We Have a Dream

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disproportionately affected by climate change, yet often


Indigenous people and people of color are




aren’t heard in global conversations. In this book, British rights Dr. Mya-Rose Craig speaks to campaigners from around the world about what needs to be done. From wildlife conservation to clean water, air pollution to plastic waste, climate justice to climate strikes, the time has come to listen to a generation of young activists demanding urgent change for the world they will inherit.


s u o n e g i d n I g n Me e t 3 0 Yo u lor o C f o e l p o e P Pe o p l e a n d t e n a l P e h t g n i t This is an advance, uncorrected proof. P ro t e c

Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.


WE have a dream

Bangladeshi environmentalist and campaigner for equal



People of Color Protecting the Planet


30 Young Indigenous People and




Read the incredible stories and hear the dreams of




y yE


Q U.S. $16.99 Can. $21.99 ISBN 978-1-4197-5666-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-5666-5



9 781419 756665



w r it te n b y


Q abramsyoungreaders.com @abramskids

illustrated by SABRENA KHADIJA

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WE HAVE A DREAM This is an advance, uncorrected proof. written by Not for resale, duplication, or R . M Y A do - R Onot S E Cquote R A I G without reposting.DPlease comparison to the finished book. illustrated by SABRENA KHADIJA




CRAIG, also known as Birdgirl, is a

is a Sierra Leonean American

British Bangladeshi naturalist,

illustrator. As a Black creative,

environmentalist, and campaigner for

Sabrena takes a lot of pride in

equal rights. In February 2020, Mya-Rose

creating work that helps others feel seen and inspired not only to see beauty within

honorary doctorate in science from Bristol University,

themselves, but to recognize and acknowledge that

in recognition of her five years of campaigning for

of others. Of her practice, she says, “I am one of the

diversity in the environmental sector.

growing number of human beings who seek inclusive


became the youngest British person to be awarded an

and innovative spaces to explore art and creativity in meaningful and impactful ways.”

To all the young activists with big dreams and to my family for helping me achieve mine . — M - R . C . To my little brother Ahmad . I can't wait to watch your brilliance illuminate the world . — S . K .

ed digitally. The illustrations in this book were creat Fantastic. Set in Bakerie, Lato, and Supa Mega 2021938963 Library of Congress Control Number: 6-5 7-566 1-419 978ISBN

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Text © 2021 Dr. MC Birdgirl Limited Illustrations © 2021 Sabrena Khadija Book design by Nicola Price Cover © Magic Cat 2021

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My Dream Q

666 Indigenous people and people of color are disproportionately affected by climate change. and yet they are underrepresented within the environmental movement. Not anymore. I believe that to protect the environment is to leverage the input and contribution of as many people as possible. But it is not for me to speak for others. The time has come for people to speak for themselves. The covid-19 pandemic has proved that governments are willing to act in extraordinary ways to protect the well-being of their citizens. The impending environmental crisis demands no less action. During lockdown, I spoke to thirty young campaigners This is an advance,experiencing uncorrected proof. the stark reality of our changing planet. Not for resale,OURduplication, or a united dream. conversations MADE CLEAR


reposting. Please do notfor quote without A dream climate justice. comparison to the finished book. A dream for a healthy planet.


A dream for a fairer world, for all.

dr. Mya-Rose “birdgirl” Craig

British Bangladeshi naturalist, environmentalist, and campaigner for equal rights





autumn peltier


Dream: Access to clean drinking water

case everywhere in the world. Canada is

looked upon as one of the most developed

born: 2004 Ethnicity: Manitoulin Wikwemikong First Nation

communities who aren’t able to drink their water, as it’s contaminated by pollution and oil pipelines. Autumn thought this was unacceptable.

Campaigning has been in Autumn’s

family for a long time, and her great-aunt Josephine Mandamin was known as the “water walker.” Josephine was the Chief Water Commissioner for the Anishinabek Nation until she died in 2019. Autumn reveals, “Even though my great-aunt is mentor.” Soon after, Autumn was appointed the Chief Water Commissioner and became

known as the “water warrior.” Why? Because

when addressing the United Nations General

Assembly, Autumn told them to “Warrior up!”

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Autumn lends her voice to the most utumn spent her childhood the shores of vulnerable communities Not onfor resale, duplication, orwhen speaking to people Lake Huron, one of the largest freshwater in positions of power. In 2016, she met Canadian reposting. Please do not quote without lakes on Earth, and comes from the territory Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and expressed that comparison finished book. of Wikwemikong, a First Nations reserve on to theshe was upset about his decision to allow an oil



Manitoulin Island in Canada. Autumn realized

pipeline project to proceed. The Assembly of First

the importance of clean water after taking part

Nations Youth Council was so inspired by Autumn

in a ceremony in a village that had no access to it. “People my age didn’t even know what a drinking water tap was. They had to boil water in big pots,” Autumn explains.

In developed countries,

getting clean water is something that most people may not pay attention to, but this is not the



not with us anymore, she’s still my biggest


the importance Autumn has always understood protect it. At of clean water and the need to nding water just eight years old, she was atte reserves. Now the ceremonies on First Nations the Anishinabek Chief Water Commissioner for held by her Nation, a position previously ne Mandamin, great-aunt and mentor Josephi e for the universal Autumn is an impressive voic for First Nations right of clean drinking water r Earth. communities and across Mothe

countries, but there are First Nations

that it created a fund to help protect water

“CLEAN DRINKING WATER is a basic HUMAN RIGHT. Nobody should have to go without it.”

for future generations.

Autumn thinks it’s

important for people to speak up for the next generations, “as it

can make a huge impact.” This is a global issue, and Autumn encourages everyone to join

the fight.

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Vanessa J nakate Drea m: r ace equali for c li mate activi ty sts

6 Q

born: 1996 Ethnicity: Muganda

picture only showed four white climate activists. In response, Vanessa tweeted:


change peo

d out of a the spotlight after being croppe climate activists. photograph with four white side, she spoke Instead of being pushed to the

essa’s courage out against discrimination. Van am of all climate is inspiring, and we share a dre

She received messages of support from

other climate activists who had had similar experiences, but had lacked the courage

to speak out. Ever since, Vanessa has felt a

greater responsibility to amplify their voices because if they are not heard, climate justice cannot be achieved.

Vanessa is passionate about uplifting

marginalized climate activists because,

she says, “It is their communities that are suffering the most from climate change.”

Countries in the Global North, such as the

United States, are the biggest contributors

fter graduating from university, Vanessa

So, Vanessa organized a strike against the

government’s inaction on climate change. For several months she was the only protester standing outside shops, gas stations, and even the gates of Parliament. But soon, people responded to her calls on social media, and Vanessa founded Youth for Future Africa.

In January 2020, Vanessa attended

a conference with other climate activists,


the lives of the people in their

communities, but this is not

“CLIMATE JUSTICE has to include EVERYONE. Every person, every country.”

possible if they are not given



limited access to food and clean water.


This is an advance, uncorrected proof. to climate change, but they experience the effects was surprised to learn that climate was duplication, of it the least. For the or Global South, including Not for change resale, contributing to the poverty in her community in countries like Uganda, it is a much greater problem reposting. Please do not quote without Uganda. Climate change and rising temperatures for a lot of the people who live there. comparison were causing periods of low rainfall, which ledto to the finished Many climatebook. activists want to change



pulted into ple in Africa, Vanessa was cata


Vanessa had been cropped out, and the

a continent. But I am stronger than ever.”

for young . After founding a movement


photograph of the event was published,

“You didn’t just erase a photo. You erased

, Vanessa Growing up in Kampala, Uganda of climate has seen firsthand the impact

activists having their voices

including Greta Thunberg. When a

the platform or resources to do that. Vanessa

embraces everyone’s

story and uses shared

experiences as a source

of energy to keep pushing for climate action.

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y 6666


Dream: a world without deforestation

commitment. He loved soccer and so for every goal he scored, he decided to plant

born: 2004 Ethnicity: Kenyan Maasai

a tree, calling his initiative Trees 4 Goals.

ned about the When soccer player Lesein lear g cut down in devastating impact of trees bein

he combined his home of Kenya, East Africa, ire to protect his his love of soccer with his des Trees 4 Goals, was country’s forests. His initiative, , he would plant simple: For every goal he scored member. Lesein’s eleven trees, one for each team he has used his practical activism is admirable; a key role in passion to inspire others to play

collaborative team effort, what if for every

goal scored, eleven trees were planted, one to

represent each player on the team? His soccer team loved the idea, and his school adopted it in all of their sports teams. Together they had planted almost 1,000 trees!

Lesein’s school was so impressed with his

achievement that they nominated him to attend the first United Nations Youth Climate Summit. At fifteen years old, Lesein was one of the

youngest people there, and when he returned, he planted a tree with the President of Kenya.


fighting climate change.

