Events Diary: December 15 - February 16

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sage gateshead events diary december 2015 - february 2016

10 Thank you!

Our 10th Birthday Appeal reached its £4m fundraising target in July, meaning that we were able to claim all of the 50% match funding on offer from Arts Council England to establish a new £6m endowment. Interest from this £6m endowment will be used to support our work in music performance and education. We work at grass roots levels in the heart of local communities with all ages and abilities, using music to increase aspiration and confidence in young people and adults throughout the North East of England. The new endowment was only made possible by the generosity of our audiences, participants and staff. We have been overwhelmed with support through one-off and regular donations, people naming seats in Sage One, the Grade-1-athon and 24 Hours of Folk challenges, busking in Gateshead and Newcastle and donations into collection buckets at numerous events.

The following pages show the names of individuals and Foundations who have supported the Appeal. Some have asked to remain anonymous. We are so grateful for all contributions towards the Appeal. Thank you to all! What next? Our annual fundraising continues. Interest from endowments and ticket sales are not enough to fund the breadth of what we do. We will keep on working to keep Sage Gateshead accessible and exciting for each and every person we meet.

400 Club 1989 Willan Trust Anne Abbott Lila Abels John and Florence Adamson Charitable Trust Ann Alexander Tony Allison Alistair Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Music Lover Tony Antcliffe Elaine and Bob Armstrong Dr T.B. and Mrs N. Ashurst Alexandria G Ast John & Ro Barber The Barbour Foundation James and Sandra Bardsley Mr. and Mrs. J M Barker The Barkwill Family Sara Barnard Lara Barnes Dr Eleanor Barron The Barwick Family Ian Basham Trish Bater Christopher Beadle and Colin Ferguson Helen Beaumont The Beckford family Matt and Louisa Beighton Mr and Mrs R T Bell John Bell Charitable Trust Dr Patrick Belshaw Benfield Charitable Trust Linda and Chris Benneworth C. S. Berry Nick and Karen Berry Kim Bibby-Wilson Louise Billcliffe Miss R V Bilverstone Sandra and Gary Binz Rosie Bishop Lesley Blackshaw Jennifer Bloomfield George and Polly Blyth The Board Family Cynthia & Gavin Bolton Mick Bond Bowland Charitable Trust David Boyd Eileen M. Brady

Pam & Vic Branfoot M. Peter Browell Nina and Derek Brown Tim Brown Mrs. Brenda Broxup Yvonne Marie Brundle Les & Alice Brunton Teresa Buisman John and Anne Bundock Mr Denys Burman Phil and Val Burns Mrs C Byron Richard and Valerie Casey John Casken Mr R Chalk Pete Chapman Martin Chapple Mr Philip Chilvers Mr. R. Chisholm Chris and Nance Dr and Mrs John Clarke A and S Cleverley Thomas Cliff M and G Coffey Tony and Elisabeth Compton Wendy Cook Adam Cooper Deborah Cooper H Cooper The Cooper Family Richard and Jackie Couchman Kathryn and David Cowton Christopher Cox Sylvia Craig Jim Craigie Jim & Joan Crawford Sarah Cromarty Professor Alex and Mrs Ann Crombie Paul and Helen Cook Alan & Ceciley Cross Roma Crossland Fiona Cruickshank OBE Steven Cruickshank Bob and Margrit Cullen Joe Cullen Cunard John and Lynn Cuthbert John and Sue Dark Susan and Terry Davey Joyce Davidson

Janet Davies Judi and Gareth Davies Mrs Norma Davies Joan Dawson In memory of Dorothy Denham Eileen & Peter Devanney Mrs C. Devlin Gillian Dickinson Charitable Trust Thérèse Dixon Kim, Jackson & Fraser Douglas Bryan Down A. P. Doyle John Dray and Pam Ranson Spencer Du Sue & Steve Dudding Mrs. L. Duffield Clore Duffield Foundation Philip and Linda Durant Patrick and Wendy Easen Paul and Craig Easton Prof. Howard Elcock Alan England Eileen England Paul and Pauline Evans Lord Falconer of Thoroton (Chairman, Sage Gateshead) Colin Fawcett Margaret Fay CBE DL Alan and Sarah Fearon Peter Fitzsimmons David Fletcher Pat Flood Mr & Mrs R G Fothergill Alan and Eiran Fox Foys, Bradford Julia Freer Goldman Sachs Gives at the recommendation of Christopher French David Fuller Sylvia Fuller David Gallagher John and Linda Gallagher Caroline Gant Jane Garbutt Christine Gardner Kevin and Linda Georgeson Lizzie Gilliam

Ann Gittins M Glister Joelle Godard Mrs. Anne Gooptu Peter Graves C J Kennedy & J.M Greenwood The Groen Family Mr and Mrs E. Hack The Stuart Halbert Foundation Ruth Haldon Design Gary and Sarah Hallberg S and D Hallsworth Ange Hardy & Rob Swan Christopher Q Hardy Mr and Mrs J. W. Hargreaves The Harkness Family Hazel & Alan Harle Dr Y Hart Miss Kathryn Hartley Barbara Hazeldine Hilda and David Hewitt Elizabeth Hills Lesley Hills Rosemary Hind Colin Hinton Anne & Norman Hodgson James and Katy Holland Geoff & Lynn Holmes Mr and Mrs P. Holt Peggy Hooton, Chorus 1973-1995 Mrs. Audrey Hordon Val and Hedley Horsler Miss L Houlden and Mr C Shields Rev John Howard Kathryn and Michael Howard Ray Howell Ian and Liz Hoyle Michael Humble The Humeniuk Family Claire & Ruth Humpherson Barbara Hungin Jenny and Brian Hunt Mrs J and Mr J E Hurst De. and Mrs N. Hutton The Igels Gaynor Isherwood Gwyneth Jackson

Mr & Mrs M Jackson Jane Mr and Mrs Jarah Sue Jenkins Alan Johnson Margaret Johnson Peter Jones Sarah Jones Miss Joan C Kelsall Vivien Kent The Kentridge Family Patrick and Maureen Kesteven Dermot Killingley Dr Nigel Kirkham Edward F. Kirton Christine Knapton Sir James Knott Trust Barbara Lamb Patricia Lankester Jennifer Lauch Howard Layfield Katherine Leadbeter Pat Leadbeter Mary Learoyd Mr Lee Ling Marie Little Michael Lister Anna Loveday Laura, George & Ed Lowes Rosemary Luckett Mrs Margaret Lyth Fiona Macleod Heather Maddison Margaret Maddison and Basil Butcher Kevin & Josephine Mann Professor Peter and Dr Elizabeth Manning Ron and Kathleen Marley John and Kathwleen Marlor S & C Marshall Sally Martin The Marygate Singers in Holy Island Drs A and P Mattinson Richard & Rosalind Maudslay Mr E Mawson Andy & Tricia McCarthy John McCauley M. E. A. McCord Mr Andrew McCrum

Nick McElwaine Tim McElwaine Malcolm McElwee Mrs Pamela McGahon Alpin and Suzanne MCGregor Alan McPherson Alan and Sheila McQueen Alan & Jean Metcalfe D. Middlemast June and Victor Middleton Jonathan Miller Anne Millman Clare Mitchell Carolyn Moir Fiona Monteith-Preston Margaret Montgomery Melanie and Peter Moody Sheila More Mr D A Morrow Christopher and Christine Morton Peter Moth Catherine Mullen Catriona Mulligan and the Jones Family Nick Munton M. Nagle Ms. L. Naylor Derek Nicholas The Nicholson Family Mrs P. & Mr A Nickalls M.B.E John and Heather Niven Anne & Brendan Nolan Nick and Linda Norris John & Belle Nutman Sara Ogilvie Rodolphe Olard & Susan Sinclair Ms W. Oloman Mike Orchard Graeme and Elizabeth Oswald The Owston Family Barnabas Palmer Dominic Parker & Rebecca Ball John & Dorothy Parker Casie and Elizabeth Patterson and Alan Rose Mrs. J. Pattison Brian Peart F. & A. PĂŠdron

