2009-2010 Annual Report

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2009–2010 Annual Report



Mission Statement

St. Anselm’s Abbey School seeks to promote the spiritual, personal and intellectual development of young men with demonstrated academic achievement. Our school, serving grades six through twelve, with its roots in the values of the Christian gospel and Catholic tradition, strives to create a community built on respect for truth, love of learning, regard for human dignity and tolerance. We pursue this goal by leading our students through a challenging and balanced program of study in the arts, sciences and theology that gives them a solid preparation for the demands of college. By living and promoting the Benedictine spirit, we strive within our school to create an atmosphere of peace, a sense of service to community and a willingness within our students to work toward a balance in mind, body and spirit. 2009–2010 Board of Trustees

Mr. William Fennell, ’66, Chairman Mr. James Boland, ’67 Mr. G. Thomas Borger, Chairman Emeritus Mr. Marco Clark Mr. Mark Commins, Secretary/Treasurer * Mr. Christopher Davitt Rev. Dom Michael Hall, OSB, ’56, Subprior Mr. Stephen Kearney, ’74 Mr. Stephen Kinnaird, ’80 Rev. Dom Simon McGurk, OSB, Prior Mr. Matthew Nolan, ’76 Mr. Morgan O’Brien, ’62 Rt. Rev. Dom Aidan Shea, OSB Mr. Louis Silvano, Headmaster * Rev. Dom Philip Simo, OSB Rev. Dom Peter Weigand, OSB, President of the School * Mr. Richard Willett Rev. Dom James Wiseman, OSB

ratitude is an expression of thanks we have always felt towards our benefactors. With your support and generosity, St. Anselm’s Abbey School continues to be the caring, close-knit educational community that our founders, the Benedictine monks, hoped to establish 68 years ago. We see this gratitude and many other expressions every day at St. Anselm’s. A teacher willingly spending time with a student after class to help with a mathematical equation; classmates high-fiving each other after a victory; a new student being mentored by a ‘big brother’; the President laughing and talking with the boys; the Headmaster congratulating the students on awards received; faculty and parents sharing a few words regarding their son; former classmates greeting each other after years of separation; the wide smiles beaming from the Sixth Formers as they firmly grip their diplomas on Graduation Day. The expressions are as endless as your good will and are the happy result of your generosity. Sometimes the manner in which these feelings are conveyed can make a lasting impression. Hence, we have decided on a more visual presentation for the 2009–2010 Annual Report. After all, the old adage does say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Throughout this Report we have attempted to display through photographs the spirit of St. Anselm’s as it is “expressed” each day. As you peruse the pages, think about that warm embrace, the firm handshake, the smile, and the tears: all are ways we can see St. Anselm’s Abbey School and the community it engenders. Enjoy.

Valerie A. Brown Director of Development

* ex officio Please note that donor information contained in this Annual Report reflects gifts received by the School between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. We sincerely apologize for any errors and/or omissions that may occur herein. All photography in the Annual Report has been provided by the St. Anselm’s Abbey School development, yearbook and Priory Press staffs, as well as by Mr. David W. Powell. Design and layout by Mr. James Leathers, ’04. Proofreading by Mr. Peter Collins, ’74. St. Anselm’s Abbey School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, program and activities generally accorded to made available to students at the school and the school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. St. Anselm’s Abbey School, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.

President’s Message

O Lord, my God, I am clouded by my own smallness and overwhelmed by your immensity; I am restricted by my own narrowness and mastered by your wideness. How great is that light from which shines out every truth that lightens the reasoning mind! How wide is that truth in which is everything that is true, and outside of which is nothingness and falsehood! Saint Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109)

Dear Parents, Alumni, Benefactors, and Friends, As I write this introduction to the Annual Report, I am overwhelmed by my own smallness and by the immensity of what has happened this past year. Our Headmaster, Mr. Louis Silvano, will fill you in on the School side of things: students, faculty, the rigors of academic life and the maze of activities. As President, I have been focusing my time on maintaining the School’s Benedictine charism, on public relations, alumni affairs, long-range planning, fundraising, working with our Board of Trustees and with the directors of the School’s Donor Trust. The 2009–2010 academic year began with the usual hustle and bustle of activities: an alumni-sponsored Career Day, September 21st; Fall Scholarship Gala, October 17th, honoring all the monks; an Alumni Gathering in Cambridge, Mass., at the home of Nick Kilmer, ’58, October 24th; the Damian Crane, ’55, Pool Tournament, October 28th; the annual Memorial Mass and Alumni-Varsity Basketball Game on November 28th; and our first Form VII Forever reception for past parents, December 11th. Each of these events was impressive, renewing acquaintances and friendships by bringing alumni, parents, and students together. And I am pleased to report that the Gala netted slightly over $168,000 for scholarship aid for needy students. On January 4th, a new Director of Development, Mrs. Valerie Brown, joined my staff with dual responsibility for both the Abbey and the School. She immediately began work on the Annual Fund and on a Feasibility Study concerning future directions for the Abbey and School. The reader can find more information about Mrs. Brown and her work in the spring 2010 issue of the Corbie Chronicle. Our 2010 activities included: an Alumni Gathering in New York at the Harvard Club, January 14th; Harvard Model United Nations Conference, January 27th-31st, sponsored by Richard Stafford, ’53; Alumni Scholarship Phonathon on several evenings in February; a Form VII Forever Mass and Brunch for past parents, March 21st; the All-Alumni Reunion Weekend on April 23rd-25th with 10 members of the Class of 1960 receiving their Gold Medals; a Baccalaureate Mass and dinner for the Class of 2010 and their parents on May 22nd, which was followed by the Vespers of Graduation on May 29th, when 32 young men received their diplomas; and the 17th Annual Golf Outing on June 7th, sponsored by the Alumni Association, ending this year’s major activities. Perhaps a fitting end for this hustle and bustle is to be able to report that the School has been able to operate “in the black” for the nineteenth consecutive year thanks in large part to all our benefactors, donors, alumni, and friends. Even in a challenging economy, the School was able to increase its Annual Fund contributions and find new donors for our Named Scholarship program. The School is deeply indebted to the many generous foundations and individual donors listed in this publication. On behalf of the monks and the whole school community, I offer our sincerest gratitude. I want to personally thank Mr. William Fennell, ’66, for his tireless work over the past year as Chairman of our Board of Trustees. I am very grateful to all our Trustees for their many, many hours of service to the School, and I especially want to thank Mr. Richard Willett, who served as chair of the finance committee, and to Mr. Matthew Nolan, ’76, who chaired the legal committee. Both of these men served continuously for many years on the Board of Advisors, and for the past three years on the Board of Trustees. The School would not be where it is today without the wisdom, expertise, and friendship of these men. Thank you. I also wish to thank Prior Simon, all the monks, and the entire faculty for their dedication and hard work during the past year. And of course, I want to thank my staff in the President’s Office: Mrs. Valerie Brown, Director of Development and Ms. Michelle Kannan, Development Associate; Mr. Lawrence Hamm, ’68, Director of Alumni Affairs; Mr. James Leathers, ’04, Director of Communications; as well as our Business Office personnel, Mrs. Ieva Young and Mr. Mark Commins, for their never-ending work. The School is also indebted to Mr. Awenate Cobbina, ’98, President of the Alumni Association, and to all those who serve on the Alumni Board, a real work of loyalty and love. From all of the Alumni Association events, the School received a check for $30,000 at the Annual Golf Outing on June 7th. The School is blessed to have such devoted alumni. I am pleased to report that last summer, I held Regional Alumni Gatherings in Portland, Seattle, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Chicago, and Milwaukee. This summer I have planned meetings in Las Vegas, San Diego, Chicago, Milwaukee, Reno, San Francisco, and Portland. So, on and on the miracle of St. Anselm’s Abbey School continues in what has truly been another successful and busy year. Thank you again for your support, enthusiasm, prayers, and gifts. Pax in Sapientia, Fr. Peter Weigand, OSB President

Reflections from the Headmaster Dear Friends, At the conclusion of my second year as Headmaster of St. Anselm’s Abbey School, I want to share some reflections on the Class of 2010. Students were accepted at a wide range of colleges and universities, including Harvard, Princeton, Brown, and Cornell. The graduates have chosen to attend an impressive array of colleges that reflects the diversity of this class. However, often the students made their decisions based upon the best financial package they received. To illustrate this point, we have posted the list of college acceptances on our website. It is noteworthy that out of 32 graduates, there are two National Merit Scholars, one Semifinalist and eight Commended Scholars, and three students will be attending military academies. We held a memorable Vespers of Graduation for the Class of 2010 on May 31. At St. Anselm’s our mission is to support the development of the mind, body and spirit. This is clearly evident among the students of this graduating class, whose spiritual development I witnessed during their junior and senior years. After walking the Prayer Labyrinth, students in my religion class wrote reflections that they allowed me to share at their graduation service.

Headmaster Louis Silvano addresses the Class of 2010 at their Vespers of Graduation on May 31.

One student wrote: “Walking the Labyrinth is in many ways like living life. You don’t really know the way or how it will end, but you trust that the path before you is right, and no matter how many twists and turns, you will eventually reach your destination. The joy of life is in the journey, and you should be able to accept the twists and turns no matter how daunting they may be. The Labyrinth taught me that faith is not easy, but ever so necessary. At a certain point, one must just keep on going, and put everything in God’s hands.” As part of our ongoing Strategic Planning process, we have hired a consultant to conduct a Perception Audit to learn more about the school’s reputation among families in the independent school market. This information will help inform the development of our strategic plan and guide our marketing initiatives. A complete report will be presented to the Board of Trustees in the fall of 2010. It is with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to the following members of the faculty. We thank each of them for their dedication and service to the school and we wish them well in their new endeavors. Mrs. Najla Abuasali has been teaching Arabic for the past two years and has developed a strong program during that short time. Mr. Raul Yepez joined us last year as a religion and computer teacher and as assistant track and field coach. Also, he helped oversee the community service program and was a leader on the Kairos retreat. Mrs. Jane Brinley is leaving after twelve years teaching Latin. Her many contributions include chairing the language department and chaperoning international trips for students. Mrs. Brinley has accepted a teaching position at the School Without Walls. 4 2009–2010 Annual Report

I congratulate Mr. William Lippe on his appointment as Headmaster of St. Michael the Archangel High School in Fredericksburg, Va. Mr. Lippe has been a member of the faculty for eight years, the last three of which he served as Head of the Middle School. In addition to leading a strong Middle School program, Mr. Lippe was chair of the Religion Department. I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Thomas Mehigan as the new Middle School Head. Mr. Mehigan is an experienced educator and administrator who is deeply committed to classical Benedictine education. He is very familiar with the program at St. Anselm’s as his son Aidan, Form V, has attended our school since Form A. Mr. Mehigan and his wife, Mary, have four children and they live in McLean, Va. We are indeed fortunate that Mr. Mehigan is available at this time as he is an excellent choice for St. Anselm's. He was formerly the founding Headmaster of Pope John Paul II Academy in La Plata, Md., which has recently closed. He attended Conception Seminary College, Mo. and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Illinois Wesleyan University; a Master of Science in Special Education from Hunter College, City University of New York; and a Middle School Principal Certification from George Mason University. He also is a candidate for Master of Arts in Liberal Studies: Classical Civilizations at Georgetown University. I am deeply grateful to our President, Fr. Peter Weigand, and to Mr. William Fennell, ’66, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, for their support throughout the year. I wish to thank two trustees who are leaving the Board: Mr. Richard Willett for his stalwart leadership of the finance committee; and Mr. Matthew Nolan, ’76, for his advice and guidance as Board Counsel and in particular for his development of the School’s by-laws. Finally, I am grateful to all of our Trustees, faculty and staff, alumni, parents and members of the monastic community for their ongoing support. Pax in Sapientia,

Louis Silvano Headmaster

School Chaplain Fr. Michael Hall, OSB, ’56, blesses the new Prayer Labyrinth with Benjamin Moniz, ’10, who built the labyrinth for his Eagle Scout project, on the first day of the 2009–2010 academic year.

5 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Chairman’s Report Dear Parents, Faculty and Staff, Alumni and Friends of St. Anselm’s Abbey School: This past year the Board of Trustees has focused on its ongoing governance functions, the creation of Board infrastructure to support those functions, and the improvement of development efforts within the School and among the greater St. Anselm’s community. At the end of the 2008-2009 academic year, a private consultant, Ms. Anne Seltzer, was commissioned to perform an audit of the Development Office at St. Anselm’s. Ms. Seltzer worked in this area for many years at the Peddie School and more recently has worked as a consultant to private secondary schools. Last September, at our first Board meeting, Ms. Seltzer presented the Board with a copy of her report and spoke to us about her findings. The Board and School have worked together during the past year to implement a number of her recommendations. Most notably, the School has hired a Director of Development, Valerie Brown, to support Fr. Peter’s work as President of the School. The Board welcomed Mr. Christopher E. Davitt, Mr. Stephen B. Kinnaird, ’80, and Mr. James E. Boland, Jr., ’67, as new Trustees in September. During the year, the Board established Development and Trustee Nominating Committees. I am very thankful that Mr. Tom Borger (Chairman Emeritus of the Board) agreed to head the former, and Mr. Morgan O’Brien, ’62, the latter. The Board bade farewell to two of its members at the end of the year as their terms expired, Mr. Richard Willett and Mr. Matthew Nolan, ‘76. Mr. Willett has served in numerous leadership capacities for the School, most prominently as a founding Trustee and long-time Chair of the Finance Committees of the Board of Trustees of St. Anselm’s Abbey School, Inc. and its predecessor, the Board of Advisors. Mr. Willett contributed hundreds of hours of pro bono professional advice, guiding the School through major financial issues, strengthening its financial foundation and always encouraging the adoption of sensible policies and practices. Mr. Matthew Nolan has also served the School in numerous capacities, including as a member of the Board of Advisors and as President of the St. Anselm’s Alumni Association before becoming a Trustee. He also devoted innumerable hours to the drafting of the Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and Lease of St. Anselm’s Abbey School, Inc. and the documents establishing its Donor Trust. In the coming year, the Board and the School will complete work on a strategic plan that will identify the ways in which we may ensure the continuation of the Benedictine spirit within the School, academic excellence, enhanced financial resources (including an increased endowment and scholarship resources), an appropriate student body size and a broader awareness in the Washington area of what the School has to offer. At the end of the year, I addressed the graduating seniors following their Baccalaureate Mass. I congratulated them on their success to date in running the race set before them. I also noted how blessed they were to have parents who valued education to such a degree that they had devoted their resources, many at significant sacrifice, to send them to St. Anselm’s. Throughout the year, so many of you have contributed resources—personal, spiritual, and material—to the sustaining and continuation of St. Anselm’s Abbey School. I, and all of the other Board Members, thank you. Sincerely,

William A. Fennell, ’66 Chairman of the Board of Trustees 6 2009–2010 Annual Report

St. Anselm’s Abbey School Class of 2010

The Class of 2010 is pictured with (left to right): President Fr. Peter Weigand, OSB; Mr. Christian Barry, ’85; Prior Simon McGurk, OSB; Head of the Upper School Mr. Alex Morse; and Headmaster Mr. Louis Silvano.

Class of 2010 College & University Matriculations Andres Acevedo

Michael A. Carpenter

Brendan J. Hearn

Richard R. Pera

Jonathan Aguilera-Titus

Robert W. Cobb, Jr.

James D. Keegan

Roger T. Scully, III

Branden O. Alegbeleye

Jeremy T. Cockerham

Dionysios Koroulakis

Neil I. Sood

Christian A. Arndt

Keith R. Curran

Anthony J. Korzan

Anuj Tharakan

Matthew D. Blower

Ian K. Durkin

Rockne B. Krebs

Nicolaas M. van Dijk

Matthew L. Bollinger

Alexander F. Edsall

Benjamin J. Moniz College of the Atlantic

Liam Walsh-Mellett

Univ. of South Carolina

Matthew M. Bond

Robert A. Gasser, III

James C. Mwombela Univ. of North Carolina

Hariton J. Wilson

U.S.M.A. at West Point

Solomon C. Brown

José Gutierrez

Giuseppe U. Niosi

Sebastian F. Zaki

McGill University

University of Maryland

Northwestern University

College of William & Mary

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

University of Virginia

University of Virginia

Washington Univ. in St. Louis

University of Virginia

Case Western Reserve U.

University of Maryland

University of Miami (Fla.)

University of Miami (Fla.)

Georgetown University

University of Pittsburgh

George Washington Univ.