Then, Lesein thought, as every goal is a

This experience gave Lesein the

confidence to think even bigger. He is now

passionate about the possibility

This is an advance, uncorrected ofproof. an eco-friendly society. “deforestation,” a section size Notof forest forthe resale, duplication, “TREES help us or“It is up to us to do the of a soccer field is destroyed? Lesein was best we can to give reposting. Please do not in so manyquote ways— without twelve years old when he found out that the planet to our comparison to the finished book. Kenya was losing almost 200 square miles children so they even cleaning the AIR


id you know that in the time it takes to say

of forest each year, the equivalent of

164 soccer fields every day. Lesein loved

to play soccer in the forests near his home, going almost every day, and realized they could disappear if nothing was done.

we breathe. The more we can PLANT, the BETTER!”

Planting trees is a great solution to the

climate crisis as they absorb carbon dioxide in

beautiful nature we

have,” he says. He

plans to reach out to famous soccer players to help create a forest of

Trees 4 Goals in each county

the air as they grow. Lesein started small and

in Kenya, then a forest of Trees 4 Goals in each

began planting trees at his grandmother’s house in

country in Africa. Lesein believes that soccer can

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. But soon he wanted

connect, engage, and inspire young people to take

to make a bigger impact, which meant a bigger

action to achieve a greener future.



can experience the

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9 born: 2002 Ethnicity: Ecuadorian Indigenous, Amazonian Kichwa Sar ayaku, Finnish

interests of big oil Helena has stood against the mental impact on companies and their environ e childhood. She grew Indigenous land for profit sinc community in the up as part of a small Indigenous t faces the constant Ecuadorian Amazon—one tha brought her into the threat of losing its land—which rights and rainforest world of being an Indigenous form to speak out and defender. Helena uses her plat ortant issues. bring awareness to these imp




Sumak Helena Sirén Gualinga

D r e a m : P r ot e c t Indigenous land

felt natural for Helena to join them.

The Sarayaku community fought hard and were able to protect their forest

because, Helena says, “We never gave our consent for them to come to our

community, and the government didn’t let us have a say.” Helena realized the

government made the decisions on their behalf; their voices were not heard. As her father worked at a

university in Finland, Helena spent her childhood living between two homes and has been able to broadcast her

community’s message on a wider scale.

She uses her voice and platform to raise awareness about what is happening to Indigenous people and how it is connected to the climate crisis.

In 2020, Helena started Polluters

impact this had on her community. “It has always been a part of my life that people were fighting for our communities . . . that

someone was trying to take our home from us,” she reveals.

Helena was raised in a family of

strong women. Her mother was the president of the Kichwa Women’s Association, and her sister, aunt, and grandmother are defenders of

Indigenous women’s rights. It therefore

Helena encourages people to listen to marginalized

“My community has to keep FIGHTING to protect our forest, our animals, and our people from the threats to everything we know as HOME.”



communities. The more that speak up and are heard, the

more likely it is we can create a healthier, more

peaceful world

for everyone.




This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Out, a youth movement attempting to elena comes from the Kichwafor Sarayaku remove the influence of Not resale, duplication, orthe fossil-fuel industry community, which is located in the Ecuadorian within Indigenous lands. “The most important reposting. Please do not quote without Amazon. In 2002, a company entered Sarayaku step toward stopping climate change is to stop comparison to theextracting finished book. looking for oil. As a child, Helena witnessed the fossil fuels,” she explains.

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y 444

Dream: a waste-free world

project, which empowered 200 students with hands-on skills of recycling plastic

waste. Together, they recycled more than 100 tons of plastic, which resulted in

born: 2000 Ethnicity: Black Rwandan

2,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions being diverted from landfills.

He was more convinced than ever that


plastic waste—if only he could reach

it was possible to have a world without

ironmental city. Landfills can be huge env

can leach into ards, as many toxic substances

more people. His vision was to combine


environmental activism and technology

dream of creating the ground over time. With a built a mobile app, a waste-free world, Ghislain to recycling points. Wastezon, to connect people lves humanity His work is inspiring, as it invo er to protect the and technology coming togeth

to prevent recyclables being dumped in

the first place and help people to rethink

their consumption habits, whether it was recycling, reusing, or repurposing.

So, in 2018, Ghislain launched

Wastezon—a mobile app connecting


people to recycling points, giving incentives for them to recycle rather than dumping or burning their trash. There are now

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. hundreds of households using the app and problem at eleven years old when was Ghislain has preventedor a further 3,000 tons of Not forheresale, duplication, volunteering on a school project at a local landfill carbon dioxide emissions being released into the reposting. Please do not quote without site. Ghislain and his friends were researching atmosphere. And, as households upload their comparison finished book. the impact the toxins were having on nearby to therubbish to be recycled, they become ambassadors


hislain discovered the weight of the waste

encouraging others to join in, too.

and went sliding down. Ghislain’s friend was


homes, when suddenly some trash came loose sadly hit and spent two weeks in the hospital recovering. The accident taught Ghislain something valuable. “In a waste-free

world, this would have never happened,” he says.

After this traumatic

event, Ghislain started an environmental awareness

waste collection needs and the growing

“I believe that a world without WASTE is possible. There should be no LANDFILL at all.”

demand for compost. Thinking beyond

his hometown of Kigali, Ghislain plans to bring out innovations that help communities throughout Africa

dispose of their waste responsibly.

As he acknowledges, “It’s a global

fight­—a fight for our shared planet.”



Wastezon’s next step is to introduce a

“Smart Bin” that responds to both households’


But Ghislain didn’t stop his fight there.

in East Africa, As a child in Kigali, Rwanda, sest landfills in Ghislain was witness to the den

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Brianna 6 6 Fruean

DREAM: stop rising sea levels

up flooded, or sometimes totally underwater. And it’s going to get worse if we don’t act.

But Brianna is passionate about not looking

born: 1998 Ethnicity: Samoan

at the climate crisis as the end of something, but instead viewing at it as the beginning of something better.

Samoa in the Growing up on the island of to protect her South Pacific inspired Brianna When sea levels home from rising sea levels. rate to higher rise, some people have to mig e to flood risk. ground or become vulnerabl ate change to We share a dream to fight clim

movement, will be the generation repairing generation of leaders with the ability, time, passion, and energy,” Brianna explains. She


9 12


the damage. “We can fix this as the upcoming

continues to strengthen the voice of young

gladesh where help stem tides rising in Ban ere Brianna’s my family live, in Samoa wh fam

Brianna believes that young people

today, by trying to build a bigger climate

people in the Pacific through grassroots projects. She visits schools

around the ily live, and for every family

to raise awareness

“We must build a GLOBAL FAMILY. children to take action, both at We must value EVERYONE This is an advance, uncorrected proof. rianna’s climate activism journey started home and globally. when she was elevenNot years old. She attended Brianna for resale, duplication, orthe same, value everyone’s a climate change workshop and her interest was describes herself HOME the same.” reposting. Please do not quote without immediately sparked, so she decided to set up an as campaigning for comparison to the“climate finished book. environmental group. At such a young age, Brianna justice,” rather of climate change


and empowers


was motivated by love for her island, which she felt

than climate action alone.

was filled with richness.

Climate justice addresses the

climate crisis while also protecting human rights,

Protecting her island and helping her

community has been the inspiration behind

such as access to housing and food.

Brianna’s work. Climate change is the greatest

threat to the Pacific, and the island of Samoa,

Zealand, Brianna continues to fight for a climate

along with other vulnerable communities around

conversation where all people feel welcome

the world, is experiencing the effects of the planet

and valued. The climate space is a place for

heating up. As temperatures increase, ice begins

everyone and, when the weight of the world

to melt and runs into the oceans, causing the sea

feels heavy, Brianna understands we

level to rise. Rising waters mean that islands end

need a lot more hands to carry it.

Now studying at university in New

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y J

Talissa M. Soto Krentzien


of color. CLuB organized workshops and talks, which were safe spaces for activists to share their story.

Talissa fights for climate justice, a

form of environmental action that also

6 Q

climate justice in trainer, and poet working for es events where the Netherlands. She organiz anger about people can share their grief and h their visions environmental loss, along wit world. Talissa’s for building a sustainable, just se close to my fight for climate justice is a cau and the planet heart as I believe both people should be treated fairly.

most impacted by the climate crisis: people


tal activist, ssa is a grassroots environmen


9 Born: 1993 Ethnicity: latinx

Dream: clim i nclusive cl ate just imate ice mov and eme nts

protects human rights. Talissa reflects on when a fellow activist asked her, “What good would it be to have a livable planet if, when we walked down the street, we are subjected to a racist attack?” She realized that we cannot just create a liveable and sustainable planet, but it needs to be one in which everyone has the freedom to enjoy that planet, too.

