses littered the bank and their large heads caused a resounding thump when our main wheels ran over them.

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Our game guide on one particular occasion was Tim Liversedge, an ex-game scout, turned wildlife sculptor and artist. Later, he achieved fame producing dramatic wildlife films, including a spectacular IMAX production, titled Roar.

One morning Tim and the five tourists set out across the lake, where the occasional dull thud of the outboard motor propeller was heard dissecting fish, bits of which floated to the surface and provided fine dining for Fish Eagles perched in nearby trees.

On one occasion, as Tim stood discoursing on the lakeshore, a baby Jacana flew up, and without interrupting his talk, Tim jumped with great athleticism and caught the bird by the legs. Holding onto the wriggling bird, he described its habits and pointed out its defining characteristics, then let it fly away. This feat amazed the tourists, and one asked him if he would do it again, as his camera had not been ready.

Prior to departure, several freshly caught bream were placed alive in buckets of water, which we stowed

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The Esquire Airways Aero Commander 500 at Tsodilo Hills.

under the aircraft rear seats. From the lake we flew to Khwai River lodge. There the bream was served as a delicious lunch.

Several years later Tim abandoned microlight flying and acquired a private pilot’s licence. Then he paid R6,000 for a Cessna 175 fitted with a 180 hp Lycoming and constant speed prop.

Having few hours of piloting experience, Tim asked me to accompany him on the delivery flight from Wonderboom to Maun.

However, Tim was delayed at Wonderboom, and as the hours passed it was agreed that we could no longer takeoff and reach Maun in daylight. At that time, no runway lights were available in Maun for night operations. But we felt that we should at least be able to reach Francistown for a night stop.

However the headwind had increased, so we arrived at Selebi in what may be termed late “Military Twilight,” about 5 minutes before total opaque night set in.

a large black shadow across our plane

Sadly, the ADF on the aircraft was unserviceable as I had hoped to intercept a QDM which would lead us to the west facing runway threshold. However, I was very familiar with the airport and its environs, so was able to direct the un-night rated Tim to the nearest runway for a straight in approach. We kept the speed up, and only slowed down to flap speed close to the landing area. Using the rudder pedals to slew the nose left and right we were able to discern the runway piano keys threshold in our landing light. With a little instruction, Tim did an excellent night landing, and we taxied through the enveloping blackness to the parking area.

All went well for an hour or so, but we then flew into a fairly strong headwind which meant our groundspeed dropped from about 105 Knots to around 85 Knots. Reaching Francistown before dusk became unlikely. However we pressed on, and after a while realised that it would now be necessary to land at Selebi Phikwe in eastern Botswana.

After clearing immigration (which had waited for us) we bumped into Ivor Scott, the ex World War 2 Spitfire pilot, who lived near the airfield. He had wondered who was taxying about in the dark. After explaining our situation, he extended his legendary hospitality and we dined with his family and consumed more than our fair share of his liquor.

22 FlightCom: March 2024
Tim's C175 on a salt pan in Bots while making the IMAX film Roar.

The trip to Maun was uneventful, until crossing the vast Magadigadi Pans, we became aware of a large black shadow across our plane. When we looked at each other, the shadow disappeared, only to cover us again a minute or so later. We banked the aircraft steeply and looked upwards, but could not see anything between us and the sun. This lasted for about five minutes then stopped. The shadow had pointed portions in a form of a triangle. We both felt unnaturally perturbed, and after some discussion we could not apportion any reason for this phenomenon. There were no clouds above us, and the shadow had unnaturally sharp edges. Neither of us had encountered, or even heard of this anomaly before. I opined that the quick moving dark shadow, which sporadically changed directions, may have been cast by an alien spacecraft carrying marauding space cannibals, which had fortunately rejected us as being sub-quality fodder, unworthy of abduction.

The remainder of the flight was uneventful, and we landed in Maun without further incident. Tim parked the C175 in a hangar. Suspecting that a panel had come loose and was swinging about, causing the shadow, he used a ladder to investigate the top of the wing and fuselage. But all was tightly still in place. Neither had

there been any aerodynamic buffet, or unusual noises. So the shadow remains a mystery to this day.

Still, I got to spend an entertaining evening with Tim and his attractive wife June, at their comfortable riverside home. 

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Jeffery Kempson with A2-FLY at Wonderboom prior to the flight with Tim. A2-FLY after being blown over in a storm - it was rebuilt.