Ohio University

University of San Diego

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Stanford University

7 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Kenyon College

University of Maryland

Georgetown University

Drexel University

University of Michigan

Tufts University

University of Maryland

U.S. Air Force Academy

2010 Vespers of Graduation Commencement Address Mr. Christian Barry, ’85 Prior Simon, Fr. Peter, Mr. Silvano, Fr. Michael, Abbot Aidan, monks of St. Anselm’s Abbey, family, faculty, friends and, most of all, the Class of 2010: It is an honor to be here today, addressing you. If the history of commencement addresses is any indicator, the world will little note nor recollect what is said here today. Some might find this comforting, but it does little to diminish the pressure that I feel to be worthy of Fr. Peter’s trust in me as commencement speaker. So, I’ll do as the Navy handbook advises in situations like this, and just keep it simple. Allow me to share with you today my perspective on tradition, and the very special St. Anselm’s commitment to balance in body, mind and spirit. My words come from a heart and mind shaped profoundly by my St. Anselm’s experience years ago. I have always felt at home here, at this school, on these grounds, in the presence of the Abbey up atop the hill. The drive up the entrance from South Dakota Avenue seems no different than when I graduated 25 years ago with a class of 24 students, and the memories of fresh-cut grass, Fr. Aidan’s French tutorials, Fr. Peter’s duck pond, Fr. Michael’s dry wit, Fr. Thomas’s emphatic “Read the book, man”, backstage butterflies before the spring musical and Wednesday-night debates on the merits of President Reagan’s nuclear deterrence strategy are still vivid. The memories, the continuity and the stability of St. Anselm’s Abbey School are a blessing for its alumni, who find that they really can come back here and be home again.

it and work at it, constantly. Each element is important in the search for truth. Allow me a few stories. The notion of working hard is something that I came to grips with through high-school running. St. Anselm’s didn’t have a cross-country or track team my first year. The closest thing was a “Marathon Club,” and its membership was inversely proportional to the length of training runs. I do vividly remember the all-school St. Benedict’s Day during Third Form: a Mass in the old auditorium, the reading from Saint Paul and his exhortation “Run so as to win,” half the school poised at the starting line, then bursting around the field, down the hill, up the hill, three laps around the school, and finally soda and ice cream. I was not an elite athlete, but I liked the purity and democracy of running—you got out of it what you put into it. Sensing burgeoning enthusiasm for running, Fr. Edmund would drive me and several other Abbey Boys to 10K races in the area. The seeds were planted. By Fifth Form, we had our first St. Anselm’s cross country team and a core group of runners. Training for the Marine Corps marathon required no fancy track or any high-tech equipment. Just commitment and mental toughness, nurtured by Fr. Edmund who would sometimes drive all the way across D.C. to help get me to races. Years later, I’m now back into running and rediscovering both the labors and mysterious joys of marathon training. As the song goes, we are all born to run. And to work. Labora…

Walking through the double doors of the upper school is to walk into a tradition. Now, some people may put labels on tradition as stodgy, or as unimaginative, or as a crutch. I’ve never felt this way. There is freedom to be found in tradition, in the structure that it provides, in the wisdom accumulated through past generations of humanity who have grappled with many of the same questions and challenges that we face today. This is not to say that tradition is easy. You have to face up to the good and bad of a past that you may have had nothing to do with. You have to regenerate enthusiasm everyday, lest the tradition fade away with a generation that never connected to it. I feel lucky to be associated with several traditions that have withstood the tests of the centuries: Thomas Edison’s 120-year-old company called General Electric, John Paul Jones’s 235-year-old U.S. Navy and Saint Benedict’s 1,500-year-old Rule, which has grounded your education here. You and I are now joined as alumni in this latter tradition, thanks to parents who sacrificed to make it possible. Achieving some balance of body, spirit, and mind: this is the lasting impact of the St. Anselm’s experience. The world doesn’t lead you to this balance; you have to find 8

2009–2010 Annual Report

Things of the spirit are harder to articulate, as spiritual journeys are never simple. The saints in Fr. Abbot’s Christian Mysticism class always fascinated me, not for their perfection, but for their doubt, their questioning, their dogged pursuit of heaven. They were human. Graduates: you and I have been given a great blessing in our spiritual lives, to witness the example of the monks at this Abbey. Fr. Aidan’s kindness, Fr. Michael’s tolerance, Fr. Peter’s mentorship…these things, in the framework of the Benedictine Rule, provide an atmosphere of respect, reverence, repentance and daily renewal. This spirit goes with you when you leave, and wants to be nurtured. I feel blessed to have the fertile ground of my current parish in Wisconsin, which has helped me nurture my own spiritual seeds and put my Catholic faith into practice. Over the years, I’ve been able to attend Mass all over the world: in India, Japan, China, France, Spain, Germany and Central America. No matter what the local language or culture, I always feel as if I’m among friends, all imperfect and struggling with life’s challenges. What an incredible concept. I am thankful that Washington, D.C., this dynamic and influential capital city, has St. Anselm’s Abbey atop its Northeast hill as a place of stability, wisdom and prayer. We all need this spiritual beacon. Ora…

You come from a school that not everyone can join. As Fr. Peter has so insightfully written, Saint Benedict believed in the dual concepts of eliteness and fraternity. I have personal experience with this. I was not admitted to St. Anselm’s on my first attempt, and I may never have attended this school if not for my persistent dad and a headmaster willing to take a chance on me. Today, I am humbled to be part of a fraternity of classmates who have gone on to become doctors, Navy SEALs, lawyers, educators, Marines, writers, scientists, submariners, builders and other leaders in their fields. Commitment to excellence is a good thing for the world. Your education and intellectual gifts come with a responsibility to serve. And when you do so, you give others permission to do the same. Pax in Sapientia…

While body and spirit are important parts of your St. Anselm’s experience, it is in formation of the mind that this school leaves a particularly distinctive mark. As you well know, making it through this school in not easy. You will always appreciate the opportunity that you had here to ask the hardest questions without fear, to seek truth wherever it might be found. Truth reveals itself in sometimes surprising and creative ways everyday. In my field of healthcare, new diagnostic imaging technologies like magnetic resonance imaging allow us to better visualize the human brain, gaining new perspectives on the mechanics of thought, emotion and consciousness. These discoveries inevitably prompt fresh debates on science and religion, often framed by the popular media as opposing forces. Count me among those who find truth in both, as time unfolds truth that already is.

In 25 years, one of you graduating seniors will come up here and you’ll address the Class of 2035. What will you talk about? I look forward to finding out. You’ll live in a more global economy. Healthcare will look very different. The world will seem less black and white than it appeared while you were here, and you may find right and wrong harder to separate. Your view of this school will change, as your life’s experience gives you new appreciation for the School’s motto, Pax in Sapientia, and Saint Benedict’s Ora et Labora. You’ll have a perspective galvanized by years of professional experience and tempered by the personal development that comes with roles like husband, father, coach or maybe priest. Some of you may be lucky enough to discover that a favorite monk will emerge as a great mentor and friend. Through it all, you’ll have this experience to ground you. As my mother says, life is full of ups and downs, hellos and goodbyes, endings and beginnings. “Rursus incipiemus nunc et semper.” Everyday, we begin again, renewed in body, mind and spirit. Enjoy the journey. And when you stumble or fall, which you will, you’ll just as assuredly stand up again with the confidence that your parents and this Abbey School high atop the hill have given each of you. That is enough to give all of us faith in the future.

Yes, you are special for your St. Anselm’s education. As you head off to college in a few months, you will undoubtedly find a few peers who are smarter than you are. Humility is a good thing. You’ll also find many, many classmates who did not receive the same education that you had here. And that will make you different. Let this be a positive. I offer some words from Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inauguration speech, words I’ve kept in my wallet for a long time. “You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people Permission to do the same.”

St. Anselm’s Class of 2010, congratulations and Godspeed! 9

St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Saint Anselm of Canterbury Award Dionysios Koroulakis, ’10 graduating class? In all honesty, in many ways, probably yes. Our class responded to the high standard of education with hard work and excellence in academia, and our class responded to the call to be well-rounded young men by achieving successes in sports, after-school clubs and faithful community service. But having been here these last four years and getting to really, really, know this class, I’ve noticed the individuality of each of my classmates and the unique personality of this group of seniors. Not only does this class desire to excel in all things, but it wants to take things too far—for the better, that is! An example is this year’s Thanksgiving food drive, where a group of three crazy Alban House seniors donated $300 of their own money to buy enough cans to barely beat Austin House in the charity competition, the only time Alban won anything all year! This motivation to be excessive led to a record-breaking collection of cans six times greater than any year on record. Austin House, however, sought revenge, and with the help of the Austin House Band and a great group effort, barely pulled the upset over Alban in the Christmas clothing drive. This second instance of charity, instituted and led by the example of the whole senior class, collected a total of 2,500 articles of clothing that were donated to the needy at Central Union Mission. The fruits of the collective efforts of this senior class culminated in Prom 2010 at the Key Bridge Marriot. This success, however, was very much only a dream in February. Driven by the desire to secure such a beautiful location, the senior class came together and logically worked out every detail necessary to achieve our lofty fundraising goals and officially presented our organized plan to the school administration. Thanks to the guidance of the administration and the overwhelming support and participation of this senior class, we eventually secured the location and had what some like to refer to as “the best prom in the history of forever.”

Prior Simon, Fr. Peter, Mr. Silvano, monastic community of St. Anselm’s Abbey, faculty, friends, family, and most importantly, my fellow Class of 2010: it is my pleasure and honor to speak on behalf of this wonderful group of friends and share this memorable day with all of you. As in any classic St. Anselm’s commencement speech, I must first address the question of what, at least in my opinion, makes this school so unique: the Abbey spirit. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the constant prayers of the monks and their three lifelong vows set the tone for all that goes on at our school. The vows of obedience, the ability to listen for God’s voice and see His love in the most ordinary events of life; stabilitas, the promise of long-term commitment to the community to foster the growth of Benedictine foundations; and conversatio morum, openness to new people, attitudes, and points of view—these are the cornerstones of the Abbey spirit that start with the monks and spread to the other members of the community. But how exactly do these ideas and attitudes resonate with a group of rambunctious teenage boys? How does a centuries-old Benedictine teaching react with hormonally driven young men? The product of this reaction is what many of us like to call an “Abbey Boy,” an almost average teen hammered with age-old principles of wisdom and love of education and God.

If I have not yet convinced you of the uniqueness of this class, then maybe this last point will. You know this class is different when sixth graders, who are at the complete opposite spectrum of the school, come eagerly and lovingly to give high-fives and hugs to seniors. Nowhere else in my life have I ever seen something similar to this simple yet beautiful phenomenon of the two most different age groups in our school getting along so well. I don’t know about you guys, but when I was that age, I was terrified of anyone in high school, so it’s hard for me to grasp how exceptional the aura of approachability and the attitude of caring is in this class. This, in my opinion, even above all the successes we’ve shared, is one of my most invaluable memories of my time at St. Anselm’s. It most accurately defines the sense of community and love that my fellow classmates have learned from the monks, teachers, and even young sixth graders. That being said, thank you to the monks whose spirit and commitment instigates all good things we do at our

But what about this class? Has our change from normal boy to Abbey Boy been the same as that of every other 10

2009–2010 Annual Report

school; thank you to the administrators and teachers who touched our hearts with their passion and inspired us to explore all that we have before us. Thank you so much to the parents of the Class of 2010 for choosing to send your sons to this school, and thank you to my family for their endless support and encouragement through good times and difficult times—I love you. Last, but most definitely not least, thank you to my classmates, my brothers, for giving me the best four years of my life. I love you all.

kicked out of the senior hallway, and the countless others I can’t begin to expound, it’s hard to believe our journey here has come to an end. Yet, the fact that this speech is referred to as a “commencement exercise” seems to suggest to me that graduation is not only an end, but also a new beginning. Like any classic St. Anselm’s graduation speech, I cannot forget to quote Saint Benedict, who says, “rursus incipiemus nunc et semper,” or “always we begin again.” In fact, my brothers, this could not be any more true, as we all soon embark on new beginnings to achieve our lives’ greatest dreams. But wherever you may go, whoever you may meet, always remember the Abbey Boy you are and the Abbey School you came from. Live the Fourth. God bless, and thank you.

Through memories of pulling all-nighters for Ethics exams, receiving our first failing grade on a Dr. Wood test, our Kairos retreat, Neil Sood and the fire truck, goofing off in the senior hallway and subsequently being

Austin Scholar Award Matthew Bollinger, ’10 Prior Simon, Fr. Peter, Mr. Silvano, the monastic community, faculty, friends, family and the St. Anselm’s Class of 2010: When I heard that I received the Austin Scholar Award, I was both honored and nervous. Honored, for the obvious reasons. Nervous, because this would be the first time I’d worked in six months. William Shakespeare wrote, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” St. Anselm’s allows us to achieve greatness on our own, but in the presence of such faculty, students, and community, we feel almost as though greatness is thrust upon us. The small classes, the monastic spirit and the freedoms we have to excel—these traits enfold each of us into a close-knit community which has inspired countless classes to great triumphs. Obviously, St. Anselm’s gave all of us the tools to succeed academically. When we were freshmen, we all knew that we could achieve high grades; the question was: would we? As our workload increased, the answer to that question became doubtful. Nevertheless, the St. Anselm’s community supported our continued success. The subtle Benedictine values ingrained in this school spurred us to deeper study, even when we might not secure a high grade. Wise teachers and strong parents guided us both inside and outside of the classroom. Most importantly, we were surrounded by classmates and upperclassmen as intelligent and curious as ourselves. In order to stand as peers to these fantastic students, we had to excel as superlatively as they assuredly would. Look at our college acceptance list—I think it’s clear that we pushed one another towards something great.

somehow. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t end up being all that great, but I’m proud of all of it. I improved to a level I never thought I could reach, and I made some great friends along the way. Not at every school can a fairly unathletic person have that kind of intense, great experience. It’s because of our small, close-knit community that we could push ourselves so far along so many different roads. Now, having exhorted one another to accomplish what we have, we stand here, about to graduate from the school that has given us so much. We must prepare for a new environment radically different from this Abbey. While we will certainly do our utmost to preserve the ties woven here, some connections will inevitably fade away. Regardless, the maturity and virtue we have cultivated here will stay with us indefinitely. Drawing confidence from our experiences and friendships at St. Anselm’s, we know that we can surely handle the rest of the world. Despite all the changes we are about to undergo, we will always remain the St. Anselm’s Class of 2010.

This same effect motivates us not only in academics, but also in our chosen sports. For me, those sports were track and cross country. Upon joining the team in my sophomore year and learning what workouts my teammates did, I became worried that I was out of my league. My classmates were faster than me; the upperclassmen were on another level. It was soon clear that I would never be the star runner of the team, but still, I enjoyed competing and being with my teammates so much that I resolved to contribute to this team, 11

St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Form II Transition Service Alumni Speaker James Leathers, ’04

dents are forced to choose their specialization and stick with it. Even more significant are the opportunities the school offers in terms of your personal relationships. Teachers here will take the time and effort to truly get to know you, and if you treat them with respect they’ll do everything they can to help you succeed. Just last week Mrs. Cholis was telling me about how she was helping a student with his application essays—for medical school. Years after this student had graduated from St. Anselm’s, she still took time out of her schedule at the busiest time of the school year to make sure his essays were as well-written as they could be. And I’m sure this was no small investment of time—as you’ll discover as students in the Upper School, Mrs. Cholis is never shy with her red pen. Your relationships with your classmates are also important. If you’re lucky, some of the guys you’re sitting next to right now will still be among your best friends 10 years from now. It just might surprise you who those friends turn out to be. Take the time to truly get to know all the guys in your class, and realize that you’re uniquely fortunate to be in a school where that is even possible.

Mr. Silvano, Fr. Michael, Mr. Lippe, members of the faculty, family, friends and members of the Form II class of 2010, it is an honor to be here with you tonight as we celebrate the culmination of your Middle School years here at St. Anselm’s and officially mark the beginning of your high school careers.

On the flip side, this small school also demands a lot of its students. I don’t have to tell you that St. Anselm’s is a tough school academically. I’m sure that some of you have had an experience similar to one I did when I first came to St. Anselm’s. A straight-A student all throughout elementary school, I had a bit of a shock when Mr. Achilles gave me a C in my first trimester of Form I U.S. History. Even though I don’t think I ever hit that magic number of 56, I realized quickly that this was a school where anything less than my best effort wasn’t going to cut it. Believe me: this won’t change when you get to high school.

For most of you, tonight doesn’t mark the end of your time at the Abbey, and it may seem a little strange to be taking part in a graduation-style ceremony, about to receive a certificate from the Headmaster. Of course, several members of this class are marking the end of their time as Abbey Boys tonight, and it’s important that we take this time to say goodbye. I hope you’ll always remember your time at this place and the people you met here. Those of you who are staying with us for high school are less than halfway through your academic careers at St. Anselm’s, with plenty of challenges still ahead of you and plenty of memories still to be made. But I hope you’ll all take this opportunity to step back and reflect on your time here so far. Ask yourself: what has this school given me? Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, what have I given to this school? Be honest with yourself. I think many of you will find that the answers to these two questions are very closely tied.

Apart from the School’s academic rigors, our small size means that each student’s individual contributions outside the classroom matter more here than they might at a larger school. A single student’s participation—or failure to participate—in a fund drive for charity can make the difference in whether his House receives much-needed points. Our student council has to work extra hard to get decent attendance at school dances and games. As Upper Schoolers, you’ll be expected to take on leadership roles and participate even more fully in the vibrant life of this school. Know that your attitude and your actions have an outsized impact on those around you, and keep asking yourself those two questions I mentioned earlier: whether you’re getting all you can out of your time here, and whether you’re putting all you have into your time here.

