SA Golf Trader Magazine Jan Feb 2022

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Send us your letters, giving us your views, opinions or articles of interest (max 500 words). The most interesting letter will be published in the next edition of SA Golf Trader. Dear Editor

Dear Shane

Recently I heard someone say that the days of a father playing ball outside with the children were on the way out. They implied that computer games such as Wii were taking over and that children from now on would start to abandon traditional sports and become addicted to their television sets and computers.

I could not agree with you more. Though computer games and the like are very much a part of life today there can very few things better than playing rugby, soccer, golf or whatever in the park with your children.

What a lot of nonsense! I have young children and it seems to me that outdoor activities are alive and well with children longing for simple pleasures such as kicking a ball or hitting a ball around the garden. Golf in particular is a perfect activity as it provides uninterrupted family time outdoors and is also a great way to spend quality time with your family and friends! It is great exercise in a beautiful setting. Golf helps children learn how to focus and teaches great life lessons - respect, integrity, sportsmanship, camaraderie and problem solving. It is also an excellent business tool for networking when they get older.

When it comes to golf, I think that more children should be encouraged to visit driving ranges and that a round of golf needs to become more of a family activity. In addition, children should be encouraged to attend golf tournaments as they do for rugby, soccer, cricket etc.


Golf is a game for a lifetime and can be appreciated by young and old. How many other sports can a parent, child and grandparent participate in together? I feel that sport (real sport) will always be a part and parcel of our children’s lives. Regards Shane Middleton


January | February 2022

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