To face the climate crisis, we have to

challenge ourselves, but also, as Talissa says, “People who have been marginalized

have the power to be fearless and loud,” This is an advance, uncorrected proof. adding, “Do not allow the fear of being silenced Notwhen for duplication, or important to say.” in environmental activism sheresale, was stop you from saying what’s nineteen and reposting. studying at universityPlease in the United do notToquote promote open dialogue, Talissa liaises without States. She had already been an activist focusing closely with other groups that are doing feminist comparison to theand finished book. on racial and migrant justice, but became aware anti-racist work to bring it into the climate


orn in Venezuela, Talissa became involved

of the links between Indigenous environmentalism.

So, she began

organizing gatherings,

attending protests, and offering training to climate activists. She

also co-founded Climate Liberation Bloc (CLuB)

to create a space for those


movement. The hard work has been worthwhile as Talissa sees more Indigenous people

“We need to have a movement that is willing to let everyone SPEAK, to create SPACE, to LISTEN to different voices, to be CHALLENGED.”

and people of color taking center stage in the European environmental movement. We are finally focusing on social issues and acknowledging


peoples’ rights, racism, and

that marginalized people need

to be at the center, which gives

the next generations courage. As

Talissa says, “Take the space that you

need, because the planet needs you.”

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44 6


Thomas Tonatiuh Lopez, Jr


tribal land, and wildlife habitat to carry

570,000 barrels of oil. The protesters argued the pipeline would contaminate drinking

water and damage sacred burial sites. As the son of a Chief, Thomas felt a duty to join the


Born: 1992 Ethnicity: OtomI, Diné, Apache, Sicangu Lakota


Dream: Indigenous rights and earth justice

protesting at Thomas spent many months Standing Rock the Sacred Stone Camp on the to stop the Reservation in North Dakota pipeline. He then construction of a dangerous oil Indigenous Youth cofounded the International dream of Indigenous Council (IIYC) to fulfill a vital ice for us all. rights and environmental just

protesters at the Sacred Stone Camp.

For years, demonstrations took place

along the road leading to the pipeline’s

construction site. Protesters waved flags representing over eighty different tribal nations. There were strict rules that the


action would be peaceful. Even as the

protesters found themselves under physical threat from the police, they remained

calm, with Thomas saying, “Though you

have brutalized us, we will not brutalize


you.” Decisions are still being made about

homas was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. He is the grandson of Chief Leonard

whether the pipeline should proceed.

While at the Sacred Stone Camp, Thomas

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. lived in a traditional Indigenous community, Woman Sharon Dominguez and Sundance separate from Western society. For the first time, Not for resale, duplication, or Chief Thomas Lopez, Sr. After graduating from he was with people who had similar experiences reposting. Please do not quote without university, Thomas heard about an Indigenous to him. Thomas wanted to inspire people who comparison to theidentify finished book. youth group that was as two-spirit, or Indigenous people who Emmanuel Crow Dog, Sr., and the son of Water


organizing a cross-

embody both a masculine and feminine spirit

within them, to reclaim their voices in the “We are environmental movement. So, he cofounded WARRIORS. We are construction of the International Indigenous Youth Council the Dakota (IIYC) to create a safe space to do so. WATER PROTECTORS. Access Pipeline. Thomas won’t stop his fight for We are LAND DEFENDERS. Indigenous rights and environmental The Dakota Access Pipeline justice, as he is aware of the struggles of his We demand JUSTICE was to extend over ancestors. “If we want to be seen, we must for the EARTH.” 1,100 miles, crossing make our presence known. Be the voice of the country “spiritual

run” to protest the



through communities,

future and speak for the voices of the past.”

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Rebeca J 9 Sabnam Q

Dream: Cli mate justice for Ba n gladesh’s poorest c o m munities

United States when she was six years old, and has made it her mission to highlight how climate change intersects with

born: 2003 Ethnicity: Noakhali Bengali

vulnerable countries.

zero-waste organization working to achieve g against waste, schools. Alongside campaignin

eshi people and Rebeca advocates for Banglad of climate change. the issues they face as a result re Rebeca’s dream As a Bangladeshi woman, I sha ressed as both an for the climate crisis to be add an rights issue. environmental issue and a hum

more than 200,000 people marching in

Manhattan to demand climate action. She stood in front of a huge crowd and shared her experience. Her powerful speech was

picked up by the media and, with flooding

worsening, Rebeca used this new platform to call on people in positions of power to

protect Bangladesh’s poorest communities. To help the climate crisis, Rebeca also

campaigns for zero-waste schools. Working for Cafeteria Culture, the environmental

education organization behind New York’s

decision to eliminate the 860,000 Styrofoam trays used every day in schools, Rebeca

educates her classmates about the benefits



This is an advance, uncorrected proof. of zero waste and has introduced ebeca spent her early childhood in Dhaka, the plastic-free lunch daysor in her school. Not for resale, duplication, capital of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of But her hard work doesn’t stop there—she reposting. Please do not quote without the countries most vulnerable to the climate crisis is working to implement policies that mandate to the finishedplastic-free book.lunch days in all and is often affectedcomparison by flooding. As the country has less money to spend on defenses, when floods

New York schools. After

occur, Bangladeshi people can lose their

As a child, Rebeca remembers being

carried to school on her uncle’s back

during severe floods. But other times, the school could be closed and wells were submerged, which meant no access to

education and clean drinking water—two

basic human rights. Rebeca migrated to the

“Bangladesh exemplifies how interconnected the CLIMATE EMERGENCY is to RACIAL JUSTICE and POVERTY.”

with her classmates to get the New York plastic bag fee bill passed in 2020, there’s no doubt

that Rebeca will

achieve anything that

she sets her mind to.


Q 18

successfully advocating


homes and livelihoods.


rney at the age Rebeca started her activism jou ture, a nonprofit of ten after joining Cafeteria Cul


In September 2019, Rebeca joined

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Litokne Kabua

9 born: 2002 Ethnicity: marshallese

of global warming Litokne lives with the impacts th) in his home in (the rising temperature of Ear ine landscape is the Marshall Islands. The mar , as the ocean declining at a dramatic rate and bleached, his gets warmer and coral reefs are lihoods are lost community’s homes and live Litokne has joined a forever. To protect his island, itioning the United group of sixteen activists in pet tructive effects of Nations to engage with the des

Dream: Save cor al reefs

reefs are destroyed by climate change,

waves are reaching islands and washing away homes. Almost 60 percent of Litokne’s community has been affected by this, and it’s getting worse. Coral reefs are also bleaching as the water gets hotter. It can only take 34 degrees Fahrenheit of warming to cause ecosystems to break down. Coral can also bleach for other reasons, such as pollution or too much sunlight. All of

these triggers are caused by the climate changing—something that Litokne is campaigning to stop. Litokne has joined a group of sixteen youth activists in petitioning

Q change. Under the United Nations

Convention on the Rights of the Child,

countries have to protect children and

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. because of the threat of the climate crisis, these the five coral islandsNot and twenty-nine atolls conditions are not currently for resale, duplication, or being met. (a ring-shaped island formed of coral) that make Litokne explains that if we take action now, reposting. Please do not quote without up the Marshall Islands, where more than “We can reduce climate change to a significant comparison finished 10 percent of the world’s atolls can be found.to thelevel, allowing us tobook. live a sustainable life.”


itokne lives on Ebeye Island which is one of


Thousands of marine animals depend on coral reefs for survival, including the fish that Litokne’s family eat.

Along with protecting

their food source, Litokne campaigns to look after his community’s safety, too. Coral reefs are natural barriers that absorb the

force of waves to keep people safe from storms. But as the



the United Nations to combat climate

climate change.

Currently, the Marshall Islands are struggling and, without immediate change, Litokne’s home

“The coral reef is suffering from mass coral bleaching as a direct result of CLIMATE CHANGE.”

could soon be underwater. But in an

effort to preserve his island, Litokne uses his platform to implore

others: “My beautiful home is only six feet above sea level. We have only six feet of our culture left,

only six feet of our future left.

Will you help us?”

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Tyrone Scott

9 Born: 1991 Ethnicity: Italian German, British african Jamaican

action, whether Tyrone is no stranger to taking ate strikes, protesting with the school clim writing about striving for social housing, or until world climate justice. He will not stop ate emergency leaders prioritize the global clim ner, Tyrone over profit. As a fellow campaig of the climate passionately raises awareness

election. Tyrone could no longer sit back and allow the effects of climate change to get

worse. His goal was to bring his community a more environmentally friendly future.

Tyrone believes in the importance of

tackling social and environmental issues, and works as a community organizer for a national housing charity. He campaigns for more social housing and demands that these homes should retain 95 percent of energy— which is good for the planet and also reduces innovative social housing solutions can both

lower carbon emissions and tackle inequality.



