Sem 2 final sketchjournal

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AR1102: Sketch Journal Project 01 & Project 02 Sakina Halim A0101477L

Study of Anthropometry Kiosk Precedent Study Kiosk Design: Site Analysis Kiosk Design: Development of Form Kiosk Design: Final Design

01 Project 01

Study of Anthropometry A study of the Measure of Man, as a means to create ergonomic buildings and structures. 14 - 24 January

Good drawings, humans were well drawn.

Kiosk Precedent Study Examining previous examples of kiosks to determine advantages and limitations of design. 14 - 24 January

Initial selection of kiosks (Rejected) 17 January

Ice cream kiosk @Esplanade - Too haphazard, - No design behind the kiosk

Moo Moo accessories kiosk @Bugis

Starbucks @Esplanade

- Accepted, but I found it uninteresting in terms of design and anthropometry

- Too big to be considered a kiosk

Motion study of selected kiosks 21 January Ice cream kiosk 2 @Esplanade I decided to continue with the idea of studying the ice cream kiosk, as I found the motion studies and anthropometry behind the kiosk very interesting. Also, it is an iconic Singaporean kiosk that everyone can relate to. Instead of the previous ice cream kiosk, I found a kiosk that was less haphazard and more organized. The kiosk was designed for efficiency, where one tabletop had multiple uses. From talking to the vendor, I found out that ice cream kiosks were custom made to fit the dimensions of the vendor! That was why I thought this would be a good example to study anthropometry, since we would be designing a custom-made kiosk according to our dimensions as well.

Kiosk selling personalized items @Bugis I was intrigued by the opening and closing mechanism of the kiosk. As the ‘lids’ of the kiosk open, the lights attached to it act as spotlights to feature the items on display. However, because of this double function, the ‘lids’ extend quite high, and the vendor is not able to reach it easily. I thought this was an interesting dilemma to present on. Another reason why I chose this kiosk was because the bottom of the kiosk is sloped inwards, allowing the vendor to sit close at the kiosk and use it as a desk.

Kiosk precedent study A1s 24 January

Tutors had a problem with my kiosk selections, they found the kiosks to be too small, and they questioned if this anthropometry and motion study could be applicable when designing a bigger 12sqm kiosk.

Reflections I understood what the tutors comments, but I did not realize this issue until it was brought up during the critique. I guess during the studio sessions I was more concerned in the anthropometry study of the kiosks and not so much of the kiosk size. I realize that it would have been better to have a precedent study that was 12sqm as well, as it could be applied more directly.

Kiosk Design: Site Analysis Understanding the site, creating a site-specific design. 28 January - 21 February

Macro Site Analysis 28 January

Site Analysis overlays

Micro Site Analysis + Development of Concept 31 January

Delineation of Smoking Zone.

Concept I was intrigued by how some people would step away from the heavy, fast moving crowd to stop and light a cigarette. I also liked how easily these strangers started conversations with each other, and became acquaintances. It was so different from the rest of the crowd, walking hurriedly with their heads down. That was when I decided that I wanted to create a kiosk just for these people, to smoke, talk, and mingle.

Shadow diagram

Initial Development of site-specific Form 31 January - 4 February

Playing with shapes and forms that follow circulation paths

Settled on this form (Tutor commented that form looks okay, but it does not clearly show my concept. “How are people gonna know if your kiosk is a place for smokers to gather?�)

Kiosk Design: Development of Form 28 January - 21 February

Exploration of Form 4 February

Research into more possibilities of designing a kiosk for smoking. I looked into sun screens as a solution for better ventilation while being shaded from the sun.

First Design 7 February

First Design - Model 7 February

Concept I wanted to create a kiosk that smokers would want to gather around. As such, I wanted my kiosk to be open, without any roofs, as Singapore does not have the culture of smoking indoors. Instead, I chose to delineate my kiosk by creating a change in level. As it would be very hot in the day, I wanted to make sunscreens to provide shade for those who sit at the kiosk. I faced some difficulties creating the sunscreens for the kiosk, as I did not want my sunscreens to be perceived as a solid wall. Also, I realize my kiosk was too small to have a proper work station for the vendor. After talking to my tutor, he helped me resolve these issues, and I embarked on my second design.

Alternative arrangements

Development of Second Design 7 - 11 February

Second Design - Model 11 - 14 February

Concept For this design, I focused on creating more space for the vendor, as well as bigger sun screens for the patrons of my kiosk. I wanted my sun screens to emanate the form of my plan, which I thought would be visually interesting. However, I met some technical difficulties in making the sunscreens, and I made them unnecessarily high, and it looked like people would be engulfed in the sun screens, which was not my intention. In order to make the space of my kiosk bigger, I had to change the form of my kiosk plan, and the resulting form that I came up with for this design lost its original intention of delineating the smoking area through the plan. I had to make more changes for my next design.

Kiosk Design: Final Design 28 January - 21 February

Development of Final Design 18 February

Final Design - Model 21 February

A1 PSE submissions 21 February

Tutors thought my idea was too subdued, and it lacked an interesting element that would have differentiated my kiosk from the rest. They thought the idea was an interesting one. Reflections I did regret not going far enough with my design. I guess it was due to my initial reluctance to make the kiosk so distinctive that non-smokers would not want to enter my kiosk at all. However, I realize that the distinctive elements of the kiosk would make people want to patronize it. I also felt quite nervous during the critique, when the tutor asked me if I smoked. I did not want to answer this question openly, and this made me quite embarrassed. As such, I think this affected my presentation and how I responded to the tutors, I could have done much better in that aspect. I also forgot to mention my intention behind the horizontal sun screens, which was to create an open space to smoke, as Singaporeans are not used to smoking in enclosed areas. In addition, the people who stop to smoke along Princep Street are already smoking in the open, so I did not think it was necessary to screen the smokers. Overall, I could have done much better for this project. I think my presentation pulled me down a lot, as I did not effectively conveyed my concept.

Architectural Language Precedent Study Dormitory Design Cardboard Construction

02 Project 02

Architectural Language Precedent Study Choosing two architects and studying how space is defined and formed in the architecture they design.

Attempted Foam Model of Indian Institute of Management

Model of Simpson Lee House by Glenn Murcutt

Dormitory Design Designing a dormitory for two to be located within the confines of our studio space. The design of the doritories tries to emulate the architectural language of Louis Kahn’s.

Initial Sketches

3D Exploration

Exploring different layouts

3D Exploration of Light and Form

Final Model

Cardboard Construction A group project - A simulation of how actual construction of architecture would be done in future. Also an assignment on working together to create a joint community space. I was the architect of this project.

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