A small school like St. Anselm’s offers its students some incredible opportunities. Despite our size, we’ve got plenty of athletic and extracurricular activities to get involved in, and it’s not uncommon for a guy to graduate with letters in two or more varsity sports, a leadership position on the student council, and having acted in multiple Priory Players productions. This stands in contrast to other schools, where competition is so fierce that stu-

In conclusion, let me say that my hope for you is that four years from now, you’ll be sitting on this very same stage and feel the same way the Class of 2010 felt here on Saturday, which is the same way I felt at my own 12

2009–2010 Annual Report

graduation and the way I feel today. I hope you’ll feel like you’re at home. Take a sense of ownership of your school and take pride in the accomplishments of your classmates. Get to know your friends, but also make an effort to get to know your teachers and those younger and older than you. Talk to alumni, who have been in your shoes and know all about the unique opportunities and demands that the Abbey presents. So make the most of the next four years. Do this for yourself, but also do it for the rest of us who are proud to call St. Anselm’s home. Thank you.

Form II Student Speaker Michael Laskowski Mr. Silvano, Mr. Lippe, Fr. Michael, faculty, staff and parents, as well as my fellow classmates, thank you for giving me the honor of addressing you here tonight. The American poet Don Williams, Jr. once said, “Our lessons come from the journey and not the destination.” And WOW, what a journey it has been!

leaders of the Middle School, and we sure did not disappoint. We hosted one of the best dances that the Middle School has ever seen, 120 girls and 50 boys, and tomorrow, with the support of parent chaperones, we will go on a student government-sponsored field trip to Kings Dominion! In addition to our succeeding socially, this year was also a year of big gains intellectually. We chose our second language this year, having to choose between Spanish and French. We also continued our music courses, with Maestro, Mr. Lodico and Dr. Downey each claiming that his course was the best. Mr. Corrigan offered us life advice, such as not to wrestle a bear, during breaks in his amazingly fast and complete Algebra I course. Snowmageddon provided us with a much-welcomed week off before Spring Break. On the whole, we had loads of fun as a class. We were always trying to sneak in a game of Winterbells before Mr. Bekoe caught us. As we reflect on this year, we must not forget the success of our Middle School athletic teams, who were outstanding throughout the year. The year concluded on Field Day, when the other three houses came together, though unsuccessfully, in trying to deny Moore House another House Cup.

My journey to St. Anselm’s began during my shadow day. My previous school, Friends Community School, was very different from St. Anselm’s. Before I shadowed, I had my doubts as to whether I would enjoy the much more structured environment provided at the Abbey. The day I shadowed, however, three separate classes gave out donuts. I knew this was the school for me. Those donuts assisted me in making one of the best decisions of my life. Tonight is also an opportunity to share our past experiences with one another about our collective journey at St. Anselm’s. In three years, our class has grown on many levels and has become a formidable force throughout the school. This is a far cry from A Form. Do you remember the first day of A Form? We were terrified by Mr. DeLuca and his demanding and very disciplined class. As the year proceeded, however, we became comfortable with him as he became one of our biggest supporters and mentors. We explored the world with Mr. Harwood, and experienced the Old Testament with Fr. Gabriel and had to take his dreaded SHOGREs. By the end of the year, everyone in our class felt very close to everyone else.

Although it has been a class effort to make these years so great, I would like to personally thank my family for their help. My mother, Carol, my father, Chris, and my brother, Matthew, have always been at my side, helping me through even the most difficult assignments. Thank you for sending me to St. Anselm’s and for always receiving me with open arms.

Our second year, Form I, opened our minds to a new type of learning. Cactonian adventures abounded every morning in Fr. Peter’s class, where we took a two-word vocabulary quiz that forced us to be constantly on our toes. We also welcomed a new language, Latin, which reinforced our memorization skills. Mr. Fries maintained a blistering pace throughout the year and provided us a head start for the years of Latin to come while also giving great movie advice. Mr. Achilles showed us how to take notes in class and brought us to a new understanding of our country in his U.S. History course.

Unfortunately, this year, Mr. Lippe, the Head of the Middle School, is departing. Mr. Lippe, despite being an avid Red Sox fan, has been a mentor, friend, and teacher to us all. We all wish him the best at his new school. Next year, all of us will face the challenges of high school. Alas, we will not all be together, as some members of our class begin their journey at other schools. We will miss them. Regardless of where we will be, we are aware that St. Anselm’s has been part of our journey. As we embark on this new chapter in our lives, we should all remember the words of Saint Benedict: “Always we begin again.”

This past year, Form II was one of the biggest classes in St. Anselm’s history. This year, we were looked up to as 13

St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Class of 2010 Awards Faculty-Conferred Awards Saint Anselm of Canterbury Award Dionysios Koroulakis For outstanding service to the school community Austin Scholar Award For outstanding academic achievement

Matthew Bollinger

President’s Ora et Labora Award Richard Pera For dedication to the principles of Saint Benedict Headmaster’s Award Michael Carpenter For contribution to class, positive attitude and school spirit St. Anselm’s Faculty Award For outstanding academic performance and commitment to learning Mark Duchesne Memorial Scholar-Athlete Award Peter Samp, ’08, Memorial Prize For outstanding contribution to the It’s Academic program

Benjamin Moniz, ’10, winner of the 2010 Cardinal Hickey Award.

José Gutierrez

Robert Cobb, Jr. Matthew Bollinger

Alumni Association Awards In Math and Science Robert Cobb, Jr. In Modern Language Matthew Bollinger In Classical Language Nicolaas van Dijk In Fine Arts Hariton Wilson

External Awards Cardinal Hickey Award For Christian attitude and spirit and service to school and parish community

Benjamin Moniz

Sr. Mary Immaculate Award For outstanding achievement in the Fine Arts

Brendan Hearn

Goldberg Science Award Anthony Korzan For outstanding achievement outside of school in the field of science National Latin Exam

Five consecutive gold medals Four consecutive gold medals

José Gutierrez Matthew Bollinger

National Greek Exam

Highest Honors Certificate of Merit

Matthew Bollinger Dionysios Koroulakis

National French Exam

Certificate of Merit

Andres Acevedo

National Merit Finalists

Matthew Bollinger Robert Cobb, Jr.

National Merit Semifinalist

Benjamin Moniz

National Merit Commended Scholars

Jonathan Aguilera-Titus James Keegan Branden Alegbeleye Neil Sood Jeremy Cockerham Liam Walsh-Mellett José Gutierrez

National Hispanic Recognition Scholars

Jonathan Aguilera-Titus

National Achievement Scholarship Program Finalist Commended 14 2009–2010 Annual Report

José Gutierrez Branden Alegbeleye Solomon Brown James Mwombela

Awards to Underclassmen Headmaster’s Award For contribution to class, positive attitude and school spirit Form A Massimo Morreale Form I Robert Pizzano Form II Michael Laskowski Form III Vince Marcantonio Form IV Christian McConville Form V Joseph Breslin

Dr. Wood’s “Egg Drop” Award Form IV Daniel Magee George Washington University Engineering Medal For excellence in mathematics and science Form V Joseph Breslin National Latin Exam, Perfect Score Form I Matthew Hayden Miles Moore Form II Alexander Lemmon Giacomo Sartorelli

St. Anselm’s Faculty Award For outstanding academic performance and commitment to learning Form A Maxim Novak Form I Henry Beh Form II Jack Butler Form III Joseph Nahra Form IV Jacob Wasserman Form V Farrell Sheehan

National Greek Exam High Honors Form V Ian Rich (Highest Honors) Abraham Secular Giovanni Zuretti National Spanish Exam, Gold Medal Form II Isaac Sellers William Schmidt Giacomo Sartorelli Form III Diego Torres Ronald Bokow Form IV Andrew Houghton Matthew Palmer Daniel Magee Form V Joseph Downs

Barry Creative Writing Prize In memory of Mr. Peter Barry, ’83 In Poetry Garrett Jansen (Form IV) In Fiction Ronald Bokow (Form III) Bijali Dutta Ghosh Book Award For commitment to and ability in the natural sciences Form V Jeffrey Nemes Rensselaer Medal Award For outstanding achievement in mathematics and science Form V Thomas Hansen

National French Exam, Honors Form II Alexander Lemmon Kevin Worth Form IV Jacob Wasserman Form V Christopher Bragale

The Form II class is pictured on the night of their transition service with (left to right): Headmaster Mr. Louis Silvano; Form Mistress Mrs. Jane Brinley; and Head of the Middle School Mr. William Lippe. Not pictured: Form Mistress Ms. Janine Dunne. 15 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Thank You St. Anselm’s Abbey School has been blessed since its founding with a remarkable level of support from those committed to the School’s mission. The exceptional faculty, excellent resources and beautiful campus would not be possible without the generous support of the entire Abbey family. Currently, about 15 percent of the operating budget comes from voluntary support – a combination of income from the funds raised for current operations, financial aid, and scholarships through the Annual Fund as well as the Fall Scholarship Gala Auction, the Named Scholarship opportunities, and myriad much-needed restricted gifts. Whether it has been through cash gifts or planned gifts, the support received from our alumni, parents, and friends allows St. Anselm’s to offer one of the finest educational opportunities in the Washington area. The monks as well as the faculty, staff, students and Board of Trustees recognize and deeply appreciate the many ways that our donors contribute to the success of our School. The generous support of all our alumni, parents and friends ensures a promising future for every Abbey student.

2009–2010 Leadership Gifts St. Anselm’s Abbey School is thankful for every donation, but we would like to highlight the very generous support of those whom we list below. These individuals, corporations, and foundations have chosen to make leadership gifts that inspire all of us engaged in the community that is St. Anselm’s. Those included here also appear later in this Report under the various funds and programs they have chosen to support at St. Anselm’s Abbey School.

The Attridge Family Charitable Fund Mrs. Joan Marie Bader Estate of Miss Kathryn Baldwin Ms. Janice Bertozzi Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mr. Robert J. Branson, ’66 Mr. Thaddeus J. Burns, ’81 Coakley Williams Construction Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Colby, ’64 Estate of Mr. R. Neil Dickman Fannie Mae Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fennell, ’66 Alice & Eugene Ford Foundation GE Foundation Rev. David Granfield, OSB + Rev. Patrick Granfield, OSB Dr. David A. Harnett, ’58 The James M. Johnston Trust Mr. and Mrs. David Kalinski

Mr. Patrick M. Kenny, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Kinnaird, ’80 Rev. T. Ansgar Laczko Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lindsay Mr. James P. Lucier, Jr., ’82 Mr. Thomas McCormick Microsoft Corporation Mr. Ralph Muoio Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Nahra Ambassador and Mrs. James E. Nolan, Jr., ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Nolan, Esq., ’76 Mr. Paul Ritchie, ’78, and Ms. Ayn Hagler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Sachs, Jr. St. Anselm’s Abbey School Alumni Association Mr. C. Richard Stafford, ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Truland, ’61 United Way of the National Capital Area The W. O’Neil Foundation, Inc. + deceased

16 2009–2010 Annual Report

2009–2010 Gifts & Grants Reflects all gifts and pledges received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.

Capital Gifts

1955 Building Addition/Renovation and Devine Theater Campaign

49 gifts

Annual Gifts


Annual Fund Gifts Desisgnated for School’s General Budget

510 gifts


Annual Fund Gifts Desisgnated for Scholarship Financial Aid

311 gifts


123 gifts


Annual Fund Gifts Designated for St. Anselm’s Abbey

Other Gifts & Pledges (Including named scholarships and foundation grants) 2009 Fall Scholarship Gala Gross Receipts

9 gifts


579 gifts


64 gifts


Endowment Gifts 2009–2010 Gifts

Total 2009–2010 Gifts & Grants


* Includes pledge paydowns totaling $12,660. ** Includes outstanding pledges made in FY 2010 totaling $8,195. *** Includes outstanding pledges made in FY 2010 totaling $1,595.

Annual Fund Circles of Giving St. Anselm’s Abbey School recognizes donors for their participation in annual giving and support of the School. Gifts listed are from individuals, corporations, foundations and other organizations and directed through the Annual Fund to one or more of three purposes: the School’s overall budget, current-year financial aid and support of the monastic community. All Annual Fund gifts received during the past fiscal year—July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010—are recognized in the following sections. Note: Gifts to named scholarships, the Fall Scholarship Gala, the Endowment and the Annual Golf Outing are listed separately.

Founder’s Circle

Gifts of $10,000 and above Mrs. Joan M. Bader Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Colby, ’64 Mr. Paul Ritchie, ’78, and Ms. Ayn Hagler Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Sachs, Jr. The Attridge Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Truland, ’61 United Way of the National Capital Area

Abbot’s Circle

Gifts of $5,000 - $9,000 Mr. Thaddeus J. Burns, ’81 Fannie Mae Foundation GE Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Kalinski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lindsay Mr. Ralph Muoio Ambassador and Mrs. James E. Nolan, Jr., ’50

President’s Circle

Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Dr. and Mrs. David Antezana, ’85 Credit United Technologies Daisy B. Deering Trust

The Varsity soccer team gets ready for a home game in September. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mahaffey Mr. Marc A. Mander, ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Nahra Wiley Rein LLP Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ruppel, ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Willett

17 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Headmaster’s Circle

Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Barry, ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell Drs. John and Catherine Benedetto

Annual Fund Circles of Giving

The 2009–2010 acdemic year began on September 1, 2009 with 238 students and 51 monastic and lay faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Blick Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boland, Jr., ’67 Mr. Sean Brennan, ’73, and Ms. Alice Fischer-Colbrie Mr. David Burke, ’84, and Ms. Kelly McGann Mrs. Joan Castellan Catholic Business Network Mr. + and Mrs. Donald Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. Pierce S. Corden Mr. Michael J. Corrigan, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Creighton Mr. Christopher J. Daly, ’60 Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Dolgert Drs. Paul and Joanne Domson Mr. Christopher Dugan, ’66, and Ms. Susan Polk Dugan Edna P. Jacobsen Charitable Trust for Animals, Inc.

Dr. Bernard Finch and Dr. Alana LaGrenade Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Diaz Gavin Giant Food, Inc. Mr. Albert L. Hansen, ’72 Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas Haresign Mrs. Jane B. Hart Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hillig, ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howe Mr. John S. Huitema, ’81 Mr. Thomas Husted and Ms. Ines Bustillo Mr. Terry Jacobs and Ms. Dena Ann Baker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kearney, ’74 Mrs. Eleanore L. Keegan Rev. T. Ansgar Laczko Mr. Joseph Lang Mr. and Mrs. David Levy

The Annual Fund Supporting the St. Anselm’s Experience 2005–2006 2006–2007 2007–2008 2008–2009

$184,316 $146,171

Faculty Circle

$244,483 $234,501



Total Annual Fund Giving (past five years):

Dr. and Mrs. Mark K. Li Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay, Jr. Mr. James P. Lucier, Jr., ’82 Miss Beatrice Mackenzie Mr. Mark Mahaney, ’83, and Ms. Patricia Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Kelly J. McConville Mr. Brian J. McManus, ’60 Mr. Andrew Miller and Ms. Penelope Farthing Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Molloy Nolan Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ms. Helene O’Neil Miss Helen T. Paniczko St. Anselm’s Abbey School Parents Association Mr. and Mrs. B. Donovan Picard Mr. and Mrs. H. David Pickering, Jr., ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ritacco, II, ’86 Mr. Robert Rose and Ms. Michele Parent Mr. James E. Sharer, ’74 Mr. Charles J. Sheehan, ’72 Dr. Mark Turner and Dr. Sybil Tasker Capt. John G. Wildt, ’00 Mr. Donald Winkler and Ms. Carolyn Winter Mr. and Mrs. Steven Worth Dr. Kenneth Yale, ’74


18 2009–2010 Annual Report

Gifts of $500 - $999 Mr. Pierre D. Boehler, ’76 Mr. Robert J. Branson, ’66 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Brosch Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Brubaker Dr. Arthur L. Burnett, ’80 Dr. Richard Calkins and Ms. Kathryn Weiss Dr. Michael Cappello, ’80, and Ms. Kerry Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Terrence C. Caulfield, ’85

Annual Fund Circles of Giving Dr. Song S. Cho Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Collins, ’74 Dr. and Mrs. William D. Commins, ’48 Ms. Margaret Conyngham Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Diamond, ’67 Mr. and Mrs. David L. Durkin Mr. Edward P. Eagles Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Elder, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Fagan Mr. Peter H. Fielding, ’03 Mr. Richard Garner Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Gidley Mr. James Gleason and Ms. Cynthia Butler Goldman Sachs and Company Drs. Michael and Deborah Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. W. Jon Heddesheimer Mr. Frank Henneburg and Ms. Sharon Frey Mr. and Mrs. James Huitema Dr. Donald G. Jackson,’84 LCDR Nathan P. Kendrick, ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lee, ’87 Mr. David B. Lischer, ’93 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lischer, Jr. Mr. Mark L. Lofgren Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lorentz Mrs. Elizabeth Mariani Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Markel Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Mathias Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Mattingly, ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mauro Drs. William and Patricia May Mrs. Helen McNeill Mr. Husayn-Olivier L. Moody, ’94 Mr. John G. Mullan, ’71 Mr. Richard Nuanes and Ms. Kathi Sullivan Mr. William Palmer and Dr. Elizabeth Kicklighter Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Peters, Sr., ’47 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Porto, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Recchia Ms. Alice M. Rivlin Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Romano Dr. and Mrs. George F. Schreiner, ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geoffrey Sella Dr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Siebentritt, ’75 The Hon. and Mrs. Loren A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Strylowski Dr. Connie Swiner, III, ’77 Dr. Andrew S. Szegedy-Maszak, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tydings Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Vidmar Mr. and Mrs. A. Christopher Waddell, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Miguel D. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. William Walters Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Werner, ’65 Fr. Charles A. Wood, ’78 Mr. Fares Zaki and Ms. Jane Kirby-Zaki

