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Professional earwax removal
At Earworx we work with Australian’s every day to relieve them of ear wax build up and the associated discomfort, hearing loss and pain this can cause. We take great pride in our exceptional service and our caring and compassionate approach to ear health.

Ear wax removal is a delicate process and special training is required to perform this procedure. Earworx is a service that proudly employs only registered nurses who are qualified in the process of Micro Suction and Aural Hygiene
Many of us know the disorienting feeling of not being quite right when one of our senses is not working correctly. Whether it’s a sinus infection or head cold impacting your sense of smell or getting shampoo in your eyes in the shower! It can severely impact your ability to enjoy life.
The same goes for any loss of hearing. As an example, more than one third of the elderly people in our community suffer from excessive ear wax and this can have a significant impact on their day to day life, and their ability to hear and communicate effectively. Through our work with patients across Australia, we know how uncomfortable and inconvenient hearing loss from a build-up of ear wax can be. We specialise in professional ear wax removal and use dry, safe and effective micro suction technology to gently and easily remove wax. This is the same technique that is preferred by Ear Nose and Throat specialists.
Some people are more likely to experience a build-up of ear wax than others. These include people with narrow, hairy or curvy ear canals, who wear hearing aids, who use cotton buds or other objects such as ear plugs or ear bud headphones, who work in dusty or dirty environments or people with a hereditary disposition to wax impaction.
A build-up of ear wax can feel like blockage or fullness in your ears and can also lead to hearing loss or tinnitus. If you or an older member of your family are experiencing any of these symptoms, our friendly and professional registered nurses can assist you. We are passionate about ear wax removal; it’s our core business and what we do best.
The hearing-impaired community in Australia deserve to be treated with respect, care and dignity. These Australians work hard, care for families, and as such it is important that they experience the best quality of life that is available to them.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruption to Earworx services however we are now open with strict mitigation strategies in place to reduce the risk of transmission to both staff and clients. If you would like to know more about these please visit us at www. earworx.com.au.
Let us help Australians to be able to hear, communicate, and as such fully participate in our community activities – make a booking at Earworx today.