Da God

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Da God a Fiction Mathemanual -By Emblem of Justice-


Da God Copyright © 2008 Emblem of Justice ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No portion of this MATHEMANUAL may be reproduced, stored in any electronic system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Author. Brief quotations may be used in literary reviews. Cover Design by S. Quanaah’ Typeset by S. Quanaah’ Edited by S. Quanaah’ & EMBLEM

All Characters and Events described in this Mathemanual are strictly fictitious. PLATINUM PEN PUBLISHING CONTACT: Saladin Quanaah’ Allah quanaah@math.com EMBLEM (937) 347-1185

A.S.I.A. Talk www.gabcast.com Channel # 20936 EMBLEM www.emblemofjustice.blogspot.com A.S.I.A. Journal www.atlantisschool.blogspot.com A.S.I.A. TV www.youtube.com/quanaah This Commemorative Edition was printed in

-The Wilderness of North America-

Dedicated to Allah and Justice

Acknowledgments I wrote ‘Da God’ knowledge cipher years ago and it was sitting idle on my Enlightener’s bookshelf. The summer of cipher God, I decided to rewrite the piece. At the time, I could not find the right angle to born it on. I let the God Saladin read the initial rough draft and ‘Deen encouraged me to rewrite the book and get it out to the Universal Family. I want to thank the God ‘Deen for bringing this book back from a mental death. All praises due. -EMBLEM-

Supreme Mathematics Solar Facts

Supreme Alphabet


Student Enrollment

Actual Facts



Lesson #1

Lesson #2


1-40 English C Lesson



Knowledge “Be God you crazy!” is mostly the savior he I square I hear, b.u.t. God ain’t crazy. I’m incarcerated b.u.t. I ain’t crazy. The best part about it is I get my freedom back tomorrow! I been up north understanding times. Gods call Elmira E-Mecca. The State had no problem providing free transportation to E-Mecca, b.u.t. instead of a button to wear on our lapels -we got math equations across our chest. Harlem is the true Mecca, b.u.t. we do our best to Show and Prove daily as if we were building in front of Harriet Tubman. Genghis paid Thompson to look the other way tonight. Genghis got these cee ciphers in his pocket. We joke that he pay the cee ciphers more than the Department of Corrections. Thompson or Stevens bring the equality in, and from there Genghis sets up his trading post and keep half of Elmira kissing the sky daily! He charge destroy powers to the max and they all owe God one favor or another. Tonight I blaze free of charge, courtesy of the God Genghis. The Gods is throwing me a cipher tonight. Power years in this prison house b.u.t. I did the true I master equal peace. We built most of the time away. Most of the time my nose was in a born cipher cipher king, and I got my College Degree through a Correspondence Program. I fought tooth and nail with the Department of Corrections, Prison Administrators and the Warden. They did everything within their power to disqualify me. They said the Gods are a Gang, labeled me a violent offender and denied me access to higher education for knowledge build months. I had a determined idea and went through the hell to get it right. I had to succeed to disqualify Genghis. Genghis calls me a failure because I’m locked up for attempted murder. He says that an attempt is to fail, and since I ain’t return the cat back to the essence, I failed. Then he brings up that Yacub was successful in 1

all his undertakings, meaning, if ‘Cub’ wanted you murked, you got buried there in a Now Why minute! Genghis has a point, I should have returned that destroy power back. When he was laying there, blood was coming out all the right places. I took his stillness on face value. Understanding months later the Prosecutor brought the destroy power back from what I thought was a physical death, put him on the witness stand and his eyes worked perfectly, identifying me as his attacker. Next time I’ll double check, and double tap that trigger b.u.t. I ain’t a fan of God u nows, truth be told! So many times in the Colored Man’s prison house has made my weapon of choice a blade. I think the murderer and the murdered should have an intimate relationship, and you should look that man in the eye when you return him back. Them God u nows do the justice cipher born, b.u.t. I think when you murder a Devil it should be done with the emblem of justice, not the cowardly device of a God u now. I’ve bust plenty shots, b.u.t. I think I’m done with God u nows. I deal wit knives from here on out, at least in this prison house. Word is bond. The Injustice distilled knowledge power years on me and my Lawyer appealed on grounds that I acted in self defense. He got me a second trial and new evidence about the Plaintiffs violent history was entered. The Jury bought the self defense claim in the second trial b.u.t. still determined that the degree of violence I used was unwarranted and unjustified given the circumstances. It was a small victory and they reduced my time. I suppose that’s a blessing, I’ll get out tomorrow at culture cipher years old and not power cipher years old. What a difference knowledge cipher years can make. Too much of my Koran has been spent in the Colored Man’s prison house, so I’m looking forward to renewing my savior he I square. Destroy powers on the block is pissed cuz we running around after official lockdown, which is a complete breach of prison protocol. Genghis got so much cream he can pull strings. Colored cee 2

ciphers call him God and mean it. Destroy powers dare not utter a word because nobody in a prison house loves a snake that’ll sting someone else. Snitches get more than stitches, and get returned back daily. The Cipher tonight is for Gods who’ve traveled from ‘Who’s the Original Man?’ to ‘Pluto’, no Newborns allowed. If they ain’t complete knowledge wisdom cipher they can’t come amongst us. They get to stay in their cell with their Lessons, their lotion and search for trillionz. The God Sun bet me that I’ll be back. I told him to keep his pins to himself. He got his Earth power years in the prison house for smuggling equality stashed up in her power u. I told him that savior he I square was savage. Putting a sword above your Earths head is a filthy affair! Now a young Queen gonna loose power years of her life cause he wanted to experiment with high explosives. Gambling with a Queen’s freedom is an emphatic Now Cipher! It’s enough that the Original Man is subject to the Wild Beast, b.u.t. Women and Babies? Now Cipher! God Sun be coming off on a nurse current, which ain’t peace at all. We get along and do trading to the degree where I can tolerate him, b.u.t. when he start coming off on that Nurse Math, I travel. The Cipher thrown in my honor was held in Unikue’s cell. This is the closest we get to a Rally. Unikue took the floor. “PEACE! I cee Today’s Degree as wisdom wisdom all being born to culture” Unikue started, and I cut his build from the beginning. “God would you rather have twenty two dollars or four dollars?!” I asked him. “Twenty two!” he answered, flinging his hand in a chopping motion. “Twenty two don’t equal four God, no way, no how! Wisdom add wisdom equal culture, b.u.t. twenty two is defined by two distinct units Lord; Wisdom unit of knowledge cipher and Wisdom unit of knowledge. You can’t discard the ‘units’, 3

not an MGT Training ‘Unit’ or a ‘unit’ followed by ciphers. You can’t draw a wisdom digit rational whole number up as if it was two distinct products and formulate a sum, that ain’t Mathematics, that’s Numerological Digit Summing! If we did Math like that in reality, we all would understand the meaning of ‘Poor’ Righteous Teacher, because we’d be more hungry, more naked and more out of doors! While I was getting my degree, ya’ll know I took as much Math Correspondence Courses allowable in the State approved Curriculum, all the way to Calculus III. Learning all that quantitative Math taught by the Colored Man allowed me to get a deeper insight into what Father Allah was bornin to us. The Father was ahead of his time in that he flipped the Colored Man’s limited quantitative view of Math into a qualitative framework. He said ‘one’ was not just ‘one of a thing’, b.u.t. that ‘one’ had a quality attached to it and that quality is ‘Knowledge’. By the Father giving us qualities to the true value of Math and Alphabet, it is our responsibility, as the said persons of that ability, to be computationally correct both quantitatively and qualitatively” I said. I can be a bit hard on the Gods b.u.t. they need it. Kindergarteners would laugh them out of class if they kept drawing Math up like that, b.u.t. I was easy on the God. He wanted to take twenty two to four so, I waved my hand and told him to go on. I know he composed a build for the occasion, probably wrote it down and memorized it. “Go head God, I’ll let twenty two equal four this one last time” I said laughing. “Peace. Wisdom wisdom all being born to culture. The Culture degree deals with the science of Musa teaching, ‘how to build a home for himself’. I cee a few ‘homes’ in knowledge wisdom cipher. I cee a ‘home’ in heaven; which is an example of lying, stealing and mastering the Original Man. I cee the Planet 4

Earth which is the ‘home’ of I Self Lord and Master; which is when you knowledge the culture that Show and Prove she suppose to keep what? Her home or herself. Culture is I-God which born I-Self Lord and Master. Master manifest’s ‘What is his ownself?’, drawing back up to culture. The other ‘home’ in knowledge wisdom cipher is made manifest in the wisdom born degree as a ‘prison house’. The prison house is where we stand today, b.u.t. which Be God will travel from tomorrow. I say Peace to the God and I want you to forever know I’ll always be ya’ Brother and Companion in tribulation and in the Kingdom of patience. PEACE!” God spit all of that with his hands moving in kung-fu like motions. I thought to myself, “I wonder what the God would look like building if he ain’t have no hands?” Unikue could be laying on his bunk and you can ask him how he cee Today’s Degree and then his hands start with them damn Martial Art’s motions. God is mad Peace though. When we went to war with the Sunnis, God was in the middle of it swinging his shank with the best of ‘em! God wanted to be an R & B Singer before he got locked up, so he got one of them smooth voices. He can convince the cee ciphers that red is blue, just by the intonation of his voice. His Father was some famous humming bird from the Motown era and got the God Unikue voice lessons from the time he was yeh-high! His voice is so trained, he sound like he sing every damn word that come out of his face. He stabbed his Manager for stealing his song. After this Traitor disappeared, another cat came out with his interpretation and went damn near Gold. Genghis took the floor with one pant leg rolled up. Why he did it? I ain’t draw up yet. It must be some 70’s thing. “WAR! When you hit that street you better ring bells or get your bell rung Sun! Wild Beast ain’t playin Lord. He just as soon chew the fat off your Allah savior savior till he get to the bone 5

gristle. Savior he I square’s for real Lord! You know the deal, I ain’t saying nuffin slick to a can of oil. What you gonna do look for a Justice? You gonna get a resume printed up, some corny Allah savior savior shoes and ties off Fulton?! You gonna hit Human Resources Offices in Manhattan like they got love?! Now Cipher! Wild Beast ain’t got no love for black babies Sun! Nurses keep ‘em fed with black, brown, yellow and even white meat! Ministers keep ‘em confused and Doctors keep you disqualified from the door. Don’t confuse your Social Equality with theirs G. Get a God u now, knife or whatever the father u cee king and make ‘em bleed to feed indeed God. This Jungle life is the reality of what exist G. What’s the population of the Original Nation in the ‘what’? Wilderness! Meaning, savior he I square is mad ‘wild’ Lord. We know this indeed, we in the belly Sun! The prison house is the lowest form of his Society. This is the final destination of a distilled rain drop, and prison is a physical death. When Freedom is revoked, you die, ain’t no culture then! You return back, showing and proving that the Master degree born the understanding that there’s only a chance from a what? Mental Death! Don’t go out there with a pin in your head thinking savior he I square is sweet cuz it ain’t! Hit the streets like you taking Jerusalem back Sun. Getting a damn Justice is some other than yourself Math. All Employers do is put a sword above your head and give orders! Who give orders? Cee Allah Power Square Allah I Nows give orders. Ask yourself before they open those gates and kick your Allah savior savior out this prison house what you want to be: a Captain; a roped in Lieutenant; or some burger flippin Private Soldier? Don’t let your feet touch Medina unless you plan for the useful land you step on to tremble! If your feet ain’t causing earthquakes, you just tap dancing Sun. WAR!” Genghis concluded ferociously. Genghis is power understanding years old, and the age is 6

carried in the one eye he got left. God got more puncture wounds than a pin cushion. Last year, a week before Ramadan he kept taunting the Sunnis, screaming he was Allah from the top tier while the Sunnis was making Salaat. We know the Black Man is God b.u.t. we ain’t disrespectful to what other people choose to believe. We all agreed Genghis’ actions was disrespectful. I pulled Genghis to the side and told him to maintain. Life pulled him to the side b.u.t. he was acting like a maniac, yellin at them power times a day as they performed their ritual. We knew they was gonna try to hit Genghis before Ramadan was over, so we tried to keep an escort with him at all times, b.u.t. he ain’t want none of the Gods with him. I think it was a suicide attempt myself, strait up mentricide. I could cee that he wanted the Sunnis to touch him. He ain’t never gettin out of here. He doing ‘no ending’ without the possibility. You feel me!? He been in and out of prison house’s his whole Koran, and instead of hanging himself or slitting his wrist, or some punk Math like that, he decided he wanted the Sunnis to return him back. Well, God almost got his wish. They caught him in the library, locked the door and poked him damn near to death. How he survived is still a mystery. Gods was looking through the square window on the door, trying to bust it down and all you heard was Genghis screaming, “I’m Allah! I’m Allah! I’m Allah!” Cee ciphers took damn near power minutes to get the door open before they stopped. Genghis was still standing, bleeding from at least born wounds. He did fall eventually, still screaming that he was Allah hysterically. The body can’t exist without blood, so he passed out. He lost his left eye, a kidney, his spleen, some of his colon and the list goes on. Genghis was touch and go for a month. Destroy powers put the odds at four to one that he would die. He was critical for a month. Gods took that action and bet a grand he would survive. When the news came back that Genghis was gonna be alright, destroy powers paid up: cigarettes; equality; understanding, God degree, sneakers, everything they could get they hands on to pay 7

up. When Thompson said Genghis was going to live, every God in E-Mecca started singing the Enlightener, backing up the God Unikue as he took the lead. After this went down, we hit the Sunnis back, and of course they was expecting it. They guarded their Imam, ‘Yasin’ tight, so we hit their Accountant, ‘Bilal Abdul Hakeem’ who they kept their stash with. After we returned him back, the prison house was like living in the West Bank. I caught a shank through the hand, and shoulders. It took a year for us and the Sunnis to call a cease fire. Genghis and Yasin shook hands and that Peace Treaty was the best thing for both sides. We lost two Gods, they lost two Brothers, and every God except the Young God Kataka got stabbed. Upon the declaration of war we declared his neutrality and they agreed. We snatched Kataka up when he first came in the cafeteria looking like a deer lost in the headlights. The destroy power savages started the bidding at power add two ciphers for his Allah savior savior. He was only knowledge God years old, wisdom weeks before his knowledge build born day. The final bid for this young boy ended at wisdom add three. Gods had to pay understanding add three so that we could take the young God under our wing. Destroy power booty bandits was acting like fiends for him! Genghis actually put up the cream b.u.t. we all agreed. When we paid the head destroy power savage, Genghis told Thompson to switch him to E-Mecca. Kataka was a Jehovah Witness before he met us. We gave him his knowledge to knowledge cipher that morning and he became Allah’s Witness that evening, because it was Allah that saved his Allah savior savior. The Young God shot his pregnant girlfriend in the face when she told him it wasn’t his seed. Double homicide at a terrific speed, and the Prosecutor ain’t blink. The God had no priors. They tried him as an Adult and fed him to the Wild Beast. His sentence was ‘no ending’. He on that Hiphop savior he I square, freestylin all the time, and that’s how he builds. He 8

keeps all his lyrical content within the body of knowledge wisdom cipher. We all loved to hear him spit his Mathematical flows. He mad talented and got a determined idea to get signed behind bars. Nuffin is impossible for God. When he took the floor he cleared his throat. “Check it, Check it. Knowledge wisdom understanding, yo’ check it! Six years old playing with steel in a sandbox, promised prophesy, when his people gon’ drop. Manifested ideas, thoughts determined plots I God the cipher, knowledge wisdom got. Righteous teachers, that civilize the dead, seven point five dropped from a God’s head. Then what happened? Private Soldier to Captain, War is sworn to make this new Knowledge Born. Understanding build from the root of situations, pelonic education all I-cee through elevation. When your old enough, real devils get rough, take him off the planet is an absolute must! Understand the cusp of what ‘Cub’ meant to us, nothin’ in comparison, cold current air again. Automatically. Now cipher! Emphatically. Understanding culture make the God flip Degrees. Climbing Everest, died a mile from the summit, took him off the planet, made the mercury plummet. Duty of the civilized protect the prey, stay refined wit the focus, they continue everyday. From the land to the water, the Ten Percent caught her, take back the victory, and reform my daughter. Pud brought relief, and happiness was granted I’ll keep droppin Math till I take back the Planet. In my own good time, universal Black Mind, no clouds in the desert, no blocking my shine. Knowing every square inch, a year equals a mile, make love to her circumference, ‘til the Planet Earth smile. 9

PEACE!” the God Kataka said with a grin. “That’s Peace young God, b.u.t. you ain’t makin love to nothin b.u.t. that bottle of lotion in your cell!” Sun added on rudely. Sun can be an Allah savior savior sometime. Pardon self, he’s an Allah savior savior all the time. He always got a nurse pin up his sleeve. The bad thing about what Sun said is that it’s true. Young God will never knowledge the width, depth and length of a refined Queens power u again. I can’t wait to cee my Queen when them doors unlock tomorrow. The tension of not dealing with six sextillion tons can drive a Man nuts. Destroy powers and the Ten Percent booty bandits get on that he cipher monkey cipher when they confined, and deal with that devilishment when they free. “Sun, do you got something positive to say God? Or you just gonna throw pins?” I asked him. Sun took the floor. “PEACE, can’t wait till you travel back to visit us for another power years. Maybe longer! PEACE” he said laughing. Sun is Peace deep down inside. Why he act like that, I ain’t draw it up. That’s just the science he be dealin wit. He’s a master at drawing though. I showed him a reflection of Darlene and his sketch looks better than the reflection. I think he’s just on some demented artist current. He in the prison house for strong armed robbery. The State of Now Why handed him knowledge cipher to eat each and everyday. I think his behavior is the result of depression. Life was stoic, his face contained no expression, and he was the noble God amongst us. He was real wise in his approach to things, and he’s the one that caught one of the Sunnis we returned back during the war. God real clever, he got the sword of a Federal white collar charge still pending. Life Allah had his series six and series seven Broker's License, moved up in the Colored Man’s 10

Brokerage Firm on Wall Street, and developed some intricate way to take a nickel from every trade the Brokerage Firm made. The Colored Man did the knowledge on the miscellaneous expense and after Yacub’s seeds did the Math culture years later, the God had managed to knock ‘em for power followed by power ciphers and some change. The God stashed it in an offshore account, he’s in the midst of his Federal trial with the SEC and the IRS. They want that money he stashed in the Bahamas or Switzerland, don’t get me to guessing. He’s up here because when the Colored Men called him in the office to confront him about the missing cream, he put a pencil in one of their eyes! That’s why he’s in here with us blue collar criminals. If he is found guilty in his Federal trial he is gonna get moved to a Federal Facility. Even though he a white collar criminal, he won’t hesitate to return you back. Universal Life Lord Allah ain’t the one to play with. He was shankin and got shanked when we went to war with them Bin Laden wannabes. “Peace B! When you get out tomorrow never forget this prison house God. Don’t forget the blood, don’t forget the screams, don’t forget the misery, the pain or the smell of a grown Man’s stinking feet. Don’t forget Man’s inhumanity to Man. Don’t forget its cruelty, its ugliness, nor the foul stench of a toilet in a cell over flowing with piss and savior he I square. Don’t forget how you missed your seeds, don’t forget the sexual pain of not being able to hold the Earth. Don’t forget the ignorant cee ciphers who locked you down in the hole for born months, and don’t forget the mental fight to remain sane. Don’t forget the disgusting wrong foods that they feed us daily in what the devil calls a cafeteria. Don’t forget how slow days pass, how they stand as still as statues, how months can become stubborn, and how January refuses to transform into February. B.u.t. most of all don’t forget us, don’t forget to write. PEACE!” God sent chills through me. The chills you feel every January when you hear that ‘Dream’ speech. I won’t forget. Word is bond I won’t forget! 11

Wisdom Hell naw she don’t knowledge me as God! We’ve been together on and off for like wisdom power years. We have different value systems b.u.t. in our differences, differences that are so un-alike, they keep us attracted to one another. We’ve managed to stay together through all my prison terms. We’ve worked through all the hell and right throughout the years. She doesn’t validate me as God, and I don’t need her to. Her brother Markus got knowledge of self and changed his name to Justice Understanding. Darlene along with the rest of their family thought he was crazy. No one in Darlene’s family was ever faithful church goers to really be concerned that Markus started calling himself Allah. It was just strange to them, b.u.t. it provoked curiosity in me. I wanted to know what Justice was talking about and he eventually became my Enlightener. He gave me my knowledge to knowledge cipher, broke down Allah coming out of triple darkness and the whole nine about omnipotent black consciousness as it related to the Black Man as Allah manifest. I ran with what he taught me, and loved every word that came out of my Enlightener’s mouth, as well as every lesson from ‘Who’s the Original?’ to ‘Pluto’. I also loved his Sister. It was puppy love back then, b.u.t. it grew into big dog love, and big God love when I finished knowledge wisdom cipher. Darlene’s whole family loved numbers. Darlene’s little brother Winston was in pampers watching true victory, counting along with The Count. Her Ole Earth sat at the kitchen table most of the day reading Sister Mary’s dream book, Arch Duke’s number system, Richard the Patron Saint of Integers pamphlets, and a stack of other dream books neatly rubber banded and stacked on a mantle under a picture of a sad looking White Jesus. Darlene’s 12

Ole Earth -Ms. Keyes- wanted to know exactly how much anything cost. If Darlene went to the store and got milk, butter, bread and peas, Ms. Keyes wanted the receipt. Every number was a sign to her! To her, it meant that the Mystery God was speaking to her. If the receipt said the total price was two dollars and thirty six cents, she’d rummage through a stack of books until she found all the combinations of two thirty six. Then she would start asking her seeds about their dreams to see if any of their dreams corresponded with the cost of the milk, bread, butter and peas. I was knowledge power when I walked up in Ms. Keyes born jewel. The first thing she asked me was my born day. She was a beautiful Wiz! A knowledge seed with gorgeous eyes, perfect white teeth, and her body was still tight for a Wiz of her physical degree. It was obvious that Darlene got the best part from her Ole Earth. “January 23” I told her. “Lard ave murcy! Dat mean ‘free on clear’, baby u got monee?!” she asked me in a rich Jamaican accent. I was perplexed, while I sat there on that plastic covered couch looking up at her. I was only knowledge power years old and I didn’t have a clue as to why this lady was asking me how much cream I had. I wanted to get with Darlene, and I couldn’t afford to say something crazy to her Ole Earth, so I pulled power dollars out my pocket and Ms. Keyes snatched it. “Darlene” she screamed upstairs. “Yeah” Darlene yelled from upstairs, as if she was a hundred yards away. “I wan u ta run I numbars ova to Mr. Dan. Tell im ta put draws on evry ting an play free an clear straight. U ear me?!” “Yeah” yelled Darlene. “What I an I say den?!” Ms. Keyes asked, like a Teacher making sure her class was listening. “Put draws on evry ting an play free an clear straight. I heard 13

you!” Darlene said, in an irritated voice. Darlene came traveling down the steps at a terrific speed, and I can still cee her in my Third now! Hills and Mountains earthquakin and shakin! She was savior equality unknown why as hell and believe ‘you-me’ hell can sometimes be a very sexy place. “What da bouy new name?” Ms. Keyes asked referring to Darlene’s older brother Markus. “Justice, I think!” “Ey Justus” she yelled, looking up at the ceiling. “Yes” Justice answered, like thunder above her head. “U sure it wuz two doves u saw in da dreem?!” she asked yelling again at the ceiling. “Yeah Momma” Justice yelled back “Tell Mr. Dan I wan two dollars on seven tirteen straight. If Markus saw de doves last night, it’s gon play today. Take free an clear wit u.” she said looking at me. “I gon pay u back in de hour baby. Aftar the numbars play.” My Third was blown, I ain’t know what the father u cee king these knotty heads was buildin about. The only thing I knew about numbers was that I was failing Math at the time. “Come on ‘Irty boy” Darlene said, as she started out the house. I hated when she called me ‘Dirty Boy’, b.u.t. I loved the fact that she at least had a pet name of affection for me. As far as my knowledge power year old loins was concerned, a pet name meant I was closer to gettin me some. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Darlene’s physical. ‘Savage in the pursuit’ don’t even begin to describe how my loins was beastin as a teenager! I let her Ole Earth snatch my train fare like a dummy. If this lady don’t hit this number tonight, how was I gonna get to my born jewel? I did not wanna walk from Mother Gaston in Brownsville to Fort Green, my feet was brand spankin new! 14

