said rais

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CREDITS Concept & Post-production: Said Rais Performer: Said Rais 04, 2016 | Bouskoura | Casablanca

C u r r i c u lu m V i ta e S a i d R a i s , Visuel et Artiste sonore

Né en 1986 à Tiznit (Maroc), vit et travaille actuellement entre Tiznit et Paris. Born in 1986 in Tiznit (Morocco), currently lives and works between Tiznit and Paris.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitaeæ

Said Rais

Diplômes obtenus : 2014 : Diplômé de l’Institut National des Beaux Arts de Tétouan (Maroc) 2013 : certificat professionnel en LABOFICTIONS VIDEO SUMMER CAMP, à l’école d’art d’Aix-en-Provence, (France) 2012 : Diplôme de premier cycle de l’Institut national des Beaux-Arts de Tétouan. (Maroc) 2010 : Baccalauréat en arts appliqués (école al Massira al khadra Tiznit). (Maroc)

-École, Formations :

L’institut national des Beaux Arts de Tétouan (Maroc)

Expositions collectives :

2018: African video art program at « Experiments in cinema » Festival in Albuquerque Curated by Kisito Assangni, New Mexico (USA) 2018: PUBLIC POOL #5 « VOISINAGES » Cité internationale des arts, Paris 2018: 2ème édition des Rencontres Photographiques de Rabat. Espace Expressions CDG Rabat MA 2018: The african art exhibition curated by Kisito Assangni at DEPART FOUNDATION in Los Angeles & Malibu, 2017: Screen at 1:54 ART FAIR, curated by LE 18, London 2017: 2ème édition des Rencontres Photographiques de Rabat 2017. Espace Expressions CDG Rabat MA 2017: «Héros, Anti-héros et Personnages Extraordinaires» Comptoir des Mines Galerie - CM Galerie, Marrakech MA 2017 : Group exhibition ART CONTEMPORAIN #2 CMOOA palace Es saadi, Marrakech MA 2017: YaPhoto screening Yaounde, November 2017, Cameroun 2017: Group exhibition Flash Generation at Fondation Alliances / Casablanca, Maroc 2016: Common spaces ABC interventions dans l’espace public, Amman 2015 / Berlin 2016 / Casablanca 2016 2016 : STILL FIGHTING IGNORANCE & INTELLECTUAL PERFIDY Video art from Africa Curated By Kisito Assangni [show 1] IWALEWAHAUS Universität Bayreuth Wölfelstrasse Germany 2016: Group exhibition ART CONTEMPORAIN #1 CMOOA palace Es saadi de Marrakech MA 2015: Screening at Texas State University School of Art & Design, Texas 2015: Exposition collective «Much Silence» dessins contemporains. Le18, derb el ferrane, Marrakech. MA 2015: Exposition collective «Mastermind», galerie GVCC, Casablanca, Maroc 2015: MUSEUM of new art Armada, Michigan 2014: «Air/Port Exhibition», Antwerpen Belgique 2014: ART WEB GALLERY, Musée/galerie d’art EXHIBITION ONDA MEDIALE 2014: MUSEUM Mohammed VI for Modern and Contemporary Art – Morocco, Rabat 2014: Facade video festival, Bulgaria. 2014: Soirées Vidéos, MADE Les Alters’Natifs à Cobonne, France. 2014: Photography exhibition «Project Alena» Municipal Library of Faro, Portugal. 2014: 7th edition of TIME is Love Screening – international video art program 2014 in UK, France, USA, Germany, South Korea, Slovenia. Curated By Kisito Assangni [show 1] THE INVISIBLE LINE GALLERY, London [show 2] GALERIE TALMART Paris, France [show 3]Pink Gallery, SEOUL, South Korea [Show 4] VOVATANYA GALLERY, Ukraine [Show 5] KOLEKTIVA INSTITUTE, Slovenia [Show 6] TORRANCE ART MUSEUM, California 2014: Elements of Nature ; gallery “Halle 50”, Munich, (Germany) 2013: Group exhibition 100 years, 100 artists, 100 works, at the art space for Banque societe Generale, Casablanca (Morocco) 2013: Night Art Video # 3 o25rjj Contemporary art in the inhabitant, Loupian (France) 2013: The Popular Event Contemporary Art «Between Dog & Wolf» Loupian (France) 2012: 12th International Festival of Animated Film of Meknes, in partnership with the French Institute of Meknes (Morocco) 2012: participated in (MISSION IMPOSSIBLE) : Project concept: by Dr. Lusine Breitscheidel (Germany) 2012: Projection du DVD project Mahler Exhibition at Dar Al-Ma’mun Within the framework of the International Programme meeting INHA artistic practices and research in the Maghreb and the Middle East, Marrakech (Morocco) 2012: Video night # 2 Commissary: Younes Baba-Ali and Simohammed Fettaka Dvd Project / International Platform for Art video on «The Cube» Gallery (Morocco) 2012: Sélection Marocaine pour la projection vidéo en partenariat avec l’Institut Français de Rabat et DVD Project (Maroc) 2012: Collective exhibition at the headquarters of the very foundation of Mediterranean Cultures in Seville (Spain) 2012: Participated in the painting competition Fast «Creamos» celebrated in Tetouan (Morocco) 2012: Selected Video Contest & Posters in Casablanca. 2011: la projection vidéo au projet «Le Jasmin l’emportera,artistes des insurrections arabes». au Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, dans le cadre des Plateformes Arts en Méditerranée - Paris 2011: Le Jasmin l’emportera at the Gallery Talmart, Paris (France) 2011: Expositions collectives //Projections de courts-métrages NOUZAH FENNIA- Festival de Casablanca

