Working 9-5, at...
[waldrip architects/ s.a.] [architecture- los angeles]
Alberti, Sandro Not Simply Hyper-Ordinary; 4 July, 2003 [text34]
‘WA/SA’, ‘Aloha8’, and ‘Working 9 to 5, at...’
are fictions of fen-om: [www.fen-om.com]
A league of extraordinary gentlemen. Can you believe such a thing? What would gentlemen be doing in a league? Wouldn’t they rather be at the Club, smoking, watching? Extraordinary gentlemen. Is this redundant, or merely exaggerated? I mean, that men be gentle, that is already an exaggerated compliment, in today’s day and age. Perhaps it Standard ephemeral. is the matter of meekness (‘gentle’), as opposed to the ‘extraordinary’ (extravagant?). All this, too much detail, you might think, as it is obvious that a popular upcoming movie would be ‘in the mind’ (one of those fashionable memes, born and dead every day). But it is beyond the movie itself. Also recent, ‘Charlie’s Angels’, ‘T3’, and ‘Hulk’. Saw them all, which is becoming ever less odd for me, as I become swallowed-up by the Hollywood vortex (saw also several of the foreign-cultural ones, which is good, but that is another matter). What I am trying to do is remember what had been intriguing, originally, before the research; already it is difficult to write about this in an casual manner. It ended up that this, ‘The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’, this is special. Maybe on a quite personal level. Yes, of course it focuses on a fantasy world that depends on urban reality (and this is what my virtual ZMG-axis is all about). But, indeed, that interest itself is what makes it special for, at least, an architectural (+ urbanistic) audience, since it all comes down to urban and spatial characteristics. And I must mention that this film also deals with ‘higher’ (theatrical?) representation, which is always a treat to find in the bundle of commercialized LA film-making. One of the things it had brought to mind, actually, was the library containing Prospero’s books (Peter Greenaway; 1991). In that library by the sea (Alexandria?), Prospero had collected all of the books on the water element, so as to best be able to crush his enemies’ fleets. It was odd to see Poseidon next to Moses and in the company of Scylla and Charybdis. Suddenly, you see, unrelated characters (and distant lands) were brought together via a unifying theme. There was a common denominator, although not one we tend to employ in the gathering of protagonists. Thus we were granted a motley crew. Just as in the League, where adventure’s heroes are selected on the basis of their ‘Victorian monstrosity’. Who would have thought? I am not referring merely to the ‘mis-en-scene’ (or merely ‘scene’, the twist on the ‘Victorian’, I mean). Sure it is nice that the setting is some mechano-technological reinterpretation of the ‘historical’. An alternate 1898,
The Romanesque, framed.
The Romanesque, focused.
Beevor-Mull’s architectural elements are ‘gateways’.