Anusha Serum White Paper

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4900 Indian Hill Road Lewiston, NY 14092 (716) 909-0831

Anusha Serums for OVERALL HEALTH! Terry L. Hamilton has 26 years of Research and Development in Biochemistry/Chemistry formulation.

Product Description Anusha Serums are a specialized Serum that penetrates all 3 major layers of the skin: The Epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone. The Dermis, beneath the epidermis, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands. The deeper subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis) is made of fat and connective tissue

Mechanism of Action During the clinical trial, patients applied the serum and found no or mild inflammatory, irritation, or immunogenic responses. Serum allows the skin to integrate with it; creating an environmental pool around the skin cells that slow down foreign bacterial an gives the body’s natural communication between cells, an opportunity to communicate with no restriction from invaders, SERUMS closely matches the skin structure, composition and moisture content, which supplies the herbal food nutrients to the Mitochondria DNA cells and its components.

Anusha Serums Technical Specification •

Antioxidant’s pomegranate extract, vitamin C and grape seed extract help protect against possible sun damage and fight the damaging free radicals responsible for much of what we perceive as skin aging, including fine lines.

Anti-inflammation zinc, aloe vera and B vitamins neutralize redness and prevent inflammatory cell damage.

Hydrators amino acids and essential fatty acids strengthen the skin’s barrier and help build strong cell membranes. These ingredients protect against dryness and fine lines by replenishing naturally occurring skin lipids, improving moisture retention and protecting skin from the environment.

By combining these herbs, minerals, herbs and nutrients together in a unique way to help the Nucleic DNA and the Mitochondria DNA communicate in a unique way with its cells. The formulation is unique. When an injury to the skin cells occurs, the white blood cells recognize the serum and herbs as a complement to it. We have found that a scab does not normally form because of the matrix diffusion formulation.

. Enzymes They work by dissolving skin cells and facilitating cell renewal, shortening epithelial transit time. Natural sources of botanical enzymes

Anusha Serums rub-on Cream

Ingredients: Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Shea Butter, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa, Organic Spinach, Organic Ashwagandha Root, Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Banana, Yellow dock Root, Organic Dandelion Root & Leaf, Lettuce, Broccoli, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Carrots, and Green Tea Abstract, Raspberry, Organic Maca, Organic Beet, and EFA Fiber Blend, Organic Flax Seed, Apple Pectin, Celery, Pineapple, Organic Eleuthero Root, Whole Orange, Wild Blueberry, Vitamin & Mineral Fortified. Balancing and Strengthening Blend.....50 mg Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa, Organic Spinach, Organic Ashwagandha Root, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Banana, Yellow Dock, Organic Dandelion Root & Leaf, Lettuce, Broccoli, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Flax Seed, Apple Pectin, Celery, and Pineapple. Anusha Serums Drink

Immune Health Blend.....45 mg Organic Astragalus Root, Organic Eleuthero Root, Wild Blueberry

Smooth communication between DNA, RNA and Mitochondria is crucial for healthy human cells. Mutations in the human mitochondrial polymerase are associated with various mitochondrial disorders. More than 40 diseases are linked to the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). More than 15 years of studying yeast mtDNA polymerase (MIP1) with human mitochondrial polymerase has produce amazing results. Despite differences in the replication and repair mechanism, the metabolic and cellular pathways have given promising results in rapid mtDNA depletion, increased mutation frequency, and mitochondrial dysfunction. The study of yeast colonies is the foundation of my research. 1. Preparing and counting the yeast cell counting for gene expression and the mitochondria 2. Electroporating the cells in 96-well Plates 3. Extract and check RNA 4. Real-time PCR and Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis

Natural Herbs ~ Nature’s way

8 year with a foot fungus after 2 weeks

Accident, skin recovery after 8 days

Metabolic Pathways and Cellular Pathways are very complex in Nature. This Communication is necessary to help the Immune System. A balanced diet containing a wide variety of Vitamins, Nutrients and Minerals are essential for Immune Function. Feel Great Every Day. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Disease.