“We must stop people EXPLOITING He writes orn in Germany to an Italian German mother about the non-natural resources This is an advance, uncorrected proof. and a British African Jamaican father, Tyrone intersectionality believes his multicultural background between climate Not forhasresale, duplication, or for PROFIT. The contributed to his concern for a crisis that is global and racial justice, PLANET must come reposting. Please do not quote without and affects us all—climate change. Now living diversity in the comparison finished book. FIRST.” in London, Tyrone became actively involved into theenvironmental Tyrone is also a journalist.


movement, and his own

experiences as a climate

Tyrone joined the Green Party, a political


climate activism in his late teenage years. party that campaigns for a greener, more

activist. By calling out the lack of

sustainable way of living, and believes the planet

diversity within environmental

should come before making money. Tyrone spent

organizations, Tyrone puts pressure

many days and nights demonstrating on the

on these movements to be more inclusive.

streets of London. “The main thing any one person

can do is to join the movement and take action,” he

impressed at how engaged in politics and climate

says. So, in 2019, Tyrone stood as a candidate to

change young people are today. It gives him

represent the area where he lived—Hackney

real hope, as he acknowledges, “The future is so

South and Shoreditch—in the parliamentary

progressive and we’re going to change the world!”


Q 22


energy costs. He has seen firsthand how



Dream: prioritize the environment over the economy

Speaking about his peers, Tyrone is

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G 9 Ariel Chen

Animals Around project. Using cameras to record creatures in their natural habitat,


born: 2004 Ethnicity: Han Chinese

Dream: live in harmony with wildlife

the age of Ariel has been a birder since watching twelve, and—just like me—bird

ugh a means she views the world thro protect the nature conservation lens. To paigning— birds she loves, Ariel began cam , and setting starting a blog, writing articles rts were to up a birding club. These effo China to encourage her community in g around notice the different wildlife livin essential them and to understand how it is to live together in peace.

Ariel presented the footage to classmates

with the aim of further promoting awareness of the beauty of wildlife. She hoped that they would notice the different wildlife living around them, understand how they could coexist and how the relationship between them and animals can improve. “I’m aware

that the world is not only for humans to live in but also for animals and we must think about them as we live our life and, most importantly, how our actions might affect them,” she says. “We must use our efforts to protect them.”

Ariel’s next step is to talk to people

who reside in remote places, like those living


ctive birder Ariel has seen over 1,500 species of birds and calls herself a “birding fanatic.”

locations have great biodiversity around them, and Ariel understands that different communities have different needs. Some may

Ariel is not alone in

“Wildlife should be able to COEXIST in the same space as humans in a SUSTAINABLE relationship.”

share her passion for her country’s wildlife by

her endeavors.

starting the Birding Club and invited classmates

She is part of

to join. Ariel taught lessons, hosted off-campus

a generation

birding trips, and organized lectures with


experts—all of which influenced others to

in wildlife

notice the natural world around them. The


club members debated topics like why humans

across China,

should protect animals and the importance of

giving hope to a

nature conservation.

country with such rich


Alongside the Birding Club, Ariel began an



Encouraged by her parents, she decided to



This is an advance, uncorrected proof. believe that earning money is more important how it’s home to an abundance wildlife. Ariel for them than protecting Notoffor resale, duplication, orthe environment, so it’s first became involved in environmental activism crucial to talk and listen, and then take the best reposting. Please do not quote without at the age of thirteen while attending school in course of action. comparison to the Fortunately, finished book. Beijing, the capital of China. She loves China’s vast and diverse landscape and



in relatively poor, rural communities. These

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water bottle refilling stations throughout the

school, which meant people no longer bought plastic water bottles from the cafeteria. It

was clear to Zanagee that change occurred

because people came together, which he still believes is important in his work today.

And so when Zanagee met the other

Zero Hour cofounders—Jamie Margolin, Nadia Nazar and Madelaine Tew—during a three-week summer program at Princeton University, they came up with an idea to create a “youth-led climate justice organization to organize youth climate


marches.” Zanagee became the logistics for marches, estimating


director, in charge of submitting permits attendance numbers,


r, a youthZanagee cofounded Zero Hou n, after led climate justice organizatio ng voices becoming frustrated that you versation were being ignored in the con the United around climate change. From ut the States, Zanagee’s passion abo a movement, leadership of youth has roused ed global and he has impressively organiz provide a strikes, protests, and rallies to e together platform where people can com and have their voices heard.

Dream: global climate justice


9 born: 1999 Ethnicity: bir acial


y 6


Zanagee Artis

and helping

“We are Zero RACING against the This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Hour’s main anagee has always felt connected the aim was to center Not fortoresale, duplication, orclock . This is our chance ocean, living on the coast of Connecticut, young people, to get people to LISTEN. reposting. Please do not quote without and as a child dreamed of becoming a marine most significantly finished biologist. Inspired bycomparison his activist parents, he to theIndigenous people book. To CHANGE.”


began researching sustainability and realized

and people of color,

the impact of waste on the environment,

who were working within

especially in the sea.

the environmental movement, but

whose voices were not being heard. Together, they

When Zanagee was seventeen years old,

he started a group at school to reduce waste.

built a movement around the intersectionalities

He wanted classmates to start recycling paper,

between systems of oppression that continue to

to compost their food waste, and to use less

cause climate change, including racism, and strive

plastic. But, Zanagee admits, “It was hard to

to uplift voices environmentally impacted by these

make change without engaging my peers.”

systems. Through his efforts, Zanagee has inspired

young climate activists from around the world to

So, he started a sustainability committee.

The committee raised enough money to install


sister marches.

speak out, speak loudly, and speak proudly.

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Sultan 9 Ahmed Q

Born: 1995 Ethnicity: Chandpuri Bengali

of beautiful butterflies. Sadly, already

a quarter of Bangladesh’s wildlife is under threat while rapid destruction of their

habitats continues. “Human beings have reached a point that has enabled us to inflict

nist working Sultan is a wildlife conservatio esh. He plays an to protect species in Banglad Youth Biodiversity important role in the Global ng people to Network (GYBN), inspiring you and conservation unite for the sustainable use environment. of biodiversity for a healthy eshi, so I feel My mother’s family are Banglad y. In his words, connected to Sultan’s journe preserve life on “We need to work together to Earth.”

Dream: biodiversity conservation

damage on our natural world—driving species extinctions,” Sultan says. Sultan has been a dedicated climate activist for years, but hasn’t been campaigning alone. He works as Bangladesh’s youth representative for Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN). The GYBN is an international network of young people from across the world who come together to prevent the loss of biodiversity and to preserve Earth’s natural resources. Sultan shares a vision to transform the world into one where people live in harmony with nature. Campaigning to encourage other young people to conserve biodiversity and promote

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. sustainable tree planting, Sultan passionately Bangladesh, his father taughtfor him how vital expresses how “biodiversity Not resale, duplication, or is life; it is crucial to trees are—how they provide oxygen for us and the balance of ecosystems and the survival of reposting. Please do not quote without give homes to wildlife. When Sultan turned twelve, all species.” to the finished book. he created a nurserycomparison to grow seedlings and set Sultan is determined to play a part in a


planting goals so his trees could offer food and shelter for animals. It was important work, as deforestation is one of the most significant drivers of biodiversity loss in Bangladesh, along with climate change.

Sultan’s parents instilled in him a love

of learning and the environment, and so he decided to study wildlife conservation at university. He discovered that a range of animals will face extinction in Bangladesh

due to climate change, including many species




uring Sultan’s childhood in rural Southern

generation that is conscious of

and educated about the

environment, who will

“We must think GREEN: connect with NATURE, end species extinction , and PROTECT all life on Earth.”

seek to educate others, and


help conserve

such a biodiversity-

rich planet.

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G 9 nejma ali mehidi

y 444

Dream: A fairer world for future generations

France, a regional branch of the global

climate strike movement started by Greta

born: 2002 Ethnicity: French, Algerian Ar ab

Thunberg in August 2018. Sixteen-year-old every Friday, a school day, to demand

realized she was At seventeen years old, Nejma ws we’re hurting part of a generation that kno last generation the planet and potentially the So, she became that can do anything about it. global climate a climate activist, engaging in ncy on her future strikes to take back some age ions. I share and on behalf of future generat one where people Nejma’s dream of a fair world— globally stand are equal and human beings nge. together to combat climate cha

urgent action on climate change. It angered Nejma that a child was having to sacrifice their education to get society to see the climate crisis for what it is: a crisis.

Nejma began coordinating strikes in France, sharing ideas with children

in other regions—all the way from the

South Pole to the North Pole—and joining

together on international protests. Nejma

strikes because she cares for the planet and for other human beings.

Nejma hopes that through her actions, she has inspired other people to speak

up and join the fight. Sharing an analogy

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. between her activism and the workings orn in France, NejmaNot was raised to look at and of nature, Nejma describes for resale, duplication, or how she has planted think about everything. Therefore, it wasn’t a a seed, and although she may not be able to reposting. Please do not quote without surprise to her parents that she decided to explore cultivate the crop grown from the seed, she has comparison to themade finished book. the environment through the medium of a contribution, ensuring that the Earth is



photography while studying at school. “How should human beings relate to the world?” Nejma wondered. “What do we owe to other

people when it comes to the environment?” It was at school where Nejma took the step from looking and thinking to acting. She joined Fridays for Future

Everybody has the power to create

change and Nejma will carry on fighting

“I hope for a more EQUAL WORLD—one without racism, sexism, elitism—a world that’s kinder to the ENVIRONMENT.”

until her future, and that of many

others, is safe. She tells the climate activists who will follow in her

footsteps: “Never stop and never

accept things as they are . . . Keep

fighting for things and keep getting

outraged because that’s how you’re

going to stay powerful.”



easier to walk on for subsequent generations.