Dr. Alan K. Penman The Pentney Family Mr & Mrs D Percival Mr & Mrs Roger Pettican John and Gerda Pickin Mrs Mary Pinder Jessica Plane Abigail Pogson Jim and Florence Pope Mrs Joyce Porter Mr and Mrs J Potts Ian Powell Brian & Evelyn Priestley Ms H M Pringle The Priory Singers Rachel Clare Purcell Anne and Michael Pyle Brian and Susan Race Umbereen Rafiq A. Ramsay Dr David G. Raw The Rawling Family Mr and Mrs D. Raymond Mrs I Rayson Anthony Reather Renata and Trev Tom Render Elaine and Rudy Rengers Mr and Mrs J. Rew Merle Rewcastle Mrs Kathryn Reynalds Penny Reynolds The Richardson Family Philip Riley Lynn Ritchie The Roberts Family Kathleen Robinson Michael and Ann Marie Robinson Sylvia and Edwin Robson Malcolm S. Robson Maureen Robson John & Christine Rodger Megs Rogers June Rose Euan Ross MBE Nick Rossiter Nicola Rowlands-Anders Bill and Margaret Rowlands Mr and Mrs W Ruffell Mrs Jane Ruffer Mrs Marian Ryle

Sage Group plc Carmen Salas Ray Sams Mr. Anthony Sargent CBE Corinne Saunders Dr Brigitte Schneeloch Kathleen and John Scott Elspeth Scott Jenny Secretan Grant and Sandra Shearer Sir Nigel and Lady Sherlock Alan and Judi Sherriff John and Margaret Shipley David Skuse David and Betty Slater Ruth and Colin Smith Tom and Dawn Smith Elliot Smith Fran Smith Judy Smith Mr and Mrs M A Smith Ron and Mariette Smith Sheila and Robert Smith John and Jean Snook Joan Soames Ann Spencer Mr. John. G. W. Stabler Peter Stattersfield Keith and Morag Stead Revd. Canon Peter Strange Sue, Anne and Lynda Alan Suggate Anne Suggate Joan Sunderland, Marygate Singer The Sunniside Ladies Linda and Brent Surrey Christine Swales Tahir Ellie Tarratt Tyne Valley Folk Train John Telfer Linda and Tom TempletonElms Rosie Thomas Carol Thompson Jean Thompson and Don Wright Margaret & Ernie Thornton Sue Tideswell Dr S Tilley

Elizabeth and Ian Tilling Elizabeth Tinker Mr and Mrs S. M. Trafford Dr Tony Trapp Robbie Tulloch Mr P E Turner Adrian Uittermark & Malcolm Marchbank Soo Underwood Miss S Upson Valeria Vanella Dr Robert Vardill The Vardy Foundation Chris and Anne Venables Eileen Walker and family Lord Walton of Detchant The Revd Nigel Warner Mrs Alma Waterhouse Mr & Mrs P Welford David Wells Barrie and Pauline Wetton Mr and Mrs D. Wheeler Ian and Diana White Mr and Mrs Alan Whitfield Roy Whittaker Louise and Peter Wilcock Trevor John Wilkinson Miss Joan Wilson Sue Wilson CBE Susan Wilton Ruth & Alan Wolf Simon and Catherine Wood Vera Wood Andrew Woodward Pamela Woof Wendy Dale & Mike Worthington Judith & John Wright Lesley Wright Margaret Yang Richard C. Yates David and Cynthia Young Jane Young Nicholas and Zinaida Young Katherine Zeserson

10 and thanks also to our many donors who wished to remain anonymous

Every Saturday & Sunday throughout December, plus Monday 22, Tuesday 23 & Christmas Eve

Santa’s winter wonderland

Saturday 12 December

Warm Songs for Winter Days (For under 7 year olds and their families) Sage Two, 11am & 2pm

Meet at Santa’s igloo (The Squires Lounge), 11am, 12noon or 2pm

A hearty stew of songs, dances and theatrical fun to melt away the winter blues.

A fun, interactive 30-minute experience where you can join in with Christmas singing and share your Christmas wishes with Santa himself. Suitable for believers aged 1+.

Tickets: £5 per person

Tickets: £5 per child

Winter Wonderings

Thursday 7 January

(For under 7 year olds and their families)

Baby Sinfonia (For under 12 months)

Sunday 31 January

(2pm will be a relaxed performance)

Bring your baby to this 45 min classical treat with members of Royal Northern Sinfonia. Sway, rock, dance and bounce or just sit back and enjoy the music. Suitable for babies aged 12 months and under.

Set in a snowy magical wood, follow Shula the woodland creature on a fun journey through a selection of favourite fairytales. Help her on her journey, as she meets a host of characters, friends old and new.

Adults and babies must each have a valid ticket


Big Family Festive Sing and Dance (For under 7 year olds and their families) The Barbour Room, 11am, 1pm & 2.30pm

Come and join our Early Years band for an hour of singing, dancing and playing as we celebrate the joy and festive spirit of winter. Tickets: £2.50 per person

We also have lots of

Sage Two, 11am & 2pm

Gateshead Old Town Hall, 11am & 1.30pm

Tickets: £5 per person Concessions: £3

Tuesday 29 & Wednesday 30 December

Tickets: £7 Concessions: £5 Family ticket: £20

Musical Bumps Baby Massage Babies, Babble and Play Under 5s Sing, Play and Dance Family Drum & Sing visit our website or see the latest family fun leaflet for details


Tuesday 1 December


Hazel O’Connor: 35 Years of Breaking Glass

Sage One, 7.30pm

This new up close and personal tour will be everything you already love about Diversity on a more intimate scale. We’ll see Ashley Banjo and Diversity performing exclusively choreographed routines based on their ITV special.


Sage Two, 7.30pm

Tickets: £25 & £35 VIP Packages: £45 & £99

The first ever showing of the digitally re-mastered uncut version of Breaking Glass. The screening will be followed by a performance of songs from the film plus other favourites followed by an intimate Q&A with Hazel herself.

Presented by SJM Concerts

Tickets: £22

Presented by Live Nation

Tuesday 1 December, 5 January & 2 February

Gateshead Ceilidh Club Gateshead Old Town Hall, 8pm

Enjoy easy ceilidh dancing with a group of friendly and enthusiastic people. Cost: £5 (Pay on the door)

Thursday 3 December Riverside Ragas

Wednesday 2 December

Thursday 3 December

Benjamin Clementine plus support

Steeleye Span

Sage Two, 8pm

Following the release of his debut album At Least for Now, Benjamin Clementine combines his unique voice over luscious piano melody, inspired by his time living between London and Paris. Expect something along the lines of Leonard Cohen, Antony Hegarty and Nina Simone.