As we walked to Mr. Dan the Numbers Man spot, she assured me that her Ole Earth would hit because it was the sixteenth of the Month. That made no sense to me. What the hell did the knowledge equality day of the Month have to do with hitting a number outta the blue? At the time, the only thing that was going through my Third was how I was gonna get back to my born jewel. Whatever intuitive gift Darlene’s Ole Earth had, it Showed and Proved that night. She hit knowledge wisdom understanding -my born day- straight for power add two. As I was leaving, she broke me off power cipher and kissed me on the cheek. Darlene walked me to the train. I had a lot of questions, first, “How did her Ole Earth know that a certain number was gonna play?” Secondly, “Why did her older brother Markus change his name to Justice and call himself God?” and most important of all, “When was Darlene gonna give me some? By the true I master equality we got to train station, Darlene gave me wisdom outta understanding answers. She told me her Ole Earth was a Numbers Princess from Jamaica and that all Ghanja babies had the ‘gift’ if their Mothers smoked equality while pregnant. She said she couldn’t give me no power u until her twelve year old sister Tricia had her first period. A Wiz who was still a virgin had to be in the house for Ms. Keyes to see into the numbers clearly. As far as “Why her older brother Markus changed his name to Justice?” she said, I would have to ask him about that. I got Knowledge of Self that same year, after becoming a regular visitor to the Keyes house. I eventually asked Justice about why he changed his name and called himself God. Darlene got mad at both of us because we went out and sat on the stoop in the August heat. It was on the power day. Aside from Allah manifestin Self outta triple darkness and some of the History of the Father and the first Nine Born, Justice built with me about taking Jerusalem back. He said it’s not a 15

justice cipher born for an idiot. He told me that a Mystery God does not exist above my head, and that the Black Woman is the Planet Earth. I ate up what he said! It sounded right, he was knowledge build years old, so being understanding years younger I looked up to him like an older brother. He gave me my Lessons and after about culture months I had them in my Third, reciting them understanding times daily for a month until I was sure I would never forget them! Darlene was my Earth or at least I tried to make her my Earth, b.u.t. she called what we were dealing with ‘craziness’. Ms. Keyes used to love to hear me and Justice speak in Mathematics. She loved that one equaled Knowledge, two was Wisdom, three was Understanding and so forth. She was tickled by it and even wrote it down in her dream books. Darlene was pissed that I would spend so much time building with Justice, b.u.t. after Tricia’s period came on, Darlene gave me ‘some’ and she had my undivided attention from that moment forward. Me and Justice would still build b.u.t. all Darlene had to do was snap her fingers and snap something else to reverse the magnetic. Even though I was a Newborn and had knowledge wisdom cipher under cap, Darlene was still the piece with the magnetic. One day Justice put a battery in my back and said I need to make her knowledge God if she was really gonna be my Queen. I built with her, pleaded with her, told her about Asiatic this, ain’t no mystery God that, how three fourths of her surface should be covered, and the next think I knew she pulled a tittie out and I lost my train of thought! One day when I came in their house, the whole family was sitting in the living room with serious looks on their faces, and Darlene had her head down. Ms. Keyes let me in and told me it’s time that I get a justice cipher born. Darlene was pregnant, and I was knowledge equality years old. Born months later Darlene gave birth to my young moon; Princess. Ms. Keyes encouraged her to smoke a spliff of equality a day. I was worried about it, b.u.t. Justice told me not to worry 16

about it. It was a part of their family tradition. Every black baby in their family was a Ghanja baby. The equality stimulated appetite and brought forth babies given to blend intellectual thinking with intuitive thinking. It made sense to me. The understanding God degree says ‘for he is the All Eye Ceeing’. One ‘I’ I drew up to be ‘Intellect’ and the other ‘I’ I drew up to be ‘Intuition’. The Colored Man has Original People believing that we got one side of the brain responsible for ‘Intellect’ and the other side responsible for ‘Intuition’. My understanding cipher degree say separation make devil. A separated brain is a grafted brain. The ‘Intellect’ and ‘Intuition’ are one in the same, Showing and Proving Allah to be a Scientific Artist indeed. I didn’t trip that Darlene was blowing treez while pregnant. I wanted my seed’s brain to be formed in balance and that is ultimately what equality is; Balance. When Princess was born she weighed born pounds understanding ounces. She was healthy and strong, knowledge cipher fingers and knowledge cipher toes. She had the biggest most alert eyes I have ever seen on a seed. As an infant she was doing the knowledge already. Colored Doctors say infants can’t really cee when they come out the womb b.u.t. I looked in her eyes and she looked right back in mine! I felt like me and my young moon were telepathically communicating; Mind Detect Mind. It was the happiest day of my Koran up to that point, and I distilled when she came out of the womb of triple darkness. After Darlene born Princess I was working as a fast food private soldier. From uniform to crew hat, I was taking that gigantic wisdom add two home every wisdom weeks. Ms. Keyes and Darlene were looking at me like I was crazy. The fact that I was satisfied with that little bit of money is ancient Koran. That cream didn’t bust a grape in the Wilderness of North America. It took me wisdom weeks to get a baby stroller. By the true I master equal Princess was equality months I was living with the 17

Keyes. My Ole Earth was strung out. Nuff said. One day this grown Allah savior savior Man brought Darlene and Princess home from a Doctors appointment in a tight sports cee Allah rule. “Who was that?!” I asked. “Oh that’s Eric.” said Darlene. “Eric who?!” “Eric? Oh, he’s ‘a friend’” she said nonchalantly. Ms. Keyes, Justice, Tricia and little baby Winston were looking at me while Darlene was changing Princess. They were as surprised as I was and they looked at me like, “What you gonna do?” God don’t take betrayal well, and it was obvious that something was going on. This was a crazy unknown that just came out of the blue. I wasn’t expecting no Eric, and it was like Eric appeared out of thin air. “Where you know Eric from?!” I said. “Don’t ask so many questions. I needed some money and he gave it to me!” she shot back. “He lent you money? You borrowed cream from some dude?!” “I ain’t borrow nothin! He gave it to me! Five hundred dollars!” Darlene said proudly, giving it to her Ole Earth to play numbers. What’s a knowledge equality year old boy with working papers suppose to do when a thirty something year old Man gives the knowledge power year old mother of his seed more money than he make in a month?! I was nauseous, I couldn’t breath right, and the pit of my stomach had butterflies. Justice grabbed my arm and took me outside in the February air and started building with me. “One piece had magnetic in it God. One piece had magnetic in it! Do you feel me Lord? Not both of ‘em, one was without. Don’t forget that Lord! Don’t let Darlene trick you into believing 18

you the piece without. I know that destroy power and he been trying to get at my sister since she was knowledge wisdom. Eric got alot of cream because he hustle understanding, equality and God u nows. You got to figure out how you gonna take Jerusalem back G! Knowledge born is ‘Self Savior’ G! It’s good you doin the fast food private soldier thing b.u.t. that ain’t attracting my sister. You got a seed now Lord, and I don’t know if you understand that reality yet! You, my sister and ya seed can’t build nothing on wisdom add two every wisdom weeks!” he said. I was hearing Justice b.u.t. all I could think about was if Eric was father u cee kingin Darlene. That savior he I square hurt! “You gonna have to get on your grind God, legal or illegal it’s your call!” I blazed equality in high school until they kicked me out b.u.t. I ain’t know nuffin about really hustlin. Whatever the world of hustlin entailed I thought I better learn it just at quick as I did knowledge wisdom cipher. I did learn that world and here I am, wisdom power years later, gettin out of prison for the understanding time. Signing my release form and claiming my belongings. I have been waiting for this day for power years. Thompson escorted me to the gated cat walk and the cee cipher in the annexed building pressed the buzzer to open the final locked door. Freedom was on the other side. After Thompson said, “Peace! Feel free to come back anytime”, the fresh air of freedom filled my lungs, forcing me to breath deep like I was about to jump into a pool of water. The Sun in the sky kissed the left side of my face and the July humidity instantly made my skin moist. Then I saw Darlene leaning on the side of a new all black Suburban. “Eh ‘Irty Boy!” she said, with a smile as gorgeous as her Ole 19

Earth’s. She was not rockin three fourths! More like thirty, forty five percent at the most! She had on a tight baby blue Now Cee, M.J. jersey mini skirt that looked like it was painted on her black jade knowledge seed body. She showed every Hill, Mountain, all the fruited plains and the R-O-P-E of them creamy chocolate thighs. She had these open toe, high heal stiletto-like basketball shoes that matched her baby blue jersey. Her french tipped toe nails crowned the most suckable toes Allah ever made. Darlene has this elegant thin neck that holds the majestic face of a Nefertiti look alike. I know it took two Ghanaian chicks at least knowledge culture hours to get her micro braids as perfect as they were. Only thing that was missing were her eyes. They couldn’t be seen through the stunner shades she was rockin. Gold bracelets, bangles and rings on both arms rose into a ‘give me a hug’ formation, as the Sun danced off of her numerous thin gold necklaces that were perched around her neck. Her embrace was the best physical feeling that I’ve had in power years. Her mouth drove into mine. Our tongues slow danced with each other, intertwining like the spiritual fabric of universal Love. The kiss caused my heart to pound in my chest like an insane inmate locked in the hole, pounding on a locked steel door yelling for freedom. The smell of her perfume increased with the current of fresh air she was in. When it touched my nostrils it caused my adrenaline to rush as if I’d taken a toot of understanding. She intoxicated all the pleasure Mecca’s on my physical. The Sunnis believe Paradise is a state of perpetual bliss, and if I could exponentially multiply this moment by infinity, they might be right and exact! Our tongues stopped dancing and pulled away from one another like ballroom dancers. “Lets get you cleaned up ‘Irty Boy.” She got back in the driver seat, opened the passenger door for me and pulled off. We didn’t get power miles before she pulled 20

the black SUV over to the side of one of those secluded country roads in all Penitentiary Towns. She climbed over to the passenger seat, drew up her Now Cee Jersey skirt, and eased down six sextillion tons slowly on the head of my divine eye. I felt the Oceans of the Pacific, the Indian and the Atlantic all at once as she slowly rotated her lakes and rivers like a whirlpool. She was distillin wet, and the power u radiated unbearable desert heat. She ceased her circular rotation and begin to move up and down working at a terrific speed as she became heavier than gravitation. I did my best to hold back and bind in the cream of the Planet Earth, b.u.t. the relief eventually came by itself. All that cream must have contained at least a billion private soldiers! I won’t be surprised if I make knowledge born in born months, because my private soldiers is healthy and strong and can damn sure swim nine thousand miles. Thirty seconds later, she climbed back over to the driver seat, started the engine and pulled off. Leaving me buried there in the passenger seat damn near unconscious. When I woke up we were in downtown Medina. The lights of the summer night gave it a dizzying excitement, and the business of the hustle and bustle is the reality of an atmosphere that don’t sleep. The bass from cee Allah rules touched my heart, the screeching brakes from born universal saviors imitated classical violins, and the horns from yellow cabs stuck in traffic jams blew their version of Now Why Cee’s ‘Love Supreme’. Here I was once again, thrust into the rat race. Time to make Rain, Hail, Snow and Earthquakes.


Understanding Everybody in Medina was Now Why summertime fly. I still was rocking my D.O.C. uniform when Darlene took me up in Savior and Divines on Fulton. Build jewel is a fetish of mine. Darlene has kept our tradition of buying me power add three worth of gear the moment I touch down. I’m vain when it comes to fashion. When cuffs touch my wrist and my head is pushed down into the police cruiser, I sit in that backseat fearing that I’ll loose touch with the latest fashion. This true I master equal I know to put my culture jewel before my build jewel. My Righteous Brother taught freedom and that’s one lesson I definitely wear like a pin on my lapel. Darlene picked out the gear I lost touch with, so I’ve come to trust her to renew my build jewel’s history. She’s never lost touch wit the build degree, she keep her style; nowadays, everyday, all day fly. Buying all these clothes is the wrong food indeed, b.u.t. fashion is the one pin in my Third that I thank the nurse of Now Why for. My Ole Earth kept me ‘crack’ filthy! Because of that, I cherished every pair of jeans and worshipped every pair of kicks that the soles of my feet have ever blessed. Nothing is more eighty five-ish than walking in a store rockin’ a D.O.C. uniform. D.O.C. got that magnetic and the customers can’t keep they eyes off the God. I know I’m not right and exact for leading these destroy powers in the wrong direction. They think the prison house is fly. The truth on the square is that ain’t nuffin fly about D.O.C.. Nuffin’! Unfortunately the weak germ of my ghetto Allah savior savior ego still lives in this Black Man’s body. When I touch down I want everybody to cee I’m home free, still possessing a slight slave mentality. Those ‘welcome back’ stares, those ‘thug hugs’, the nods when cats throw they chins back and the beep of cee Allah rule horns at the sight of D.O.C. 22

across my back, it’s all my own Third eye’s welcome back parade. Only thing missing is the black & gold confetti. Destroy powers is crazy. Especially when they equate the prison uniform to a graduate student rocking they cap and gown! I can’t front, mad destroy power habits still live in me along with Living Mathematics. They keep company like the black and brown germs in the Black Man’s body; a hamburger, a slice of Italian Pizza, Chinese and Jamaican God degree is damn near better than savior equality unknown when you first get home! I ate it all that day like a savage in the pursuit. Prison house God degree torments a Man as much as the turtle like movement of true I master equality. The first hours free make taste buds act like horny teenage boys anxious to get a chick to un-strap her bra. Darlene told the seeds I was traveling back tomorrow so we can have tonight alone. Princess lives with her boyfriend and Kendu and his Wiz got a rest together. Kendu, my first sun, was born while I was doing my first bid for armed robbery. I was already hurt behind that Eric Math, and when I found out Darlene was pregnant again, I did all within my power. Darlene told them both to meet her at the born jewel in the morning so they could all drive up to scoop me. She wants me to surprise them when they get here. I have no problem having Darlene all to myself tonight. Power years of not being able to deal with the total weight of the Planet Earth is another appetite that needs to be dealt with. When we got to the rest we didn’t even make it to the bedroom before Darlene blessed me. All praises due to Allah! Equality was pre-rolled and I leaned back against the wall exhaling the equality smoke, as she welcomed me home with the gift of Earthly paradise. The equality filled the air freely. No longer was I worried about cee ciphers detecting the smell coming through the bars of my prison cell. 23

While my Third danced around in this Earthly pair-a-dice I thought about all the unknowns that come along with freedom, all of the ‘Then why did God make Devil(s)?’ because ‘Showing and Proving’ has many trials and tribulations. It’s a Kingdom of patience and Hell on Earth has a way of materializing in the blink of an eye. When me and Darlene were done with the pre-game show she gave me a letter from the Now Why State Child Support Enforcement Agency pertaining to my other two seeds. This was one of those ‘Then what happened?’ degrees I knew was waiting for me around the corner. Why Equal Self, I have wisdom other seeds from a Queen in Pelon. I met a Power Rule Wiz at a Show and Prove one summer during one of me and Darlene’s off & on vacations. Her name was Distilled Rain and she eventually became my Earth. We were serious about our Universe and was planning our Divine Union. The first year she gave birth to my sun; Divine, and a year afterward my youngest moon; True Queen, was born. The problems started when me and Darlene started itching for one another again. A filthy affair started and me and Darlene started father u cee kingin around again. Eventually, Distilled Rain figured out that I was keepin another planet in orbit by catching me in this lie, that lie and the next lie. In my Third it was polygamy. In reality, I was cheatin. Distilled Rain was the perfect Earth, every square inch of her was Peace. She was savior equality unknown why, she knowledged God, had knowledge wisdom cipher on cap and knowledged the culture. She could cook, clean, made good love to me, raised the seeds proper, and kept them around Rallies, Family Days, Parliaments and all the other flag waiving NGE events. What more could a God ask for? I strayed away and was on some jungle way of life savior he I square. Always running the 24

street hustlin muscle’in and tusslin for all of the nuffin that my Uncle likes the Devil for. That righteous power u under three fourths got boring after awhile. I needed to be drunk in the driver seat, tooted up on understanding and trickin a few geez off on strippers. That understanding God degree says ‘there is no unrighteousness in him’. My Third hadn’t and hasn’t elevated to the full understanding of that degree yet even though I knew and know I’m the true & livin God. I knew I wasn’t worthy of a Righteous Queen like Distilled Rain so I experimented with high explosives and sabotaged the relationship. She eventually put me out and I moved back in with Darlene. Distilled Rain; Honorable Name ‘Victoria Mendez’, wants knowledge power add three in back Support. That Child Support letter from the slave catcher was the welcome home I got from the Colored Man and the first anvillike unknown to fall out of the sky. This ain’t my first unknown and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I literally gotta pay for what I put the Queen through. One night when I came back from squatting under this destroy power’s born jewel, I had a determined idea to rule cipher born this cat. It seems like I staked him out to no ending. About an hour after I he I squared him for wisdom cipher stacks and some change, my sweet tooth was aching for Distilled Rain. Every time I did some uncivilized savior he I square, I felt as though I needed to be around her to atone. In a strange way it was like I was on some Mystery God Math with my ownself, repenting to that which I knew not. Myself? I wanted to cee my other family and I was also fiendin for a shot of Distilled Rain’s power rule power u. That power rule flavor is mad fly sometime. When we dealt with savior equality unknown I loved it when she’d say, “Te Quero, Dios!” I popped up in Pelon, unannounced, drunk, tooted up on understanding, and got my feelings hurt when I caught her in bed with Mushandi Nughweh. 25

He was the cat who fingered me as the shooter for the Prosecution! He gave the testimony that sent me to E-Mecca for these past power years. I shot him once and left Distilled in tears. It was then that I realized I lost a real peace Earth. My ears ringing from the God u now, I couldn’t hear Distilled Rain’s screams, and I don’t remember waking up the seeds. The seeds saw Mushandi’s blood splattered on their Ole Earth’s bare breast. Mushandi Nugweh was Nigerian and was a strait up knowledge-knowledge-knowledge seed. When I opened the door the room was dark. All I could see was the whites of his eyes and his white teeth. I knew those eyes and teeth didn’t belong to Distilled Rain by the masculine silhouette in the darkness. I hit the light switch. He was blacker than triple darkness. He was quadruple darkness! I ain’t hesitate to pull out the God u now and put a hot one in what ‘the devil call an African’. I was high, sad, angry, spiteful, cold and dealing with all the swift and changeable currents that comes with uncontrollable emotions whirling around in my Third. After I blasted ‘em, I left the rest, traveled back to Medina and waited for the cee ciphers to pay me a visit. Cee, Mushandi Nugweh was already under secret indictment, wanted by both the Now Why cee ciphers and the father equality destroys. He was wanted for murder and conspiracy to import heroin using female mules who swallowed heroin filled balloons. I did the Police and the Feds a favor and got rewarded with knowledge power years initially. My Attorney in the second trial got my sentence reduced considering Mushandi’s criminal background. All praises due. Refinement years later I’m free again. Divine has to be about knowledge God now and my young moon True Queen is approximately a mile younger. The grafted snake of guilt slithers around in my conscience because I know I haven’t been there for them. I know Distilled Rain put a nurse’s pin in their Third about me too. 26

Darlene is a destroy power I’ll admit, b.u.t. she never put a pin in Princess’ or Kendu’s head about me. They have all loved me through every bid. She used to drive ‘em up to cee me all the time, through every term, telling them, “We’re going to see daddy at work”. Kids ain’t dumb and they eventually figured out it was the Injustice. Distilled Rain came to visit me once while I was in E-Mecca and she ain’t bring the babies. I understand her reluctance to subject them to the pin of ceeing their Ole Dad in a prison house. She told me Divine had finished knowledge wisdom cipher and she was dealing with a God from the Desert named Magnificent. It was Magnificent who helped Divine finish one twenty and True Queen was almost finished knowledgin hers. Distilled Rain said True Queen was deep into her knowledge to culture the ciphers. Before she left the prison, the last thing she told me was not to come amongst ‘em when I get out because all I do is cause trouble! That was like being punched in the stomach! I couldn’t breathe and my legs went weak. Knowing another Man educated my babies and not me was crushing. My sun Kendu don’t know one twenty. Maybe a piece here and a phrase there, b.u.t. he don’t know it like that. Princess is more into her West Indian roots and ain’t trying to stray away from that. All that building in prison and I haven’t taught not one of my seeds. That’s some trifflin savior he I square, and I’ll be the first to admit it. My behavior my whole life has been less than right and exact. To claim to know so much Math and get hit with these crazy complex living algebra problems has me stranded in the middle of an emotionally rough two forty, hoping for someone to find me over here in the crazy mental wilderness of my own seven and a half. That prison house, that ‘savage in the pursuit’ lifestyle is like searching for trillionz and trillionz and finding nothing, nothing at all! My seeds know their Ole Dad is a jailbird. I’ve always regretted subjecting all culture of my seeds to that type of snake 27

like stigma and I know it stings them deep down inside. Princess and Kendu never really exhibited any problems with my incarcerations, b.u.t. I know they damn sure ain’t proud, and Divine and True Queen probably hate me. After reading that Child Support Letter I sat there with it in my hand falling victim to self pity, and self pity is not an unfamiliar place. I’ve been there many of times in the prison house. The best part is that I learned to shake off self pity. Tripping over mistakes from past Koran don’t born nuffin b.u.t. more bad Koran. After that History lasts it’s my duty, as God, to renew Koran. Meaning, I learn from my story to refine myself. Past Koran acts like cancer and will eat a Man to the bone if he don’t draw it up to the best part. A couple of hours after getting all my appetites jump started, me and Darlene laid on the bed naked, passing a born love u now square of equality back and forth. “Justice wants you to handle things now that you’re home” she said kicking her feet restlessly on the bed. “Peace.” I said coolly. I knew the military drill. Whoever hit the streets first had the responsibility of giving the orders to the lieutenants and the private soldiers who we kept posted in Victory Allah and Master Divine. The game is a grafted snake. Justice is in Attica doing a dime and it was my responsibility to handle the grafted snake. I used to think that you could do trading with a snake as long as you knew where the head is b.u.t. Father U Cee King the game! I wanna just lay here, in peace, forever with Darlene. Ain’t no Mystery God and it ain’t no wishing. The prison house -though cruel- provides a shield from the wilderness, a bubble like protection from the pursuit of the rat race of keeping up with the Jones’. Yet it can also be meat tenderizer for these Wild Beasts. 28

“Darlene lets talk about that tomorrow” I said putting my finger to her lips as if to say ‘Shhhhhh!!’ I didn’t feel like wrapping my Mind around the complex Math problem of the jungle life at the moment, and deep down inside I knew I didn’t feel the game anymore. The game was food that made me other than myself and I didn’t have a taste for it. “Where was it?” I asked myself, b.u.t. all I found was the question echoing off the walls of my Third. Darlene was accustomed to a lifestyle and I was expected to maintain that lifestyle. She was taking wisdom trips a week in rentals to drop off work for Justice in Victory Allah and Master Divine. That slick street current was still in her. When I got sentenced I left her with a hundred grand, and that’s not much to leave a Queen given the cost of build jewel in Now Why. It was obvious she found a way to add on to the few ciphers I left her. I made no inquiries as to how much cream we had, because I really didn’t want to know at that moment. That was the first clue that the game may be dead in me. That jungle life gets on my nerves. Destroy rule and all the savior he I square that come with it, not to mention all the snakes and devils. It’s a devil in every direction you travel in that game; North, East, West and South (NEWS). I see why you got to kill four devils to get free transpo’ to Mecca and the NEWS gets there before you. I don’t want no more free transportation to E-Mecca. Word is bond! I’m not striving to deal with no more indictments, another twelve uncaring jurors, another trial and another Colored Judge itching to throw last night’s N.B.A. score at me. Maybe I should go against Genghis’ advice and get some resumes printed up, business suits, and go on some interviews. B.u.t. the thought of that makes me nauseous. The inability to make choices can seem as insurmountable as Mt. Everest. At other times it’s like Jerusalem surrounded by soldiers, who’re prepared to storm ya Kingdom to bury you there. Honestly though, I would love to be in school studying Math. 29

There ain’t no army of thugs, no destroy rule, no future wannabe ‘kingpins’ plotting to return me back so they can count stacks, and no chasing somebody down for a few thousand in that kinda cipher. Just to be alone with a Trigonometry III book, a pound of equality and knowledge wisdom cipher in my Third would found my Peace. I’d father u cee king around and really build a mother ship! I’d put some dubs on it, and smoke an L with Fard and Elijah while we build about degrees.


