WA/SA [waldrip architects/ s.a.] [architecture- los angeles]
Alberti, Sandro Heroic Baroque; 4 May, 2003 [text33]
Working 9-5, at...
‘WA/SA’, ‘Aloha8’, and ‘Working 9 to 5, at...’
It used to be we didn’t have a hero. Or, at any rate, no heroic moment. I mean we, us, those of us who feel comfortable within dense communications. Some of our friends, colleagues, classmates… they’re lucky. They can stand proud and project their purist, reductive methods back to Ancient Greece. In their clean, organized products, we A place we ‘know’. are told, one can find echoes of an ordered society. From design to culture, and from the example of ‘civitas’ (‘polis’) towards an improved global society in this new millennium. But the argument and fundament, typically Socratic, avoids ‘other’ possibilities. If we have been led towards the white light, away from darkness (and the gray twilight, in between), it is simply through persuasion. For a coin has more than one side, and not one is inherently better than the other. You might prefer the back of a quarter, charming eagle. In the end, it all goes into the candy machine; just get me one of those new Nestle Crunch bars.
Other sides to the argument. There have always been. Alas, mostly, they remain hidden (this is what is known as the ‘minor’ in philosophy; the under-represented side). Back in the wonderful Greek Ages, they were there, these ‘others’. At the docks, rising towards the Acropolis, and even openly at the wide Agora. Well known representatives are the Sophites, unheard of beyond Plato, Socrates, et al. They questioned all, ‘tweening’ midst absolutes. Then, later, we had the heterologists, at the time of the Surrealists. “What?” you might wonder, “was not Surrealism the alternative to Classical thought?” Not quite. It was Georges Bataille who developed heterology in order to combat the controlled, reductive framework of Surrealism (homology). Rosalind Krauss exposes this battle beautifully in ‘Formless; A User’s Guide’. A controlled dream, Surrealism was (is?). It ignored the base matter of reality; presented dreams as falsely open-ended, while interpreting them in a closed, strict manner; was dialective (separating only for the purpose of comparison; a soft separation); Surrealism aimed towards spatial-visual entropy, avoiding temporal distortion (controlled, as opposed to experiential, removal); it insisted in ‘correct positions’ (Gestalt); dividing by the grid (organizing table), as opposed to the matrix (transformative connections); never did it empower the ‘minor’ (simply addressed it, at times, within a primary power structure); here, kitsch is utilized
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