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Today is a special day. Today, we get to dance!
There is so much to do. First, our Jingle Dresses are laid out. TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK they sing as they come out of the closet. Each cone represents a prayer.

Mom’s dress is traditional.
Auntie’s contemporary dress has 365 cones, a prayer for every day of the year. It’s heavy!
Oh no, my cousin’s dress is missing a cone. It will have to be fixed.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

Next, Auntie carefully organizes all our regalia. In the sunlight, buckles shine, beads glimmer, and silky ribbons shimmer. The room is a rainbow!
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“An earring is missing,” says Auntie.
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“Found it!” calls Dad.

Now, our hair is combed and separated.
Mom’s warm fingers slide through my hair— crossing and smoothing, crossing and smoothing— until a soft, gleaming braid appears.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
“Beautiful!” says Mom.
Everyone gets a big shot of hair spray!

Then the makeup comes out.
Auntie gives us all a little sparkle.
Out back, Auntie helps us practice our steps one last time.
Bounce-step, bounce-step to the beat of the drum, all while Mom packs lunch into a cooler.
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“Delicious bannock sandwiches,” says Dad. “Yum! ”
“Remember, we’re fasting,” warns Mom. Finally, everything and everyone gets loaded into the truck. It’s time to go!
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The closer we get to the powwow, the more excited we become. Soon the sound of many dresses will be exploding around us.
Soon we’ll be dancing!

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When we get to the grounds, our friends are here. We take selfies. We climb trees. Auntie says, “Don’t ruin your hair!”
Then we hear, “Get ready. It’s almost time to dance!”

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Now we slip into our dresses. Carefully . . . TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK they sing.

“ Ugh , I’ve got butterflies in my stomach,” I moan.
“I think I’ve forgotten all my steps!” says my cousin.
“I’m nervous, too,” sighs Auntie.
“If you make a mistake,” laughs Dad.
“Remember, just keep dancing!”
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We add soft, wood-smoked deer- and otter-hide hair ties to our braids.
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Auntie gets a fancy beaded choker. Then we put on our earrings, belts, leggings, moccasins,

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and finally, we take up our fans. We’re ready!
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“Be respectful,” says Dad, as he places tobacco in our pouches.
“Yes,” whispers Mom. “Dancing is fun, but remember why you dance.”

“We will,” we say.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

RUM-RUM-TUM . . . the drummers have started.

It’s finally time to dance!
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

We dance bounce-step, bounce-step to the beat of the drum. Forward moving, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
At our side, our pouches hold tobacco gifts from those we love.
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Our hearts beat RUM-RUM-TUM, keeping time with the pounding drum. Forward moving, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
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We girls carry the prayers. We dance side-step, side-step to the RUM-RUM-TUM.

Hearts beating, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
We dance for those who can’t.
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We dance criss-cross, criss-cross to the beat of the drum. Forward moving, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
In our hands, we hold feathered fans. Raise them high . . . one-beat, two-beat, three-beat, four.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.
Our hearts beat RUM-RUM-TUM, keeping time with the pounding drum. Forward moving, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.

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We girls carry the prayers. We dance step-turn, step-turn to the RUM-RUM-TUM.
Hearts beating, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
We dance for those who can’t.

We dance cross-tap, cross-tap to the beat of the drum.

Forward moving, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
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With each step, we offer grateful prayers. Thank you, Creator, for life and love.
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This is an advance, uncorrected proof. Not for resale, duplication, or reposting. Please do not quote without comparison to the finished book.

Our hearts beat RUM-RUM-TUM, keeping time with the pounding drum. Forward moving, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
We girls carry the prayers. We dance heel-toe, heel-toe to the RUM-RUM-TUM.

Hearts beating, dresses singing, TINK-TINK-TINK-TINK.
We dance for those who can’t!
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