Church of Saint Mary Parish Bulletin: March 2, 2025

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Parish Mission Statement

We, the community of Saint Mary’s, Manhasset, building on our rich heritage of Catholic faith and tradition, center ourselves in the Eucharist and honor God in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be the presence of Christ through our liturgical, educational and social ministries. We dedicate our time, talent and treasure to the service of all as we build the kingdom of God in our world. We commit to this mission in the name of Jesus Christ.

Church of Saint Mary

1300 Northern Boulevard

Manhasset, New York 11030 (516) 627-0385

Fax (516) 627-6070

Schedule of Masses

Tursday 7:00 AM (when school is in session)

Monday–Friday 9:00 AM

Saturday 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon

Sacrament of Penance

Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 PM and by appointment. Please call 627-0385.

Anointing of the Sick Te Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated in the Chapel on the second Sunday of the month following the 10:30 AM Mass. If you are unable to come to Church, please call the Parish Ofce to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist.

Parish Ofce

627-0385 | Fax 627-6070

Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tuesday - Friday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday - (phone only) 10:00 AM–1:30 PM

Sunday 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM


Good Samaritan House


Monday-Wednesday-Tursday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM

E-mail: St. Vincent de Paul Society:

Religious Education


Monday 12:00 Noon-8:00 PM

Wednesday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

Tuesday and Tursday 9:00 AM–6:00 PM

Closed on Friday


Pastoral Staf

Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo Pastor 627-0385 | ext. 1004

Rev. Fr. Anthony Saliba

Parochial Vicar

627-0385 | ext. 1006

Rev. Fr. Rafal Borowiejski

Parochial Vicar

627-0385 | ext. 1010

Parish Staf

Rob Cammarata Director of Operations 627-0385 | ext. 1037

Jane Cliford Bulletin Editor

Marie T. Granieri

Director of Religious Education 627-4028 | ext. 1127

Kathleen Kosciusko Director of Parish Social Ministry 627-0385 | ext. 1126

Jennifer LaChance Ofce Manager

627-0385 | ext. 1000

Daniel Maimone Music Director 627-0385 | ext. 1021

Vanessa Quiros

Parish Ofce

627-0385 | ext. 1008

Te Schools of Saint Mary Nursery through 12th Grade

Very Rev. Dom Daniel Nash, Can. Reg. President 627-2711

Norma Ragalli Staford Director of Admissions 627-2711 | ext 1084

Eileen M. Symmons ’82, ’86 Director of Communications 627-2711

Kiera Gmelich Walsh Director of Alumni and Parent Relations 627-2711 | ext. 1162

Sarah de Venoge Grifn ’02, ’06 Liaison for School Relations

St. Mary’s Elementary School 627-0184

Teresa A. Kemp Principal

St. Mary’s High School 627-2711

Gerard J. Buckley Principal

From the Pastor’s

Dear Parishioners, “For every tree is known by its own fruit.” ( Luke 6:44)

We come today to the end of what in St. Luke’s Gospel is referred to as the “Sermon on the Plain.” Tis, of course, is parallel to what we fnd in St. Matthew’s Gospel, the more familiar “Sermon on the Mount.” Both of these important teachings of Jesus are fundamental maps to living a Christian life. Last week, we heard Jesus instruct His disciples to love their enemies, do good to those who hurt you, turn the other cheek, and treat others the way you want to be treated. If those were not difcult enough, in today’s Gospel, we are given additional criteria to be followers of Jesus.

Jesus begins His discourse by reminding His disciples (and, of course, us) that we have a responsibility to guide and direct each other. But to do so, we ourselves must be steeped in our faith. If not, we become those without direction leading others. Tat leads all to the possibility of being lost. To ofer sight to others, we ourselves must be part of an ongoing attempt to “see” more clearly. Sight comes to the followers of Jesus in many diferent ways. It is revealed through faithfulness to prayer, refecting on the Sacred Word of God, seeking assistance in the questions of life, and probably, most importantly, regular use of the Sacrament of Confession.

Jesus goes on to speak about the need to bear good fruit in our lives. Tis demands a living of what we have learned through the disciplines that keep us close to Jesus. Te Old Testament Prophet Sirach says so beautifully that “the fruit of a tree shows the care it has had.” In the third part, Jesus points out that a person’s words and actions will reveal their character. A person of good heart will naturally be inclined to do good; while an evil person will do evil. Jesus says, “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil.” In efect, we can only give what we have. Te challenge for us is to be open to the path ofered to us through Jesus so that goodness and truth become our natural inclination.

