Early College Program Seoul

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Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 18

Two Course Offerings:

• Designed Objects

• Drawing/Painting/ Comics and Graphic Novels

Credit: Chris Mijares

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago is pleased to bring our esteemed Early College Program Summer Institute to the world-class city of Seoul.

Taught by our SAIC school faculty, and held in the incredible art classrooms and studios of Seoul Foreign School, this summer two-week intensive program is designed to educate, engage, and inspire secondary school students who are passionate about art and design in the 21st century.



Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 18 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


$3,696 USD (2.0 College Credits)

$1,200 USD (non-credit, rising 10th graders)

Students may bring their own packed lunch with them to school, or food will be available for purchase.


• Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive 2 college credits that may be transferable to other accredited institutions.

• Earning college credits in pre-college programs is a commonplace practice in the United States. Many high schoolers earn credit before embarking on their undergraduate degrees.

• Most accredited institutions in the United States and abroad accept these credits. The process is similar to a student transferring to a different school.

• Early College programs are a benefit to a student’s resume in addition to helping them create a competitive portfolio to include in their art and design application.

• Students must be at least 15 years old and not older than 18 years of age, and have completed grade 10 of their secondary school to enroll for credit.

2025 SAIC 조기 대학 프로그램

7월 7일 ~ 7월 18일

월~금, 오전 9시~오후 4시

학생들은 점심 도시락을 학교에 가져오거나 음식을 구입할 수 있습니다.

$3,696 USD (2.0 학점)

$1,200 USD (비학점, 9학년 학생만 해당)


• Students typically complete 2-3 projects during the program resulting in portfolio ready pieces.

• Participants in ECPSI Korea are not expected to bring work in progress or to complete any preliminary assignments before the start of the program.

• SAIC faculty will share influential works from modernist and contemporary artists to give context and provide inspiration.

• Students will be guided by demonstrations and one-on-one instruction to learn new skills that will help them execute their vision.


Following the ECPSI course, there will be an exhibition on Seoul Foreign School’s campus, as well as a presentation for students and their families.

대학 학점

• 프로그램 완료후, 학생들은 SAIC나 다른 대학으로 이

전할 수 있는 2학점을 취득합니다.

• 대학 예비 프로그램에서 대학 학점을 취득하는 것은 미국에서 흔합니다. 많은 고등학생들이 학사 학위를 시작하기 전에 학점을 취득합니다.

• 미국과 해외의 대부분의 공인 교육기관은 이러한 학 점을 인정합니다. 이는 학생이 다른 학교로 전학하는 것과 비슷한 과정입니다.

• 조기 대학 프로그램은 예술 및 디자인 지원서에 포함

시킬 수 있는 경쟁력 있는 포트폴리오를 만드는 데 도 움이 될 뿐만 아니라 학생의 이력서에도 도움이 됩 니다

• 학생은 최소 15세 이상, 18세 미만이어야 하며, 대학 학점을 받으려면 10학년을 마쳐야 합니다.

수업 세부정보

• 학생들은 보통 프로그램 기간 동안 포트폴리오 준비물인 2-3개의 프로젝트를 완료합니다.

• ECPSI Korea 참가자는 프로그램 전 진행 중인 작업이나 예 비 과제물을 가져올 필요가 없습니다. • SAIC 교수진은 모더니스트 및 현대 예술가들의 영향력



In our summer program, you will be empowered to bring your ideas to life, whatever form they may take. The possibilities are truly limitless, and you will leave our Seoul program a more confident maker with innovative, portfolio-quality work.


Like our undergraduate degree programs, you will be working in the studio all day — allowing you to really experience what it is like to be a practicing artist or designer. Classes meet from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. And of course, there is time for lunch and breaks!


Because contemporary makers and scholars need to experiment, be bold and take risks, work done in the Early College Program is evaluated by critique, rather than traditional grading models. During the critique, you will discuss your ideas and processes, and get valuable feedback from your instructors and peers.


You will receive portfolio feedback from your instructors: one-onone advice about constructing a portfolio that best represents you. They look at thousands of portfolios and can provide you with expert advice!

Students entering their senior year who successfully complete the program also receive the following:

• A large number of ECPSI students receive top merit scholarships to our undergraduate degree program.

• Fee waiver for SAIC’s application via the Common Application

• Students create portfolio-ready work to enhance their admissions portfolios.


Work closely with dedicated faculty to elevate your artistic skills. Explore a diverse range of media—including wet and dry techniques, ink, pencil, charcoal, collage, observational drawing, and storyboarding—or experiment with mixedmedia approaches. This course features tailored demonstrations aligned with your interests, and ample time for self-directed exploration. Engage in dynamic discussions and critiques with peers, develop portfolio-quality work, and receive personalized support in crafting a competitive application for art and design college programs.


This course provides an in-depth exploration of modern product creation, focusing on Designed Objects. Through hands-on projects and personalized mentorship, you will generate and refine concepts, investigate materials and techniques, and develop unique proposals. Explore the work of innovative creators while strengthening essential skills in sketching, analysis, and creative problem-solving. The course includes tailored demonstrations based on your interests, opportunities for independent experimentation, and expert faculty support. Engage in discussions and critiques with peers, produce portfolio-worthy work, and receive comprehensive guidance to build a competitive application for art and design college programs.


• Earn college credits that may be transferred to whatever college you choose to attend.

• A large number of ECPSI students receive top merit scholarships to our undergraduate degree program.

• Students create portfolioready work to enhance their admissions portfolios.


Students may register online at saic.edu/ecpkorea

Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis and early registration is encouraged due to limited class capacities.


2-week session:

$3,696 USD—two college credits

$1200 USD—non-credit tuition (rising 10th graders)

Cancellations and Changes

SAIC Continuing Studies reserves the right to cancel or alter the fees, schedule, or staffing of courses when circumstances warrant. If a cancellation or change is necessary, students will be notified prior to the first class, and students enrolled in cancelled courses will have the option of taking another class or receiving a full refund.

Refund Policy

All requests to drop a class must be submitted in writing to ecp@saic. edu and include the student’s name, ID number, and course information. 100 percent of tuition is refundable if courses are dropped by Tuesday, April 1, 2025. No refund will be given for classes dropped after this date. Refunds can take up to four to six weeks to process.

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago is one of the most historically significant accredited independent schools of art and design. Our accolades are many, including recognition by Columbia University’s National Arts Journalism survey as “the most influential art college in the United States,” our consistent ranking among the top graduate fine arts programs in the nation by U.S. News and World Report, and our ranking as one of the top ten art schools in the world by QS World University Rankings.

Seoul Foreign School (SFS), serving the international community of Seoul, has been “inspiring excellence and building character” for more than 100 years. SFS was one of the first 200 schools worldwide authorized to offer the IB program of instruction.

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