2022 Yearbook

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“Do all through love, nothing through constraint.” ST FRANCIS DE SALES

Noah Sharrock | Year 12 Art The theme behind my two final artworks was introversion. This is something that I have thought about a lot, and about how I am able to enjoy being by myself. I explored this idea by focusing on the placement of a lone figure in an enclosed space that feels comfortable and inviting. My first final artwork is a painting of a lone figure that is placed in the centre of a room that has nothing but a single light source from a window on the left wall. My second final artwork is a similar idea, but it is more like a corridor or an alleyway with a single lone figure in the centre of it.

Credits Editor/s: George Ketels, Trudy Skarajew & Johnathon Stevens publicrelations@salesian.vic.edu.au Photographic Contributions: Ms Suzie McErvale Arthur Reed Photography Paddy McKenna, ACC Melbourne Staff and Families of Salesian College Chadstone Proofreader: Dr Mavis Ford, La Trobe University Graphic Design and Printing: DMC Group In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s spiritual and cultural connection to country we acknowledge the traditional custodians the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nations. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, for they hold the memories, traditions, culture and hopes of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the nation and hope they will walk with us on our journey.


Oratory 12C


From The Principal


Oratory 12D


2022 Board Chair Reflection


Oratory 12E


2022 VCE Results


Oratory 12F


40+ Study Scores


Oratory 12G


2022 Salesian Awards


Oratory 12V


2022 Dux Speech


Year 11 Report


Student Leadership


Oratory 11A


Student Leaders


Oratory 11B


From The College Captain


Oratory 11C


2022 Salesian Staff


Oratory 11D


Staff Farewells


Oratory 11E


From The Business Manager


Oratory 11F


Facilities Report


Oratory 11G


Information Technology


Oratory 11VA


Development and Marketing


Oratory 11VB




Year 10 Report


Parents’ Association


Oratory 10A


Faith and Mission: Religious Education


Oratory 10B


Faith and Mission: Liturgy


Oratory 10C


Faith and Mission: Social Justice


Oratory 10D


Teaching and Learning


Oratory 10E




Oratory 10F




Oratory 10G




Oratory 10H




Year 9 Report


Visual Arts


Oratory 9A


Performing Arts


Oratory 9B




Oratory 9C


Digital Technology


Oratory 9D


Technology Studies


Oratory 9E


Food Technologies


Oratory 9F


Human Development


Oratory 9G


RUA Resource Centre


Oratory 9H


Year 10 PreCal


Year 8 Report


Intermediate VCAL


Oratory 8A


Senior VCAL


Oratory 8B




Oratory 8C


House Sport Report


Oratory 8D


ACC Sports


Oratory 8E


Sports Academy


Oratory 8F


Public Speaking and Debating


Oratory 8G


Student Wellbeing


Oratory 8H


Don Bosco’s Oratory Week


Year 7 Report


Annecy House Report


Oratory 7A


Collinson House Report


Oratory 7B


Moroney House Report


Oratory 7C


Savio House Report


Oratory 7D


House Cup Competition


Oratory 7E


Year 12 Report


Oratory 7F


Oratory 12A


Oratory 7G


Oratory 12B


Student Roll Call




From The Rector



Fr Joe Dinh – Rector

Home is where we find security, familiarity, warmth, comfort and love. It is also where we find our sense of purpose and meaning. Home is a sanctuary from a troubled world. It is place where you can be yourself. For many people, home is where they live in families with their beloved members. For others, home is their school, where they study, play and share with their friends. For devoted Christians, home is their church, where they worship God, to be united with one another in Jesus Christ. The charter for our Salesian school says: In keeping with the Spirit of Saint John Bosco, the Salesian school community is challenged to be: A home that welcomes. A parish that evangelises. A school that prepares for life. A playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves. To simplify, we can replace these concepts by Family (Home), Faith (Parish), Future (School) and Fun (Playground). Of course, home is not just about a physical place. We can never detach from people we love, as Jesus proclaimed, 2


“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me, and I in them, bear much fruit, because apart from me, you can do nothing.”

Home is a sanctuary from a troubled world. It is place where you can be yourself.

In 1980, for a number of political reasons, I had to escape from my home, my home town and home country, Vietnam, by boat. I arrived in Malaysia and was fortunately accepted by the Australian Government as a refugee. I came to Melbourne on Saturday 24th January 1981. On the first Sunday, after having celebrated mass, I found the local Catholic priest and asked, ‘Is there a Salesian College in Australia?’ He said, ‘Yes! There are a few’. Immediately I felt at home.

Homily of the Opening Whole School Mass

Remember that whenever you want and need, you can always get back to your home, parish, school and playground to be your true self. Salesian College Chadstone, amazingly, is the place of more than 100 nationalities. They all call it home, as they have called Australia home. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” So whatever you become, be a good one. I ask you to remember God in your journey, and to take care of each other in your journey of life.



FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mark Ashmore – Principal Most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. People say that the early years of life are when a person absorbs more information and adapts behaviour more than any other period in life.

The skills and appreciation and joy for the small things make a difference in your life and the lives of others. This begins at an early age when you develop and nurture the skills, knowledge and attributes you need. Then a pandemic arrived on our doorstep. We were required to stay home or live with restrictions to curb a health crisis. We each lost some of, for a better term, the “basics”, of how we live: socialisation, communication and service.