Sage One, 7.30pm

Folk rock pioneers Steeleye Span are touring with a new live show. Maddy Prior the voice of Steeleye leads a line-up featuring faces old and new. Having recently collaborated with Sir Terry Pratchett on their new album Wintersmith, the evening will see a mixture of new and classic material. Tickets: £19 & £24

Tickets: £14 & £15

Simon Thacker’s Svara-Kanti: Trikala Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 8.15pm

Simon Thacker’s Svara-Kanti explores the meeting of Indian and Western traditions. With singer-songwriter Japjit Kaur whose childhood was hugely influenced by classical and Bollywood music and dance; violinist Jacqueline Shave and Sarvar Sabri, an internationally renowned tabla player. Pre-concert talk at 7.30pm, free to ticket holders. Tickets: £12 Family ticket: £30

Presented with GemArts

SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661


Martyn Joseph Classic Clapton Alison Gill Thursday 3 December

Friday 4 December

International Day of Disabled People

Martyn Joseph

Various spaces, 10am

A day packed full of speakers and performances. This year, Disabled North will be exploring a range of topics including the protrayal of disability in media and sport. Presented by Disability North in partnership with Sage Gateshead. For more information visit

Saturday 5 December

Classic Clapton: After Midnight’s 30th Anniversary Concert Sage Two, 8pm

A journey through the music of Eric Clapton, including Wonderful Tonight, I Shot The Sheriff, Lay Down Sally, Crossroads and Tears in Heaven. Tickets: £12.50 & £15

Gateshead Old Town Hall, 8pm

Guitarist Martyn Joseph will be showcasing tracks from his latest album along with other familiar and much loved material. “One of the most charismatic and electrifying performers in Britain today... tough and passionate.” Tom Robinson, BBC 6Music Tickets: £17.50

Presented with Pipe Records/ Image Acoustic

Sunday 6 December Folkworks

Future Traditions Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 7.45pm

A sneaky preview of a concert heading for Glasgow’s Celtic Connections festival. Future Traditions offers the chance to see new talent from Newcastle University’s Folk and Traditional music degree course. Tickets: £6

Saturday 5 December & 6 February

Play Jazz! Workshop Music Education Centre, 2pm

Want to play jazz but never dared? Or already playing jazz and need a boost? Guided by experienced jazz musicians you will learn to improvise in an informal supportive environment. Suitable for all instruments. Cost: £20 or £18 for Jazz Co-op Members Sunday 6 December

The Cobweb Orchestra in Concert with Alison Gill Sage Two, 7.15pm

Andy Jackson conductor Rossini The Barber of Seville Overture

Grieg Piano Concerto Michael Betteridge Underground Suite

Schubert Symphony No.8 ‘Unfinished’ Tickets: £10

This concert is supported by Arts Council England and National Lottery Funding.


SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661

Miloš Karadagli´c

Saint Etienne

Emma and Daniel Reid

Sunday 6 December

Monday 7 December Folkworks

Young Musicians Live

Royal Northern Sinfonia Classic FM: Miloš

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 1.30pm

Sage One, 7.30pm

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 7.45pm

Sunday 6 December, 17 January & 31 January

Part of our series of lunchtime concerts featuring students from the Centre for Advanced Training. See for further information about our Young Musicians Programme. Free but Ticketed

Bradley Creswick director Miloš Karadagli´c guitar TCHAIKOVSKY Serenade for Strings RODRIGO Concierto de Aranjuez MOZART Symphony No.41 ‘Jupiter’ plus a selection of works for solo guitar

Emma and Daniel Reid

A remarkable pairing of fiddle and saxophone with repertoire rooted in Swedish polskas, waltzes and ceremonial music, plus original French and Scottish tunes too. Tickets: £10

Tickets: £10-£33

Tuesday 8 December

Wednesday 9 December

Winter Choral Celebration

Saint Etienne plus special guests


Sage One, 7.30pm

Sage One, 7.30pm

Sage One, 7.30pm

Join our classical choral groups for a showcase of Sage Gateshead’s Adult Learning Programme, including performances by Chamber Choir, Femme Chorale, Project: Singing and Philharmonic Voices

Their debut album Foxbase Alpha, established Saint Etienne as a quintessentially English proposition, part Lyons Corner House, part acid house, and their love of techno, the Beach Boys and classic English pop marked them out as something charmingly unique.

Valerie Reid soprano Graeme Danby bass Ray Farr musical director Reg Vardy Brass Band Fishburn Brass Band

Monday 7 December

Tickets: £5

Tickets: £23.50

Festive Brass, Christmas medleys and popular seasonal music with superb soloists. Tickets: £15


magic of motown showaddywaddy Thursday 10 December

Magic of Motown Sage One, 7.30pm

Featuring the music of The Four Tops, The Supremes, The Temptations, The Jackson Five and Stevie Wonder, Britain’s biggest Motown spectacular promises an all star, hit packed show.

Friday 11 & Saturday 12 December

Royal Northern Sinfonia: Rejoice Sage One, Friday 7.30pm, Saturday 3pm

Tickets: £24.50 & £27.50

Former school inspector Gervase Phinn joins Royal Northern Sinfonia bringing his colourful and enchanting tales to this Christmas favourite.

Presented with

Tickets: £10-£33

Supported by The Vardy Foundation

the overtones Friday 11 December, Gateshead Old Town Hall, 7pm Friday 12 February, northern rock foundation hall, 7pm

Krocodile Klub A friendly atmosphere where people with learning disabilities can make new friends, meet up with old ones, hear great music, dance and perform on open mic. Tickets: £5 with supporting staff free

Sunday 13 December Saturday 12 December Saturday 12 & Sunday 13 December

Christmas Craft Fair and Family Fun Day Concourse, 11am-4pm

Carol singers, live music, handmade delights, gifts, craft workshops, face painting, special appearance by Santa Claus, performance from Bjorn the Polar Bear (Saturday only) and more festive fun! Free

Showaddywaddy Christmas Party Sage Two, 8pm

Showaddywaddy have long been established as one of Europe’s most successful exponents of retro-inspired rock ‘n’ roll. The demand for these legendary performers is still every bit as strong 40 years on. Tickets: £20 (standing) & £22 (seated)

Presented by The Gig Cartel

Inspiration and Royal Northern Sinfonia: Joy to the World Sage One, 3pm & 7.30pm

Gary Griffiths musical director

Mark Deeks assistant musical director

Charlie Charlton narrator Cliff Lee signed song interpreter

Festive favourites meet Disney as Inspiration Choir present this favourite seasonal offering. Tickets: £17 Family ticket: £50


smoove and turrell

belshazzar’s feast

albion christmas band

Sunday 13 December

Monday 14 December

Wednesday 16 December

Ravenswood Singers: Christmas Magic

The Learning Alliance Christmas Concert


sage Two, 7.30pm

Sage One, 7pm

Come and spend a delightful evening with talented singers and dancers from Encore Dance Entertainment as they treat you to a great selection of Christmas favourites.

Musicians from Park View and Ponteland Schools perform an eclectic mix of Christmas favourites, guaranteed to get you in the Yuletide spirit.

Paul Sartin (Bellowhead and Faustus) and Paul Hutchinson (Hoover The Dog) combine traditional folk music with seasonal material and a bit of pop and music hall, topped off with lashings of wry humour.

