Prayer Book Spring 2018

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Salesian College Daily Prayer Spring Term 2018


To all Form and Group Tutors:

This booklet offers some ideas for Daily Prayer during registration periods. It is based on materials produced by Fr David O’Malley SDB when he was chaplain in Bolton, and by Miss Enright. Form periods can be very busy so it is important to reserve a few minutes for prayer and reflection, preferably at the beginning, before general announcements. A regular routine is helpful, but within the framework there is room for variation and for your own creativity in responding to current concerns. It is good to involve the students in reading or leading the prayers and quotes. Always try to include a short period of silence. For further suggestions see the articles by Fr O’Malley on and feel free to discuss with Miss Enright or myself. Thank you for your help in supporting the Ethos of our Salesian College. Please let me know if you would like anything added to this booklet. Fr Patrick Sherlock SDB (chaplain) 3

Daily Prayers Begin and end the prayer session with the sign of the cross, said together: IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. AMEN After any other prayers, including requests from form members, add one or more of the following said together: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. AMEN Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. AMEN Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. AMEN 4

St John Bosco, help us to love God and to bring that love into the lives of others. Teach us to love and practise our faith so that we may be worthy of God’s love and concern. Following your example, may we have hearts full of compassion for those who are in need, especially other young people and those who are poor. Pray for our families and all those whom we love that we may be united with them in this life and forever. AMEN I adore you, O my God, and I love you with all my heart. I thank you for having created me, called me into your Church, and preserved me during the night past. I offer you all my actions of this day: grant that they may be done according to your holy will and for your greater glory. Keep me from sin and from every evil. May your grace be always with me and with all those who are dear to me. AMEN Lord, be the beginning and end of all that we do and say. Prompt our actions with your grace and complete them with your all powerful help. AMEN Before the final sign of the cross, use one or both of the following: Saint John Bosco, PRAY FOR US. Mary, Help of Christians, PRAY FOR US 5

Week beginning Monday 8 Jan 2018 Start of Spring Term. Mock Exams A new year is an excellent time to review and plan and make some choices. The South Americans have a saying “a path is made by walking.” The big choices about career, relationships and our dreams have to come down to practical choices, changes in behaviour, use of time and the way we deal with other people. This year lies ahead of us all, untouched, full of choices and question marks. Are we ready to live the adventure of a new year? Lord, thank you for the new year. Thank you for a chance to change our attitudes, to value opportunities to meet new people and see the good in them. Help us to be more determined to accept others who are different and build a deeper sense of community here in college. AMEN Lord, help us to value new experiences and learning to help us do our best in life. May we develop our newly discovered gifts and talents through the year but avoid belittling others whose talents may be different or not yet uncovered. AMEN “The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet.” Lao Tzu “Act today in such a way that you need not blush tomorrow.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Mt 2:1‐12 Falling to their knees they did him homage. Have you made a new year resolution? 6

Week beginning Monday 15 Jan 2018 Christian Unity Week. Yr 11 Retreat Don Bosco did his work by putting his faith into practice and praying for guidance and support from God daily. He inspired many people to follow and support his dreams in building schools and oratories because he was sincere, resilient, determined and selfless. He used his personal skills as an entertainer, acrobat and leader to bring joy and hope to disadvantaged boys. Lord, there are times when we meet challenges that seem unsurmountable. Help us be like Don Bosco and trust in the part you play in our life events so we can take comfort that things will always work out in a way that will be best for us. AMEN Lord, Sometimes we strive to acquire more and more possessions and may begin to value things and use people. Help us always to value people and use things. AMEN “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one” Bruce Lee “Faith and prayer. These are our weapons and our supports.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Jn 1:35‐42 “Where do you live?” “Come and see.” Do your best to find a new talent or opportunity to use one of your strengths for others.


Week beginning Monday 22 Jan 2018 St Francis de Sales. Conversion of St Paul Don Bosco made early choices to study, to learn to be an acrobat and to pray regularly. Those choices shaped his life. Having fun with friends and feeling deeply spiritual since the death of his Dad, John began working with children early and helped them on their spiritual journey. If we look at our lives where are our choices pointing us this week? Lord, the world needs to be inspired and motivated. We thank you for Don Bosco and other inspirational people who bring out the goodness in others through their example. AMEN Lord, we thank you for all the men and women religious and lay people who have carried on the work of Don Bosco, helping young people make the most of their talents and opportunities. We thank you for our school and teachers who try to follow his ideals and do the best for us. AMEN Lord, your call comes to us through our gifts that lead us to a vocation. In this week of Don Bosco help us to hear your call in our hearts and find the path you want us to take. Amen “Relax, have fun, sing, laugh, go hiking, do anything you like, as long as you do not sin.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Mk 1:14‐20 “I will make you into fishers of men.” At Mass on Friday, pray for guidance in choosing your future career. 8