1942 Circle

Gifts of up to $499 Anonymous Ms. Najla Abuasali Mr. Henry Achilles and Ms. Helen Mollick Mr. George Ackerman Dr. George Adams and Dr. Deborah Tussing Mr. Adewole S. Adamson, ’01 Mr. Pankaj K. Agarwalla, ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Aguilera-Titus Mr. Kerry Allen and Ms. Maureen Shea Mr. Christopher S. Allen, ’00 Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ambrose Ms. Michelle Aréne + Mrs. Irene Arpin Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Babendreier, ’74 Mr. Brian Bader, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Balderston, ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo C. Bandong Bank of America Mr. Kevin Barefoot, ’00 Mr. Michael Barich and Ms. Joan Slonczewski Ms. Janine Barillot Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barlow Dr. Robert D. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barry Ms. Robin Barth, RN Mr. Bruce E. Beckert, ’52 Mr. Joseph J. Bedessem, ’86 Mr. Kofi Bekoe Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Benedetto, ’89 Mr. Paul S. Bennett, ’65 Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bennett, ’63 Mr. Thomas M. Berg, ’58 Mr. Brian Berns and Ms. Helen Martin Berns Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Betz, ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biffl

Mr. David Binkley and Ms. Patricia Darish Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Birch Deacon and Mrs. David K. Black Mr. Elmer Blackburne and Justice Laura Blackburne Mr. and Mrs. Webster A. Blades Mr. and Mrs. David B. Blair Mr. David S. Blair, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Parle Thomas Blake Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bokow Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus P. Boland, Sr., ’75 Ambassador and Mrs. Clifford Bond Mr. Pablo Bonilla Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Borger, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Boyse Mr. Albert E. Branson, Jr., ’60 Mrs. Jane Brinley Mrs. Laura Britton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Britton, ’84 Mrs. Valerie Brown and Mr. Dennis Brown Rev. Homer Brown and Ms. Debra Knight-Brown Mr. Kirk Brown and Ms. Carol Ramirez Ms. Tamara Brown Mr. and Mrs. S. Charles Brubaker, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bruntrager Mr. Sam Bryan and Ms. Amy Scott Mr. and Mrs. Sven Burmester Mr. Joseph E. Burns, ’50 Mr. Patrick Burns and Ms. Mary Suffoletta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buroker Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Butler, Jr. Ms. Sylvia Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Antonino Calabro Caldwell Chapel Community + deceased

The Varsity cross country team won the PVAC championship for a second consecutive year under head coach Mr. Bryan Taylor. 19 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Annual Fund Circles of Giving

New Form II students after receiving their House assignments on House Day, September 25. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calingaert Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Callanan, ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carpenter Mr. John A. Carpenter, ’09 Dr. and Mrs. Mario Casarella Mr. and Mrs. James J. Casimir Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Castellan, ’75 Dr. and Mrs. David M. Castellan, ’79 Mr. William A. Castellan, ’78 Fr. Javier Castro Mr. Dan B. Caulfield, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Caulfield, ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Chalmers, ’60 Mr. and Mr. Ramsey Chambers Dr. Antonio Chaves Mr. Peter Chemery, ’70, and Ms. Amy Hungerford Mr. and Mrs. Chong H. Cho Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis and Mr. Thomas Cholis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Choquette, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Clark, ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Clark, ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cleary Mr. Christopher D. Clement, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Clement Mr. David F. Clemmer, Jr., ’90 Mr. K. Awenate Cobbina, ’98 Mr. Nicholas Cobbs Mr. Robert White Cobbs, ’02 Dr. + and Mrs. John T. Cockerham Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Samuel Cockerham, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Milo G. Coerper Dr. Joel Cohen Mr. Raymond F. Colangelo, ’63

Mrs. Barbara H. Colby Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Commins Mr. Mark Commins and Ms. Monica Mische Mr. and Mrs. James R. Connell Mr. and Mrs. James P. Connell, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Conway, ’80 Mr. Michael Conyngham, ’78, and Ms. Mary Hardiman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Conyngham, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Cook, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coony Mr. and Mrs. William M. Corbett, ’55 Dr. Mark H. Corden, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corran Mrs. Catherine D. Corrigan Mr. John J. Corrigan, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Costa, ’82 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cotruvo Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Cowal, ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crain Mr. James Craver and Ms. Laura McGrath Mr. + and Mrs. Charles E. Crooke Mr. and Mrs. James Crowne, ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Crowne, ’72 Mr. Adrian Crowne, ’92, and Ms. C. Harris Crowne Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crump Dr. Paul J. Cunningham, ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Daberkow Mr. James Dahlberg and Ms. Deirdre Donahue Mr. and Mrs. William Dalbec Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Damiano Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dangle Mr. and Mrs. William Darish Mr. Nicholas B. Davies, ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davitt, ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. de Groot, ’70 Mr. R. Mark Dean Mr. Richard J. DeFelice, ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dellapa, Jr. Mr. Hal DeLuca Ms. Jean Grosdidier DeMatons Mr. and Mrs. William R. Denton Dr. Paul H. Desan, ’73 Mr. Richard L. desJardins, ’57 Mr. Matthew R. Dickie, ’94 Mrs. M. Catherine Diggle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dirda Mr. Onnig H. Dombalagian, ’88 Mr. and Mrs. James Donald Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dorwart, ’58 Dow Jones and Company Mr. and Mrs. James P. Downey, Esq., ’66 Mrs. Jill Downey Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Downey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Driscoll Mr. Anthony DuComb and Ms. Robin Isenberg

20 2009–2010 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Sotiraq Dunellari Ms. Janine Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dwyer Dr. John C. Edwards,’59 Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Elenbaas, ’87 Mrs. Hajnalka Enzel EScrip Mr. and Mrs. Miles P. Eskin Dr. Leo Eskin, ’76, and Ms. Kathy Alexander Mr. Peter F. Eskin, ’90 Mr. Peter A. Eveleth Mr. Bazil Facchina, ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fafard Mr. C. Christopher Fafard, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faletti Mr. Tony Fazio and Ms. Ellen O’Neill Mr. Martin E. Feeney, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Piers A. Fennell, ’92 Mr. Stephen C. Fenwick, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ferraguto Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Finan, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Finan, ’48 Mr. Thomas E. Finan, ’92 Mr. John M. Fleming, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Mack Fleming Mr. Michael Fletcher and Ms. Chantal Courieut Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Foley, ’76 Dr. Farshad Foroozan Mr. Roland F. Foss, ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Foss Mr. Paul-Martin Foss, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Freiseis, ’52 Mr. Adam Fries Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Fuller, ’62 Mr. Dennis Gallagher and Ms. Carol Barthel Mr. Scott M. Galloway, ’93 Mr. and Mrs. George Garvey Ms. Solange Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerber Ms. Carol Giacomo Mrs. Lydia K Giffler Mr. Joseph K. Giffler, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. William Gigax Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Giordani Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Giordani, ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Giuliani, ’52 Mr. Brendan Gleason, ’03 Dr. Mark Gnerro Ms. Catherine Godfrey Ms. Grace Goodell Ms. Mary Lou Goodwin-King Mrs. Louise J. Gordon Mr. Mattias M. Graff, ’85 Mrs. Nancy Ann Grandel and Mr. Jeff Grandel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Gray, ’69 Mr. Ronald E. Greigg, ’64 Ms. Kristin Spearing Gulland Mr. and Mrs. John G. Haaga, ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haggerty, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hallam Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Hamm, ’72

Annual Fund Circles of Giving Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Mr. Raymond Hankins, USAF (Ret.) and Ms. Lisa McCurdy Dr. Timothy C. Hanley, ’60 Dr. and Mrs. Reid H. Hansen, ’68 Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry Harrelson Mrs. Bonnie W. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hatch, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatcher Mr. Lawrence P. Hayes, ’55 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hearn, ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hearn, ’79 Mrs. Marie-Therese Hensel Mr. Philippe F. Hensel, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. John K. Higgins, Jr. Mr. Justin Higgins, ’88 Dr. Russell Hill and Ms. Gloria Smith-Hill Mr. Lawrence Hilliard and Ms. Leslie Davies-Hilliard Mr. Raymond L. Hogan, ’68 Mr. James Hohman and Ms. Marian Hale Ms. Zlatica Hoke Mr. Jacob J. Holtz, ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Ward E. Hostetler, ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Houghton Mr. Kevin C. Hudson, ’04 Mr. Michael Huerta and Ms. Ann Sowder Dr. Austin L. Hughes, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hurley, ’55

The Priory Players presented Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance in November. Above, Matthew Bond, Form VI, as Major-General Stanley.

Mr. Lucas Husted, ’09 Mr. Lars S. Hydle, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Juan B. Ianni, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. August Imholtz Dr. Alexander S. Isaac, ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Jacques, ’62 Mr. Don Jansen and Ms. Mary Kot-Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jennings Mr. Philip L. Johnson, ’05 Dr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson Dr. Larry Joseph Mr. Steven W. Kahle, ’83 Ms. Michelle Kannan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kapusta Mr. John D. Kastanek, ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Keegan, Jr., ’73 Mr. James Keegan and Dr. Achsah Keegan, ’78 Ms. Mary Louise Keegan Mrs. Joan Keenan Mr. Thomas W. Keenan, ’77 Ms. Elizabeth B. Kehoe Dr. and Mrs. Francis Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kelly, ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennah Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Kent Mr. Patrick M. Kenny, ’91 Mr. Nicholas A. Kessides, ’01 Mr. Peter A. Keszler, ’05 Drs. Martin and Mary Lenore Keszler Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ketchum Mr. Timothy R. Ketchum, ’90 Mrs. Joan Kinnaird Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirby Mr. Michael Kirkpatrick and Ms. Cora Tekach Mr. Richard Kjeldgaard and Ms. Joan Darby Mr. Peter Kjeldgaard, ’03 Mr. Gerard Klein and Ms. Anne Marie Westerbaan-Klein Mr. Earl Klitenic Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Knasel Mr. David M. Knasel, ’87 Dr. Juliana Simmons Kopec Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Kopec, ’93 Mr. Dionysios Koroulakis, ’10 Mr. Antony I. Koroulakis, ’07 Mr. Andreas Kraemer, ’95 Mr. Mattias M. Kraemer, ’97 Mr. Sven Kraemer and Ms. Carla Hubner-Kraemer Dr. F. Wickham Kraemer, III, ’92 Mr. Joseph M. Krafft Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krafft Dr. and Mrs. James J. Krebs Mr. and Mrs. David W. La Voy Mr. Thomas La Voy, ’09 Mr. Allan LaGrenade-Finch, ’09 Mr. Peter Lang, ’86 Mr. Nikolas Lanyi, ’85, and Ms. Holly Peele Dr. Michael Laskowski and Dr. Carol DeFrances

21 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

The Hon. and Mrs. James W. Lawson, ’48 Mr. James Leathers, ’04 Mr. Howard Leathers and Ms. Martha Stancill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Leckey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Leitch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lemmon Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lemp, ’54 Mr. Arthur Linder Mr. and Mrs. William Lippe Mr. Michael Lodico Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lombardi, ’69 Mr. Clarence D. Long, IV, ’92 Dr. Richard Long and Ms. Dolores Coutts Mr. Jamsheed Lovelace, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Luciano Mr. Thomas J. Lynch, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mackall, ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Magovern Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahaney Drs. Marcel and Valerica Maican Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Maio, ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malionek Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Malone, III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Neville A. Mander Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mariani, ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Marlowe, Jr., ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Martin, Jr., ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Martin Mr. and Mrs. S. Douglas Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Martin, ’61 Dr. John P. Martin, ’87 Mr. Paul J. Martin, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Matelski, III, ’62 Mr. William T. Mathias, ’86 Dr. and Mrs. George E. Mattingly, ’56 Mr. Jeffrey L. Mattlin, ’95 Mr. Scott M. Maxwell, ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. May, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. May, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. McCarthy, ’64 Mr. John N. McCarthy, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. McCartin, ’68 Mr. Paul W. McCloskey Mr. J. Christopher McDonough, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Lorton S. McFarlane Mr. and Edward Reeves McGee, ’91 Mr. Sean M. McGervey, ’90 Mr. Thomas McGill Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. McGowan, ’83 Mr. Philip C. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McMahon, ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. McManus, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McPherson

Annual Fund Circles of Giving Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Meade Mr. Joseph F. Mealy, Jr., ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mehigan Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Melendez, ’48 Mr. Martin Mellett and Ms. Judy Walsh-Mellett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Merkle Mr. and Mrs. William D. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Messalle Mr. Robert Metzler, ’67, and Ms. Mary Carnevale Ms. Julia Michel Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent Mickum, IV, ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Minahan Mr. Charles D. Missar + Dr. C. David Missar, ’83, and Ms. Katherine Monahan Mr. Lawrence Modisett and Ms. Ann Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Marc Moller Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Molloy, ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John Moniz Mr. Christopher J. Monsour, ’86 Mr. John E. Montgomery, ’67 Mr. John Montroll Mr. Carl A. Morales, ’94 Mr. and Mrs. José Morales Dr. and Mrs. Peter Morici Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Morse Mr. and Mrs. John Muldoon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullooly Mrs. Karen Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Murphy, ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Murphy, ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Murphy, ’57 Mr. Denis L. Murray, ’60 Mr. and Mrs. James Mwombela, Sr. Dr. Paul V. Myron, ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nagel, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nagle Mr. David Taylor Nielsen and Ms. Deborah Taylor Drs. Stephen Nightingale, ’63, and Elizabeth Wiley Mr. James G. Nolan, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Nolan, Esq., ’76 Mr. Eamon K. Nolan, ’05 Mr. Ryan S. Nuanes, ’04 Mr. and Mrs. José C. Nuñez Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. O’Brimski, ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Bernard V. O’Neill, Jr., ’55 Dr. William P. O’Neill, ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. O’Neill, ’59 Mr. and Mrs. C. Larry O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Oetjen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oetjen Mr. Norman J. Oliver, ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oliver, ’65 Mr. Kirk Otterson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Oudens Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Owen, ’71 Dr. Anthony L. Owens, ’84 Mr. Christopher Paganelli and Ms. Anne Linton Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Palumbo Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Pangaro Parents of the Class of 2009 Dr. Don N. Parker, ’81

Dr. Herbert Wood explains a solution in his Upper Division Engineering class. 22 2009–2010 Annual Report

Dr. Rubina Patel Mr. and Mrs. William P. Peak, Jr. Mr. Jason D. Peckenpaugh, ’96 Capt. Richard Pera and Ms. Mary Jo Robinson Mr. Eugene F. Peters, Jr., ’73 Pfizer Foundation Mr. Timothy B. Phillips, ’85 Dr. Michael S. Phipps, ’93 Mr. Samuel D. Picard, ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Piccirillo Mr. Robert W. Pitts, ’50 Mr. Robert Pizzano and Ms. Donna Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poche Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Pontzer Mrs. Barbara Porter Mr. James T. Potemra, ’82 Mr. Peter M. Powers, ’89 Dr. and Mrs. Jogues R. Prandoni, ’62 Mrs. Maria Teresa Prendergast Mr. Carl B. Procario-Foley, ’79 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Radner, ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Raisch Sr. Victoria M. Rajca, RSCJ Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ralph, ’57 Raytheon Systems Company Mrs. Karen Reed Capt. and Mrs. Paul M. Regan Ms. Rita Ann Reimer Mrs. Carol Rentas Dr. Joseph A. Resing, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Riccio Mr. Eric P. Rice, ’85 Mr. Michael Riggs, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rinehart Mrs. Ruth Ritter Mrs. Mary Catherine Roberts Ms. Elnora Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John E. Robertson, ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Rodenhuis, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Rodgers Mr. Charles Roh and Ms. Maureen Gevlin Mrs. Maura Rohde Mr. Ian W.M. Rose, ’07 Mr. Robert G. Rudd, ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudd Mrs. Antoinette Ruppert Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Russell, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Noah G. Sack, ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Samp Mrs. Marilee Sanders Mr. and Mrs. S. Sankaran Drs. Vittorio and Jennifer Sartorelli Ms. Kathleen Saunders Dr. Bernd Schaefer and Ms. Karen Riechert Mr. Thomas Schlenker Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schneider Mrs. Sophie Schubert