Flying. If it is in your blood, nothing will stand in your path to become part of the sky.


they never come off, whether they can be seen or not. They fuse to the soul through adversity, fear and adrenaline, and no one who has ever worn them with pride, integrity and guts can ever sleep through the call of the wild that wafts through the bedroom windows in the deep of the night” – Author Unknown.

My wings were firmly attached since birth. Being born with invisible wings makes one eligible for a lifetime membership in an intangible fraternity, the brotherhood of airmen.

Those of us who were born to fly were also born with an innate sense of our destiny, fine tuning life’s trajectory early on so that its path would point us skyward. Nothing will throw you off course.

the headstrong determination of an angry badger. I couldn’t afford to start flying as early as I had wished (no money), which resulted in cutting my teeth on anything that even remotely resembled an airplane. As I grew, balsa wood and rubber bands gave way to Airfix plastic model planes which eventually yielded to flying their petrol powered aluminium and Dacron counterparts.

As an adolescent, I was far more enamoured with the idea of soaring with birds, and the heady aroma of burned paraffin, than I was the fairer sex.

the heady aroma of burned paraffin

To fly is to live at the outer edge. From the first twist or push of the throttle, flying seems to transform the mundane, to where all of life makes sense and is seen from a different perspective, where the commonplace reaches the summit. To fly is to know the perfection of a cloudless summer day when the warm gentle air currents push the graceful wings of a bird to the brink of the troposphere. To fly in pure harmony is the grace of notes that rise beyond a musical score high above the treble scale.

As with all of us born into the brotherhood, albeit often a lonely one, I pursued my passions with

Even now, after so many years, my world pretty much only feels in harmony as I walk around an aircraft, looking for anything out of place. Running my hands along the fuselage and wings, or blades, feeling mechanisms, connection points and fittings as if they are old familiar friends. A preflight walk before a mission is instinctive routine, but not without focus. The aircraft is so often the single most important part of any mission. It enables the success of the job, but more importantly it acts as the body of crew. Each person is tethered to the aircraft, relying on the machine (and pilot) for survival.

Decades later, I still feel my pulse race in anticipation of pressing the start button. But, deep inside, fears loom, the unseen enemies. The demons. Fear of possibly never returning home? Having to say goodbye. Finding

24 FlightCom: March 2024 HELICOPTERS

The world from above, for me it is an untouchable sacred place, worth all the hardships and I would do it all again.

the stamina to remain focused on the job at hand no matter what curved balls come, over and over again.

With all the adversity I find an almost child-like joy as I discover new places and look down, glimpsing moments of Google Earth in real time. I love them.

Africa. If it is in the blood then it too will not release its grip on your soul. Even though the romantic idea of the land that was, is no more. Somehow it won’t let go. And here lieth the problem.

The bureaucracy. After what seemed impossible, the order, approvals, military permits, compliances and clearances were approved for me to start the painful journey north.

If it were just about flying, fantasizing about the mysteries of the landscape unfolding with untold stories below, that would be happiness. The clearance window of 72 hours adds to the anxiety, since on-route weather seldom complies with the government administration.

it will not release its grip on your soul

Funny how it’s always hurry up and wait, all dressed up with nowhere to go, pacing, waiting for that last approval to appear, which happens somehow at five minutes before cut off time.

Rolling the throttle to full power and feeling the beast coming to life, literally pulsing to set itself free into the place where everything feels perfect again, rids the mind of all the bullshit. For a couple of hours, the entire world and heavens belong to you and earthly problems exist no more. That is until the anxiety builds as the dotted line of another CTR on the GPS creeps closer. “Will I be able to understand what the ATC is mumbling to me?” Expect the unexpected.

“Rhomo Kil pap, yoo musti dewert eastie end holdie toothousend end stanyby”

“Eh, copied approach will turn right now and hold until further instructions.”

FlightCom: March 2024 25

Now I’m wondering what will happen next, singing to myself a tune from a song: Turn, turn, turn…. straining my eyes into the haze, I see a military transport lining up on 05.

The silence breaks. “Rhomo Kil pap, leman kleer 05”.

Eventually I’m cleared direct to the apron. Like multi-coloured ants, the apron is lined with a multitude of pomp and ceremonial dress. Military, both the AK 47 wielding cammo troops and officers adorned with ribbons and badges, police and airport officials, brightly dressed women looking like Prom night, lurking everywhere. Ahhh, I just missed the President!