Greta sat outside the Swedish parliament

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y J

Yujin Kim

Dream: changes g o v e r n m e nt p o l i i n cies

6 Q

born: 2002 Ethnicity: Korean

with Youth 4 Climate Action Korea. Yujin made a sign, wrote a speech, and showed up to demand change. She then took it a step further and became an organizer. Youth 4 Climate Action Korea

Yujin has followed Reduce, reuse, and recycle— eight. Now in high the three “Rs” since the age of

comprises of around 100 teenagers


that South Korea is the world’s


vists claim South and eighteen other young acti n reduction target Korea’s greenhouse gas emissio government would is inadequate. If successful, the the country’s be bound by law to strengthen uction goals . . . an greenhouse gas emission red impressive feat!

seventh-highest emitter of carbon

dioxide, in 2019 they demanded stronger climate policies and greenhouse gas

emission reduction goals. “We did what we could to make changes by meeting

government officials,” Yujin said, “But it wasn’t enough for political leaders

to implement better policies.” Time was running out . . .

So, in March 2020, Yujin and

eighteen other young activists sued

ujin grew up in South Korea and has always


only go so far and that government action can

When Yujin was briefly living in

Australia in 2018, she was invited to a School Strike for Climate event. It was the largest rally that she had ever been to, with 30,000 people taking to the streets to demand action on climate change. When Yujin returned home a year later, she was excited to find a school strike in Seoul, the capital of South Korea,


kind of world today’s youth will

inherit, so, she says, “It is only “It is the fair that our voices are heard GOVERNMENT who and our demands are taken account in the making needs to take responsibility into of those decisions.” What for protecting its people she wants is simple: a healthy planet. It is our from CLIMATE fundamental human right, CHANGE.” after all.


make a bigger difference.


This is an advance, uncorrected proof. the government, saying its climate policies were had an ecological awareness. After taking violating children’s human Not for resale, duplication, or rights. The lawsuit small actions to help the planet—from using less passed the preliminary review just ten days after reposting. Please do not quote without water, walking instead of taking the car, and eating they submitted the case. comparison book.decisions define what less meat—Yujin learned that personal changeto can the finished For Yujin, government



ernment. She ion Korea, Yujin is suing the gov


to the issue of climate change. Aware


4 Climate ool and an organizer for Youth

who protest to alert the government

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9 Born: 1997 Ethnicity: Spanish, Basque, African Trinbagonian

ure, and has been Ander has a connection to nat raphy since he interested in birds and photog always felt was a child, just like me. He has than how he a desire to leave a place better responding to finds it, so wasted no time in In 2019, Ander Greta Thunberg’s call to action. Girona, a regional cofounded Fridays for Future ke movement, and branch of Spain’s climate stri ate action ever has been demanding global clim


Ander Congil Ross

Dream: Global climate action

for Future Girona, a regional branch of Spain’s climate strike movement, and on that Friday

joined students across the world for the first time. They stood together to demand climate action from their political leaders. “Fridays have never been the same since,” Ander says.

The first few weeks of strikes were

calm, but as news spread on social media, the regional branch began to expand. They gathered more than 100 people, and from there it took off! During a climate strike in March 2019, Ander took to the streets alongside 50,000 people to denounce political inaction on the climate crisis. Ander felt emotional knowing they were all there to fight for a better future.

For Ander, it’s important to talk about

the consequences that the climate crisis will


have. He is worried that Spain is the country in the European Union most vulnerable to

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. climate change, and as such should be one of nder was born in Spain and was raised with the pioneering nationsor in environmental policies. Not for resale, duplication, the philosophy that we all have to do as Instead he feels that time is running out and, at reposting. Please do not quote without much as we can to protect the planet. He recalls this point, the government is not showing any to thesigns finished book. spending time in thecomparison countryside, collecting litter of adopting the change that it should.



and developing a love for birds. He found birds

all followed, would combat

So, it seemed natural to him to study

the climate crisis: “Leave

Biology and Environmental Sciences at the

University of Girona. It was there, on a cold Friday in January 2019, that Ander and three university friends skipped class to stand in the Generalitat of Girona to help support a movement that they had been

following on the internet: Fridays for Future. The week before they had set up Fridays

“We have to ACT to SAVE the PLANET before it is too late. It is your lives that are being played with.”



the place better than you find it.” So,


Ander keeps in his head a phrase that, if we


intriguing as the species are so diverse.

alongside striking,

he continues to take part in clean-up

projects in meadows

and rivers and on

beaches and mountains.

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9 born: 1996 Ethnicity: Indian Kharia

tribe, an Indigenous Archana belongs to the Kharia living in India. She forest-dwelling community es to have a pivotal advocates for tribal communiti ate and fights to role in the climate activism deb of environmental protect their rights in the face Archana’s passion and land destruction. I share ginalized voices and to provide a platform for mar vism has been shaped relate to how her climate acti s and her parents’ by her community’s struggle effort.



Archana Soreng

Dream: indigenous rights

other tribal communities. She saw how

similar they were to hers—how they had

an environmentally friendly way of living and how nature was deeply embedded in their lives. Archana shares that, for

example, her clan name, Soreng, means

“rock” in the Kharia language—and other clan names include Kiro meaning “tiger” and Dung Dung meaning “fish.”

Archana learned that sustainable

solutions like cleaning water and organic farming were being carried out, but had not been shared outside of different

tribal groups. She started to write about

communities’ successes and shared their traditions, knowledge, and practices.

Archana joined the United Nations’ Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory

Group on Climate Change and started

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. advocating for climate action. “Securing land village in Rajgangpur, India,for her grandfather rights is key to ensuring Not resale, duplication, orIndigenous communities was a pioneer protector of their forest community. can contribute to climate action,” she explains. reposting. Please do not quote without He led the forest protection committee, and her Archana believes that language must change comparison book. father cured illnesses using ingredients from to the thetofinished demonstrate Indigenous people are conserving


forest, ways that were learned and passed down away in 2017, she became interested in

“GUARDIANS OF THE FOREST are on the verge of EXTINCTION as their RIGHTS are not recognized.”

activism and research as she wanted to preserve her community’s knowledge.

Since childhood, Archana’s

parents told her that to change society, she needed to enter politics and influence decision-making processes.

So, Archana went to university to study Political Sciences and started to visit



communities need to be the leaders, not victims, of


the generations. When Archana’s father passed

nature sustainably. “Indigenous

conservation,” Archana says. Forest, nature,



hen Archana was growing up in Bihabandh

and land embody their identity—nature is

their mother, who is taking care of them,

and, in return, they

must take care of her.

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G 9 javier cang

y 444

Dream: Inspire environmental action

to the top of some of the highest peaks

in the Philippines, along with mountains

in Borneo, Japan, and Mongolia, to name

born: 1990 Ethnicity: Filipino

just a few. It is in these countries where

is a climate activist Outdoor photographer Javier ges online and storyteller. He shares ima

face of climate change—broadcasting

of diff

change, Javier is an ambassador of the

to his 45,000 followers.

Using his platform for positive

t have erent wildlife and habitats tha

. Javier is n impacted by climate change

Earthshot Prize. Launched by Prince


William, the Duke of Cambridge, each

elled the world a keen adventurer and has trav es to global but believes that, when it com lippines’ voice needs environmental issues, the Phi representing his to be louder. That’s why he’s Prince William’s country as the ambassador of prestigious Earthshot Prize.

category is dedicated to a different

environmental issue, such as building a waste-free world, protecting and

restoring nature, cleaning our air, and reviving our oceans.

As the only Filipino ambassador,

Javier felt it was important to bring the environmental concerns in his country

to the forefront. Due to industrial waste

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. and cars, Manila, the capital of the Philippines, of nature and spending time outdoors came suffers from air pollution Not for resale, duplication, orfrom fossil fuels, which from his parents. As a young child, he recalls family affects 98 percent of the population. But clean, reposting. Please do not quote without hiking trips where he started to ask questions like, healthy air is within reach by making renewable comparison to theenergy finished book. Javier shared when “Why are there fewer trees in this forest?” and accessible—something


avier grew up in the Philippines, and his love


“Why does the mountain no longer have snow?” He learned habitats were changing for the worse and decided to share

their stories with the rest of the world. He picked up his camera and hasn’t looked back.

