Crowns in Bible - Telugu - బైబిలు లో కిరీటములు

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Matthew 27:29 - and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said.

The Crown of thorns is a symbol of the suffering Jesus endured during his crucifixion. The crown of thorns was a sign of mockery and humiliation a reminder of Jesus’s pain and suffering. The crown of thorns has become a powerful symbol of Jesus’s sacrifice and ultimate victory over death.

ండ టం వ యబన సమయం అభంన ధల హం. ళ టం అపసం మ అవ సంతం, ఇ మ ం. ళ టం మ మరణం అంమ జ శవంతన హం ం.
మత 27:29 - ండ ట అ ఆయన తల , ఒక ఆయన ం, ఆయనట ల , భమ ఆయన అపహం
1 ండ ట


James 1:12 - Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

This crown is given to those who remain faithful under trials and temptations. It is a symbol of the eternal life that awaits believers in heaven. This crown is promised to those who persevere through trials and tribulations, remaining faithful to God until the end. It symbolizes eternal life and victory over death.

ఈ టం మ ధనల నమకం ఉం ఇవబం. ఇ పరకం ల ఎ త హం. ఈ టం వ వర నమకం ఉం, మ మ కల పదల ఉన నం యబం. ఇ శత మ మరణం జ ం.
1:12 - ధన సం ధ; అత ధన న త ం న న వట ం.
2 వ ట


1 Corinthians 9:25 - Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last for ever.

This Crown is a metaphor used by Paul to describe the reward that awaits those who faithfully serve Christ. Paul compares the reward of faithfulness to an incorruptible crown which will never fade away or be taken away. The crown symbolizes the eternal reward that awaits those who remain faithful to God and serve Him faithfully. The crown is a reminder to believers that their service to God is not in vain and that they will be rewarded for their faithfulness when they stand before God.

ఈ టం నమకం ం ఎ బ వంచ అ. ఉపంన పకం. శసయత క ఫ రగ టం , అ ఎప యబడ. ఈ టం నమకం ఉం, ఆయన నమకం ం ఎ శతన ఫ ం. న వ, ం లబన ఫలం ంర ఈ టం ం.
1 ంల 9:25 - మ పంమం అ షయలయం త ఉం. యమ ట ంట, మన అయమ ట ంట త ఉ.
3 అయ


2 Timothy 4:8 - Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

This crown is given to those who have lived a life of faithfulness and godliness. It is a symbol of the joy and reward believers will receive in heaven. This crown is promised to those who eagerly await Christ's return and live a righteous life, faithfully serving Him until the end. It symbolizes being declared righteous before God and receiving the reward of eternal life.

ఈ టం నమకం మ వభ ంన ఇవబం. ఇ పరకం ం ఆనందం మ బమ హం. కడ ర ఆత ఎ మంతన గ ఈ టం నం యబం. ఇ ట మం కంచబడ మ తవ బ ంద ం.
2 4:8 - ఇకదట ర ట ంచబన. ఆ నమం గల పన అ , ండ తన తత అం కంద అం.
4 ట


1 Peter 5:4 - And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

This crown is given to those who have been faithful shepherds of Gods people. It is a symbol of the honour and praise believers will receive in heaven. This crown is promised to those who shepherd and care for God's people, leading them to spiritual maturity and growth. It symbolizes honour and recognition for faithful service in ministry.

ఈ టం జల నమకన ప ఉన ఇవబం. ఇ పరకం ం రవం మ శంసల హం. ఈ టం జల ప మ ద వం నం యబం, ఆక పపకత మ అవృ ం. ఇ పచర నమకన వ రవం మ ం ం.
1 5:4 - న ప తన డర మమ ట ం.
5 మమ ట


1 Thessalonians 2:19 - For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you?

This crown is given to those who have faithfully shared the gospel with others. It is a symbol of the joy and celebration that believers will experience in heaven.

ఇతల ర నమకం పంన ఈ టం ఇవబం. ఇ పరకం అభం ఆనం హం.
1 సకల 2:19 - ఏలయన ణన ఆనందన అశయటన ఏ? మన న క కడ సమయన ఆయన ట గ.
6 అశయ ట


1 Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

This Crown is a metaphor for the reward that believers will receive when they are victorious over death and sin. Paul uses this metaphor to encourage believers to remain steadfast in their faith knowing that they will receive a glorious reward when they stand before God. The Crown of Victory is a symbol of the ultimate triumph of good over evil and of the eternal life that awaits those who remain faithful to God.

ఈ టం మరణం మ పం జయం ంన ం ఫ ఒక పకం. ట లబన మతన బ ంర సం రం ఉండమ తంచ ఈ ప ఉపం. జయ టం అ మం క అంమ జ మ నమకం ఉన ఎ శత హం.
1 ంల 15:57 - అన మన న ల మన జయ అంన క క.
7 జయ ట


Psalms 21:3 - You welcomed him with rich blessings and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

This Crown is a metaphor for the honour and glory that God bestows upon the righteous. It is a symbol of the joy and satisfaction that comes from being in the presence of God and being accepted by Him. The psalmist is praising God for the blessings that He has bestowed upon the righteous and for the honour and glory that He gives them.

ఈ టం మంల ఇ రవం మ ఒక పకం. ఇ స ఉండటం మ ఆయన అంకంచడం వల క ఆనందం మ సంతృ హం. ర, మంల అంన నల సం మ అత ఇ రవం మ మమ సం .
రనల ంథ 21:3 - యసరన ఆదల అత ఎ అత తలద అపరం ట ఉం.
8 అపరం ట (ఘనత)


Revelation 4:4 - Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.

This crown is a symbol of victory and honour, given to those who overcome through faith in Christ. It symbolizes the reward of eternal life and the honour of being declared victorious in Christ.

ఈ టం జయం మ ర హం ఉం, సం జంన ఇవబం. ఇ శత త బమ మ త కంచబన ర ం.
కటన ంథం 4:4 - ంసన ఇవ ంసనం, ఈ ంసనలం ఇవన ద ల వ ధం, తమ తలలద వర ట న ం.
9 బం


Isaiah 28:5 - In that day the LORD Almighty will be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for the remnant of his people.

This Crown is a metaphor for the glory and honour that will come to those who trust in the Lord. It is a symbol of God's protection provision and blessing for those who remain faithful to Him. It is a reminder that God's love and grace will bring joy and peace to those who trust in Him. The Crown of Joy is a reminder that God will never leave us nor forsake us and that He will always be with us in times of trouble and difficulty.

ఈ టం శం వ మ ర ఒక పకం. ఇ రణ ఏ హం మ ఆయన నమకం ఉం ఆదం. మ మ దయ ఆయన శం ఆనందం మ ం కంద ఇ ం. షణ టం అ మనల ఎప ట మనల ట, మ కల సమయం ఆయన ఎల మన ఉండ ం.
ష 28:5 - ఆ నన నలకపయ ంన తన జల షణ ట ం ందరగల మట ం.
10 షణ ట

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