Pecha Kucha

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Working 9-5, at...

[waldrip architects/ s.a.] [architecture- los angeles]

Alberti, Sandro ‘Pecha-Kucha’; 26 August, 2004 [text42]

‘WA/SA’, ‘Aloha8’, and ‘Working 9 to 5, at...’

Interesting stuff continues to happen in LA, sponsored, usually, by the established entities. LA Forum, in this case, an organization that sprouted over 15 years ago, with a board full of ‘presidents’ and ‘vicepresidents’, etc. It came up with

Pecha-Kucha in China Town- LA.

an idea to have a group of ‘anyones’ present ‘anything’, very quickly [first-ever launched in June-2004]. The ‘branding’ (title and venue) is neo-Asian. Nice and tidy.

From the event Web site: “Pecha Kucha is a Japanese term that roughly translates as chit-chat, or perhaps as irritating chatter. Pecha Kucha is a lot of fun for short attention spans. Pecha Kucha is a new kind of venue for anyone involved in, or interested in, architecture, design, fashion, and art. [required credit to ‘original author’ here] , Pecha Kucha consists of 20 people showing 20 images each, each for 20 seconds. The presentations start at 8:20 (20:20 in military time) [although 15, or even 10 minutes, would have been more stimulating, one would not then be able to hold the event in the evening; and so ‘content’ is again lost to ‘appearance’] . There will be no running over, there will be no turning back, there will be no cover. Be sure to bring your friends and come thirsty. Pecha Kucha is intended to inspire a broad mix of participants - from well-known practitioners to students, recent graduates, and new firms presenting their work for the first time. Here is YOUR chance to tell the world about YOUR design, YOUR thoughts, YOUR ideas at the [required credit to ‘hosting venue’ here] . [immediately followed by required credit to ‘host’ here] , anyone in the art, architecture, or design world can ‘show’ and tell. It may be a newly finished building, it may be a new project, a new piece of furniture, a new event, a new idea, or something unexpected that you want to share with everyone. We encourage architects, architectural students, students who are looking for a job and want to promote their skills, any creative person, everyone. There will be 20 slots [ignoring popular demand, or lack thereof] , [repeat previouslymentioned info here] . You can talk along with your slides, if you want.” So everyone gets to send in images or video, then waits to be selected a few days before the event. Very efficient. Then some people present, hopefully very fast. Fast and efficient. Like a recipe for the perfect meal:

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