Perceptions and Perfiles 2022

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Eva Calaf (2022)

Perfiles Perceptions 2021-2022

Advisors Vanessa Ortiz Dana Erickson Maru Fusté Ilanit Edry

Las velas de mi bote Félix Rodríguez (2023) No tengo hogar fijo. Soy un viajero del mundo. Desde las cordilleras de Chile, hasta las playas del Caribe. Mi infancia ha sido marcada por las bellezas naturales del mundo, por los idiomas, el inglés y el español, los cuales me han dejado expresar mis tristezas y alegrías. Pero más allá de las bellezas de los países y las islas, lo que más me ha marcado han sido las personas que he conocido. Nací en un bote sin rumbo, con velas blancas como la nieve, limpias de manchas del mundo exterior. Pero mientras más viajé, más se mancharon las velas de mi bote. Las personas que he conocido, todas, como niños con crayones, colorearon mis paredes sin preocupaciones. Mis primeros colores fueron los de mi familia. El de mi abuela, amarillo como el sol del Caribe, me acuerdo de reírme y siempre disfrutar de la vida. El de mi padre, un azul profundo como el del Pacífico, me enseña a razonar y usar la lógica. El de mi madre, rojo como un atardecer hermoso, me muestra la importancia del cariño y la compasión hacia los demás. Con estos colores principales, los cuales marcan las cosas que más valoro de la vida, lentamente encontré un rumbo. Así fui viajando de persona a persona, de país en país. Conocí cada vez más, llenándome de más colores bellos. Mis velas parecían un arcoíris. Pero también llegaron colores oscuros que tapaban los demás. Miedos, preocupaciones y dolores salían cada vez que estos colores manchaban mis velas. Sin embargo, las personas que he conocido me han ayudado a cubrir las manchas de tonos violetas, rosados, naranjas, verdes, que pintan un campo de flores. Aún mantengo lo que me han dado los colores del pasado: la felicidad, las emociones, la lógica. Con estos colores nuevos salió mi humor, mi valentía, mi honestidad. Por ahora, las manchas de mis velas ya no son tan grandes. Mis velas se han convertido en una mezcla de flores y mares, de arcoíris y atardeceres, de árboles, de animales, de nubes, de todas las bellezas del mundo. Pero aún queda el blanco. Así que seguiré viajando. Conociendo diferentes países, diferentes idiomas, diferentes personas. Viajo sin tener un hogar fijo, porque lo más importante que tengo, siempre lo llevaré conmigo: Las velas de mi bote, el ser de mi persona, los colores de mi vida.

Rodrigo Aponte (2022)

Mente y corazón Pablo Dardet (2023) Pensamientos estrambóticos corren peligrosamente libres Experimento una cierta incertidumbre; el peligro al tropiezo invade mi mente Vivo asustado por mis propios defectos y mi reflexión esporádica ¿Qué me distingue de un demente? Tengo muchos enigmas por resolver Unos me apuñalan el alma mientras otros el corazón Mi autoestima es apenas sostenida por telas de algodón Siento un dolor grave; necesito saciar mi sed de autoaceptación La búsqueda de entendimiento me alimenta Mi color favorito es el que anhelo Pero el color que hoy me describe me tiene por el suelo Estoy tan confuso ante el mundo Quisiera un boleto para la felicidad, Pero a mi aeropuerto no ha llegado ese vuelo Desigualdad y decepción Realidades que alimentan mi depresión Voz oprimida frente a la autoridad; voz decidida y mirada firme frente al espejo Ahí, realmente soy libre Entre pensamientos y preocupaciones, Vivo y distingo, pero no lo suficiente como para escoger Dentro de mi corazón la llama se muere Al no poder saber si me quieres Lentamente se apaga el fuego Con eso los dejo Adiós y hasta luego

Aida Higuerey (2025)

Imagen detrás de la fachada Amaury Llorens (2022) Mi expresión es aparentemente feliz. Mi corazón está ansioso y asustado. Vivo preguntándome qué reflexionan los demás. Muestro mi ingenioso sentido del humor y mi risa contagiosa siempre. A veces me pregunto, si solo soy un actor, que participa en la película de los demás. Trato de estar distante, mas termino siendo vulnerable. Mis ojos vagabundos me ayudan a ver lo que otros rehúsan. Mis intenciones son perfectas, pero la realidad siempre da un giro más profundo. Soy implacablemente curioso. Mi mente retorcida a veces es difícil de silenciar. Mi objetivo es convertirla en mi mayor fortaleza.

Tatiana Porrata (2024)

Viajera Diana Pujals (2023) Creo ser de mirada expresiva y, de pestañas, millonaria, Rica de cabellos marrones con rasgos dorados como los rayos del sol, Diminuta de torso y estatura, pero gigante de corazón, Enorme de ideas, convicciones y palabras, un poco escasa de cachetes y labios, Imprudente por maldición, creativa sin querer, Derecha por diestra, izquierdista por justiciera, mi centro son mis valores, Simpática frente a los problemas, nerviosa ante mis dudas, Prisionera de mis inseguridades, libre ante mi aventura, Tortuga ante decisiones, liebre en la firmeza, Cautiva de lo interesante, de las palabras y los poemas, Policía de mis imperfecciones, defensora de mis metas y fantasma de la mediocridad, Extensa al soñar, breve al dormir, Incansable de abrazos, café, orillas, horizontes y libros, Navegante de escuelas y canchas y raquetas que castigan pelotas amarillas, Puertorriqueña hasta el fin, soy coquí desmedida, Perdida entre muchas, pero única entre todas, Esto soy; pero no sé qué seré.

Mariana Pascual (2023)

Costa Gabriel Costa (2023) Costa, así me conocen. Dicen que soy como el mar. Tengo mi propio ritmo, tranquilidad. Fuerza pasiva que muchos desconocen. Mis ojos no son azules como el cantar del mar. Solo tengo los marrones comunes que en las ramas de los árboles has de encontrar. Un pelo negro como el vacío de la noche, y piel de arena que cultura e historia componen. Fuerte dependiendo del ángulo; atlético en todo momento. El deporte es el único trofeo que me reconoce; herencia de triunfos y derrotas que mi carácter ha formado. La creatividad fue lo que me llevó a la amistad. Persona sociable fue lo que tuve que crear. Mar creador de historias, mar creador de tierras, mar creador de mi persona: Costa.

Melodía Roberto Rodríguez (2022) Soy el que siempre va a estar a tu lado Aunque algunas veces esté callado No me gusta ver gente triste Por eso, es que hago chistes Mis palabras no son destructivas Tampoco digo cosas negativas Si necesitas ayuda con algo, me puedes llamar Porque con mis palabras, te vas a calmar Mi energía no es fácil de esconder Mi carácter es algo que no puedo pretender Escribir poesía es algo que nunca haría Pero en este poema, hay melodía

Crystal He He (2025)

Iluminando mi oscuridad Claudia Toyos (2022) Ojos oscuros y vastos como una cueva Cuerpo diminuto y rostro pecoso Me pregunto cada día quién soy Ya que solamente puedo ver mi exterior Estudio cuando es necesario Y sigo las reglas de mi madre Difícil con palabras y emociones Tierna con mis amistades Callo a mis enemigas con mi silencio Muda cuando primero me conoces Sociable, si cómoda estoy Siempre evito el conflicto Tiendo a sobre pensarlo todo Nunca cultivo mi lado creativo Estoy llena de energía como la luz

Andrea Álvarez (2025)

