2 minute read
The zones
Each zone in the fi nal image can be identifi ed by its tone and the detail it reveals. To obtain accuracy we must become familiar with the characteristics of each zone.
Zone IX. Paper white. Th e standard print utilizing a full tonal range uses little or no paper white in the image.
Zone VIII. White without detail. Th e brightest highlights in the image are usually printed to this zone.
Zone VII. Bright highlights with visible detail or texture. If highlight detail is required it is placed in this zone by calculated processing time.
Zone VI. Light gray. Caucasian skin facing the light source is usually printed as Zone VI.
Zone V. Mid-gray with 18% refl ectance. A meter indicated exposure from a single tone will produce this tone as a Zone V on the negative.
Zone IV. Dark gray. Shadows on Caucasian skin are usually printed as Zone IV.
Zone III. Dark shadow with full detail and texture. If shadow detail is required it is placed in this zone by calculated exposure.
Zone II. Shadow without detail.
Zone I. Black.
Zone O. Maximum black and is indistinguishable from Zone I in the printed image.
Activity 2
Refer back to the three prints created for Activity 1. Select the image with the broadest range of tones (best exposure). Label this image with the zones from I to IX. Use the description of each zone on this page to help you identify each zone. Compare and discuss your labelled image with those of other students.
Using the description in the previous section we are now able to recognize what each zone looks like in the printed image. Zones III and VII are of particular interest as they will indicate the accuracy of how a photographer has utilized the zone system. Important areas of shadow and highlight detail will have been preserved whilst still utilizing Zones II and VIII to give the print both depth and volume.
Zone III Zone VII
Dark shadow with full detail and texture. If shadow detail is required it is placed in this zone by calculated exposure. Bright highlights with visible detail or texture. If highlight detail is required it is placed in this zone by calculated processing time.