Summer Courses 2013

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summer courses


Istituto Europeo di Design

lluvias de ideas BRAIN STORMING


Istituto Europeo di Design

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image


4ª edition

Total hours: 100 hours Beginning and end: July 1-26, 2013 Timetable: Monday to Friday, from 10.00 am to 15.15pm Language: English Student Profile: This course is for students interested in design areas such as illustration, graphic and visual arts and other image related activities, and that have some background and experience in drawing and painting. It is also for those that are interested in learning how to create and elaborate handmade art-material illustrations with a special emphasis on drawing, as well as the use of inventive resources. It is for helping to explore processes that generate illustrations as visual metaphors. Related courses ·· Máster in Interior design for commercial spaces (English) ·· Máster en Diseño de Moda (Spanish)

·· Máster en Diseño gráfico: tecnologías y creatividad estratégicas (Spanish)



Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Introduction What has not changed over the years is that personal struggle each illustrator endures in trying to express content in his or her work. Developing a personal style is based on two demanding processes: being able to take creative risks and learning a fundamental ability - drawing. Illustration has been around for a long time and since the appearance of digital programs, this art form (if we can call it that) has diversified itself and helped open the door for new creative jobs in many different areas (Internet, television, publishing, medicine, sciences, newspapers, theatre, magazines, cinema, corporations, advertising, etc). The fast paced evolution of new technologies has provided us with extraordinary tools for exploring visual creations unimaginable two decades ago. This extraordinary and magical technology at our disposal is indispensable now and for future illustrators. But in spite of all this, we must not forget what is required for a solid artistic base - drawing. The art of illustration requires, from the first sketch on paper - to the digital elaboration and printing, a solid drawing education and a concrete reflexive depth receptive to symbols and cultural archetypes that surround us. The three objectives of any graphic artist today are: to be able to tap into that broad contemporary iconographic repertory and develop a personal style of expression, become a talented draughtsman, and finally to train a special intelligence for transforming original ideas and symbols into visual metaphors.


IED Master Barcelona


Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Objectives ·· The course helps prepare students to learn to confront the creative challenges of elaborating illustrations with content and form. ·· The course covers two parallel processes: firstly, developing the dexterity of drawing in each of the course projects, from the beginnings in brainstorming sessions to later finished hand made illustrations; and secondly, developing each student’s work with content and meaning; its elaboration with visual metaphors and creative invention. ·· The course stresses the importance of content and meaning in image making. That is why it contains classes that analyze myths, archetypes, and symbols. These empower us with an ability to communicate with images, and are found everywhere in a broad cultural realm of our society. ·· The course invites student to experiment with different traditional artistic materials and handmade techniques, and also creates work with an emphasis on personal style.


IED Master Barcelona

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Methodology The course begins with a brief history of illustration. And also with an analysis of the theoreti¬cal and symbolic sources that provide us with conceptual tools for interpreting ideas with images. These help find the solutions for better developing imaginative projects. After that, students attend workshops that introduce basic important illustration materials and techniques: pencil, watercolor, and collage. These techniques are presented firstly in an introductory design class, and then worked in workshops with an emphasis on the many possible professional applications in areas such as fashion, publishing, children’s stories’ books, etc. These workshop sessions rely on two important dynamic illustration work aspects: ·· Drawing on physical supports such as paper, and discovering the major creative differences this marks with digital creations processes and their own limitations ·· And of course projects! (daily exercises, weekend homework and a final project).

Skills Developed Our course offers a chance to test the student’s creative capacities with real art materials that help realize each and everyone of thier artistic talents. Many students have already studied Graphic Design and want to take a step back and have a chance to test thier capabilities and dextrecity with real traditional art materials. Some students may only work with computer visual design applications. It is after they experience the challenge of working with materials like watercolor and collage, that they can return to their digital graphic tools and excel with a new gained powerful creative art experience. They learn to establish a sort of dialectices between the digital and real sensorial world.