Culture or Freedom Darlene hit me with the turkey bacon, breakfast potatoes, scrambled eggs, orange juice and triangular cut wheat toast. When I was locked up, I remember distillin in my cell thinking about how she cut my toast. Another time I distilled because of how much I missed her toes. A Big Man distilling over toast and toes! Sometimes when I’d be at rest in my cell, I’d travel in my Third’s deep R.E.M. dream history. I could hear her call me ‘Irty Boy’ so clear, it was as if she was laying right beside me. A Man doesn’t only miss savior equality unknown in a prison house. The smallest Heavens of an Earth can trigger the deepest core yearning in a Man. This morning she was serving me breakfast in bed barefoot. All praises due. “Eat up ‘Irty Boy, the babies a be here soon. I just got off the phone with Princess and Kendu. When they get here, I want you to just open the door and walk out the house” Darlene said, with a mischievous grin on her face. She was looking forward to the surprise ambush. I put my after breakfast L in the soap dish. Darlene hated when I did that. I got in the shower naked. No more taking showers with boxers shorts on, having other Gods serving as military protection. Finally I could wash my Allah savior savior and now you squares in peace, with no worries of being shanked or stalked by a savage packs of booty bandits, prowling and howling like hyenas on a so-called African plain. I stepped out, dried off slowly, polished up and let the fresh fabric of the new build degree bless my back. Then I waited in the living room to ambush my seeds. “They’re here!!” Darlene said with an out of breath like excitement in her tone. 31

Kendu pulled up in his bucket with his Wiz and Princess’s boyfriend drove her. As they were getting out of the cee Allah rule I pushed the door open. The morning Medina Sun felt surreal. That moment was like a dream I’d anticipated for refinement years. Princess opened the passenger side door near the curb and stepped out unsuspecting as to my presence on the stoop. As she stood up from the car and closed the car door, I realized she gained some weight! Her face was chubbier than I remember. Then I noticed the belly. That was a pregnant belly. I looked at the face, then back to the belly and the realization registered real slow in my Third. My oldest moon was pregnant! My jaw dropped. “We’re about to be Grandparents B. Surprise ‘Irty Boy.” Darlene whispered in my ear from behind me. I almost fell off the stoop as Princess and I made eye contact. Her chubby face lit up like the Moon catching solar rays, and she ran to me belly first and gave me a big hug and warm kisses all over my face. Kendu walked over calmly, and was taller than I remember. He was holding his Wiz’s hand, and she was pregnant too. Damn, I thought to myself. Princess’s boyfriend was a mean looking knowledge seed. He looked familiar b.u.t. I couldn’t place his face right away. “This is Imani, my fiancé” Kendu said bringing her closer to me. “Imani this is my Ole Dad, the Great ‘Be God Allah’!” Kendu said, hyping me up with a smile on his face. I grabbed both of them and pulled them into the warm current of our hug. Princess’ boyfriend leaned on his cee Allah rule with his arms folded playing half a gangster in a Mob flick, twirling a toothpick from one corner of his mouth to the other. Princess, remembering her manners, went over to the cee Allah rule and pulled the tatted arm young cat over to meet me. I knew this cat from somewhere b.u.t. I just couldn’t draw the 32

Math up! “Daddy this is Larry. You remember Larry don’t you?” Princess said. I squinted my eyes like I was looking at Mecca from twenty miles outside and then it hit me! “Dirty Larry?!” I said, in stunning realization of who the boy was. “L-Moke” he said, correcting me about his new ‘street’ name. I remember the boy when he use to do flips on pissy mattresses in the vacant lot, right next to the building where I use to hustle destroy rules. All day long I’d watch him do flips like he was on a trampoline. I’d be making product flip and he’d be doing back flips. Now he was all grown up, same face, b.u.t. now he had tattoo sleeves with both arms covered, gold teeth and a look in his eyes like he was half a hustla now. Princess having a seed by Dirty Larry! Two forty got jokes. One time I remember he flipped wrong and broke his arm trying some crazy Allah savior savior, twisting somersault. Me and Ramel Self left our post to see if the boy was alive or dead. I swore the boy broke his neck. Broken glass was in his face and he started screaming in pain. Me and Ramel put him in the cee Allah rule, I gave Ramel the rest of the work, and I took Dirty Larry to King’s County Emergency Room. After I saw through the face value of his tough guy routine I gave Dirty Larry a hug. “Pardon self, ‘L-Moke’. Did you ever make it to the Olympics?” I said with a smirk, making his tough guy face break out into a smile. Everybody begin to pull out a camera phone to get reflections. Every time I go away and comeback, phones get smaller. Now everybody had an earpiece looking like they were guarding the 33

President. Yacub children be getting mad crazy with they new trick-knowlogy. Darlene loaded us all up in the ‘burban to take us over to Momma Keyes’ rest. I sat in the passenger side with the high explosive thought in my Third that I was about to be a Grand Ole Dad. It seems like yesterday I was feeding them both in high chairs, getting more food on they face than they got in their mouth. Time stand still as statues in the belly b.u.t. travel at a terrific speed in the Asiatic World. I ain’t been out wisdom culture hours and already and I got hit with a knowledge power add three back Child Support Bill, and the reality that I’m about to be a Grand Ole Dad. Darlene ain’t tell me nothing about Princess and Kendu becoming Parents when I was in the Injustice. She saved it, like she save cee Allah savior he. Darlene opened Momma Keyes’ door and there she was, at the same living room table reading her dream books. Now she even had a cell phone. Instead of Darlene running her numbers around to Mr. Dan, she calls them around to his sun Dan-Dan now. Mr. Dan went back to essence understanding years ago. When the family walked in, she stood up wearing slippers and a Grand Ole Earth’s nightgown. “Oh mi Lard!” she said as we walked in the door. “Free an Cleer!” she screamed, giving me a hug. Ms. Keyes became ‘Momma’ Keyes to me when I couldn’t find my own Ole Earth. She got older b.u.t. was aging beautifully. Gospel echoed through the house, the white Jesus still had that same sad look on his face, and the protective plastic was still on the couch. The only new furniture in the house was Winston’s wheelchair. When Winston was in Red Hook he was shot in the back understanding times, so he has to spend the rest of his life in a 34

wheelchair. A reflection of Tricia was on the wall dressed in her formal Navy uniform. She joined the Navy and now lives in Allah’s Garden with her husband and two seeds. Winston was on the internet of some NGE chat-room. A few years ago he changed his name to I-Freedom Born Allah. Justice enlightened him before he got sent up, and through kites he sent from the Injustice. “Peace Almighty! What’s the science G?!” “Peace God! Elevation!” I said. It was hard ceeing him roll around like that. The last memory I had of him was watching him bringing the ball down court with a fancy street ball handle, damn near breaking the ankles of anyone who dared to guard him. Ceeing him like this is disturbing to say the least. The streets a Wild Beast indeed. Allah still God though, ain’t no mystery to that fact. Whether it’s Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head or Arm, Wheel, Wheel, Arm, Head. Allah is seen and heard everywhere; walking or sitting down, strolling or rolling. Jungle life is what it is!


Power or Refinement Later that week Darlene drove to Victory Allah in a rental to drop off work to the God Right Add Allah. He was an out of town lieutenant me and Justice pulled into the cipher about knowledge cipher years ago. He went to college in Victory Allah, got on some hustlin savior he I square, and been a top out of town earner for years. That Sunday I had the born jewel to myself while Darlene took the package outta town. NGE been on my Mind heavier than gravitation since I got home. It was a Rally that Sunday and I was compelled to travel to Mecca. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not the flag waiving type of God. I don’t bump ‘The Enlightener’ outta the cee Allah rule, rock a crown and tassel every time I step outta the born jewel, nor do I wear Universal Flags like a diehard sport’s fan. I do realize that I have an extended Universal Family though. I’m far from a role model God, even further from a ‘goody two shoes’ type of God, b.u.t. love is love and family is family; Blood or Universal. Darlene left the ‘burban b.u.t. I took the train instead. I needed to feel the city and see the eyes of those engrossed in the rat race. I needed to feel the screech of the wheels of the train. Crossing over the bridge to Manhattan a power rule cat got on with a bag of sandwiches and asked if anyone was hungry. He said he was from a Christian Mission that provides blankets and God degree for the homeless. Although he ran down a speech and tried to take up a collection, the passengers acted like he wasn’t even there. They continued reading the paper, listening to their headphones, playing with their cell phones, reading their novels, and gazing blankly into nothingness while rocking with 36

the sway of the train. The power rule went from passenger to passenger and took up a grand total of cipher dollars. Ain’t no love in the city. Medina to Mecca seemed like twenty two hundred miles. It was the anticipation of ceeing my Universal Family that made the trip seem like it had ‘no ending’. Stepping out into the Now Why pollution of Mecca was an entirely different current of air than Medina. The one two five subway platform triggers me to think of Allah and Justice. I was only a toddler when the Father returned back so I don’t have stories about what the Father said or what the Father did. Plenty of old heads will gladly accommodate young Gods and Earths willing to listen to these types of stories though. I stopped listening to their stories a long time ago. I didn’t walk with the Father, never had a conversation with him and I damn sure didn’t see his body in the elevator. B.U.T. believe you-me, you can go to a Universal Parliament in Mecca and hear some of the greatest stories ever told about a single Man, stories that would put the biblical accounts of Christ to shame. Stories told so well by Older Gods and Earths that they could easily win ‘Best Actor’ come Oscar time. Over the years I’ve made it a point to formulate my own perception of the Father. In my heart of hearts I know he was a great Man. Heroin was ripping Harlem apart around the time he was building, destroy rule ravaged families, and for him to literally adopt street children and born to them the science of everything in life is an incomprehensible act of Compassion and Mercy, two attributes which are incidentally the first two attributes of Allah; Rahman and Raheem. Allah got through to the babies when Parents, Guardians, Public Schools, State, Municipal, and Government Programs could not. ‘Father’ is an amazing title that I fast and pray I can aspire to. The ‘Father’ was building and adding on to the Human Family. I ain’t doing nothing, and my Wiz is out of town dropping off bombs to destroy Communities. 37

I understand the definitions of ‘Compassion’ and ‘Mercy’ b.u.t. I don’t understand how to live them out yet. I have lived a year to every lesson in my one to forties and I’m still making moves that ain’t quite right and exact. Many miscalculations fill my Koran and I’m just starting to call into question my conscience. Traveling down the isle of Harriet Tubman to my seat, I feel a sense of advocation in my heart b.u.t. ultimately I have come to find that after ‘I-John’ is gone, being God becomes a ‘by myself’ reality. I miss the Gods in E-Mecca, b.u.t. I don’t miss E-Mecca. The God Sun is an Allah savior savior b.u.t. in the midst of all out war with the Sunnis, when Abdul Malik had a clear angle to my jugular with a sharpened toothbrush, Sun came with a dumbbell and banged the hell out of Malik’s Allah savior savior! Although we ain’t get along like that, he was and still is my brother in tribulation. The faces have changed, some old heads are scattered throughout the new sea of faces, the swagger is somewhat the same, and the cadence of the build remains unchanged. “PEACE! I come in the name of Cee Asiatic True Understanding Allah and I cee Today’s Mathematics as understanding cipher all being born to what? Understanding! Understanding is the what? Cream! The Cream is the what? Best Part!!.....” The phrases were old, the Newborn’s were young, and I listened as he beat an old horse. I felt at home as I nestled into my hard wooden auditorium seat. Justice took me to my first Universal Parliament in Mecca. It was the last Universal of the year and it was in build power or 38

build equality. I was excited like a High School kid going to his Prom. Justice wanted to take me to Show and Prove equality months earlier, b.u.t. my build jewel wasn’t refined the way I wanted it to be. Summer gear is peace, b.u.t. winter gear is more peace, ‘specially in Now Why. Winter gear in Now Why is better than savior equality unknown. Darlene saw the coat first. It was African AIDS sick!!!!! I ain’t make knowledge born to Justice, Ramel Self or Right Add. I kept that coat quiet like a Mafia capo who’d never snitch. Ziplock! The coat was puffy with goosedown feathers, it was so long it ran to the floor past the blonde construction treez. It had a caboose like a train cuz it was designed to drag. What set this Math off was that it was all camouflage! The fur around the hood was probably dog hair b.u.t. it looked like a majestic lion’s mane. The sight of that coat rolled my eyes back like the best he equality. It was the crown that was giving me problems. I searched every square inch of each borough looking for a dome piece. I found it in the wildest place; Now Justice. This understanding seed -I think he was Korean- was selling hats and gloves near the bus station. When I saw the hat I did trading with him in a heartbeat. I support black, brown, red, yellow and white, and I won’t kill ‘em as quick if they trading right. Thatz my philosophy. The he Allah square was a red tight knit, taboganlike skully. Momma Keyes sewed a tassle on it. The outfit was funky like a yellow cab in August with the windows closed. Word is bond! It was me, Justice, Ramel Self, his cousin Dominion and a God who went back to essence named Alife Lord Divine. G.O.D. searched us at the door. “You can’t bring that up in here God, it’s babies up in here G!” was what the God who checked me shouted when he found my God u now in the small of my back. 39

I knew he would find the God u now. I wanted to show off when taking the clip out and handing my God u now over til after the Rally. Anything to draw more attention to the coat. I was ignorant like that and I still am in some ways. Word is bond I was the first one to rock baggy jeans, I should have put a patent on it, I’d be rich today. When we came up to the Rally, Gods was still rocking the tight Lee Allah savior savior huggers. It was pure instinct in a downtown Fulton St. clothing store when I told the dude I want a understanding build instead of a wisdom born in the waist and ‘BOOM’, the baggy look was born. I’m the ‘Father’ of baggy jeans, word is bond! Everybody was still rocking high top fades, dookie ropes and cazals. Every God who wanted to build back then had to have on a slum dookie rope, 8 carats at best. Did they receive more gold? Now cipher, it was slum jewelry that turned they neck green. I’ve done understanding bids and that tall wisdom seed God still passing around that same power gallon spring water jug to keep Allah School open. As long as he been fund raising, Allah School should be open like seven eleven, all day, everyday. I know he got a million dollars in quarters, dimes and nickels under a mattress somewhere. Then there’s always the loud God who comes in the Auditorium and bombs everybody in attendance. The Rally definitely wouldn’t be complete unless a God in his early to late equality ciphers distills over Allah returning back to the essence. It runs like a Broadway Play and will forever be the best show on Earth. This is my Universal Self and as much as I have run wild in the midst of this jungle life, this is my family forever advocated for one common cause. I was never much for singing ‘The Enlightener’ b.u.t. as I stood and looked around I saw Distilled Rain and what musta been her new God. They both caught my eyes, I froze, she froze, he froze. A beautiful young Queen unaware of our eye contact 40

broke the spell and told Distilled Rain, “Mom, vegan plates are God dollars.” It was True Queen, my daughter, my young moon! I panicked, I don’t know why I panicked, b.u.t. I did. I began to move to the aisle furthest from them and rushed to the doors towards the back. That was my old family, and their new family. I couldn’t get out of Harriet Tubman quick enough. I slipped through the back doors into the Harlem air. My heart was racing and I couldn’t form a thought that made sense. I wasn’t even walking in the right direction toward the trains. “PEACE!!!!” A male voice yelled in the distance behind me. As I looked back it was the God standing with Distilled Rain jogging in my direction. He was a tall understanding seed with locks who looked like he was in his early to middle understanding ciphers. “Peace Almighty, I’m Magnificent God Allah” he said, outta breath as he gave me a pound. I wasn’t interested in building with the new God father u cee kinging my ex Earth and doing a better job as a Father then me, even though I’m their biological. Approximately power cipher yards away I could cee Distilled Rain, what looked like Divine and True Queen standing at the front doors. I wasn’t expecting to cee them at all. This was a regular end of the month Rally not a Show and Prove. Who the hell comes to regular Rallies? I guess they do. “Peace” I said, with disinterested frost in my voice. “I’ve heard alot about you God, your seeds are back there, come and say Peace Lord! It’s been a long time G, they would like to cee you I’m sure” he said in a warm tone. He was Peace, a ‘nice guy’ type God who was probably vegan and heavy into esoteric sciences like heliotherapy and yoga. I drew that up from his current. I never really liked building with 41

those ‘nice guy’ type of Gods though. They always talked about how much the Sun weighed and all I could think about was how many cipher zig’s the understanding weighed on the scale. The ego in my head was rattling like the unseen rock in an empty can of spray paint. My egotistical foundation was cracking like the columns holding up some great cathedral. Distilled Rain ripped my heart out in the Visiting Room when she told me, “When you get out don’t come amongst!” She stuck a knife in my heart and twisted it when she said that. I returned back to my dank, dingy cell replaying her words over and over again in my Third. That comment made my time seem longer. A Man needs love like a traveler in the Desert needs water. She sat in front of me for damn near an hour building with me in a pleasant tone, and then poured a glass of water into the sand in front of a Man crawling on his belly in the Desert, dying of thirst. That was the cruelest Nurse Math I’ve ever seen! It’s crazy how the sewing needle in an MGT’s hand can transform into a nurse’s pin at a terrific speed. I followed Magnificent, and unlike the reunion with my family in Medina, I wasn’t too thrilled about this one. The walk back to Harriet Tubman felt like her actual thirteen hundred mile Journey up North. I tightened my grill and dulled my senses, just in case Distilled Rain or True Queen decided to have a spitting contest in my face. Maybe Divine might want to take a rites a passage swing at his Ole Dad. If he do, he has the right to get knocked out like every other young boy who wanna try his Pops. As I climbed the steps I could see the anger in my sun’s eyes, his eyes hurt worst than any punch he could’ve thrown. I threw my chin back in a head nod saying, “Peace.” It was more than anger in his eyes it was the devil of hate. I know it was hate because I know those eyes. He has my eyes. Avoiding him, I moved to my daughter. She hugged me and distilled instantly. Her tears hit me in the throat with that frog that can make a Big Man cry. The anger in my sun’s eyes, the 42

tears in my daughter’s eyes and the bitterness in Distilled Rain’s eyes overloaded my emotional senses. Magnificent broke the tension. “Let me take a reflection of ya’ll” he said, pulling out a digital camera. When Magnificent said that, Distilled Rain rolled her eyes at the God ferociously and walked back into Harriet Tubman without as much as a “Peace”. Divine looked at True Queen hugging me and decided to follow his Ole Earth. “Well that leaves daddy and his little girl” Magnificent said cheerfully. Magnificent was oblivious to the hate just spewed at me by Divine and my Ex Queen. Magnificent was pleasantly nerdy and took the reflection of me and True Queen as she managed a smile through the tears. “When will I cee you again?” she asked me. I was amazed that she even had interest in ceeing me! Asking to cee me again made me feel good. It made me feel like I had a chance to clean myself up, rectify things and renew some awful history. “Um, Um, what’s your Math Queen?” I said. She wrote down her Math for me. I still hadn’t managed to get a cell phone since I’ve been home. She wrote it on some pamphlet a God was handing out about free Computer Training at a Recreation Center in the Desert. I gave True Queen a hug and told her I will stay in tune. When I reach out to shake the God Magnificent’s hand, he pulled me in for an awkward hug. Dude too friendly for my taste, b.u.t. he seemed to be a Peace God though. 43

Before I could gravitate into a current of self pity I ran it from amongst me. Bumping into Distilled Rain, Divine, True Queen and her new God Magnificent was not what I expected. Looking into all of their eyes called up so many emotions that were buried there. Over the years I have come to expect Rallies to be entertaining not emotional tear jerkers. Regardless to whom or what Rallies always leave you with a jewel. The Jewel I got at my first Rally was a Lesson dealin with the science of ‘Righteousness’. Back then when Gods was rockin hightop fades, an Older God and a Newborn got into a confrontation. The Older God was dirty, bummy, disheveled and smelled bad. The Newborn had an arrogant swagger, clad in the latest clothes, a dookie rope, and gaudy rings adorned his physical. He was waiting on the side of the stage so he could manifest Today’s Math. The Older God boldly took the Newborn’s turn. The Newborn was pissed because he felt the dirty older God cee u squared his build. The confrontation between the two radically altered my perception of ‘Righteousness’. “Now Cipher God, it was my turn God! You need to go take a shower and deal with some refinement first. You ought to be ashamed of yourself coming in here smelling like that in front of all these babies!” screamed the Young God. “You don’t know me! Don’t take me on face value. I dig my funk, dirt trap the heroin in my pores. It traps the science in” the Older God said with a distant look in his eyes, accompanied by a vacant smile. “Ain’t nobody here trying to hear about why you dirty or your love of being a savage in the pursuit of destroy rules!” the Young God yelled with thunder in his tone. “Go on youngin, you haven’t a clue to what this science is about. You just got one twenty yesterday and now you want to parade around like you got all the answers to what two forty bring?! Two forty is the unknown cipher that hit yo Allah savior 44

savior soon as you kick through the power u. This Math is about getting through the trials and tribulations that every Man, Woman and Child go through on the Planet Earth. Every morning you wake up with another devil laying right next to you” the Older God rambled... “We striving to build not philosophize,” the Young God exclaimed. “You wet behind the ears whipper snapper, just came off your Ole Earth tit yesterday. This my Universal Family. If I can’t be real with them, who can I be real with? You got righteousness confused with ‘self righteousness’. Righteousness is being real. Heroin is my devil to take off my Planet in my own good time, don’t judge the Older God. You don’t know the diabolical Nurses I’m dealing with or how deep the pins go” the Older God said, rambling along smoothly as if he was a pimp talking to a whore on a Harlem street corner. The Young God put on his roughest, toughest screw face. “Save the sad songs old man. Just because you ain’t living out Allah’s Mathematics it’s not our fault. Allah taught Self Savior. You failed to save your self and now you want us to feel sorry for your dirty Allah savior savior?!” the young God yelled in a shrilled voice, causing some in the audience of Harriet Tubman to laugh. “Yeah, yeah, yeah! You know it all don’t you Young God,” the Old God said grinning, as if he knew something the Young God didn’t. “I ain’t asking for pity, sympathy, hearts or flowers, I just come to build on the pain of two forty, is that O.K. with you Great King?” the Older God said, with a tad of sarcasm in his voice. “Well wait your damn turn God! It was my turn to build. Ain’t nobody striving to listen to you attempt to rekindle the flame of your Mathematical glory days. It looks and smells like Math crawled up in you and died a mental death a long time ago” the Young God said smirking. “I cee you up here in those Easter Sunday clothes your Ole 45

Earth bought your.....” the Old God said causing the crowd to laugh. “Got your best costume jewelry on too, trying to make someone believe in you. You unbelievable. You ain’t got no ‘umph’ to your build little boy. How could you?! You just a Newborn. Ain’t no two forty pain in your eyes. Your one twenty ain’t seasoned yet, so between a two forty of nothing and an unseasoned one twenty, your whole three hundred and sixty degree cipher is spinning in the wrong direction.” the Old God spit smoothly. You can hear ‘oooh’s’ and laughter throughout the audience. “You wanna build on direction?! Looks like your whole direction is the wrong direction. Wrong direction is for destroy powers, not God Cipher Divine” the Young God said, violating old Gods physical space and pulling on the Older Gods shabby clothes. Unbeknownst to the Young God and Older God, they were both teaching, and the audience was becoming engrossed in their Parliamentary-style debate. “My wrong direction was based on miscalculations. How many miscalculations have you ever drew up correctly? Better yet, how many right and exact calculations have you made besides your choice of wardrobe?” the Older God asked. You could hear ‘hmmmm’s’ throughout the audience and the dome and the mouth of young God was momentarily froze, 32 below. The Older God continued in a calmer tone, “Sure, you can probably recite knowledge wisdom cipher faster than anybody in the building, b.u.t. you don’t know the peace and solitude of thinking about ‘Rain, Hail, Snow and Earthquakes’ in the fine midst of a heroin nod.” “THAT’S NOW CIPHER! I don’t deal wit any destroy rules and I never plan to touch venom of a grafted snake. I don’t even eat meat” the Young God said proudly. 46

“I asked you if you ever calculated anything right and exact with knowledge wisdom cipher and you didn’t answer me Young God. It’s obvious that you have few right and exact calculations under your belt. All my miscalculations have seasoned me, young people call it ‘flava’. If you don’t have no experience under your belt regarding the living application of Mathematics, how can you be qualified to build with the Gods and Earths about anything of substance? All you can do is recite Lessons. If that’s all that goes into building than Polly the Parrot can build.” The crowd begin to laugh. “You ain’t got no flava Young God. You can’t serve bland food to Original People. Spice grow under our feet on useful land and ya whole flava got the ‘wrong foods’ to it! Seasoning is grown through seasons. I’ve had knowledge of self over many seasons. I’ve loved the most beautiful Queens the naked eye will ever detect. I’ve hated the most grafted of snakes that have ever slithered. I’ve cried oceans of tears with a Lesson from knowledge wisdom cipher in each tear drop. Wrong or right direction, my History or Koran is rich with how to put Mathematics in living context. I can teach Civilization from a Koran of mistakes easier than you can from a Koran of blank pages. So what you gonna do, just parrot the degrees like a caged bird? Pardon self Young God for cee u squaring your wisdom, b.u.t. what I got to say to all the Gods and Earths is grown folk business distilled in a fluffy form so the babies can drink it. I got to give the Science of Righteousness regardless to whom or what, and remember Young God, righteousness is realness and not a recital of lessons” the Older God said tenderly and sincerely, with passion laced in his tone. The Young God gave up, and nodded his head in approval for his turn to be taken and the audience said, “PEACE!!!” The Young God and Older God hugged and the Older God whispered something in his ear. Nobody in Harriet Tubman could hear what the Older God whispered, b.u.t. after they embraced, Young God pulled out power dollars and handed it to his Elder. The crowd in Harriet Tubman fell out laughing. 47

That was an old jewel I thought of when I think of the hate in Divine’s eyes when he looked at me, b.u.t. the jewel I walk away with today is my young moon’s Math and a chance to clean myself up as a Father.


Equality Stepping off the train into the Medina night, the force of gravity began to pull me down causing my legs to feel unusually heavy. The weight of the emotionally eventful day weighed on me. The headache that was forming in my head felt like an 800 lb. Gorilla banging on the back of my dome. I had less stress when I was locked up. Freedom weighed more than bondage, and this brung home to me the similarities between a prisoner and a slave. Both of them have been fundamentally stripped of both culture and freedom. Culture is an expression of historical ways carried over to the ‘now’, b.u.t. the absence of freedom makes the expression of culture damn near impossible. I’ve been free God days, b.u.t. the pin of the prison house nurse is still deeply impressed in my Third. My culture is I-God, I Self Lord and Master and I sincerely love Allah’s Mathematics, b.u.t. I don’t feel like I’m expressing it properly. Now Cipher, I know I’m not living it out the way that I should. ‘What is his ownself?’ makes a Man knowledge the understanding of who and what he is. Knowledge of Self makes that plain b.u.t. the pin of this prison house is still lingering. I feel like it’s short circuiting my sense of freedom. Knowledge wisdom cipher coins a phrase, ‘forgotten trickknowledge’. Can a Man forget how to be free? I don’t know what to do with myself. I even forgot to deal with some God degree because the devil fed me the wrong foods on a set schedule that I’ve become accustomed to. Damn. I didn’t open the door to the Kingdom, I just sat on the stoop of the Medina brownstone with my chin in my hand. I’m culture cipher damn it! My freedom ciphers got me feeling more confused than ever. That ain’t Peace, its mental pain.