White blood cells engulf the foreign invaders. Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell engulfs material either to destroy it, to feed on it, or to get information from it in your own immune system. Endocytosis is a process through which a cell absorbs a particle, molecule, bacterium, or other type of matter by engulfing it. Phagocytosis refers to the engulfing of larger, solid particles. Often, the engulfed particle is another cell, like when a white blood cell, which is a part of the immune system, engulfs a bacterium to destroy it.

Many important advances have been made in the past decade in understanding breast cancer and other diseases at the molecular level. With Breast Cancer, for example, there are two important breast cancer genes--BRCA1 and BRCA2. However, mutations in these two genes are responsible for only a minority of all breast carcinomas, and the genes responsible for the majority of breast cancer cases have not yet been identified. Scientists are able to isolate and target certain genes to turn off the triggers that cause disease. This technique has worked in a lot of cases but does not work on everyone. The only way to really be effective is to do gene analysis on every patient and create a formulation unique to that individual, but that would be too costly. Diseases are mindboggling complexes and make it very difficult for scientists to solve the many diseases that plague humans. Herbs and specialized serum use a different approach. Why not let the white blood cells do what it was designed to do. Our immune system is the answer. So why not create something to act as a helper for the white blood cells and the body’s natural defenses to fight the invaders. This is done by creating an environmental (nutritional) pool around the body's cells.

As a little boy, Terry Hamilton was fascinated with the spiral graph. When he got older and started studying Chemistry and Biochemistry, he discovered a correlation between patterns found in a spiral graph and patterns he saw in nature. By studying different forms of bacteria, yeast colonies and analyzing his own blood and urine characteristics, he knew he was on to a new discovery. If he can stop the next life cycle of growth formation of foreign invaders in human bodies, then he would have a tool to fight diseases.

Spiral Graph Imagery and Geometry

He created a software program that simulated spiral graph mathematics and known information on mathematics found in nature. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence, and characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144……… These numbers are used twofold. 1) For Calculating Honey bee generations, Ant colonies, and rabbit parent generation. 2) Golden Angle 137.5 or 222.5 degrees 2) Golden angle for patterns found in nature

There are many ways to balance the pH water, but they do not have beneficial health benefits. For example, there are ways to adjust water PH levels in swimming pools but we would not drink swimming pool water. The serum works with the body’s natural pH balancing system contributing overall cell health, along with a healthy diet. This is based on the well-known metabolic pathway, cellular pathway chart algorithms. So, a better discussion would be, how water, minerals, vitamins and amino acids work together to balance the pH of the cells, to achieve healthy communication between DNA, RNA and the Mitochondria and the cells in our body. That is what makes the serum and your herb combinations unique. So that leads to the subject of distilled water and de-ionized water. But keep in mind that understanding the algorithms of water is useless when trying to fight serious diseases. Water is the foundation of life and what water carries in it, is the key to better health. De-ionized water is made by running tap water, spring water, or distilled water through an electrically charged resin. Usually, a mixed ion exchange bed with both positive and negative charged resins is used. Cations and anions in the water exchange with H+ and OH- in the resins, producing H2O (water). De-ionized water is reactive, so its properties start to change as soon as it is exposed to air. Deionized water has a pH of 7 when it is delivered, but as soon as it encounters carbon dioxide from the air, the dissolved CO2 reacts to produce H+ and HCO3-, driving the pH closer to 5.6. De-ionization does not remove molecular species (e.g., sugar) or uncharged organic particles (most bacteria, viruses). Distilled water is a type of demineralized water that is purified using distillation. The source water for distillation could be tap water, but spring water is used most often. Usually, the water is boiled, and the steam is collected and condensed to yield distilled water. Most minerals and certain other impurities are left behind, but the purity of the source water is important because some impurities (lead, mercury etc.) will vaporize along with the water. Distillation removes salts and particulates.

HAMILTON EADES GENETIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LLC Terry Lee Hamilton, Genetic Researcher Saladin Allah, President

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