Annual Fund Circles of Giving Mrs. Joan F. Schucker Mr. Joseph M. Schweitzer, ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Scully, II Mr. Roger T. Scully, III, ’10 Mr. Keith Secular and Ms. Susan Catler Dr. Jeanne Sella Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sherman Dr. Daniel J. Sherman, ’76 Mr. Richard A. Shumann, ’84 Mr. Jeremy V. Siegel, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silvano Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Sinclair Mr. Robert Sinsheimer and Ms. Gretchen Guelde Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sisson Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Skeath Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith Mr. Gregory Allgire Smith, ’68, and Ms. Susan Watts Dr. Mark Smith, ’73, and Ms. Elizabeth Bloch-Smith Mr. Sebastian E. Smoot, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sontag, ’50 Dr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Sood Sprint Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stanford Mr. James Stanford, ’90, and Ms. Carmencita Balagtas Dr. Paul Stares and Ms. Sonni Efron Ms. Maureen Steinbruner Mr. Joseph P. Stenson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stephens Mr. Lucky Stokes, ’69 Mr. Robert D. Strobos, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Melchor L. Suarez, ’70 Mr. Charles G. Sullivan, ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Sullivan, ’86 Ms. Graciela P. Sullivan Mr. Michael B. Sundermeyer, ’58 Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mark Swentkofske Mr. Peter B. Szegedy-Maszak, Esq., ’68 Mr. David A. Taylor Mr. Bryan Taylor Mr. Taru M. Thompson, ’09 Mr. Patrick A. Thrasher, ’97 Mr. John Toole Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Tracy, Jr., ’70 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Traver Mr. Jared Traver, ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Treacy, III, ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Trimboli Dr. and Mrs. John F. Truhlar Mr. Conrad S. Tseng, ’78 Dr. Peter C. Tseng, ’76 Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Turner Dr. and Mrs. C. Frederick Tyner United Way of Greater Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Vaile Dr. Han van Dijk and Dr. Martha Matocha Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Vaughan, Jr., ’52 Mr. Allan Vecchione and Ms. Nina Falvello

Twelve seniors were honored in the National Merit and National Achievement scholarship competitions this year. Front row, L-R: Neil Sood; Liam WalshMellett; José Gutierrez; and James Keegan. Back row, L-R: Branden Alegbeleye; Benjamin Moniz; Jonathan Aguilera-Titus; and Matthew Bollinger. Not pictured: Solomon Brown; Robert Cobb, Jr.; Jeremy Cockerham; and James Mwombela. For the full list of senior awards, see page 14. Verizon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Vidmar, ’84 Mr. Mark Vincent Mr. Christian Volz, ’70, and Ms. Paula Jo Page Dr. Stephen Volz, ’76, and Ms. Maribeth Garnier Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vongsathorn Mr. Michael Wacker Mr.+ and Mrs.+ J. Burke Walsh, ’46 Mr. David Walters, ’88, and Dr. Brenda Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Warring, ’65 Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Warring, Jr., ’56 Mr. Alan Washburn Mr. David Wasserman and Ms. Susan Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wasserman Admiral and Mrs. James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.) Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Watkins, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weaver Capt. and Mrs. Jerome J. Weber, USN (Ret.), ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weck

23 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mr. Christopher P. Weck, ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Welter Dr. Luke Whitesell, ’76, and Ms. Catherine McLellan Mr. Joseph Wiehagen and Ms. Cathleen Cooney Cpt. Jeffrey Wilbur, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wilding, ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Willett, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Winters, ’48 Dr. and Mrs. Julien Worland, ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Tarik Wright Mr. Raul Yepez Mr. David Yokoyama-Martin, ’86, and Ms. Joanne Yokoyama-Martin Mr. W. Young and Ms. Mary Sheridan Mr. Peter Young, ’01 Mrs. Ieva Young and Mr. Jeremy Young Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Zall Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zdankiewicz Lt. Col. and Mrs. Christopher Ziebarth Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Zill, II Ms. Suzanne Ziska Dr. and Ms. Joseph J. Zorc, ’84

Annual Giving by Current Parents Parents provide the foundation for our students’ success, both now and in the future. We truly appreciate the efforts, generosity and support of all our families.

Class of 2010 Form VI

Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Aguilera-Titus Ambassador and Mrs. Clifford Bond Rev. Homer Brown and Ms. Debra Knight-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carpenter Dr. + and Mrs. John T. Cockerham Mr. and Mrs. David L. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hearn, ’77 Mr. James Keegan, ’78, and Dr. Achsah Keegan Mr. Martin Mellett and Ms. Judy Walsh-Mellett Mr. and Mrs. John Moniz Mr. and Mrs. James Mwombela Capt. Richard Pera and Ms. Mary Jo Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Scully, II Dr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Sood Dr. Han van Dijk and Dr. Martha Matocha Mr. Fares Zaki and Ms. Jane Kirby-Zaki

Class of 2011 Form V

Mr. and Mrs. Parle Thomas Blake

Dr. Richard Calkins and Ms. Kathryn Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Mr. Thomas Husted and Ms. Ines Bustillo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krafft Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oetjen Mrs. Karen Reed Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Rushing Dr. Bernd Schaefer and Ms. Karen Riechert Mr. Keith Secular and Ms. Susan Catler Dr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Sheehan Lt. Col. and Mrs. Christopher Ziebarth

Class of 2012 Form IV

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crump Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Foley, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Diaz Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Houghton Mr. Don Jansen and Ms. Mary Kot-Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Kelly J. McConville Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mehigan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Merkle Mr. Christopher Paganelli and Ms. Anne Linton

Mr. William Palmer and Dr. Elizabeth Kicklighter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geoffrey Sella Mr. David Wasserman and Ms. Susan Ginsberg Mr. Donald Winkler and Ms. Carolyn Winter

Class of 2013 Form III

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bokow Dr. Richard Calkins and Ms. Kathryn Weiss Mr. James Craver and Ms. Laura McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dangle Mr. and Mrs. Sotiraq Dunellari Mr. Tony Fazio and Ms. Ellen O’Neill Ms. Mary Lou Goodwin-King Mr. Raymond Hankins USAF (Ret.) and Ms. Lisa McCurdy Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hearn, ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Herbert Dr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McPherson Mr. Martin Mellett and Ms. Judy Walsh-Mellett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Merkle Mr. Andrew Miller and Ms. Penelope Farthing Mr. and Mrs. James Mwombela Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Nahra Mr. David Taylor Nielsen and Ms. Deborah Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Pontzer Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Recchia Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Turner

Class of 2014 Form II

The Varsity wrestling team compiled a record of 8-3 in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling League competition under head coach Mr. Steve Roush.

Mr. Brian Berns and Ms. Helen Martin Berns Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biffl Mr. Patrick Burns and Ms. Mary Suffoletta Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Butler, Jr. Dr. Joel Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faletti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howe Mr. Michael Kirkpatrick and Ms. Cora Tekach + deceased

24 2009–2010 Annual Report

Dr. Michael Laskowski and Dr. Carol DeFrances Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lemmon Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mazza Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Meade Mrs. Karen Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poche Drs. Vittorio and Jennifer Sartorelli Dr. Paul Stares and Ms. Sonni Efron Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mark Swentkofske Mr. Donald Winkler and Ms. Carolyn Winter Mr. and Mrs. Steven Worth

Class of 2015 Form I

Mr. and Mrs. William Dalbec Mr. Michael Huerta and Ms. Ann Sowder Mr. Robert Pizzano and Ms. Donna Forbes

Mr. Robert Rose and Ms. Michele Parent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geoffrey Sella Mr. Allan Vecchione and Ms. Nina Falvello Mr. and Mrs. Tarik Wright

Class of 2016 Form A

Mr. David Binkley and Ms. Patricia Darish Mr. Kirk Brown and Ms. Carol Ramirez Mr. and Mr. Ramsey Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crump Mr. Michael Fletcher and Ms. Chantal Courieut Ms. Solange Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lorentz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Markel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant Raisch Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mark Swentkofske

Maestro Marcel Maican conducts during the annual Christmas concert.

Annual Giving by Past Parents St. Anselm’s Abbey School takes great pride in the continued support of parents after their sons have left St. Anselm’s. We are grateful for their ongoing generosity and endorsement of the School’s mission. We are especially excited about the formation of a new group composed of past parents, known as Form VII Forever. All past parents are welcome to join. Mr. George Ackerman Mr. Kerry Allen and Ms. Maureen Shea Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ambrose Ms. Michelle Arène + Mrs. Irene Arpin Mrs. Joan M. Bader Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo C. Bandong Mr. Michael Barich and Mrs. Joan Slonczewski Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Barnett Mr. Robert D. Barry, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barry Drs. John and Catherine Benedetto Deacon and Mrs. David K. Black Mr. and Mrs. Webster A. Blades Mr. and Mrs. David B. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Blick Mr. Pierre D. Boehler, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Boyse Mrs. Laura Britton Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Brosch Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bruntrager Mr. and Mrs. Sven Burmester Mr. and Mrs. Antonino Calabro Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calingaert Ms. Kathleen Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Mario Casarella Mr. and Mrs. James J. Casimir

Mrs. Joan Castellan Mr. + and Mrs. Donald Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Clement Mr. Nicholas Cobbs Mrs. Barbara H. Colby Mr. and Mrs. James R. Connell Mrs. Margaret Conyngham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coony Mr. and Mrs. Pierce S. Corden Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corran Mrs. Catherine D. Corrigan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cotruvo Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crain Mr. + and Mrs. Charles E. Crooke Mr. and Mrs. James Crowne, ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Daberkow Mr. James Dahlberg and Ms. Deirdre Donahue Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Damiano Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Davies Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dirda Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Dolgert Drs. Paul and Joanne Domson Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Donnelly Mr. Thomas Dougherty and Dr. Kathleen Dougherty Mrs. Jill Downey Mr. and Mrs. William J. Driscoll Mr. Anthony DuComb and Ms. Robin Isenberg

25 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Elenbaas Mr. and Mrs. Miles Peter Eskin Mr. Peter A. Eveleth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fafard Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Fagan Mr. John Feeney and Ambassador Laura Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ferraguto Ms. Ellen Fielding Mr. and Mrs. Randall Fiertz Mr. and Mrs. James O. Fike Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Finan, ’61 Dr. Bernard Finch and Dr. Alana LaGrenade Mr. and Mrs. Mack Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Foss Mr. Dennis Gallagher and Ms. Carol Barthel Mr. and Mrs. George Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerber Ms. Carol Giacomo Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Gidley Mrs. Lydia K. Giffler Mr. and Mrs. William Gigax Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Giordani Mr. James Gleason and Ms. Cynthia Butler Drs. Michael and Deborah Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hallam Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas Haresign Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry Harrelson Mrs. Bonnie W. Harrison + deceased

Annual Giving by Past Parents Mrs. Jane B. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. W. Jon Heddesheimer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Helm Mr. Frank Henneburg and Ms. Sharon Frey Mrs. Marie-Therese Hensel Mr. and Mrs. John K. Higgins, Jr. Dr. Russell Hill and Ms. Gloria Smith-Hill Mr. Lawrence Hilliard and Ms. Leslie Davies-Hilliard Mr. James Hohman and Ms. Marian Hale Ms. Zlatica Hoke Mr. and Mrs. James Huitema Mr. and Mrs. August Imholtz Mr. Terry Jacobs and Ms. Dena Ann Baker Mr. George Jansen and Ms. Kathy Stein Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jennings Col. Joseph Johnson and LTC. Pamela Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Kalinski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kapusta Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kearney, ’74 Mrs. Eleanore L. Keegan Mrs. Joan Keenan Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kehoe Dr. and Mrs. Francis Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Kent Drs. Martin and Mary Lenore Keszler Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ketchum Mrs. Joan Kinnaird Mr. Richard Kjeldgaard and Ms. Joan Darby Mr. Gerard Klein and Ms. Anne Marie Westerbaan-Klein Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael Knasel Dr. Juliana Simmons Kopec Mr. Sven Kraemer and Ms. Carla Hubner-Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. David Wayne La Voy Mr. Joseph Lang Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. William H. Leary Mr. Howard Leathers and Ms. Martha Stancill Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Leitch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Levedahl Mr. and Mrs. David Levy Dr. and Mrs. Mark K. Li Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lischer, Jr. Dr. Richard Long and Ms. Dolores Coutts Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Luciano Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mahaffey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahaney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malionek Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Malone III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Neville A. Mander Mrs. Elizabeth Mariani Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Martin Mr. and Mrs. S. Douglas Martin

Modern Language Department Chair Mrs. Hajnalka Enzel in an Upper Division Spanish class. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Mathias Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mauro Drs. William and Patricia May Mr. Paul W. McCloskey Mr. David McCloud and Ms. Roberta Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Lorton S. McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. McMahon Mrs. Helen McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Richard Messalle Mr. Robert Metzler, ’67, and Ms. Mary Carnevale Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Minahan Mr. Charles D. Missar + Mr. Lawrence Modisett and Ms. Ann Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Molloy Dr. and Mrs. Peter Morici Mr. Ralph Muoio Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nagel, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nagle Mr. Richard Nuanes and Ms. Kathi Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. José C. Nuñez Mr. and Mrs. C. Larry O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Oudens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Owings Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Palumbo Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Pangaro Dr. Rubina Patel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Peters, ’47 Mr. Eugene F. Peters, Jr., ’73 Mr. and Mrs. B. Donovan Picard Mr. and Mrs. Victor Piccirillo Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Powers Mr. and Mrs. John A. Riggs Ms. Linda L. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. David F. Rinn Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Rodgers Mr. Charles Roh and Ms. Maureen Gevlin

26 2009–2010 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Roush Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudd Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Samp Mrs. Marilee Sanders Ms. Kathleen Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Sinclair Mr. Robert Sinsheimer and Ms. Gretchen Guelde Mr. and Mrs. Perry Richmond Skeath Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith The Hon. and Mrs. Loren A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Somwaru Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stanford Ms. Maureen Steinbruner Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. John Strylowski Ms. Graciela P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Paul Traver Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Trimboli Dr. Mark Turner and Dr. Sybil Tasker Dr. and Mrs. C. Frederick Tyner Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Vidmar Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vongsathorn Mr. and Mrs. Miguel D. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. William Walters Admiral and Mrs. James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weck Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Welter Mr. Joseph Wiehagen and Ms. Cathleen Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Willett Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Wixon Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Zall Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zdankiewicz Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Zill, II Ms. Suzanne Ziska

Giving by Trustees Every lay Trustee of St. Anselm’s Abbey School participates in the Annual Fund each year. As school leaders, they give early and generously to the Fund. The Board of Trustees made gifts to the 2009–2010 Annual Fund totaling more than $32,500, or 10 percent of the overall giving. We are thankful for their many generous gifts to St. Anselm’s and for their commitment to our mission. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boland, ’67 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mr. and Mrs. Marco Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Colby, ’64 * Mr. Christopher Davitt Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fennell, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kearney, ’74 ** Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Kinnaird, ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Nolan, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O’Brien, ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schissel, ’84 * Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Willett * Member of the Donor Trust ** Member of the Donor Trust and Board of Trustees

The Middle School basketball team with coach Mr. Paul Commins at a home game in December.

Annual Giving by Faculty & Staff Faculty and staff gifts to the Annual Fund send a strong message to our community that our teachers and administrators believe in and stand behind the School’s mission. St. Anselm’s Abbey School is proud to announce that 100 percent of our lay faculty and staff contributed to the 2009–2010 appeal. Ms. Najla Abuasali Mr. Henry Achilles and Ms. Helen Mollick Mr. Robert Alspaugh Ms. Michelle Arène + Ms. Robin Barth, RN Mr. Kofi Bekoe Mr. Pablo Bonilla Mrs. Jane Brinley Mrs. Valerie Brown and Mr. Dennis Brown Ms. Tamara Brown Fr. Javier Castro Dr. and Mrs. Antonio Chaves Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis and Mr. Thomas Cholis Mr. and Mrs. Peter Collins, ’74 Mr. Mark Commins and Ms. Monica Mische Mr. and Mrs. Paul Commins Mr. John J. Corrigan, ’83

Mr. R. Mark Dean Mr. Hal DeLuca Ms. M. Catherine Diggle Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Downey Ms. Janine Dunne Mrs. Hajnalka Enzel Dr. Farshad Foroozan Mr. Adam Fries Mrs. Nancy Ann Grandel and Mr. Jeff Grandel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grenaldo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harwood Dr. Larry Joseph Ms. Michelle Kannan Mr. Peter Kjeldgaard, ’03 Mr. James Leathers, ’04 Mr. and Mrs. William Lippe Mr. Michael Lodico Dr. Marcel Maican and Dr. Valerica Maican

27 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McCarthy Mr. John Montroll Mr. and Mrs. José Morales Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Otterson Ms. Elizabeth Peak and Mr. Stephen Cross Ms. Delora M. Pelosi Mrs. Carol Rentas Mrs. Maura Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silvano Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sisson Mr. Bryan Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Vaile Mr. Mark Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wofsy Dr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Wood Mr. Raul Yepez Mr. Peter Young, ’01 Mrs. Ieva Young and Mr. Jeremy Young + deceased

Annual Giving by Grandparents Support from our grandparents comes from every Form and reinforces our united commitment to educating the next generation. Mr. Elmer Blackburne and Justice Laura Blackburne Ms. Sylvia Byrd Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Samuel Cockerham, USA (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. William Darish Mr. and Mrs. James Donald Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gaston Mrs. Louise J. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirby Mr. Joseph M. Krafft Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay, Jr. Mrs. Barbara B. Luchs Mr. and Mrs. William D. Merkle Ms. Helene O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. S. Sankaran Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wasserman

Math and Origami teacher Mr. John Montroll in an A.P. Calculus class.

Annual Giving by Alumni We thank our alumni, who so generously support their alma mater so that future generations may benefit from the same quality education that they received as students. St. Anselm’s Abbey School is grateful to the alumni who contributed $119,552 in 2009–2010. Note: The class giving percentages listed in this section are based on the number of living alumni in each class for whom we have valid current addresses in our database.

