The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 8, 2023
Reverend Father Robert A. Romeo | Pastor
Reverend Father Dominik Wegiel | Parochial Vicar
Reverend Father Rafal Borowiejski | Parochial Vicar
Reverend Father Edward Obi, MSP | Parochial Vicar
Northern Boulevard | Manhasset, New York 11030 516 627 0385 | Fax 516 627 6070
Parish Mission Statement
We, the community of Saint Mary’s, Manhasset, building on our rich heritage of Catholic faith and tradition, center ourselves in the Eucharist and honor God in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to be the presence of Christ through our liturgical, educational and social ministries. We dedicate our time, talent and treasure to the service of all as we build the kingdom of God in our world. We commit to this mission in the name of Jesus Christ.
Church of Saint Mary
1300 Northern Boulevard
Manhasset, New York 11030
(516) 627-0385
Fax (516) 627-6070
Schedule of Masses
Thursday 7:00 AM (when school is in session)
Monday–Friday 9:00 AM
Saturday 9:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon
Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 PM and by appointment. Please call 627-0385.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated in the Chapel on the second Sunday of the month following the 10:30 AM Mass. If you are unable to come to Church, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist.
Parish Office
627-0385 | Fax 627-6070
Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday - (phone only) 10:00 AM–1:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Parish Social Ministry
Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM
St. Vincent de Paul Society:
Religious Education
Monday 12:00 Noon-8:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM–5:00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 AM–6:00 PM
Closed on Friday
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo Pastor
627-0385 | ext. 1004
Rev. Fr. Dominik Wegiel
Parochial Vicar
627-0385 | ext. 1006
Rev. Fr. Rafal Borowiejski Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Edward Obi, MSP Parochial Vicar
Parish Staff Jane Clifford Bulletin Editor
Marie T. Granieri
Director of Religious Education 627-4028 | ext. 1127
Vincent Hartley
Facilities Manager
627-0385 | ext. 1002
Kathleen Kosciusko
Director of Parish Social Ministry
627-0385 | ext. 1126
Jennifer LaChance
Office Manager
Daniel Maimone
Music Director 627-0385 | ext. 1021
Vanessa Quiros Parish Office 627-0385
Sr. Teresa Raftery, IHM Adult Faith Formation 627-0385 | ext. 1010
The Schools of Saint Mary Nursery through 12th Grade
Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Ph.D. President 627-2711
Norma Ragalli Stafford Director of Admissions 627-2711 | ext 1084
Edward Short Vice President of Development 627-2711 | ext 1120
Eileen M. Symmons ’82, ’86 Director of Communications 627-2711
Kiera Gmelich Walsh Director of Alumni and Parent Relations 627-2711 | ext. 1162
Sarah de Venoge Griffin ’02, ’06 Liaison for School Relations
St. Mary’s Elementary School 627-0184
Theresa A. Kemp
St. Mary’s High School 627-2711
Gerard J. Buckley
Dear Parishioners, “Then the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:9)
Who doesn’t want to experience peace in their life? So often it seems to elude us in the fast paced world we live in. Many people offer ways to peace, some of them may seem to work for a moment or two, but, like a feather blowing in the wind, it fades from our life. In today’s reading, St. Paul prays for the peace of Jesus in our lives. How do we make this a true reality?
St. Paul tells us to begin with Jesus. Worry can be a sign that we have not let go of our lives and placed them at the feet of the Lord. St. Paul says, “have no anxiety…place everything before God.” There is nothing too large or even, yes, too small that we should not place before God. He wants to be part of our lives. What we can sometimes forget is that God’s greatest desire is to be a part of our lives. He created us, knew us before we were born, and, like any good parent, wants to share our hopes and dreams. We can, at times, think we are too insignificant or that we are “bothering” God. Jesus came to show us a very different understanding. In our trust and faithfulness, Jesus gives us a responsibility for the Kingdom. We are commissioned to bear fruit in our lives. If we weren’t completely loved, if Jesus did not have trust in our ability to do the good, then he would not have called us to this way of life. If we are called to share the Kingdom, how could Jesus ever leave us alone? He doesn’t leave us EVER. How often can a sense of unworthiness cause us to lose hope in our ability to bear the good fruit. St. Francis de Sales reminds us “Do not be disheartened by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage.”