Last week, we were reminded that we are not to judge. Te criteria we use to judge others will be how we ourselves are judged at the end of time. Pretty sobering thought, isn’t it! Tis week that theme is expanded upon. Here, that mercy is now present in a call to look frst at our own lives before we point out the faults of others. Here lies the key. How easy it is to condemn others for their failings. Tis doesn’t take much refection on our part. Te more difcult journey is being “self- refective.” Te “beam” in our eye can be more ofensive to God than the “splinter” we notice in our brother or sister’s eye. We are challenged to live by frst cleansing our hearts of that which keeps us from being bearers of “good fruit”. All our prayer, refection, confession, and acts of piety should frst turn us inward so that, as St. Paul says, we can “always be devoted to the work of the Lord.”

Tis coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, when we begin the Great and Holy Season of Lent. It is certainly a time of self-refection and purifcation. Te readings from these last two weeks may be a good addition to our spiritual refection. In these ongoing sermons of Jesus, he invites us to journey ever more deeply with Him. While never easy, we do have the grace of God “who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ.”

So never lose heart, my dear brothers and sisters; God is not fnished with us! Your labor is not in vain. Bring your failings to Jesus and place them on the altar at Holy Mass and as you receive His most Precious Body and Blood, feel His grace welling up within you. Let go of anger, judgment, and harshness. Let your own faithfulness and sight help to lead others to the truth of Jesus and to ultimate conversion.

Please see the bulletin for the Lenten regulations of fast and abstinence. Tese regulations are easy to ignore, BUT they keep us in a discipline and united to the Universal Church. Please, I encourage you to take them very seriously.

Have a blessed and fruitful Lent!

In Jesus, Fr. Bob

J Stewards of God’s Gifts

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us the importance of change and seeking God’s forgiveness rather than pointing out the faults in others.

Te collection for Sunday, February 23, 2025 amounted to $25,446.00

Te collection for Sunday, February 25, 2024 amounted to $24,527.00

Have you enrolled yet? Visit Our parish code is NY281.

We Care for Our Parish Community


We celebrate Baptism at 1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month and at 12:30 PM on the fourth Saturday of the month as scheduled. Please call the Parish Ofce at least one month in advance to see if a date is available and to arrange to fll out pre-baptismal paperwork. New parents are required to attend a Baptism preparation session held once every month. Tose chosen as sponsors for Baptism should lead lives in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role of Godparent.”


At least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the necessary preparations.

Children’s Education

Saint Mary’s Elementary School ofers excellent education in the spirit of the Gospel from grades N, Pre-K to Eighth grade. For information call 627-0184.

Empowering Character, Innovation and Leadership in our students, Saint Mary’s High School is a dynamic, contemporary, Catholic value-centered school, combining a commitment to academic excellence and educational innovation, with a passion for learning, and an emphasis on moral character development through the pursuit of truth and discovered in faith and reason. For information call 627-2711.

The Religious Education Program provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in public or private schools. Preparation for First Holy Communion and Confrmation requires two years. Classes are held at St. Mary’s for Grades 1 through 5 on Tuesdays and Tursdays

4:30-5:30 PM. Classes also meet on Sundays from 9:3010:20 AM for Grades 1 through 8 and on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 PM for Grades 6, 7 and 8. We also ofer the option of an online home program for Grades 1 through 7. For information about Grades 1-8 call 627-4028 or email Mrs. Marie Granieri at

Parish Social Ministry

We care for our sisters and brothers through our Parish Social Ministry and Food Pantry. For information call 365-2705.

Respect Life Ministry

We strive to help build a civilization of love and life that upholds the dignity and inviolability of all innocent human life, seeks objective moral Truth, embraces the value of redemptive sufering, and yearns for the fullness of life in eternal communion with God the Creator. For more information, email

New Parishioners

We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Mary’s Parish. If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please call the Parish Ofce.

Opportunities For Prayer

Te Church is open Monday to Friday until 8:45 PM, on Saturday until the end of the 5:00 PM Mass, and on Sunday until 6:00 PM. Te Miraculous Medal Novena is said each Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Monday to Saturday the Rosary is said following the 9:00 AM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Chapel. On First Saturdays, the Scriptural Rosary is recited following the 9:00 AM Mass.

Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Formation: Te Sacrament of Reconciliation is a gift that not enough Catholics take advantage of. Tis Lenten season, return to the confessional and grow closer to God. Church of Saint Mary | 4


Masses and Special Intentions

Maria DeAngelis

Donna Chesney

Erica Klock


Gabriel & Frances Romeo

Ann Shields

Nina Principe

Cole Marguglio

Richard & Mary Atkinson

Anthony Polizzi

Kathy Dellis-Stover

Neil Gillis

Pamela Gallo

Allison Azzara

Sarah Praay

Agnes Gaus

Glenn LaChance

Christine Marchese

Gerald Schmaedick

Jon Jodka

Heather Smolowik

Teresa Malysa

Ronald Grubert

Names will remain on the list for three months. Please email if you would like to continue with the listing.