Week beginning Monday 29 Jan 2018 Feast of St John Bosco. Celebration of Sean Devereux In many countries Salesians work with children who were forced into bearing arms and fighting. The charity ‘War Child’ also helps such children. They often have no‐one to ask about or care for their welfare so they are cheap to maintain and dispensable. The consequences for the children are life‐threatening and traumatic. Lord, you said, “Blessed are the peacemakers” . Help those in battle zones to find solutions to the conflicts, especially where young lives are harmed. Amen Lord, although we are not involved in war we can create conflict by our attitude and aggression to others around. Help us try to choose a more peaceful course of action whenever possible. Amen “Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.” Herbert Hoover “To know that you are young is sufficient reason for me to care for your welfare.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Mk 1:21‐28 “Be quiet! Come out of him!” Try to be a peace‐maker this week.


Week beginning Monday 5 Feb 2018 Yr 9 Retreat. Open Afternoon. Half Term. Ash Wednesday next week On 11th February 1858 Bernadette Soubirous saw ‘a lady dressed in white’. Through her faith and courage, Lourdes has become a centre of spirituality and healing. It is not always easy to relate to people who suffer from illness or disability, but Jesus has given us an example to follow. We can do more than we think. Lord, I bring before you my friends and relatives who are going through difficult times. Show me how to bring comfort to them and make me generous in using my time and my talents for others. Amen Lord, we pray for doctors, nurses, social workers and all who work in the caring professions. Guide researchers to develop new treatments for life‐threatening and disabling conditions. Amen “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion… that is a friend who cares.” Henri JM Nouwen “I care for you, because you have in your hearts the treasure of virtue.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Mk 1:29‐39 He cured many who were suffering. Spend some time with a member of your year who looks unhappy.


Week beginning Monday 19 Feb 2018 New half term. Fund Raising events for Lent For this half term we are in the season of Lent, preparing for the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. We make a special effort to turn away from our sins and our selfishness and redirect our energies to a life lived more in accordance with God’s will. Lord, you fasted in the desert to prepare for your ministry on earth. You used this time to be close to your Father and face up to the challenges ahead. Help us to take time for stillness and prayer when we have challenges in our lives. AMEN Lord, we are sorry for the times we put ourselves first and ignore the needs of our families and friends. Help us to become more like you. AMEN Lord, be with us as we begin our new half term. Make us ready to accept the opportunities we are given and to help each other in our daily lives. AMEN “The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give.” Mother Theresa “If we have nothing, we can give nothing; but if we have a little, let’s give a little.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Mk 1:12‐15 “Repent and believe the Good News!” Smile at someone in your class who is often left out or on the margins of the in‐crowd.


Week beginning Monday 26 Feb 2018 Fund Raising events for Lent. Feast of Saint David Don Bosco recognised the need for many young people, who were orphaned and living on the streets, to have a place which they could call home and an education which would give them hope for a future beyond their present poverty and deprivation. He lived Christ’s message, “Whatsoever you do to one of these the least my little ones you do unto me.” Lord, you said that whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters we do to you. May we remain bothered about and seek to help those who still lack basic entitlements, such as a childhood free from danger, that we take for granted. AMEN Lord, Don Bosco created a family of young people that has spread all over the world. Help us to realise that we share so much with young people in Salesian work on all five continents. AMEN “Peace begins with a smile.” Mother Theresa “Charity is what sets the sons of God apart from the sons of Satan and of the world.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Mk 9:2‐10 “This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.” Give up something so that you can give more to the needy during Lent


Week beginning Monday 5 Mar 2018 HCPT Preparation Evening. St Hugh’s Sponsored Run Lent recalls the period of time spent in the desert by Jesus before starting his mission of revealing God’s love through teaching, healing and sacrifice. He faced temptation but was strong enough to resist it. Lord, when I am tempted to do what I know is wrong, help me to remember your loving presence and show me a better way to live. AMEN Lord, teach us to live good lives, encourage us with your support and bring us to eternal life. AMEN God of love, bring us back to you. Send your Spirit to make us strong in faith and active in good works. AMEN “My child, the troubles and temptations of your life are beginning, and may be many; but you can overcome and outlive them all if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father.” LM Alcott “Your greatest enemy is idleness; fight it without let up.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Jn 2:13‐25 “Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” Think of a temptation which troubles you, and a way to avoid it.


Week beginning Monday 12 Mar 2018 College Production Working on a school production involves discipline and self‐ sacrifice coupled with courage to use and develop personal gifts and celebrate with others. These qualities are also involved in our spiritual preparation during Lent for the joy of Easter. Lord, you call us to your service and continue your saving work among us. May your love never abandon us. AMEN Lord, nourish us with your word of life during this Lenten season and make us one in love and prayer. AMEN Lord, we pray for all those involved in the College musical. May their efforts bring joy to others and help them to grow in fellowship and gratitude for your gifts. AMEN “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” Victor Hugo “A school without music is a school without a soul, for music aids education.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Jn 9:1‐41 “I am the light of the world.” Choose a country outside Europe and find out what the Salesians are doing there.


