1 minute read
Mixed light sources
essential skills: photographic lighting Mixed light sources
Any source of light can be combined with another to create interesting lighting effects and shifts in color balance. In a studio situation this can go beyond mixing tungsten with flash and is limited only by one’s imagination. Normal domestic lamps are often used as supplementary and practical sources of light. Candles give a warm glow and very soft shadows. Torch light can be used to great effect when painting with light. When working in color do not be afraid to change the color of the light by the use of colored gels over the lights or filtration of the camera. If it gives off light, try using it!
Mixed tungsten and flash - Itti Karuson
Activity 2
Place camera on tripod and attach cable release. Focus on a coin placed on a dark background. Set the shutter speed to T (aperture opens when the shutter is activated and will not close until activated for the second time). Set the aperture to maximum aperture. Darken the studio and open the lens. Using a small torch move its light over the coin as if painting with a brush (large broad strokes) for approximately 10 seconds. This should be done from the camera position. Bracket exposures one stop either side of normal. Repeat this procedure at every f-stop.