IED Master Barcelona

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Professional Applications Our course is designed to help students with their artistic vocational concerns; mainly whether to pursue their interests in the Illustration field and go ahead and decide to enter this market. Today Illustration has developed into a field of its own, within the broader design area, and is present in various professional enviornments and markets. Illustration is needed and used today by a great number of companies in our image driven society: Publishing, Television, Internt, Advertising, Fashion, Sciences, etc. Lots of students that come to our course arrive with concerns about pursuing or continuing with their design and artistic studies. A chance to learn and experiment with traditional art materials, alongside others from many other places in the world, offers them a chance to develop their long acquired love for artmaking, and to discover that illustration is a growing and exciting professional field.


IED Master Barcelona


Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Course program CULTURAL CONTENT AREA The history of illustration ·· Brief overview of the different stages in the evolution of Illustration. ·· Review of significant illustrations in different communication and advertising sourc¬es (newspapers, magazines, books, posters, graffiti, CDs/albums, cinema, televi¬sion, internet…). Symbolism in art and illustration ·· Analysis of symbols within myths, archetypes, and contemporary culture (in films for example). ·· Differentiation, on the one hand, between the visual languages found in popular visual culture, and the foundational visual symbolic elements found in symbols, archetypes and myths. ·· Study of expressive aspects found in illustration: irony, sarcasm, satire, political protest, propaganda, advertising, decoration, etc. ·· Visual studies of significant and relevant illustrations that help us appreciate this art form. The illustrator’s profession ·· Reflection on the basic professional illustration dynamics: such as the relation and work processes between illustrator and client. ·· Learning how to deal with time and pressure while on assignments

·· Questions concerning material hand made or digital illustration. ·· Finding the illustrator’s own professional niche in the profession. ·· Illustrator’s professional limits and freedoms, and creative-conceptual ethics with commissioned work. ·· Patience, perseverance and following one’s own style and character. ·· Professional and trade promotional aspects. ·· Commissioned work, independent work proposals, money issues, etc. TECHNICAL AREA There is an exploration of techniques and materials (pencils, collage and watercolors) with an emphasis on drawing and invention. The classes are based on special introductory sessions and hands-on work¬shops given by experienced and very talented professionals that come from different illustration areas like editorial, fashion, children’s stories literature, etc. These invited artists are in charge of the workshops and design exercises specific to these materials. They are there to offer their personal viewpoints concerning their own techniques and their personal expression. The students therefore are enriched by the various ways illustration is created by different professionals.


IED Master Barcelona

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Introductory Drawing and illustration Class This introductory class in each workshop area provides the basis for design and composition; essentials exÂŹplored in the following workshops and in the different professional areas of illustration and techniques: composition, color, line, form, contrast, content and expression, etc. Technical Workshops The student will experiment with these materials and techniques, and develop the capacity to interpret ideas with images and produce the most adequate creative solutions. They start with the first conceptual challenge - the dynamics in the briefing stage (text, title, slogan, opinion, article, etc.) developed firstly with marks in the sketchbook, and then elaborated onto the final illustrated image. The work with their own sketchbooks will be fundamental to the process with these materials

Dry mineral materials: line, shadow, and texture Pencil and drawing (black and white and color) workshops. Glue: positioning, gluing, and relating Collage (black and white and color) workshops. Water and pigment: stain, gesture, and drying Watercolor (black workshops.





Mixed workshops: relating and associating techniques The different techniques can be worked together and in combination.


IED Master Barcelona


Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

PROJECTS AREA Lessons on Professional illustration Project/ Assignments The workshops will emphasize the study of the different stages in an illustration job, from first commission to final presentation:

Daily Exercises, Homework and Weekend Projects Along with the daily tasks in the workshops, there is research homework after classes, as well as projects during weekends to be presented the following week.

·· How to establish the first contacts and receive assignments ·· Learning how to say no to certain projects ·· How to evaluate a budget ·· What material for each project ·· Getting used to brainstorming sessions and the pressure they cause ·· Application issues: proportions, printing conditions, etc. ·· Execution and development aspects for a job ·· Presentation is important too! ·· How to create and store digital files

Final Course Project These projects-illustrations will be scanned, printed and exhibited in the school. They are developed with the materials worked on in the workshops, and can be inspired in different professional areas: editorial, fashion, children’s books, etc.