The awaiting customs, immigration and refuelling procedures followed by the ritual climbing stairs up to run down, messy and ancient briefing rooms, to part with wads of US$ and file flight plans, awaits. The best part being that they are air conditioned, a brief escape from furnace heat and drenching humidity.

Say no more...you have to just do it all.

Delays have become the norm due to obstructive and incompetent administrators, so we have just had to adapt our flying to fit in with more difficult operating conditions, increasing risk and stress.

This tiny relief from the heat and chaos to be followed by fighting your way back through sweaty crowds and queues lined up at surly faced, VIP, immigration officers. Occasionally you get lucky and passing through customs is a matter of a friendly greeting. This is best achieved if you get your timing right, departing as an Ethiopian airlines 777 is loading up. Then the best part, beating your way through the waiting travellers and exiting the departure door… alone, back into open space, walking towards your bird.

This is a love hate situation

As I walk around, eyeing the familiar lines of my helicopter, anxious to escape the rapidly building thunderstorm and climb up into breathable, cooler air and end the seemingly never ending story, my eye catches the popped up nipple of the hydraulic filter. I’m pretty sure the ATC in the tower heard my groan of frustration. A blocked hydraulic filter is not the end of the world, especially when you are at your base in civilization. But it does raise a niggle when you are 3000 kms away and going even further. But, hey, remember, this is our passion.

And there she is, sitting patiently in the hot sun, oblivious to all the human drama, one can almost feel her anxiety to come alive again and be set free. One more short hop and I will arrive on the reserve after five days of non-stop travelling. I’m wondering how my fresh rations purchased six days ago in Woollies has fared? I am imagining what my accommodation will be like, my home for many weeks? I know I won’t get the full Monty, international tourist treatment, but then I get to be completely free to do and go as I wish. Sure it won’t be too bad.

In the past, when things worked, we started operations in the dry winter season, sharply, in order to complete operations well before the first rains start and while the bush is still open and weather more predictable.

Nowadays, due to the lethargic African way, we are well into the rainy season, dodging Charlie Bravos, and tolerating ridiculous heat, humidity and bugs. This is a love hate situation because I love to be out and free, flying, working in the bush and I am so happy to actually have work, especially with all

26 FlightCom: March 2024

the price undercutting and competition…BUT!! Its unforgiving, thankless and soul destroying to see how many “conservation” organisations that are corrupt to the core and bankrupt.

I’m not sure where the worst are, the Parks in South Africa which have become a sad and political mess well on their way to total collapse? Then again, it’s the story of Africa. Thankfully, there still remain precision run gems, scattered around Africa, all facing daily crisises of violence and wildlife crime from overpopulated and poverty stricken communities that surround all Parks.

A pilot must take what comes, it’s just part of the territory that happens. Shit accommodation, obnoxious turd clients, huge inconveniences, a diet fit for a dog, underpaid and no thank you at the end.

I often think that all those years of being away from the world, learning, risking, studying and honing skills to try reach perfection, often seem oblivious and pointless to clients.

So often, all the client wants is the machine, to perform a task that would be perfect for a remotely operated craft. The “driver” would be better off comfortably relaxing at home, operating the craft on a laptop, remotely, while drinking coffee. A faceless operation with no name and no need to be polite.

Thankfully this is not always the case. Conservation comes in many forms, each with a similar story of hope, but with the new world order, politicians have caused most to fall into decline with questionable hope.

You may ask: But why? Why put yourself through all that kak? The answer lies in the moments of harmony, at one with an aircraft strapped to your back and a distant horizon. For me, it’s also stolen moments of harmony, an intangible connection with the bush and unknown challenges. Probably all one stupid illusion? 

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Nothing earthly can even come close to the sensory overload during perfect flight.


In its 2023 annual report, Pilatus Switzerland says the past financial year was marked by major successes. 148 aircraft were delivered for total sales of 1.478 billion Swiss francs and new orders worth 1.513 billion Swiss francs.

In South Africa, local agent Pilatus Centre also reported excellent results. Director Gerry Wyss reports that for the 2023-24 financial year they chalked up 3 x PC-12s sold and 3 delivered – note that these were not the same aircraft as there is a waiting list. Further there were 2 new PC-24s sold and also 2 delivered. All positions for new aircraft are now sold out until the end of 2025.

Compared to 2022, Pilatus Switzerland achieved a ten percent increase in sales and added six percent to its operating income. The total number of aircraft deliveries is impressive, too: all in all, 47 PC-24s and 101 PC-12s were handed over to customers in 2023.