Frank Cimilluca Roseanna Ippolito

125th Brigade Support Battalion

23rd Marine Regiment

25th Marine Regiment

2-4 GSAB Task Force Mustang

2-211th GSAB Task Force War Horse

51st Security Force Squadron

75th Ranger Regiment

82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron

Alacqua, Alexander, CPT, USA

Amerson, Jason, CPT, USA

Anderson, Michael, 1LT, USA

Arnold, James, LCpl, USMC

Arnoux, Seraph, PFC, USA

Avasthi, David, Capt, USAF

Baber, Joseph, Maj, USAF

Blake, Julia, Cadet, USN

Broderick, Evan, SGT, USA

Broderick, Steven, SN, USN

Brodie, Virgina H., 2ndLt, USMC

Brown, Jason, SGT, USA

Casazza, Jack, 2nd Lt, USMC

Collins, Matthew, LT, USN

Fontanetta, Joseph, Maj, USMC

Grubert, Sean, LCpl, USMC

Grygiel, Jack, MIDN, USN

Hannan, Jack, ENS, USN

Hayes, Andrew, Capt, USMC

Hellman, Tomas, 2d Lt, USSF

Higgins, James, GySgt, USMC Hilton, Justin, SGT, USA

Hilton, Nathaniel, SGT, USA

Horner, Brian G., 1stLt, USMC

Howard, Edward M., GySgt, USMC

Jones, Scott B., LT, USN

Jones, Katherine L., LTJG, USN

Kennedy, Michael, Col, USAF

LaManna, Vincent S., Jr., PVT, USA

Landolphi, Michael, ENS, USN

Lanza, Anthony E., LtCol, USMC

Madden, Michael E., Major, USAF

Major, A. Edward, III, LTC, USA

Marine Medium Tilt Rotor Squadron 161

Marine Transport Squadron 352

McGorry, Patrick F., HM2, USN

McKievear, Gary, LT, USA

Millau, Jefrey, PFC, USMC

Morris, Jr., Brian J., ENS, USN

O’Leary, Jason, SSgt, USAF

Quinn, Anthony, Jr., SGT, USA

Richardson, Timothy, PV2, USA

Radman, Paul Cpl, USMC

Rodi, Caroline G., CAPT, USN

Saville, John A., ENS, USN

Sharkey, John J., LtCol, USMC

Spivak III, Edmund, Capt, USAF

Sweeney, Timothy, CPT, USA

Swersky, Roberto, Capt, USMC

Tafone, Samantha, SGT, USA

Ullrich, Kenneth C., HN, USN

Unger, Matthew J., SPC, USA

Vachris, Madison, LT, USN

Wood, Kelly, BMSR, USN

If you have a service member that you would like to add to this list please e-mail Please include name, rank and branch of service.

Masses for the Week

Monday, March 3rd

St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin

Sir 17:20-24, Mk 10:17-27

9:00 AM | Daniel Fairbairn

Tuesday, March 4th

St. Casimir Sir 35:1-12, Mk 10:28-31

9:00 AM | Patrick Luce Cartier

Wednesday, March 5th

Ash Wednesday Jl 2:12-18, 2 Cor 5:20-6:2, Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

9:00 AM | Tomas J. Milone

12:00 Noon | Casey Brosokas

4:00 PM | Liturgy of the Word

7:00 PM | Deirdre Keating

Tursday, March 6th

Tursday after Ash Wednesday Dt 30:15-20, Lk 9:22-25

7:00 AM | May Lorilla

9:00 AM | Ken & Linda Inglima (living)

Friday, March 7th

First Friday

Ss. Perpetua & Felicity, Martyrs Is 58:1-9a, Mt 9:14-15

9:00 AM | Deborah Anthony

Saturday, March 8th

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

St. John of God, Religious Is 58:9b-14, Lk 5:27-32

9:00 AM | Richard Lane

5:00 PM | Tomas J. Flynn, Sr.

Tomas J. Milone

Carol Ann Hinkley

Jim Cunningham

Tomas M. Donoghue

Mary E. Lee

Marie Sweeney

Sunday, March 9th

Te First Sunday of Lent Dt 26:4-10, Rom 10:8-13, Lk 4:1-13

7:30 AM | Joseph V. Giunta, Jr.