After starting a social

media account, Javier

began to build a platform to show his photographs. His explorations have led him

Javier hopes to inspire the next

generation to drive change. “The most

“By sharing PHOTOGRAPHS and telling STORIES, I hope to build a society that is more in tune with NATURE.”

powerful tool that anyone has is

their voice,” he explains. For Javier,

we’re incredibly privileged to have the chance to enjoy the planet, marvel at the mountains, and

swim in the oceans . . . but it is

a privilege. And it is a privilege

that needs protecting.



narrating a film for the Earthshot Prize.


Javier uses his camera lens to show the

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y J

44 Scarlett Westbrook

Dream : a n education sy focused o n the climate stem cris is

9 born: 2004 Ethnicity: British Kashmiri

every subject as, Scarlett says, “The effects of climate change will affect everyone.” However, Scarlett is aware that some people and places will be more


Future, a Scarlett volunteers at Teach for paigns to change student-led project that cam it centers around the education system so that that students the climate emergency. Aware ply affected by are growing up in a world dee t and I believe climate change, both Scarlet understand the they deserve to be taught to . impacts and how they can help

change education to be established in

affected—for example, those from poorer countries. This is a result of the restriction on a nation’s economic growth during colonization (when one country takes control of another). This, Scarlett believes, shows the importance of decolonizing the education system. What Scarlett means by this is that students should be able to question the viewpoint of the information being

works with other students to advocate

t the age of thirteen, Scarlett became

for an education system that represents all, not

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. just the most privileged. Through her campaigning, an A-level in Government and Politics. Scarlett breaks down traditional access barriers Not for The resale, duplication, or qualification focused on education and climate so that everyone is involved in the conversation. reposting. Please do not quote without policy and provided her with a solid foundation Representation is vital in achieving this, as Scarlett to thesays, finished book. for the campaigningcomparison work she does today. “We may be able to discriminate against each the youngest person in the world to gain

Scarlett attended school in Birmingham,

but wasn’t taught about one of the most important issues facing her generation: climate change. Shockingly, only

4 percent of students feel

that they know a lot about

climate change—a statistic Scarlett is passionate about improving. She advocates for climate

other, but the impending threat of climate change will not. It is imperative that we put aside our




As part of Teach the Future, Scarlett

prejudices to unite.”

“We are living in an age where YOUNG PEOPLE should be more INFORMED about CLIMATE CHANGE than ever before .”

Which is why Scarlett’s work

is so important: By refocusing the





taught to them.

education system, students can

develop the skills to think more

critically about their future and

develop the agency to positively

influence it.

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R 9 y

David Esteban

Dream: prevent big corpor ations from harming the planet

With their natural water sources drained, people had to walk a long way to gather

water, with some having no choice but to buy

Born: 1999 Ethnicity: Colombian, American Muisca

plastic bottled water. The big corporation

grew larger as it persuaded people in other

countries to buy water in plastic bottles too. People didn’t know that this water had been

untains in Growing up in the Andes Mo lthy, sustainable Columbia, David lived a hea a soft drinks life with his family. But when k the community’s manufacturing company too ver. He became a water, David’s life changed fore a world where big climate activist, and fights for m the planet or corporations can no longer har the people who inhabit it.

taken from communities around the world, so David began to speak out. He shared his story on Greenpeace panels and attended marches to raise

awareness of the plight. “By taking away our water supply, they took away our way of life,” David says. It was shocking to people that governments weren’t providing clean water, but a large corporation had taken control of one of the best water sources. Alongside his environmental work,


David spoke out about the impact on his avid first became aware of the dominance

mental health. David and his family were forced

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. to move to the city as a result of the water old. A soft drinks manufacturing company came extraction plant, leaving Not for resale, duplication, orhis grandparents behind. to the mountains near David’s home in Colombia He struggled to adjust and experienced depression reposting. Please do not quote without and built a water extraction plant that drained from, he shares, “leaving the freedom and life I to theknew finished book. the river—taking upcomparison to a 260,000 gallons of water behind.” of big corporations when he was seven years

world’s fresh water, the largest of any region. Since fresh water appeared to be plentiful,

Now residing back in the mountains, David’s

work focuses on his farm. He organizes camps and teaches young people in his community

wasn’t educated about how to protect their supply.

So, David and his family had

to relocate to find fresh water. They needed it for drinking, as well as for their crops and animals.



how to produce their own food and

“Humans were made to PROTECT Mother Earth and live in HARMONY.”

live off the land. This sustainable


David’s government wasn’t focused on its conservation, and his community



every day. Latin America has 31 percent of the

way of life puts less strain on the environment, and David dreams of protecting the planet from

its current dependence on big

corporations for food and water.

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9 born: 1995 Ethnicity: Nepalese

inst climate Sagar started campaigning aga rs old. He read change when he was ten yea on Mount an article about the melting ice

444 Q





Sagar Aryal

Dream: reintroduce nature and restore the forests

on a project for Plant for the Planet. The

scheme aims to plant a trillion trees around

the world over the next ten years. The hope

is to capture an entire third of human-made carbon dioxide and bring transparency to individual planting efforts.

The Global North, including countries like Germany, funds the planting of trees in

the Global South, in countries such as Nepal. By doing so, the project creates millions

country of rest, a mountain in his home

of jobs and also increases wealth in the


Global South, as all of the money raised

ar’s tree planting Nepal, and decided to act. Sag l act. I plant project is an important, physica

goes directly to the tree planters.

Sagar’s work helps the environment,

gladesh and so fruit trees in my village in Ban bat climate I share Sagar’s dream to com g nature. change through reintroducin

and also creates

opportunities and platforms so

“I will leave take action. the planet a BETTER, Sagar sees HEALTHIER place so that s a child, Sagar understood how badly Nepal educating the This is an advance, uncorrected proof.growing up don’t children was changing as a result of climate change and next generations was upset that those around himfor didn’t understand as integral to his Not resale, duplication, orhave to live through the the issues. Stemming from a belief in “Education activism, and wants reposting. Please do not quote without same worry.” for All,” he started a reading group in Kathmandu, to engage all voices comparison to the finished book. the capital of Nepal. With cooperation from his in the climate change everyone can


family, he collected over 3,000 books in a couple

discussion—especially voices

of weeks. The club was both a study center and

from the Global South.

a discussion forum, and every Saturday the

reading group debated a range of issues, including

difficult because it’s a political topic, which makes

global warming (the rising temperature of Earth).

it even harder for Indigenous people and people

By teaching others about the climate crisis,

of color to engage and be heard, and yet their

Sagar knew they could work together to

perspective is critical. “Every culture is different,

make a difference.

and every society has different ways of integrating

with the planet,” he acknowledges. Sagar believes

and store the carbon dioxide emissions that drive

everyone can take responsibility for society and

global warming, Sagar moved to Germany to work

take action to make it a better place.




9 Knowing that when trees grow, they absorb

Sagar’s aware that climate change is already

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y Taylor J Clarke Q

Dream : Ab o riginal cultu and he ri tage educati re on be lost by raising the wall? “Critically

born: 1998 Ethnicity: Austr alian First Nation Burragorang Valley Gundungurra

endangered plants and animals, hundreds

rang Valley Taylor comes from the Burrago South Wales, in the Blue Mountains in New an Aboriginal Australia, where she works as r. Taylor shares Culture and Heritage Educato foster a more her experiences with locals to Indigenous groups. connected relationship with ” campaign to stop Championing the “Give a Dam a Dam wall, Taylor the raising of the Warragamb tion of wilderness fights to prevent the destruc . rivers and Indigenous culture

three years ago, just after Taylor started

of art and burial sites, as well as one of the largest intact Aboriginal songlines in this



the Blue Mountains forever. What could

part of Australia,” Taylor explains.

The new dam proposal started

university. The consultation with Aboriginal people was nonexistent, so Taylor reached out and partnered with a foundation that was willing to listen. Taylor provided her unique perspective and helped to shape the campaign. But even Taylor admits, “Part of the problem is that we don’t know the full breadth of what will be lost. When the dam was made, people moved out of the area and they took with them their knowledge.”

The passion for her family history



This is an advance, uncorrected proof. feeds into her work as an Aboriginal ifty years before Taylor was born, first walls Culture and Heritage Educator. Not fortheresale, duplication, or Taylor speaks in of the Warragamba Dam went up, flooding the schools to make sure Indigenous culture is not reposting. Please do forgotten. not quote without Burragorang Valley and forcing the Gundungurra She is also a member of the Nature comparison finished book. people from their homes. Taylor’s great-great-to theConservation Council in New South Wales, providing grandmother refused to leave, and her sons had to carry her out. Warragamba Dam currently provides water to 4.5 million people in Australia, Taylor’s community.

In the 1980s, the

government raised the wall

again, and they are planning to increase its height once

more . . . which would change


Taylor dreams of having a

“Aboriginal democracy in Australia that has a place for Aboriginal people and people are real all unrepresented communities. people . . . our history But as Taylor knows, “nothing and culture must be equally worthwhile is easy,” calling to others to “push against VALUED to protect the structures that are built to destroy the things you care our NATURAL about to make real change.” HERITAGE.”


but at a significant cost to

an environmental voice for her community.