Espero Victoria Meduña (2023) Me paso los días perdida en mi cabeza Me levanto y los pensamientos empiezan Dicen que soy medio distraída Pero probablemente lo que estoy es medio aburrida Dulce como el azúcar; agria cuando me conviene Un balance de tranquilidad y locura es lo que me mantiene Analizando ando No crean que por mi pelo rubio no estoy pensando Ojos chiquitos y rasgados con los que me paso observando Piernas largas que me hacen alta Por eso mi presencia resalta Mi imaginación me lleva hasta la Luna Mis papás me han dicho que soy curiosa desde la cuna Si me dices algo, te pido una explicación Necesito una razón Tener dudas no me gusta Sin contestación queda la angustia Tengo un ego sensitivo Algunas veces sube y sale a saludar Pero mayormente, lo mantengo protegido Mis inseguridades son muchas y las quiero ocultar Pero son parte de mi ser Sin ellas no podré brillar Soy una joven feliz Trato de manejar mi adolescencia, sin que me deje una cicatriz Creo relaciones y rompo corazones Siempre llena de emociones Quiero hacer cosas grandes en mi vida El mundo del arte es hacia donde me dirijo No sé quién soy todavía Ni quién quiero ser Pero espero que mi vida sea un placer

Jasmine Jiang (2025)

Así soy Sebastián Figueroa (2023) Rizos planchados color girasol Lentes siempre puestos como lector Brillante por todas partes como la plata Demasiado brillo… y meto la pata ¿Por qué soy así? ¿Seré diferente? Solo respiro y hay un problema con la gente Lucho para ser yo, sin esconderme Se me enfrentan, mas no me pueden romper Carácter de hierro, corazón de mariposa Me mantengo positivo para que vayan mejor las cosas Conectarme con la naturaleza es primordial Aunque no vea fantasmas, veo lo espiritual De esta manera encontraré mi lugar No puedo quedarme sin jugar Ya que lo que me gusta es disfrutar Baila que baila, no te vayas a desnucar Soy ancho como un mural y mediano como un pastizal Blanquito y amarillo, soy una margarita con sal Mi madurez me hace dudar Dudar de la vida, urbana o rural Me gusta aconsejar Ya que mis experiencias me han ayudado a procesar

Cristal He He (2025)

Sentimientos vehementes Salomar Levis (2023) Mi corazón alborotado Percibe su rostro Y se regocija junto a sus brazos Capta algo depurado La emoción lo agobia Los latidos paralizados vuelven a fluir Entro y distingo miles de corazones en sincronización Husmeo la desesperación de miles alrededor Una población unida; insólita situación Espero ser el único perfume que le llame la atención De pronto, la voz de un querubín rompe el silencio Gritos ciegan a los niños pequeños Mis oídos doloridos se centran solo en la canción Todos trascendemos a un momento celestial El tiempo se congela, pero todos sentimos calor Las lágrimas y sonrisas son gemelas solo por hoy En la cofradía de mis sueños y vivencias, esta noche será la mejor

Pasado lleno de higos Eva Calaf (2023) Una mañana brumosa Ventanas cubiertas con gotitas de agua; vidrio empañado Entrada al baño, nada especial; ropa de ayer en el piso Mente todavía con las luces apagadas; No creo que se vayan a prender de un momento a otro Prendo la llave, mano hacia el jabón aún cerrado Quito el plástico de los bordes Abrir la tapa es como abrir una puerta al pasado Higos y agua de sal Su nube de frutas me toma por sorpresa Me transporta al pelo con ricitos de nena loca Espirales de cabello ya domesticado Con el tiempo, me había olvidado de su textura Abro la puerta, y llegó de nuevo al presente, lleno de sonrisas del pasado

Lana Coomes (2023)

La Gran Manzana María José Calzada (2023) Aterrizo en la ciudad que nunca duerme Paso por los vidrios en los cuales puedo verme Es una noche fría, lluviosa y tenebrosa Llevo los labios congelados Noto el olor a cigarrillo y alcantarilla por todos lados Llego al cuarto y siento las sábanas frías del hotel Cierro los ojos y me pongo a soñar con qué me voy a poner Son las cinco de la mañana, Ya va a amanecer Siento poco a poco el cuarto embellecer Color amarillo, olor a café Como un bocadillo ¡Qué rico es! Que lindos son los recuerdos de mi niñez

Cocinando mi infancia Gabriel Costa (2023) Pienso en mi infancia y el olfato se activa. Chocolate caliente, galletas y delicias vuelven a mi vida. Me acostumbré desde pequeño a disfrutar de la cocina. Muchos platillos aprendí a confeccionar en familia. Cocina que por mi estatura parecía un gran castillo. Como todavía no llegaba la estufa, buscaba mi banquito y me trepaba para alcanzar. Sin ayuda de mis padres, cortaba los vegetales, hasta que un día el risotto aprendí a cocinar. Combino los ingredientes en la sartén. Resalta el aroma de la cebolla, el ajo y la mantequilla. Bonitos recuerdos la cocina me trae. Tanto es el tiempo que ha pasado que me hace llorar ¿O es la cebolla que me hace lagrimear? A medida que avanzo, vierto el arroz Una, dos, tres tazas; ¿CUÁNTAS MÁS? A fuego lento el amor se fue cocinando Hasta que llegó el plato final: Un niño que ya es grande y sabe cocinar

Santiago Ortiz (2025)

Maya Diana Pujals (2023) Maya, todavía nuestra cocina huele a tu piel de canela; perfume de Santo Domingo A vainilla con caramelo, a ese cariño con que me decías Cucú A tu casabe, a tu salami ardiente con maca A papaya con mango, dulzura del patio Aunque ya no estás, sigues aquí en cada esquina En cada desayuno, en cada plato, tu recuerdo siempre acurrucado En cada taza de café está la memoria de tus ojos y tus manos de azúcar morena Te veo hasta en las servilletas, pues tus consejos limpiaban mis lágrimas de dudas En mi casa completa estás Tu memoria vive en mi patio, en cada hoja Y en toda la grama donde me viste aprender a caminar Hiciste un nido profundo de conversaciones y consejos Y en la firme plenitud de tu ausencia Seguirás sentada con las mismas sandalias en los pies y popcorn en la boca Disimulando la eternidad en cada respiro; tu corazón siempre vivo Y mientras tanto, sigo creciendo, siempre contigo Te podrás imaginar cuánto te extraño Maya, eres semilla de mi cultivo Gracias por ser mi ángel aquí en la Tierra Quiero que sepas que nunca te olvidaré

Ana García (2025)

Volar Carlos Santiago (2023) La miseria que es el recordar El ave que en un momento volaba Siente que no tiene nada Un vacío por dentro, oscuro y sin expectativa El viento frío como la soledad El sol caliente como una fogata El cielo y todos sus colores Todo se apaga, ahora no hay nada La tierra dura La tierra sucia bajo sus pies La inmovilización Ante la presión de surcar los cielos El ave quisiera volar entre ellos Pero sin sus alas, solo un sueño será Con la paciencia de una ranura El optimismo de un delfín La contentura de una quokka Y la confianza de un elefante El ave vuela El ave sonríe llena de felicidad Rodeada por la amistad Ahora llena de alegría El calor se intensifica El ave arrasa Vuela con esperanza

Los bocadillos de abuelo Fernando Pujals (2023) Esa mañana fue fresca como el almuerzo que preparamos El olor llenaba su casa de alegría Estábamos tan tranquilos que ni el tiempo corría Mi abuelo por fin estaba feliz y se reía Los bocadillos españoles le traían recuerdos de su infancia El amor hacia su pasado lo mostró con la comida Por eso con alegría él comía Le dije gracias mientras me devoraba el plato El primer bocado me llenó el paladar como cuando comía helado Al terminarse la comida, nos sentimos como tigres después de cazar Estaba tan deliciosa, que con esa comida nos queríamos casar Era lo más rico que había comido Por eso la felicidad corría Esos fueron los sabores del día

Chloe Lawrence (2025)

Mi mantecadito Dereck Rivera (2023) Un mantecadito de fresa Un mantecadito que le quita la tristeza a cualquiera Un mantecadito que sabe a recuerdo de una niñez lejana Esa niñez en que jugábamos pelota en el patio Y te enfogonabas si te llamábamos abuelo en vez de abuelito Esa niñez cuando salía de la escuela y ahí estabas tú Tú con una sonrisa de Fajardo a Rincón Y una pregunta a flor de piel ¿Quieres un mantecadito? Un mantecadito de fresa De ternura, de cariño Ese mantecadito que ahora solo existe en mis memorias Que quisiera haber apreciado más Un sabor que esperaba degustar todos los días Que me crió El mantecadito que fue mi abuelito