Classes with at least 30% Annual Fund Participation

Top Annual Fund Classes (By Dollars Raised)



1978 1961 1964 1981 1974 1950 1985 1983 1960 1957 1993 1967

$11,595.00 $11,195.00 $10,175.00 $8,355.00 $8,055.00 $5,565.00 $5,080.00 $4,815.00 $3,930.00 $3,845.00 $3,800.00 $2,725.00


% of Class

1948 1983 1976 1955 1957 1962 1981 1956 1967 1973 1978 1985 1974 1982 1984 1968 1992

63% 41% 39% 38% 38% 37% 35% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 32% 32% 31% 30% 30%

28 2009–2010 Annual Report

Annual Giving by Alumni

Class of 1946 – 20% Mr.+ and Mrs.+ J. Burke Walsh

Class of 1947 – 10%

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Peters, Sr.

Class of 1948 – 63%

Dr. and Mrs. William Commins Mr. and Mrs. John Finan The Hon. and Mrs. James Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melendez Mr. and Mrs. John Winters

Class of 1950 – 27%

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns Ambassador and Mrs. James Nolan Mr. Robert W. Pitts

Class of 1951 – 11% Mr. Joseph Mealy

Class of 1952 – 29% Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beckert Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freiseis Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Giuliani Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Hillig Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hostetler Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vaughan

Class of 1953 – 11% Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betz

Class of 1954 – 25%

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Balderston Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lemp Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brimski Capt. and Mrs. Jerome Weber, USN (Ret.)

Class of 1955 – 38% Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett Mr. Lawrence Hayes Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. James Wilding

Class of 1956 – 33% Dr. and Mrs. George Mattingly Dr. Paul Myron Mr. and Mrs. John Radner Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Warring

Class of 1957 – 38%

The Class of 1960 celebrated the 50th anniversary of their graduation at the second annual All-Alumni Reunion Weekend April 23-25. Pictured, left to right: Tony Bruno; Dennis Murray; Peter Schmitt; Peter Traskey; John Donnelly; George O’Keefe; Brian McManus; Chris Daly; John Millwater; and Michael Hartford. Mr. John Kastanek Dr. and Mrs. Paul Mattingly Mr. Michael Sundermeyer

Class of 1959 – 22% Dr. John Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maio Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marlowe Dr. and Mrs. Edward O’Neill

Class of 1960 – 28% Mr. and Mrs. Albert Branson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. Christopher Daly Dr. Timothy Hanley Mr. Brian McManus Dr. and Mrs. John Millwater Mr. Denis Murray

Class of 1961 – 27% Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin Mr. and Mrs. Peter McManus Mr. James Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Porto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Truland

Class of 1962 – 37%

Mr. Richard DeFelice Mr. and Mrs. Richard desJardins Mr. and Mrs. Roland Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ralph Mr. and Mrs. John Ruppel

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacques Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Matelski Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oliver Dr. and Mrs. Jogues Prandoni Dr. and Mrs. Julien Worland

Class of 1958 – 29%

Class of 1963 – 20%

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dorwart

Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett Mr. Raymond Colangelo

29 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Drs. Stephen Nightingale and Elizabeth Wiley

Class of 1964 – 27%

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Colby Mr. Ronald Greigg Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy

Class of 1965 – 22%

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warring Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Werner

Class of 1966 – 27%

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Branson Mr. and Mrs. James Downey Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dugan Dr. and Mrs. Austin Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Juan Ianni Dr. Andrew Szegedy-Maszak

Class of 1967 – 33%

Mr. and Mrs. James Boland Mr. and Mrs. James Crowne Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackall Mr. Robert Metzler and Ms. Mary Carnevale Dr. William O’Neill Dr. and Mrs. George Schreiner

Class of 1968 – 30%

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamm Dr. and Mrs. Reid Hansen Mr. Raymond Hogan and Dr. Emily Platt Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCartin Mr. Gregory Smith and Ms. Susan Watts Mr. Peter Szegedy-Maszak + deceased

Annual Giving by Alumni

Class of 1969 – 27%

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callanan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gray Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lombardi Mr. Lucky Stokes

Class of 1970 – 25% Mr. Peter Chemery and Ms. Amy Hungerford Mr. and Mrs. Gregory de Groot Mr. and Mrs. Melchor Suarez Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tracy Mr. Christian Volz and Ms. Paula Jo Page

Class of 1971 – 24% Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Giordani Mr. and Mrs. John Haaga Mr. John Mullan and Ms. Denise Eggers Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Owen

Class of 1972 – 25% Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Crowne Dr. and Mrs. Peter Hamm Mr. Albert Hansen and Ms. Karen Muller Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent Mickum Mr. Charles Sheehan and Ms. Caroline Ratcliffe

Class of 1973 – 33%

Mr. Sean Brennan and Ms. Alice Fischer-Colbrie Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davitt Dr. Paul Desan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keegan Mr. F. Patrick Ostronic Mr. Eugene F. Peters, Jr. Dr. Mark Smith and Ms. Elizabeth Bloch-Smith

Class of 1974 – 32%

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Babendreier Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Collins Mr. and Mrs. William Conyngham Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kearney Mr. and Mrs. H. David Pickering Mr. James Sharer Dr. Kenneth Yale

Class of 1975 – 20% Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Boland Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Castellan Mr. and Mrs. Carl Siebentritt

Class of 1976 – 39%

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bader Mr. Pierre Boehler Dr. Leo Eskin and Ms. Kathy Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Foley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Nolan, Esq. Dr. Daniel Sherman Dr. Peter Tseng Dr. Stephen Volz and Ms. Maribeth Garnier Dr. Luke Whitesell and Ms. Catherine McLellan

Class of 1977 – 17% Mr. and Mrs. James Hearn Mr. Thomas Keenan Dr. Connie Swiner

Class of 1978 – 33% Mr. and Mrs. William Castellan Mr. Michael Conyngham and Ms. Mary Hardiman Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cowal Mr. Bazil Facchina Mr. and Mrs. James Keegan Mr. Paul Ritchie and Ms. Ayn Hagler

Mr. Conrad Tseng Fr. Charles Wood

Class of 1979 – 22%

Dr. and Mrs. David Castellan Mr. Michael Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Brian McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procario-Foley Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sack

Class of 1980 – 22% Dr. Arthur Burnett Dr. Michael Cappello and Ms. Kerry Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Conway Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly Mr. Charles Sullivan

Class of 1981 – 35%

Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Burns Mr. and Mrs. Dan Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Elder Mr. John Huitema Mr. J. Christopher McDonough Dr. and Mrs. Don Parker Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Russell Dr. Edward Watkins

Class of 1982 – 32% Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Costa Mr. Joseph Giffler Mr. and Mrs. James Lucier Mr. John McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. James Potemra Dr. Joseph Resing and Ms. Miriam Bertram Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rodenhuis

Class of 1983 – 41%

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook Mr. John J. Corrigan Mr. Michael Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. C. Christopher Fafard Mr. Stephen Fenwick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kahle Mr. Mark Mahaney and Ms. Patricia Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Timothy May Mr. and Mrs. Sean McGowan Dr. C. David Missar and Ms. Katherine Monahan Mr. and Mrs. A. Christopher Waddell

Class of 1984 – 31%

Fifteen New York City-area alumni gathered for a reception at the Harvard Club on January 19 with Fr. Peter. 30 2009–2010 Annual Report

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Britton Mr. David Burke and Ms. Kelly McGann Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Hensel Dr. Donald Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick May Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Owens Mr. Richard Shumann Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Vidmar Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Zorc

Class of 1998 – 18%

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Borger Mr. and Mrs. S. Charles Brubaker Mr. Christopher Clement Mr. K. Awenate Cobbina Mr. Paul-Martin Foss

Class of 1999 – 9% Mr. Jeremy Siegel Mr. Robert D. Strobos

The Jumbotron at AT&T Park in San Francisco welcomes Fr. Peter and St. Anselm’s alumni at a July Giants game.

Class of 1985 – 33%

Dr. and Mrs. David Antezana Mr. and Mrs. Christian Barry Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Caulfield Mr. Mattias Graff Mr. Nikolas Lanyi and Ms. Holly Peele Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phillips Mr. Eric Rice Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treacy

Mr. Sean McGervey Mr. James Stanford and Ms. Carmencita Balagtas

Class of 1986 – 25%

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Crowne Mr. and Mrs. Piers Fennell Mr. Thomas Finan Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming Mr. Lars Hydle Dr. and Mrs. F. Wickham Kraemer Mr. Clarence D. Long, IV

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedessem Dr. Alexander Isaac Mr. Peter Lang Mr. and Mrs. William Mathias Mr. Christopher Monsour Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ritacco Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sullivan Mr. Jared Traver Mr. and Mrs. David Yokoyama-Martin

Class of 1987 – 27%

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. Brian Elenbaas Mr. David Knasel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Mr. Thomas Lynch Dr. and Mrs. John Martin

Class of 1988 – 21% Dr. Paul Cunningham Mr. Onnig Dombalagian Mr. Justin Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mariani Mr. David Walters and Dr. Brenda Nelson Mr. Christopher Weck

Class of 2001 – 12%

Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGee Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Willett

Class of 1992 – 30%

Class of 2002 – 4%

Class of 1993 – 18% Mr. Scott Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kopec Mr. and Mrs. David Lischer Mr. Marc Mander Dr. and Mrs. Michael Phipps

Class of 1994 – 13% Mr. Matthew Dickie Mr. Husayn-Olivier Moody Mr. Carl Morales

Class of 1995 – 24% Mr. Mark Corden Mr. Andreas Kraemer Mr. Paul Martin Mr. Jeffrey Mattlin Mr. Michael Riggs Cpt. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilbur

Class of 1996 – 12%

Class of 1990 – 22%

Class of 1997 – 15%

Mr. David Clemmer Mr. and Mrs. James Connell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eskin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ketchum

Mr. Pankaj Agarwalla Mr. Chrisotpher Allen Mr. Kevin Barefoot Mr. Joseph Schweitzer Cpt. John Wildt

Mr. Adewole Adamson Mr. Roland F. Foss Mr. Nicholas Kessides Mr. Peter Young

Class of 1991 – 10%

Class of 1989 – 12% Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benedetto Mr. and Mrs. Mark Molloy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Powers

Class of 2000 – 16%

Lt. Nathan Kendrick Mr. Jason Peckenpaugh and Ms. Nancy Glass

Mr. Mattias Kraemer Mr. Scott Maxwell Mr. Samuel Picard Mr. Patrick Thrasher

31 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mr. Robert Cobbs

Class of 2003 – 14% Mr. Nicholas Davies Mr. Peter Fielding Mr. Brendan Gleason Mr. Jacob Holtz Mr. Peter Kjeldgaard

Class of 2004 – 9% Mr. Kevin Hudson Mr. James Leathers Mr. Ryan Nuanes

Class of 2005 – 14% Mr. Martin Feeney Mr. Philip Johnson Mr. Peter Keszler Mr. Eamon Nolan Mr. Sebastian Smoot

Class of 2007 – 6% Mr. Antony Koroulakis Mr. Ian Rose

Class of 2009 – 21% Mr. David Blair Mr. John Carpenter Mr. Lucas Husted Mr. Thomas La Voy Mr. Allan LaGrenade-Finch Mr. Jamsheed Lovelace Mr. Robert Rudd Mr. Taru Thompson

Class of 2010 – 7% Mr. Dionysios Koroulakis Mr. Roger T. Scully, III

Consecutive Years Report These 43 donors have generously given to the Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years. Their total giving to date is $497,533, and their total number of years giving is more than 560. Mrs. Irene Arpin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Blick Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Brooks Mrs. Joan Castellan Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis and Mr. Thomas Cholis Mr. Nicholas Cobbs

Mr. and Mrs. Milo G. Coerper Mr. and Mrs. James R. Connell Mr. and Mrs. Mack Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Giuliani, ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hallam Mrs. Bonnie W. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatcher

Ms. Mary Louise Keegan Mrs. Joan Kinnaird Rev. T. Ansgar Laczko The Hon. and Mrs. James W. Lawson, ’48 Mr. Howard Leathers and Ms. Martha Stancill Mr. Everett Mattlin and Ms. Barbara Patocka Drs. William and Patricia May Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Metrey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Minahan Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Molloy, ’89 Mr. Ralph Muoio Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Nolan, Esq., ’76 Mrs. Sofia Owen Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Palumbo Mr. and Mrs. B. Donovan Picard Mr. Howard Riddick and Dr. Carol Riddick Mrs. Mary Catherine Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stanford Mr. and Mrs. William G. Teed Mr. and Mrs. Miguel D. Walsh Mr. Alan Washburn Dr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Wood Mrs. Maryann Young Mr. W. Young and Ms. Mary Sheridan The W. O’Neil Foundation, Inc.

School was closed for a full week in February when back-to-back blizzards dumped more than two feet of snow on Washington.

Giving by Corporations & Foundations St. Anselm’s Abbey School is grateful for the generous support of the following corporations, foundations and businesses. Ace Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc. Alice & Eugene Ford Foundation The Attridge Family Charitable Fund Camera Ready Graphics Catholic Business Network of Prince George’s County Coakley Williams Construction Colorado Security Agency Commonwealth Digital Office Solutions Daisy B. Deering Trust Dow Jones & Company EScrip Fannie Mae Foundation GE Foundation

Giant Food, Inc. Glenwood Electric Goldman Sachs and Company I Drive Smart, Inc. International Brotherhood of Teamsters The James M. Johnston Trust for Charitable and Educational Purposes Jefferson Millwork and Design Microsoft Corporation National Capital Cactus and Succulent Society The New York Times Foundation Nolan Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.

32 2009–2010 Annual Report

Pfizer Foundation Plexus Consulting Group, LLC Raytheon Systems Company Sprint Foundation St. Anselm’s Abbey School Alumni Association St. Anselm’s Abbey School Parents Association Target United Way of Delaware United Way of the National Capital Area The W. O’Neil Foundation, Inc. Wiley Rein LLP

2009 Fall Scholarship Gala The growth of St. Anselm’s Abbey School has presented new challenges as well as new opportunities for meeting the needs of our student body. By supporting the Fall Scholarship Gala, the donors listed below have helped to preserve and expand the School’s commitment to remaining accessible to qualified young men regardless of their financial circumstances. The 2009 Gala, which honored the entire monastic community of St. Anselm’s Abbey, past and present, for their steadfast dedication to the Abbey School, grossed nearly $250,000 for current-year financial aid. Anonymous Ace Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc. Mr. Rafael Acevedo and Ms. Gabriela Pardo Ms. Adwoa Aggrey-Brown Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Aguilera-Titus Mr. and Mrs. Babatunde Alegbeleye Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alspaugh Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anninos Mr. Donald Arndt and Ms. Kathy Schmidt-Arndt Mrs. Irene Arpin Hon. and Mrs. Patrick J. Attridge Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Attridge, Esq., ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bailey Ms. Janine Barillot Dr. Margaret Barron Ms. Robin Barth, RN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell Ms. Hypathia Bernales Mr. Brian Berns and Ms. Helen Martin Berns Ms. Janice Bertozzi Mr. Richard Best and Ms. Alison Luchs Mr. David Binkley and Ms. Patricia Darish Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Birch Mr. William Black and Ms. Rita Kelliher-Black Mr. and Mrs. Parle Thomas Blake Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Blick Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Bloomfield Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bokow Ambassador and Mrs. Clifford Bond Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bonner Mr. Justin Bonner, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Borger, ’98 Mr. Charles Bragale and Ms. Christine Nyirjesy Bragale Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Branson, Jr., ’60 Mr. John Brasunas and Ms. Kathleen McCann Mrs. Jane Brinley Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Brooks Ms. Carolyn T. Brown Mr. Kirk Brown and Ms. Carol Ramirez Rev. Homer Brown and Ms. Debra Knight-Brown Ms. Candice Brown Ms. Sandra Brown Ms. Tamara Brown

Fr. Michael Hall, OSB, ’56, addresses guests at the Fall Scholarship Gala on behalf of the monastic community, which the 2009 Gala honored. Mrs. Sarah W. Buie Mr. Christopher J. Buie, ’89 Mr. Jim M. Burkhardt Mr. Patrick Burns and Ms. Mary Suffoletta Mr. Horace C. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Butler, Jr. Ms. Sylvia Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calingaert Camera Ready Graphics Mr. and Mrs. David Cape Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Carpenter Mr. Andrew C. Carroll, ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. Mario Casarella Mr. Michael Cassidy Ms. Donna Cassity Mrs. Joan Castellan Fr. Javier Castro Drs. Mario and Susana Cerritelli Mr. and Mr. Ramsey Chambers Ms. Elaine Chang Dr. Song S. Cho Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis and Mr. Thomas Cholis Dr. and Mrs. Allen Church Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Clement Mr. Christopher D. Clement, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cobb, Sr. Dr. + and Mrs. John T. Cockerham Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Coffin Dr. Joel Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Colby, ’64

33 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mrs. Barbara H. Colby Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Collins, ’74 Colorado Security Agency Mr. Mark Commins and Ms. Monica Mische Mr. and Mrs. Paul Commins Ms. Margaret Conyngham Ms. Karen L. Cox Mr. James Craver and Ms. Laura McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crump Mr. and Mrs. John P. Curran Mr. James Dahlberg and Ms. Deirdre Donahue Mr. and Mrs. William Dalbec Mr. and Mrs. Guy D’Amecourt, ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dangle Mr. and Mrs. William Darish Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Davitt Mr. R. Mark Dean Mr. and Mrs. Michael Decker Mr. Patrick M. Decker, ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deleonibus Dr. Jerome Delli Priscoli and Ms. Suzanne Stephens Mr. Hal DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. Geert Maurice DePrest Dr. Russell Dickerson and Dr. Pamela Pehrsson Ms. M. Catherine Diggle