In Government Aviation, Pilatus successfully closed a follow-up deal with the Spanish Air Force, which went ahead with the purchase of another 16 PC-21s. In May, the 2,000th PC-12 was delivered to longstanding customer, PlaneSense – and in October, Pilatus celebrated the launch of the new PC-24, with its increased payload and range.

28 FlightCom: March 2024
The PC-24 is achieving steady sales in South Africa.

Alongside these highlights of the past year, Pilatus also had to contend with some turbulence: ongoing supply chain problems and supply bottlenecks had a negative impact on production.

Overall, Hansueli Loosli, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pilatus, is very positive about the past year: “We invested a lot in 2023: in products, staff, growth, infrastructure, digitalization – and always with unwavering focus on our customers’ needs.”

Markus Bucher, CEO of Pilatus, adds: “These impressive results will provide the basis for a promising, successful, sustainable future.”

Pilatus saw an increase not only in terms of sales, but also in the number of its employees: thanks to significant growth, Pilatus employed a workforce of 2848 by the end of last year.

In order to increase own production capacity, Pilatus decided early in the year to proceed with a phased takeover of all approximately 230 employees and the machinery of RUAG Aerostructures Schweiz AG at the site in Emmen. In December 2023, Pilatus also acquired the sales and maintenance services of Aero

Center Epps, a previously independent sales center based in Atlanta. In this manner, Pilatus will continue to ensure first-class support for its customers on the east coast of the USA.

A sustainable future

Besides focusing on opening up new sales markets, ongoing product development and fully meeting the needs of customers, Pilatus says it will continue to invest in infrastructure through 2024 – always with sustainability in mind.

In addition to the planned extension of the logistics building, the new maintenance hangar currently under construction is particularly noteworthy. With its fullsurface photovoltaic system, use of groundwater for cooling, heating and process energy, and construction with Swiss timber, Pilatus continues to reduce its CO2-emissions while making a clear commitment to a strategy of sustainability and to Switzerland as a business location.

FlightCom: March 2024 29 NEWS 
Spain has increased its order for PC-21s.
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208 Aviation

Ben Esterhuizen +27 83 744 3412 ben@208aviation.co.za www.208aviation.com

A1A Flight Examiner (Loutzavia) Jannie Loutzis 012 567 6775 / 082 416 4069 jannie@loutzavia.co.za www.loutzavia.co.za

AES (Cape Town) Erwin Erasmus 082 494 3722 erwin@aeroelectrical.co.za www.aeroelectrical.co.za

AES (Johannesburg) Danie van Wyk 011 701 3200 office@aeroelectrical.co.za www.aeroelectrical.co.za

Aerocolour cc Alfred Maraun 082 775 9720 aeroeng@iafrica.com

Aero Engineering & PowerPlant Andre Labuschagne 012 543 0948 aerocolour@telkomsa.net

Aerokits Jean Crous 072 6716 240 aerokits99@gmail.com

Aeronav Academy Donald O’Connor 011 701 3862 info@aeronav.co.za www.aeronav.co.za

Aeronautical Aviation Clinton Carroll 011 659 1033 / 083 459 6279 clinton@aeronautical.co.za www.aeronautical.co.za

Aerospace Electroplating Oliver Trollope 011 827 7535 petasus@mweb.co.za

Aerotel Martin den Dunnen 087 6556 737 reservations@aerotel.co.za www.aerotel.co.za

Aerotric Richard Small 083 488 4535 aerotric@aol.com

Aviation Rebuilders cc Lyn Jones 011 827 2491 / 082 872 4117 lyn@aviationrebuilders.com www.aviationrebuilders.com

AVIC International Flight Academy (AIFA) Theo Erasmus 082 776 8883 rassie@aifa.co.za

Air 2000 (Pty) Ltd

Anne Gaines-Burrill 011 659 2449 - AH 082 770 2480 Fax 086 460 5501 air2000@global.co.za www.hunterssupport.com

Aircraft Finance Corporation & Leasing Jaco Pietersen +27 [0]82 672 2262 jaco@airfincorp.co.za Jason Seymour +27 [0]82 326 0147 jason@airfincorp.co.za www.airfincorp.co.za

Aircraft General Spares Eric or Hayley 084 587 6414 or 067 154 2147 eric@acgs.co.za or hayley@acgs.co.za www.acgs.co.za

Aircraft Maintenance International Pine Pienaar 083 305 0605 gm@aminternational.co.za