After about an hour of sitting on the stoop looking and feeling out of place in the free world, Darlene pulled up in the rental, returning back from outta town. Ceeing her centered me, and Knowing she was close made me feel safe. This was crazy, I was truly buggin! In the Injustice, I studied how Colored People talk about a mid-life crisis and I think I might be having one. Even though I hate to lend credence to any of the Colored Man’s Psychological Theories, I think that’s the science I’m dealing with. “Peace! How was your trip?” I said as Darlene approached the front of the Kingdom. “Whatcha’ doing sittin out here all by your lonesome?” she asked answering my question with a question. “Awww, did you miss mama baby?” she said in a mocking, cooing tone as if she was talking to a baby. Maybe power or knowledge cipher years ago I would have got on some defensive Asiatic Blackman “Don’t call me baby!” Math, b.u.t. not now a day. I was glad to see a face that loved me, especially after replaying how Divine looked at me over and over again in my Third. I was an emotional wreck when Darlene came home b.u.t. one thing the prison house taught me is to never show weakness. Never! “Rallies is Rallies, God still God, over time you’ll cee nuances of change, because my Nation is adaptable like that. Popular culture is very swift and changeable b.u.t. all that above is caused by who? We are the Original People so we’re the origin behind the nature of thought.” I told Darlene, as I sipped a vodka and cranberry juice and she laid out her clothes for tonight. “How does this look?” she asked holding up clothes with tags still on ‘em. “Is the blue in this blouse the same as the blue in these sandals?” “Why equal self. If you know your thought is the high 50

explosives that causes all that above, ain’t no limitation.” “What purse B?” she asked, holding up four six hundred dollar hand bags. “Definitely the one that match ya shoes! This society has Doctors, Ministers, Nurses and Cremators everywhere. It’s the nurse’s pin that causes limitations.” “This watch? Or this watch?” she said twirling her wrist. “The one with the ice in it of course. Last night at rest I dreamt I could fly. I chose to fly and took off like a big black bird. I just threw away my sense of limitations.” “You like this skirt on me?” Darlene said, as I sipped the vodka on the side of the bed. The reason I’m with Darlene is that she listens to me even when it seems as though she isn’t. When me and Distilled Rain were together I found myself explaining myself more than expressing myself. Distilled Rain wanted to ‘Communicate’ which was really another way of saying, “I want ya Allah savior savior to stay in the house more.” Distilled Rain learned about sports just so she could catch me in lies. I’d creep in at the culture hour in the morning, smelling like henny, equality and power u, then I would try to ease my triflin, uncivilized Allah savior savior in bed like a fine mist her naked eye could hardly detect. “Peace God. Where were you?” she would say, laying down with her back to me. “I was watching the Now Why game over Ramel Self’s rest!” Ramel Self was my eternal alibi and he knew to always say I was with him whether he was questioned by cee ciphers or one of my Wizs. “What was the score?” Distilled Rain asked. “Um, Um, Um.. , knowledge cipher knowledge to born build!” I answered. “That’s strange.” she said. 51

“Why is that strange?” “Because Now Why went out West on a road trip last night, so they had the night off.” Distilled Rain was foul. What kind of Wiz learns a Team’s schedule just so she could catch a Man in a lie? That was mad Nurse-ism. Distilled Rain got on my nerves. She should have been an Attorney instead of a School Teacher because half the time I felt like I was being cross examined on the witness stand. Nag! She was definitely a nag. “I’m trying to keep a Home. Why are your sox on the floor? That’s a filthy affair!” “Is it too much to ask for you to just lift the toilet seat up?!” and my all time personal favorite, “We don’t build anymore!” What I like about Darlene is that she can read me. She couldn’t quote ‘Who is the Original Man?’ b.u.t. she been around me and Justice so long that she understands Mathematics intuitively. She don’t speak Math, b.u.t. she damn sure can catch it! Darlene know how to keep her husband home, and she keep it ‘beast life’ in the bedroom. Darlene only problem is that she a slave to daytime Talk and Court Shows. During the 911 attacks she was pissed. Not because the planes ran into the buildings b.u.t. because her regularly scheduled programs were interrupted. Those paternity test shows got magnetic. They keep destroy powers in a trance even if buildings fall and people die. Darlene keep me out of strip clubs because she got stripper ways. Last night she made some God degree topless. Distilled Rain was too civilized in bed. I was puttin strippers through Community Colleges in every borough I was trickin off so tough. Distilled Rain kept me in a sexual prison house. She ain’t want me to cuss in the bed or nothin. One time in the heat of the moment I tried to choke her and she looked at me like, ‘Not now 52

a day!’ What God or Man for that matter don’t want his Queen to take on some beast like characteristics in the bedroom? We lacked intimate high explosiveness. She is a Peace Earth that loves Allah’s Mathematics sincerely, b.u.t. we didn’t have that Chemistry. Divine or Destroy I must express myself. Knowledge of Self is knowing who you are and most of all being honest with yourself. Many confuse righteousness with compulsive piety. Piety is still trick-knowledge.


God Ramel and the Queen Kay Mecca invited me and Darlene over to play spades tonight. Me and Kay Mecca is partners and we be running the cipher on Self and Darlene. Darlene will never claim to be Earth b.u.t. she Earth all the same. Kay Mecca stay speaking in Math and Darlene understands everything. If Kay Mecca tells Darlene to hand her the cee Allah rule divines, Darlene will hand her the deck without thinking. Little things like that let me know Darlene is a lot swifter than she appears to be on face value. She does the knowledge hard and born out of knowledge cipher times she can tell you who’s the Father taking a paternity test on a Talk Show. I have tried to shove one twenty down her throat b.u.t. we just end up breaking up. She knowledge God, b.u.t. in her own way. When Darlene would tell me to go to hell with that Mathematics savior he I square, I’d run right over the hot Arabian into Distilled Rain’s arms. That’s how Distilled Rain drew me up. She looked all wise and civilized from headwrap to three forths. I met Rain at a Show and Prove some years ago. Me and the God Right Add was in the cee Allah rule outside of Harriet Tubman snorting understanding while everyone else was inside singing The Enlightener. The understanding was mad holy and made the bright Harlem summer day look like a high definition plasma true victory. That is when I first laid eyes on the Power Rule Queen; Distilled Rain. Damn she was fine! I don’t believe in no Mystery God b.u.t. that day I said, ‘Oh my God!’ Her headwrap was the brightest white, not mixed diluted or tampered with in any form. She had a breezy camouflage wrap around skirt that ran around her sexy body, and wore bohemian-like sandals that matched her handbag. 54

It was crazy because I don’t be feelin understanding seeds like that, especially in the Summer. I’m usually a crackhead for knowledge seeds between May and August and I don’t feel magnetic from understanding seeds until about the Born Month. B.u.t. it wasn’t September, it was June, Show and Prove. I looked in the rear view mirror to make sure I got all the understanding crumbs off my nose, and rudely cut Right Add’s wisdom and started jogging after the Queen yelling, “PEACE!!” down Adam Clayton Powel. When I got up close her magnetic got stronger. Queen had sexy light brown eyes and the way she said, ‘Peace.’ with that tinge of Power Rule accent had my private soldier standing at attention like, ‘Yes Sir!’ As gravity pulled my eyes downward I caught the glimpse of the toes, they were in a perfect symmetrical row, with no slave cornfields. It was a wrap from there, I was on some maker owner Math from that day forward. I built so hard to draw her up she probably thought I was the Father’s physical. Distilled Rain was five nine and prided herself on weighing exactly one hundred and twenty pounds. That Power Rule ‘good hair’ had me buried there. I know ‘good hair’ is some mental death type of savior he I square b.u.t. her hair damn sure wasn’t behaving bad! It took damn near culture months to get physical with Distilled Rain. I made up my Mind that if that three fourths ain’t evaporate in the very near future I was gonna be a fine mist with the quickness. Her family was Hard Bronx Catholic, so they hated my Black ‘5 Percenter’ Allah savior savior. Distilled Rain got knowledge from an Elder Earth out in Pelon named I-Asia Born Mecca. I met Born Mecca on a few occasions and I ain’t really dig her Amazonian current. I often thought that if I was Rain’s Educator, things wouldn’t have went down the way that they did. Oh well, Koran is what it is. After me and Kay Mecca whipped Ramel Self and Darlene in 55

spades, Ramel wanted me to step outside and build on business. I got another beer from the fridge and we climbed outta the window on to the fire escape. “You want to make a few runs with me next week?” he asked. “To Power Hill and Victory Allah?” “Power Hill?! Since when we do trading in Power Hill Lord?” “I went to cee a fight about understanding months ago. Money recognize money. I had a few drinks, one thing led to another and these catz in Power Hill wanted to do trading. I gave them a low quote on a ‘whole’ thing, knowledge God add three. They got excited and I’m driving down there and dropping it off on the power day of next month. You striving to travel Lord?” When he said Power Hill I got shook, those Al Qaida wannabees is Cowboys and Killahz out there! I’m from Power Hill and Pelon is my birth place. I was born into the Nation of Islam under the Old Man in knowledge born equality build. Temple Number 12 a.k.a the ‘Hoodlum Mosque’ was my introduction into the Asiatic World. I went to my first funeral when I was power years old. It was for an F.O.I who was courting my Ole Earth and I remember it vividly. It was a Saturday before the Sunday meetings and Brother Anthony 21x told my Ole Earth he would take me to get a fresh cut. He got murdered sitting in a barber’s chair while I was eating a bean pie waiting to get my hair cut. Bean pies were only 75 cent then. 75 cent bean pies.. , those were the days. When I heard the God u now fire I dropped my bean pie as glass broke behind the barber chair. The two gunmen just stood there and kept firing at Brother Anthony. They put a contract on Brother Anthony because he and some other Fruit extorted heroin dealers. He extorted heroin dealers by putting waist baskets outside of their places of business. I always wondered how they had all that money for The Old Man every Sunday. If they didn’t pay, they got dealt with in the worst way. I guess the heroin 56

dealers got tired of being extorted. They shot him up with machines guns at close range while he was getting his face shaved. That was the first true I master equal that I saw murder up close. I sat in the chair, my legs not even long enough to touch the floor, swinging and frowning, and about to cry because I dropped my bean pie on the floor. The God u now shots were the only thing that stopped me from crying over the pie on the floor. After the gunmen left, I remember watching one of brotha Anthony 21x’s green alligator skin shoes fall slowly off his foot. It seemed like that shoe took a year to finally hit the floor. The other Men in the Barbershop were curled up like tight testicles in ice water. Some where flat on their stomachs and doing their best to get somewhere out of the way of the God u now fire. I just looked on, it seemed surreal as the glass shattered and the white barber bib brother Anthony had on slowly turned blood red. When Justice first dropped knowledge on me wisdom power years ago, he was touching deep roots of things I had long forgotten. The University of Islam on Broad and Susquehanna was the first School I ever went to. Later it became known as Sister Clara Muhammad’s School. Me and the other seeds used to draw reflections of the Old Man’s hat, as we use to call it. We were fascinated by the Sun, Moon, and Stars that adorned it. I was Victor 81x because I was the 81st Victor in the Temple. The NOI in Power Hill was the biggest in the country at the time. I had Student Enrollment under cee Allah power when I was equality years old, b.u.t. by the time I was a teenager and met Justice, it had become ‘forgotten knowledge’. Justice reached his arm deep into my subconscious. I was God years old when the Old Man ‘went away’, as the Believers used to say. It was God power then and my Ole Earth strived to follow the Old Man’s sun Wallace, b.u.t. he didn’t have magnetic like the Old Man did. After about a year I asked my Ole Earth if we still have to go to the Temple? Wallace was boring both of us. 57

Back then I used to like listening to the tough talk of those killah F.O.I.’s. They always use to play fight with me and ask me to recite my Student Enrollment. They are the reason I wanted to go to the meetings on Sunday. After the first Resurrection, the new ones were like declawed house cats in comparison to the wild lions I admired as a baby. My Ole Earth tried to stick it out with Wallace b.u.t. we moved to Medina and she got on some ‘Disco Fever’ type current in God equality. In God Equality, MGT’s was taking off head wraps quicker than snorted up strippers. I was build or destroy years old before I saw the hair of the sisters in my Ole Earth’s Training Unit. My Ole Earth was a Sister Captain and her Lieutenants, Sister Mary, Sister Alison, Sister Tanya, Sister Marsha, and Sister Iris were always watching me back then. I was under one of the MGT more than I was under my Ole Earth. She was flying back and forth to C-Medina so much, every time I saw a plane I thought she was in it. What eventually tripped me out was how I began to draw up my Ole Earth’s name in the Nation; Linda 13x. When Justice became my Enlightener, one of the first things he taught me about ‘The Father’ was that his first introduction to the Asiatic World was under the name Clarence ‘13x’. Weird things clicked in me. I felt some strange coincidence regarding them ‘13x’s. A rule in Algebra is to group like terms! I always looked at The Nation of Gods and Earths as a natural progression for me. By the true I master equal I met Justice in build understanding, all I remembered about I Self Lord and Master was; God is called Allah; I wasn’t suppose to eat pork under any circumstances, and bean pies taste good. I wasn’t excited about touching down in Power Hill to do trading. Most of the prison population in the state of Power Allah is ‘Sunnied’ up. Catz on the street of Power Hill traded in a million bow ties for a million Bin Laden beards. The Old Man had Power Hill on lock, times change, b.u.t. killahz don’t. Bow ties or Bin Laden beards, bullets still get plenty of frequent flyer 58

mileage in the city of Brotherly Love! It’s more Cowboys in Power Hill than Business Men, and in Now Why it’s more Business Men than Cowboys. I was not comfortable with taking the trip. When I told Darlene I was traveling to Power Hill, she stopped paying attention to her outfit in the mirror and gave me this look. I should have known right there to call the trip off.


Build or Destroy Monday me and True Queen met to deal with some God degree. Darlene gave me a grand out of the safe to take True Queen shopping. We met in mid town. After we hugged she held both of my hands, looked at my fingernails, and pulled my lower eye lid to look at the whites of my eyes. Then she told me to stick out my tongue and while holding my wrist she took my pulse. I looked at her in complete bewilderment for at least a minute. “High blood pressure will kill you within power years.” I didn’t buy her a stitch of clothes that day, she didn’t want any. Instead she took me to this health food store in the Village and picked out wisdom add two worth of herbs, vitamins, supplements, and some detox Math that cleanses ya physical. After that, she went into her bag and gave me all this literature on what the stuff she picked out did for my physical. As she explained all the Holistic Science to me I realized even more how Peace an Earth Distilled Rain actually was. When we left the store, True Queen picked out this vegan restaurant for us to eat at. She was such a mature young woman. “So where are you at in your Lessons?” I asked her, as we sat down at our table and looked over our menus. “After Actuals and Solars I’ll be done!” she said, with a proud grin. “Actuals and Solars?! You go girl!” I said, giving her a high five like a Coach. “I memorized the first build degrees then went straight to the wisdom build; ‘What was Yacub’s first Rules and Regulations including all Laws enforced.. .’ When I had that and ‘What Makes Rain, Hail, Snow and Earthquakes?’ everything else came 60

easy. That’s what my Ole Earth told me to do. She said that’s how Born Mecca taught her” she explained. “What about Divine?” I asked. “He knowledged one twenty about wisdom years ago, when he was knowledge power. All of the letters you wrote our Ole Earth while you were…. ‘away’.... really inspired us to study harder. Our Ole Earth always used to tell us how sharp you are. Divine got a full academic scholarship in Math to Columbia!” she burst out. Wow! I thought, Distilled Rain told me Divine was doing good in School b.u.t. I didn’t knowledge it was to the extent of being offered a free ride at a true cipher power Colored Man’s University! Nothing can make you realize just how much time you have lost like seeds growing up. For some reason I thought Divine was still in the born grade. For power years I’ve been thinking he just started High School, it never occurred to me that he graduated this past Just you now equality. Thoughts like that bring home the actual reality that I have been a horrible Father of Civilization. “Why did you stop writing?” she asked me with an inquisitive look on her face. I didn’t wanna make knowledge born to my young moon that me and about fiddy other grown Black Men were trying to kill each other in the Injustice over the religious issue of Allah being a Man or a Spirit. I didn’t answer her and just stared at the people walking pass the window. I was in the hole for born months after the war with the Sunnis. The Warden put pressure on both sides to snitch. He wanted to know who was responsible for the murder of the two Gods and two Sunnis. That’s when the letters to Distilled Rain stopped. “Let’s change the current of air we in Queen. When do you Graduate?” 61

“Next Just you now equality!” she said, with an animate arm gesture as if she were dancing. True Queen has been a happy seed since her first day on the Planet Earth. She had and still has the cutest smile. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve to even look at it. True Queen had to get professional counseling after I shot Mushandi. She came in the room when that situation went down, and she saw her Ole Earth screaming, covered with Mushandi’s blood. She had nightmares for a year afterward. “What are you going to study when you go to College?” I asked her. “Child Psychology. When I read the paper you wrote on Psychological Properties as they relate to one twenty is when I decided to study Psychology” she answered. “Your Ole Earth let ya’ll read that?” I asked in amazement. “I always keep it with me” she said, reaching in her book bag and pulling out a binder. “This is a binder of all your letters to Mama, Divine, and me. All your papers that you wrote for School, your Math Theories, your ideals... Everything besides your love letters. Mama still has them. They’re hid somewhere” she said with a smile, while turning the pages of the binder. “Cee Daddy?” she said, as she handed me the letter. Freud VS. Fard -Measurements of Psychological PropertiesThe Ego, Super Ego and Id are nothing in comparison to the characters that knowledge wisdom cipher uses to describe the Original Man’s thought process. Freud is within his academic and scientific rights to speak on behalf of Colored People b.u.t. is out of his intellectual depth when ascribing his theoretical definitions of psychological entities, and thrusting them on the entire human family. Original People think on a completely different level than Colored People as indicated by the understanding wisdom degree 62

in the knowledge to culture cipher. The difference between these two psychological dynamics is as vast and foreign to one another as Albert Einstein and Miles Davis locked in a room together. They would both stand there quiet, looking at one another as if the other were crazy. Miles would think to himself, “Who is this honky?”, and Einstein would know he was in the presence of God. Miles was playing the equations that were driving Einstein crazy. Black psychology is artistic, Fard proved this with the graffitied hieroglyphics he painted of the Original Man’s glorious Asiatic past. Original People pull their blackness from the blackness of space. This blackness possesses black intelligence and Omnipotent Consciousness. The Color Man’s thought process is nothing in comparison to the thought of the Original Man. Freud had a ‘thing’ for his Mother and subconsciously thought of the Black Man’s penis when sucking on a cigar. This was his subconscious manifestation of the memory of his black father; The Scientist Yacub. Fard’s simple statement that, ‘His Uncle likes the devil because the devil gives him nothing’, was paramount and extremely profound. This phrase established a new dynamic and psychological context for Original People. You can’t chart a “Slave Mentality” and “Slave Master Mentality” on the same graph, and expect the generalities of your findings to be accurate. Freud is audaciously arrogant to apply his paradigm of the world to Original People. People who live life with a completely different world view. These Original People were stolen, and made to live amongst ‘Wild Beast’ like institutions. Institutions established in the Colored Man’s distorted view of Freedom, Justice and Equality. The Nurse in a Colored Government and other peripheral institutions, keep Original People blind to themselves and disconnected from their own internal divinity. All Original People have a prescribed talent written in their DNA. However, the nurse’s ‘pin’ has succeeded in laying waste to this internal landscape of spiritualized useful land. The weakness and 63

wickedness of the Colored Man’s insecurity is cornerstoned on divine I size alone, and his lack there of, showing and proving that six ounces of grafted brain is petty. My Uncle likes the devil because he has become accustomed to the pettiness of nothingness. -EXAMPLEMiles Davis loved the soul, and through his horn became one with the soul. Einstein and friends witnessed the soul, and attempted to dissect the soul itself and pondered the atomic explosion upon splitting her soul. Miles felt the beauty of the soul; danced with her, kissed her and at the end of the night made love to her, causing her to blossom and bloom. Einstein and friends raped her soul and released the hell fire therein, causing death, destruction and mayhem. Just some thoughts I had when not thinking of you. Love, your God forever ‘B’ I smiled reading the letter to myself. I wrote that kite on a day when clocks moved like molasses. I was bored and bull savior he I squaring with words. “Why you keep these letters with you?” I asked True Queen with a perplexed look on my face. “Because it’s brilliant Daddy! Actually, this letter about Psychological Properties makes Freudian Psychology self destruct and non applicable to Original People. It fundamentally says that just because he had a crush on his Mother, what gives him the academic audacity to assume everyone else does? Your example of Albert Einstein and Miles Davis brings the differences of Colored People and Original People center stage. 64

Miles and Albert.. , you’re funny Dad!’ she said, laughing in a high pitched tone. My daughter has beautiful teeth and I never took her to a single dentist appointment or a Doctor’s visit. It’s the little things. We spent the day together, and as the evening began to approach I put her in a cab. It was too late for my young Queen to be traveling back to Pelon on the train. Distilled Rain did a beautiful justice cipher born in raising her. My young moon was so sharp and refined for her physical degree. At least wisdom out of culture of my seeds will know knowledge wisdom cipher and live this culture. No thanks to me. I would like to think I played a small roll in the miracle that’s Divine and a True Queen. All praises due.


Born We had understanding bricks in the rental cee Allah rule. I was driving and Ramel was in the passenger seat snoring. We were doing the exact speed limit on I born power. We had enough weight in the whip to make the Rockefeller Laws get an erection. Power Hill number one in the country in homicides or damn near. Last I heard, they was averaging one or two bodies a day. What the hell made Ramel Self trust, non Godbody, ‘Sunnified’, Philly catz is beyond me. The first funeral I ever went to was in Power Hill and I was getting bad vibes from the trip. When we got to Power Hill, me and Ramel pulled over and switched seats, as he started playing telephone tag with the dude who was suppose to buy the bricks. The dude was stalling and that was the first clue something wasn’t right and exact. Whenever someone is stalling, that means somebody got a filthy affair up they sleeve. We were driving around Power Hill with Now Why tags and I didn’t like it at all. Exchanging bricks for cream shouldn’t take more than power minutes. We’ve been in Power Hill damn near equality hours! We should have been on our way to Victory Allah by now. Finally they connected and said they had the cream. We were parked at Broad and Diamond in Pelon near Temple. It was still daylight and relatively busy. Then outta the blue I heard somebody yell in a deep voice, “As-Salaam Alaikum Ahki!” as a white van pulls up boxing us in. There was no way we could pull off or back out. A dude with a thick Allah savior savior beard sitting passenger side of the van turned in his seat toward Ramel and unloaded a clip into the left side of Ramel’s face. A split second later his blood and brains covered the left side of my physical. Ramel fell sideways onto my lap. The dude in the white van calmly continued to unload the clip that seemed 66

like it would never run out of bullets. I felt a stinging pain across the upper left side of my forehead and a sharp whistling wind inches from my chest. A bullet hit the passenger side window causing it to explode and glass ricocheted everywhere. I opened the passenger door and fell out onto the sidewalk. I could not hear anything b.u.t. a loud “BOOM”. Apparently, somebody else shot the back of the cee Allah rule with a pump to pop open the trunk. I heard the Van doors close and the screeching of the wheels as it sped away. Ramel’s face was all over the place, as he laid slumped over in the passenger seat. I spread all my fingers and ran my hands over my body. Something went in my forearm, probably glass. A bullet grazed my forehead to the white meat, and I had a hole in my oversized basketball jersey over the numbers. No holes were in me, I was alive, bleeding from the forearm a bit, b.u.t. alive. Ramel Self returned back to essence. It was no need to shake him or call his name. Nobody could take that many head shots up close and live. Power minutes later, I was in the back of a Power Hill police cruiser being questioned by a Detective about why I was there. I couldn’t really hear him because my ears were still ringing from all the God u now fire. “What did the shooter look like!!” the Detective yelled. I told him it was a dude with a thick beard and a white teeshirt, like that would help. That’s damn near every Black Man in Power Hill now a day. The Detective let the Medics take care of my arm. They were flashing lights in my eyes because apparently the bullet grazed me so close I had a mild concussion. “Better a concussion than a hole!” I thought to myself. Because I didn’t answer many questions they thought I was in shock, b.u.t. my ears were still ringing, everything sounded muffled. Eventually, I was taken to Temple University Hospital where they removed the object in my arm. It wasn’t glass, it was a piece of Ramel’s skull lodged in my left forearm. The Chinese Intern


wanted to keep it for bio-waste. I took it outta the metal pan and he wasn’t getting it back. The God’s blood covered half my body. All I had to do was say now cipher on trading in Power Hill and he’d still be alive. Damn! The Detective came through the privacy partition as I sat on the side of the Emergency Room table. He gave me Ramel’s cell phone and said a woman named Mecca wanted to speak to me. “Be. What happened?” she asked calmly. I could tell she was hoping for the best. “He’s gone Queen” I said. “What do you mean ‘GONE’?!” she asked, with a higher octave in her voice. She knew what I meant by my silence. Then her sobs and blood curdling shrieks started touching my soul. I pressed the ‘end’ button on the cell phone. I couldn’t stand hearing Kay Mecca distillin. The Nurse on duty came in and offered me Hospital scrubs to change into b.u.t. I refused. I just laid back on the Emergency Room table crinkling the paper bed sheet waiting for Kay Mecca and Darlene to get to Power Hill. It seems like they made it to Power Hill in no time, I heard them both at the Nurse’s desk asking for me. They entered the room in a hurry, and concern was on their faces. “B what happened?!! B what happened?!! B what happened?!!” is all I heard from the hysterical Queens.