Madera quemada Félix Rodríguez (2023) Por la playa voy caminando, sintiendo la arena en mi piel Las olas rompiendo en la orilla dan paz a mi ser ¿La brisa del mar, que huele a… madera quemándose? Ese olor fuera de lugar me transporta a mi pasado En un parpadear, mis alrededores se convierten en aquellos de mi infancia Al sol cálido del Caribe lo reemplaza la noche fría llena de estrellas Las olas del mar se convierten en aromáticos olores del pasado Carnes grasosas, chorizos jugosos, panes frescos, vinos tintos Al fondo, Sabina toca las cuerdas de su guitarra Y canta sobre unos diecinueve días y unas quinientas noches Pero esa noche fría no está sola Una calidez interna me abraza al ver a mis padres reír y bailar juntos frente a mí Ver a mi padre enfrente de la parrilla Ver a mi madre sentada al lado de él Es una imagen perfecta, sacada directamente de mi corazón Llena de amor y recuerdos de un momento que se fue muy rápido Me quiero ahogar en ella, vivir en ella, amarrarla y no dejarla ir Disfrutar esos detalles que nunca noté cuando los tuve Pero mientras más lucho por retenerla, más rápido se quema la madera Hasta que el viento se lleva todo rastro de su olor Dejándome de vuelta a la orilla del mar

Nicolás Barreras (2023)

Noches perdidas Marcos Barreras (2023) Voz sutil de mi madre, dulzura al leer oía y sueño yo sentía. Libros cortos de mi infancia, llenan mis memorias de alegría. Aroma sutil de mi madre, de rosas y jazmines. Su olor se desvanece y con él se va mi infancia. Ya no hay libros en la noche, solo recuerdos permanecen. Latido sutil de mi madre, sonido cariñoso, constante, calmante. Su presencia me serena, es la cadencia de su vida. Silueta sutil de mi madre, perfil alegre y manos suaves que en las noches libros tomaban. Hoy soy yo el que lee sólo y la nostalgia me acompaña.

Laura Pichardo (2023)

Xenofobia Santino Bazzini (2023) ¿Pensás que sos mejor por tu color de piel? Espero que lo pienses bien, y reflexiones Pensá en tu madre mientras lo hacés ¿Ella te crió así? ¿Tirándoles bananas a jugadores y gritándoles Cánticos antisemitas, eslóganes y símbolos? Eso lo hacen los racistas Son jugadores dentro de la cancha dejando el corazón para ganar El color de piel de cada uno no los hace diferentes Europeos, africanos, chinos, centroamericanos; son todos de distintas partes Pero en la cancha son iguales El color de nuestra piel es capaz de cambiar por el rayo del sol No seas pendejo, es melanina no más ¿En serio pensás que sos mejor por tu color de piel?

Delantal negro Stella Bitton (2023) El olor es más que un sentido Como un pájaro que distingue el olor de su nido Un sentido, propicia un río de memorias Un olor se conecta con sus historias Cuando puedo, intento imitar el olor a incienso El olor a pollo cocinándose Una esencia tan fuerte que uno casi tose La imagen de mi abuela cocinando con su delantal Trae a mí su esencia cultural Corro por la cocina tratando de ayudarla Le ofrezco mi ayuda, para así adelantar Mi trabajo siempre fue poner el arroz bajo agua El arroz amarillo como el sol El arroz que pega con pollo o cualquier frijol Servido en un plato La delicia que jamás comparto La mezcla de arroz, vegetales y pollo El olor fuerte a comida criolla de mi abuela

Rafael Marrero (2024)

¿Qué seríamos sin los maestros? Eugene A. Ayers Sánchez (2021) ¿Qué seríamos sin maestros? Una generación perdida, sin rumbo hacia un futuro. Perdidos, sin educación, sin idea de qué hacer, Sin forma de comunicarnos. Sin idea de cómo vivir en una comunidad unida. Sin idea de la historia que nos llevó a este momento. Los profesores son esenciales para hacer que la juventud madure. 5,000 maestros unidos en protesta; Protesta por pagas injustas y cambios en los contratos de retiro. Dinero tan bajo que no da para alimentar a una familia. Sin ellos no seríamos capaces de entender por qué pasa lo que pasa. ¿Acaso es este trato justo? No creo. Sin ellos no seríamos nada.

Botón rojo Valeria Latorraca (2023) Pensar que con tan solo apretar un botón rojo acabe todo; botón rojo de aquel gobernante desafiante o el de este dictador dominante. Me encuentro con las manos atadas; diminuta y sin voz. ¡Nos roban seres deshonestos, egoístas y arrogantes que se enorgullecen del sufrimiento ajeno! ¿QUÉ MUNDO NOS DEJAN? Un mundo lleno de codicia y odio pleno. Gases lacrimógenos... Pienso en cómo hace 3 años, nos unimos como pueblo. A nosotros, los boricuas, nos bombardearon, mientras luchábamos por lo que nos robaron. Honor, paz, y justicia. Mundo lleno de codicia. Se abren las puertas a una posible guerra que deja a medio mundo en suspenso y espera. Patrón repetido... Gobiernos que luchan más por el poder, que en honrar a su propia gente... Botón rojo que causó bomba de renuncia y rencor. Botón rojo que causará…

Carolina Chaves (2022)

Fortalecer nuestras raíces Salomar Levis (2023) “Puerto Rico se levanta” Lo han dicho una y otra vez Pero un árbol no puede florecer Sin tener sus raíces fuertes Mitad de las escuelas cerradas, las otras abandonadas Una Universidad sin fondos, la huelga se declara Exsecretaria de Educación corrupta; esta pesadilla nunca acaba La educación es un derecho incondicional Las únicas escuelas abiertas están a punto de colapsar Los políticos salen y saludan a nuestro pueblo Luego usan nuestro dinero para su propio juego Recortes millonarios a la educación cada año ¿Qué pasó con los 4 mil millones de fondos donados? No más secretarios y presidentes “interinos”; necesitamos estabilidad Se quejan de que la juventud se va, ¿pero cuál remedio dan? Son pocos los que responden al escuchar “Albizu Campos” Al igual que memorizamos que Puerto Rico fue un regalo Un país que no conoce su historia, está condenado a la derrota Y el flamboyán florecido, cae al piso destruido Pero esta generación no se va a dejar. ¡Venceremos unidos!

Isabel Colom (2024)

Where I’m From… Annia Guindin (2022) I am from mossy stones and riverbeds From big, orange flamboyanes that flourish in late summers And massive two dollar servings of pernil on Saturday mornings. I am from long abandoned ruins in the mountainside Where people wake up at four in the morning to queue for the doctor’s and children look forward to getting their easter chicks. Yet I am also from concrete and autopistas de cuatro carriles que siempre están ‘ataponas’ Where there are mofleras, food trucks and weed dispensaries right in the same corner And people ride four-tracks to el chinchorro instead of horses. En ambos el voceteo siempre esta prendido Y en ambos se dice ‘ay bendito’ y ‘me cago en la hostia’ mientras uno se persigna De chocolate caliente y queso fundido a revoltillo de bacalao con arroz Una cosa siempre será cierto Y es que en ambos lugares, la gente canta la Borinqueña. De la Cordillera al área metro, es cierto Que ni las prioridades ni las caridades se parecen Ni los paisajes ni el paisanaje Pero los dos comen el mismo arroz con gandules todos los días Y en los dos los chamaquitos procrastinan igual. Yo soy boricua Y eso si que no se me olvidará.

Tessa Wilson (2025)

Where I’m From Natán Lago (2022) I am from two distant sides of the world: From the Land of Israel and raised in Borinquen, From the couscous and the lechón, From missing days for holidays. I am from the smartass jokes with my friends, And bodysurfing at the beach, From the literal addiction to basketball, With moves you simply can’t teach. I am from my 28 cousins in Israel, From my mom being the youngest of 10, And from the super tall jokes from everyone, But who can surprisingly dance coordinated. I am one who embraces the constant change in my life, And am constantly making new friends, I am one who never forgets where I came from: With my lives in Israel, Ponce, and San Juan.

