Out There in LA- 1

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Working 9-5, at...

[waldrip architects/ s.a.] [architecture- los angeles]

Alberti, Sandro Out There in LA- 1; 8 August, 2003 [text36]

‘WA/SA’, ‘Aloha8’, and ‘Working 9 to 5, at...’

are fictions of fen-om: [www.fen-om.com]

There was… quite a bit. Writing about this. I’m glad I finally had the energy. So self-made difficult, to write, lately. As if I forget what to write, who to write for. I know, this has become too-standard, too, and dreary, a ‘mea culpa’ by way of introduction. So let us get on. This one was interesting, weird. And then again, as Sherry Hoffman expressed, regarding hot new LA restaurants: “I’m kind of over it.” Yes, for me, it is as if either I have found a much more comfortable place in my current high saturation of non-architecture design, or there is something particularly unappealing about the architecture crowd. For even though this was at Fred Segal Beauty in Santa Monica, after hours, a private reception, with impromptu bars throughout, I was not very comfortable. Then again, I’ve never been comfortable at Fred Segal (Barney’s is much more my ‘thing’). Maybe I had rushed, too fast. Maybe it was the crowd. No, more like it was… the product (the architecture), which is what I come to these affairs for, anyway, ever-avoiding the people. This time, architecture seemed too static, slow. My current designs are definitely faster. Teaching, too, much faster, even in Mexico.

Fiat a Torino.

But it was pretty, and classic, and maybe a bit ‘chic’, at Fred Segal, with rows of seats, lecture-arranged in the beauty salon area. There was a pretty girl in pretty Pucci colors at a counter. I didn’t even really look at her, though. I think she was pretty. And curtains, pink and orange, to separate what absolutely needed to be separated, yet keeping everything connected (we would hear more about this in the lecture). This wasn’t just any lecture at Fred Segal Beauty. It was a lecture, at Fred Segal, by the designers of Fred Segal (the store, not the man, who himself tends to design designers). Part of LA Forum’s ‘On the Map’ series (architects/ designers lecturing at their respective architectures and mapping, altogether, “a critical map of Los Angeles’ architectural milieu.” The Segal design, anyway, is the work of Sherry Hoffman (marketing professional) and Todd Erlandson (architect): (M)Arch. The ‘marketing professional’ component, for those who ‘wonder’, contributes an accurate communication of client visions, + branding (they have a ‘mission’), + marketing contacts (these contributions have been further emphasized by collaborations with communications-design house Trollbäck). This whole ‘marketing-communications’ gig was cleverly introduced by a revelation of design-brief production (how should a designer approach a client?). There were the more standard series of client/project analysis (right out of ‘Architectural

Pucci original.

Fred Segal Beauty.

Fred Segal brand.

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Out There in LA- 1 by Sandro Alberti- Design - Issuu