The peace of God doesn’t merely dull our pain, but rather gives us the hope to continue the journey of life. Peace doesn’t come from people doing “nice” things to us or even pleasant experiences, but rather comes when we know and believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in us as our hope. This hope and peace becomes a reality when we focus our life on Jesus. Discipline yourself to think and meditate on the presence of God in your life asking for the grace to discern that presence. Trust that you are loved and will never be abandoned. Yes, at times, trials and tribulations can be the moment that Jesus reveals more of Himself to you. And always, always, always . . . meditate on His holy Word, the Scriptures. This precious treasure reveals so much about God. Read it, pray it, and trust it everyday. If the Word dwells richly in you, it will guide and anchor your life in the promised peace.
Come joyfully and humbly to Mass. See in the real and true presence of Jesus, hidden under the forms of Bread and Wine, a God who wants to dwell so intimately in our lives.
St. Paul offers these words to us so that the God of peace will dwell in us. Not simply peace...but the God of peace will be in us. Ultimately this is about welcoming Jesus in our hearts. He wants us to be holy, pure, right. We need to take that step that opens us to trust in Him and hence lessen our worries. So we need to pray about everything in our lives. Meditate on the Word of God and finally we will practice and do what Jesus calls us to.
October is the month of the Most Holy Rosary. I encourage you to pray the Rosary daily and maybe begin a tradition of praying it as a family.
In Jesus, Fr. Bob
From the Pastor’s Desk
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 8, 2023
J Stewards of God’s Gifts
In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses a parable to explain how Israel is turning against God and His Son.
Living Stewardship ~ Pillar of Prayer: Whenever we are down or feeling anxious, we must turn to God in prayer. As we hear in the Second Reading, turning to God in prayer, with thanksgiving, will help us in all of our struggles.
The collection for Sunday, October 1, 2023 amounted to $25,688.00. The collection for Sunday, October 2, 2022 amounted to $26,267.00. The collection for the Office of Human Life, Family, and Bioethics amounted to $5,890.00
Have you enrolled yet? Visit Our parish code is NY281.
We Care for Our Parish Community
We celebrate Baptism at 1:30 PM on the second Sunday of the month and at 12:30 PM on the fourth Saturday of the month as scheduled. Please call the Parish Office at least one month in advance to see if a date is available and to arrange to fill out pre-baptismal paperwork. New parents are required to attend a Baptism preparation session held once every month. Those chosen as sponsors for Baptism should lead lives in harmony with the Catholic faith and the role of Godparent.”
At least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please make an appointment with one of the priests to begin the necessary preparations.
Children’s Education
Saint Mary’s Elementary School offers excellent education in the spirit of the Gospel from grades N, Pre-K to Eighth grade. For information call 627-0184.
Empowering Character, Innovation and Leadership in our students, Saint Mary’s High School is a dynamic, contemporary, Catholic value-centered school, combining a commitment to academic excellence and educational innovation, with a passion for learning, and an emphasis on moral character development through the pursuit of truth and discovered in faith and reason. For information call 627-2711.
The Religious Education Program provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in public or private schools. Preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation requires two years. Classes are held at St. Mary’s for Grades 1 through 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
4:30-5:30 PM. Classes also meet on Sundays from 9:3010:20 AM for Grades 1 through 8 and on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 PM for Grades 6, 7 and 8. We also offer the option of an online home program for Grades 1 through 7. For information about Grades 1-8 call 627-4028 or email Mrs. Marie Granieri at
Parish Social Ministry
We care for our sisters and brothers through our Parish Social Ministry and Food Pantry. For information call 365-2705.
Youth Ministry
We reach out to our teens though our Youth Ministry Program. For information email or visit
New Parishioners
We welcome new members to the Catholic Church and to Saint Mary’s Parish. If you are new in the area or interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please call the Parish Office.
