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Abrams Books for Young Readers New York

Summer is for cousins. Mom and Dad, two uncles, two aunties, Thatha and Pati, seven cousins.
All of us are together. This is an advance, uncorrected proof.
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We go to a house that’s not any of ours, near the ocean and a lake.

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Dhruv is the oldest cousin, then four girls:

Preethi, Anita ,
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Jaya, Puja.
I’m Ravi.
I used to be the youngest, but now there’s baby Leela.
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Our first stop is the ice cream stand to get our cones with sprinkles.
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This summer, Dhruv is even taller, and his voice is different—deeper. I wonder if he remembers that we have the same favorite flavor, one that’s never at the ice cream stand or grocery store. But I’m too shy to ask.

I order strawberry and give baby Leela a taste. She giggles and reaches for more.

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At the beach, Preethi and Jaya bury each other in sand.

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Anita and Puja build a castle
and I dig a moat.
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I trickle water from my bucket onto Leela’s toes and make her laugh.

“Want to come paddleboarding, Ravi?” Dhruv asks.

I still feel shy, but I nod.
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We go to a protected cove and Dhruv holds the board steady while I climb on.

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I stay up for five whole seconds before falling over.
In our time together, we hike.
I lead the way with Puja, pretending we’re explorers.

We play mini golf, and I keep score with Preethi. I even make a hole in one!
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We wade, and I help Jaya hold Leela and dip her feet in the water.
We swim, and I splash my sister Anita until she shouts at me to stop.
I stop. And then she splashes me!
Dhruv holds the record for floating the longest, so I float next to him. He still holds the record.
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And every evening, we get ice cream. I try new flavors, but nothing’s as good as my favorite.

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Last summer, I was too scared to try. But Dhruv says, “Go for it, Ravi!”

We take turns on the rope swing at the lake.
swing out,
So I hold the rope, and leap.

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I say, “Let’s do it again!”
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Dhruv is my big cousin, but now I’m bigger, too.
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We spend our days biking, playing, reading,
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When it rains, we stay inside and work on a huge puzzle with tiny pieces.
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In the evenings, the grown-ups take turns making dinner:

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veggie burgers and corn, fish curry with naan, pizza oozing with gooey cheese, lemon rice and korma.

One night, we pile into cars, watch a movie under the stars, munch on popcorn and candy.

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And afterwards, we get ice cream. Because summer is for cousins and ice cream.
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But I miss my favorite flavor. Maybe Dhruv does, too?

“The cousins should make dinner,” says Preethi.

We all agree.
I have an idea.
“I can make dessert,” I say.
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The next day, the kids make dinner.
We all go to the grocery store and with Mom’s help, I bring back a surprise.
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I spend time in the kitchen and then go outside.

“Look!” I say and hold out a ball.

“Shouldn’t you be making dessert?” Anita says.
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“You’ll see. Everybody come and play,” I say.
We sit in a circle and roll the ball back and forth, gently at first, but then faster.

“It’s heavy!” says Preethi.
“And noisy!” says Jaya.
“Is there something inside?” asks Puja. Baby Leela claps and blows bubbles.
Dhruv grins and raises his eyebrows.
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The ball rolls to me. I open a secret compartment and show them what’s inside.