Marina Pascual (2023)

Cielito Lindo Valentina Flores (2022) From a sunset in Tegucigalpa From the “raspado” I had in Lima From kayaking in Condado In Mexico, dinner en la cocina From a warm welcome every summer From the colors of my flag The green, the white, and the red From the pride, I feel when it flies high From the scalding heat of Sonora From the sea of Cozumel From the sierra of Chihuahua The handmade work of San Miguel From a mantel of Tenochtitlan Talavera in blue and white in Puebla To my distant family in Yucatan From in Veracruz avoiding la niebla Del llorar y reir del mariachi From de “ay ay no llores” From the tequila, we all know From my parent’s hard work From a small island in the Caribbean Where a beautiful childhood I received One I will always paint for my children Even if I’m not believed From rolling down a hill From flying a kite From swimming under a sunset in Rincon To the glowing ocean in the night From the same three books From Billy Joel and Alejandro Fernandez From rollerblading on the road To performances of regional dances From chassé, paso paso, saut de chat! And zapateado, all the same From colored numbers and letters From the student wall of fame From messy rooms and lost keys And endless mismatching socks

From treasured memories And attempts to understand stocks I’m from the chlorine and the effort From the countless caps, I’ve lost From every stroke, I’ve ever given every false start and races they have cost From the people that have taken me in From the laughter and the tears From the family, I’ve found along the way From the memories and conquered fears Where are you from? Once this question made me ache At the reminder, I didn’t know Since my home was forsaken Later I found out, where “I’m from” is just a thought In the end, I’m from wherever I have been or choose to go

Jack Griffin (2023)

Where I am From Emily Montes (2022) I am from the bright blue- gray adoquines To the colorful building you see while walking down the street I am from the endless blue ocean And the crisp wind Where the sun shines at all hours Where no matter where you go you are greeted with kindness I am from el canto del coqui And the streets full of music I am from having summer all year round And the endless nights I am from cafe con leche in the mornings and night And the beautiful views all around I am from a small yet full of life island And one with a great deal of history I am from la Isla del encanto

Carolina Chávez (2022)

Homeland Carlos De Ontañón (2022) Welcome to my homeland, Where the Rs become Ls, Where the snow becomes sand, Where a handshake becomes a hug. Welcome to my homeland, Where holes on the street become craters, Where a light drizzle becomes a hurricane, Where plains become rainforests Welcome to my homeland, Where rap becomes reggaeton Where a guitar becomes un cuatro Where fish sticks become bacalaitos Welcome to my homeland, Where the Cherokee become Taíno Where a group of people become a movement Where two languages become one. Welcome to Puerto Rico, The island engraved in my heart Where barren walls become murals And where the ordinary becomes art.

Sebastian Delgado (2024)

I Am From Stanley Cheng (2022) I am from “Are you Chinese?” I am from “Wow, you know Spanish!” I am from “How did your parents arrive here?” I am different I am from a Chinese community Where everyone knows each other, Where everyone is related to some kind of restaurant business. Restaurants with Asian food and a stain of plantain. I am from Chinese parents who came to the island with nothing I am from the top beaches in the world I am from parties with lechón and peking duck I am from an island that no matter where you go, you will find someone you know. I am a Chinorriqueño

Alexa Giulimondi (2025)

A Solemn Confession Adriana Alvarado (2022) Tears stream down her face As she watches the whole world fade away Dreaming that this is not real Alone she was again The end was near Like the feeling of the emptiness that grew Watching the unexpected turn into reality Tears stream down her face From vivid to gray Life was being drained out of the light She just sat there As she watched the world fade away The one thing that she couldn’t give up Slipped through the cracks Without her even noticing and left her Dreaming that this is not real From always to nothing and from full to empty He was the one that let go Alone she was again

María Levis (2024)

A Closet of Smiles Julieta Bruno-Ferré (2022) “I’m fine,” I say as smile #4 reassures the comment. #4 is the one that hides my teeth but shows my dimple It’s the one my family thinks is the normal one #4 is the “smile” I’ve been using for the past year and no one has noticed the difference. When I’m with certain people I can truly smile. I don’t have to pick one out of the closet or conceal my feelings by pursing my lips, I can finally smile. #4 has become my go-to. Thankfully, it’s convincing enough that people stop asking questions but sadly, it's convincing enough that people stop asking questions. I use that one because all my other smiles have failed to hide essentially that - what I want to hide. I don’t know what to do. Should I choose another smile? Maybe #2 works? Maybe #3? They’ll notice if I change it, right? But… then again, who cares? When people ask you how you are, they don’t really want to know. They ask you to fill the void of silence. They ask you as you’re passing by and only have a couple of seconds to answer. They don’t sit you down for coffee and rephrase that unwelcome sentence. They always simply ask, “How are you?” And there I am… stuck at a crossroads. Do I tell them every little detail? Do I tell them how I really am? Do I even know how I really am? I freeze as their eyes look into mine for a quick answer. I feed into my habit and say, “Yea, I’m fine, thanks,” as smile #4 reassures the comment.

She Valentina Flores (2022) In the future-focused all day, as she promptly runs away. Leaves you an empty-handed fool. After all, she loves to ridicule. Tik, Tik she passes me by She pushes me out of the way She never looks behind her In the future focused all-day Everyone craves her attention. We all want her to stay. Beg her to be here one more second. As she promptly runs away. I don't think she’s a good person I would even call her cruel She steals beauty health and memories Leaves you an empty-handed fool One day I wish to meet her, and avenge all she took But I'm sure she’ll laugh and snicker After all, she loves to ridicule.

Joaquín Estopinal (2025)

The Bird That Lost Its Song Ignacio Garcia (2022) Once upon a beautiful day Three birds sat upon the doorsteps shade. Two birds flew off, one bird stayed. The one with no whistle or tune to give way. The bird knew not a single rhyme or tune, And as such, couldn’t find anyone to swoon. So it sat until it was beneath the moon, Hoping it can learn to sing soon. Once the first light of the sun shined, And the wind started to blow high, The bird heard it’s first wind chimes, And began to listen to the sounds of life. It heard the sounds of cats and dogs, The sounds of leaves, kites, and frogs, The sounds of bells, clocks, and cogs, And the sounds of people and love songs. The bird once again sat below the door, With a new melody that it adores. And thus the bird would sing once more, And would continue to sing so forevermore.

In the that of my those Peter Joseph Gonzalez (2022) I touched the whomst’ve of the that to hear the those of your thou, My that is that thee name of though for that as a glimpse that the dough would that inside the that of biting my those names of the that. I’m am that and those and this and the and that, That color known as the formerly those, reveals the it as that self for those. The Ranch Dressing Soda. The that of those did the this, The third that clock this rung those wind that the Man whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es'nt'ed'ies's'y'es'nt't're'ing'able'ric'ive'al'nt'ne'm'll'ble'al the. But then, that the those who did this that though, This That.

I Am From Katie Jurgel (2022) I am from A fishing town full of hockey addicts. Nobody is as Irish as them. Where the sports fans go wild. The clam chowder is on every menu. But you can never go wrong with the Boston cream pie. The “Rs” are as rare as the car blinkers. Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd. Dunkin Donuts is on every corner of each street. Tom Brady represents the city. Where the architecture comes from England. Colonial-style buildings are mixed. The cobblestone streets in the North End. To the 19th century brownstones on Newbury Street. From hot summer days in Fenway Park. To performing the “wave” endlessly. Sweet Caroline is playing. Fireworks are going off on the third. not the fourth of July. A city of firsts. Known as “Beantown”. Originated from colonial times. I am from a place called Boston, Massachusetts.