IED Master Barcelona

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Course teaching team

Each Summer course program content and syllabus have been designed by the appointed course coordinator, a specialist in the subject, together with the Master area Academic Department. The Course Coordinator also plays an active role in assisting to incorporate professors and developing relationships between companies and institutions in order to create links to the course program.

Javier Aguilar Is an illustrator, printmaker and painter born in Santiago de Chile. He studied fine arts and commercial arts in the United States and received a Visual Communication’s degree from Delgado College in New Orleans. After settling in Barcelona in 1983 he has continued developing his work and exhibiting in different countries, illustrating freelance for newspapers like El Pais and La Vanguardia in Spain, and other newspapers, magazines and book publishers in Europe and the United States. He has experience and participated in design projects in Spain, Denmark, Germany and the United States, as well as art therapy workshops and classes in Barcelona. In 2009 he celebrated a 20 year collaboration with La Vanguardia newspaper with two exhibitions in Barcelona, at IED and at the Col•legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. He created the course Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image, which has been running for four years at IED, and has had students attending from over 18 countries from all over the world.


IED Master Barcelona

Teachers Jordi Vila Delclòs Jordi studied illustration at the Escola d´Arts i Oficis (Llotja) in Barelona. Lives in Barcelona and has been working as a professional illustrator since 1988. He’s been working for different publishers illustrating school textbooks and children’s books, magazines and advertising agencies. He has also worked with the arquitect Joan Rodon. He’s also collaborated for years with the theatre group ‘La Fura dels Baus’ illustrating their shows and stage sets. And has also worked with film directors such as Manuel Huerga and Franc Aleu. Jordi is also an accomplished jazz musician and has played in many groups.

Sonja Wimmer Illustrator, Graficdesigner and storyteller, born in Munich. After studying and working as a Grafikdesigner in Munich an Brussels, Sonja studied Illustration at the Llotja in Barcelona. Since then she works as a freelance illustrator for mainly spanish and german publishing houses . In 2011 she won the USA “Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards” for one of her picture books.

Alex Ferreiro Born in Galicia. After studying Fine Arts at the University of Vigo (2006-2010), he moved to Barcelona to attend courses in illustration and comics at the Escola Joso (2010-2012).He started working as an illustrator for graphic design studios like Lucanus Visual Creation, We Are the Fow, and publishers like Planeta, Lóstrego, Periscopi, and is still freelancing today. His most recent activity includes participating in individual and group exhibitions Mitte Gallery, Mutual Art Center, Miscellaneous Gallery, Fnac Triangle and Bar 68. And he has been selected to participate in several artistic shows like The Weart Festival; Tattoo the Girl and Sense Project. He recently won the first prize at the Urban-Moleskine Sketchcrawl Contest held in Barcelona.


Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Materials list for illustration workshop

TO BE PURCHASED BY STUDENTS Pencil ·· Graphite pencils for drawing HB, 2B, 6B. (One of each) ·· Fineliner pens, with pigmented permanent black ink, for drawing. Recommended: Staedler PIGMENT LINER 0.05mm o 0,2mm, 0,4mm... (2-3 in total) ·· One box of 18/24 color water-soluble pencils. ·· One eraser. ·· One sharpener. ·· One short transparent plastic ruler. Collage ·· One small simple pair of scissors for paper cutting for collage. ·· One simple paper cutter. ·· One small PRITT glue stick. Watercolor - 12/24 box of tube watercolors, 12ml. (Any brand available but with sufficient quality: Van Gogh, Winsor & Newton, Reeves, Talens, Sennelier, Schmincke, Holbein, Daler-Rowney, Pebeo, etc...) Students will need tube paints because they mix better with larger quantities of water than the capsule ones. You sometimes need to mix colors to spread over larger surfaces of the paper. You can use good quality student type paints without them being professional, but we don’t recommend very basic student type brands.