Tickets: £15 & £17

Tickets: £10 available through schools directly

Wednesday 16 December

Friday 18 December

Christmas Party with The Overtones

Smoove & Turrell’s Festive Sage Stuffing plus Hyde & BEast and Grey Tapes

Sage One, 7pm Doors

The Overtones celebrate the most wonderful time of the year, not only with a new album, Good Ol’ Fashioned Christmas, but an evening of live Christmas songs to get you in the festive spirit. Tickets: £21.50–£38.50 VIP Package: £99

Sage One, 7.30pm

Get on the good foot with the North East’s finest purveyors of funk and soul and their friends, plus DJs on the Concourse until 1am. Tickets: £22.50

Belshazzar’s Feast Sage Two, 8pm

Tickets: £12

Saturday 19 December Folkworks

Albion Christmas Band Sage Two, 8pm

Founder of Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span and The Albion Band, Ashley Hutchings is joined by Kellie While, Simon Care and Simon Nicol for an evening of traditional Christmas music, humorous readings and dance. Tickets: £16 & £18

Presented by SJM Concerts & Live Nation

SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661



gareth malone

royal northern sinfonia

Saturday 19 December

Saturday 19 December

Sunday 20 December

Christmas Speakeasy

Royal Northern Sinfonia: Messiah

Concourse, 8pm

Sage One, 7pm

The swingin’ Sage Speakeasy piano karaoke bar returns with a fun party atmosphere, singing hosts and plenty of Christmas spirit.

Harry Bicket conductor Mary Bevan soprano Anna Stephany mezzo

Young Musicians Live: Centre for Advanced Training Christmas Festival



Joshua Ellicott tenor David Soar bass Chorus of Royal Northern Sinfonia

HANDEL Messiah Tickets: £10-£33

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 10.30am Sage Two, 10.30am, 12.15pm and 2.30pm

Students from our Centre for Advanced Training perform a set of concerts, showcasing their skills and development across their first term. Free but ticketed

One ticket provides access to all performances Sunday 20 December Folkworks

Shine Sage Two, 8.30pm

Shine combine three distinctive voices, Mary Macmaster, Corrina Hewat and Alyth McCormack, with harps and harmonies, lush vocals and Christmas sparkle. Tickets: £14

Vocal Harmony Workshop Led by Shine: 4.30-6pm Cost: £10 (Combined workshop/ concert ticket: £22 )


Sunday 20 december

Sunday 20 December

Gareth Malone

Jambone/Paul Edis Christmas Concert

Sage One, 7.30pm

Following his search for Briatin’s most entertaining a capella group, BBC2’s The Naked Choir with Gareth Malone, Gareth is excited to announce his second and even bigger tour with his choir, Voices. Tickets: £25-£45 VIP package: £99

Presented by SJM

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 7pm

Following their appearance at the London Jazz Festival, where they worked with the award winning Beats & Pieces, Jambone return for a rip roaring finale to 2015. Tickets: £7 Under 14s: FREE

lilliput Tuesday 22 December

Lilliput plus support Sage Two, 8pm

Now into its fifth year, Lilliput bring their annual Christmas concert to Sage Gateshead this December. Past years have seen the band sell out The Cluny, Sunderland Minster and Independent Sunderland. Tickets: £10 & £11

christmas ceilidh Tuesday 22, Wednesday 23 & Thursday 24 December

Royal Northern Sinfonia: The Snowman Sage One, Tuesday 5pm, Wednesday 11am, 2pm & 5pm, Thursday 11am & 2pm

BLAKE The Snowman IAN STEPHENS We’re Going on a Bear Hunt It wouldn’t be Christmas without it... Experience the family favourite brought to life by Royal Northern Sinfonia.

the snowman Tuesday 22 December

The Snowman – Relaxed Performance Sage One, 2pm

BLAKE The Snowman A relaxed performance of Howard Blake’s magical score, accompanied with a screening of the film, in a supportive and relaxed environment suited to families and those with autism or disabilities. Tickets: £12-£14 family ticket: £40

Tickets: £16-£20 Family Ticket: £55-£63

Wednesday 23 & Thursday 24 December

Folkworks Family Christmas Ceilidh Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 2pm

A festive family favourite with traditional music and dance. Bring your dancing shoes and all the family as our expert callers have one and all joining in the fun. Very young children will need an adult to carry them through some of the moves.

Wednesday 23 December

Sunday 27 December

Folkworks Christmas Ceilidh

So This Is Christmas!

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 8pm

Sage One, 7.30pm

Our annual Christmas Ceilidh is ridiculous fun and a great way to let your hair down. It’s the ideal pre-Christmas party with lively music and if you’ve never stripped the willow before don’t worry, all dances will be explained.

Join the best yuletide party in town for seasonal classics that will make the most dedicated Scrooge wish it could be Christmas every day! Tickets: £23 & £26 Family ticket: £75

Presented with Flying Music

Tickets: £10

Tickets: £8

SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661


THURSDAY 31 DECEMBER Celebrate the turn of the year in truly rambunctious style with the mighty and irrepressible BELLOWHEAD, arguably the most successful folk band of recent times, right at the centre of a New Year’s Eve party to end all parties!

Bellowhead in concert Big Night Festival feel

Concourse Ceilidh with English Metalcore Dance band GloryStrokes

DJ sets

THE BEST NEW YEAR ON TYNESIDE! Tickets: £45 Wining and Dining package available


jez lowe

glenN miller orchestra Royal Northern Sinfonia

Sunday 27 December

Tuesday 29 December

Wednesday 30 December


The Glenn Miller Orchestra led by Ray McVay WITH GUESTS the Jiving Lindy Hoppers

Swing Bridge Singers in Concert

Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies Mistletoe on Tyne Sage Two, 2pm

This is a unique take on Christmas in Northern England with festive songs from the award-winning Jez Lowe. Plus special guest Benny Graham. Tickets: £10 & £12

Sage One, 3pm

In a show the whole family can enjoy, you will experience the excitement of the sound of this incredible orchestra and marvel at the pure energy of the Jiving Lindy Hoppers. Tickets: £23 & £25

Sage Two, 3pm

The Swing Bridge Singers invite you to experience their unique teenage energy in every style of close-harmony singing, from Abba to Zulu, via barbershop and blues, folk, funk and the music of film. Their much-loved annual reunion concert features current singers alongside exmembers in a festival of family entertainment. Tickets: £12

Friday 1 January

Saturday 9 January

Saturday 9 January

Royal Northern Sinfonia: New Year’s Day in Vienna

Music Theory with Paul Edis

Come & Try Day Steel pans | ukulele

the Barbour room, 10am

Sage Gateshead, 10am, £8

Learn how to read music, how chords and harmony work, understand rhythms, time signatures and more. Each session will include elements of performance and composition in a hands-on approach to music theory.

Guitar | saxophone

Sage One, 3pm

Christian Kluxen conductor Royal Northern Sinfonia’s New Year favourite returns with waltzes, polkas and marches from the Viennese masters with an additional Scandanavian twist.

Tickets: £15

Tickets: £10-£33

SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661

JG Windows, newcastle 10am, FREE

Start the new year with a new skill. Come and try steel pans or ukulele at Sage Gateshead, or for the first time you can try guitar or saxophone at J G Windows as part of our new partnership. For sessions at J G Windows please email adultprogramme@ For Sage Gateshead sessions please book via


paul carrack sitkovetsky piano trio Saturday 9 January

Saturday 9 January

Paul Carrack

Royal Northern Sinfonia Chamber Schubert Octet

Sage One, 7.30pm

The Sheffield born singersongwriter and former frontman of Ace, Squeeze and Mike & The Mechanics returns to the road in early 2016.

