book CLUB
Unlock your dreams Apple Lee meets Maggie Lee, professional life coach and the author of children’s book The Key Is You thought I might as well make an app to go along with it. I hand drew the whole app and worked on it with some friends. All in all, it took us three weeks to publish the app.
How do you overcome the fear of failure? I believe that confidence is having the willingness to feel comfortable with the emotions of being rejected, looking stupid and “failing” completely. If we are okay with all these things, there won’t be such a thing as failing – it’s just us trying.
Can you share some tips for encouraging kids to read more? I make up stories on the spot with my kids each night. They come up with their own fictional characters and we all take part in improvising the stories. They also love redrawing storybooks.
As a mum of three, how do you balance your personal, family and work life?
Tell us a bit about yourself
from the book?
I grew up in Orlando, Florida and moved to Hong Kong 10 years ago looking for a new adventure and I’ve never looked back! I am now a certified life coach specialising in productivity and online business mentoring. I also happen to be a professional songwriter for local pop artists in town.
The key to every battle in life is in your hands. The key really is you.
What is your book about? The Key Is You is an inspirational children’s book. It lets the world know that anyone can be the hero of their own story. The main character Gem is an ordinary little girl who took the courage to believe in herself. Because of her step in faith, she turns out to be the hero that saves the day.
What message would you like readers to take away 46
Where did your inspiration come from? The entire story was based on a dream I had when I was pregnant with my first baby. When I had the dream, everything happened in cartoon form, so I started drawing it out. The dream also came with a melody, and as a songwriter, I just had to record the music and release that as well!
What was your favourite part of this project? My absolute favourite part of this whole project was producing an eight-bit theme song for the mobile game app. Since I was already publishing a book and releasing a song, I
As a professional life coach, I get asked this question all the time! I coach entrepreneurial mums from all over the world to help them achieve a hyper-productive, high performance life. If you want to get lots of things done, I believe this can happen by having a combination of productivity, creativity, supportive relationships and lots of self care. The Key Is You is priced at $120 and available at book shops across Hong Kong. The app is available for download on iTunes.