Chloe Lawrence (2025)

The Feminist Movement Victoria Kaufer Casas (2022) I understand why many don’t want to say it out loud, But being a feminist should make you proud. The problem is that feminists are misunderstood, While men may think they’re working for themselves, they are just working towards the greater good. Feminists can be any gender including non-conforming folks and men. Feminists are not working against men is what I’ll repeat if I have to do so again and again. Feminists are just advocating for women to have a life full of zen. They advocate so that women feel safe when they’re alone after ten. They fight so that people don’t have to conform to the standards of Barbie and Ken. They fight so that women can receive equal pay. They fight so that women stop getting catcalled and don’t feel like prey. They fight so that women have power in their homes and don’t feel scared when in bed they lay. They fight so the government realizes women have a right to abortions and stop trying to take it away. They fight so that gender violence is never regarded as okay. There are women who, trying to reach what society thinks is perfect, kill their natural beauty and fray. “Society loves skinny but thick straight-haired blondes with blue eyes and a perfect smile,” but in reality it’s okay to have brown eyes and hair that’s getting gray. Feminists fight so that everyone loves themselves and that in their bodies they wish to stay. They fight so that all body types are seen as beautiful and that it doesn’t make a difference how much you weigh. They fight so that society realizes beauty can be found in every little thing and so that women’s physical appearance doesn’t affect how they are treated by society and will never get in the way. They fight so that no one feels invalidated and when taking actions others’ opinions, a role doesn’t play. They fight so that society recognizes that it causes many women a mental disarray. They fight so that even though society has dictated that women need to shave, regarding their bodies, they’re the ones that have the final say. They fight so that women have equal rights, no matter if they’re straight or gay. They fight so that women have equal rights, no matter their religion or to whom they pray. They fight so that women’s lives get better, even if it’s hour by hour, or day by day. But honestly, there is a misconception that present day feminists are ridiculous women who have nothing else to do. Remarks range from “In previous decades, women accepted their realities,” and “There’s no reason to fight since there’s nothing to do.” However, the reality is that the concept of feminism is not even new. Women have always been combatting the patriarchy and advocating for being granted basic rights too. Feminists just fight for basic needs after all we’ve been through. That feminism may include “Girl Power” is a statement that’s true. But even if you don’t identify as a woman, or when it comes to experiencing a gender issue you don’t have a clue, The feminist movement needs your help: It needs you! More girls, boys, and non-conforming folks joining the feminist movement is long overdue. So, even if you’re not a girl, never be afraid to be the real you. Because even if many don’t want to say it out loud Being a feminist should always make you proud.

Beatriz García (2025)

Helicopter Gabriela Lantigua (2022) My feelings fly away with the letters that you wrote I let you go as the last few tears fall from your eyes Before you left for good you said one last quote I will never forget your words as they were so wise “This is not a goodbye this is a see you later” you said Truth is my heart breaks in two when I'm without you Now I will learn to be alone in my own head But I had to leave you so I wouldn’t be so blue

When will it stop? Catalina Montalvo (2022) Stop, stop, STOP THE CAR. In an instant she was gone. There he was. Their eyes locked. Sweetest eyes in the world. Shivering, scared, and hungry a raggedy collar wrapped around his neck. Injured, left alone to die Who could have done this? Stop, stop, STOP THE ABUSE No one ever wants to stop. Can’t leave without him A pure and innocent soul Never again to be left alone For he is now and forever home.

Guarded Soul Julieta Bruno-Ferré (2022) It isn’t your fault, I told her How could you have known? It will be okay, don’t worry A part of me is broken and she’ll never truly know. I didn’t show emotion for a week People asked and wondered what had happened to me But I'd rather die than let people see me weak. She repeatedly apologized in worry It isn’t your fault, I told her. Who’s at fault? I solemnly must know. Who silently grabbed my arms and cupped my mouth, I surely should know She asked who it was and how it occurred Her chocolate-colored eyes widened as I told her my story, Tears rolled down her cheeks as lowered her head and cried “I-I’m s-s-sorry” I grabbed her chin and told her, How could you have known? Her tears spilled on my shoulders As I told her how the dim bar lights didn’t let me see I told her how I was okay, but I wasn’t. She ignored my comment and mumbled through her cries, “It will be okay, don’t worry.” I closed my eyes and took a breath I smiled through the pain as I relived how his hand moved around my chest She took my hand let me out the stall door A part of me is broken and she’ll never truly know.

Fake Love Elias Ortega (2022) Does love even exist? Sometimes I wonder, I've tried to insist, But it'll just take me longer. They say someone is out there, Waiting for me, But I stopped believing, Because it's better like this. It took me some time, But I learned to adapt Found temporary pleasure, It wasn't good for my heart. It feels good but its bad, It's always making me sad I know I wouldn't go mad, If only true love I had.

Rafael Marrero (2024)

I am from Javier Ríos (2022) I am from the red blood of brave warriors striving for white victory and peace. I am from the blue sky above me and the sea that surrounds me. I am from the star in the middle of the Caribbean. I am from the rising whistle from dusk 'till dawn, the crowing sound that wakes me up, and the bright green feathers that move through the sky. I am from the red blooms in spring and the giant flat crown.

Valeria Latorraca (2023)

After Pablo Neruda Mariana Toro (2022) If love is so short And forgetting is so long, Where does that leave me? I love like it’s my last day I remember like I breathe.

Small Island Girl Carolina Alvarado (2022) I'm for the sweat and dirt of the campy “campos.” Where the leaves and the wind are your nap partners And where the streets are like filing cabinets filled with my history. Hard workers, “campesinos” and farmers are my roots. Running down barefoot to the creek filled with hopes and dreams is what we do. I'm from the beaches of the west. Where the seashell and the seagulls are your friends. From a place where not just my toes get covered in sand. And from where the surfer's second home is the ocean. I'm from the suburbs of Canovanas. Where family is the center of everything. And the smell of a traditional Puerto Rican meal is what fills the air. Where family is not just reserved for 4 but instead 12. From where family is not just blood but love. I'm from hazel and black eyes but somehow mine are brown. I'm from black and red hair but somehow mine is brown. I'm from 5’9 and 5’4 but somehow I'm 5’3. I'm from twins but somehow I'm just me.

My island Diego Díaz (2022) An island that stretches around 100 miles long and 35 miles wide. An island where the most beautiful people live and where one of the purest and richest cultures exist, is where I am from. With music ranging from salsa to reggaeton, And food ranging from arroz con habichuelas to pastelitos con carne. I was born close to the beach and close to the sound of coquis. Calling it la Isla del Encanto is an understatement. Crystal water and perfect sand, Is all I need to be a happy man. The beat of the drums represents my beating heart. Beautiful waterfalls and breathtaking green landscapes, Are some of the great things you can explore here. The island that saw me be born will be forever engraved in my heart. And like the great Marc Anthnoy said, “Yo sé lo que son los encantos De mi Borinquen hermosa Por eso la quiero yo tanto Por siempre la llamaré preciosa.”

Marina Pascual (2023)

A Silent Goodbye Julieta Bruno-Ferré (2022) She flips her hair and bats her eyes, She patiently smiles, and a tear rolls down her cheek to wave me goodbye. I watch her leave into the bliss, As my feet stayed frozen on the floor, thinking about the opportunity I just missed as, She flips her hair and bats her eyes. I wonder who she’ll be and where she’ll go, Her tears cloud her thoughts not wanting to go, She patiently smiles. We didn’t hug, we didn’t scream or cry, Because that would be the end of a chapter neither of us is ready to finalize, and a tear rolls down her cheek to wave me goodbye.

Football Sebasitan Diaz (2022) All the late nights. All the injuries. All the blood, sweat and tears. Every car ride. Every game. Every stop. And every TD. The highs reaching far above the clouds. to the lows that left me grounded. The brotherhood. From lessons in loss. To cherish victory. Finishing what I started through any and all obstacles. Thank you football.