Aircraft Maintenance International Wonderboom Thomas Nel 082 444 7996 admin@aminternational.co.za

Air Line Pilots’ Association Sonia Ferreira 011 394 5310 alpagm@iafrica.com www.alpa.co.za

Airshift Aircraft Sales Eugene du Plessis 082 800 3094 eugene@airshift.co.za www.airshift.co.za

Alclad Sheetmetal Services Ed Knibbs 083 251 4601 ed@alclad.co.za www.alclad.co.za

Algoa Flying Club Sharon Mugridge 041 581 3274 info@algoafc.co.za www.algoafc.co.za

Alpi Aviation SA Dale De Klerk 082 556 3592 dale@alpiaviation.co.za www.alpiaviation.co.za

Apco (Ptyd) Ltd

Tony/Henk + 27 12 543 0775 apcosupport@mweb.co.za www.apcosa.co.za

Ardent Aviation Consultants Yolanda Vermeulen 082 784 0510 yolanda@ardentaviation.co.za www.ardentaviation.co.za

Ascend Aviation Marlo Kruyswijk 079 511 0080 marlo@ascendaviation.co.za www.ascendaviation.co.za

Atlas Aviation Lubricants

Steve Cloete 011 917 4220 Fax: 011 917 2100 sales.aviation@atlasoil.co.za www.atlasaviation.co.za

AVDEX (Pty) Ltd

Tania Botes 011 954 15364 info@avdex.co.za www.avdex.co.za

Aviatech Flight Academy Nico Smith 082 303 1124 viatechfakr@gmail.com www.aviatech.co.za

Aviation Direct

Andrea Antel 011 465 2669 info@aviationdirect.co.za www.aviationdirect.co.za

Avtech Riekert Stroh 082 749 9256 avtech1208@gmail.com

BAC Aviation AMO 115 Micky Joss 035 797 3610 monicad@bacmaintenance.co.za

Blackhawk Africa Cisca de Lange 083 514 8532 cisca@blackhawk.aero www.blackhawk.aero

Blue Chip Flight School Henk Kraaij 012 543 3050 bluechip@bluechip-avia.co.za www.bluechipflightschool.co.za

Border Aviation Club & Flight School Liz Gous 043 736 6181 admin@borderaviation.co.za www.borderaviation.co.za

Bona Bona Game Lodge MJ Ernst 082 075 3541 mj@bonabona.co.za www.bonabona.co.za

Breytech Aviation cc 012 567 3139 Willie Breytenbach admin@breytech.co.za

Celeste Sani Pak & Inflight Products Steve Harris 011 452 2456 admin@chemline.co.za www.chemline.co.za

Cape Town Flying Club Beverley Combrink 021 934 0257 / 082 821 9013 info@capetownflyingclub.co.za www.@capetownflyingclub.co.za

Century Avionics cc Carin van Zyl 011 701 3244 sales@centuryavionics.co.za www.centuryavionics.co.za


Wayne Claassens 011 914 2500 wayne.claassens@basf.com www.chemetall.com

Chem-Line Aviation & Celeste Products Steve Harris 011 452 2456 sales@chemline.co.za www.chemline.co.za

Clifton Electronics cc CJ Clifton / Irene Clifton 079 568 7205 / 082 926 8482 clive.iclifton@gmail.com

Comair Flight Services (Pty) Ltd Reception +27 11 540 7640/FAX: +27 11 252 9334 info@flycfs.co.za www.flycfs.co.za

Corporate-Aviators/Affordable Jet Sales

Mike Helm 082 442 6239 corporate-aviators@iafrica.com www.corporate-aviators.com

CSA Aviation – Cirrus South Africa Alex Smith 011 701 3835 alexs@cirrussa.co.za www.cirrussa.co.za

C. W. Price & Co Kelvin L. Price 011 805 4720 cwp@cwprice.co.za www.cwprice.co.za

Dart Aeronautical Pieter Viljoen 011 827 8204 pieterviljoen@dartaero.co.za www.dartaero.co.za

Dart Aircraft Electrical Mathew Joubert 011 827 0371 Dartaircraftelectrical@gmail.com www.dartaero.co.za

Diepkloof Aircraft Maintenance cc Nick Kleinhans 083 454 6366 diepkloofamo@gmail.com

DJA Aviation Insurance 011 463 5550 0800Flying mail@dja-aviation.co.za www.dja-aviation.co.za

