1 minute read



Find out more about nature and mindfulness with the help of an adult.


6American Horticultural Society

ahsgardening.org The American Horticultural Society is a national gardening organization made up of gardeners, horticultural professionals, and partner organizations from all across North America.

6Bumblebee Conservation Trust

BUMBLEBEECONSERVATION.ORG The trust’s mission is to increase the number and distribution of bumblebees through ecology and conservation efforts and by inspiring people to take action.

6Marine Conservation Institute 6 Nature Conservancy

nature.org The Nature Conservancy is a nonprofit environmental organization that works to battle climate change, protect nature, provide food sustainability, and build healthier cities.

6Sierra Club

sierraclub.org The Sierra Club educates communities and encourages people to explore, enjoy, and protect the earth. 6 Wildlife Conservation Society

wcs.org The Wildlife Conservation Society works to conserve the natural world and protect its wildlife.

marine-conservation.org The Marine Conservation Institute works to protect the ocean and its marine ecosystems so that they will be around for ages to come. 6 National Audubon Society audubon.org The National Audubon Society protects birds and their habitats across the Americas. They implement on -the -ground conservation efforts, use science and advocacy, and educate communities on how to continue the work.

mindfulness 6 Blissful Kids This is an advance, uncorrected proof. BLISSFULKIDS.COM/WHAT-IS-MINDFULNESS-AND-HOW-TO-Not for resale, duplication, or EXPLAIN-IT-TO-KIDSreposting. Please do not quote without A community of parents, educators, and therapists working to empower children with valuable life skills through free comparison to the finished book. resources, training materials, and activities. 6 Mindful

6National Parks Conservation Association

npca.org The National Parks Conservation Association works to protect and enhance the National Park System across the United States. MINDFUL.ORG/MINDFULNESS-FOR-KIDS Expert guidance on introducing mindfulness and meditation to children of any age.

6National Wildlife Federation

nwf.org The National Wildlife Federation works to protect America’s wildlife and unite Americans in this cause.

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