Knowledge Cipher Ramel Self’s Funeral was a Christian crying fest for his 85 family. The Undertaker was wise enough to keep the casket closed. I paid my respects to his Ole Earth and me and Darlene traveled to Mt. Morris Park in Mecca where the Gods and Earths were having a celebration of Life in memory of the God, ‘Ramel Self Allah’. Ramel was more active amongst the Gods and Earths than I was, and he was well known throughout Now Why. Ramel was a likeable, quiet God who never came off penitentiary hard. He had good sense and was good with people. During the trip to Power Hill he had me laughing when he wasn’t snoring. I asked him how he drew up the phrase, ‘Approximately three million’ and he told me that whenever he thought of the Masons he couldn’t help b.u.t. relate them to the Three Stooges. He said he didn’t even know why he drew them up to Larry, Curly and Moe, b.u.t. he did. He told me he cee’s the Masons running around the Lodge wearing aprons, slapping the savior he I square outta each other. Ramel wasn’t trying to be funny either, he had a straight face the whole true I master equal that he was building on the knowledge build in the knowledge to understand equality. He said the Worshipful Master was like Moe who lines up all his Lodge brothers and slaps the savior he I square out of ‘em, just like Mo did to Larry and Curly. We were building about that science when we switched seats in Power Hill. If I kept driving I would have probably wrecked the cee Allah rule. He had me crying laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe! Approximately born power Gods and Earths traveled to Ramel’s Life celebration. Two of his Students I never built with


like that were there. One God built about the God and the other God did a spoken word piece he’d written. “PEACE! I come in the name of ‘Master A-Rule Allah’ and when I heard my Enlightener returned back to essence I was of course devastated. Ramel Self Allah was a great Enlightener. He walked me every step of the way through one twenty. He gave me one degree at a time. He didn’t give me one to ten, he gave me one degree and then I had to go get the second, then the third and so forth. It was a tedious process and I musta spent a fortune in train fare b.u.t. it was worth every divine I master equality” he said, as Gods and Earths alike yelled out, “PEACE!!” “On top of giving me one degree at a time, he made me write down every degree as he slowly recited it to me. Ramel never finished High School b.u.t. he encouraged me to stay in School. Next Spring I will be graduating from NYU with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance” he said proudly, as Gods and Earths yelled out “PEACE TO THE GOD!!” in approval. “I wanted to work with him and get on the grind b.u.t. he told me ‘Now cipher God, keep ya butt in School!’ I will forever be eternally grateful to Ramel Self Allah. I composed a piece in honor of not only Ramel Self Allah b.u.t the entire Universal Family which he loved so dearly” the God said tearing up, while pulling out a composition notebook and clearing his throat. “I dedicate this to Allah, Justice, and the Universal Family: I cee you doing your duty to civilize. Allah is seen and heard everywhere. He’s building in College classrooms, He’s a Hustler in the roughest of hoods, He’s a Doctor, Lawyer, Scientist and Father. He is the Maker, the Owner, the Cream. He’s a Factory Worker, an Entrepreneur. He is Single. He is a Husband and Family Man. He has locks. 70

He has a tight caesar fade and he’s also balding. He wears a crown & tassel. He eats beef, chicken, turkey, and fish. He’s a vegan. God is not in a limited box, hiding in the sky or in a Lodge. God is ready for War, ready for Peace, ready to Build and ready to Destroy. Sometimes God argues with his Earth. Sometimes he is in the Peace of her embrace. God hasn’t seen his seeds in a very long time. God helps his seeds with their homework every single night. God is out of town grinding, peeping out the window for the cee cipher punks. God is in Law School learning criminal, civil and the corporate procedures of the Colored Man. God might stick up your crap game. God is lecturing at Harvard, expounding on half witted philosophers like Voltaire and Hume clarifying for rich Ivy League Colored Kids Hume’s meaning of ‘Superstition’ and ‘Enthusiasm’. God is in the Injustice, dreaming of nothing more than the expression of his Culture which is Freedom. God is in the Delivery Room holding the Earth’s hand telling her to, “Push Queen!” God went to an Interview today and didn’t get the job. God is a Single Father striving to make ends meet. God is an Artist, Musician, Painter, Writer and Poet. God is a Sculptor, sculpting the young minds of the Babies. God has a drug habit, he’s going through hard times, nakedness and out of doors. God never touches so much as an aspirin and reads the ingredients to everything he puts in his physical form. Gods on the lam, out of town under a couple of assumed names. God is paralyzed and uses a wheelchair. God can run the fifty yard dash in ten flat. God is a Wisdom Seed. God is a Knowledge Seed. 71

God is an Understanding Seed. God is a Farad lookin Culture Seed. God is tall, short, chubby, muscular and medium build, b.u.t. regardless to whom or what, Allah is God in the Earth and in the Heavens. Always has been, always will be! PEACE!!” The Universal Family yelled back a roaring, “PEACE!!” shaking the ground in Mt. Morris Park. “PEACE! I come in the divine name of ‘Lord Amar Truth Allah’. I don’t have any poems or written words, I only want to build on how Peace Ramel Self Allah was” the God started off. “The God dropped knowledge on me in cipher understanding, and what I will remember most about the God is that he seemed to be without Ego. Usually when a Newborn first get knowledge, he goes through a ‘big headed’ phase.” The crowd chuckled in agreement. “Some of us stay in that phase and never elevate past that degree. Ramel wasn’t one for showing off or showing and telling. He was a quiet God with a dry sense of humor who was strictly about Showing and Proving. I remember as a Newborn, how I couldn’t wait to build at the front of the stage of Harriet Tubman. I wanted to show off how I could recite my degrees! Y’all know how it is! We all got that need to show off when you first get one twenty on cap. Ramel’s only question to me was, ‘Why?!’ I told him, ‘Because I want to build!’ He said, ‘Build what?!’ Ramel was not big on adding on to a cipher if ya’ll was building. If you asked him how he saw that day’s Degree, you would be lucky to get a power minute build outta the God. The God told me that the key to supreme elevation was the ‘Ear’, and that if you learned to build with your ear more than your mouth, than there ain’t nothing you couldn’t do. One day he told me, ‘Every word that comes out of ya mouth you’re held responsible to make bond. If you’re not careful, the bond of the word could bind you in to writing a check ya Allah savior savior can’t cash.’ 72

One time in a cipher a God from Now Justice was building in a loud confrontational way. He was trying to get Ramel to say something or argue with him on some mundane topic like the weight of the Solar System or some petty bull savior he I square. When the God from Now Justice was done with his long winded, pseudo scientific build, it was Ramel’s turn to build. Everybody in the cipher looked at Ramel waiting for some majestic, powerful words to roll off from his mouth. Ramel asked where was the bathroom and said he had to take a savior he I square.” The crowd started laughing. “God never showed off! Never! He Showed and Proved. PEACE!!” “PEACE!!” the crowd yelled back like thunder. Before I started distillin, I walked outta the cipher to think. I saw Right Add and the Gods from Victory Allah pull up to pay their respects. Right Add and Ramel were basically running the day to day operations since me and Justice were up North. Ramel worked the city and Right Add handled all out of town distribution. Ramel and Right Add were A-Alikes, it was obvious when I saw the God that the grief current had him roped and bound in. God had sun glasses on hiding the fine mist in his eyes. “Peace Almighty! What’s the science G?!” Right Add asked. I was tired of answering that question. I didn’t care if anyone blamed me or not. I played all the events in my Mind over and over. Even though I was leery about going to Power Hill, Ramel felt he had a good read on the Philly catz. He’d been running things while me and Justice were on lock. How would I look just getting home and putting a pin in his head about his determined idea? I felt everyone was blaming me. I felt that current coming from Kay Mecca, Darlene, Right Add and everybody else. Maybe it was my own guilt. “Savior he I square got wild G” I told Right Add.


I needed to be alone, so I decided to walk around Mecca and clear my Third. Before I left, Right Add gave me a hug. Maybe they didn’t blame me, maybe they did. I couldn’t tell because the atmosphere was filled with the fine mist of grief, it was everywhere. I had to look deeper into the ‘YES’ equation. The build degree states in no uncertain terms that, ‘In fact all that above is caused by the Sun of Man.’ I’m causing all these wisdom knowledge ciphers in my midst. Maybe if I was knowlegin the wisdom of what I was feeling, Ramel Self would still be alive. The worst part is that Mathematics doesn’t have an expression for ‘Maybe’. Theorems are the closest Math gets to the neighborhood of ‘Maybe’. Conjecture’s born Theorems which are speculative at best, b.u.t. not completely Mathematical. If it was, it wouldn’t be theoretical. The knowledge degree in the knowledge to culture cipher speaks vaguely of ‘Prediction’, the culture degree builds on the Scientist ‘Prediction’ in the year one, and the wisdom culture infers that events are ‘Predicted’ before birth. I wandered around Mecca theorizing whether events in the two forty are pre-recorded or do we just unknowingly participate in what has already been predicted. Then it hit me. The Old Man once said that we can beat the Scientist’s ‘Prediction’. If all events originate from the year one of a twenty five thousand year cycle, the only action that could transform the outcome of a previously predicted event would be total self awareness at a given moment. I guess it would be similar to being asleep and realizing you’re dreaming b.u.t. in reverse: being Conscious of the fullness of reality and realizing you are the ‘Cause’ within reality itself. That awareness would probably be like having a super De ja vu. Fard and the Old Man said the Scientists multiply thought times action equaling the prescribed mile in a Man or Woman’s living circumference. I knew them Philly catz was Cowboys, b.u.t. I didn’t say now cipher to the trip. I didn’t beat the Scientist’s Prediction! It was kinda like going to Vegas and 74

blowing ten grand in a crap game. I could have called the result of that Power Hill trip like a dice roll in hindsight, b.u.t. I didn’t, and my Brother and Companion’s brains and blood ended up splattered all over me. I eventually ended up in front of Allah’s School. By that true I master equal the Memorial Service was over. As I looked at the picture of the Father in the window, I wondered if Allah knew he was going to return back that day. “Could he have avoided it?” I asked myself. “Y equal Self he could have”, b.u.t. I guess it is a matter of sticking to the Koranic script. I was tormenting myself like a gambler who bet against his first Mind. “STOP!” I had to tell myself out loud. The dead never come back to tell the living whether he lied or not. I keep letting this six sextillion sit on my Third and I’ll be in a Bellevue straight jacket. Right Add and the Gods he brought up from Victory Allah rolled up on me gazing at the picture of the Father. When they got out of the cee Allah rule, one of them handed me an ‘L’ already lit and we formed a cipher. Between looking at the picture of the Father and thinking about Ramel Self’s brains hanging out I started distillin and building at the same true I master equality. “This two forty is a Wild Beast family! It’s only appetite is for the flesh of black babies. Jungle life don’t got love for me or any other God or Earth! Musa had to put a ring of fire around him to keep devils from cannibalizing him while he was at rest. Savior he I square ain’t sweet! The Wilderness of North America got us mad other than ourselves Sun. Ain’t no love or right just plenty of hell. Everything try to make God crazy! You got to K-N-O-W that his mental power is nothing in comparison to that of the Original Man. How can brain power nothing in comparison have us falling victim to this ‘continued daily’ devil un-civilization?! Knowledge ain’t hard to do! Knowledge ain’t hard to do!


Knowledge ain’t hard to do! Is it?!” I said, finally breaking down and distillin in the form. Right Add pulled me to the side and sat me in the H2 that they traveled in. Wisely, Right Add changed the current of air. “I got a rich Colored Woman in Divine Cee that pay me to break her off some divine eye” Right Add said, taking me from tears to laughter in a swift and changeable current. “God you wild!” I said with tears in my eyes. “A Colored Woman?!” I asked in disbelief. “I throw divine eye to all the born I square cee hers in the human family of the Planet Earth Lord. God ain’t racist, we aren’t pro-black or anti-white” he said with a sarcastic grin. “God you is a Comedian! You for real Sun?!” I said laughing. “Why equal self G! The first day I met her I tried to run the numbers off her credit card!” Right Add said. “She’s a fine Colored Woman too. White trash?! Now cipher, not now a day! Dime pieces only keep the God company when the God lonely Lord. Guess what the best part is Sun?!” he asked me. “What G?” “Her husband is a Judge.” He said, with an accomplished smile on his face. “While he bangin the gavel sentencing brothers wit lottery-like numbers, I’m bangin his wife. Justice is indeed divine G! I’m trying to knock her for a unit followed by as many ciphers as I can get. Word is bond G! She already hit me off with knowledge God add three. I don’t just want my usual on consignment, I wanna buy one.” he said boastfully. “Indeed God, I’m gonna send you back to Victory Allah right Sun” I happily said, upon hearing the sound of financial good news amidst all the grief. “You into Colored Women now Lord?” I asked, still in disbelief. “I’m an E.O.E., that’s Equal Opportunity Employer Lord. I just renewed my history and resolved to stop driving myself crazy looking for ‘Sincerity’. Ain’t no love for Allah’s Mathematics no more wit these Wizs God, and ain’t no 23 million out here either. Wisdom understanding is about ‘useful land’ and all I cee is 76

quicksand Lord. These Wizs or so-called Earths, along with destroy power chicks don’t do nothing b.u.t. try to master God. Ain’t no mastering of Allah” Right Add said, passing me back the ‘L’. “God you can’t group the Queens with destroy power born I square cee hers” I said. “They all the same God!” Right yelled, while hittin his chest and coughing from the equality. “That’s emphatically Now cipher G! You can’t compare a Wiz who’s refined and civilized to some bird on the street Lord” I told him. “I got more respect for a straight up whore than I got for a whore in a headwrap, playing to God ego. They be laying up under God ‘playing like’ she Earth and MGT! They keep a nurses cap on the night stand and an emotional pin under the pillow, waiting to put it in God’s head when he go to rest, especially after the savior equality unknown” he said laughing. “The whore in a head wrap is way worst than the whore on the corner! At least I know the bird on the corner is a snake that’ll sting somebody else, b.u.t. the whore in a head wrap is a snake of the grafted type. My born degree say don’t take savior he I square on face value!” Right Add builds on Wisdoms exclusively, that’s his science. Every conversation is about the intricacies and nuances of Women. He has very entertaining insights, b.u.t. I don’t take nothing he says on face value. “So you ain’t gonna never get close to some Queen for some family type equality Lord?!” I asked him. “Close?! Close?! The closest chick to the Sun is 36 million miles away G. Don’t forget, Solar Facts got just as much understanding as any other body of Lessons. Solar Facts born the reality that people need space. These ‘lovey dovey’ Gods is funny to me Lord! Sitting there buildin a home up under a Wiz’s tit like they her seed” Right Add said, laughing and bangin on the dashboard. 77

“You act like it’s something wrong with ‘Love’ God.” He took a deep pull off the treez. “I don’t give a damn about no ‘Love’ G. The highest elevation of love is ‘Right’, that’s why my attribute is ‘Right’ Add and not ‘Love’ Add. Love don’t add nothing b.u.t. ‘Hell’. You’ve been in love before ain’t you? It’s hell ain’t it? Love is the emotion God blessed the female with. Men fall in love and the next thing you know he directing traffic on a hundred and twenty fifth street in his underwear. While he’s makin an Allah savior savior outta himself, the chick in Court snitching to the Judge that he got one last pair of underwear left that Child Support ain’t take yet! Anything that falls eventually hits the ground and that includes ‘Love’ God.” “What about a Queen that build strong with the Math? Surely you can cee they got our back?” I said, in defense of the good Earth’s I know. “Build strong? I don’t give a damn about no ‘so-called’ Queen quoting one twenty! Pay any Hollywood Actress and she can memorize them Lessons and play the role G! Sincerity can’t be measured by what a Wiz or anybody can quote. Knowledge culture degree tell you they ain’t nuffin b.u.t. a bunch of Goddamn Actresses anyway. That’s why you got to teach them chicks ‘how to act’ at Home and when they leave the kingdom, Abroad! Only thing impress me that come out a chick mouth is my divine eye. Word is bond” he said, doubling over with laughter. “So you saying you don’t believe in the ‘Sincerity’ of a Black Woman loving Allah’s Math?! Now cipher God, you traveling in the wrong direction on that Math G.” “You ever been to one of them crazy Allah savior savior Pentecostal Churches?! Well they Super Jesus Churches G. You ever been to a ‘Super Jesus’ Church?!” he asked me. “Now cipher. God what kinda Math they be dealin wit?” I asked him.


“Follow what I’m saying God” he said rolling another ‘L’. “Since I been down in Victory Allah, me and the God IExact be rolling up in Pentecostal Churches sometimes. We get blazed out about an hour before Church and go do the knowledge. Lord when you go in a ‘Super Jesus’ Church stimulated it will take your Third to another level G! It seem like they go into a voodoo trance Sun” he said smiling, and emptying the blunt guts outta the driver’s side window. “God we was building on ‘Sincerity’, what Pentecostal or ‘Super Jesus’ Churches -as you call them- got to do with a Queen sincerely loving Allah’s Math?” I asked him, still not drawing up the Math he was building on. “Yacub was crazy, a determined man is mad crazy Sun. He made his followers believe a spook God was above they head. Now when those Pentecostal Wizs say they love Jesus, they sincere God! If Jesus told them Wizs to jump off a cliff they wouldn’t think twice! All you would hear is ‘Geronimo! Geronimo! Geronimo!’ They got more belief in Jesus’ Mathematics than any of these God groupies got for Allah’s Mathematics and Jesus died two thousand years ago!” Right Add said ranting and raving. “God I can hardly believe that! My young moon ‘True Queen’ is a true Queen indeed God. She lives and breathes these Mathematics” I said proudly. “That’s a different case scenario entirely God. Your young moon been around this Math since she came outta the womb. She ain’t got no 85 in her blood. I’m talking about them hookers that drag they Allah savior savior up in Allah’s School fresh from off the hoe stroll! It take a Wiz equality years to take her inner whore into heel G.” “God you smoke too much equality! Where do you be comin up with savior he I square like that?!” I said, shaking my head and laughing. “Now cipher! Now cipher! Peep the born degree in the knowledge to knowledge culture. We make the devil study from understanding power to power cipher years and they only trying to learn to do like who?! You! They got equality ounces of brain, 79

b.u.t. they noodle grafted. Her brain original and she dealing with equality and that ain’t grafted? From a negative six to a positive six is a knowledge wisdom degree variance. What percentage of power cipher is knowledge wisdom?” “I don’t know God! What?” I asked, obliging the God to break it down. “Equality years!” he said. “If she sincerely love Allah’s Mathematics each and everyday and in each and every way for equality years straight.., she will be successful in taking her inner whore off her Planet!” he said, like a Mad Scientist drinking a beaker filled with boiling green fluid. “All I know is, I want a twenty of whatever you and the Gods from Victory Allah be smoking!!” I said laughing.


Knowledge Knowledge Darlene hit the passenger side window making me and Right Add jump. She was rambling in pure patois. When she does this, a major problem is in the midst. “Peace.” I said, as the window descended automatically. “Com ‘elp me wit ‘er!” she said hysterically. “Mecca flippin out!” I wasn’t high enough to deal with this! Mecca was sprawled out on the ground across the street from Harriet Tubman crying for Ramel. Kay Mecca wasn’t a petite Earth either. Ramel loved plus size Wisdoms. He used to say, “She ain’t Earth unless you can feel all twenty one ciphers Lord!” One time he drove me and Right Add all the way to Master Divine because they had an underground strip club with only plus size Wizs. I have never seen nothing like it in my whole Koran. Earthquakes is caused by the Sun of Man experimenting with high explosives and those big chicks dancing. I ain’t get near the stage. I ain’t trust the poles them Wizs was rotating on b.u.t. Ramel had a ball. He had to have tricked off at least a ‘G’ that night. Me and Right Add sat quietly in the corner building. Ramel’s lust devil was not under heel that night and far from off his Planet. Kay Mecca is beautiful from skin to bone. She’s full figured and she carries her weight with class. To cee her sprawled out on the ground distillin like that was heart wrenching. Some Queens were knelt beside her, trying to build with her to get her to stand up, b.u.t. she laid there detached and inconsolable. She was whispering to the ground as if the actual Earth had answers. When I came over, the Queens building with her backed away and allowed me to build with her. I sat on the ground like the cement side walk was a beach. 81

“Ramel was one of a kind Queen and he was sincere with this Math. He thought of everything so literal. One day I was watching Dirty Larry do flips from the window, waiting between fiends and the God was in tears reading the Newspaper. I had no idea why the God was crying like that, and when I asked him why was he distillin, Ramel hands me the Newspaper and told me to read the Article in the World News Section. The Article was about an earthquake that killed five thousand people in Bangladesh. I read the Article and tried to draw up what in the Article was making the God distill, b.u.t. I still ain’t draw up why he was crying. Guess what he said Queen?” “What?!” Kay Mecca asked, with tears streaming down her face. “The God was crying because he blamed himself for the earthquake that killed the people in Bangladesh. When I saw the pure sincerity in his eyes, the brotherhood & companionship he felt with our human family all over the Planet Earth, it made me look at Allah’s Mathematics in a completely new light. At that moment I realized that Ramel Self was true and living indeed Queen.” “That was Ramel!! That was Ramel!!” she said, pounding her fist on the ground with tears streaming down her face. I extended my hand, she took it, and we both got up off the ground. I’m gonna miss the God Ramel Self Allah. When we got back to Medina, Darlene got into Talk Show, Court Show mode. I knew better than to disturb her when she got into her tell lie vision current of air, so I traveled to my sun’s rest. I’ve been home understanding weeks and I’ve only ceen him wisdom times. I needed to get up on what he was up on, whatever that was, plus I ain’t know the Wiz he was dealin with. All I knew is that she was about to born my grandseed.


Cee, I’ve always felt guilty for not bornin the Math to Kendu. I tried and failed in that undertaking. Seeds is deep because they don’t cee you like strangers cee you. I cee why the Father said the babies is the ‘Understanding’, because they stand under you. They cee you when you’re having arguments with their Ole Earth, they put toothpaste and shaving cream on your face while you’re snoring on the couch, they laugh at you when their Ole Earth throws cold water on you when your taking a hot shower, and you’re just ‘Daddy’ to them. Sometimes it’s hard to kick your Asiatic glory to them, especially when their Ole Earth ain’t trying to deal with this Math. Distilled Rain was different, she was all in the Math. So when it came to raising the babies, she was on it ‘day in and day out’ like ‘Super Earth’! I never found the right angle to come at Kendu on as far as one twenty was concerned. My Honorable last name is ‘King’, so when he was born I tried to slip that ‘King Kendu’ angle in on Darlene. She wasn’t having it, b.u.t. it still came out Kendu King. She dug the name Kendu. Kendu was never the sharpest knife in the drawer when it came to the Colored Man’s Public School. He had discipline problems and hated School work. I was pissed with the Teacher for all the ‘F’s’ he used to bring to the born jewel. I knew that the School System was the Wild Beast, so I was never angry with Kendu. His report card used to look like the ‘F’ section of the Dictionary. Before Rain born Divine, Kendu was the first sun of God so it bruised my ego when the Doctors, Ministers, and Nurses tried to feed my black baby to a class for ‘learning disabilities’. The whole Public School System is the Wild Beast indeed and they was trying to eat my first born, from the Principal to the Teachers. ‘Principal’ my Allah savior savior! Are they really bornin ‘Principle’s’ to the babies? Emphatically now cipher. When Kendu punched the Principal in the eye in the build grade, me and Darlene were called to the School. Apparently Kendu was having savior equality unknown with a Wiz in a back stairwell. When the Principal caught them, he grabbed Kendu 83

harder than he wanted to be grabbed and Kendu punched the Principal in the eye. The Principal suspended Kendu until further notice. When we met with the Principal to cee when Kendu could return, he said, “His return is pending a ruling from the Board of Education”. They were trying to determine whether or not Kendu should be expelled. Me and Darlene sat in front of the Principal’s desk, looking at this black-eyed Colored Man like he was crazy. “Can I ask you a question Sir?” I said in a respectful tone. “Yes Mr. King” the old white dude responded. “Man to Man, where would you rather be, in class or in some gutz? Honestly?” I asked him, in attempt to summon up some common thread of humanity. “Guts?! Do you mean sex?! Frankly Mr. King, you should be thanking me for not pressing criminal charges against your son” he said arrogantly. My fist balled up and Darlene grabbed my arm. I felt like punching him in his other eye. Kendu ain’t like School from day one. The first day of Kindergarten he got in trouble. He went in the coat room and took all the kids pencils, crayons, and lunch boxes, then set up a trading post and sold them back to them. I tried to explain to him that he couldn’t take the kid’s stuff and sell it back to them, even though the Colored Man does it everyday. He obviously didn’t understand. He just wanted to play store. When me and Darlene took him shopping for his Kindergarten build jewel, he saw this ugly green lunch box and begged us to get it. The Young God had to have that particular lunch box. Me and Darlene thought the booger green lunch box was horrible, and we both tried to con him into choosing a different one b.u.t. in the end, we both broke down and got it for him. About a week later I was watching the Now Why and DMecca game with Ramel and the Young God taps me on the leg and says, “Daddy I don’t like my lunch box no more.”


