1 minute read
be here now
When you worry about the future, when you fret about the past, it can be quite difficult to stay in “the present”—the moment you are in right now. Sometimes, when you feel a twist in your tummy or a fuzziness in your head, it is almost impossible to find joy, feel peace, or follow curiosity. But there are ways you can look after yourself and calm your body and your mind. Being immersed in nature is just one of them.
This book is an invitation to journey into the natural world, to enjoy some of the extraordinary events that take place every day, and to get up close with the many fascinating creatures that thrive within it. Come and follow the busy ants as they march up and down a tree, watch an earthstar mushroom as it bursts in the rain, and be captivated by a hummingbird as it takes a few sips of sweet nectar.
These little moments are happening every minute of every day and sometimes, all you need to do to see them is to slow down . . . and be here now. This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.