Sage Two, 8pm

ROSSINI String Sonata No.3 WAGNER Siegfried Idyll

Tickets: £28.50 & £38.50


Presented with CMP

Tickets: £16

Wednesday 13 January

Thursdays from 14 January – 24 March

Newcastle International Chamber Music Series Sitkovetsky Piano Trio Sage Two, 7.30pm

DEBUSSY Cello Sonata RAVEL Piano Trio TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Trio Tickets: £12-£19 standing tickets: £8

Yoga Gateshead Old Town Hall, 2.30pm

Come and experience the benefits of a regular yoga class on your health, well being, vibrancy, body, mind and energy levels. This a warm, relaxed, welcoming and friendly class. No prior experience needed. Tickets: £9 per session

(Block booking available)

the classic rock show Tuesdays from 12 January – 22 March

Dalcroze Gateshead Old Town Hall, 6.30pm

Movement for music lovers, music for movers. Explore music through movement in this fun Dalcroze class led by Alison Woodward. Cost: £6 per session

Friday 15 January

The Classic Rock Show: Top 20 Greatest Guitar Riffs of All Time live! part II Sage One, 7.30pm

This critically acclaimed show will focus on some of the greatest moments in rock guitar history with rock gems best known for their irresistible hooks and instantly recognisable songs. Tickets: £22.50 & £32.50

Presented with CMP


SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661

NEW YEAR, NEW ARTISTS The performers of the future unite for a week of forging new directions in music and performance. From indie, folk, classical and jazz disciplines we have gathered together the artists who will be the ones to watch in the coming years – and you can see them here first. The opening weekend features classical artists, selected by the leading concert halls in Europe as part of the ECHO network, performing their personal favourites alongside newly commissioned work. Saturday 16 January, sage two

Sunday 17 January, sage two

11am Harriet Krijgh cello

12pm Meet the artists

1.30pm Performance by members of

Including Rachmaninov Cello Sonata

12.30pm Meet the artists 2pm Remy van Kesteren harp

Sage Gateshead Centre for Advanced Training

3.30pm Benjamin Appl baritone

performing the music of Federico Mompou

3.30pm Cathy Krier piano

Including Ravel Valses nobles et sentimentales

5pm Meet the artists

including Schubert Dichterliebe


Quatour Zaïde (string quartet) Including Beethoven String Quartet Op.130 and Grosse Fugue

Single tickets: £16 | Day Pass: £30 Weekend Pass £50

Tuesday 19 January

Thursday 21 January

Friday 22 January

Jazz: Laura Jurd’s dinosaur plus early bird band

Folk: Will Pound and Eddy Jay, plus Talisk

Royal Northern Sinfonia: The Virtuosos

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage Two, 8pm

Newly appointed BBC New Generation artist Laura Jurd with her band, Dinosaur. Think Electric-Miles with a punk sensibility - a band ready to create seismic shifts through the medium of electric trumpet. Plus the Early Bird Band - young North East musicians destined to go places!

Folk brought to you by winners of the BBC 2 Folk award, Talisk, who were described by Simon Mayo as ‘setting scary standards’. This new folk talent double bill also features Will Pound and Eddy Jay, harmonica and accordion duo, delivering a refreshing take on the tradition.

Tickets: £10

Tickets: £10

Saturday 23 January, Sage Two, 8pm

Sage One, 7.30pm

Lars Vogt conductor Magdalena Faust clarinet Anastasia Kobekina cello Jamie Bergin piano TCHAIKOVSKY Variations on a Rococo Theme

CHOPIN Piano Concerto No.2 WEBER Clarinet Concerto No.2 plus winning pieces from young composers’ competition Tickets: £10-£33 pre-concert talk at 6.30pm

Indie/alternative: To be announced Be the first to discover the best new artists about to break in 2016. British Underground and Sage Gateshead bring you an unmissable night shining the spotlight on the hottest acts in the UK. Plus pregig workshop exploring international taste-maker events like Austin’s SXSW and New York’s CMJ. Who gets to play, how do you apply and where can you get funding? See website for line up nearer the time. Tickets: £10


patty griffin

alistair anderson

Friday 15 January

Saturday 16 January

Patty Griffin plus support

Join in and Sing: Fauré Requiem

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage One, Rehearsals 10.30am performance 6pm

GRAMMY winning singersongwriter Patty Griffin has her roots in Gospel and has perfected a stripped down folk-rock-country sound that is uniquely her own. Tickets: £19.50 & £22.50

Sing Fauré’s Requiem in the perfect setting of Sage One with Royal Northern Sinfonia and conducted by Simon Fidler. Why not bring a group from your choir and make a day of it? With a free sharing performance for your friends and family at 6pm.

the lone bellow Wednesday from 20 January until 30 March

Sing Together Spring Term Gateshead Old Town Hall, 7.15pm Cost: £60 Full Term Saturday 2 April The Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas, 7.30pm

Sing Together Concert Gounud St. Cecilia Mass Tickets: £7.50

Rehearsals: £10 Performance: Free Saturday 23 January

Saturday 23 January




Burns Night Supper

Winter Workout Day

Winter Workout concert: Alistair Anderson, Sophy Ball, Sandra Kerr, David Oliver and Ian Stephenson

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm

A celebration of the work of the revered Scottish Poet. Bagpipes will herald the haggis with traditional music throughout the evening and dancing to complete the night. The banquet will include a three course dinner with a glass of whisky. Tickets: £35 Booking closes 20 January 2016.


Gateshead Old Town Hall, 10am

Intermediate and advanced workshops for all instrumentalists and singers keen to expand their repertoire and technique. Tickets: £15 per session, £36 for whole day (3 sessions)

Saturday 23 January

Gateshead Old Town Hall, 8pm

A sparkling night of traditional Northumbrian music from musicians at the heart of the Folkworks programme. Tickets: £12

Winter Workout Day participants get concert tickets for £10

michael schenker joe brown

the rails

Sunday 24 January

Monday 25 January

Wednesday 27 January

The Lone Bellow plus support

Michael Schenker’s Temple of Rock

Beethoven Sonata Cycle

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage Two, 8pm

One of the boldest acts in the Americana movement, this Southern-born, Brooklynbased trio have a sound that harmoniously mixes folk sincerity, gospel fervour and heavy metal thunder.

Award-winning guitarist Michael Schenker, with his band Temple of Rock, perform a set featuring songs from his new album plus MSG, UFO & Scorpion classics.

Saleem Ashkar piano

Tickets: £12

Tickets: £25

BEETHOVEN Piano Sonatas No.4; No.9; No.10; No.15 ‘Pastoral’ Tickets: £16 & £20

Presented by The Gig Cartel

Wednesday 27 January

Tuesday 29 January

Saturday 30 January

Joe Brown In Concert


Vieux Farka Touré

The Rails

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage One, 7.30pm

Sage Two, 8pm

Packed with timeless classics, rockabilly, gospel, country, folk and rock ‘n’ roll, all interwoven with Joe’s effervescent delivery and humorous reminiscences, this sensational show is a musical journey not to be missed.

Winners of the 2015 Radio 2 Folk Award and Mojo’s No.1 Folk Album, The Rails, featuring Richard Thompson’s daughter, Kami Thompson, and her husband James Walbourne (Pretenders, Pogues etc).

Referred to as The Hendrix of the Sahara, Vieux Farka Touré is the son of legendary Malian guitar player Ali Farka Touré and is known as probably the finest Desert Blues guitarist on the planet.

Tickets: £23.50 & £25.50

Tickets: £15

Tickets: £10 standing & £12 seated

Presented with Flying Music

SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661


rebecca ferguson


anda union

Saturday 30 January

Sunday 31 January


Rebecca Ferguson plus special guests

Royal Northern Sinfonia Classic FM: John Wilson’s Bohemia


Sage One, 3pm

A relaxed performance of Winter Wonderings, in a supportive and relaxed environment suited to families and those with autism or disabilities. Listeners are free to move around and make noise during this performance.