“Why not Young God?” I said. “It’s ugly!” “Ugly?! Who told you it was ugly?!” I asked him. “Devon!” “Who is Devon?!” “He in my class” he said, with his head hung down. “Never let people control your thoughts Young God!” I made him rock that booger green lunch box all year. When first grade came, all the kids had a booger green Lunch box. 85s is funny. Now my sun was all grown up and had music equipment everywhere. He turned a spare bedroom in his apartment into a full music studio. When I walked in his kingdom, he was working at two computer workstations on some tracks for wannabe R&B Singers, Rappers, and Dance Hall Artists. He also had business cards labeled, “King Kendu: Tracks to Death for Life”. Kendu had plenty Artists and even a few of them signed to contracts. His mission was to become a mogul, and he was just waiting on some radio play and that first big hit. I was impressed! This was the black baby they tried to feed to the Wild Beast. My angel baby who was taken to a ‘learning disabilities’ class, and now he was striving to blow up! Kendu didn’t graduate High School, no G.E.D., no College Degree and no one twenty. The only degree I know Kendu has on cap right and exact is ‘Who is the Original Man?’ He knew that before he knew his a.b.c’s. I guess over the past wisdom cipher years, he said to hell with the other one hundred and nineteen degrees. He had a digital mixing board, and some recording software with seven thousand songs stored, and every wannabe ‘Next Big Rapper’ wanting him to produce a track for ‘em. He charges power cipher an hour and his number one artist right now is ‘L’ Moke, my son-in-law who used to flip on pissy mattresses is a wannabe ‘Gangsta Rapper’. Go figure.


Kendu’s apartment was nice and the true victory he had looked like a NASA space station screen. Before I got locked up, everybody had a big 52 inch truck like true victory in they living room. Now, every true victory is an inch thick. True I master equal travel faster than sound and light. I can understand how time is the Mind. My pregnant daughter-in-law Imani was reading a book at the kitchen table. “Peace Queen. I don’t mean to interrupt you b.u.t. what are you reading?” I asked politely from the living room. I figured it was probably one of them ‘he cheatin, she cheatin’ idiot under the hair dryer novels. “The 1972 Word Chess Championship game between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer in Reykjavic Iceland.” “Don’t you need a board to replay the moves?” I asked her with a perplexed look on my face. “She a Ghanja baby like me Dad. She don’t need no board. She can see all the moves in her head!” Kendu said, answering for Imani before she could pull her nose outta the born cipher cipher king. The wisdom build degree in my Third exploded. ‘What was Yacub’s first Rules and Regulations including all Laws enforced while manufacturing the devil?’ Yacub killed them black babies because the knowledge seed connects the intellect and intuition. Black germ, brown germ, black germ, brown germ, black germ, brown germ, intellect, intuition, intellect, intuition, black germ, brown germ, intellect, intuition! The understanding God degree born that ‘he all eye (I) ceeing’; Intellect, Intuition. Kendu’s Queen was reading a Grand Master level Chess Book as nonchalantly as Darlene watches Talk Shows. The seed inside my daughter-in-law is gonna be mad Peace! Omnipotent consciousness is a helluva realization, 86

particularly when it happens in the midst of egoless spontaneity. My sun and daughter-in-law were traveling in the harmony of Allah’s Mathematics completely, unbeknownst to themselves. Knowledge equality manifest the factor of ‘Otherwise known’, and this was indeed a practical example of ‘Otherwise known as civilized...’ I ended up resting over Kendu’s kingdom, and made sure to call Darlene first. As many filthy affairs I dealt wit with Distilled Rain, I made sure to never cause the slightest worry of a filthy affair in Darlene’s Third. Darlene is not only my Queen, she is a soldier indeed. She has been there after understanding prison terms. Has she messed around? Probably! I wouldn’t put it past her. I’m sure somebody was holdin that six sextillion tons while I was away. Reality the only thing that exist. B.u.t. whoever held her down when I was locked up is a memory by the true I master equal my release date rolled around. I tried not to worry about her dealing with another Man when I was locked up, if I did I would’ve gone zig zag zig. The Mind is idle in a prison house and your Third will play mad trick knowledge on you if you let it. My Third has constructed all kinds of plots, and fabricated every conceivable scenario of betrayal. Darlene travel to Victory Allah so much dropping off work that for a second I thought her and Right Add was getting it on. I still feel that way sometimes. They never look at each other when they’re in the same room with me. They act like the other is invisible when I’m amongst them. They never even say each other’s name in my presence. I actually get a kick outta the thought of them father u cee kingin and keeping me apart from their own social equality. I’d rather another angle of myself hold it down while I’m away than some dumb destroy power. My motto is: “Keep it in the Universal Family”, and Magnificent God Allah and Distilled Rain are a prime example. Right now the God Magnificent has the pleasure of dealing with the power u I use to deal with. It’s Peace though, I bless them! I don’t like these kinda unknowns though. If Darlene is or isn’t dealing with Right Add, either way, I can’t afford to care about 87

the poor part.


Knowledge Wisdom Visiting Attica to cee Justice put me in a bad head space. Human confinement is absent of beauty. The high walls, gun towers, barbed wire, buzzers and the clang of heavy doors shuttled my Third back in true I master equality. ‘The Cremators would burn the black babies whenever the Nurses would bring them’ was the degree that ran over the hot Arabian desert of my Mind. Confinement cremates the soul. Cee ciphers all have eyes steeped in sadism. What type of human being can bind someone in daily? The inmates were let into the visiting area and their swagger was thick with an ‘armor clad’ disposition. All of their eyes still familiar to me. Although I’ve never had the pleasure to experience Attica’s hospitality, the eyes of all prisoners are the same; Dead. Justice was icy, as he sat at the visiting table facing the guards who sat in the front of the room. I didn’t take his cold current personal. It’s absurd to think a Man who is caged like an animal wisdom culture hours a day would be warm and friendly. “Peace G, who’s on post in Medina?” Justice asked coldly, getting down to business. “Solar.” I answered. “He got rules and regulations under cap?” Justice asked without breaking eye contact. “Indeed Lord.” “What happened in Power Hill?” “Cowboys play in Sudan. They don’t play in Power Hill” I said, not wanting to go into a long drawn out explanation of what went down. Justice enlightened me wisdom power years ago and I will 89

always honor him as such b.u.t. I don’t owe him or anyone else an explanation. We lost understanding bricks, we still had power left. Right Add bought one and took the usual one on consignment. Business wise we have seen better days b.u.t. the cipher was far from bankrupt. Darlene kept Justice’s cee Allah savior he in a safe along with mines whenever we may have gotten locked down. She’s always held both of us down when we were in the prison house. My eyes started to wander strategically around the visiting room. Wisdoms in the visiting room looked like they were damn near going to a club. It seemed like I was the only Man who came to visit an inmate. Back in the day, Justice had this three ring binder Book of Life I used to thumb through. He had tons of those plus degrees that looked like they were typed on archaic type writers. The plus degrees had so many typographical errors I could hardly believe that ‘the N.O.I. does everything right and exact.’ I remember one degree built on Wisdoms and how they draw up to the ‘zag’ in the zig zag zig equation. It said the Black Man represented positivity and the Black Woman represented negativity, and the understanding was the neutral element in the cipher similar to an atom; Positive, Negative and Neutral charges all bornin understanding. Life can be hectic, taking you through mad zig zag zig patterns in a crazy like way. The plus degree said Wisdoms with their emotional current can take a Man off his zig and make him zag, kind of like swerving while driving; like you under the influence. I pondered over that equation like a Freshman at Cambridge, attempting to push over the chair of the Math Department. The ‘zag’, Wisdom? It was easy to cee the reality of the equation in the visiting room area. Destroy power chicks came off like strippers. The Wisdoms were in complete control. They knew where their Men were at night, and I’m sure they took a sense of pride in their false sense of control and paper thin loyalty to their incarcerated Men. These destroy power chicks had emotional swords over they heads. 90

If a Man is wise, doing one year or no ending he can manage to throw ‘woo’ back, handcuffing her with her own emotional sadism. The ‘zag’ nature in a Wiz becomes willing to believe in him. Doing time makes a Man an excellent Psychologist and a master of the spoken and written word. A Man given enough time can write a sonnet that’ll make Shakespeare rethink his career choice. I’ve witnessed imprisoned writers ink scrolls that convinced Wisdoms to fly to Hawaii! The thing is, she purchased two tickets; one for her and one for him. The chick knew damn well that dude wasn’t going to make it to the airport b.u.t. she had that much belief! The God told me the seat for him was ‘honorary’, a testament of her and his undying love for one another. Undying love my Allah savior savior! It was a waste of cream. A God I was locked up with named ‘Wise Manifest Allah’ said a Wiz is weak, that’s why Allah blessed her with the emotion of ‘Love’. Buying a seven hundred dollar ticket ain’t weak, it’s plain stupid. Love or no love! Not to say love is stupid b.u.t. it can be an all consuming emotion like the mythological fire of hell. I can cee why the Father drew ‘L’ up as Love, Hell and Right, because ‘Love’ can be a handicap if you don’t deal with it in the proper context. The eyes of prisoners know how to talk to a Wiz. His body language pleads with her to love him, to be loyal to him, to send him commissary. Unlike a ‘free’ Man who can take her or leave her, the prisoner never takes her for granted. He never bullies her, never argues with her and listens to her like a Man tuning a piano, making sure every key is in harmony. A free Man doesn’t listen, he’s free! He doesn’t have to listen. Ramel taught me the key to the ‘Earth’ is the ‘Ear’. There are two types of prisons; Gladiator Schools; and Think Tanks. Attica was a thinking Man’s prison. I’m sure it has it’s coliseum like moments filled with God forsaken debauchery, b.u.t. the layer of current it primarily rested on was cornerstoned on ‘thought’.


Justice was getting a read on me or at least trying to. The mistake of letting Ramel even think of doing trading in Power Hill raised his eye brows in regard to me being a capable Captain. Telepathy goes on in the prison house, you start reading each others thoughts; ‘..as this midst ascends higher and increases with other midsts...’ The air is recycled and re-ventilated throughout the entire prison house. When one Man inhales air, it becomes one with that Man’s thought; Prana. After he exhales it, minutes later, another Man has inhaled that same thought. I’ve been out lest than a month and my prison sensibilities weren’t completely gone, so I cut into Justice before he could dwell on what happened to Ramel any further. “I felt bull savior he I square was going to go down in Power Hill, I could have called it like a dice roll G, b.u.t. I gave Ramel the benefit of the doubt. I didn’t want to insult him by doubting his judgment Lord. It won’t happen again though G. Pardon Self!” “Peace” he said, with a sense of relief in his voice. Our whole cipher was built on taking Jerusalem back. The day Eric drove Darlene and Princess home and gave her that cream was the day the power degree became our family motto! Even if one of our righteous brothers got buried ‘there’ or fed to a State or Federal Wild Beast, our oath to one another was that we would give all we had and all within our power to take back that which was founded in Peace. When I first got released I couldn’t find the hustla in me, b.u.t. looking into the eye’s of my Enlightener put the ‘h’ back in hustla for me. Time to get it back on and poppin!


Knowledge Understanding When I hit Medina I told Darlene to empty the safe. She looked at me as if I was invading her personal space by going in the safe! So what! A boss must be a boss. Equality hours later, I counted understanding add power by myself! Not bad, b.u.t. not good either. I needed to place an order with the Dominicans, b.u.t. before I could make a call the power he one rang. It was True Queen. “PEACE GOD!” she said. “Peace Queen.” I didn’t need this call right now. I was just starting to feel my now u squares hang again. True Queen always brings my ‘lovey dovey’ side out. When I build with her I feel like I should be out shopping for teddy bears and pink bedroom sets. Two objects can’t occupy the same space, so I can’t think of moving weight and my young civilized moon at the same true I master equal. It’s Mathematically impossible. “My School is having a Science Fair and I’m going to be presenting your ‘EXIT’ Theory about God coming out of triple darkness. Please! Please! Please Daddy say you can make it!” she said, pleading over the power he one. Just like that I went from Tony Montana to America’s Favorite Dad. “INDEED QUEEN!” I said. “So you can make it?!” “Y EQUAL SELF QUEEN!” I yelled in an excited tone. “What paper on ‘EXIT’ though? I don’t remember writing a 93

paper on ‘EXIT’. “You wrote it to Mommy about knowledge cipher years ago when you were....away!” All of my prison stints run together like one big blur. It wasn’t like I kept a journal talking about all the blossoming flowers in the field. “Read it to me.” I said. I could hear pages rustling over the power he one, her clear her throat and poise herself. “-EXIT-” “‘E’ is in representation of the Energy principle. This Energy principle has two distinct qualities; Potential: and Actualized. The first Law of the Conservation of energy establishes that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Western Physicists do not suggest that this energy could in fact be intelligence in and of ‘itself’. Ancient Asiatic thought has no problem addressing this energy as God or Omnipotent Black Consciousness. It should be understood that the initial coagulation of this conscious energetic force had and has the innate need to express itself infinitely, or as World Religion coins it ‘Be’ or ‘Being’. ‘X’ is a compelling idea, composed of two inverted lines. These two lines represent what Physicists defined as ‘String Theory’. String Theory is responsible for the synthesis of Quantum Physics and General Relativity Theories. These strings are singular in dimension and vibrational in essence. Western Physicists have attempted to establish a multiplicity of space time dimensions for these strings, yet it’s a string, it only needs one. The vibrational string starts out open ended forming a loop to born a cipher. When these strings unite in an inverted ‘X’, culture dimensions are established that violently loop forming a Cipher (360 = understanding the equality of the cipher). Elijah Muhammad describes this as Allah going to war with darkness. 94

The knowledge culture degree builds on the science of how to ‘sew’. These strings literally thread the needle to form the first atom, simultaneously establishing time and space. Western Scientists continue to do hand stands debating on five theories of M-theory. Omnipotent Black Consciousness knowledged itself by knitting itself together in the nothingness of triple darkness (absence of Sun, Moon, and Stars). In this murky quantum fog of weak nuclear and strong nuclear forces, gravitational and electromagnetic forces merged into culture dimensions providing no indication of extra dimensions. Thus showing and proving culture dimensions as the real context of true I master equal, though other dimensions exist. Extra dimensions exist within the context of the initial culture dimensions. ‘I’ is self realization, a mental place of consciousness that is not separated from it’s central Origin. In Ancient Khemet, Atum is said to have had intercourse with his Wisdom in order to bring forth the Neteru; Shu and Tefnu. Whether you look at it from a religious or scientific point of view, the fact remains that this initial potential energy actualized into what we define as living breathing Koran. We are our origin! Once we know this, the reality of I-Self-Lord and Master is born. ‘T’ is Truth without opposition. A lie is not the opposite of the Truth it is only an attempt to block that which is. Truth is a universal phenomenon in that it coordinates on the four squares of true I master equal. It should be understood as the fundamental prescribed law of the Universal Self bornin the Atom or Adam. The first electron broke the first layer of darkness eventually causing what Scientist call ‘The Big Bang’ or what Religious Scholars would define as God’s statement “Let there be light”. Truth is established on culture dimensional squares, with each square borning and manifesting a cipher. The Truth that we live within culture squares allows energetic Omnipotent Consciousness to reside in the culture dimensional physical reality. The highest form of the expression is the Black Man who possess the indelible ink of Melanin from balls to bone. This ink was taken from the triple darkness of space before time was time. Religious and Political entities have attempted to block 95

this ‘EXIT’ of expression and the humanization of divinity. This is achieved through control of the general public’s awareness, by detaching them from their internal divine source and putting it above their head. Thus the human spectrum of consciousness remains 5%, 10% and 85%...” she read. “Do you want me to keep on?” she asked. “Now cipher Queen, that’s peace.” “Do you remember writing it?!” she asked. “I remember the concepts Queen b.u.t. I wrote that paper a long time ago.” “Mr. Gillis, my Science Teacher, entered my version of your paper in the ‘Theory’ portion of the Science Fair. Divine and Magnificent put together a Power-Point presentation with all kinds of graphics and audio interludes. Divine made a computer generated image of a Black Man reaching his arm out of darkness. Daddy you’re gonna love it!” “That’s Peace Queen, I can’t wait to cee it, I truly can’t wait!” “It’s the largest Science Fair in Now Why State for High School students and it’s at Master Square Garden, next Sunday!” After she gave me all the info I did something completely outta my Koran. I went and purchased a suit and shoes. As the Colored Man measured the width of my back and the length of my leg, I admired my reflection in the mirror. For the first time in my life I felt Presidential, word is bond! Be God Allah for President! My feet ain’t been in nothing b.u.t. blonde construct treez since way back and I got the bunions to show and prove it. When I slid my feet in them expensive conservative black shoes, I started cheesing. Everything was Presidential, no loud pimp or preacher current was manifesting from my build jewel either. The whole ‘get up’ was Corporate Lawyer certified. Savior he I square..., Magnificent better handcuff Distilled Rain because she might get drawn up! Word is bond!


The day of the Science Fair Darlene couldn’t believe how good I looked. She got her digital camera out and kept taking reflections. She also took power he one reflections and sent them to everyone she knows. I been locked up understanding times and the last thing an excon do is blush, b.u.t. Darlene made so much of a fuss, I couldn’t help b.u.t. blush. She grabbed me by my red tie, pulled me into the bathroom, and put that ‘beast life’ on me. After about knowledge power minutes I came out the bathroom with a smile on my face and not a wrinkle in my suit. I took the ‘burban, stopped to purchase some flowers and drove to Master Truth Garden. The Fair wasn’t held in the Arena, it was in another hall for smaller events. I scanned the room. It was crowded and mad seeds, parents and teachers mingled together. It was approximately power add three people in the place, it was packed. I was drawn to the booths of the seeds where they explained to onlookers and judges the nature of their Science Project. This one Colored boy, Samuel Romanowski had a project called ‘Lasers -N- Stuff’. The kid was real short, and had glasses with freckles. He had the whole nerd vibe going on perfectly. I asked him what his project was about and everything was Peace until the boy pulled out a laser God u now and pointed it at me! “Oh savior he I square! What the father u cee king is that?!” I said, jumping back. The God u now looked like something out of a Science Fiction Movie. His little big headed All savior savior laughed when he saw me jump. I knew this little mother father u cee kinga’ was the great, great, great, 6000 years worth of ‘greats’ grandson of Yacub. “What it do?!” I asked him. “It’s a laser gun.” he said nonchalantly, like it was nothing more than a bowl of cereal. “I made it in my garage. I concentrated the power of over a hundred light bulbs in this 97

titanium torch, used a couple of magnets to help me control the settings, glass for refraction and wallah!” “So what it do?!” he asked me, mocking my grammer. He turned the barrel of the titanium pipe and aimed at an innocent looking teddy bear. I done shot people before b.u.t. this teddy bear ain’t did nothin to nobody. The boy clicked the switch and a beam of read light hit the bear causing it to catch on fire. His father, a bigger version of his son, had a fire extinguisher on standby. “Goddamn shorty, the Government know you packing that type of heat?!” I said. In a few years he’d probably be at M.I.T., helping to design better cluster bombs and smart weapons for the Military. This other Colored Girl had a robot that she controlled by voice command. I know she ain’t make it, she was only knowledge wisdom. It was easy to cee that her proud Poppa was the nerd responsible for the project. He was probably some Engineer for some Robotics company in Now Justice. I couldn’t find True Queen and I was starting to feel out of place walking around with flowers looking like a Corporate Lawyer. The other parents were dressed ‘white people weekend’ casual. True Queen’s Presentation was in a smaller room that had ‘Theory’ on the outside of the double doors. When I opened the door a Colored Girl named ‘Maggie Gillium’, was doing a Power-Point Presentation building on the Rain Forest. She was only knowledge culture b.u.t. extremely intelligent. She spoke on our relationship to the Earth and how if we continue to destroy the Rain Forest at the present rate, we will not only harm the environment b.u.t. undermine our ability to find potential cures for diseases such as Cancer, Aids, etc. . At the conclusion of her Presentation, the lights in the small Auditorium came on and that’s when me and Distilled caught eyes. I could cee 98

Magnificent and Divine at the corner of the stage helping True Queen set up her Presentation. Distilled Rain got up from her chair and made a b-line toward my direction. Her steps were strong, firm and deliberate. She was still gorgeous b.u.t. now the meanness that comes with true I master equal was etched in her face. It makes no sense when you’re not afraid to go into battle with shanks flying b.u.t. the very sight of a Woman scorned can make the butterflies in your gut flutter like Springtime. She wasn’t walking toward me, she was marching. Her steps possessed the cadence of a Marine in boot camp. True I master equal and bitterness are as ugly as black and white footage of Hitler’s hate filled rants from a podium. “I have a restraining order against you. I want you out!” she said, with solid ice in her voice. “A Restraining Order?!” I asked with shock in my voice. She unfolded a piece of paper, put it in my face, gave me less than knowledge cipher seconds to look at it and promptly folded the document back up and placed it in her crocheted handbag. I stood there looking like a fool, with a monkey suit on, holding two dozen roses. “After you shot Mushandi in front of my seeds, I obtained the Order! When you were released, I had it reinstated. Please leave before I call the cee ciphers!” I don’t he I square Wizs b.u.t. I felt like smacking the savior he I square outta her! This was a cold blooded ‘Nurse’ move she was undertaking. “So you telling me you won’t let me watch my child do something constructive?!” I asked, still in disbelief. “It’s too late to play Daddy ‘B’. Magnificent God Allah has 99

been a thousand times better as a Father to True and Divine than you could eva be! I just found out last week you took her to lunch and presently I am seeking a Court Order restricting you from having any contact with her. She went to lunch with you without my permission! You’re a drug dealer, an ex-con, a violent offender and your knowledge power add three behind in Child Support. Divine has no interest in a relationship with you and if you want to see True Queen, you’re going to have to wait wisdom years when she’s knowledge build. Now leave!” I looked up and saw Divine hooking up some type of chord to a computer and when he caught my eye he turned away with a look of disgust in his face. I could cee True Queen buzzing back stage, evidently excited that I was there to cee her presentation. “Can you at least give her the flowers?!” I asked, inhaling and exhaling hot air through my flaring nostrils like a bull! “EMPHATICALLY NOW CIPHER! You take them flowers and put them on Ramel’s grave!” she said, with venom in her voice, in an effort to put the knife into my heart an inch deeper. I put the flowers in an empty seat and left before I did something I would regret. I was dizzy with anger as I passed all the other proud parents supporting their seeds. The transformation of love into hatred is like watching a flower wilt. I didn’t start up the ‘burban, I just sat in the driver’s seat boiling with anger. Driving was impossible given my Mindset at the true I master equal! The so-called free world was twice as diabolical than the prison house. The so-called free world attempts to strangle your relationships to what you love. I had more respect for Mystery God worshipping Sunnis trying to cut my throat than that born I square cee her sticking pins in my babies heads! Earth- my Allah savior savior! She was a Registered ‘Nurse’ disguised in a headwrap! It took wisdom cipher minutes before I turned the key and pulled off. 100

The outside was worst than prison, it was like I couldn’t get my feet on the ground. I was being blind sided by so many unknowns in such a short amount of true I master equal, it was like I was on the bumper cars at a Carnival. When I bought the suit something deep in me, something buried there dreamed, wished, fantasized, and hoped that maybe Distilled Rain had a tinge of love for me still. There is no Mystery God!