Valeria Latorraca (2023)

To my grandpa Ella Fournier (2022) You’re from La Havana You’re from Cuba You adopted the populous streets of Miami as yours And now Puerto Rico is home Your story inspires me everyday How you left your home in Cuba behind Escaped on a boat at 19 and was adrift with nothing for 15 days How you had to watch your friends die in front of you How you kept fighting for your country And you never gave up Your strength is what I hope to one day achieve How you carry yourself How kind and selfless you are Your humor and coffee jokes Your collection of books and letters from the Cuban-American war But most importantly Your story telling It is a rare moment when you like to tell us about your past And they’re moments that I like to take all in To listen and observe You built this family and gave us our now You will always

Wrigley Field a poem for my dad, the supermodel Dana Erickson My father taught me how to drive a stick shift, to wake up early in the morning to get work done when the house is silent, and that singing along with the song with your headphones on doesn’t make you a very good singer. My dad taught me that the crack of a bat by Edgar Martinez sounds different in an outdoor stadium, that an overhead light has worse lighting than table lamps, how to drop a joke at just the right moment to make the room burst in laughter, how to be proud of your loved ones in all the decisions they make for themselves. My father taught me how to love unconditionally, even if it hurts your reputation. I found a lone piece of paper when I was cleaning out his dusty roll top desk with his familiar handwriting; loops and leaning words that resemble his mom’s. He wrote, “I reflect on paths through the forest, where every turn may unfold another scene of colorful beauty. Sometimes of wildlife, which often takes one by surprise.” My sister and my mom are the artists, But my dad taught me the power of words. Unfortunately, My father didn’t teach me how to master the Travis Pick, to save money for tough times, to bbq in the Weber, to buy a reasonable car, to take notes on a legal pad, or how to heal from losing a parent.

Andrea Álvarez (2025)

Russell Westbrook Lara García (2022) In 2008 the journey began The fourth in the draft Orange and blue, they were the fans Committed to the city, He got the bag The triple double reign Went by fast Red and Navy soon turned into fans A short time in the H and the capital Passed by like a flash To the Lakers he went Things swiftly swapped Went from triple double king To the contents of a wall

ABAB ABAB (Blanket) Annia Guindín (2022) Soft and creamy Comfy and clean When you press your face to them, they feel all sunny and dreamy Smelling all like the color cerulean Much like how the ticking of the clock is forever compulsory Regardless of feelin’ Your blanket patiently Always yearnin’

Peace is absolute Richard Ho (2022) One day in a peaceful park, A wave of sounds came that were louder than a bark, An obnoxious guitarist broke the vibe, Some left, Some stayed in disgust, Some prayed that he’d get dragged by the dust, The guitarist cried aloud, He jumped, And jumped, And jumped, He slipped, He did not get up, The scratchy music stopped, Peace is absolute.

Rodrigo Aponte (2022)

My Roots Sofia Nevares (2022) I come from hard workers and risk takers. From soil clouded fingers and untaught brains with monochromatic smiles, to Austrian crown jewels and shiny silk gloves. I come from a two sided sphere. From massacres by faciast rulers that caused steamboat journeys to Ellis Island, to threats of people-owners in the Caribbean. I come from adversity. From language barriers and strong German accents, to being terrorized because of the flush of our skin. I come from triumph. From sleepless nights creating a living with limitless ambition, to sleepless nights escaping from home, trying not to be captured. I come from Austria and Puerto Rico. From the moist mountains and foggy sky, the salty breeze of my home, and the smell of apple strudel for breakfast. I come from my mom's dark eyebrows and my dad's resistance to the sun. From Humacao, and Condado Beach, to Vienna and Connecticut. I come from La Pescaderia and Richmond Country Club. From Chicharrones “en la J15” to clay-filled all white-attire tennis, I come from Judaism and Christianity. From chicken nuggets after Sunday misa, to black coffee and weiner schnitzel under thousands of paintings. I am Sofia Nevares Rodriguez Axtmayer and I call the eastern and western hemispheres my blood.

Pétalos de una mujer Sofía Corral (2022)

` Where I’m From Viviana Pereyo (2022) I come from broken legs and a dry cough, From the raspy touch to your voice you can only get from screaming as loud as you can, I come from my grandmother's lap and watching ballerinas on a stage, From dancing, singing, and loving the world in the ways a child only can. I come from the crowded bodied in the Model United Nations room back in seventh grade, From stuttered words to a more practiced, confident facade. From learning to forgive those who've hurt you and forgive yourself all the same, From the way my mom sounds when she calls me to dinner with my name. I come from my parents; as different as they are From my father's proud nature, his anger, his drive From my mother's excitement, her optimism, her need to work hard From chinchorreos, ABBA's music, and the Spanglish in my house I am Viviana Pereyo, I am where I'm from.

Love is a Commitment Natán Lago (2022) I'd rather have loyalty than love 'Cause love really don't mean jack See love is just a feeling You can love somebody and still stab them in the back. It don't take much to love You can love somebody just by being attached See loyalty is a action You can love or hate me and still have my back. For someone so special I would give my all I would go to war with the world All it takes is your call.

What is Friendship? Elena Toro (2022) It is something that is coveted by all people, It is one of the few things that can help you grow as a person, It’s a vortex of appreciation and kindness, Mixed with joyfulness, care, love Amongst other things. Friendships are like families, they are there to stay They are there to see you through your most difficult times in life, To help you find light at the end of any darkness, They are there to rejoice with you, laugh with you, enjoy moments with you. It is reciprocated energy that has the strongest bond, One that both parties work to preserve It’s not something forced, but something created, like love And its loss hurts more than any other broken love Because losing it means losing an integral part of you, Leaving a void that is harder to fill. Friendship is the best thing that could ever happen to you.

Love you Sofia Nevares (2022) Roses are red Violets are blue If I had a giant teddy bear I’d throw it at you.

Laura Pichardo (2023)

American Dream Emilio Solé (2025) The feeling The feeling of needing Continuously third wheeling the unease and the unnecessary need for more The human desire for which is paper To reside in a mansion or skyscraper To ride town in a rolls Royce I mean the choice is yours While the urge is unavoidable The price for fulfillment is unaffordable You’ll need to work for years Sacrifice peers For a future so bright that you just can’t deny But hey wipe off ur tears cuz you’re finally here…

Where I’m from Juan Cabrera (2022) I am from a very unique island A place so small, yet so diverse Where everyone knows each other I am from a place of frequent parties Late night mistakes And the smell of coffee for those tired mornings I am from a place of gorgeous views So captivating and colorful It’s all just so wonderful I am from a place where the longest car ride is 3 hours Everything is so close together And it's so damn convenient I am from a place where the lights go out as fast as they come back A place where I have to find my way around the house with a flashlight And cook canned food with a gas stove half the time I am from a place where storms and hurricanes like to pass by To destroy everything or just say hi Whether it’s nice or not, I still wouldn’t want them to visit I am from a place of amazing food Good music And sympathetic people I am from a very unique island called Puerto Rico And even with all of its flaws I still am happy to call this place my home

Diana Pujals (2023)

18 Viviana Pereyó (2022) When you can’t fit into your uniform anymore. When you’re taller than your mother and can feel your brother growing old. You are 18, does that make your jaw hit the floor? And the only thing you are sure about is that soon you’ll be cold. You are still a child at your core. But your youth is on the verge of being bought and sold. If I’m not seventeen, am I going to be a bore? I’m afraid I do not fit the college girl mold.

Later Lara García (2022) I'll do it later As I always say But later, is already today

Hoodies Richard Ho (2022) The polyester and cotton wrap my skin. In its warmth I swim in. It gives me this sense of security, A bit of peace in my mind. Hoodie down to take everything in, And hoodie up to block everything incoming. Hoodies to keep me warm, Hoodies that make me sweat. Hoodies are a force fields protecting you from the breeze, And from unwanted bees.

Ivana Wu (2025)

Russell Sebastián Díaz (2022) Westbrook triple dub. Hit the corner of the backboard. Inefficiency. Complete playoffs choke artist. Ha, Westbrook more like Westbrick.

The Perspective of the Younger Sibling Elena Toro (2022) Sitting here all I can think about is time The time wasted, the time gone by When I could’ve done so much more. I see the old stickers, the pictures, the notebooks with the old scribbles they made during classes I like to think I know their thought process behind it, The scribbles meant they were frustrated, and the rewrites simply mean they were not going to erase their mistake, simply just start again, in a new line in a new way. How did it go by so fast? How are those memories so old now? I can point out everything in this room and tell you where it's from, But never why it’s there. I don’t have to sit here and reminisce, but I can’t walk away either, But let me sit on it for just one more moment, one more minute; Let me just remember, let me catch the mistakes and try to start a new line. Maybe scribble some moments, but never erase them, Do they think the same?