Week beginning Monday 19 Mar 2018 End of Term. Holy Week and Easter. Yr 12 ready for Lourdes The events of Holy Week with Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday will take place during the holidays. These events are central to our Christian Faith and we should do our best to think about them and celebrate them with others in our parishes if we can. Lord, we will soon be accompanying you in the celebration of Holy Week and Easter. We invite you to work in transforming our lives and help us to make sense of this term and all that has happened. Help us to see your plan unfolding in our lives. AMEN Father, may our efforts during Lent prepare us to welcome the Paschal mystery of Easter and to proclaim your salvation with joyful praise. AMEN God our Father, you always work to save us. We rejoice in the great love you give to your people. Protect those who are about to become your children, and continue to bless those who are already baptised. AMEN “Have fun, but do not neglect study and prayer.” Don Bosco Sunday Gospel Jn 12:20‐33 “I shall draw all men to myself.” Try to attend some of the Holy Week services with your family.


Prayers for Various Situations For Peace (from CAFOD) God of all, as we walk together, Open our hearts to your tenderness. Open our minds to your understanding. Open our lives to your challenge. We are one people, many nations, Building hope through steps for peace. One world with many barriers, Breaking chains so we dance free. One voice that shouts for justice Shatters hatred, calls for change. One God, one world, one people, Turning tables, share the feast. For Serenity God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference. AMEN Someone Died Lord, someone I love died today. My heart feels as though it will never recover. To carry on seems too big an effort. Yet continue I must – but I’m going to need your help. Give me friends to comfort me in the sad times, to smile with me as we recall the joys, and to love me through the pain, towards life and hope. AMEN


When Things Go Wrong Lord Jesus, things are a bit of a mess at the moment. Give me strength to get through this difficult time, and courage to learn from it that I may grow in love. AMEN Lord, I did something stupid: I messed up. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone but people got upset and angry. Help me to accept the consequences of my moment of madness, and use the experience to grow into a better person. AMEN Lord, help me to remember that there is nothing going to happen today that you and I cannot get through together. AMEN During Exam Time Heavenly Father, we pray for all those taking exams at this time. May they have the calm, the dedication and the wisdom to achieve success. AMEN Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6) Dear Lord of All, bless me and help me to be calm during this examination. Give me confidence in myself and in you, so that I may understand what is asked of me and use the time well. Be with me and fill me with your Spirit. AMEN 17

For wisdom and growth O gracious and holy Father, give us wisdom to perceive you, intelligence to understand you, diligence to seek you, patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, hearts to meditate upon you, and lives that proclaim you through the power of the Spirit of Jesus who is Christ, our Lord. AMEN (St Benedict) Teach me, dear Lord, frequently and diligently to consider this truth: that if I gain the whole world and lose Thee, in the end I have lost everything; whereas if I lose the world and gain Thee, in the end I have lost nothing. AMEN (Blessed John Henry Newman) Thou, who art the light of the minds that know thee; the life of the souls that love thee; and the strength of the wills that serve thee; help us to know thee that we may truly love thee; so to love thee that we may fully serve thee, whom to serve is perfect freedom. AMEN (St Augustine) Lord, make me a better person: more considerate towards others, more honest with myself, more faithful and loving to you. 18

Make me generous enough to seek your will above my own. Help me to find my true vocation in life and through it, to find happiness for myself and bring happiness to others. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. AMEN A Litany of Remembrance During each silent pause let us remember before God those who have been mentioned. At the end of the litany, please join in the Lord’s Prayer. Now, dear Lord, we want to forget ourselves and to remember others: those who are ill and in pain; those waiting for an operation; those waiting for a doctor’s verdict and fearing the worst; (silence) those who are nervous, worried, anxious or afraid of life; those on the verge of a nervous breakdown; those who feel they cannot cope with life; (silence) those who are hungry and cold; those who are refugees with no home; those who are unemployed and those in prison. (silence) Out of your great riches, dear Lord, supply the need of those distressed in body, mind or heart. Our Father…


The Rosary Joyful Mysteries 1. Annunciation of the Lord to Mary 2. Visitation of Elizabeth by Mary 3. Nativity of our Blessed Lord 4. Presentation of Jesus 5. Finding of Jesus in the Temple Sorrowful Mysteries 1. Agony in the Garden 2. Scourging at the Pillar 3. Crowning with Thorns 4. Carrying of the Cross 5. Crucifixion Glorious Mysteries 1. Resurrection of Jesus 2. Ascension of Jesus to Heaven 3. Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. Assumption of Mary into Heaven 5. Crowning of Mary Luminous Mysteries 1. Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan 2. Marriage Feast at Cana 3. Proclamation of the Kingdom of God 4. Transfiguration of Jesus 5. Institution of the Eucharist


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