Opportunities For Prayer
The Church is open Monday to Friday until 8:45 PM, on Saturday until the end of the 5:00 PM Mass, and on Sunday until 6:00 PM so that we may have the opportunity for quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The Miraculous Medal Novena is said each Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Monday to Saturday the Rosary is said following the 9:00 AM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Chapel. On First Saturdays, the Scriptural Rosary is recited following the 9:00 AM Mass.
Church of Saint Mary | 4
Masses and Special Intentions
Donna Chesney
Erica Klock
Jacob Rivera
Jaxson Rivera
Carol Furciato
Tom Francess
Gabriel Romeo
Masses for the Week
Monday, October 9th
St. Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs
St. John Leonardi, Priest
Jon 1:1-2:2, 11, Lk 10:25-37
9:00 AM | Ellen Coughlin
Theresa Fallon
Christine Marchese
Maria DeAngelis
Marguerite Barone
Vincent Nicky
Laarni Melliza
Ronald Grubert
Josephine Arkwright
Anna Forte
Dr. Michael O’Grady
Gladys Jean
Douglas Martocci, Sr.
Katharine Whelan
Helen Kennedy
Ann Shields
Jane Hone
Mickey Kennedy
Sarah Horsham
Names will remain on the list for three months. Please email if you would like to continue with the listing
Marilyn Herschlein
Theodore “Ted” Charles Newkirk
Howard, Edward, PV2, USA
Hussey, James M., GySgt, USMC
Jones, Scott B., LT, USN
Jones, Katherine L., LTJG, USN Kennedy, Michael, Col, USAF
LaManna, Vincent S., Jr., PVT, USA
Tuesday, October 10th
Jon 3:1-10, Lk 10:38-42
9:00 AM | Roberta Butera
Wednesday, October 11th
Ss. John XXIII, Pope
Jon 4:1-11, Lk 11:1-4
9:00 AM | Pierina De Marinis
Thursday, October 12th
Mal 3:13-20b, Lk 11:5-13
7:00 AM | Edward Peyser
9:00 AM | Brian Corbett
Friday, October 13th
Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2, Lk 11:15-26
9:00 AM | Pierina De Marinis
Saturday, October 14th
St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr
Jl 4:12-21, Lk 11:27-28
9:00 AM | Nenita Barbara Bariso
5:00 PM | Marie Gula
Allen Schwab
Thomas J. Flynn, Sr.
125th Brigade Support Battalion
23rd Marine Regiment
25th Marine Regiment
2-4 GSAB Task Force Mustang
2-211th GSAB Task Force
War Horse
51st Security Force Squadron
75th Ranger Regiment
82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron
Alacqua, Alexander, 1LT, USA
Amerson, Jason, CPT, USA
Anderson, Michael, 1LT, USA
Arnold, James, LCpl, USMC
Avasthi, David, Capt, USAF
Baber, Joseph, Maj, USAF
Broderick, Evan, SGT, USA
Broderick, Steven, SN, USN
Brodie, Virgina H., 2ndLt, USMC
Brown, Jason, SGT, USA
Fontanetta, Joseph, Maj, USMC
Hannan, Jack, ENS, USN
Hayes, Andrew, Capt, USMC
Hernandez, Steven, SSgt, USAF
Higgins, James, GySgt, USMC
Hilton, Justin, SGT, USA
Hilton, Nathaniel, SGT, USA
Horner, Brian G., 1stLt, USMC
Landolphi, Michael, ENS, USN
Lanza, Anthony E., LtCol, USMC
Madden, Michael E., Major, USAF
Major, A. Edward, III, MAJ, USA
Marine Medium Tilt Rotor Squadron 161
Marine Transport Squadron 352 McGorry, Patrick F., HM2, USN
McKievear, Gary, LT, USA
Millau, Jeffrey, PFC, USMC Morris, Jr., Brian J., MAC, USN
O’Leary, Jason, SSgt, USAF
Petracca, Evan L., LTJG, USN Quinn, Anthony, Jr., SGT, USA
Richardson, Timothy, PV2, USA
Radman, Paul Cpl, USMC
Rodi, Caroline G., CAPT, USN
Sharkey, John J., LtCol, USMC Spivak III, Edmund, Capt, USAF Sweeney, Timothy, CPT, USA
Swersky, Roberto, Capt, USMC Tafone, Samantha, SGT, USA
Ullrich, Kenneth C., HN, USN Unger, Matthew J., SPC, USA
Vachris, Madison, LTJG, USN Wood, Kelly, BMSR, USN
If you have a service member that you would like to add to this list please e-mail Please include name, rank and branch of service.