Sage One, 7.30pm

Inspired by Billie Holiday and Diana Ross, and compared to Aretha Franklin and Nina Simone, the double platinum selling singer is back!

John Wilson conductor Jack Liebeck violin DVOrÁK Carnival Overture

Tickets: £22.50-£35

KORNGOLD Violin Concerto

Presented by Live Nation

SMETANA Excerpts from Má Vlast Tickets: £10-£33

Sage Two, 2pm

If you’d like to talk about your specific requirements or arrange a pre-visit to the building, please email accessible.learning@ Tickets: £7

Monday 1 February

Wednesday 3 February

Villagers plus support


Sage Two, 8pm

After playing Sage Two in 2010, Villagers return to Sage Gateshead now with three critically acclaimed albums to their name, with the latest album, Darling Arithmetic, being their most intimate work to date. Tickets: £15

Transatlantic Sessions Sage One, 7.30pm

From the award-winning Pelicula/BBC TV series, the Transatlantic Sessions continue to revisit shared roots and forge new common ground between today’s finest Celtic and Americana musicians with Aly Bain and Jerry Douglas and special guests to be announced.

Family ticket: £20 Wednesday 3 February

Newcastle International Chamber Music Series: Skampa Quartet Sage Two, 7.30pm

HAYDN String Quartet Op.103 (unfinished)


Tickets: £23.50-£27.50

Quartet No.3, ‘Mad Piper’

Presented with Asgard

SMETANA String Quartet No.1 in E minor, ‘From my life’ Tickets: £12-£19 standing tickets: £8


SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661

john grant

owen jones

lanterns on the lake

Friday 5 February

Friday 5 February

Saturday 6 February

Royal Northern Sinfonia: Mozart Mass in C Minor

Anda Union

Lanterns on the Lake with Royal Northern Sinfonia

Sage One, 7.30pm

Clemens Schuldt conductor

Steven Hudson oboe Sally Matthews soprano Rosemary Joshua soprano Stuart Jackson tenor Thomas Tatzl baritone Chorus of Royal Northern Sinfonia BECK L’île déserte Overture STRAUSS Oboe Concerto

Sage Two, 8pm

The brilliant 9-piece band from Inner Mongolia integrate traditional forms - like the now-famous throat singing - into a sound uniquely and mysteriously Mongolian but with a strong appeal to a western sensibility. Tickets: £15

Sage One, 7.30pm

Presenting a very special collaboration between Royal Northern Sinfonia and Newcastle indie rock pioneers Lanterns on the Lake, following the release of their new album Beings. Tickets: £15

Monday 8 February

Owen Jones: The Politics of Hope Sage Two, 8pm

Wednesday 10 February

Royal Northern Sinfonia RNS Up Close: Timothy Orpen

Sunday 7 February

How we can build societies run in the interests of working people? The popular Guardian columnist and author of Chavs and The Establishment shines some light on a positive way forward.

MOZART Mass in C minor ‘The Great’ Tickets: £10-£33

Sage Two, 8pm


Tickets: £10 & £12

Future Traditions

Presented with Lakin McCarthy

Northern Rock Foundation Hall, 7.45pm

Timothy Orpen clarinet Fiona Winning viola John Reid piano

wednesday 10 February

FINZI Five Bagatelles

John Grant


Sage One, 7.30pm

MOZART Trio ‘Kegelstatt’

A night of songs from students from the Newcastle University Folk and Traditional Music degree course. Songs to stir the heart, add a smile and rouse in chorus! Tickets: £6 Under 18s: £3

With the release of his third album, John Grant returns to Sage One performing tracks from Grey Tickles, Black Pressure plus songs from the critically acclaimed Pale Green Ghosts. Tickets: £22

BRAHMS Clarinet Sonata No.2

GIAMPIERI Carnival of Venice Tickets: £16


howard jones

gareth davies-jones Mark billingham & my darling clementine

Thursday 11 February

Friday 12 February

Friday 12 February

Howard Jones: An intimate evening of songs and stories


Royal Northern Sinfonia The World of Rodgers and Hammerstein

Sage Two, 8pm

Howard Jones’ solo shows are an intimate trip through his 30 year career. Howard shares behind the scenes stories and reveals the inspiration behind the songs in these rare acoustic shows. Tickets: £22.50

Presented by The Gig Cartel

The Seam: Songs from the Heart of the Mining Institute with Gareth DaviesJones, The Felling Brass & The North East Socialist Singers Sage Two, 8pm

The Seam features singersongwriter Gareth Davies-Jones performing original songs arising from his song-writing Residency at The Mining Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne’s remarkable literary Cathedral to the Coal Trade.

Sage One, 7.30pm

Martin Yates conductor Royal Northern Sinfonia take to the West End to present the music of Rodgers and Hammerstein. Leading singers perform favourite songs from Oklahoma, Carousel, South Pacific, The King & I and The Sound of Music. Tickets: £10-£33

Tickets: £13

Saturday 13 February

Saturday 13 February

Saturday 13 February

Mark Billingham and My Darling Clementine: The Other Half

Join the Dots: Music Reading for Singers with Simon Fidler

Hallé & Sir Mark Elder

Sage Two, 8pm

Music Education Centre, 10am

A collaboration between leading lights of crime fiction and country music, an original story by bestselling crime writer Mark Billingham is sound tracked by the songs of Americana duo My Darling Clementine. Tickets: £13


If you love singing but wish you could read music, then discover how to find your way around notation in this session led by conductor Simon Fidler. Tickets: £15

Sage One, 7.30pm

Sir Mark Elder conductor Roderick Williams baritone RACHMANINOV Isle of the Dead

MAHLER Kindertotenlieder SIBELIUS Symphony No.1 Tickets: £13-£36

anna reay

gogo penguin


Sunday 14 February

Sunday 14 February

Wednesday 17 February

Black Dyke Band

One Enchanted Evening with Anna Reay

Runrig: The Story plus support

Sage Two, 8pm

Scottish band Runrig take to the road once again to celebrate the release of their studio album, The Story.

Sage One, 2pm

Formed in 1816, Black Dyke Band is the most recorded brass band in the world with over 350 recordings and growing every year. Tickets: £14.50

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with an evening of music and romance in the company of Anna Reay. Anna and her band will take you on a journey showcasing a mix of classic and modern love songs.

Sage One, 7.30pm

Tickets: £28

Presented by 3a Entertainment Ltd

Tickets: £16.50 & £18.50

Presented by cgPR Wednesday 17 February

Thursday 18 February

Friday 19 February

Tetzlaff/TETZLAFF/ VOGT Trio

GoGo Penguin plus support

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage Two, 8pm

Lars Vogt piano Christian Tetzlaff violin Tanja Tetzlaff cello


GoGo Penguin draw on a heady brew of influences from Brian Eno, John Cage, Massive Attack, EST and Aphex Twin to create their unique, grooveheavy, highly lyrical, acousticelectronica sound.

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment: Night Shift

BRAHMS Piano Trio No.1

Tickets: £15

SCHUMANN Piano Trio No.2 DVORÁK Piano Trio No.4

Tickets: £16 & £20

Sage Two, 9pm

Classical music minus the rules Bring in a drink? Check. Clap and cheer whenever you want? Sure. Snapchat it to your friends? No problem. The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s latenight series comes to Sage Gateshead for the first time with an hour of music by composers including Henry Purcell. Tickets: £16

SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661


elkie brooks

anton and erin jamie smith’s mabon

Saturday 20 February

Saturday 20 February

Sunday 21 February

Sing & Strum with Dave Wood

Elkie Brooks


northern Rock foundation hall, 10.30am

Now in the 5th decade of her career, she is still proving to be one of the most powerful and versatile vocal talents of our generation. With numerous hit singles, million selling albums and awards, her annual tours are treat for fans old and new.