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitaeæ

Said Rais

-Résidence :

2018: Cité internationale des arts 2017: Cité internationale des arts 2016: Résidence La Ruche L’Atelier de l’Observatoire, Casablanca (Ma) 2015: Résidence d’artiste à Sefrou, Culture Vultures fez (Ma) 2014: T H I N K I M L I L # «summer art residency» Le 18, derb el ferrane, siège Dar Toubkal, Imlil, Marrakech (Maroc). 2012: Proposition pour un laboratoire des pratiques artistiques et curatoriales. le projet est initié par Younes Baba- Ali et Simohammed Fettaka, à L’institut Français de Rabat - Galerie Le Cube, Maroc

-Art Biennale :

2018 : 4th International Biennial of Casablanca led by artistic director Christine Eyene is entitled« Tales from Water Margins » Morocco. 2018 : The work <23:59:60> at Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018 curated by Minja Gu 2016: DETROIT BIENNALE // Museum of New Art | MONA Armada, Michigan 2014 : « Ici, maintenant, où » projet Saout radio, biennale de Marrakech, curated by Younes Baba- Ali & Anna Rai mondo, Marrakech (Maroc). 2013 : Biennale Du nord au sud - Sud-Grésivaudan (France). 2011 : «BJCEM», «Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée», 15e édition, Thessalonique, (Grèce).

-Festival :

2016: Group exhibition in Dijon , ItaliArt Festival, curated by Francesca lolli (France). 2014: MADATAC -Contemporary Festival of New Media Arts & Advanced Audio Visual Technologies, Madrid (SP) 2014: 4éme Edition Festival Digital Marrakech,curated byAbdellatif BENFAIDOUL & Abdelaziz TALEB, (Maroc) 2014: International program of the V International Videopoetry Festival, (Argentine) PALAIS DE GLACE, THE PARENT PROJECT SPACE, ART SCHOOL LEOPOLDO MARECHAL, BALI ZABALA ART SPACE AND TECHNOLOGY, NATIONAL LIBRARY, MUNICIPAL MUSEUM OF MODERN ART MENDOZA 2014: II International Short Movies Festival Biblioteca Municipal De Faro, (Portugal) 2013: l’image Festival City / Cinéma, l’architecture et l’espace urbain / Bruit Brut 02 présenté par Karine Maussière, Marseille (France) 2013: Festival Mundial Arte pela Pas - International Art Festival in Uba, (Brazil) 2012: 3éme édition Festival Digital Marrakech,curated Abdellatif BENFAIDOUL & Abdelaziz TALEB, (Maroc) 2012: ART_SO Vidéo Festival 2012, Exposition collective d’art vidéo, Rennes, (France) 2011: Select for video projection at the International Short Film Festival «CATACOMBES» (Spain)

-Prix :

2016: Bourse (ministère de la culture) le domaine des Arts plastiques et Visuels (Maroc) 2016: 2ème prix « Une photo pour ma planète» pour la COP22 2014: 1er prix «CARREFOUR DE REGIONAL ARTISTES PEINTRES MAROCAINE», Ma 2012: 1ére prix au Concours PRIX BERTUCHI à L’institut national des Beaux Arts de Tétouan, Ma 2012: 3ème prix au concours video : PAROLES URGENTES, Casablanca, Ma 2011: 2ème prix ou concours Marathon Vidéo du COURT- METRAGE à Casablanca, Ma