Donal McCarthy
Ellen Coughlin
Arthur Hedberg, Sr.
Laura Curcio
Sunday, October 15th
The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 25:6-10a, Phil 4:12-14, 19-20, Mt 22:1-14
7:30 AM | Sabina Brunetti
9:00 AM | Robert Young
10:30 AM | People of the Parish
12:00 Noon | Ellen Coughlin
Alfred Lepore
Stefanos George
Victoria Strocchia
Juanita Gusmanos
Apolonia Sia Gusmanos
Gabriel & Maria De Angelis (living)
Cover: Our Lady of the Rosary with Child.
Artist: Simone Cantorini (1612-1648).
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 8, 2023
The Parish Office will be closed this Monday, October 9th, in observance of Columbus Day. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will not take place.
IS O P E N on S U N D A Y S after the 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, & 12:00 Noon Masses.It is located in the Parish Ministry Center below the church. 516-627-0385 ext. 1033
Readings and Questions for Faith Sharing on the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Second Time
Joseph Marin and Anne Wilder
St. Ignatius, St. Ignatius, Newton, MA Newton, MA
Third Time
Vincent Orlando and Alexandra Gioia
Sacred Heart, St. Mary, Glendale, NY Manhasset, NY
Business Owners:
Please consider advertising in our bulletin. It’s a great way to support our parish. Call our printer, LPi at 1-800-477-4574 or visit their website for more information.
We are in region 03.
Please Patronize Our Advertisers
Reading I: Isaiah 25:6-10a
On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines.
Reading II: Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20
“I can do all things in him who strengthens me.”
Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14
‘The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.’
Question for Adults:
Am I prepared to accept God’s invitation to his feast?
Question for Children:
How does Jesus’ story of the wedding feast help me to understand the Kingdom of God?
Cardinal Mario Grech, the Secretary General of the Synod, has called Catholics worldwide to unite in prayer for the Synod on Synodality which began in Rome on October 4th. Cardinal Grech describes this gathering as a profound “event of prayer and listening” that calls upon every baptized individual. He believes that every Catholic has a role to play in this global undertaking, that “all of us...are called at this time to unite in the comunion of prayer.”
A series of special intercessions have been crafted for this occasion. They include:
For the Church, on the eve of a new phase in the synodal journey, that the presence of the Gospel, alive and at work in her, may make her like the vineyard in the parable, a vital place where all men and women who seek meaning in their life find a place, a word, and a breath of hope, we pray.
For the bishops and all the participants in the Synodal Assembly, that proposals may spring forth from their listening to the Holy Spirit, so that the entire People of God, in a dynamism of communion, may feel that they are truly participating in the life of the Church and be a living and attractive witness to the newness of the Gospel in the world, we pray.
For theologians: may the gifts of wisdom and revelation accompany their contribution to the work of the Synodal Assembly, so that the gift of faith may become life in all God’s people, we pray.
For young people, seekers of truth and authentic witness, concreteness and spirituality; that, as a result of the synodal journey, they may feel increasingly involved in the Church’s life and mission in the midst of the challenges of today’s world, giving to so many, with the enthusiasm of their age, the hope that springs from an encounter with Jesus, we pray.