9:00 AM | People of the Parish

10:30 AM | Casey Brosokas

12:00 Noon | Giuseppe Napoleone

Marie Iacono

John Nestor

Marlene Doherty

Kathy Gardner

Joseph Brendan Lynch

Maria Adragna Te Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time | March 2, 2025

Cover art: Te Sermon on the Mount. Artist: Cosimo Rosselli (1439-1507).

Location: Sistine Chapel, Rome.



AFTER THE 9:00, 10:30 AM, & 12:00 NOON MASSES

We are in the Parish Ministry Center below the church. 516-627-0385 ext. 1033

Business Owners:

Please consider advertising in our bulletin.

It’s a great way to support our parish. Call our printer, LPi, at 1-800-477-4574

Please Patronize Our Advertisers

Readings and Questions for Faith Sharing on the First Sunday of Lent

Reading I: Deuteronomy 26:4-10

“He brought us out of Egypt with his strong hand and outstretched arm, with terrifying power, with signs and wonders; and bringing us into this country, he gave us this land fowing with milk and honey.”

Reading II: Romans 10:8-13

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Gospel: Luke 4:1-13

You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.

Question for Adults:

Do I keep God at the center of my life, no matter the pain, the sufering, and the loss?

Question for Children:

How can I pray more and pray better during Lent?

at St. Mary’s

DAILY MASS DURING LENT is celebrated at 9:00 AM Monday through Saturday 7:00 AM on Tursday


STATIONS OF THE CROSS are held in the Church every Friday at 7:00 PM.


Lent is a special time to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Priests are available for confession each Saturday from 4:00 to 4:45 PM and Monday from 7:00 to 7:45 PM or by appointment. Call the Parish Ofce at 627-0385 to make an appointment.

Te Rosary Society Lenten Day of Recollection is scheduled for Saturday, March 8th. Please see page 9 of this bulletin for details.

Lenten Soup Supper, hosted by the Daughters of Mary, will take place on Friday, March 28th, prior to the Stations of the Cross. Details to come.

March 5th

A Holyday of Fast and Abstinence* Mass at 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, and 7:00 PM

Liturgy of the Word Service at 4:00 PM Ashes will be distributed at all Masses and the 4:00 PM Prayer Service.

Today, the Church begins the season of Lent, a time of preparation for the ascent to the holy mountain of Easter. We are invited to listen more intently to the Word of God and devote ourselves to prayer, fasting, and alsmgiving so that we are prepared through a spirit of repentance to renew our baptismal promises on Easter. As the priest imposes the ashes on each person, he says one of the traditional formulas:

Repent, and believe in the Gospel. or

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

*FAST AND ABSTINENCE - Tose who have reached their fourteenth year are bound to abstain entirely from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. All Catholics between the ages of eighteen and ffty-nine are also bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Tis means to limit oneself to a single full meal and avoid food between meals. Two other light meals, which together do not equal a full meal, may be taken during the day.


Rosary Society

Our Mission Statement: Te Rosary Society fosters devotion to Mary through prayer and good works for causes that would be dear to her heart

Invest 20 minutes of your day to pray the Rosary, and see the diference it will make in your life.

If you would like the Rosarians to pray for a special intention, please e-mail us at





An email with details has been sent out to the Rosarians. Please RSVP to rosarysociety@ by March 3rd so we can plan appropriately.

Good Samaritan House

Our pantry is running low on the following items:

Thank you so much for your continued generosity!

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

In the Gospel today, Jesus uses images in speaking to his disciples: “Can a blind man act as guide to a blind man?...Why look at the speck in your brother’s eye when you miss the plank in your own?...A good tree does not produce decayed fruit....” It is true that donations come to the Society because a good person produces goodness from the good in their heart.

Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is able to help our neighbors in need through the generosity of our St. Mary’s parishioners. Each time you donate, either through the collection slots at the doors of the church, or in an envelope marked for St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping our neighbors within St. Mary’s Parish. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 516-627-0385, ext. 1125, or email To donate furniture, clothing or household items, please call the store in Garden City Park at 516-746-8250. Tank you for your continued support.

Respect Life Ministry

Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility

Read the full version at

We often assume parenthood happens easily after “I do,” but for many married couples, it does not. For some, the joy of conception never happens. Others suffer repeated miscarriages. Still others experience secondary infertility: after giving birth to one or more children, they are unable to have another.

God is with you, and His Church desires to walk with you.

If you experience difficulty bringing a child into your family, know that God is with you, and that He has a beautiful plan for your life as a married couple. You are not alone; His Church desires to walk with you. The full article at the website listed above contains compassionate, practical guidance, intended primarily for married couples struggling with infertility, though others may also find it to be informative.

