4 minute read
In Session with Dr. Patricia Pitta
Feeling Desperate? Call Upon God!
When I am afraid, I will trust in You. What time I am afraid, I will put my trust in thee. (Psalm 56:3)
There are times in life when you feel like life is going in ways that you could have never imagined. It could be unexpected health issues that turn your life upside down. Political issues, violence, war acts, unforeseen consequences, or confusion about economics can affect how you feel and live your life.
You can get to the point that you feel out of control no matter how you try to make sense of what is happening. Many times, there are no explanations that can soothe your confusion and pain. Psychology can help you understand your feelings and offer ways to deal with these difficult situations. A connection with God enables you to hold onto your faith experience and internal convictions to help you cope and hopefully survive and eventually thrive through whatever you are experiencing. Your connection with God offers you strength far beyond any earthly offerings.
In my mind, your “God connection,” gives your gut extra protection against the invasion that “too much stress” does to the body and mind. Your “God connection” offers you fortification that stays with you no matter what is happening. It gives you the ability to stand strong even though you think you should be falling apart. You might feel shaky, but even as you waver, you will be able to stand strong and not fall. You will prevail as the Holy Spirit fortifies you to hold on, pray, and plan for resolution. As you know, the resolutions might not be what you wished for, but will enable you to recapture your life and move forward.
Experiencing the love of God sets you in a position to be able to manage no matter what comes your way. A common expression used when life is so overwhelming and full of negative competing emotions is “You can’t make this up.” Yes, there are so many situations that we experience that this statement is a way of describing our sense of helplessness and also offers some relief.
The love of God can rescue you from helplessness as you attach to the idea that there is a bigger purpose no matter what happens in this earthly life. Your purpose is salvation and eternal life that you earn here on earth through your thoughts and actions accompanied by your love of God. You model your behaviors by following HIS example and your connection with HIM. Experiencing God and HIS love in a more meaningful way is to live God’s Word that infuses us with His love, giving us strength to move forward and take the next steps.
There is another statement commonly used: “God gives you what you can handle.” Many times throughout my life, I have said, “Please give me a break, I can’t or do not want to handle more.”
In working with your relationship with God, you are fortified with love that enables you to stay centered no matter how tough life gets. The Dear Lord is always there, even during the middle of the night when the world is asleep, and you can’t. Take this opportunity to pray and ask for guidance. Most times when people do this, you can then fall asleep, find refuge in God’s love, and put aside whatever is bothering you. Deal with your issues during daytime hours. A simple statement I say and tell my patients to say, “Nighttime is for sleeping, daytime is for dealing.” The Holy Spirit will guide you.
Take refuge in God and you are never alone. You are accompanied with strength and love. Below is a prayer that can become part of your daily routine in connecting with God’s love.
Remember: Connecting with God’s love means internal strength and connection!
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, grandads, and male father figures who nurture others.
I hope you have a good summer where you can relax a bit. See you in September.
My dear God, give me the strength to handle whatever comes my way. As your student, I will try to react to troubled times in my life with the love you have for me that enables me to stay centered and calm no matter what storm appears. Let your example set me on a path of strength and conviction that will enable me to deal with whatever I need to do and manage the outcomes with God at my side. I know that through prayer, I will be able to find peace in my actions and thoughts as well as salvation in your loving embrace.
Dr. Pitta (drpatriciapitta.com) is a Clinical and Board-Certified Couple and Family Psychologist practicing in Manhasset and is the chair of the Mental Health Ministry of St. Mary’s.
“Every family needs a father -- a father who shares in his family's joy and pain, hands down wisdom to his children and offers them firm guidance and love,”
- Pope Francis
Every day, people in our community are helped because of support from funds raised through the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Today, consider a dad like Paul. Paul saw information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal at his local parish, and he knew he had to turn to the Church for help since he had nowhere else to go. Paul had been gainfully employed for more than 10 years when he began to fall ill. Soon his medical issues made it impossible for him to keep working and he was forced to go out on disability.
After paying the co-pays on his medications, his family's rent and utilities bills, Paul had very little left to purchase food and other necessities for his family.
It was hard for him to ask for help, but with nowhere else to turn, he did. Catholic Charities found him a specialist who assessed the family's needs and directed them to appropriate resources in their community. He went to his Parish Outreach, where his family received food that allowed them to make it through the month. Paul and his family received the help they so desperately needed.
Today, Paul is back to work and the family is doing well. "I am so thankful that I know there is somewhere I can turn, where there are people that care, people I can talk to, if I am ever in such a situation again," shared Paul.
Please consider donating to the Appeal and making a difference in the lives of others. Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal
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To make a donation, you can also visit https://www.drvc.org/CMA/ or call us at 516-678-5800 ext. 296.