Knowledge Culture It was a full house. Kay Mecca and Elevated Refinement came through after Civilization Class to play dominos. Imani and Kendu were staying the night because Kendu didn’t pay his enormous electric bill. All that production and recording equipment got his electric bill looking like a solar fact. Princess and Dirty Larry came by to free load off the ox tails that Darlene cooked. Elevated Refinement attempted to build with Darlene on Vegetarianism b.u.t. Darlene wasn’t trying to hear none of that Vegetarian Math. Imani was fussing with Kendu and Princess and Dirty Larry had the true victory up so loud I thought my unborn grand baby would be deaf. The noise of family and friends was soothing to the soul, it helped me pull out the pin that Distilled Rain put in my Third earlier that day. Nothing heals like the music of family. The doorbell rang, Kendu answered it and it was the God Magnificent, Divine and True Queen. I would have never guessed that it was them at my door. Darlene got up from playing dominos and moved to the living room to give Divine and True Queen a hug, then she started in with the ‘Ya’ll done got so big’ routine. Last time she saw them they were toddlers. She’s seen reflections over the years b.u.t. the last time she saw them physically they were in pampers. When me and Distilled Rain were together I swore off Darlene, b.u.t. I would still bring Divine and True Queen by to play with Kendu and Princess. That lasted for about a month. Kendu and Princess were quite a few years older, so their world of toys and cartoons was much more vast than the toddler world of Divine and True Queen. Kendu and Princess knew they had a half brother and half sister, b.u.t. if they were to cee them on the street they would walk right pass one another. Magnificent introduced himself to 102

Darlene, Kay Mecca and Elevated Refinement. He asked if it was a place that me and him could build. Before I got up, Elevated Refinement grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, “Ask Magnificent if he want to add me on” she said, causing her and Kay Mecca to giggle like girls in training. “Queen you crazy” I remarked, with a laugh and a smirk. As I walked through the living room I gave True Queen a hug and Divine dap. Dap is all I get, so I got to take what I can get at this point. Me and Magnificent stepped out into the Medina night. “God I told Distilled Rain that-that was some foul savior he I square she pulled today at the Science Fair! When the lights came on after her presentation, True Queen was crushed when she didn’t cee you in the audience. I’ve only had knowledge of self equality years and since Distilled Rain has had knowledge alot longer than me, she always striving to bomb my advice. It’s like I got to work alot harder to show and prove to her G. When she told me what she did, I spoke the truth on the square that wrong is wrong. Flat out! I don’t care how long she’s had knowledge, she can’t stop God from supporting his seeds! We came through ya born jewel because True Queen wants to do her presentation for you right now. Me and Divine brought the laptop and it’ll take about knowledge cipher minutes to set up. She really wants to do it for you God, is that peace with you G.?” “Indeed God, that’s Peace!” I answered. “I’m not striving to impose upon your universe God, b.u.t. I think Divine needs to build with you too. He been goin through alot and I ain’t the said person of that ability to add on with him.” “That’s Peace G.” I said. I tapped on the screen door. Kendu screamed, “Yeah!” “Send Divine out here!” I yelled back. “I’m gonna go start settin up the Queen’s presentation Lord” 103

Magnificent said, going in the kingdom as Divine stepped out. Divine sat on the top stoop while I stood on the side walk. It was uncomfortable and I really didn’t know what to say, so I asked him how he saw Today’s Mathematics. “Knowledge Born” he said with his chin in his palm. He was fidgeting as if something else was irritating him. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked calmly. “Indeed God.” I answered. “How do you cee the Mathematics for the past power years, understanding months and knowledge understanding days?!” he asked, cutting me with his words. “You want me to say I’m sorry G? Is that what you want to hear God? Well I’m sorry!” I said, in an attempt to cut short the guilt trip he was trying to send me on. “Tell True Queen you’re sorry, don’t tell me!” he shot back. “What do you think happens to a knowledge knowledge year old girl when she hears a God u now go off in our Ole Earth’s bedroom?! What do you think happens when she walks in and cee’s our Ole Earth covered in blood, laying next to a naked Black Man who looks like he went back to essence?! What do you think happens ‘Father’?!” he asked rhetorically, with venom in his voice like Rain’s. “I don’t know. What happens Divine?” “She couldn’t sleep! Did you know that?! When she did manage to fall asleep she’d have nightmares and wake up in cold sweats. Did you know that?! For a whole year she was afraid to be away from our Ole Earth, pouting & crying anytime she went near the front door. Did you know that?! If our Ole Earth was late getting home, she would ask me if I thought she got killed on the way home! She psychologically regressed from a knowledge knowledge year old back into a seed that was culture year’s old! She started wetting the bed, sucking her thumb, and acting like a toddler. Finally it got to the point where it was obvious she needed professional help. Our Ole Earth got her a Child Psychiatrist, Dr. Francine 104

Kitchens in Mecca. It took close to a year before we started to cee any kind of improvement, and almost wisdom cipher months for her behavior to return back to normal. When she did start acting normal again she became fascinated with your letters, papers and the builds you sent from the Injustice. She started blaming our Ole Earth because she had another Man in the bed, and in her Mind you became the victim. She doesn’t even know how you use to run around from strip club to strip club, with this Wiz and that Wiz, and how you never came home at night. She doesn’t even know you hustle destroy rules! She thinks people just give you money because you’re smart. She just about got one twenty on cap now, why don’t you go give her the understanding of the knowledge power degree in the one to forties ‘G’?” he said, with anger and sarcasm in his voice. “Tell her what the phrase ‘blood sucker of the poor’ truly means. And to answer your question regarding how I cee Today’s Degree; ‘If a Civilized Person does not perform his duty what must be done?’ I’m sure my Father, the Great Mathematician ‘Be God Allah’ knows the answer. Ezekiel 3:18 and St. Luke 12:47. Think about it!” he said, stopping cold after he made his point. It was obvious that my sun was not only a genius, b.u.t. a smart Allah savior savior of the highest order. I had to draw up old Koran. I put my ego down, accepted my sun’s bomb, and didn’t comeback with any excuses to justify my behavior. The truth belong to the youth. He was right and exact. “Sun you’re absolutely right and exact, and I beg your pardon Almighty! Can I ask you a question?” “What?!” “Do you love me or do you hate me?” I asked him, point blank. At that moment Magnificent came to the screen door and said True Queen is ready whenever we were. “Peace God!” I said, and God vanished back into the kingdom.


“Do you love me or hate me?!” I said, redirecting my attention back to Divine. He had both of hands in his face and his body started heaving. His head dropped as his shoulders rose up and down rhythmically to the harmony of his own muffled sobs. I pulled my sun up from the steps and hugged him. “I’m sorry for the pain I caused you, True Queen, and your Ole Earth! I love you! You’re my understanding and I know my behavior has been less than right and exact throughout the years. It’s your duty to preserve the best part for yourself, and you’ve ceen in me what not to do when you have seeds. Learn from my miscalculations to calculate what’s right and exact Lord. Living Mathematics don’t come with scrap paper or erasers G. I want you to understand that in the problems I did not solve correctly, I never stopped loving my seeds! When I was in the Injustice I told myself that I was gonna give all I have and within my power to get my universe back together! Do you love me?!” I asked him again, with tears starting to roll down my face. My sun let go of all the fire of his anger, extinguishing it with the water from his distilled tears. “Y equal Self Dad. I love you!” he said, crying in my arms. He wiped his eyes with his shirt, I wiped the fine mist from my eye’s, and we went in the born jewel so True Queen could start her presentation. This was truly the most difficult build I ever had to manifest, and it was long overdue. I’ve often heard Gods say, “God don’t deal with emotion, he rises above it” b.u.t. in order to rise above and bring closure to Koran emotionally, we gotta deal with it! If not, we remain emotionally roped and bound by stress and anxiety; currents that’ll kill us quicker than those who’ve learned to deal with these emotions.


“‘How did it all begin?’ is a question that everyone has asked in their lives at one time or another. All Religion in some form or fashion has a Cosmology. Judea-Christian Tenants all subscribe to the idea that an ‘Omnipotent Being’ literally turned on a light switch” she said, as the Power-Point graphics popped up on the wall behind her. She stepped to the side and began to control the graphics with the remote control pointer in her hand. “The religion of Islam followed suit with the Prophet Muhammad’s declaration that Allah said, ‘Kun’ or ‘be’. Interestingly enough, the three great Monotheistic Religions have a very similar account of the Universe’s origin. A Physicist in the early 20th Century established that ‘energy is neither created nor destroyed’. This Law is found in the first Law of Conservation. With this being said, it can be concluded that Religion and Science only differ because they choose to differ. B.u.t. what they both can agree on is that something did in fact happen in what both would define as a beginning.” After she said the word ‘Beginning’, an Old Blues tune played through the laptop’s speakers, underscoring the visual part of her presentation. The song was reminiscent of ‘New Beginnings’. “How did it all begin?” she asked again. As the words left her mouth, a lighting bolt was graphically superimposed on the wall along with a thunderous “BOOM’ that made all of us jump. “Indeed Queen! Build!” Elevated Refinement said, cheering her on. “Where were we then? Our bodies are matter-matter is energy, so where were ‘We’? Most Physicists expel God out of the beginning and Religious Scholars reject Scientific rationale 107

as disbelief and lack of faith. It should be noted that ‘Western Man’” she paused briefly, and with her girlish smile she whispered and said, “Ya’ll know I mean the White Man when I say ‘Western’ right?” then she winked making us laugh. “Western Man in both his Scientific and Religious arrogance suffers from a short sightedness that limits his ability to unite the Religious and Scientific ideas in a common thread. Is it no wonder that Physicists search high and low for a Unified Field Theory, a Theory which has been billed as the ‘Holy Grail’ of Quantum Mechanics, while all Religions await the arrival of some sort of ‘Messianic’ figure?” She stopped and removed her headwrap unveiling long gorgeous locks. “If we interject an egoless ‘Omnipotent Intelligence’ within the Physicists equation, we conclude that universal energetic and material creation is tied inextricably to a Supreme Creator. A Creator, who has in fact, come to live within the parameters of his own Creation? Religion falters in two areas: the egotistical propagation that they’re the sole benefactors of ‘Truth’, which results in massive closed mindedness. A Religion detaches the human family from the God given right to be in full communication with God at all times without the need for intercession. A brilliant obscure Mathematician named Clarence Smith, also known as ‘The Father; Allah’, established a profound ideal linking both quantitative and qualitative values regarding numerical whole numbers. In that idea, he has defined ‘one’ as ‘Knowledge’. This idea of linking quantitative and qualitative values and assigning them as whole numbers brings us back to the Scientific and Religious ideal of an original naked ‘Singularity’, proposing that Religious ideas regarding God are beyond a shadow of a doubt linked to an Intelligent Creator. This is more than just a pseudo scientific ideal because it finds itself in sound, credible, ancient company. The Khemetians established stories that could easily parallel a scientific event. Not only does 108

the story confirm the scientific explanation of the event, b.u.t. it simplifies it in a way that a child could comprehend. The Great God Atum was in darkness and could not cee himself and spit out Shu.” she paused for a moment because the lights in the kingdom flickered off and on as if a fuse was about to blow. I told her to continue and if it happened again, I’d go check the fuse box in the basement. She continued, “Is it too much to ask of ‘Western Thought’ to consider the unity of Religious and Scientific ideas with let’s say the ‘Big Bang’ and God’s declaration of ‘Let there be light’?” At that moment the light fazed in and out and Princess’ water broke right in the middle of True Queen’s presentation. Everybody in the room froze, as the water thoroughly soaked the couch cushion announcing the arrival of the newest family member. Magnificent and Divine began to pack up the computer equipment and Kay Mecca, Elevated Refinement and Darlene shifted into ‘Black Women to the rescue’ mode, screaming Captain-like orders to all the Men that were present. Me and Darlene drove Princess to the hospital, Dirty Larry drove back to their apartment to get the iconic ‘suitcase’, and Imani, Kendu and Elevated Refinement caught a ride with Kay Mecca. Even though it was getting late, Magnificent, Divine and True Queen, came to the Hospital and waited with the rest of the family. The thought of becoming a Grand Ole Dad was a new layer of current indeed. The equations in the build and born degree were booming like thunder in my Third. This was a chance for me to clean up my filthy affairs as a mediocre parent on a grand scale. At the Hospital, me and Magnificent sat next to one another building, Kendu and Divine were feeling out what it means to be 109

brothers, while Kay Mecca, Elevated Refinement, True Queen and Imani built on the science of child birth; giving Imani insights into what to expect in the very, very near future. Darlene was in the delivery room with Princess standing in for Dirty Larry until he got back to the Hospital with the expectant Mother’s traditional suitcase. “I got knowledge in Iraq in cipher wisdom.” Magnificent told me. “True indeed Lord?!” I said. “Why equal self God.” “What was that current of air like out there G?!” I asked him. “I joined the Army in 2000 before I got Knowledge of Self. I do Computer Programming and Graphic Arts and I wanted to get a Degree under my belt, and that G.I. Bill seemed perfect for me at the true I master equal. When those planes hit those buildings, the next thing I know I’m doing night patrols in Fallujah. My Platoon Sergeant was a God named Black Light Allah from Khemet. I’m originally from Now Cee and I never heard anything about the Black Man being God. The only thing I knew about was Muslims wore bowties. Every night on Patrol, the God would be building his Allah savior savior off like it was his last build, and in Fallujah, your last day is always in the back of your Third. Always God! He’d be building with White boys, Mexicans, brothers from the Midwest and the South, who like myself, never heard of the Nation of Gods and Earths before. We’d all be in the Humvee scared and Black Light would just be building, building and building. He calmed all of us down. He kept our Minds off the fact that them Iraqis wanted us dead. One night on patrol, the Humvee in front of us got hit with an RPG! It was like ceeing an explosion in a Hollywood action flick, yet it wasn’t no movie! Every Man and Woman in the Humvee in front of us got killed. We bailed out our Humvee, took cover, and was in an hour long fire fight with the Iraqis! They had us pinned down good! It was gettin’ ugly God! Black Light started to yell, ‘Allah-u-Akbar! Allah-u-Akbar! Allah-u-Akbar!’ and when the Iraqis heard him they returned the call and backed off. That very 110

night when we returned to camp, I asked the God for Lessons. Even a White boy started to get Lessons too G! From that day forward God, my whole mission changed! I needed to complete one twenty before I returned back to the essence!” he said, lifting up his pant leg. He had a titanium leg from the knee down, yet he walked normal on face value. I wouldn’t have known it if he didn’t show me. “I was on the knowledge culture degree in the knowledge to knowledge culture the night it was my turn to drive the point Humvee. Me and the White boy Civilized were doing our patrol and building and all I remember was an explosion. It was quite beautiful actually, a great big ball of orange flame, looked like Allah coming outta triple darkness. When I woke up power days later they had amputated my leg from the knee down. Civilized lost an arm. Black Light still in Iraq, he sent me the rest of my Lessons when I was learning how to walk again at Walter Reid Medical Center. I didn’t know any other Gods and Earths, so I got on line to build and that’s where I met Distilled Rain. We hooked up and I moved from Now Cee to Now Why and here I am.” “I don’t know why I thought you got knowledge from the Desert?!” I said perplexed. “I did get Knowledge in the Desert God, the real Desert!” he said laughing. Darlene came down the hall with Hospital scrubs on looking like a Doctor and screamed “PEACE!” We all stood up and moved toward her. “My Grandbaby’s name is ‘Peace Indeed’ Jenkins!” “Peace Indeed..., ‘jenkins’?!” Me and Magnificent said at the same time. “Dirty Larry last name ‘jenkins’?!” I asked. “She weighs twelve pounds three ounces, got a head full of 111

hair and the prettiest eyes!” Darlene said, with a euphoric smile on her face. “Why she name the baby ‘Peace Indeed ‘jenkins’?’!” I asked Darlene, with a confused look on my face. Princess clings to her West Indian heritage so I never really expected her to kick no NGE type of attribute down to the seed. “She said she always liked the way you said, ‘Peace’ and ‘Indeed’ B. You’ve been saying it her whole life!” Darlene explained. Dirty Larry got to the Hospital late and looking confused like typical ‘85’. Darlene had to explain to him that his daughters name was, ‘Peace Indeed’. “What’s her name?” he asked. “Peace Indeed!” Darlene answered. “OK! So what’s her name then?!” “Peace Indeed!” Darlene said again. “ALRIGHT! Since her name is so Peace indeed, what’s her name then?!” he asked Darlene again, with frustration in his voice. All the family in the waiting room screamed at Larry in unison, “PEACE INDEED!” and the Gods and Earths all said, “jenkins” with a tinge of shame.


Knowledge Power Later that week I got an invitation for dinner from Magnificent and Distilled Rain. I was surprised to say the least. My emotions were mixed; on one hand I wanted to break bread, b.u.t. on the other hand I didn’t want to stare into her beautiful, breathtaking eyes knowing that they weren’t mine to stare into any more. She belonged to another, was held by another, kissed by another, and basked in the light of another Sun now. “Who was I?” b.u.t. yesterday’s news in her past Koran. A Man’s ego is as real as the sunshine that blesses the face b.u.t. as fragile as an egg shell. To know that my light had now been eclipsed by another was a bitter pill to swallow. Thankfully, Magnificent’s Grand Ole Earth returned back. It may not sound right to say ‘I’m Thankful’ about his Grand Ole Earth goin back to essence, b.u.t. it gave me and Distilled Rain a chance to not only be civilized to one another, b.u.t. speak a little more freely than if he was in the midst. Besides, we had to resolve past Koran which had nothing to do with the God. Magnificent traveled to Now Cee for the funeral and she and I both thought it would be inappropriate to have dinner at their kingdom with him being out of town. So instead we got to together for lunch and she chose a vegetarian spot in Mid-Town. She had an apology for me for her behavior at Master Square Garden. The apology she had was between me and her. Magnificent, Divine or True Queen, didn’t have to serve as Witnesses. When I reflected inward, my inner voice told me I had a few ‘Pardon Selfs’ to offer her as well, because all the above is caused by yours truly. I was 9,000 miles from being blameless. I’ve contributed to her bitterness, her deep down dread and disgust of me. For years I have represented every negative stereotype of what the ‘NGE’ has been said to present; Drugs, Incarceration, Male Chauvinism and an overall Gangsta 113

Mentality. The older I get, the more I realize that this Nation is anything b.u.t. that! I tried to be a vegetarian once, I tried to stop hustlin once, I tried to be a faithful God to Distilled Rain once, I even tried to lead a cipher of youth in a ‘Show and Prove’ parade once. I tried to stop blazing equality once, b.u.t. out of everything I tried, the only thing I succeeded in doing was taking the ‘snorting understanding’ devil off my planet. I used to snort til my nose was bloody raw, til it felt like my heart would jump out of my chest, til I could walk around Brownsville in below cipher weather with a tank top on. Now here she was, sitting before me. I was playing with my new cell power he one -that I didn’t understand how to use yettrying not to look at her because she was as elegant, sophisticated, refined and civilized as ever! All Men kick themselves in the Allah savior savior at one point or another for the folly of their youth, for the could’ve been’s, should’ve been’s, and what almost was’! I played like I was unfazed by her stunningness, as I fidgeted with my cell and faked like I was looking at the menu, b.u.t. like any thief, I stole looks at the precision of her jawline and how aesthetically it blended to her throat. I pick pocketed glimpses of the sharp slant of her eye shape, and the angular equilibrium of her perfect cheekbones. The flawlessness of her glowing complexion almost got me caught in the act of my visual larceny. I did my best to keep from going weak in the knees at the memory of what her righteous lips and mouth use to do to me. What is a God to say when he realizes perfection has escaped his grasp? Damn! ‘One piece had Magnetic’ and at this restaurant table, that piece was not me. Her headwrap stood tall and her refinement was regal, making the third devil of lust beg and plead to grab a handfull of that ‘good hair’ just one more time and hear her say ‘Te Quero, Dios!’ As much as I stared at the menu, the only God degree that came to Mind was Distilled Rain sprawled out naked on a bed. 114

“Get it together God!” I whispered to myself in a hushed tone. “B, can you order me some Chai Tea please. I have to use the bathroom” she said, excusing herself from the table. Trick-Knowledge! Gotta be! She wanted me to look at her physical. Her skirt is awfully tight for her to be playing ‘the modest’ Earth in three forths role. My lust devil got on a bullet proof vest today, cause he ain’t dying for savior he I square! Father u cee king free transportation to Mecca, I guess I’m just gonna have to pay carfare or hitchhike. “Damn her Allah savior savior is fat!” I thought to myself, as she traveled to the Ladies room at less than a terrific speed. A cup of Chai Tea was waiting when the Queen returned. She took a sip with them gorgeous lips, making me dream that I was the glass. “I want to apologize for my behavior at the Garden she said. That wasn’t right and exact. Pardon self God” she said, raising her nose from the menu and looking me eye to eye. “That’s Peace Queen. I’d also like to apologize for all my past actions to you and the babies; not being there for the babies during critical times during their growth and development, for being in and out of prison, and especially bringing that God u now in the born jewel and shooting that brotha, knowing that the babies were in the next room. Pardon self from the bottom of my heart” I said, touching the left side of my chest. “I just..., I can’t justify any of my behavior as right and exact. I want you to know that I love my babies and I still got love for you. You did a marvelous justice cipher born raising them” I said. I felt like an inmate again, kicking all that savior he I square. Even God will say all the right things when his stomach is empty and his private soldier is standing at attention. She smelled so good that my nostrils could taste her from 115

across the table. I pulled out a yellow envelope with knowledge power add three in it and guided it across the surface of the table from my hand to her hand. “This is the back Child Support. I trust you will report it to the slave catchers” I said, settling deep into the comfort of the restaurant’s booth. “Indeed! First thing!” she said picking the envelope up and putting it in her crocheted bag. “So what you gonna do this time out? You plan to live your culture free B?” “Y equal self Queen! No more bars and shank scars for Da God. I’m retired from the stomach of the Wild Beast. Word is bond!” I told her. “So I hear you’re a Grand Ole Dad now B!” she said with a pleasant smile on her face. “‘Peace Indeed’..., jenkins” I said with an awkward smile. “Magnificent built with me about the ‘jenkins’ part!” she said laughing. A Divorced Man only thinks about the bad times b.u.t. her laughter brung back all the blessed memories of what it was like to share a Universe with her. My cell rang and it was Darlene. She was the only one who had my Math because she bought me the power he one. After a few seconds of trying to push what ever button to get the damn gadget to do what it’s suppose to do-it was Darlene, screaming hysterically in her patois. “Kendu an Larry got shot at ‘is studio an Imani wen in premarthure labar ‘ile ‘iding in de closet!!” she said, crying wildly. My face went dead. Distilled Rain recognized the look on my face and heard Darlene’s wild screams from the power he one. “I’m on my way!! I’m on my way!!” I yelled into the power 116

he. “B! What’s wrong?!” she asked, recognizing the sense of alarm. “Rain I gotta go!!” “B what happen?!” she said, as I got up to leave. “Kendu and my son-in-law got shot!” “B?! Promise me you won’t do something you’ll regret!” she said, grabbing hold of my arm. I couldn’t promise that. I know me and whoever shot my seed was gonna die, strait up! Wasn’t no ‘word is bond’ promises I could make. I was about to return somebody back. I didn’t answer her. I threw a power cipher dollar bill on the table, said “Peace!” and left Distilled Rain at the table about to distill.


Knowledge Equality There’s alot of things in life I don’t have the understanding to, b.u.t. violence is not one of them. I understand violence better than I understand love. Love is slow and something to be sustained over time. Violence is quick, immediate and deliberate. Love takes prisoners b.u.t. Violence never builds prison houses. Love begs and pleads, b.u.t. Violence asks for nothing. Pathetically, Love needs to be rewarded b.u.t. Violence scoffs at a pat on the back. Violence was the mode I was in and all I could think about was my little God’s ugly green lunch box. I was about to say, “Please God watch over my sun!” During a time of crisis that Mystery God will creep in and sting the hell outta you! In times like this I become meditative and do my best to merge with the egoless Omnipotence within self. The understanding born degree deals with the science of ‘Prayer’, and as God, I don’t take this to mean communicating with a force or entity outside of myself. I take it to mean aligning with the essential core force at the origin of who I am. It is this egoless Omnipotence within that makes every star burn, every planet twist and every rain cloud burst. I am this Force, the Force that is me, and internally transcendent of ‘ego’. I am indeed that expressed Force made manifest! It is my greatest Omnipotence that I connect to now. If my seed returns back, he returns back to me, the Universal Self, b.u.t. in all my righteous thoughts.., I’m still gonna kill the movafuckuz who shot my baby! When I got to the Hospital, Princess was holding Peace Indeed who was crying so loud I knew she’d have a future in Opera. Darlene was sitting with Momma Keyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Momma Keyes outside the house. She still had on a night gown and slippers and the only thing new was her fashionable house coat. Darlene was in a daze, eyes puffy and 118

red from tears. “What happen?!” I asked, looking around at everybody. “Kendu and Larry was doing a song in his studio. While Larry was in the recording booth and Kendu was at the sound board, a rap group that Kendu had under contract bust in demanding to be released from their contract and all the music they recorded. Kendu refused so they shot him twice in the back and shot through the booth, hitting Larry in the arm” Princess said over Peace Indeed’s screams. “Kendu is in surgery now, he might not walk again” she said, crying. “Rappers?! Rappers?! Rappers shot my baby?!” I said in disbelief. It took awhile to register with me at first because I never saw Rappers as killahz. When I was young and growing up in Power Hill, some brotha’s in the Nation would kill your family and eat a bean pie afterwards. They were killahz and far from Poets. Now a day everybody who wanted to be a killah had to have they’re own theme music. What the hell is the world coming to? I never got with the whole ‘HipHop’ thing, it never had magnetic to me. Most of them wanted to be Gods anyway, b.u.t. couldn’t memorize the Lessons. They liked the ‘names’ and ‘phrases’ we used, so they’d call themselves ‘Lord so and so’ say “Word is Bond” and pick up a microphone. Destroy powers are a trip! Remembering words that rhymed never impressed me. Remembering one twenty, which didn’t really rhyme, did. The Gangsta Rap thing really confused me because I knew deep down inside that blowing somebody’s brains out with Thelonious Monk in the C.D. player made for a smoother get away than MC ‘Whatzhisname’ rhyming to the beat. If the Gods ain’t scoop Kataka up he’d be flaming harder than a centerfold. The prison house don’t respect a Man’s affinity to write Poetry. When I think of Poets, I think of effeminate males with long cigarette holders wearing berets. A Musician is a Musician, a Gangsta is a Gangsta, and a Killah is a Killah. I never blur the lines. I can’t imagine John Coltrane shootin Miles 119