Marin Gezymalla (2024)

The String Carlos De Ontañón (2022) I will never forget my first visit to el Viejo San Juan. The expansive grasslands Dancing at the hands of a light winter breeze, Varying figures of warm and vibrant color contrasting the sky’s blue hues. The lack of predictability in their movements, Their strive to soar higher despite the string having reached its end, Their displays of disobedience to the wind and human in control, It all reminded me of my people. Of our needs And of our hopes Of the beauty that accompanies our attempts to go beyond. Our attempts to enforce change, To free ourselves from the shackles of those that came before us.

Poem #1 Madison Christiansen (2022) Current student, future journalist, Madison Christiansen: ‘Eye Catching quote/title.’ What is it about manga that makes students like Madison spend hours crafting and publishing manga-related collage and scrapbook content? Madison Christiansen is laughing as she tells the story of when she first discovered manga. A cliff -hanger of an unfinished anime tv series led her to satisfy and close in on the ending, through a Japanese styled comic. “I underestimated the consequences of that first manga!” she says in a video chat with her friend. Just one panel displays a detailed fragment of artwork among the entities of a narrative masterpiece. Seventeen year old Madison continues reading a variety of mangas to this day and cannot imagine a life without it. She describes to the audience the diligence and hard work of the mangaka (manga artist) and the complex beauty of art and story within the online or physical pages. A journaling hobby as a constant since elementary, Madi decided to combine her love for manga and journaling into one. In a social media reel she explains her growing passion for scrapbooking and collecting school supplies ever since she could remember. “The pandemics quarantine unlocked a creative symptom in me and I put to use all of my collected stickers and pens.” Reviewing and rating different anime, arcs, movies, mangas, narratives, and characters by artistically journaling and scrapbooking, Madi’s two new hobbies took a shape of their own. Christiansen explains to us the process of her entries. “First deciding on content, whether that be a character, show, anime or whatever comes to mind, I then decide on a color palette for the spread, and using Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration I start journaling.” Using washi-tape and scrap papers as a base she then prints and strategically cuts images allowing space for her writing. Her last but favorite part is decorating, where she goes all out with stickers, glitter, and tape. According to a social media live stream, the most difficult and time consuming part is lettering. Practicing calligraphy for a year and half, Madi still has yet to completely perfect the technique; however, with use of a variety of brush pens she has mastered shadowing, double, and ombre lettering.

Mary Jane Sims (2022)

Mr. Blanket Stanley Cheng (2022) Through cold nights, he hugs me tight. Through the pores of his body, I can see the furnace’s light. As the night grows old, the clock ticks through time. Just for one more night, he will be mine. As morning comes by, he takes a long bath. While I wait for him to dry, I go and do some math. My mom hands him back to me and I put him on. With him on my body, all my chills are gone.

Change Carolina Alvarado (2022) Calling my parents every day to see how their day went is going to be my new routine. Having to adapt to new surroundings and unfamiliar places is hard. Anxiously waiting for the moment to go back home is going to be my everyday thought. Not having my family close is going to make me independent. Going to college is going to be a new chapter in my life. Even though I am going to be far from home, home will always be with me.

The best sing-along you ever did see Mariana Toro (2022) Let me be your complication Let me be the noise that ruins your sleep. When you wake up, you’ll come looking for me And I’ll be your source of peace Be my rock, And I’ll be yours. Keep me in your thoughts, walk through my open door. I’ll wait by the piano, To sing you this song. If you walk in I hope that with a smile, You’ll sing along.

Tatiana Porrata (2024)

The Amazing World of Madi Mila De Félix (2022) You are from the fantasy world of manga, from collecting Mario Kart figurines and Pokemon cards. You are from Ocean Park and the world of Hello Kitty, from an organized, cozy room, from colorful stationery, and from platform shoes. You are from your Lo-fi and hype music, from the calligraphy in your journals, from the pictures on your walls. You are from the smell of sweet vanilla, and the color purple, from the 3 G’s, from the world of Cancer, and the tendencies of Virgo. You are from JSA debating and “puertorrican slang.” You are from depop and everything Kawaii, from soft silky hair and Japanese candy, from “Cochin,” Itachi and Gojo, and from my heart.

Marina Pascual (2023)

Those Heavenly Beings Natán Lago (2022) Doesn’t matter if you believe In the Gods or the Allahs, At the end of the day Nobody’s gonna watch our lives. These figures may be true But how will we really know? Sometimes we need to take a moment To see if it's all a show. We all think about society And how it comes down to religion, But when I see others suffering Did God make that decision?

Your tears crystal Javier Ríos (2022) Your tears crystal Your heart stone You shot me with a pistol While I thought you were my own Laughing at my tears Observing my thoughts Very delighted Expressing my love

Where I come from Sebastián Díaz (2022) I come from two big families. Two families with very hardworking people in them. People who did not grow up with much and wanted better lives for them and their families. People who bought 3 dollar shoes and had to work before they were even 15 years old. Two parents who taught me everything is possible because of their own experiences. I come from large family gatherings. Going to Corozal and Canovanas to see our grandparents who are like a beacon for our family. I come from Chinchorreando and throwing family parties until well past midnight. Going to Sanse with my cousins and my friends. I come from beautiful beaches and bright sun. From ancient Spanish architecture and a unique Spanish dialect. From tostones y arroz con habichuelas. Yo soy de Puerto Rico.

Beatriz García (2025)

My Future Elías Ortega (2022) Where will I go, What will I become, All of these uncertainties Begin to fill my head I try to run away, But my future catches up to me I don’t know if I should stay, But I want what is best for me I tell myself that it'll be ok But it's almost too late Can’t take time back No matter how hard I pray In the end, Everything turns out fine Gotta live everyday As if it were the end of my life.

Where I’m from Elena Toro (2022) I am from crazy From broken dvd players and off brand princesses I am from the midnight fireworks From learning English because of Spongebob I am from too many aunts, uncles, and cousins I am from my grandmother’s tiny pancakes and my aunts questionable lasagna From café con leche pero sin azúcar From forced runs and bike rides From Juan Luis Guerra and Elton John From weekend boat trips and sticky sunblock I am from the random friends met at the beach I am from my messy Spotify playlists From the Land of Stories saga, all 6 of them I am from card games in old camp cabins From my grandmother’s annual family Christmas vacations I am from the collected city maps of some of the places I’ve been From my ever growing snowglobe collection I am from a broken brain that cannot unlock anymore memories until commanded to I am from overthinking From a bedroom that acts as more as a safe haven And my best friend’s house becoming a second home I am from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Paula Padró (2024)

Lust Maite Morales (2022) I wish I could understand the need The lust for attention I wish not to mislead But to help establish the tension As horrible as a nosebleed I miss you and being with you is my only intention I lust for your love in high speed My pride goes away, you’re the only exception

Coffee Coffee, oh my dear coffee Emily Montes (2022) The first thing I think about in the morning My motive to wake up Some call it an elixir Others, a drug . Coffee coffee, oh my dear coffee After the first sip I am reawaken I can not leave without a mug French press, espresso machine, cold brew, drip, or suphone I don't care Any method is perfect Just for me and not to share Coffee coffee, oh my dear coffee.

Forced to write a poem Catalina Montalvo (2022) Have you ever been forced to write a poem? Hours, hours, hours pass. Laying in my bed. Thinking of nothing but the movie Ted. Writer's block is an understatement. I just kept dragging my feet across the pavement. What to write, oh what to write. Maybe about how to win in a fight? Hours, hours, hours pass. My brain basically mush. So many ideas yet, I'm beating around the bush. Do I rhyme? I’ve heard it’s supposed to rhyme. This is going to take all my time. Hours, hours, hours pass. Metaphorical or literal? Should I be conservative or more liberal? What time is it? How long have I been here? Now it’s all clear. The poem is finally here.