-Workshops :

2013: International Workshop video creation, LABOFICTIONS VIDEO SUMMER CAMP project CAMPUS, Mar seille-Provence 2013 European City of Culture, at Art School of Aix-en-Provence (France)

-Bibliographies / Press : 2018: something we Africans got, curated by @annaalixkoffi 2017:The book «Penumbra» 2017 by @Adonay Bermúdez - Catalog CMOOA / VENTE AU ENCHÈRES ART CONTEMPORAIN #2 2017 -Catalog 2ème édition des Rencontres Photographiques de Rabat 2017. Espace Expressions CDG Rabat -Catalog Flash Generation VENTE AU ENCHÈRES at Fondation Alliances . / Casablanca 2017 -Catalog 2ème édition des Rencontres Photographiques de Rabat 2017. -Catalog DESSIN CONTEMPORAIN – CM GALERIE «Héros, Anti-héros et Personnages Extraordinaires» -Catalog Common spaces ABC ,Amman 2015 / Berlin 2016 / Casablanca 2016 - Catalog CMOOA / VENTE AU ENCHÈRES ART CONTEMPORAIN #1 2017 -Catalog «Mastermind», galerie GVCC -RV-DiptyK N28-avril-mai.2015 -1Catalog fukushima (International Art Event) -2Catalog fukushima (International Art Event) - Press-CAMPUS 2013 LaboFictions - Video Summer Camp - ESAAix - RV-DiptyK – fév-mars 2013 - Catalog100 years, 100 artists, 100 works,, for Banque societe Generale, Casablanca - Bruit Brut 02 electronics and aperiodic Review photography -RV-Actuel N° 157 - août/september 2012 - Catalog ART_SO Video Festival 2012, Rennes - Press-Evènement Populaire d’Art Contemporain

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitaeæ

Said Rais

-Organisation / Curating : 2016 : International video art exchange program in Marrakech, curated by Said Rais [show 3]-2018-cité internationale des arts Paris [show 2]-2016-the greenhouse of the cyber park in Marrakesh, during the 6th Marrakech Biennale. Morocco [show 1]-2016-RM.74 during the Philippines art month. Davao city philippines 2015 : «Coffee Project-1st Ed» curatorial proposal of video art, screening the video in Cafe, Tiznit Maroc 2015 : «Much Silence» contemporary drawings, co-curator for selection with M‘barek Bouhchichi. Marrakech. MA 2014 : «Air/Port Exhibition», Antwerpen Belgique Video Art curator for the Moroccan selection.

Présentation 2016 : Video night #10 a Le Cube - independent art room, Rabat (Ma) 2016 : La Serre au Cyber Parc, Marrakech (Ma) 2015 : La Serre au Parc de la Ligue Arabe // Plateforme / espace temporaire participatif , Casablanca (Ma) 2015 : Culture Vultures fez (Ma)


Né en 1986 à Tiznit (Maroc), vit et travaille actuellement entre Tiznit et Paris. Born in 1986 in Tiznit (Morocco), currently lives and works between Tiznit and Paris. Through multidisciplinary practice involving video, sound, installation, performance, photography, and drawing, I aim to do a research about the simplification of the complex and paradoxical atmosphere of the world we live in now. I write unfinished scripts and show it through stripped perspectives around me. When I walk on the streets what I see becomes this conglomerate excerpts of my visual experience that I use to transform the mundane into works of art. I explore these subjects with a sincere quest for beauty, and at the same time, to enjoy their absurdity. The intersection between art, technology, and imagination is the fundamental theme in my creating processes. As an artist, I am trying to develop and explore the relationships between the real and virtual spaces. I create works that scrutinize relationships existing on and between the surfaces and infrastructure of global media. My works deal with issues of commitment. I creat “engaged” art that criticizes just as certain social issues form how I express my work.The ready-made is also a source of inspiration for my approach – a personal or transdisciplinary vision on issues related to social systems. Said Rais is an artist who graduated from the National Institute of Fine Arts in Tetouan. His conceptual works based on mixed media: video, sound design, but also interactive installation, performance, photography and drawing. His work explores the relationship between art and technology, and questions the societal and ecological issues. He is particularly interested in «the interval that articulates the flow of daily events in a world of permanent equilibrium.» He participated in various exhibitions and festivals national and international.

SAID RAIS Tiznit M / +212 (0) 670 21 69 75 / F / +33 7 53 11 05 81 / /

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