Brushes The students will work on A3 (or slightly larger) size papers for the main projects, so you have to take into account that the brushes should be the right sizes: some for broad areas of painting and others for finer details. Five brushes for watercolor. They can be the synthetic/acrylic types and not necessarily professional ones. Different type tips: round and flat ones. Numbers examples (round) 2 (2/32”), 12 (9/32”), and 20 (9/16”); (flat/square) 8 (8/32”), y 16 (9/16”). *Students can bring more if they want. One bigger broad flat brush for painting backgrounds (example 24, 31/32”), for covering larger areas (it can be a cheap and simple house painting brush). Additional materials A slightly larger A3 size portfolio (plastic or cardboard student type) to store and transport projects. PROVIDED BY IED Paper The paper and support for all the exercises and projects will be provided by IED. Every student will also receive a big blank sketchbook from IED. Other workshop material All the rest of the workshop material for painting with water and cleaning will be provided by IED.


IED Master Barcelona

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Optional services Acommodation ·· The students that participate in the IED Barcelona summer program have the option of reserving accommodations when applying. ·· The full package (course + accommodations) provides the option of reserving an individual room with shared kitchen at one of the best student residences in the city. ·· It is important to note that the room reservation is from the 1st to the 31st of July. The reservation can only be made for the entire month, not by weeks or days. ·· The spaces are limited to 50 rooms. Beyond this number, the student’s must personally find accommodations. ONIX is a student residence located right in the city centre, in the popular l’Eixample neighbourhood of Barcelona. Due to its excellent location, it has a easy access to any area of the city. From there you can reach the IED by metro or bike. The accommodation that we offer consists of a single room with shared kitchen. All of the bedrooms include individual bathroom, equipped kitchen, telephone, Internet connection, air conditioning, heating as well as a large window. The Residence has specific Installations available: all purpose study space, computer lab, reading hall, living room (common space), gym, TV and DVD room as well as a terrace and pool. More details to Information and Orientation Service,


IED Master Barcelona

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Optional services Art & Design Tour This course is intended to be an active introduction to the history of art and design in Barcelona, for either new arrivals, or those who might already be familiar with the city. Taking the students out into Barcelona, the aim is to map the city’s cultural, political and economic fortunes as exemplified by art and design in every field: graphic, architecture, fashion, painting, sculpture and the decorative arts. Its rich architectural heritage is explored: Romanesque, Gothic, ‘Modernista’, Gaudí, with the 1992 Olympic Games as most recent renaissance. We will see and understand the importance of artists like Picasso, Miró, Dalí and Tapies, together with current significant design referents (studios and stores). Barcelona is situated as being an extraordinary focus for artistic activity, both within Europe and the wider international arena. The purpose of this course is both to gain a broad understanding of this city as vital, changing entity, community, whilst learning how to access all it has to offer, its resources such as libraries, shops, museums, within the setting of its infrastructure.


IED Master Barcelona

“I wish to consider the course as making an art and design historical map of this city. The focus of our museum visits and talks is intended to provide each student with the necessary information and methods of enquiry to make this map, as a visual record, in whichever way they may choose: poetry, dialogues, pictures, their own designs and models and (where permitted), photography. Throughout the course, I introduce various extra written materials, encouraging curiosity and stimulating an enquiring attitude. My method is to consider the nature of the changing role of art and the artist and designer throughout history and specifically as these grew and transformed in relation to Barcelona’s burgeoning industrial and maritime growth. It is also a profoundly human approach, whereby we can also meet people who are living and working here, whilst at the same time come together as a kind of student forum to discuss and explore ideas, experience and creativity�.

The course consists of 8 classes of 3 hours. The timetable is from 17.00-20.00 (with some possible variations according to the visit), Tuesdays & Thursdays (in Spanish) and Mondays & Wednesdays (in English).


Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

Teacher: Anne Michie Anne Michie is a British artist, based in Barcelona. She has a Masters in Fine Art from London’s prestigious Goldsmiths University. She has exhibited her work continuously in many European countries. She has taught art to Masters level for the Winchester School of Art, the Royal College of Art of London, the Escola Massana of Barcelona and the Syracuse University of NYC. She has written on art history for various magazines and the Insight Guide. She has appeared on national Spanish and Catalan televisions and the BBC as an invited artist. She has recently worked with Barcelona’s top hotel, ‘W’, as personal art historian guide to this city’s museums, art & architecture, for the Saudi Arabian Royal Family.