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G 9 Isao Sakai


transporting, processing, and burning

born: 2001 Ethnicity: Honshu Japanese

coal is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Shortly after, he

cofounded Fridays for Future Tokyo,

Fridays for Future Isao is a founding member of ernment to Tokyo, urging the Japanese gov

a regional branch of Japan’s climate

strike movement. Isao drew thousands

He organizes act to fight the climate crisis. ations that demonstrations against corpor

of activists to the streets of Tokyo, calling on city officials to revise their

best interests. act against the environment’s tributed to the Impressively, Isao has also con .org Japan as a core “Let’s Divest” campaign at 350 anese banks invest volunteer, highlighting how Jap ide and use consumers’ in coal power plants worldw ate crisis. money to accelerate the clim

emission reduction goal. When Isao first started campaigning, his family and friends were sceptical, as protesting is seen as radical to people who participate in activism, but Isao continued to


fight. Thankfully, his family


the strikes.

I thought I can reasonably lose my own future.”

the future, but feels anger is not a good weapon

It became clear to Isao how much Japan

Isao is passionate that strikes can change

contributed to the climate crisis as the world’s

to use. He thinks that people should not waste

fifth-biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.

time criticizing each other, but be tolerant of the

It’s Isao’s belief, therefore, that Japan has a

differences in approaches. Isao believes

responsibility to protect its people.

that the future is ripe for reshaping, and at the

So, when Isao returned home, he joined

moment we are wasting the planet’s resources at

the “Let’s Divest” campaign at 350.org Japan

dramatic rates: “We are mad at the systems that

and began campaigning against Japanese banks

are getting worse, but we need to make the change

investing in coal power plants—as digging up,

that we want to see.”


typhoons, droughts and other climate disasters,




in Japan. There can be a stigma attached

“We have to RESHAPE the future sao grew up in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, with his mother thinking that climate change affected other starting to use to protect the planet. This is an advance, uncorrected proof. countries, but not his own. But after taking an renewable energy. environmental science course school resale, during After six months, Notat for duplication, or Let’s be DIFFERENT. a year abroad in the United States, he realized thirty of his fellow Let’s do BETTER.” reposting. Please do not quote without that his own future was at risk. Extreme weather students had comparison finished affects Japan and, Isao honestly shares, “Withto the thealso joined Isao at book.



Dream: Reshape our future sustainably

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G 9 Naila Sebbahi

y 444

Dream: A national emergency plan

are forced to leave their home, due to

born: 1998 Ethnicity: Moroccan

changes in their environment. They are

rney as a human rights Naila began her activism jou for social justice campaigner and campaigned migrant refugee and human rights during the ing aware of the link crisis in Europe. After becom launched a global to the climate crisis, Naila coBelgium to raise environmental movement in . Naila believes we awareness and inspire change cy plan that builds must have a national emergen ld that works for a more sustainable, fairer wor everyone.

change, but they are the least responsible and the least equipped to deal with it.

So, in 2018, Naila joined a call to

action and helped launch the Belgian

branch of Extinction Rebellion, a global environmental movement demanding

national emergency plans, developed by citizens themselves, with support from scientists. It’s a plan, she hopes, that

would manage a socially just transition from fossil fuels toward renewable energy.

Fossil fuels include crude oil and

natural gas, and when they are burned, they release greenhouse gases, which

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. contribute to climate change. “Seeing how Belgium as a young child. started stubborn we’ve been for NotIn 2015, forshe resale, duplication, orthe last four decades campaigning for social justice and human rights. of warning, the climate crisis shows up as an reposting. Please do not quote without During this time, over five million refugees and inevitable lesson for humanity,” Naila explains, comparison to the“But finished book. migrants had reached Europe, after undertaking if we wish to land with the least possible


aila was born in Morocco and moved to



journeys from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other

damage in the fairest possible way, healing

countries to escape conflict and climate change.

ourselves from our addictions, including fossil

Their plight struck a chord with Naila as a daughter of immigrants.

While organizing large-

scale protests to call for racial justice and a fairer migration policy, Naila learned about the link between migration and the environment. Climate migrants are people who

Alongside her work with

“We’re demanding a NATIONAL EMERGENCY PLAN which stops the extraction of FOSSIL FUELS.”

Extinction Rebellion, Naila

explores new ways of practicing democracy and building a

regenerative culture of being and coexisting, not “in,” she

stresses, but “as an integral

part of” the natural world.



fuels, would be a very good start.”


the most adversely affected by climate

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born: 2002 Ethnicity: Filipino


So, he became a volunteer at the Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF).

At the CRRF, along with scientists, Carlos helped to monitor the warming waters, which is key to tracking global warming (the rising temperature of Earth). He learned that in Palau’s Jellyfish Lake, the rise in water

temperature caused a change in the

nutrients in the lake, affecting the food

chain and, ultimately, the survival of the juvenile jellyfish. In the last few years, ongoing monitoring and conservation work has indicated that the jellyfish populations are finally rebounding.

“What else could be achieved?” Carlos wondered. “It’s now time to bring the

conversation to the rest of the world.” At the age of seventeen, Carlos

joined a group of sixteen youth activists

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. in petitioning the United Nations (UN) to combat one of the islands that is partfor of Palau, when climate change. Speaking Not resale, duplication, orat the UN headquarters, he was eight years old. A few years later, an island Carlos said, “Small islands are the most vulnerable reposting. Please do not quote without north of Palau was hit by a tropical cyclone, forcing countries to be affected by climate change.” comparison the inhabitants to move. Carlos realized thereto the finished Today, Carlosbook. wants to encourage young


orn in the Philippines, Carlos moved to Koror,


was a link to climate change; storms receive their

people to keep trying to protect

energy from the ocean and the warming oceans make tropical cyclones more likely.

Carlos recalls swimming in the ocean

every day with his friends, until, “almost overnight, the water started getting

hotter,” he explains. The sea level began to

rise, resulting in waves crashing into homes and areas where Carlos and his friends

played together. The changes in the water impacted the marine wildlife and threatened the beautiful coral reef. Carlos felt a desire to act.


the planet because, he

“Our oceans and its marine life are RAPIDLY DETERIORATING due to the CLIMATE CRISIS.”

says, “If everyone works together, we are unstoppable.” Carlos cares deeply for future generations,

and galvanizes them

to protect what is most

important to them. And for Carlos, that will always

be the oceans.


animals that inhabit it.

Dream: Safeguard the oceans


lone at thirteen After witnessing a tropical cyc cerned about how years old, Carlos became con g the marine the climate crisis was damagin . He graduated from environment in Palau, Oceania nteering at the Coral high school and started volu RF). By analyzing Reef Research Foundation (CR and pollution on the the impact of climate change dge to conserve oceans, Carlos acquired knowle und his home and the and safeguard the waters aro



carlos 9 manuel

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66 Q


G 9 Caitlyn Baikie

Dream: Indigenous knowledge recognition

and connecting with nature. However, this has been negatively impacted

in recent years with the migration

born: 1992 Ethnicity: Inuk, Canadian

patterns and populations changing,

with more non-native species in their

region of Canada called Caitlyn hails from a subartic r beautiful land.” Nunatsiavut—which means “ou vism at the age of Starting her environmental acti global awareness of fourteen, Caitlyn advocates for change, particularly on the human impacts of climate focuses on an all-tooIndigenous people. Her work nt climate issues for the common problem of importa largely overshadowed Indigenous community being


and ignored in the media.


aised in the Inuit community of Nain,

area, including moose and foreign birds. Already, the Arctic is warming

at twice the global average, and, in

Caitlyn’s view, the media talk about

the disappearing Arctic ice, but there

is almost no conversation around Arctic people and their changing livelihoods. As Caitlyn points out, “We contribute

the least amount of what’s causing a lot of climate change, but yet we are the most impacted by that.”

Caitlyn has published articles on

the Arctic, presented at conferences

around the world to raise awareness for their plight, and is part of a research project




This is an advance, uncorrected proof. focused on the impact of climate change on 1,400, Caitlyn was out on snowmobiles her Indigenous people’s mental Not for with resale, duplication, or health. family from the age of five months, and recalls Caitlyn says, “Everybody reposting. Please do not quote without how her small community helped foster a desire should be open to comparison finished book. “I hope for to advocate for the planet. At fourteen years to old, thedifferent world she went on a work trip with her father to Torngat views. If you’re Indigenous VOICES Mountains National Park and learned from not Indigenous, researchers who were studying climate change get to know and EXPERIENCES to no in the area. Indigenous longer be SILENCED and Ever since, Caitlyn has had a growing sense people. If you’re of awareness of the human impacts of climate Indigenous, our KNOWLEDGE to be change, particularly on Indigenous people. Inuit engage with RECOGNIZED.” are seeing significant changes in their climate research.” If we Nunatsiavut, with a population of just over

patterns, with a lot more snow and less ice. For

work together with

Inuit, culture is an oral tradition and they pass on

open minds, we are in a

their cultural knowledge by being out on the land

strong position to create lasting change.

