Bao's Doll

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For Ma The artwork in this book was created with Procreate. Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for and may be obtained from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4197-6921-4 Text and illustrations © 2024 Bo Lu Book design by Natalie Padberg Bartoo Published in 2024 by Abrams Books for Young Readers, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Printed and bound in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Abrams Books for Young Readers are available at special discounts when purchased in quantity for premiums and promotions as well as fundraising or educational use. Special editions can also be created to specification. For details, contact or the address below.

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Abrams Books for Young Readers | New York

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Bao wanted a birthday with cake, balloons,

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and, most of all, a very special, very expensive, All-American Artist Amanda doll.

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Mama did not hear that.

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Bao hoped to share jokes, snuggles, and dreams with Mama.

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Mama did not see that.

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Whenever Mama said, “When I was a little girl in Taiwan, we had nothing,” Bao stopped listening.

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Mama did not understand Bao, and Bao certainly did not understand Mama.

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One day, Bao saw Amanda again at the store. She was as beautiful as Bao remembered. Why couldn’t Bao have her?

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It was so unfair! She had to do something.

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Heart p

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Bao grabbed Amanda and raced toward the door.

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the store lady demanded.

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Stomach dropping. Eyes swelling. Bao had to give Amanda back.

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On the way home, Mama said nothing.

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Bao’s chest felt heavy like a giant rock. The quiet between them . . .

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grew even bigger.

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Until Bao could not stand the silence anymore. “I’m sorry, Mama, I just wanted my own doll.” “Oh Bao, when I was little—” “I know, you had nothing.” Bao finished Mama’s sentence.

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“Yes, I lived in a home with many children, and every time my heart felt heavy with rocks, the moon would sing My moon, my heart, like my mama used to sing to me.

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What I wanted the most was to be with my mama. Under the moonlight, in my dreams, we were together.”

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Bao felt the heaviness of the rocks on her chest for little Mama.

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The next day, Mama pulled out a dusty tin box

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filled with bittersweet memories.

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Together, they made a doll from Mama’s memories and Bao’s hopes.

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Her hair was straight like dry noodles. Her eyes were as dark as sesame. Her smile was curved like the crescent moon.

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The three of them were more alike than Bao could have imagined.

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Bao and little Bao shared jokes,


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and even birthday parties together. Bao blew out her first candles and made a wish.

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AUTHOR’S NOTE After moving from Taiwan to rural Kansas, my family found a humble new beginning as Chinese restaurant owners. While my parents sautéed General Tso’s chicken or cleared tables, I crouched in the red vinyl booths, cutting paper dolls out of Chinese zodiac placemats. One day, while I was running errands with my mother, I saw a beautiful blond Barbie doll with a pink boombox. Unlike my flimsy and crude paper dolls, she had real hair that wouldn’t tear, an entire wardrobe—and did I mention a pink boombox? I wanted to have her so badly that I stuffed her under my shirt. I got caught pretty much immediately, and I had to give the Barbie back. I felt ashamed—I had done something I was not supposed to do. And I also felt angry—I couldn’t have things my friends had. Surprisingly, my mother did not reprimand me for stealing. We have never talked about it. Thinking back, maybe she was also ashamed and didn’tThis knowiswhat to do. I wish that we could have talked about an advance, uncorrected proof. things, even when it felt bad. Not for really resale, duplication, or

reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

This experience revealed a distance between me, my friends, and my mother. As much as we love the people around us, sometimes we don’t really understand each other. We feel distant, even when they’re right next to us. I hope my book offers a space to forgive, understand, and connect with ourselves and one another.

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