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For sisters everywhere but especially the

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Abrams Books for Young Readers

Elise and her sister, Rosemont, got along most of the time.
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They were both good sharers.

Last waffle! You can have it, Rosemont. Yay!
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They were excellent at taking turns.
You won again, Rosemont!

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You can pick the next game, Elise!
How about this one?
YES! That’s what I would have picked!

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But there was one thing about her sister that drove Elise bananas . . .
Rosemont copied everything her sister did!

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Actually, I’m a cornichon!
If Elise wore ribbons,

You have great style, Rosemont!

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Rosemont had to have ribbons as well.
When Elise took up the sousaphone,

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Rosemont played the sousaphone, too!
And everybody knew that Elise invented Cookie Soup.

Hey, Elise! Try my new invention: Cookie Soup!

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But Rosemont claimed she made it first.
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“I’m not a copydog!” laughed Rosemont.
“We just like the same things, that’s all.”

Rosemont even thought that Elise’s friends were her own.

Happy birthday, Fuzzy! Of course I’m coming to your party!
You talking to my best friend?

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Fuzzy is MY best friend, COPYDOG! Ugh!!

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Tell him I said, “Stay Fuzzy, buddy!”

Well, at least Elise could go to Fuzzy’s birthday bash and leave the copydog at home.
She couldn’t wait to give Fuzzy his gift. A rainstick!

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She made it with a paper towel roll and rice. When you turn it, it sounds like rain!
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As Elise skated to Fuzzy’s house, all she could think of was how excited Fuzzy would be when he opened his rainstick. It was pretty much the perfect gift!

Fuzzy’s birthday party was next-level! All of Elise’s and Fuzzy’s friends were there.

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Elise was having so much fun, she forgot all about her sister.
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Until the doorbell rang.

Happy birthday, Fuzzy!

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What is SHE doing here?!
Ooh, is this a rainstick? Best present ever!
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Hi! I’m Rosemont. Wanna dance?