Dynamic Propellers Andries Visser 011 824 5057 082 445 4496 andries@dynamicpropeller.co.za www.dynamicpropellers.co.za

Eagle Flight Academy Mr D. J. Lubbe 082 557 6429 training@eagleflight.co.za www.eagleflight.co.za

Execujet Africa 011 516 2300 enquiries@execujet.co.za www.execujet.com

Federal Air Rachel Muir 011 395 9000 shuttle@fedair.com www.fedair.com

Ferry Flights int.inc. Michael (Mick) Schittenhelm 082 442 6239 ferryflights@ferry-flights.com www.ferry-flights.com

F Gomes Upholsters Carla de Lima 083 602 5658 delimaCarla92@gmail.com

Fireblade Aviation 010 595 3920 info@firebladeaviation.com www.firebladeaviation.com

Flight Training College Cornell Morton 044 876 9055 ftc@flighttrainning.co.za www.flighttraining.co.za

Flight Training Services Amanda Pearce 011 805 9015/6 amanda@fts.co.za www.fts.co.za

Fly Jetstream Aviation Henk Kraaij 083 279 7853 charter@flyjetstream.co.za www.flyjetstream.co.za

Flying Unlimited Flight School (Pty) Ltd Riaan Struwig 082 653 7504 / 086 770 8376 riaan@ppg.co.za www.ppg.co.za

Flyonics (Pty) Ltd Michael Karaolis 010 109 9405 michael@flyonics.co.za www.flyonics.co.za

Gemair Andries Venter 011 701 2653 / 082 905 5760 andries@gemair.co.za

GIB Aviation Insurance Brokers Richard Turner 011 483 1212 aviation@gib.co.za www.gib.co.za

Guardian Air 011 701 3011 082 521 2394 ops@guardianair.co.za www.guardianair.co.za

Heli-Afrique cc Tino Conceicao 083 458 2172 tino.conceicao@heli-afrique.co.za

Henley Air Andre Coetzee 011 827 5503 andre@henleyair.co.za www.henleyair.co.za

Hover Dynamics Phillip Cope 074 231 2964 info@hover.co.za www.hover.co.za

Indigo Helicopters Gerhard Kleynhans 082 927 4031 / 086 528 4234 veroeschka@indigohelicopters.co.za www.indigohelicopters.co.za

IndigoSat South Africa - Aircraft Tracking Gareth Willers 08600 22 121 sales@indigosat.co.za www.indigosat.co.za

International Flight Clearances Steve Wright 076 983 1089 (24 Hrs) flightops@flyifc.co.za www.flyifc.co.za

34 FlightCom: March 2024

Investment Aircraft

Quinton Warne 082 806 5193 aviation@lantic.net www.investmentaircraft.com

Jabiru Aircraft

Len Alford 044 876 9991 / 044 876 9993 info@jabiru.co.za www.jabiru.co.za

Jim Davis Books

Jim Davis 072 188 6484 jim@border.co.za www.jimdavis.co.za

Joc Air T/A The Propeller Shop Aiden O’Mahony 011 701 3114 jocprop@iafrica.com

Johannesburg Flying Academy

Alan Stewart 083 702 3680 info@jhbflying.co.za www.jhbflying.co.za

Kishugu Aviation +27 13 741 6400 comms@kishugu.com www.kishugu.com/kishugu-aviation

Khubenker Energy (Pty) Ltd T/A Benveroy Vernon Bartlett 086 484 4296 vernon@khubenker.co.za www.khubenker.co.za

Kit Planes for Africa

Stefan Coetzee 013 793 7013 info@saplanes.co.za www.saplanes.co.za

Kzn Aviation (Pty) Ltd Melanie Jordaan 031 564 6215 mel@kznaviation.co.za www.kznaviation.co.za

Lanseria Aircraft Interiors

Francois Denton 011 659 1962 / 076 810 9751 francois@aircraftcompletions.co.za

Lanseria Flight Centre

Ian Dyson

Tel: +27 11 312 5166, F: +27 11 312 5166 ian@flylfc.com www.flylfc.com

Lanseria International Airport

Mike Christoph 011 367 0300 mikec@lanseria.co.za www.lanseria.co.za

Leading Edge Aviation cc Peter Jackson Tel 013 741 3654 Fax 013 741 1303 office@leaviation.co.za www.leadingedgeaviation.co.za

Legend Sky 083 860 5225 / 086 600 7285 info@legendssky.co.za www.legendsky.co.za

Litson & Associates (Pty) Ltd OGP/BARS Auditing & Advisory Services & Aviation Safety Training Email: Phone:enquiries@litson.co.za 27 (0) 8517187 www.litson.co.za