For us gathered here in communion with Christian communities throughout the world: that by tasting the goodness of the Lord that comes to each one in the body and blood of Jesus, we may receive from him a fresh view of our neighbor and be made witnesses to generosity in the world in which we live, we pray.
d Altar Server Training Begins on Monday, October 16th, at 5:15 PM in the church All children in the 4th Grade on up are welcome. Any questions, please contact Fr. Dominik at or call 516-627-0385, ext. 1006 The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 8, 2023
Parish Social Ministry
Thanks and gratitude to our generous parishioners for filling a good portion of our pantry. The items we need this week are:
Baked Beans
Instant Coffee
Instant Potatoes
Small Bags of Rice
Salad Dressing
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Laundry Detergent
The good news of this Gospel is that all we need to do is let God tend us and bring us to produce good fruit. All we need do is be faithful; God will take care of the rest. Please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring the love and mercy of Jesus to those who feel left out and abandoned.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is able to help our neighbors in need through the generosity of our St. Mary’s parishioners. Each time you donate, either through the collection slots at the doors of the church, or in an envelope marked for St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping our neighbors within St. Mary’s Parish. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 516627-0385, ext. 1125, or email To donate furniture, clothing or household items, please call the store in Garden City Park at 516-746-8250. Thank you for your continued support.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Looking for Something to Read During Adoration?
Bishop Robert Barron
Treasury of Classic Catholic Prayers
Eucharistic Adoration Prayerbook by Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP
Jesus Present Before Me: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P.
A Manual for Eucharistic Adoration by the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s Visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
Thomas Á Kempis’ Imitation of Christ
A God Who Questions by Leonard DeLorenzo
Deacon Greg Kandra’s Busy Person’s Guide to Prayer
Kathryn Jean Lopez’s A Year with the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living
100 Holy Hours for Women by Mother Mary Raphael Lubowidzka, CSFN
Available at bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Closing Benediction
Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 PM in the Church
Rosary Society
Our Mission Statement:
The Rosary Society fosters devotion to Mary through prayer and good works for causes that would be dear to her heart
Invest 20 minutes of your day to pray the Rosary, and see the difference it will make in your life.
If you would like the Rosarians to pray for a special intention, please e-mail us at
October is the Month of the Holy Rosary
“With the Rosary, the Christian people sit at the school of Mary and are led to contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and to experience the depths of His love. Through the Rosary, the faithful receive abundant grace, as though from the very hands of the Mother of the Redeemer.” - St. John Paul II, 2002, as the Year of the Rosary and addition of the Luminous Mysteries were announced.
Friday, October 13th - Our first monthly meeting will be held in the John Paul II Room at 10:15 AM. All members are welcome. We will discuss our plans for 2023-2024 as well as discuss our annual Christmas dinner which will be held on Wednesday, December 6th. Look out for email updates in your mailbox.
Flu Shot Clinic Update - Thank you to Dr. Joseph Hansen and his staff along with Marijo Lantier for making the clinic such a success. Over 85 Influenza and COVID-19 shots were administered to our parishioners last weekend. Great Job!
RCIA and Adult Faith Formation
Do You Know Someone Who Would Like to Become Catholic?
Do You Need to Complete Your Sacraments of Initiation?
There Is Still Time to Join This Year’s Program!
If the answer is “yes” or perhaps even “maybe,” please call Sister or come into the parish office to make an appointment. Sister will be happy to explain the process by which we bring adults into the Church or help them to complete their Sacraments of Initiation.
Sister Teresa can be contacted about our RCIA and other Adult Faith Formation programs at 516-627-0385, ext. 1010. Her office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:00AM and 4:00PM and other times by appointment.
2023 Public Square Rosary Crusade
Saturday, October 14th,
after the 9:00 AM Mass in the parking lot behind the church
Everyone is invited to join in the praying of the Rosary which will be offered all over our country on this day for peace in our world. A short procession will take place immediately after the 9:00 AM Mass leading to the parking lot. If you have any questions, you may contact this year’s Rosary Rally Captain, Ann Welsh, at 516-627-4621.
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 8, 2023
The Schools of Saint Mary
Pre-K Explores with “Primary” Apples
Our Pre-K students enthusiastically explored the primary colors with art teacher Ms. McQuillan in the school’s dedicated studio. With their color palettes and brushes, they enjoyed painting autumn apples with red, yellow, and blue paint, representing the building blocks of all colors in the rainbow! Through this lesson, the children not only learned about colors but further developed sensory and motor skills. We can’t wait to see more from these budding artists throughout the school year!
