Michelle and Qishi were visiting their friend, Iouri, who lived in Russia.
They visited...
Saint Basil's Cathedral,
St. Sophia Cathedral,
and Kizhi Island.
They were having a great time, until Iouri ran out of Russian rubles! Russian rubles are used in Russia like dollars are used in America.
Michelle, who was from Finland, couldn't help, because she only had euros.
Qishi only had only Chinese yuan, being from China.
Because no one had any Russian rubles, the three couldn't buy anything.
Then, Qishi had an idea! She would call her parents and ask if she could take her friends to China!
While in China, they saw the Great Wall. Michelle thought that it would be fun to run down the path, but Qishi knocked some sense into her.
But one day, Qishi ran out of Chinese yuan! They couldn't buy anything! Qishi promised that she wouldn't run out, but she did, and now her friends were mad at her.
Michelle had an idea now. She would call her parents, and see if her friends could visit Finland.
When her parents agreed, they went to see Puula, a lake in Finland. They all thought that it was beautiful.
But when Michelle ran out of euros, the three knew that something was wrong.
Qishi and Michelle looked in their purses to see if any change had fallen out of their wallets. Iouri searched his pockets.
When they looked, they all saw similar finger prints on their wallets. The finger prints were tested, and were nothing like Qishi's, Michelle's, or Iouri's finger prints.
When the three found out this information, they went to the police. The police then searched all over Europe and Asia to find the finger prints.
When the police finally found the owner of the finger prints, they immediately called the three friends.
Apparently, the person had stolen a lot. The three friends were rewarded for helping to find the guy.
Then they had to part ways, but they were still friends and they always would be.