Litson & Associates Risk Management Services (Pty) Ltd

eSMS-S™/ eTENDER/ e-REPORT / Aviation Software Systems

Email: Phone:enquiries@litson.co.za 27 (0) 8517187 www.litson.co.za

Loutzavia Aircraft Sales

Henry Miles 082 966 0911 henry@loutzavia.co.za www.loutzavia.co.za

Loutzavia Flight Training Gerhardt Botha 012 567 6775 ops@loutzavia.co.za www.loutzavia.co.za

Loutzavia-Pilots and Planes Maria Loutzis 012 567 6775 maria@loutzavia.co.za www.pilotsnplanes.co.za

Loutzavia Rand Frans Pretorius 011 824 3804 rand@loutzavia.co.za www@loutzavia.co.za

Lowveld Aero Club Pugs Steyn 013 741 3636 Flynow@lac.co.za

Maverick Air Charters Lourens Human 082 570 2743 ops@maverickair.co.za www.maverickair.co.za

MCC Aviation Pty Ltd

Claude Oberholzer 011 701 2332 info@flymcc.co.za www.flymcc.co.za

Mistral Aviation Services Peter de Beer 083 208 7249 peter@mistral.co.za

MH Aviation Services (Pty) Ltd

Marc Pienaar 011 609 0123 / 082 940 5437 customerrelations@mhaviation.co.za www.mhaviation.co.za

M and N Acoustic Services cc Martin de Beer 012 689 2007/8 calservice@mweb.co.za

Metropolitan Aviation (Pty) Ltd Gert Mouton 082 458 3736 herenbus@gmail.com

Money Aviation

Angus Money 083 263 2934 angus@moneyaviation.co.za www.moneyaviation.co.za

North East Avionics

Keith Robertson +27 13 741 2986 keith@northeastavionics.co.za deborah@northeastavionics.co.za www.northeastavionics.co.za

Orsmond Aviation 058 303 5261 info@orsmondaviation.co.za www.orsmondaviation.co.za

Owenair (Pty) Ltd

Clive Skinner 082 923 9580 clive.skinner@owenair.co.za www.owenwair.co.za

Par-Avion Exclusive Catering

Jakkie Vorster 011 701 2600 accounts@par-avion.co.za www.par-avion.co.za

PFERD-South Africa (Pty) Ltd Hannes Nortman 011 230 4000 hannes.nortman@pferd.co.za www.pferd.com

Plane Maintenance Facility Johan 083 300 3619 pmf@myconnection.co.za

Powered Flight Charters

Johanita Jacobs Tel 012 007 0244/Fax 0866 66 2077 info@poweredflight.co.za www.poweredflight.co.za

Powered Flight Training Centre

Johanita Jacobs Tel 012 007 0244/Fax 0866 66 2077 info@poweredflight.co.za www.poweredflight.co.za

Precision Aviation Services Marnix Hulleman 012 543 0371 marnix@pasaviation.co.za www.pasaviation.co.za

Propeller Centre Theuns du Toit +27 12 567 1689 / +27 71 362 5152 theuns@propcentre.co.za www.propcentre.com

Rainbow SkyReach (Pty) Ltd

Mike Gill 011 817 2298 Mike@fly-skyreach.com www.fly-skyreach.com

Rand Airport

Kevin van Zyl Kevin@horizonrisk.co.za +27 76 801 5639 www.randairport.co.za

Dr Rudi Britz Aviation Medical Clinic

Megan 066 177 7194 rudiavmed@gmail.com Wonderboom Airport

SAA Technical (SOC) Ltd

SAAT Marketing 011 978 9993 satmarketing@flysaa.com www.flysaa.com/technical

SABRE Aircraft

Richard Stubbs 083 655 0355 richardstubbs@mweb.co.za www.aircraftafrica.co.za

Savannah Helicopters De 082Jager 444 1138 / 044 873 3288 dejager@savannahhelicopters.co.za www.savannahhelicopters.co.za

Scenic Air Christa van Wyk +264 612 492 68 windhoek@scenic-air.com www.scenic-air.com

Sheltam Aviation Durban Susan Ryan 083 505 4882 susanryan@sheltam.com www.sheltamaviation.com

Sheltam Aviation PE Brendan Booker 082 497 6565 brendanb@sheltam.com www.sheltamaviation.com