A workshop aimed at intermediate level strummers who want to learn to sing at the same time. Suitable for any strummed instrument playing chords.

Sage one, 7.30pm

Jamie Smith’s Mabon Sage Two, 8pm

They are rightly hailed as one of Britain’s ‘must see’ live acts, their music travelling beyond borders to explore the forms and styles of the Celtic traditions and work them anew.

Tickets: £21.50 & £26.50

Tickets: £12

Wednesday 24 February

Thursday 25 February

Thursday 25 February

Anton & Erin: Just Gotta Dance

Leona Lewis plus special guests

Sage One, 7.30pm

Sage One, 7pm Doors

An exciting new choreography, sparkling costumes and a sensational show band featuring the London Concert Orchestra and star vocalist Lance Ellington - performing timeless music from the golden age.

The most successful British female solo artist in the UK chart history with 8 top 5 hits to her name including Bleeding Love and Run, Leona Lewis now has a 4th studio album, I Am.

Royal Northern Sinfonia Late Mix: New Music from the North

Tickets: £20-£45

VIP Package: £99

Presented with Raymond Gubbay

Presented by SJM Concerts & Live Nation

Tickets: £15

Tickets: £29.50-£55

Sage Two, 9pm


KAIJA SAARIAHO Spins and Spells

LARSSON String Quartet No.3


MAGNUS LINDBERG Clarinet Quintet Tickets: £16


SAGEGATESHEAD.COM | 0191 443 4661

leona lewis

mcgoldrick, mccusker and doyle

Saturday 27 February

Sunday 28 February

Sunday 28 February

Samling Masterclass and Concert


McGoldrick, McCusker and Doyle

Royal Northern Sinfonia Classic FM: John Wilson’s Russia

Sage Two, 8pm

Sage One, 3pm

A rare chance to see three members of the BBC acclaimed Transatlantic Sessions, Michael McGoldrick, John McCusker and John Doyle, share a stage together.

John Wilson conductor Denis Kozhukhin piano

Sage Two, 1.30pm (Masterclass) 5.15pm (Concert)

Hexham-based Samling, the UK’s leading promoter of emerging opera singers, presents its latest Masterclass, taking you behind the scenes to show how classical stars are born. Eight young professionals are put through their paces by world-class artists, before showing in concert how they’ve learned from the masters.

Tickets: £15.50 & £17.50

GLINKA Ruslan and Ludmila Overture

TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto No.1

RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Scheherazade Tickets: £10-£33

(combined masterclass and concert ticket)

Tickets: £15

Monday 29 February

Rumours of Fleetwood Mac


Sage One, 7.30pm

All the classic hits from one of the most outstanding and enduring catalogues in the history of rock music in meticulous note-for-note detail. Tickets: £22.50-£32.50

Presented with CMP

Tuesday 2 February

Saturday 6 February

Joe Jackson

Tim O’Brien plus support

Sage One, 7.30pm

Sage Two, 8pm


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Here’s one for the classically curious...

Tickets for Under 30s

Follow these three steps for an austerity-dodging arts fix.

kindly supported by

Fri 22 Jan | 7.30pm | Sage One New Year, New Artists: The Virtuosos Fri 5 Feb | 7.30pm | Sage One Mozart Mass in C Minor Thu 3 Mar | 7.30pm | Sage One Mozart in Paris

Step 1: Get your Bar 5 ticket for a fiver from our Ticket Office for one of the concerts listed

Fri 25 Mar | 7pm | Sage One Bach Mass in B Minor

Step 2: Enjoy an evening of music performed by Britain’s leading chamber orchestra Royal Northern Sinfonia

Thu 5 May | 7.30pm | Sage One Mustonen’s Sibelius Six

Step 3: Present your ticket at the bar and sip on a FREE tasty bottle of Heineken

Fri 10 Jun | 7.30pm | Sage One Finale: Vogt’s Sibelius Seven

For more information, visit Tickets subject to availability; offer available to those aged 18-30; proof of age may be requested on arrival.

BOOKING YOU CAN BOOK: In person at Sage Gateshead By phone on 0191 443 4661 Online at You can select your seat when you book online. See website for Ticket Office operating hours.

PURCHASING TICKETS Payment can be made by Mastercard, Visa, Debit and Maestro/Switch cards or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to North Music Trust and please include your card number on the reverse. Where you book a ticket for a show, exhibition, display, event or performance at Sage Gateshead you agree to our terms and conditions. Fees - A ticket fee will be applied to all bookings. This fee is waived for walk-up cash sales and tickets costing £5 or less. Reprints - ticket reprinting will be charged at £2.50. If you request first class postage a fee of £1 will be charged. Please visit the website for more information and an up to date fee structure. The information in this Events Diary is correct at the time of printing but is subject to change.



Book a multibuy deal and save on your classical concerts marked ‘M’. Book from as little as five concerts to receive discounts from 10%-25%, plus other benefits including a choice of payment options and priority booking for next season. Ask at Ticket Office for details.

You can buy gift certificates from Ticket Office or from our website: they are available in denominations of £1 and multiples thereof. Gift certificates are redeemable online, for more information please contact Ticket Office or visit our website.



Concessions for under 16s, students and the unemployed are available for many of our performances: ask Ticket Office for details. Parents/carers with a Max Card are also eligible for discounts on Under 5s sessions and family shows. Please ask at Ticket Office for details. Children aged 2 and under may sit on your lap and therefore do not require a ticket, unless attending under 5s sessions, family events, family performances or workshops. For every performance, one free ticket is available for the carer of those who need assistance to attend the performance.

Family Tickets Family tickets consist of four tickets including at least one adult and one child. These can only be puchased directly through Ticket Office.



£5 standby tickets may be available on the day for selected concerts.

When collecting prepaid tickets, please bring the credit card with which you paid and appropriate identification.

Sign up to receive ticket alerts by emailing studentstandby@ with ‘Standby’ in the subject line.


All standby tickets sold subject to availability. Valid NUS card required.

Ticket cancellation protection is now available at a cost of £2 per ticket. This will protect you against cancellation resulting from accidents, unexpected illnesses and adverse weather where the Police service or other Government Agency have issued warnings not to travel. For full terms and conditions visit our website sagegateshead. com or call Ticket Office on 0191 443 4661.

REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES Please note we are unable to offer refunds except in the event of a cancelled performance. Sage Gateshead reserves the right to substitute artists and alter the advertised programme without prior notice. This does not affect your statutory rights. Tickets may be exchanged for seats for the same or higher price for a performance of the same production up to 24 hours before the performance. Exchanges are strictly subject to availability. A £2.50 handling fee will be charged per transaction. All original tickets must be produced before an exchange can be processed. Handling fees will be retained in the event of an exchange.

travel and general information METRO


Thanks to the generosity of Nexus, you can travel on the Metro to and from Gateshead free if you are attending a ticketed performance at Sage Gateshead: simply retain your ticket for inspection on the Metro.

There is a drop off and pick up point at our west door. We have our own car park with lift access directly behind the building. If you enter and exit within thirty minutes, there is no charge. With entry between 6am to 5pm, charges are per hour with payment made at our ticket machines prior to returning to your vehicle. For entry after 5pm, a fixed charge applies. Full details of our charges are available on our website.