More details to Information and Orientation Service, 27


Admissions and Requirements To be admitted into the course the student shall pass the admission process. After a professional evaluation of the application, the student will be notified of a decision. It is a requirement to hold a university degree and have prior knowledge in the field.

PRICE Course: 2.600 € (900 € enrolment fee + 1.700 € tuition fee ) Acommodation (optional): 850 € Art & Design Tour (optional): 270 €

To start the admission process, it is necessary to ·Complete · the online application at, in the “Course Application” section.

More information about the courses at

·Send · Curriculum Vitae ·Send · a Portfolio (not exceeding 2MB), website or blog, in case the course requires it. ·A · personal interview, if necessary. ·For · English courses, it is required an intermediate level, equivalent to TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.5. For Spanish courses, B2 level is required. Certificate: At the end of the course students will receive an IED diploma. Attendance: Class attendance is compulsory and essential in order to obtain a final certificate. Places: the average group size in IED Barcelona is 15 students. Places are limited.

Admissions: +34 93 2385889, , 29


Welcome to IED Barcelona

IED Barcelona is a dynamic and innovative laboratory


he Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) was born in Italy more than 40 years ago as a private institution specialized in training, development and investigation in relation with design and communication. Nowadays, IED is an international network with seats in Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Through all these years, IED’s main interest during has been to become a real global reference regarding the training and spreading of design and culture, at an international level. In 2002 IED opened its first seat in Barcelona in Gràcia, one of the most popular and charismatic neighbourhoods in the city. During these ten years, the school has moved to a 5,000 square metre seat and has been recognized as Higher Education Design School.

IED Barcelona has become a reference point in design education at local, national and international levels, strengthening its ties with the local business sector and encouraging the efforts to project the city nationally and internationally in the field of economic knowledge and creativity. Thanks to these relations many successful examples of innovative and quality projects have been developed with companies, and the large investment made in the new facilities pursues to not only improve the study and work conditions for students, but also their capability to produce these projects.




IED Master is IED Barcelona’s graduate school, a dynamic and innovative laboratory, focused on debate and research, with the best conditions for learning in a strategic environment: a place to think about the present and shape the future.

The IED Master programs, conceived as a continuing education proposal, prepare students effectively in the fields of design and communication for an increasingly demanding market. This educational path combines cultural context, transdisciplinary knowledge and technical specialization. It is characteristic of all courses to offer an international and multidiscplinary view to the students, including the development of real projects in collaboration with companies and professionals in the sector.

We promote multidisciplinary knowledge to achieve a wider perspective in our students’ personal and professional development. We provide a rigorous specialization in each specific professional area, with a teaching method that combines theory and practice and culminates in the completion of a final project supervised by the best professionals in the field. We teach to develop a high capacity of communication and management of the acquired knowledge. The IED Master programs are aimed to graduates, professionals and freelancers from the fields of fashion and communication, as well as to the business sector in general. They are conceived to give a high quality training experience, guaranteeing an opportunity of personal and professional growth.

In IED Master we aim to train future professionals whose profile is creative and innovative, nowadays necessary requirements to cope successfully with the highest demands of the current labour situation.


IED Master Barcelona

Study in Barcelona


IED Barcelona to live and share


Barcelona is a city open to all innovations and cultures; it is warm, plural, diverse, cutting-edge and passionate. A city for living and sharing with a clear vision of the future that has undergone a major process of change: from being an industrial powerhouse in the 19th century to becoming a multicultural city of knowledge in the 21st century. Barcelona is one of the most active cities in Europe, thanks to its ability to create and host major events and prosperous gatherings for the leading trends and social, cultural and artistic phenomena, offering the best conditions so designers from all areas can express and share ideas, trends and projects.


IED’s challenge in the city of Barcelona is to be the reference centre for anything related to Strategic Design, Design Management and Design Thinking.

Creative Illustration: Idea, Concept & Image

IED Barcelona C/Biada 11, 08012 Barcelona T. +34 93 238 58 89 Skype:master.iedbarcelona


Istituto Europeo di Design is an International Educational Network in Design, Fashion, Visual Communication and Management for Creative Industries with seats in Italy, Spain and Brasil.

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