Open House for Admissions Brings Hundreds to Campus
On Sunday, September 24, 2023, St. Mary’s High School held an Open House for Admissions where prospective families had an opportunity to learn more about the academic, spiritual, athletic, and extracurricular offerings available to students. Led on tours by current students, the guests visited classrooms, met current faculty and staff, and heard first-hand from alums and parents about their St. Mary’s experiences. Thank you to all who participated and made this well-attended event a success!
Welook forward to welcoming visitors during the evening edition Open House on Wednesday, October 25, from 6:00-8:00 PM in Marist Hall. For more information, please contact Mrs. Norma Stafford in the Office of Admissions at 516-627-2711 or
Religious Education
Dear St. Mary’s Religious Education Family, Religious Education classes are in full swing!
We are delighted to see the return of our parish families and students. Parents who have not yet retrieved textbooks are encouraged to stop by the religious education office this week.
All students attending in person classes must bring their textbooks to class.
Registration online (via the parish website) will close on October 13th. Families who wish to register their children must make an appointment with our office after this date.
In closing, I wish to extend deep gratitude to St. Mary’s Catechists and volunteers.
May God bless them in their faithful pursuit to share the Gospel.
- Mrs. Marie Granieri
A Prayer for Catechists
Loving God, Creator of all things, you call us to be in relationship with you and others.
Thank you for calling those beloved to be a catechist, for the opportunity to share with others what you have given to us.
May all those with whom we share the gift of faith discover how you are present in all things.
May they come to know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. May the grace of the Holy Spirit guide every heart and lips, so that all may remain constant in loving and praising You.
May all catechists be a witness to the Gospel and a minister of your truth. May every word and action reflect your love. Amen.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Every Sunday at the 9:00 AM Mass
Let the little children come to me... (Matt 19:14)
What is it? After the Opening Prayer, children are dismissed from the church with a blessing by the priest, proceed to the chapel, hear the Sunday Readings and participate in an interactive reflection on the Gospel, all on a level that young children can understand. They return to the church at the beginning of the Creed. There is no age range and no preregistration is required.
Adults (especially catechists): We would love to have some new people get involved in this ministry. Materials and training are provided; scheduling is flexible. If interested, please contact Jane Clifford at bulletin@stmary. ws or sit in with us on Sunday.
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 8, 2023
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ”Make your requests known to God.”
Phillipians 4:8-9 “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received from me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Ask the Lord to make your marriage be filled with peace and love. Check out a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience. You can find one by looking up WWME. org. Some of the dates to sign up are:
October 16-November 6, 2023, Virtual (Monday/ Wednesday evenings)
October 20-22, 2023 in Barre, Vermont (St. Monica/St. Michael)
November 10-12, 2023 in Huntington, NY (Immaculate Conception Seminary)
Worldwide Marriage Encounter sponsors a variety of in-person and virtual marriage experiences, some on weekends and some on seven weekdays. Couples explore their relationship with each other, God, and the Church. Registration is limited; there is a $100 application fee. For more information or to apply, call Kevin & Regina Hickson at 631-486-8607 or
We welcome submissions to the weekly Bulletin. All copy and material is due by noon on Mondays preferably in electronic format - original documents, no PDFs. Photos or supporting graphics should be hi-resolution and sent via E-mail as attachments. Phone photos should be “actual size.” No copyrighted material, text or photos. The Bulletin Editor may edit submissions for content, clarity and/or size. Please E-mail your submission to
Church of Saint Mary | 14
Bulletin Submission Policy
Knights of Columbus
Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122
Charitable & Benevolent Fundraiser
Next Weekend
Members of the council will be selling chances outside the church on Saturday and Sunday October 14th and 15th after all Masses.
Grand Prize $25,000
Total Prizes $50,000
This year we will also offer chance books that you may take home, fill out, and either return them by mail or in the Sunday collection in the envelopes provided for your convenience. Chances are $3.00 each and 4 for $10.00. Checks should be made out to: Knights of Columbus Council #2122.