This is a summary of a USCCB Respect Life Program article by the same name and is reprinted with permission. © 2019, USCCB, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.

Jubilee Year of Hope Update

Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Southampton Designated a Sacred Jubilee Site of Pilgrimage for the Jubilee Year 2025 by Bishop John O. Barres

At this site, the faithful may receive the Jubilee Planary Indulgence granted by the Holy Father by participating in any of the following:

• Devotely participating in Holy Mass

• A celebration of the Word of God

• Te Liturgy of the Hours

• Te Vis Crucis (Stations of the Cross)

• Te Marian Rosary

• Te recitation of the Akathist Hymn

• A penitential celebration, which ends with the individual confessions of the penitents

Te following conditions must be fulflled in order to obtain the Plenary Indulgence:

1. Detachment from all sin, even venial

2. Confession of sins in the Sacrament of Penance

3. Reception of Holy Communion

4. Prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontif

Having fulflled these conditions, the faithful who participate in such a pilgrimage will beneft from the indulgence.

saint mary’s high school

scan to purchase tickets s int ry’s s int ry’s ol ool o high sch high sch



soirée friday, march 14

5:00 PM

se nethken

br. kenneth robert gymnasium

Bread & Wine are ofered this week in loving memory of John & Maria Eleoterio

First Time

Mario Vela and Adrianna Duggan

St. Mary, St. Mary, Manhasset, NY Manhasset, NY

Religious Education

Congratulations to Jacob Rowles on your First Communion! May Christ’s peace and joy fll your heart now and always.

Let the little children come to me... (Matt 19:14) All Children Are Invited to Participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word Every Sunday at the 9:00 AM Mass

Interested in becoming a CLOW Prayer Leader? Please contact Jane Cliford at bulletin@stmary. ws or sit in with us on a Sunday. Materials and training are provided; scheduling is fexible.

Mass Intentions Book for October 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025 will open on Tuesday, March 18th.

Please note our policy whereby you will be able to reserve only two Masses during the first two weeks of the opening of the Mass Intentions Book for the fourth quarter of 2025. After that time, you may reserve any additional Masses for the period. Mass intentions may be requested in person at the Parish Office, Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Sunday 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM or call (516-6270385) or email ( for other options.

Please also note the following change in policy due to high demand for Mass intentions: Walkin requests may take precedence on the day of opening. Phone and email requests will be considered in the order received following the morning rush.

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Prayer of Saint Térèse of Lisieux

Tabernacle of the Altar, the nest of your most tender and cherished loves. Love you ask of me, my God, and love you give me; your love is love from heaven, and mine, love mixed with earth and heaven; yours is infnite and most pure; mine, imperfect and limited. May I be, my Jesus, from today, all for You, as You are for me. May I always love You, as the Apostles loved You; and may my lips kiss your blessed feet, as the converted Magdalene kissed them. Look upon and hear the wanderings of my repentant heart, as You listened to Zacchaeus and the Samaritan woman. Let me rest my head on your sacred breast like your beloved disciple Saint John. I wish to live with you, because you are life and love. For your love alone, Jesus, my beloved, in You I have placed my life, my glory and my future. And since for the world I am a withered fower, I have no other desire than to die loving You. Amen.

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Closing Benediction

Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 PM in the Church



Those who registered in our parish:

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Payne and Family

Mr. Paul Santana

Mr. & Mrs. Fabio Bordone and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fasanello and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Potter and Family

Ms. Ana Martinez and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Wong and Family

Mrs. Barbara Sandoval

Those who were enrolled in our

Purgatorial Society:

Richard Grafer

William Sanzeri

Domenico Scalera

Diamantina Jannone

Michael Mazzei

William Miller

Sean McConnell

Ann Marie Pasquin

Priscilla Mendoza

enrollment begins March 1, 2025


Knights of Columbus

Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122

Serving St. Mary’s Parish in Manhasset and St. Aloysius Parish In Great Neck

What is a Knights of Columbus Family?

We are Catholic families building a bridge to our faith. Our lives, time, eforts, and resources are dedicated to these values: Charity. Unity. Fraternity. Patriotism.

We come from diferent places, backgrounds, and all stages of life. But the common thread is our Catholic faith. We are Catholic families seeking to improve ourselves and the world. It’s one thing to say who you are. It’s another thing is to live it. Put your values into practice. Become a Knights of Columbus family.

Interested? Please call: Tony Racioppo 917 539 0859 Dan Garcia 516 358 1817

Ladies interested in joining the Columbiettes, please contact Maura Cliford at

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