Rania Marrero (2025)

Adam’s Ale Mila De Félix (2022) Feminine and intuitive, The most Yin of the five elements. Passive and nurturing, The dear child of the moon. Like a river, I run deep Intensely graced by water I am. A hostage of the fantasy world And a prisoner to the frames of mind. Calm like the sea. Intense like the force of a torrential rain, Ruled by Neptune and affixed to the fish. It’s the piscean glow inside of me. The magic liquor desired by the body, mind and soul. The cleansing element that glides through my hair And purifies my brain. The element that gives me life, Yet drowns me of it. It is water.

Acronym Gabriela Lantigua (2022) Going for a run to escape reality As I run with the wind I feel myself escape from your possession Ballads being sang by the clouds as I dash for one last time Running through your subconscious I now see the truth It's not real, it has never been Even when you say you love me Lies lies lie to me one more time Ask you if you love me, lie one more time

Ilusha Hill (2025)

Fries Madison Christiansen (2022) “Look, a bird!” “No, I know you just want to steal one of my fries,” she said, waving a french fry in front of his face. “Why do you do this to me? You know what I want, but you…” “I what?” “You never share your food with me,” he said, energetically avoiding a slip of the tongue. “I haven't eaten all day, and this is my lunch break.” “Blah blah blah,” he said, imitating her nagging. “If you really want something to eat then why don't you order yourself some fries and stop bothering me.” “Don’t you get it? I can order a million fries with all the sauces, cheeses, dips, and toppings, but if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to annoy you and see that ugly expression on your face.” “Wow, how convenient,” she said, rolling her eyes as she checked her watch. All the city background noises suddenly stopped, she continued to eat as they both sat quietly. Avoiding eye contact, both their expressions changed. “David, you should stop visiting me on my lunch breaks.” “I know,” he said softly, “My therapist told me the same thing.” Their eyes finally met for the first time in a long time. “It’s funny," he chuckled. “It's funny how everyone points to a direction demanding me to follow, but what if I don’t want to. Don’t I have that right?” She looked at David with teary eyes full of sorrow. As soon as their eyes met, he picked up his things and stood up from the table. “Bye Dianne, I don't think I'll hold seeing that expression yet.”

Take Me Home Victoria Kaufer Casas (2022) Going up the stairs of el Totem, me and my friends feeling ready Spotting El Morro, surrounded by that itchy, bright green grass Shining on us all day was the sun, warm and steady Smelling a wide range of odors, which depends on the place we pass. Drinking a piragua is an experience I would recommend Driving over the ‘adoquines,’ the cars make a sound I enjoy Seeing so many adoquines, you don't even know where they end Dancing with children is the water, an apparent consensus that produces joy. Partying in Old San Juan is an activity many do Searching for a parking takes a lot of time, but it’s not even that bad Looking around, I see lost tourists, miscellaneous shops, musicians, friends, and families too Hanging on the historic building walls are the portraits of all the politicians the island has had. Finding your Uber driver is a difficult task as his location is never the one that is shown Its myriad of colors can be seen everywhere from dusk until dawn Happiness comes easily as San Juan makes me feel at home And no matter where I am, this is a feeling that will never be gone.

Chloe Lawrence (2025)

The Love Within Me Katie Jurgel (2022) The gleam from the window, wakes my mind. To which you wait for my heartful caress. To bind our fortunes, damn what the stars own. Severed our discomforts, then our love professed. A caring, loving, intertwining feel that binds our hearts. I wake; you're the first I wish to be by. Your scent- vanilla pure, milky sweet. To dream of golden locks is simple, yet soothing. Of green hazel eyes, glistening as you weep. My spirit I will follow into the dawn. To find your heart, its passion is displaced. My thoughts are ever growing, warming to a blaze. Surrounded by the cold to hold you in a heated embrace. I wake; you're the first I wish to be by. Your scent- vanilla pure, milky sweet. To dream of golden locks is simple, yet soothing. Of green hazel eyes, glistening as you weep. I know not if fate would let us live as one. Or if by true love we've been bound. Those nights we lived through, when it all began. Did it forge a love we might never have found. I wake; you're the first I wish to be by. Your scent- vanilla pure, milky sweet. To dream of golden locks is simple, yet soothing. Of green hazel eyes, glistening as you weep. The love that we have, always reaches new peaks. Never down on its knees, always on its feet. You can never leave me, you dwell deep within me. Your smile, your love, your joy, it’s all ingrained in me.

The Loneliest Instrument Ignacio García (2022) The piano is a truly beautiful thing, The memorable sound and finely tuned strings, The sets of chords and musical stings, Leave such an impact that lets the music cling. Now the piano plays a lonely song, For the hands that once played it are gone. The rust in the strings turned all the notes wrong, And the days it spent in sorrow were long. One day, a new hand played its old, rusty keys, Small hands learning how to play, it seems. And through constant playing, after countless days, These unintelligible notes turned into symphonies. Now the piano plays a lovely tune, For the hands that play it very caringly move. The keys whose notes used to depressingly gloom, Now play beautiful sounds that can make flowers bloom.

A Fool for Loving You Julieta Bruno-Ferré (2022) Just as I thought U and I were forever Loving and caring I now know myself a fool Eating up your lies Trusting and believing you Alas, I leave you.

My light in the dark Juan Cabrera (2022) The midnight star You were here this whole time And somehow I didn't see you Hidden away by the jealous sun at day Shining so bright at night and I never looked up Now it's too late and your light is beginning to fade I wish I could fly I wish I could soar the sky I wish I could see you again, eye to eye My midnight star

Sofia Corral (2022)

No Return Diego Curet (2022) I see nothing I only see black I've gone blind But it was my choice So much in this world But most of its material And in terms of its value I see nothing The colors of the world Have all faded from view With all the vibrant shades gone I only see black I hate what I see I no longer want to be a part of it To all these problems I've gone blind I leave now I am finally free I've left this world behind But it was my choice

Present, past, future Maite Morales (2022) Expectations ruined my present I am the only one to blame I want to live differently Life shouldn't be lived in a hurry Ages three to eleven flew by fast Innocence quickly became part of my past I wish I had realized how valuable each age was Expectations ruined my present Everything seemed new From hanging out to having my first sip of alcohol Now everything just seems the same I am the only one to blame I dream about being free And complacent swimming in the sea Now I just worry about my future I want to live differently I know everything will fall into place But I wonder why humans never really appreciate their age Am I running out of time? Life shouldn't be lived in a hurry

Where I’m from Diego Curet (2022) I remember flying my kite while eating piraguas My piragua melted and my kite flew away Such sadness I still remember to this day Waiting for Rosselló to pay Going to the cathedral to pray Hoping for the wonderful aroma of food to stay Walking through the cobblestones, my heel broke I ate my chicken tenders at Casa Cortés while my brother said a joke I was completely surprised when a chorrito came out of the floor, causing me to almost choke Red, blue, pink, and yellow, from below La Perla says hello Walking with my head up admiring el totem, trying not to cry Hanging out with my friends, policemen everywhere catch my eye I recalled when I learned about a famous privateer failing to invade this city of mine Taking an Uber and being dropped off super far away to get into VSJ for Sanse This is my land, full of people free like the wind in El Morro.

Jack Griffin (2023)

Love is a game Julieta Bruno-Ferré (2022) I loathe the days when we used to Lay under the stars talking about what awaits for us Oblivious to the plan you had already made Very empty is the bed where we used to lay. Every night I think, Did he truly love me? Your flattery clouded your fraudulent actions Our love to you was merely another game to be played, Utterly proving how I am nothing to you.

Where I am From Robert Boada 2022 When the sun rises I am already working I come from a place of pride and victory There is no antidote against me All you can do is kill me And even from my grave I will still come for you I am tearing out your feathers They are flying all the way up to the clouds You can't even measure up to my knees This island that I live in has taught me everything It has made me tough But gentle to the touch.

Race to the finish Adriana Alvarado (2022) Fast, like the speed of light, In a blink of an eye it's gone But you never give up the fight Not stopping till dawn Only winning the race out of spite The race is like a game and you are a pawn Like fire ready to ignite Waiting for the flag to signal “GO ON”

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