2009 Fall Scholarship Gala Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dismuke, Jr. Ms. Amber Dobyne Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dolan, III, ’61 Dr. Dolchi Mr. and Mrs. James Donald Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Donnelly Mr. Justin Donnelly, ’98 Dow Jones and Company Mr. and Mrs. William J. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Sotiraq Dunellari Mr. and Mrs. David L. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Engel Mrs. Hajnalka Enzel EScrip Dr. Leo Eskin, ’76, and Ms. Kathy Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faletti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Favret, ’76 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fennell, ’66 Mr. Peter H. Fielding, ’03 Dr. Bernard Finch and Dr. Alana LaGrenade Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Ira A Fishman Mr. Michael Fletcher and Ms. Chantal Courieut Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fois Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Foley, ’76 Mr. Roland F. Foss, ’01 Dr. Harold Frazier and Dr. Annie Frazier Mr. Adam Fries Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. Gaetjens Mr. and Mrs. Brian Garcia Ms. Gloria Wyvill Garner Ms. Solange Garvey Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gasser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Diaz Gavin Ms. Carol Giacomo Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.X. Gilbride Mr. Christopher Girardot and Ms. Susan Scheid Ms. Catherine Godfrey Ms. Mary Lou Goodwin-King Mrs. Nancy Ann Grandel and Mr. Jeff Grandel Mr. Hiram Greene Mr. James Grimaldi and Ms. Niki Collins Ms. Kristin Spearing Gulland Ms. Lori Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haggerty, ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Haislmaier Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hallam Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Mr. Raymond Hankins USAF (Ret.) and Ms. Lisa McCurdy Mr. Anthony M. Hankins Dr. Timothy C. Hanley, ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harriston Ms. Ruth Hart Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harwood Mr. Sameh Hashem and Ms. Nancy Rivera Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunstan Hayden, ’50

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hearn, ’77 Heffron Company, Inc. Mr. Frank Henneburg and Ms. Sharon Frey Mrs. Marie-Therese Hensel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Herbert Mr. Thomas Higgins and Ms. Anne McGregor Higgins Mr. Lawrence Hilliard and Ms. Leslie Davies-Hilliard Howard G. Hoffman Printing, Inc. Mr. Jacob J. Holtz, ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Houghton Mr. Kevin C. Hudson, ’04 Mr. Michael Huerta and Ms. Ann Sowder Mr. and Mrs. James Huitema Mr. John S. Huitema, ’81 Mr. Thomas Husted and Ms. Ines Bustillo I Drive Smart, Inc. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Mr. Don Jansen and Ms. Mary Kot-Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jennings Mr. and Mrs. David Jones Ms. Renee Jones Ms. Louise M. Jones Dr. Larry Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kearney, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kelly, ’85 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kelly Ms. Mary E. Kenel Ms. Helene Grove Kenny Mr. Patrick M. Kenny, ’91 Kenwood Animal Hospital Mr. Nicholas A. Kessides, ’01 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kilcoyne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Kinnaird, ’80 Mr. Michael Kirkpatrick and Ms. Cora Tekach

Mr. Richard Kjeldgaard and Ms. Joan Darby Mr. Michael Klein Mr. and Mrs. Franz Klinkenbergh Dr. Juliana Simmons Kopec Mr. and Mrs. John Koroulakis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krafft Rev. T. Ansgar Laczko Mr. and Mrs. John Ladd Dr. Michael Laskowski and Dr. Carol DeFrances Mr. Ramon L. Lavandero The Hon. and Mrs. James W. Lawson, ’48 Mr. Howard Leathers and Ms. Martha Stancill Mr. James Leathers, ’04 Mr. Daryl Lee Ms. Louise Lee Mr. Ken Lerman Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Mark K. Li Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. William Lippe Mr. Clarence D. Long, IV, ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Longacre Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lorentz Mr. James P. Lucier, Jr., ’82 Mr. Matthew B. Lynch, ’04 Ms. Elena Lynch-Dolbert Dr. and Mrs. Michael Magee Mr. and Mrs. John Marcantonio Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Marino Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Markel Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Mattingly, ’58 Mr. Everett Mattlin and Ms. Barbara Patocka Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. May, ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. May, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mazza Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McCarthy Ms. Marketa McCauley

Students and faculty gathered in April for the annual Egg Drop contest for Fourth Form physics students. Daniel Magee was this year’s winner. 34 2009–2010 Annual Report

2009 Fall Scholarship Gala Mr. and Mrs. Kelly J. McConville Mr. J. Christopher McDonough, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Lorton S. McFarlane Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Meade Mr. Joseph F. Mealy, Jr., ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mehigan Mr. Martin Mellett and Ms. Judy Walsh-Mellett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Merkle Mr. and Mrs. William D. Merkle Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Metrey Mr. Robert Metzler, ’67, and Ms. Mary Carnevale Mr. Andrew Miller and Ms. Penelope Farthing Dr. C. David Missar, ’83, and Ms. Katherine Monahan Ms. Jean E. Mitchell-Mann Mr. and Mrs. John Moniz Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Montague Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Montemarano Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jose Morales Dr. and Mrs. Peter Morici Mr. Jason Moskowitz Mrs. Karen Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Mwombela Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nagel, III Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Nahra National Capital Cactus and Succulent Society Mr. David Taylor Nielsen and Ms. Deborah Taylor Mr. Michael P. Niemira Mr. Christopher Niosi and Ms. Victoria Langford Ambassador and Mrs. James E. Nolan, Jr., ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Nolan, Esq., ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Novak Mr. Joseph B. O’Brien, ’03 Ms. Sharon O’Donnell-Burns Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Oetjen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oetjen Mr. Joongyul Oh and Ms. Anna Rhee Mrs. Nancy Opalack Mr. F. Patrick Ostronic, ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Yaw Oteng-Agipong Mr. Kirk Otterson Mrs. Sofia Owen Mr. Christopher Paganelli and Ms. Anne Linton Mr. William Palmer and Dr. Elizabeth Kicklighter Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Palumbo Dr. Rubina Patel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pecoraro Ms. Marie Pelosi Ms. Delora M. Pelosi Capt. Richard Pera and Ms. Mary Jo Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Lou Peri Mr. and Mrs. B. Donovan Picard

Dr. Darlene A. L. Pierce Mr. Robert Pizzano and Ms. Donna Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poche Mr. and Mrs. Mark Polhemus Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Pontzer Mr. Lance Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quinn Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Raffetto Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant Raisch Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Recchia Mrs. Karen Reed Mrs. Carol Rentas Ms. Judith Assmus Riggs Mrs. Carol A. Roach Mrs. Mary Catherine Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Romano, ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Romano Mr. Robert Rose and Ms. Michele Parent Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Roush Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudd Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Ruiz Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church Ms. Susan Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sawatzki Dr. Bernd Schaefer and Ms. Karen Riechert Ms. Alisa Scheiner Mr. and Mrs. John Schmertz Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. John Schorn Ms. Priscilla Anne Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Erich Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Scully, II Mr. Keith Secular and Ms. Susan Catler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geoffrey Sella Dr. Jeanne Sella Shannon & Luchs Insurance Agency Dr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Robert Siclait Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silvano Mr. and Mrs. Perry Richmond Skeath Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Sood Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Spencer, Jr. Mr. James Stanford, ’90, and Ms. Carmencita Balagtas Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stanford Dr. Paul Stares and Ms. Sonni Efron Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Ms. Alessandra J. Styles Mr. and Mrs. Sean Swartz Dr. Andrew S. Szegedy-Maszak, ’66 Target Mr. and Mrs. William G. Teed Mr. George Tharakan and Dr. Soma Tharakan The Daisy B. Deering Trust The W. O’Neil Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Devarajan Thirumalai Ms. Phyllis C. Toliver

35 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Richard Pera, ’10, captain of the PVAC-winning varsity baseball team. Mr. and Mrs. James Traxel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treacy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucci Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Turner Dr. and Mrs. C. Frederick Tyner Ms. Elaine Umelo United Way of the National Capital Area United Way of Greater Los Angeles Dr. Han van Dijk and Dr. Martha Matocha Mr. Allan Vecchione and Ms. Nina Falvello Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Vidmar Mr. Francis T. Vincent, Jr. Mr. James-Michael von Stroebel Mr.+ and Mrs.+ J. Burke Walsh, ’46 Mr. David Wasserman and Ms. Susan Ginsberg Admiral and Mrs. James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Werner, ’65 Weyer’s Floor Service, Inc. Mr. U. Robert Whalen and Ms. Olya Duzey Dr. Luke Whitesell, ’76, and Ms. Catherine McLellan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willmore Mr. Donald Winkler and Ms. Carolyn Winter Mr. Christopher Wnuk and Ms. S. Lynn Coleman Wnuk Dr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Wood Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Yale, ’74 Mr. Paul Yde and Ms. Sarah Elder Mrs. Ieva Young and Mr. Jeremy Young Mr. Fares Zaki and Ms. Jane Kirby-Zaki Lt. Col. and Mrs. Christopher Ziebarth Ms. Suzanne Ziska Mr. and Mrs. David R. Zwick

Workplace Giving: United Way and CFC Special thanks to parents, alumni and friends of St. Anselm’s Abbey School who donate through the United Way (#8967) or Combined Federal Campaign (#15844). St. Anselm’s was notified by United Way/CFC this fiscal year of the generous supporters listed below. Note: If you contribute to St. Anselm’s through United Way/CFC at your workplace and you do not see your name listed, please contact your HR office to give United Way/CFC permission to release your name and gift information to us.

United Way Donors

Mr. Daniel Attridge, Esq., ’72 Mr. George Jansen Mr. David Levy Mrs. Barbara Luchs Mr. Paul Rich Mr. Gerard Treanor, ’61

CFC Donors

Mrs. Michelle Bond Mr. Thomas Brennan, ’71 Mr. Herbert Brooks Ms. Kathleen Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Mario Cerritelli Mrs. Mary Christensen Mrs. Katherine Davies Mr. Terrence Deneen Mr. J. Michael Donnelly Mr. Thomas Dougherty Mrs. Rosemarie Elenbaas Mr. Thomas Favret Ms. Ellen Fielding Mrs. Carol Fiertz Mr. James Fike Mr. Stephen Haaga Mr. Raymond Hankins USAF (Ret.) Mr. John Helm Mr. Geoffrey Hill, ’93 Mr. Michael Hodgson, ’66 Mr. Don Jansen Col. Joseph Johnson Mr. Thomas Katrinak Mr. Richard Keegan, ’73 Mr. John M. Kelly, ’85 Mr. John Kelly Ambassador Laura Kennedy

The Varsity tennis team poses with coach Ms. Sean Lane prior to a home match in May. Mr. John Ketchum, ’84 Mr. Joseph Lawrence Mr. William Leary Mr. William Levedahl Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Longacre Mr. David Maggi Ms. Roberta Mahoney Mr. D. Stephen Mathias Dr. Martha Matocha Mr. Christopher McDonough, ’81 Mr. James McHale, ’01 Mr. John Moniz Mr. Jeffrey Owings

Capt. Richard Pera Ms. Lorraine Ramsdell Ms. Linda Riley Mrs. Patricia Rinn Mr. Stephen Roush Mrs. Agapi Somwaru Ms. Martha Stancill Ms. Mary Suffoletta Mrs. Mary Ellen Taylor Ms. Janice Trausch Mr. Lee Tyner Mr. Jeffrey Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wixon

2009–2010 Matching Gifts We are grateful for those corporations that match their employees’ gifts to St. Anselm’s Abbey School. Bank of America

GE Foundation

Sprint Foundation

Mr. Hugo Owen, ’71

Mr. Christian M. Barry, ’85 Mr. Thaddeus J. Burns, ’81

Mr. Bernard V. O’Neill, Jr., ’55

Goldman Sachs and Company

Mr. Mark Oliver, ’65

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Dr. Donald G. Jackson, ’84

Dow Jones & Company Mr. Robert W. Metzler, ’67

Fannie Mae Foundation Mr. David Kalinski Mrs. Sylvia Mahaffey

Mr. David B. Lischer, ’93

Pfizer Foundation Dr. Bruno Giordani, ’71

Raytheon Systems Company Dr. Anthony L. Owens, ’84

36 2009–2010 Annual Report

Verizon Foundation Wiley Rein, LLP Mr. Kirk Nahra

Gifts to the Annual Golf Outing The 17th annual St. Anselm’s Abbey School Golf Outing, hosted by the Alumni Association, raised almost $20,000 for scholarship aid. Patrick Attridge, ’74, chaired the event and was assisted by several of his fellow members of the Alumni Association Board. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Alexander Hon. and Mrs. Patrick J. Attridge Mr. Patrick J. Attridge, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Attridge, Esq., ’72 Mr. James P. Beirne, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mrs. Valerie Brown Mr. Christopher Caulfield, ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence C. Caulfield, ’85 Mr. D. Philip Cefaratti, ’82 Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis Mr. Blake Clancy Mr. Marco Clark Mr. Sean Coakley Colorado Security Agency Commonwealth Digital Office Solutions Coakley Williams Construction Mr. Paul Commins Mr. Earl Cook Mr. John J. Corrigan, ’83 Mr. Michael J. Corrigan, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Davitt Mr. Brian Davitt, ’73 Mr. Mark Dean Mr. Jeffrey Didion, ’78 Mr. Michael Didion Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fennell, ’66 Mr. James D. Filpi, ’86 Mr. William S. Fletcher Glenwood Electric Mrs. Nancy Ann Grandel Heffron Company, Inc. Mr. Ralph K. Heinze Mr. Matthew Hallam, ’05

Alumni Association President Awenate Cobbina, ’98, presents Fr. Peter with a check from the Association for $30,000 at the Annual Golf Outing on June 7. Mr. Howard G. Hoffman Mr. Kevin Hudson, ’04 Mr. Fabian Jarrin, ’03 Jefferson Millwork and Design Mr. and Mrs. Todd Juneau Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Kearney, ’74 Mr. Nicholas R. Klank, ’97 Mr. James Leathers, ’04 Mr. Conor Lynch Mr. Geoffrey Martiny Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. May, ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Sean C.E. McDonough, Esq., ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. McGowan, ’83

The winning foursome, left to right: Director of Development Valerie Brown, Jordan Ryan, Conor Lynch and Headmaster Louis Silvano. 37 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mr. Mark Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Nolan, Esq., ’76 Mrs. Geraldine Novak Mr. and Mrs. Morgan E. O’Brien, ’62 Mr. F. Patrick Ostronic, ’73 Mr. and Mrs. H. David Pickering, Jr., ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Duff Pickering, ’80 Mr. Mark Raddatz Mr. Mike Riling Mr. and Mrs. David R. Roberts Dr. Mark Roddy, ’92, and Ms. Kirsten Friedel-Roddy Mr. Paul Roddy Mr. Chris Romano Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Romano, ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Roush Ruppert Landscaping Mr. Jordan Ryan Mr. Bart Sanders Mr. and Mrs. William Barlow Sanders III, ’82 Shannon and Luchs Insurance Agency Mr. Louis Silvano Mr. Richie Soto Mr. Yovani Soto, ’96 Staples Electric Company Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mark Swentkofske Mr. Bryan Taylor Mr. John Thurber Mr. Bill Turco Mr. Anthony Tu-Sekine Mr. Gregory Wade Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Willett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wofsy Mr. Anthony Zgainer

Honorary and Memorial Gifts All gifts listed here were applied to our Endowment Fund, unless otherwise directed by the donor. In Memory of Mr. Peter Barry, ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barry Mrs. Joan Keenan Mr. Earl Klitenic

In Honor of Mr. Harry Bokow and Mrs. Sylvia Bokow

Mr. and Mrs. Jerrry Bokow

In Honor of Mr. Christopher J. Buie, ’89 Mrs. Sarah W. Buie

In Honor of Mr. Will Butler

Mrs. Louise J. Gordon

In Honor of Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Magovern

In Memory of Mr. David Collins Ms. Janet Garber

Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter McKaig Mrs. Mary F. Moriarty Mr. James G. O’Boyle, Esq. Ms. Kate Daly Paradis Radio-TV Correspondents’ Association Mr. Mark Sanborn Ms. Evelyn D. Schurman Mr. Sherwood Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Wochomurka, III Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woehrle

In Memory of Mr. Eugene Dangle

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dangle

In Memory of Mr. R. Neil Dickman

Mr. Sam Bryan and Ms. Amy Scott Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Willett, ’91

In Memory of Fr. Thomas Fahy, OSB, ’48

Mr. Raymond L. Hogan, ’68, and Dr. Emily Platt Dr. Andrew S. Szegedy-Maszak, ’66

In Honor of Mr. Joseph Connell

In Honor of Mr. Adam Fries

Gifts to the John Jay Daly, ’46 Scholarship Fund

In Honor of Mr. David C. Haresign, ’01

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Connell

Mr. David Andelman and Ms. Karen Methlie Ms. Joan Anderson Mr. Joseph Baremore and Ms. Mae Jones Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Busch, ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Caggiano Ronald M. Coffin General Contractors, Inc. Ms. Marion Cove Mr. Brendan Daly, ’80, and Ms. Julie Rasicot Mr. Corbett B. Daly, ’89 Ms. Deirdre Daly Ms. Ginny Daly Mr. Matthew Daly, ’80 Ms. Maura Daly Mr. Sean Daly, ’73 Mr. William Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Joyce Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kehoe Ms. Dorothy Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Kuttner Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Madwed Ms. Nancy L. Matthews Ms. Mary Beth McAteer Mr. and Mrs. Terrence McCartin, ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Brady McKaig

Lt. Col. And Mrs. Mark Swentkofske

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Haresign

In Memory of Mrs. Helen D. Holtz Mr. Thomas C. Holtz

In Memory of Mr. Philip J. Huitema, ’82

Mr. and Mrs. James Huitema Mr. Philip C. McGuire

In Memory of Mr. Patrick Kennedy Mr. Steven Kennedy

In Memory of Mrs. Eleanor Claire Luciano

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Luciano

In Memory of Mr. Joseph P. Mariani

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bronstein Ms. Stacey Yates James Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Ransome Ms. Sandra Scaia

In Memory of Mr. John H. McNeill

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce S. Corden

In Memory of Mr. Timothy P. McTighe, ’68 Mr. Raymond L. Hogan, ’68, and Dr. Emily Platt

In Memory of Mrs. Elaine Muoio

Mr. Francis T. Vincent, Jr.