Sadly, free travel to educational classes is no longer available.

BUSES For selected concerts, we also run concert buses from Hexham (via Corbridge), Carlisle (via Brampton) and Alnwick (via Felton, Morpeth and Gosforth). On Thursday 29th January (Royal Northern Sinfonia concert), there is an additional bus service from Teesside. Tickets are £7.50 and can be booked through our Ticket Office. The QuayLink bus service runs both north and south of the Tyne to St Mary’s Square outside the west door of Sage Gateshead. Sage Gateshead is on route Q1. Check nexus. quaylink.

ACCESSIBILITY Sage Gateshead is designed to be as accessible as possible to people with all kinds of disabilities. Please ring 0191 443 4666 for access information or download it from the visitor information section of our website. Please inform Ticket Office of your special requirements. Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome.


Private tours can be arranged for groups of any size to learn more about the building and our organisation. For many of There are a number of priority spaces for blue badge our concerts, you can book ten full price tickets and holders immediately to the rear of the building and by the claim an eleventh ticket free. We welcome coach parties. lifts in our car park. Please Please call take your car park ticket to the Coats Desk, with your car 0191 443 4705. registration number, for an exit ticket.


BUILDING OPENING HOURS AND CLOSURES See our website for full opening and closing hours. Sage Gateshead reserves the right to fully or partially close the building for conferencing or maintenance purposes.

GATESHEAD OLD TOWN HALL Gateshead Old Town Hall is approximately an 8 minute walk from Sage Gateshead. Gateshead Old Town Hall, West Street Gateshead, NE8 1HE Ticket Office 0191 443 4661 Facilities Include: Accessible toilets Assistance dogs welcome Automatic doors Lift access Street level access Wheelchair spaces Opening Times: Somethin’s Brewin’ opening times Monday-Friday from 9am.

You can select your own seat for most Sage One and Sage Two concerts when you book online at Sage ONE For concerts with ‘Standing available’ the floor is lowered for a standing/dancing area. Tickets must be purchased specifically for this area. The areas behind the stage are not always on sale. Please ask Ticket Office. A* tickets: Seats closest to the stage are offered on selected shows. Occasionally these tickets may have ‘added value’ extras (these will be detailed on our website,

Sage TWO Sage Two is a flexible, ten-sided space, and is set up for each concert according to what will provide the best experience for the audience: there are three levels, and levels 2 and 3 are gallery-style spaces. The main options are:



(default): the stage is across one end of the hall: there are rows of seats on the flat floor and some raised seating towards the rear. Seated tickets are numbered, standing tickets are not.

like Theatre, but the seats on Level 1 are tables and chairs on a flat floor. Seating around tables is not numbered.

FAMILY LAYOUT: like Theatre style, but the stage is lower and there are mats at the front where you can sit with your children. Tickets for Level 1 are not numbered: tickets for Levels 2 and 3 are numbered.

CLUB LAYOUT: Level 1 is standing, with unnumbered tickets specifying access to the Level. Levels 2 and 3 are numbered seating. Drinks are allowed in on Level 1 only.

IN THE ROUND LAYOUT: the stage is in the centre of the hall with seats on every side. All tickets are numbered: areas A (Level 1), B (Level 2) and C (Level 3) are seated; areas D (Level 1) and E (Levels 2 and 3) are standing and not always on sale.

Sage ONE AND TWO In seats on the sides of Levels 2 and 3, you have to lean forwards to obtain a full view of the stage. Please ask our staff for more information.


Concession prices available.

Multibuy - Book a multibuy deal and save on your classical concerts marked with this symbol.

Buses run from Hexham (via Corbridge) and Alnwick (via Felton, Morpeth and Gosforth).

Photography © Mark Savage, Jacob Blickenstaff, Richard Kenworthy, Snowman Enterprises Ltd. 1982, 2014), Andrew Whitton, Sally Baitch, Neil O’Brien Entertainment

Every gift is important to us and there are many ways you can support Royal Northern Sinfonia and the work of Sage Gateshead. Join our Sage Supporters An annual membership costs from £40 per year which supports the work of Sage Gateshead and offers a range of benefits, including generous discounts and invitations to exciting events. For more information visit Ticket Office Visit Email: Become a Friend of Royal Northern Sinfonia An annual membership that supports the work of Royal Northern Sinfonia, benefits include priority booking for our Classical Season and exclusive members’ evenings. For more information visit Ticket Office or email

Make a Gift in your Will Making a Gift in your will is one of the most enduring gifts you can make. As well as tax benefits, you have the satisfaction of knowing your donation will go on supporting our work long into the future. Email: or call 0191 443 4563. Become a Principal Partner A great way to demonstrate a significant commitment to a favourite ‘chair’ in our orchestra, Royal Northern Sinfonia. Email: or call 0191 443 5038

Thank You Sage Gateshead values its partnerships with individuals, trusts and foundations, and companies Core revenue support is also provided by Arts Council England, North East and Gateshead Council. As a registered charity (number 1087445) this support is vital to allow us to continue and develop our work. Founding Patrons (Tyne & Wear Community Foundation) The Sage Group plc The Barbour Foundation Northern Rock Foundation The Garfield Weston Foundation Joan and Margaret Halbert Endowment Donors The Shears Foundation The David Goldman Programme The Go-Ahead Group plc Northern Arts Board Fenwick Ltd Northumbrian Water Benfield Charitable Trust The Sir James Knott Trust Greggs plc The David Boardman Trust Roland Cookson Fund 1989 Willan Trust Stuart Ayre Legacy Legacy Bequests Joan Lees

10th Birthday Endowment Donors (held by Sage Gateshead) The Barbour Foundation The Vardy Foundation Stuart Halbert Foundation Clore Duffield Foundation Mr & Mrs M Howard Ms W Oloman Benfield Charitable Trust John Bell Charitable Trust The Sir James Knott Trust 1989 Willan Trust 400 Club Christopher Beadle and Colin Ferguson Mr J Cuthbert Sage Group plc Gillian Dickinson Charitable Trust Christopher French Lord Falconer of Thoroton (Chairman, Sage Gateshead) Mr Anthony Sargent CBE John and Florence Adamson Charitable Trust Cunard Bowland Charitable Trust

Trust and Foundation Supporters The Garfield Weston Foundation The Hadrian Trust The Kavli Trust The Monument Trust Netherton Park Trust The Radcliffe Trust The Sir James Knott Trust The Vardy Foundation The WA Handley Charitable Trust Youth Music Royal Northern Sinfonia Season 14/15 kindly supported by The Barbour Foundation. Thank you to all our Principal Partners for supporting the work of Royal Northern Sinfonia.

Corporate Partners Platinum Partners Chairman: Lord Falconer of Thoroton

Gold Partners

Sage Gateshead St Mary’s Square Gateshead Quays Gateshead NE8 2JR

Silver Partners

Bronze Partners Baker Tilly DFDS Seaways Go North East Hays Travel O’Brien Waste Recycling Solutions Rutherford Wilkinson Ltd Solution Group The Open University Ticket Office: 0191 443 4661 Welcome Desk: 0191 443 4666 Brasserie: 0191 443 4654

We are proud of our environmental awareness: to see our policy and learn about the 2 Star Industry Green award from Julie’s Bicycle, visit the About section of our website. This paper is sourced from well-managed forests and other controlled environments, as certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. North Music Trust is registered in England as a company limited by guarantee, number 4044936 and as a charity, number 1087445.

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