The Fr. WIlliam A. Daly Columbiettes Invite You to A Fun Evening of Bingo
Friday, October 27th, at 7:00 PM
St. Aloysius Church Parish Center
592 Middleneck Road, Great Neck (Parish Center is behind the church and is wheelchair accessible)
Cost is $10.00 includes 1 bingo packet
Additional cards will be available for purchase 16 and older, please.
CASH Prizes
50/50 and Lottery Tree Raffle Holiday Boutique
Snacks, Dessert, Coffee/Tea will be served or feel free to bring your own.
Seating is limited.
Must RSVP with payment by October 20th.
Checks payable to Fr. William A. Daly Columbiettes
Send your Name, Address, Phone No., Number of reservations to St. Aloysius Church, Attn: Sara, 592 Middleneck Road, Great Neck, NY 11023
Diaper Drive
The Fr. William Daly Council #2122 will be collecting diapers, baby formula, blankets and such for the ASAP Program (Aid & Support After Pregnancy). This collection will coincide with Respect Life Month starting October 7-22. Boxes will be in the south lobby of the Church. Please contact Thomas Mayerhauser at 516-852-0812 with any questions. Thank you for your generosity!
Knights of Columbus
Father William A. Daly S.J. Council #2122 Serving St. Mary’s Parish in Manhasset and St. Aloysius Parish In Great Neck
What is a Knights of Columbus Family?
We are Catholic families building a bridge to our faith. Our lives, time, efforts, and resources are dedicated to these values: Charity. Unity. Fraternity. Patriotism.
We come from different places, backgrounds, and all stages of life. But the common thread is our Catholic faith. We are Catholic families seeking to improve ourselves and the world. It’s one thing to say who you are. It’s another thing is to live it. Put your values into practice. Become a Knights of Columbus family.
Interested? Please call:
Tony Racioppo 917 539 0859 Dan Garcia 516 358 1817
Ladies interested in joining the Columbiettes
Please contact Maura Clifford at
The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 8, 2023
ST. MARY’S HIGH SCHOOL C L A S S CLASS Alumni News CLASS OF 1973 – 50TH REUNION Saturday, October 14, 2023 6:30 PM | Strathmore Vanderbilt CC CLASS OF 1993 – 30TH REUNION Saturday, October 21, 2023 7:00 PM | Port Washington Yacht Club CLASS OF 1968 – 55TH REUNION Saturday, October 28, 2023 7: 00 PM | Manhasset Bay Yacht Club R E U N I O N S REUNIONS Make Your Reservation Today! Visit the Alumni tab on or call 516-627-4605 NEW PROGRAM CHERUBS PROGRAM ST. MARY’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AGES 2+ ENROLL NOW • COLOR EXPLORATION • SENSORY PLAY & DEVELOPMENT • GUIDED SEPARATION COMPLIMENTARY CLASS AVAILABLE FOR TODDLERS AND PARENTS / CAREGIVERS - CALL 516-627-0184
Marriage Struggling?
Do you feel alone?
Are you frustrated or angry with each other?
Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other?
Does talking about it only make it worse?
Are you separated or divorced, or thinking about separation or divorce?
Another marriage-saving weekend is coming to the Metro/New York Area:
November 3-5, 2023
November, 4-6 2022
The Retrouvaille Program helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. To be connected directly and confidentially to someone who can help, or to register, contact:
Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille is a 5013c non-profit, peer ministry. Couples of all faiths, or no faith, are encouraged to attend, and no one is ever turned away for lack of funds.
(Retro vi – French for rediscover)
Because No Marriage is Beyond Hope
Anthony Vincent Gallo
Diocesan Priest, Oblate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
Montforte Irpino: 11 January 1899 - Rome: 2 May 1934
O Most Holy Trinity, Who deigned to raise Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo to the priesthood, and endowed him with precious gifts, especially that of a burning love for suffering and immolation, we humbly beseech You, if it be Your will, that he may be glorified on earth, and that we may obtain through his intercession the particular grace which we ask for with living faith. Amen.