Davis because he stole a note. This New Generation got more rules missing than diamonds taken outta what the devil call’s Africa! I went into Dirty Larry’s room, picked up his shirt and threw it at him. “Get dressed Sun and take me to ‘em!” I said. Princess opened the room door and said the Doctor wanted to talk to the family. I followed her, leaving Dirty Larry to get dressed. The Doctor was a pale Colored Man with a confident current of air in his words. He still had drops of blood on his scrubs from surgery. “The bullet struck nerves near the spinal chord b.u.t. luckily not the spinal chord itself. He’s a very fortunate young man. He won’t be able to feel too much from the waist down for a few days, at least until the swelling starts to go down. It’s going to be a while before he’s up and running Marathons” he said, with a ting of sarcasm. “It’ll be at least six months to a year of physical therapy before he’s walking normal again. The second bullet is lodged deep in his upper back behind the heart. He got hit with a large caliber. A few more inches and he would have been dead. To get that bullet out will require a second surgery, so we’re gonna let the swelling go down before we operate to remove the second slug. He’s gonna live and he’s not paralyzed, but he has a long road of recovery ahead of him” the Doctor said. We all breathed a sigh of relief. Never have I felt like hugging a White Man, b.u.t. I felt like hugging him! I couldn’t imagine Kendu in a wheelchair. When his uncle Winston caught them bullets in the back in Red Hook it sent the whole family into grief mode. Winston was being scouted by Division One Colleges. He was one of the most heavily recruited High School Point Guards 120

in the Country! The bullets shattered his spine like glass and sat him on the bench for life. After the Surgeon left us a black female Doctor -the one who actually delivered my grandseed- spoke to all of us. Imani was only equality months pregnant, so the baby was a preemie. Young God only weighed culture pounds and understanding ounces b.u.t. she said he was fighting. Imani’s Ole Earth was there and she didn’t look much older than Imani. She had Imani when she was knowledge culture and couldn’t have been more than understanding wisdom or understanding understood herself. Imani named the seed ‘A-Master’. True Queen’s presentation at the house drew Imani up and I think she really want to get with the Math now. I pray within that the Young God lives! When I went back in the room to get Dirty Larry, he was gone. I asked the Nurses at the front desk had he been moved b.u.t. they didn’t have a clue where he was. He was the only one who knew who the shooter or shooters were, and I didn’t want to go around the way asking people what the science was. That wasn’t smart. Princess called him on his power he one b.u.t. he didn’t answer. She said he probably went to Brownsville to look for the guys who did it. I knew what his cee Allah rule looked like so my strategy was to track down his whip. “Don’t start B! I don’t need you gettin in no dirt. Not now!” Darlene said, grabbing me like a damn child. “I’m not! I’m just going to cee where Larry’s at and what the science is!” I said, trying to brush her off. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you’re not going to do nothin crazy!” she said, trying to make eye contact. “Darlene” I said, with the straight face of a professional liar. “I promise! I’m just going to cee what happened. That’s all. Word is bond!” Regardless of my words, no relief came to her. She knew me 121

better than anyone. She not only knew when I was lying b.u.t. she could feel when I was lying. She gave up trying to hold me back and turned to Momma Keyes. They both knew I was lying. Before I left the Hospital I took the elevator to the basement and started opening doors at random. I found a room with a small sign plate labeled, ‘Surgical Supplies’ posted on the outside of the door. The door was locked until three violent kicks got me in quicker than a key. I rummaged through shelves, drawers, and cabinets sounding like a bull in a china shop. Then I saw it. It was splendidly sexy, a beautiful surgical scalpel, God inches, cold steel, razor sharp on one side of the blade and magnificently serrated on the other. It had an icy feel to the touch. I felt like a Samurai kneeling in meditation before battle as I held it. This would serve as my Emblem of Justice! I left the basement utility closet, climbed the stairwell that led to the parking garage, and made it to the ‘burban. It was Jazz in the C.D., and it soothed the murderer in me. Jazz before murder is like wine before savior equality unknown, they make for a marvelous combination. Back in the hood, in front of the vacant lot where Dirty Larry did his flips, cee ciphers were everywhere. It seemed like the whole neighborhood was standing behind yellow crime scene tape. The crowd was elbow to elbow. As I got closer I saw Dirty Larry’s cee Allah rule smashed into a light pole. “Yo God!! Yo God!!” It was the God ‘Solar’ who replaced Ramel. He was calling me through the crowd. “What happened?!” I asked. “L-Moke did his thing G!” the God said laughing. “What?! What you talkin bout God!?” I said, as he made his way through the crowd. 122

“I was on post, regular night. Four catz was on the sidewalk smoking an L. I had my eye on ‘em just in case they were stick up kids. Then out of nowhere I hear a cee Allah rule racing down Junius. It ran up on the curb and hit all four of the dudes. God they looked like bowling pins flying through the air.” He said laughing. “The cee Allah rule just kept going and smashed into the pole. The driver’s side door opens and it’s L-Moke. The dudes were crawling around like sick roaches after inhaling roach spray. L-Moke pulls out the God u now and double tap all four catz in the back of the dome!” Solar explained, while eating a candy bar like he was at an action movie. When I got to the front of the crowd four Rappers lay dead next to the spot where Dirty Larry used to do flips on pissy mattresses as a boy. I guess he finally flipped! Dirty Larry brung in four devils at one time. I owe that Man a button and carfare to Mecca.


Knowledge God Sunnis, Jehovah Witnesses, the Bowties, Jews and the Gods and Earths agree on one thing: Nimrod’s Born Day is the most uncomfortable day of the year for all of us. It’s the only day of the year that I want to lay in bed wisdom culture hours straight. I ain’t feelin that Kwanzaa trickknowledge either. Kwanzaa ain’t nuffin b.u.t. Santa Clause in blackface, wearing Kinte cloth and a Kufi. Darlene and I probably broke up a hundred times regarding the issue of Christmas alone. Years ago she was faking the funk like she wanted to study and be Earth until me and Justice borned knowledge to her that we don’t deal with that Christmas Math. She dropped 120 like a ton of bricks. When we moved into this Brownstone we agreed on one thing, ‘No Christmas Trees! Ever!’ This is the only day of the year I really regret not having a True and Living Earth. She’s been shopping all week and cooking all night. I’m fasting today or at least I’m gonna ‘try’, and ‘try’ is to fail. Darlene got this kingdom smelling delicious! I usually end up breakin down like a fiend a week outta rehab, and end up grabbin a plate. The house is full now, everybody basically lives here and I love it. Hearing Princess fuss over the seed is music to my ears. Hearing my grandseeds cry or laugh lets me know I’m free. Taking Kendu to his therapy twice a week and watching him learn to walk again makes me feel like I’m making up for missing his first steps. Steps I missed when I was in the Injustice. True Queen comes over a few times a week, and Distilled decided not to file a Petition to stop me from having visitation. True Queen also attends Kay Mecca and Elevated Refinement’s Civilization Class along with Imani, who she’s now enlightening. Divine made the Dean’s list his first Semester at 124

Columbia and he coordinates the most popular God and Earth Group on the Internet. Kendu helped me open an account and now I build with my sun on a daily basis. I always wanted to drop knowledge on Kendu b.u.t. since he has moved in, he’s been teaching me the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of the Music Industry. He even showed me how to operate the track board. The four Rappers Dirty Larry killed were under contract with Kendu, and since their violent death they got all this street credibility. They got the second hottest Underground Mixtape in the country and all the profits go to Kendu. Dirty Larry or ‘LMoke’ has the hottest album in the Country! By being a Fugitive and killing four Rappers, his street credibility is through the roof! He’s on the run in Allah’s Garden, Sudan, Now Cee and everywhere else in the Dirty South. He’s one of the ‘Most Wanted Men’ in America and still paying Child Support with his record sales. Princess is the only one who knows where he’s at-at any given time. Your’s truly is finally outta the game. I hustled to power add power and called it a Career. No more trips for Darlene outta State, and with all these babies in the house-no more putting these babies in harm’s way. Word is bond! I’m investing in Darlene and Princess. They’re opening a Caribbean Restaurant on Nostrand. Kendu has made me a Co-CEO of his Record Label. After moving bricks, moving curry chicken and records shouldn’t be too hard. I was striving to write a Kite to the Gods in E-Mecca, when Darlene bust open the bedroom door with my grandbabies. “Stop being a scrooge B!” she said smiling. “At least take a picture with your grandchildren” she demanded, while handing me my grandseeds. This the true meaning of the culture cipher degree, ‘Peace and Happiness and the ‘destruction of the devil’s -so-calledcivilization’. Now here I am, on the wisdom power day of the knowledge wisdom month taking a reflection with both my grandbabies; 125

A-Master Peace Indeed.., ‘jenkins’.


A Mathematical Kite to the Gods in E-Mecca Peace to the Gods, The Colored Man’s established quantitative view of Mathematics deserves careful perusal for inherent contradictions. Contradictions that formulate psychological, social, political and economic paradoxes within the framework of ‘destroy’ culture as a whole. Destroy culture’s singular negation of very specific qualities, inherent in rational whole numbers, fractures the efficient workings of the hierarchy of all the institutions that serve as building blocks of destroy culture Society. The nature of destroy culture’s Mathematical aptitude cannot rise above the value of e-‘quality’ because destroy culture only perceives the other half of Math which is ‘quantity’. Quality and Quantity are similar to Dominant and Recessive genes. If put in a visual model these Dominant and Recessive genes can be expressed as ‘Black and Brown Germs’ or Genes. Math, like Man, contains Dominant and Recessive characteristics. If the quantitative aspect of Mathematics is the only aspect of Math used to describe, calculate, and predict the nature of the Empirical World than the usage of this quantitative pattern only will cause the world we live in today: Destroy Culture. Destroy culture is a culture void of ‘quality of life’ values and stained with the pursuit of the quantity of things or the mark of the ‘beast’ life or ‘savage in the pursuit of happiness’. ‘How much?’ is the primary question that is asked, and is a fundamental question to destroy culture. Destroy culture’s axiology is object orientated and material based. In Divine culture the primary based question is ‘How well?’ ‘How much?’ is the sole question responsible for the emergence of the psychiatric beast of ego. The Ego ‘Edge’s God Out’ and is all show and tell, whereas God is show and prove. The Ego’s 127

order of importance within the psychological rank and file has been put in a position beyond the depth of the Ego’s normal responsibilities. Destroy culture is based on egocentricity; the whole of Judaism, Christianity; and the Religion of Islam are founded on egocentricity. Even their trumpeted ideas in regard to ‘piety’ and ‘Sainthood’ are all egocentrically based ideas. Living Mathematics, if understood from an egocentric view, is invalid. The Ego is not an unrighteous entity in the human psyche. However, egocentricity does not open the human being up to righteousness. Maybe self-righteousness, b.u.t. not righteousness. The Ego will graft you from righteousness in an instant. The understanding cipher degree in the knowledge to culture cipher proves separation makes devil. The Ego is nothing more than the private soldier in the rank and file of the Human Psyche. Knowledge of Self (KOS) by definition is simple, it merely means to know who you are. A part of knowing who you are is to know when your own thinking patterns are egotistically based or righteously based. The ability to detect the distinction between the two is a personal victory. When you are dominated by egotistical thought patterns, you will eventually ‘fall victim to the devil’s (un)civilization’. The ‘four devils’ in our Math have been traditionally defined as Jealousy, Envy, Lust and Hatred; all grafted elements of the Ego. The four devils exist in all human beings -black, brown, red, yellow and white- and the acceptance of this fact is paramount to KOS. The four devils can be murdered and when they are, it means you have arrived at the central point of your being and the root of civilization; Mecca. This battle is a personal Jihad and the journey is what Muslims have traditionally defined as Hajj. Every day you awake to another page in your personal Koran, and every day your duty is to murder the same four devils. ‘Then why did God make devil?’ is an everyday occurrence and the knowledge understanding degree states, “They continue daily…” Knowledge is infinitely expanding into the unknown (x). The nature of the unknown poses problems by the very fact that it is unknown (x). Living Mathematics are used by God and Earth to 128

solve for the daily unknowns (x’s) that life brings. The understanding build degree is an everyday degree. You can get hit with zig zag zig’s all day long and your two forty becomes a bit frustrating at times. Some days can be more hectic than others. Living Mathematics is a solution oriented, result based branch of Science that attempts to describe problems and solve them. The cornerstone degree is ‘Who is the Original Man?’, neither the question nor the answer is ‘faith’ based. Faith does not bring the flaming sword of knowledge wisdom cipher to life. You must ‘know’ who the Original Man -and Woman- is, and this is the reason Living Mathematics is not ‘faith’ based. This is why this Science should hardly be considered a Religion. Religion is a ‘RO-P-E to bind in’ one’s Mind, whereas Mathematics expands the Mind. Constant elevation is the reality of being boundless. The Ego locks you in the prison house of boundaries. This ‘ego based’ Society that we live in coins the terms ‘Self Esteem’ and ‘Self Image’, both of which are issues that find their origin in the destroy power ‘continue daily’ reality. When you’re shaped by someone who ‘continues daily’ to tell lies to your vision, the pureness of what your Third eye can potentially cee will be ‘diluted, mixed and tampered with in any form’. All attempts to get in your Third and ‘cause trouble’ are nothing b.u.t. Nursism. When society plays with your head, by putting ‘pins’ in it, it’s obvious that you will have self esteem or self image issues. Paranoia will have you thinking you’re ‘all different’ inside; mixed emotions, mixed feelings, little white lies. Consequently, you begin to think on a ‘swift and changeable’ current. Not knowing right from left or ‘wrong direction’ from ‘right direction’ will cause internal confusions or trouble in Mecca; the Root of Civilization. The knowledge degree states that, “The devil is not settled..” Settle yourself and find resolution in peace. KOS is forever manifesting itself outta triple darkness. Knowledge wisdom cipher is used to understand life and solve the problems that come about daily. No problems can be solved with egotism, egotism will only succeed in ‘stinging someone 129

else’. Everyday will bring forth challenges of the unknown (x), and we use knowledge wisdom cipher to ‘Show and Prove’. Yacubian Folklore is nothing more than a representation of the Black Man’s ego. He was and is called the ‘Big Headed Scientist’ because of his enormous ego. Great intelligence, a wonderful talent, enormous wealth, or splendid beauty are all wonderful things b.u.t. if they are put before the core reality of who you are, this is what the Sunnis call ‘shirk’. No Gods come before Allah. Be who you are b.u.t. with humility, only then will you become Allah World Manifest. Your ego will only succeed in binding you into mediocrity. The imagination has no bounds, nor is it limited to the constraints of reality. Imagination is the force behind creativity. Imagination is responsible for everything in the entire Universe. The imagination is responsible for every aspect of the human psyche, and the foundation behind the phenomenon of dreams, human belief and human achievement; Scientific and Artistic. When the imagination travels to manifest and actualize, this is the same as taking something from knowledge to born. Living Mathematics is a Science, b.u.t. must be also understood as an Art to be fully grasped. Knowledge is undifferentiated oneness, and the realm of knowledge is where we find the origins of imagination. The ‘prescribe laws of I Self Lord And Master’ also reside in the realm of Knowledge. Knowledge becoming aware of itself produced knowledgeknowledge, and that initial image is the substance of what imagination is. This substance is Wisdom. Imagination is universal pregnancy or that which is within the imagination yet to be born. Potential is that which is at rest within the imagination. KOS is a wake up call to life. The knowledge understanding degree states, ‘….but there is a chance from a mental death.’ The power degree states that, ‘One of our righteous brothers by the name of Jesus is buried there.’ Buried where? Within the ‘Jerusalem’ of one’s ownself. Destroy powers are resting within the coffin of their own divinity. Destroy powers are not fully alive. They 130

cannot build, only destroy and take many other lives with them. As Enlighteners, you can only shine your light on the ‘useful land’ of the Mind that is present. All mental soil is not fertile, this is shown and proven in the distinctions between the ‘Best Part’, the ‘Worst Part’ and the ‘Poor Part’. Optimistically, the seeds you shine the rays of your light on, will prosper, ‘..many of them recovered from it.’ “Many”, not all. The human being is amazing, even the mentally dead can do some genius like things, Artistically and Scientifically, and they’re dead! Genius is genius dead or alive, even without the full knowledge of God. The knowledge equality degree does indeed speak of this phenomenon and refers to them as ‘Civilized People’. Imagination is the energetic substance born from the Mind, and it should be understood that any expression, phrase, sentence, character, or thing born from knowledge wisdom cipher is a factor, a variable, function, or an equation from the field of knowledge wisdom cipher. All branches of Math are symbol based in their expressions and their language. Knowledge wisdom cipher when known by heart stimulates the imagination to travel to actualization. The history of Yacub presents a colorful account of history for anyone who has the story under cap. It literally becomes a psychological hieroglyph written in the Mind. Mathematics in the Third, by its very nature, unlocks hidden potential like a key inserted into a lock. This ‘Operating System’ of reality literally opens and expands the ‘windows’ of the Mind; The Third eye. ‘Yacub did not build prison houses for his people’ b.u.t. unlike Yacub, destroy culture builds mental prison houses daily. Many things in destroy culture incarcerate the Mind and stop the Mind from blossoming. A crucial part of knowledge wisdom cipher is to know that devils lurk within and without to bind the Mind in, and this prevents it from moving toward constant elevation and expansion.


The knowledge understanding degree asks, “What is his ownself?” this is a powerful question that summons the user of knowledge wisdom cipher to forever look within. Destroy powers -according to the born degree- ‘don’t want to learn who is causing all this to happen by letting the 5% teach them’. When you don’t want to learn and grow, potential remains potential and eventually rots. According to the equality degree the devil teaches ‘illiteracy’, the exact phrase is, ‘Teach and Keep our people illiterate’. What does it mean to teach illiteracy? When potential remains potential and you have been taught and kept in a state of illiteracy you are ‘blind to yourself’. A person who is taught and kept blind cannot ask “What is his or her ownself? It is Mathematically impossible. Creativity is the highest branch of Math and Science in the known Universe, and finding and pursuing this force is the reality of being God on Earth. When summoning this power you ‘cause’. The nature of the Scientist is to pursue knowledge and forever learn. The description of the destroy power is ‘a slave from mental death and power’. When you don’t want to learn, you will be ‘used as a tool and also a slave’. Lack of the imagination is a symptom of the destroy power state of Mind, in our science we use the phrase, ‘draw up’. When we ask one another God/Earth how we cee Today’s Math, we cross reference degrees in our Third, and we relate that days experience, and the things that we have pondered on, for that day. It identifies our psycho-coordinates. This exercise keeps the Mind thriving and alive, keeping the user of knowledge wisdom cipher with a dynamic thought process and an imagination that is both ‘healthy and strong’. Thus it enables one to move from problem mode to solution mode at a ‘terrific speed’. This mental flexibility allows us to solve the problems of life’s two forty. The devil, is the un-solution or every wrong answer. Every problem you have in life is tailored made to fit you, and you are becoming ‘the said person of that ability’. If the wrong answer multiplies, chaos will soon follow. The trajectory of the chaos 132

will either bring you back to knowledge of the problem or return you back to essence. Knowledge culture shows and proves ‘now’. Don’t ‘set up a home’ waiting. If the nature of the problem requires patience remember the knowledge born’s reference to St. Luke 12:47. ‘Prepare’ yourself if you cee problems on the horizon. Don’t let the problem graft into a permanent un-solution or a full blown devil. No matter how egotistical or intelligent the ‘Big Headed’ Scientist may have been, the one quality we all can learn from him is determination. Be determined to bring about that knowledge wisdom jewel in your life and be as determined as Yacub was. Knowledge wisdom cipher will help you become happier, yet you must ‘give all you have and all within your power’! At low points in life it should be recited over and over again, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes out loud, and sometimes in the quietness of your Mind. In it you will find what you need as it pertains to your life. When you become happy it still should be recited and meditated upon daily. The devil ‘continues daily’ and so should you. At low points in life ‘many stripes’ can really hurt. Nothing is worst than a degree that ‘warns you’ about something and you not ‘head the warning’, hence, “ did they receive more gold?…” The love, hell, and right in this Math is an intense process. The ‘wrong direction’ is a very simple and very easy path to take. The ‘jungle life’ of the ‘wilderness of North America’ can get cut throat and confusing to the proper direction to take. Right angles signify a righteous path. One right angle is born cipher degrees or a square, culture right angles compose the truth. The knowledge cipher degree in the knowledge to knowledge culture speaks of ‘four devils’ or four unsolved problems. Every problem in the universe can be solved on a right angle. A right angle in essence is theoretical, b.u.t. in reality it is Living Mathematics or the actual solution to the problem in your life. Math teachers tell students to go home and do problems one through fourteen in their text book, and then tell them the quiz will be on Tuesday and the test on Friday. The Father understood that homework never stops, homework is actually 133

God’s Earthwork. The quiz is every second and the test is everyday. Text book Math is one dimensional and only discusses quantity. Living Mathematics is each and everyday, each and every way, embodying both Quantitative and Qualitative real numbers in real situations and ciphers. In order to solve problems in life, the Mind, one’s Imagination and the Intellect, must all be fully interfaced with knowledge wisdom cipher; the blueprint of KOS. You cannot solve any real problem without first answering the question of who you are. An Ivy league graduate from Harvard is quick to tell you they’re an alumnus of Harvard and to a large extent that is who that person is. Harvard vs. Allah? If I was in Vegas I would bet on He who created the entire known Universe. The fact that an individual graduated from a prestigious school with a Degree is a very significant achievement in that person’s life, as well as highly relevant to their value system. The same veracity should be exhibited when you say you are a holder of one hundred and twenty Degree’s, as taught by ‘The Father’ Allah. With one Degree, that Harvard Graduate can now navigate the Corporate World with ease and peace of Mind. As a holder of knowledge wisdom cipher Degrees, you should feel just as confident that you have the ability to read human interaction with lighting tap speed, and set up a trading post on any square inch of the Planet Earth and to never want for food, clothing, and shelter. Knowledge wisdom cipher is a tool, you are the user of the tool, the tool does not make you divine, righteous, nor does it certify you as God or Earth. Being God or Earth is a matter of being in tune with Universal Oneness and to dwell in harmony with ones own sense of self, while possessing a human bond to the human family. Knowledge wisdom cipher is a navigational system assisting you in your travels on Earth much like a GPS System. God is the force of your being, bigger than any one individual, b.u.t. simultaneously dwelling completely within that individual. Knowledge is the foundation of all that exist, all existence manifests from knowledge. The force of God animates ‘all the 134

human families of the planet Earth’, yet none would exist without the highest expression of this Consciousness; The Original Man, the Asiatic Black Man. Every cipher contains a multiplicity of variables. Many of these variables are ‘a fine mist which the naked eye can hardly detect’. The maintenance of distance is the key to unraveling the nature of any given problem. Yacub was born ‘twenty miles outside’ of Mecca, which shows and proves objectivity. This distance allows you to cee into ‘the root’ of the problem like a Scientist gazes into a microscope. The planet Earth weighs ‘six sextillion tons, a unit followed by wisdom knowledge cipher’s’. The Earth’s representation of the material reality measured in equality proves the wisdom knowledge ciphers are in fact stressors. They literally stress you out. The build degree has an equation, “when she becomes heavier than gravitation..” The weight can become so heavy it will either make or break you. When stress or pressure makes you, you shine like a diamond and rise to the idea that you ‘predicted of yourself before you were born’. When stress or pressure breaks you, you bust like pipes, and ya foundation becomes flooded with emotions. The wisdom understanding Scientists or chromosomes, that rest on the double helix staircase within each cell in your physical, hold a scroll that registers the genotypical ‘determined idea’ that you have predicted of yourself in knowledge. You are on Earth to do something important. This genetic Holy Koran contains chapter, verse and all the variables of your life’s possibilities. This vast intelligence, exist on a microscopic level, as Allah’s most comprehensive microchip and storehouse of information. Every unknown (x), why (y) and zig zag zig (z) for seventy six trillion years plus till no ending is written in the Black Germ ‘in the black Man’s body’. Knowledge wisdom cipher is a branch of Math that predicts what is, by defining properties, persons, events, relations and objects. Musa, little boy, Jebus, the Nurse, Lieutenant, Muhammad, the 23 Scientists, wild beast, Cremator, John, the 135

Colored Man, a Mother, etc. are all characters within knowledge wisdom cipher. Places like characters also find themselves within the field of knowledge wisdom cipher; the Universe, Mecca, Southeast Europe, Jerusalem, India, Pelon, Hell, Atlantic Ocean, Caves, Mt. Everest, Pacific Ocean, the Wilderness of North America, Asia Minor, Arabia, Africa, etc. are all places in one twenty. Things exist within the field of knowledge wisdom cipher; Swords, Ropes, Food, Poison, Hail, High Explosives, a Shield, Sand, Blood, Pins, a Flag, a Home, Gold, Steel, etc.. All of the persons, places and things are signs similar to a tangent, sin, or co-sin in higher branches of Mathematics. -EXAMPLETaking a parabolic curve through the grid of knowledge wisdom cipher and realizing that the person, place, and things are all potentially dependant and independent variables, the variables on the field coordinate the various points in knowledge wisdom cipher’s field of operation. Y=x2 is a parabolic curve that essentially points in the directional context of an x, y axis, which represents real numbers rational and irrational. Transmutations along a curve in Living Mathematics occurs when the persons, places and things in knowledge wisdom cipher are transmuted from degree to degree and ultimately take on a function in the reality of a cipher. Ex: (The Nurse’s Law) Nurse equals x, Pin equals y. If we mentally move the ‘Nurse’ and the ‘Pin’ out of the wisdom build degree into the knowledge culture degree in the knowledge to knowledge culture, we can then train the Nurse to become an MGT and turn the Pin into a ‘sewing needle’. This theoretical mental exercise of a transmutation of a parabolic curve in knowledge wisdom cipher is an example of thinking about your lessons as they may relate to life’s problems. Infinite movement can occur within the field of knowledge wisdom cipher, this is why it pertains to the ‘science of everything in life’. However, if 136

all is done theoretically and nothing is none actually it would be the equivalent of ‘setting up a home and waiting for a Mystery God’. The ‘Nurse’ and the ‘Pin’ was actually moved or transmuted with the use of a transmuted parabolic curve. The function of both the ‘Nurse’ and the ‘Pin’ transformed to be beneficial in the scheme of things. A good imagination is essential to understand the transmutations of a curve. Peace, ‘Born’ God Allah. Power Self: The methodologies of Living Mathematics vary from user to user. All who deal with it deal with it in an original context because life’s problems are unique to each user. Righteousness is the prerequisite for achieving significant results, based on one’s living application of knowledge wisdom cipher to their personal two forty. All branches of Math require higher order thinking.


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