Renowned as one of the most formidable programs in the country, our Photography program stands out for its unwavering commitment to exploring, comprehending, and pushing the boundaries of traditional and experimental forms of image making, while nurturing students as emergent artists, intellectuals, and professionals.
Beyond imagery
In addition to the exploration of imagery, the faculty exhibit an exceptional range of diversity in their artistic practices. This enables them to provide extensive support for a wide spectrum of experimentation and investigation, accommodating interests spanning the full gamut of photography. Students are encouraged to embrace conceptual challenges and push the limits of their technical skills and boundaries, tapping into the expertise available both within and outside the department to help articulate and pursue their unique and personal artistic visions.
Intellectually rigorous
The program places a strong emphasis on critical thinking skills as students engage in meaningful critiques with their peers. Students augment their photographic projects with extensive research, delving into both historical and contemporary cultural contexts to enrich their personal artistic pursuits. The department offers various opportunities to ensure students emerge as competent practitioners.
Students refine their practice by delivering two public lectures, honing their critical writing skills and the ability to effectively articulate their ideas. They are guaranteed teaching assistantships for each semester of the program.
Facilitating artistic growth
Students are provided with private studios and have access to up-to-date facilities and equipment. By engaging in the Parlor Room Lecture Series and the SAIC Visiting Artist Lecture Program, students interact closely with visiting artists, art historians, critics, and curators who engage in critiques and studio visits. In addition, students collaborate with a curator on the creation of a departmental catalog showcasing their work, further contributing to their professional development.
For more information on the program and application requirements, please visit:
Justice Apple I want to feel that mischief when I cut flowers out of my neighbor’s garden at 1463 Sedgefield Drive
Parlor Room Lecture Series
This series offers students the opportunity to select, recruit, and work closely with visiting artists, critics, and curators, who participate in critiques, roundtable discussions and studio visits with graduate students.
Photography students have access to a wide range of equipment and facilities, including:
• Individual graduate studios with dedicated critique space
• 2,000+ square foot fully equipped digital facilities, including more than 38 editing workstations and colorcalibrated monitors, Imacon, copy-stand and flatbed scanners, 20 professional digital printers with output up to 42” wide, and calibrated print viewing stations
• Two Advanced Checkout Centers. The Photo facilities window supports our lab facilities. The 280 Media Center checks out photo equipment for off-campus use, including digital full-frame mirrorless and medium-format cameras; analog 35mm, medium-format, and view cameras up to 8”x10”, and a large selection of lenses and accessories
• Black and white darkroom with 13 enlarger stations
• Film processing room with up to 4 processing stations
• Dedicated alternative process darkroom that supports a wide range of activities, including historic and current alternative processes and digitally enlarged negatives
• 3-Bay Professional Shooting studio outfitted with dedicated strobe systems, backdrops, and a tethered 100 Megapixel digital studio camera system
• SAIC Service Bureau with 62 inch inkjet printer, wideformat latex printer, pre-press quality laser output, book binding capabilities, and a wide variety of printing media
For complete faculty listing visit:
Application Deadline: January 10
Curriculum Requirements
Art History
ARTHI 5002 Graduate Survey of Modern and Contemporary Art (3) or ARTHI 5120 Survey of Modern and Contemporary Architecture and Design (3)
Art History Courses
Participation in four graduate critiques
Participation in ONE of the following as appropriate to artistic practice: Graduate Exhibition, Graduate Performance Event, Graduate Screenings Total Credit Hours
Application Process
› Online application
› Official college transcripts
› Statement of purpose
› Letters of recommendation › ePortfolio
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