Portfolio Said Dokins 2017

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Selected works by Said Dokins saidokins@gmail.com +52 1 5530482199 http://saidokins.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/SaidDokins/ https://instagram.com/saidokins/


Said Dokins relates to calligraphy and graffiti as intermediate practices of inscription and trace, twisting symbolic orders and as a place of political enunciation. Dokins lives and works in Mexico City. His cultural practice takes on contemporary art production, research and cultural management. He has put on curatorial projects related to urban arts and a number of political issues happening in his country. Among other awards, is the winner of the Iberoamerican Contemporary Art Creation Prize, Cortes de Cadiz, Juan Luis Vasallo 2015 in Cadiz, Spain. His work as an artist has been shown nationally and internationally in countries as Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, El Salvador, Peru and others. It takes up the economy of medieval calligraphy, the energy and expressiveness of japanese calligraphy, besides creating a poetic based on pre-phonetic writing. For Dokins every experience is a trace, a psychic impression that creates a texture in our symbolic universe. In that sense, calligraphy and graffiti aren’t just on paper and ink, on the walls and spray, but on every event of our existence. https://saidokins.blogspot.mx/ https://www.instagram.com/saidokins/ https://www.facebook.com/SaidDokins/

Work in progress, 2015. Said Dokins. Querétaro. México. Photos: Leonardo Luna.


Said Dokins / Outdoors

Said Dokins, Chalchihuite, 2017. Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art, MUCA, Munich. Germany. Photo: Leonardo Luna Video: https://vimeo.com/229454545

Said Dokins / Outdoors

​Lapiztola & Said Dokins. DEL BARRIO / MI MERCED. 2017. 200 m2. Wall Dialogue #2. Mexico City. Photo: Leonardo Luna

Said Dokins / Collaborations

​Monkey Bird and Said Dokins. ‘Le message secret’ Correspondances. 2016 300m2. Bordeux France. Photo by Leo Luna.

Said Dokins / Outdoors

​​Said Dokins Sun/Moon ‘Die verborgene Schrift’, 2016. Freiraumgaleriel, Halle, Germany. Photo: Leonardo Luna In Halle are this kind of abandoned neighborhood, that is going through a recovery process. OpenSpaceGallery has created a recovery program through art, creating murals among other strategies of neighborhood improvement, which favor dialogue with the community, and also elaborate participative prognosis, where the inhabitants share their needs and inquiries.

Said Dokins / Outdoors

“Tratado de los bordes. Puesta en escena de los sujetos pasivos” María Paulina Briones. Guayaquil, Ecuador for Interactos 2016. 400metros Plataforma de arte urbano in Universidad de las Artes de Guayaquil.

Said Dokins / Collaborations

Devenir animal (Becoming animal), 2016. Calligraphy & stencil intervention. Collaboration Monkey Bird & Said Dokins. San Miguel de Allende. MĂŠxico.

Said Dokins / Outdoors

Said Dokins. Stolen suns, 2015. Calligraphic intervention. Camden, London UK. Photos: Rodrigo Cervantes.

Said Dokins / Outdoors

Said Dokins. Alive, 2015. Calligraphic intervention. Brick Line. London UK. Photos: Rodrigo Cervantes. Text on wall:

“You will rise from any place, anywhere, to greet and hug me, and recover in that embrace, all the suns that they have stolen from me

They took them alive! we want them alive!�

Rosario Ibarra

Said Dokins / Outdoors

Apuntes de la frontera. (Notes about border), 2015. Calligraphic intervention 60 m2. Cรกdiz, Spain. Photos: Miguel Gรณmez

Said Dokins / Outdoors

Storys with one word, 2014. Calligraphic intervention Universidad PolitĂŠcnica de Valencia. Poliniza Festival. Spain. Photo: Kike Sempere


Said Dokins / Indoors

Said Dokins ‘Die verborgene Schrift’, 2016. IBUg Street Art Festival, Limbach Germany. Photo: Patrick Richter This year, IBUg Festival took place in a small textile factory in Limbach, abandoned just after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The project “The Hidden Text”, attempts to elaborate a reflection on history and the marks that certain events leave behind. In Germany, the former division remains there in a different way, it’s visible through architecture, people’s life style, economy, or even social control and politics.

Said Dokins / Indoors

Sol (Taiyo 太é™˝) 2014. Calligraphic intervention 325m2. Centro Cultural Futurama. Photo: Leonardo Luna.

Said Dokins / Indoors

Apariciones. (Apparitions), 2012 - 2013. Installation. Photos: Leonardo Luna 580 acrylic plaques inscribed with the names of the “disappeared” (victims of clandestine, political abductions) in Mexico, from 1972 to 1998. Based on figures provided by the Eureka Committee (Committee for the Defense of Prisoners and Mexicans politically persecuted, disappeared or exiled) and H.I.J.O.S (which stands for “Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice against Oblivion and Silence and is the Spanish for “children”). The inscriptions appear and disappear, depending on the intensity of the ultraviolet rays)

Said Dokins / Collaborations


Said Dokins & Leonardo Luna. Does your murder beget your God or your God beget your murder? The Time, 2017 Heliographies of Memory Series. The Monument to the Battle of the Nations / Vรถlkerschlachtdenkmal, Leipzig, Germany

Said Dokins & Leonardo Luna. The Time, 2017. Heliographies of Memory Series. Semperoper/Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden, Germany

Said Dokins & Leonardo Luna. Capitalism as a religion. Heliographies of Memory Series. Bordeaux, France


Said Dokins / Canvas

Said Dokins / Canvas

Sun & Moon, 2016. Acrylic / canvas, 155 x 90 cm Signed

Said Dokins / Canvas

“Ghosting 01” (2015).

“Ghosting 02” (2015).

Ink and watercolor on Fabriano paper. 100×70 cm. Signed

Ink and watercolor on Fabriano paper. 100×70 cm. Signed

Contact Said Dokins saidokins@gmail.com +52 1 5530482199 http://saidokins.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/SaidDokins/ https://instagram.com/saidokins/

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