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For my friend Osledy and his parents, Nilda and Pedro
The illustrations in this book were created with oil-based woodblock printing inks and sumi ink, rolled out and painted on paper, combined with digital media. Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for and may be obtained from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4197-4586-7 Text and Illustrations © 2024 Edel Rodriguez Book design by Natalie Padberg Bartoo Published in 2024 by Abrams Books for Young Readers, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Printed and bound in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Abrams Books for Young Readers are available at special discounts when purchased in quantity for premiums and promotions as well as fundraising or educational use. Special editions can also be created to specification. For details, contact or the address below. Abrams® is a registered trademark of Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
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a b r a m s b o o k s f o r yo u n g r e a d e r s
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• n e w yo r k
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Author’s Note I grew up on a small island, in a quiet village. My best friend, Osledy, and I laughed, played, told stories, flew kites, raised doves, and napped in a mango tree. The tree had grown in our shared backyard, which we called “el solar,” after my mother had tossed a mango into a gathering of bushes. The tree’s large, shady canopy became our
This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not resale, orshakes, juice, and ice juicy and delicious fruit thatfor we happily ate up! duplication, Our mothers made mango pops. reposting. Please do not quote without My best friend and I spent night and day in our tree, hovering above the world below. It comparison to the finished book.
clubhouse. During mango season, the tree’s fruit ripened and fell, covering the yard in a sea of
was a place where we felt safe.
One day, soldiers arrived at my home and took my family away to a camp. We lived in that camp for days. I was hungry, tired, and scared. We lived under trees, and often under the threat of scary storms, thunder, and lightning. After a week at the camp, the soldiers took us to a boat, and we sailed off into the sea. As we sailed in the night, I saw beautiful flying fish and other sea creatures. We eventually landed in a new land where everyone looked different from me and spoke a different language. Everything was new and unfamiliar, but I felt safe and adapted to my new country. I missed the friends I had in my village, especially Osledy. We kept in touch by writing letters back and forth. Although we were kept apart for fourteen years, we never forgot the wonderful times we had in our mango tree.
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Photograph by Cesareo Rodriguez
Nota deI autor de La mata de mango Crecí en una pequeña isla, en un pueblo tranquilo. Mi mejor amigo, Osledy, y yo nos reímos, jugábamos, contábamos cuentos, volábamos papalotes, criábamos palomas y dormíamos en una mata de mango. La mata había crecido en nuestro solar, después de que mi madre tiró un mango en un
This is an advance, uncorrected proof. temporada de mango, la fruta la mata se maduraba y caía, cubriendo Not forde resale, duplication, or el solar con frutas jugosas y deliciosas, las cuales comíamos con muchas ganas. Nuestras madres nos hacían reposting. Please do not quote without batidos, jugos y paletas heladas de mango. comparison to the finished book. Mi mejor amigo y yo pasábamos día y noche en nuestra mata, flotando sobre el mundo de
matorral. La copa grande y sombreada de la mata se convirtió en nuestra casita. Durante la
abajo. Era un lugar donde nos sentíamos seguros. Un día, soldados llegaron a mi casa y se llevaron a mi familia a un campamento. Vivimos en ese campamento durante días. Pasé hambre, cansancio y miedo. Vivimos bajo los árboles y, a menudo, bajo la amenaza de tormentas, truenos y relámpagos aterradores. Después de una semana en el campamento, los soldados nos subieron a un bote y navegamos hacia el mar. Mientras navegábamos de noche, vi hermosos peces voladores y otras criaturas marinas. Al final aterrizamos en una nueva tierra donde todos se veían diferentes a mí y hablaban un idioma diferente. Todo era nuevo y desconocido, pero me sentía seguro y me adapté a mi nuevo país. Extrañaba a los amigos que tenía en mi pueblo, en especial a Osledy. Nos mantuvimos en contacto escribiéndonos cartas. Aunque estuvimos separados durante catorce años, nunca olvidamos los maravillosos momentos que pasamos en nuestra mata de mango.
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