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444 Q



Ammr Mohamed Abdel Sayed


R 9 Dream: GLobal climate action

organizing the regional strikes, but sees himself as just a small part of the wider

born: 1997 Ethnicity: Egyptian, Sudanese

global climate justice movement.

had a huge impact across the world, yet

the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 forced the movement to adapt. Taking the fight online, the strikes continued virtually.

However, once regulations eased, Ammr was back protesting on the streets of

Turin. “The coronavirus pandemic made

clear the contradictions of our economic

and social system,” Ammr says. “It forced us to treat any emergency situation by listening to


nge is a global Ammr understands climate cha national borders, as he emergency that goes beyond parents from Egypt was born and raised in Italy by old, Ammr became and Sudan. At fourteen years cating himself interested in social issues, edu cal issues while at workshops, and then ecologi r joined a regional studying at university. He late movement, Fridays branch of Italy’s climate strike ed local youth strikes, for Future Torino, and organiz t for the planet. taking to the streets in his figh

The Fridays for Future strikes have

the science. Despite

“[Within the next climate ten years], the planet This is an advance, uncorrected proof. crisis will reach a point of NO mmr was inspired toNot becomefor a climate activist continues to resale, duplication, or when he learned the planet was in danger as be ignored by RETURN. We must reposting. Please do not quote without a result of climate change. In 2013, Egypt, where the government.” ACT NOW.” comparison to the finished Ammr’s father is from, was taken over by a military Although webook. this, the


coup (a sudden overthrow of a government), which

may think about specific

intensified pressures on both human rights and the

global issues, like health

climate crisis. Ammr was only sixteen years old,

and the environment, as separate challenges,

but he remembers wanting to help.

the reality is far from it. In Ammr’s view, they are

deeply connected, and our understanding and response should be shaped accordingly.

of Italy’s climate strike movement, Fridays for

Future Torino. He skipped school to unite with

Social Economics at university, he believes in

other students and youth activists from Turin

the importance of collaboration, asserting, “We

to demand action from political leaders to limit

must connect political, environmental, social

climate disaster. Ammr plays a significant role in

and economic issues, and work together as one.”

From what Ammr has learned studying


9 56


With the belief that everyone can make

a difference, Ammr joined a regional branch

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gauri 9 shukla

Dream: sustainable palm oil plantations

9 born: 2002 Ethnicity: Indian

oil that comes from the fruit of oil palm trees, and is in nearly everything from pizza and chocolate to shampoo and toothpaste. It surprised Gauri to learn that her consumption of palm oil was linked to the haze, and she wondered if other people knew . . . A year later, Gauri saw firsthand the destruction on a trip to Bukit Lawang, Indonesia. “I hated what I saw. Lush green forests had given way to oil palm plantations and stacks of logs. The whole place was shrouded in thick smoke,” Gauri recounts.


saw a fire engulf On a visit to Indonesia, Gauri plantations, which land to make way for palm oil e. On her return home created huge amounts of haz dents of Singapore to Singapore, she founded Stu educate people Against Haze. Gauri works to hazards of haze, about the causes and health ies to switch to using alongside petitioning compan is important to protect sustainable palm oil—which t live there. the forests and the wildlife tha

supply of palm oil. Palm oil is a vegetable

So, Gauri set up an organization,

Q Students of Singapore Against Haze,

to raise awareness about the risks of haze and put pressure on companies

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. that contribute to creating it. It’s not as easy as haze crisis and in Singapore, lives, stopping people usingor palm oil, as millions earn Notwhere forGauri resale, duplication, children had to stay inside to protect themselves their income from it. Instead, Gauri reached out reposting. Please do not quote without from the unclean air. Gauri was only thirteen years to companies to ask them to buy palm oil from comparison finished book. old at the time, but she wanted to understandto thefarmers that adhered to the global standard


n 2015, Southeast Asia was hit by a terrible


where the haze originated. She

set by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.

discovered that haze particles

were coming from forests being burned in nearby

Indonesia and Malaysia as farmers cleared vegetation for palm oil plantations.

Indonesia and

Malaysia make up over

85 percent of the global


Benefitting from the reach of social media,

Gauri petitioned the makers of Singapore’s iconic curry puff snack to switch to

“Irresponsible production of PALM OIL is causing widespread rainforest DESTRUCTION.”

sustainable palm oil. And the petition drew more than 8,000 signatures!

Gauri’s goal is for Singapore to pioneer a sustainable food industry, and she is

working hard to create an open dialogue.

A solution can be found only when, Gauri

says, “all of us work together.”

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G 9 Q

44 Erisvan Bone de Sousa Silva

Dream: Indigenous visibility and inclusion

rights of Indigenous people. Erisvan

acknowledges that it is necessary to

born: 1996 Ethnicity: Guajajar a Br azilian Amazonian Indian Maranhão

listen to the wisest leaders and chiefs. “We need to follow the right path


activist van is a journalist and climate


and respect their cultural and diverse wealth,” Erisvan explains.

When Erisvan set up his

create a communication network that strengthens the voices of Indigenous people through an independent media. The project respects each community and is based on a collaborative approach, connecting and empowering young Indigenous people from Brazil. Communicators cover issues related to


of their history.

organization, Midia India, his aim was to


ous people across amplifying the voices of Indigen e years old, he Brazil. When he was twenty-on nication network founded Midia India, a commu Brazilian Indigenous which provides a platform for lack of visibility in the people to rise up against the his campaign to show media. I stand with Erisvan in be the protagonists that Indigenous people should

the environment, such as forest fires


in the Amazon, invasions by miners

and loggers, as well as fighting land

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. encroachment. Araribóia IndigenousNot land in Brazil, Reaching 305 ethnic for Erisvan resale, duplication, orgroups that speak has been fighting against land encroachment 274 languages, Midia India’s valuable contribution reposting. Please do not quote without for most of his life. Land encroachment is when won the Joan Alsina Prize for Human Rights comparison to theinfinished book. a person’s territory or rights are intruded upon, 2020 for “disseminating the reality of the


ailing from the village of Lagoa Comprida, on

Indigenous people of Brazil at a time of many

marked on maps to make the practice more difficult.

threats,” including the COVID-19 pandemic

a journalist to share Indigenous peoples’ stories to show the world they are


guardians of the forest.

Erisvan recalls becoming

involved in environmental activism after being inspired by his sister and collaborator, Sônia Guajajara, an activist also defending the


and the destruction of forests as a result

“Indigenous people should have a VOICE and VISIBILITY in theirstruggle.”

of climate change. Erisvan has real hope for the future and


For this to happen, Erisvan uses his platform as



and Erisvan campaigns for Indigenous land to be

often thinks about the next

generations. He acknowledges

they must fight for democracies, which respect everyone, feeling

strongly that “hate must end and

love must always prevail.”

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index Ahmed, Sultan Ali Mehidi, Nejma Artis, Zanagee Aryal , Sagar Baikie, Caitlyn Cang, Javier Chen, Ariel Clarke, Taylor Congil Ross, Ander Esteban, David Fruean, Brianna GualingA, Sumak Helena Sirén Irakoze, Ghislain Kabua, Litokne kim, Yujin Lopez, Jr, Thomas Tonatiuh

28 30 26 44 54 38 24 46 34 42 12 8 10 20 32 16

Manuel, Carlos Mutunkei, Lesein Nakate, Vanessa Peltier, Autumn Sabnam, Rebeca Sakai, Isao Sayed, Ammr Mohamed Abdel Scott, Tyrone Sebbahi, Naila Shukla, Gauri Silva, Erisvan BONE DE Sousa Soreng, Archana Soto, Talissa M. Krentzien Westbrook, Scarlett

52 6 4 2 18 48 56 22 50 58 60 36 14 40

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. MAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT If you’ve been inspired by these Not for resale, duplication, WORK FOR YOU or Lobby your government to support your campaign by incredible reposting. campaigners, here Please do not quote without writing letters or sending messages via social media. are some wayscomparison to cultivate When you are eligible, make sure you vote. to the finished book. usa.gov your own dream : EDUCATE YOURSELF Discover which climate-related issues you care about. Reach out to those who are engaged and listen to what they have to say. un.org/en/climatechange

ENGAGE WITH SOCIAL MEDIA Take action digitally. Social media is a powerful resource for education, knowledge sharing, and making your voice heard. greenpeace.org/international/act

HELP YOUR COMMUNITY Tackle climate change in your own community, from recycling to volunteering. Local action is just as important as global action. unfccc.int/topics/education-youth/youth- engagement/global-youth-video-competition/ global-youth-video-competition-2019/cities- and-local-action-to-combat-climate-change

JOIN A CLIMATE STRIKE Go on strike! By attending a climate strike, you will increase its effectiveness; change happens when we stand together. fridaysforfuture.org

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