In Memory of Mr. G. Brian Murphy

Ms. Janet Garber Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Gerber, ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Leckey Mr. Frederick Lockyear and Ms. Jean Garber

In Memory of Fr. Hugh Monmonier, OSB

Dr. Andrew S. Szegedy-Maszak, ’66

In Memory of Mr. James J. Nicholson

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howe

In Memory of Mr. Francis Nyirjesy, ’74

Mr. Charles Bragale and Ms. Christine Nyirjesy Bragale Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Collins, ’74 Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. May, ’77 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Nyirjesy, ’77

In Memory of Fr. Daniel Kirk, OSB

In Honor of Ms. Delora Pelosi

In Honor of Dr. J. Stephen Latimer

In Memory of Fr. Stephen Reid, OSB

In Memory of Dr. James K. Lovelace

In Memory of Mr. Henry A. Resing

Mr. Thomas C. Holtz

Parents of the Class of 2009

Dr. Rubina Patel

38 2009–2010 Annual Report

Lt. Col. and Mrs. Mark Swentkofske

Dr. Andrew S. Szegedy-Maszak, ’66

Dr. and Mrs. James J. Krebs

In Honor of Abbot Aidan Shea, OSB

Dr. George Adams and Dr. Deborah Tussing Mr. and Mrs. David Levy Dr. Kenneth Yale, ’74

In Memory of Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sullivan

In Memory of Mr. Pekuang Tseng

Dr. Peter C. Tseng, ’76

In Honor of Fr. Peter Weigand, OSB

Mr. Fares Zaki and Ms. Jane Kirby-Zaki

In Memory of Mr. Frederick White

Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger

In Memory of Dr. Frank B. Whitesell, ’70 Prior Simon McGurk, OSB, superior of the monastery, during an all-school liturgy in the Devine Theater.

In Honor of Mr. Daniel F. Rinzel, ’88

Fannie Mae Foundation Ms. Carol Giacomo Mr. Frank Henneburg and Ms. Sharon Frey Mr. John F. Kelly, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mahaffey Mr. William Palmer and Dr. Elizabeth Kicklighter Mr. Howard Riddick and Dr. Carol Riddick Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Samp Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schneider

Ms. Kathleen Saunders

In Memory of Mr. Peter Samp, ’08

Arlington Knights of Columbus Swim Team Ms. Joan Axelroth Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Engel Mr. and Mrs. Franco Ercolano Dr. Farshad Foroozan

Ms. Pamela M. Bard Ms. Ethel R. Koehler Mr. David W. Kuhnsman Ms. Susan Vogt Mr. and Mrs. John H. Womeldorf

In Honor of Fr. Charles A. Wood, ’78 Mr. Michael Wacker

In Honor of Mrs. Kathleen Yinug Ms. Alice M. Rivlin

In Memory of Mr. Samuel A. Young, ’47 Ms. Jeanne McIntire

Additional Gifts to the Endowment Fund In addition to the honorary and memorial contributions to the Endowment Fund, St. Anselm’s receives other gifts that are also directed to this Fund, including gifts made to endowed prizes and endowed scholarship funds. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Keegan, Jr., ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kinnaird, ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. May, ’84 Microsoft Corporation Mrs. Cheryl Peckenpaugh St. Anselm’s Abbey School Alumni Association Drs. Vittorio and Jennifer Sartorelli

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Branson, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger Mr. and Mrs. James R. Connell The Estate of Mr. R. Neil Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Engel Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fennell, ’66 GE Foundation The James M. Johnston Trust for Charitable and Educational Purposes

39 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Named Scholarship Gifts Donors listed here designated their gifts to one of our named scholarships, which are funds used for scholarship aid in the 2009–2010 school year. Students both present and past have benefited from the generosity of these donors. The Alice and Eugene Ford Foundation Scholarship

Four-year renewable scholarship awarded to student(s) with demonstrated financial need and academic ability residing in the District of Columbia Alice and Eugene Ford Foundation

The G. Thomas and Geraldine D. Borger Scholarship Four-year renewable scholarship awarded to a student with demonstrated financial need and academic ability Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Borger

The Class of 1966 Scholarship

Four-year renewable scholarship awarded in honor of the Class of 1966 to student(s) with demonstrated financial need and academic ability Mr. Robert Branson, ’66 Mr. and Mrs. William Fennell, ’66 Dr. Austin Hughes, ’66

The John W. and Joan K. Kinnaird Scholarship Four-year renewable scholarship awarded to a student with demonstrated financial need and academic ability Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kinnaird, ’80

Additional Restricted Gifts


Donors listed here designated their gifts to specific projects or programs that are of special importance to them. These chosen areas of interest at St. Anselm’s Abbey School benefited from the generosity of these donors.

The individuals listed here donated items and services that fulfilled specific needs of the School. These items are unbudgeted and enhance a variety of areas of school life.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barry Mr. and Mrs. James Huitema The James M. Johnston Trust for Charitable and Educational Purposes Mr. Thomas McCormick St. Anselm’s Abbey School Alumni Association St. Anselm’s Abbey School Parents Association Mr. and Mrs. Richard Samp Mr. C. Richard Stafford, ’53

Mr. Brian Berns and Ms. Helen Martin Berns Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Collins, ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Franciose Ms. Delora Pelosi Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rich Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. James Voelzke

Gifts to the 1955 Academic Building This list reflects gifts and pledge payments for the renovation and expansion of the 1955 Academic Building made between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. Dr. David A. Harnett, III, ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mehigan Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Molloy, ’89 Mr. Richard Nuanes and Ms. Kathi Sullivan

Mrs. Cheryl Peckenpaugh Dr. and Mrs. Jogues R. Prandoni, ’62 Mr. Paul Ritchie, ’78, and Ms. Ayn Hagler Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rutherford

40 2009–2010 Annual Report

Mr. William Seabrook and Ms. Gay Ludington Mr. and Mrs. A. Robert Walsh Dr. and Mrs. Julien Worland, ’62

Giving by Friends of the School

Christopher Bragale (Form V) serves during a Varsity tennis match.

Ms. Janine Barillot Mr. Jeff Borkman Mr. Sam Bryan and Ms. Amy Scott Mr. Horace C. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Cabezas Caldwell Chapel Community Mr. Jeffery P. Capron Mr. and Mrs. William H. Choquette, Sr. Mr. Blake Clancy Mr. Sean Coakley Ms. Ginny Daly Ms. Deirdre Daly Ms. Maura Daly Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Favret Mr. William S. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Gemmill Ms. Catherine Godfrey Mr. Hiram Greene Heffron Company, Inc. Mr. Ralph K. Heinze Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ironmonger Jefferson Millwork and Design Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Jr. Ms. Louise M. Jones Ms. Mary Louise Keegan Dr. and Mrs. James J. Krebs Rev. T. Ansgar Laczko Mr. Daryl Lee Mr. Arthur Linder Mr. Geoffrey Martiny

Mr. Philip C. McGuire McGladrey & Pullen, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Brady McKaig Mr. Jason Moskowitz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullooly Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myers Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Oetjen Miss Helen T. Paniczko Ms. Kate Daly Paradis Ms. Marie Pelosi Mr. Lance Pruett Mr. Michael J. Quaranta Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quinn Sr. Victoria M. Rajca, RSCJ Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Riccio Mr. Mike Riling Ms. Alice M. Rivlin Ms. Elnora Roberts Mr. Chris Romano Ruppert Foundation Mr. Bart Sanders Mr. and Mrs. S. Sankaran Mr. Thomas Schlenker Mrs. Sophie Schubert Ms. Priscilla Anne Schwab Mr. John Thurber Mr. Anthony Tu-Sekine Ms. Elaine Umelo Mr. Greg Wade Ms. Gloria Zieziula

Giving by Friends of the Abbey Dr. George Adams and Dr. Deborah Tussing Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bank Ms. Judy Barr Ms. Mary A. Borst Ms. Carolyn T. Brown Mr. Emerson M. Brown Mr. Jerry Coursey Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dellapa, Jr. Ms. Jean Grosdidier DeMatons Mr. and Mrs. Bart Dennin Mr. and Mrs. William R. Denton Mr. and Mrs. Kieran C. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Dolgert Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Fishman Ms. Gloria Wyvill Garner Mr. Richard Garner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glaser Dr. Mark Gnerro Ms. Grace Goodell Rev. David Granfield, OSB + Rev. Patrick Granfield, OSB Ms. Kristin Spearing Gulland Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Haaga, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Hallinan

Ms. Mildred Hallinan Mrs. Mary Seton Hamilton Mrs. Jane B. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Heim Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ironmonger Mrs. M. Elizabeth F. Jones Mr. Joseph Skeffington and Ms. Mary E. Kenel Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lang Mr. Ramon L. Lavandero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Leckey Mr. Mark L. Lofgren and Mrs. Kathryn L. Niewenhous The Lonergan Institute Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Lostumbo Mr. John J. Maher Miss Rosemary McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Metrey Mr. and Mrs. John Muldoon Ms. Maria Nazarczuk Mr. Michael P. Niemira Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. O’Leary Mrs. Sofia Owen Ms. Patricia Sisca Pace

41 St. Anselm’s Abbey School

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Peak, Jr. Miss Vidya Angela Pillai Mrs. Barbara Porter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Prendergast Mr. and Mrs. John B. Radner Capt. and Mrs. Paul M. Regan Ms. Rita Ann Reimer Ms. Judith Assmus Riggs Mrs. Ruth Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Terrell N. Roberts, III Miss Joanne Sala Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmitt Mr. Joseph P. Stenson Ms. Alessandra J. Styles Mr. David A. Taylor Dr. John Thompson Mr. William F. Tierney, II Rev. Albert J. Tremblay, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Truhlar Mr. Francis T. Vincent, Jr. Mr. James-Michael von Stroebel Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Walsh Ms. Dolores Wilson

2009–2010 Faculty and Staff Rev. Dom Peter Weigand, OSB Mr. Louis Silvano Mr. Alexander Morse Mr. William Lippe

President Headmaster Head of the Upper School Head of the Middle School

Department Heads and Administrators Mr. Henry Achilles Chair, Social Studies Department Mr. Robert Alspaugh Director of Summer Programs Ms. Robin Barth, RN School Nurse Mr. Kofi Bekoe Network Administrator Ms. Tamara Brown Office Manager Mrs. Valerie Brown Director of Development Mr. Peter Collins, ’74 Director of Student Publications Mr. Mark Commins Director of Finance Mr. R. Mark Dean Director of Athletics Mr. Hal DeLuca Director of College Counseling Dr. Charles Downey Chair, Fine Arts Department Mrs. E.V. Downey Director of Admissions Mrs. Hajnalka Enzel Chair, Modern Language Department Mrs. Nancy Ann Grandel Registrar, Assistant to the Headmaster Rev. Dom Michael Hall, OSB, ’56 Chaplain Mr. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Director of Alumni Affairs Mr. Jeffrey Harwood Assistant Director of College Counseling Ms. Michelle Kannan Development Associate Br. Marvin Kluesner, SDS Librarian Mr. James Leathers, ’04 Director of Communications Mr. Michael F. McCarthy Dean of Students Mr. José Morales Director of Facilities Ms. Delora Pelosi Chair, Classical Language Department Mrs. Carol Rentas Chair, Science & Technology Department Mrs. Maura Rohde Guidance Counselor Mr. Jonathan Vaile Chair, English Department Mr. Mark Vincent Chair, Physical Education Department Dr. Herbert Wood Chair, Mathematics Department Mrs. Ieva Young Business Manager Mr. Peter Young, ’01 Assistant Director of Admissions

Lay Faculty, Staff and Coaches

Religious Faculty and Staff

Ms. Najla Abuasali Mr. Henry Achilles Ms. Michelle Aréne + Mr. Kofi Bekoe Ms. Jane Brinley Dr. Antonio Chaves Mrs. Nancy Sheeran Cholis Mr. Paul Commins Mr. John Corrigan, ’83 Mrs. M. Catherine Diggle Ms. Janine Dunne Dr. Farshad Foroozan Ms. Erika Franz Mr. Adam Fries Mr. Paul Grenaldo Mr. Barry Hillocks Mr. Kevin Hudson, ’04

Fr. Javier Castro Rev. Dom Michael Hall, OSB, ’56 Br. Marvin Kluesner, SDS Very Rev. Dom Simon McGurk, OSB Dom Matthew Nylund, OSB Rt. Rev. Dom Aidan Shea, OSB Rev. Dom Boniface von Nell, OSB Rev. Dom Peter Weigand, OSB Rev. Dom James Wiseman, OSB

Mr. Peter Kjeldgaard, ’03 Mr. Friday Johnson Dr. Larry Joseph Ms. LaSean Lane Mr. Michael Lodico, Jr. Dr. Marcel Maican Mr. Andrew McCabe, ’05 Mr. John Montroll Mr. Kirk Otterson Ms. Elizabeth Peak Mr. Steve Roush Mr. Scott Salandy-DeFour, ’06 Mr. Dennis Sisson Mr. Bryan Taylor Mr. Paul Wofsy Mr. Raul Yepez + deceased

Lists on this page reflect 2009–2010 faculty and staff.

42 2009–2010 Annual Report

2010–2011 Administration President Fr. Peter Weigand, OSB Headmaster Mr. Louis Silvano Head of the Middle School Mr. Thomas Mehigan Head of the Upper School Mr. Alex Morse Dean of Students Mr. Michael McCarthy Registrar Mrs. Nancy Ann Grandel Chaplain Fr. Michael Hall, OSB, ’56 Director of Athletics Mr. José Padilla Director of Admissions Mrs. E.V. Downey Assistant Director of Admissions Mr. Peter Young, ’01 Director of Finance Mr. Mark Commins Business Manager Mrs. Ieva Young Director of Development Mrs. Valerie Brown Assistant Director of Development Mrs. Kimberly Walhout Director of Alumni Affairs Mr. Lawrence Hamm, ’68 Director of Communications Mr. James Leathers, ’04 Director of Facilities Mr. José Morales Director of College Counseling Mr. Hal DeLuca Asst. Dir. of College Counseling Mr. Jeffrey Harwood Guidance Counselor Mrs. Maura Rohde Office Manager Ms. Tamara Brown School Nurse Ms. Robin Barth, RN

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pweigand@saintanselms.org headmastersoffice@saintanselms.org tmehigan@saintanselms.org amorse@saintanselms.org mmccarthy@saintanselms.org registrar@saintanselms.org mhall@saintanselms.org jpadilla@saintanselms.org admissions@saintanselms.org pyoung@saintanselms.org mcommins@saintanselms.org iyoung@saintanselms.org vbrown@saintanselms.org kwalhout@saintanselms.org lhamm@saintanselms.org jleathers@saintanselms.org jmorales@saintanselms.org hdeluca@saintanselms.org jharwood@saintanselms.org mrohde@saintanselms.org tbrown@saintanselms.org rbarth@saintanselms.org


The St. Anselm’s faculty and staff at the beginning of the 2010–2011 academic year.

Thank You Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the listings in this Annual Report. We regret and apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions, and ask that the correct information be sent to the Office of Development via email at vbrown@saintanselms.org or via mail to St. Anselm’s Abbey School, Office of Development, 4501 South Dakota Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20017.

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The Class of 1960 celebrated the 50th anniversary of their graduation from the Priory School at the All-Alumni Reunion Weekend in April. Above, the class is pictured on the day of their graduation. Front row, left to right: Denis Murray; Rev. John Courtney Murray, SJ; Rev. Dom Hugh Monmonier, OSB, Headmaster; Most Rev. Ansgar Nelson, OSB; Rev. Dom Joseph Jensen, OSB, Secondmaster; Gabriel Lombard. Next row, left to right: Stephen Clark; Christopher Daly; Andrew Novotney; Anthony Bruno; Terrence Griffin; Jerome Covel; Peter Schmitt; Albert Branson; Francis Tucci; George O’Keefe; Martin Fitzgerald; John Warren. Next row, left to right: Martin Kilmer; Brian McManus; Kenneth Fowler, Jr.; Martin Hughes; Joseph Chalmers; John Millwater; Courtney Hayden; Michael Burke; Edward Cogan; Thomas Collins; Timothy Hanley; Michael Hartford; John Donnelly, Jr. Back row, left to right: Henry Hull; Frank Masino; J. Peter Traskey; Dennis Lyndon.

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