The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Writing encourages you to advance your creative thinking with a wide-ranging exploration of writing in multiple genres while maintaining a firm grounding in literary study. Fully integrated into SAIC’s studio departments, you explore the relationship between language and visual art by connecting writing to painting, performance, film, sound, comics, graphic novels, illustration, and gallery exhibitions.
The BFA in Writing sequence is designed to deepen each student’s individual aesthetic concerns, combining in-depth reading with intensive creative output and feedback. Credits are dispersed across a variety of classes: a first-year Contemporary Practices course, a two-semester literature survey, multigenre workshop and advanced workshops, generative seminars, and elective credits in both studio and Liberal Arts. The capstone experience in the BFA in Writing curriculum is the UG Thesis for BFAW Seminar.

• The Art Institute of Chicago
• The Flaxman Library
• The Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection
• Ryerson and Burnham Libraries
• Department of Prints and Drawings Study Room
• The Video Data Bank
• Galleries and alternative exhibition spaces including the SAIC Galleries, student-run SITE Galleries, Siragusa Gallery, and the SAIC INCUBATOR Program
• Roger Brown Study Collection
• Gene Siskel Film Center
• Fashion Resource Center
One of SAIC’s most distinguishing features is our interdisciplinary curriculum. With us, you will not declare a major, but will have the creative freedom to customize your education among our 18 departments or concentrate in one single medium.
We recognize that successful 21st-century artists, designers, and scholars begin their work with ideas and research, adapting the appropriate media to best realize their visions.
Interested in Learning More?
WITHIN THE BFA IN WRITING, RESOURCES INCLUDE: Visit the undergraduate admissions website at saic.edu/ug or contact the undergraduate admissions office at 800.232.7242 or ugadmiss@saic.edu
Front: Monika Paulaviciute, Lie, wood, paper, string.