Signature Flight Support Cape Town Alan Olivier 021 934 0350 cpt@signatureflight.co.za www.signatureaviation.com/locations/CPT

Signco (Pty Ltd)

Archie Kemp Tel 011 452 6857 Fax 086 504 5239 info@signco.zo.za www.signco.co.za

Skytrim Rico Kruger +27 11 827 6638 rico@skytrim.co.za www.skytrim.co.za


Michael Richardson 010 110 9900 michael.richardson@sleepover-za.com www.sleepover-za.com

Sling Aircraft Kim Bell-Cross 011 948 9898 sales@airplanefactory.co.za www.airplanefactory.co.za

Solenta Aviation (Pty Ltd) Paul Hurst 011 707 4000 info@solenta.com www.solenta.com

Southern Energy Company (Pty) Ltd Elke Bertram +264 8114 29958 johnnym@sec.com.na www.sec.com.na

Southern Rotorcraft cc Mr Reg Denysschen Tel no: 0219350980 sasales@rotors-r-us.com www.rotors-r-us.com

Starlite Aero Sales Klara Fouché +27 83 324 8530 / +27 31 571 6600 klaraf@starliteaviation.com www.starliteaviation.com

Starlite Aviation Operations Trisha Andhee +27 82 660 3018/ +27 31 571 6600 trishaa@starliteaviation.com www.starliteaviation.com

Starlite Aviation Training Academy Durban: +27 31 571 6600 Mossel Bay: +27 44 692 0006 train@starliteaviation.com www.starliteaviation.com

Status Aviation (Pty) Ltd Richard Donian 074 587 5978 / 086 673 5266 info@statusaviation.co.za www.statusaviation.co.za

Superior Pilot Services Liana Jansen van 0118050605/2247Rensburg info@superiorair.co.za www.superiorair.co.za

Swift Flite Linda Naidoo Tel 011 701 3298 Fax 011 701 3297 info@swiftflite.com / linda@swiftflite.com www.swiftflite.co.za

The Aviation Shop

Karel Zaayman 010 020 1618 info@aviationshop.co.za www.aviationshop.co.za

The Copter Shop Bill Olmsted 082 454 8555 execheli@iafrica.com www.execheli.wixsite.com/the-copter-shop-sa

The Pilot Shop Helen Bosland 082 556 3729 helen@pilotshop.co.za www.pilotshop.co.za

Titan Helicopter Group 044 878 0453 info@titanhelicopters.com www.titanhelicopters.com

Top Flight Academy Nico Smith 082 303 1124 topflightklerksdorp@gmail.com

Turbo Prop Service Centre 011 701 3210 info@tpscsa.co.za www.tpscsa.co.za

Ultimax Aviation (Pty) Ltd Aristide Loumouamou +27 72 878 8786 aristide@ultimax-aviation.com www.ultimax-aviation.com

United Charter cc Jonathan Wolpe 083 270 8886 jonathan.wolpe@unitedcharter.co.za www.unitedcharter.co.za

United Flight Support Clinton Moodley/Jonathan Wolpe 076 813 7754 / 011 788 0813 ops@unitedflightsupported.com www.unitedflightsupport.com

Velocity Aviation Collin Pearson 011 659 2306 / 011 659 2334 collin@velocityaviation.co.za www.velocityaviation.co.za

Villa San Giovanni Luca Maiorana 012 111 8888 info@vsg.co.za www.vsg.co.za

Vortx Aviation Bredell Roux 072 480 0359 info@vortx.co.za www.vortxaviation.com

Wanafly Adrian Barry 082 493 9101 adrian@wanafly.net www.wanafly.co.za

Windhoek Flight Training Centre Thinus Dreyer 0026 40 811284 180 pilots@flywftc.com www.flywftc.com

Wings n Things Colin Blanchard 011 701 3209 wendy@wingsnthings.co.za www.wingsnthings.co.za

Witbank Flight School Andre De Villiers 083 604 1718 andredv@lantic.net www.waaflyingclub.co.za

Wonderboom Airport Peet van Rensburg 012 567 1188/9 peet@wonderboomairport.co.za www.wonderboomairport.co.za

Zandspruit Bush & Aero Estate Martin Den Dunnen 082 449 8895 martin@zandspruit.co.za www.zandspruit.co.za

Zebula Golf Estate & SPA Reservations 014 734 7700 reception@zebula.co.za www.zebula.co.za

FlightCom: March 2024 35

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