Working 9-5, at...
[waldrip architects/ s.a.] [architecture- los angeles]
Alberti, Sandro ‘Quick, Hide the Loos!’; 10 October, 2005 [text44]
‘WA/SA’, ‘Aloha8’, and ‘Working 9 to 5, at...’
On a given day, if I go out and walk around, perhaps in downtown San Diego (currently abuzz with ‘renewal’), I will see the echoes of the Modernist box in all of the new residential architecture. High-
rises in urban settings, different from the distant ‘machines for living’, and yet resonating some of the ‘original’ qualities of lightness and transparency. A bit more opaque, though. In reference to Le Corbusier’s architecture, it has been said that “the separations between interior and exterior fall.” André Breton, father of Surrealism, captures that spirit in ‘Nadja’ [1964]: “As for me, I continue to inhabit my glass house, where one can see at every hour who is coming to visit me, where everything that is suspended from the ceilings and the walls holds on as if by enchantment, where I rest at night on a bed of glass with glass sheets, where who I am will appear to me…”
Villa Karma, nice and clean, on the outside.
Contemporary San Diego reflects the evolution of this spirit, in the manner of Dwell magazine, which dispels surreal dreams and anchors Modernism in the human reality (a reality that is here a bit naïve in its expression of ‘health and happiness’, but is nevertheless a bit more private than before, a bit ‘darker’). This is unlike the Modernism of Paris, reflected in ‘grands projets’ that attempt a return to the original lightness and transparency. There the result is untenable, however; “the ideology of the Modern… would have to be a fiction in practice”. Anthony Vidler shows us this in ‘The Architectural Uncanny’ [1992], elaborating on the fact that program and structure conflict fundamentally with ‘transparency’. Faced with such issues, architects tend to resort to “fake transparency or an embracing of opacity.” If anything we should have learned from experience, as architects in the 1850s already had, it is that “the pairing of transparency and obscurity is essential for power to operate.” And this is a dialectic that leads us to more fragmented, ‘schizophrenic’, issues than Le Corbusier would have led us to consider. Vidler recalls that previous appreciations of light and darkness were linked to the disturbance between personality and space. Roger Caillois, back in 1938, considered darkness as a positive trait:
are fictions of fen-om: [www.fen-om.com]