Simply Standard

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WA/SA [waldrip architects/ s.a.] [architecture- los angeles]

Alberti, Sandro Simply Standard; 27 May, 2002 [text16]

Working 9-5, at...

‘WA/SA’, ‘Aloha8’, and ‘Working 9 to 5, at...’

“After much delay and speculation, the hip Standard Hotel will open for business this week, with an official grand opening the last week of May, according to a hotel representative. New York hotelier Andre Balazs has given the 1950s interior of the Superior Oil Building [the first all-welded structural steel office building in Los Angeles] at 550 S. Superior Standard. Flower St. a new look, with a Decomeets-Modern sensibility. Belazs, who owns three other hotels, including a Standard in West Hollywood, said he was drawn by the building’s remarkable elegance and the locale’s potential.” [; May, 2002] Before actually getting to look at the place, ‘caveat’! One might be tempted to dissect some recent interview by André Belazs (visionary owner of the hotel) in order to arrive at a ‘spirit’ of the place: · “Every extreme of human behavior seems to play itself out on the stage of a good hotel.” · “Let’s say you’re 28 years old, and you’re on your second or third job out of school. You get sent out and you’re told you’ve got $100, $120 per day to live on… what are your choices in that price range?” · “[In the past,] the ‘American businessman’, because it always was a man, wanted to go to Beirut, Berlin and Boston, and each time settle into something familiar. Today, I think that’s lost its charm.” So, ‘extreme behavior’, ‘young professionals’, and ‘variety’. It certainly seems to sum up the reality of what has only been addressed as a ‘market niche’, wrapped in candycolored branding, where no one seems to have stopped to think about the potentially explosive reality of such a combination. And so it was that the Standard Hotel was conceived, counter-current to the owner’s original vision of an ‘experiential’ change, “by designing, by hiring designers and laying on more stuff [Koening-Eizenberg’s contribution does manage to develop lyrical anti-density in the 200 guest rooms, amongst other contributions, but I’m trying to make an anti-corporate point here, so, proceeding...]”

are fictions of fen-om: []

The downstairs lounge, once used as a bank.

The original Superior Oil lobby remains.

Unicorn on the roof.

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