In the final assembly of the year I shared excerpts from Robert Fulghum’s book, “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten”. The text expresses that he already knows most of what’s necessary to live a meaningful life; that it isn’t all that complicated. He expresses that most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in those formative years.

Upon returning to ‘normal’ life and school in 2022 we have realised that life has not been normal. It was a challenge for many individuals, the community and society as we grapple with life post pandemic. In essence, we have had to re-learn the behaviours and attitudes that we learnt in kindergarten.

Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. Take a nap every afternoon.

College Captain Daniel Amendola, upon being told that he was being offered the role, said that we need to work with our Years 7, 8 and 9 students who have not experienced the Salesian way. It was a profound statement that has resonated during the year. I thank our Year 12 class of 2022 for the outstanding leadership they showed to welcome all into our community and create the Salesian family spirit. Thank you, Daniel Amendola and College Vice-Captains Jake Johnston and Mitchell Wain. The young men in our community returned to school open to learn, or indeed re-learn, our Salesian charism and how we at Salesian work with one another in support, service and solidarity. There was a sense of the value of being in the learning environment with the teacher and peers faceto-face. Thank you to our students for their tenacity and joy displayed in learning. It has been a privilege to walk into

I am not suggesting that we all have cookies and milk around three o’clock every afternoon and then lie down with our blankies for a nap.


The skills and appreciation and joy for the small things make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Mark Ashmore


classrooms and see the enthusiasm for learning. Our boys have demonstrated resilience, courage and confidence in pursuits in the classroom, sports field, on stage or behind a lectern. Thank you to our students for being open to our Catholic faith – Oratory, mass, reflection days and how we live with one another in relationship. It was wonderful to witness numerous students participating in the Sacramental Program. A highlight was the anticipated Don Bosco Oratory Week, during which staff and students thoroughly enjoyed the liturgy, focussing on diversity in our community and a joy-filled fun activities day. We are blessed to have the Salesians as part of our community who share their gifts each Friday morning for mass amongst regular staff and student attendees. It did take me until Term 4 to partake in a whole school mass, but when it did eventuate it was a wonderful spiritual and community experience. 5


A personal highlight was attending the Salesian Pilgrimage. I was able to learn about the teachings and the impact of St Francis de Sales, St Jane Frances de Chantal, St John Bosco, Mama Margherita and St Mary Mazzarello. The memories of meeting Salesians and travelling with those who work in Salesian schools will continue to guide my leadership. Jesus teaches us to love our neighbours, to be kind, compassionate and forgiving. Whilst we have had to relearn how to do this as a society it has been evident for all to see here in our Salesian community. Our students have extended a warm welcome to create belonging for others by being respectful in our relationships. Performing Arts came to life in 2022 with amazing events for students to gain a sense of belonging and joy. The production with Sacred Heart Girls College of “Beauty and the Beast” was thoroughly enjoyable, providing many laughs amidst the high-quality performances. The student led initiative, SMASH, was an outstanding event with Avila College that enabled most in the crowd to sing along or dance in a very enjoyable evening. Our Year 7s, too, performed in their first concerts with our Autumn and Spring concerts, providing wonderful entertainment.

public speaking forums. The House Debating Competition and the year level public speaking competitions highlighted the talents of our students as they presented social issues to their peers and community audiences.

Our Sport program provided memorable highlights. Our Swimming team was outstanding at the ACC championships, taking out the Division 2 winner trophy. The College achieved some excellent results in the ACC Athletics, Badminton and Triathlon competitions, as well as recording encouraging performances in ACC Cricket, Basketball and Soccer. The Davie Egan Cup (Div 1 Soccer) and Davis Johnson Cup (Div 1 Football) were regained with strong wins over Mazenod College. The year concluded with the Basketball teams competitively representing the College at the Australian Schools Championships. The much-loved House Athletics and Swimming carnivals returned, and the students enjoyed the camaraderie and friendly competition.

Our parents and carers have also been tremendous in their support of the College and their son/s this year. As events and activities began to occur, parents attended in support of their sons and the College. Parent Association meetings, learning conferences, Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day breakfasts and Valedictory were all wonderful celebrations. During 2022, the College was reviewed by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) to ensure that we met standards expected of an educational institution. The College received wonderful commendations from the reviewers, including feedback of the resounding welcome felt from all members of the community. The School Review Report provided recommendations for future improvement.

Debating and public speaking had a rightful place in the calendar, with our students gaining success at DAV and 6


Parallel to the school review process, the College underwent significant community consultation to develop an exciting Strategic Plan 2022-2026. The Strategic Plan builds upon the Salesian charism and traditions that were established by the Salesians of Don Bosco and lay educators in our College history. Our plan provides an insight into the College’s aspirations and new opportunities whilst ensuring a clear road map for the future. Consultation with the community, including students, parents, staff, past pupils, Board Directors and the Salesians of Don Bosco has enabled us to understand people’s hopes, ambitions and priorities. Our Strategic Plan 2022-2026 outlines seven strategic intentions for our learning community: • • • • • • •

Our Purpose and Direction Our Catholic Identity and Salesian Charism Our Learning Focussed School Our People and Culture Our Learning Environments Engaging our Families Our Community Partnerships

I thank all who have contributed to the development of our Strategic Plan for their time, energy and ideas to create what I believe is an exciting and aspirational plan for our future. My thanks and congratulations also extend to our amazing Salesian educators and support staff who walked with our students every day to create our own Oratory here at Chadstone. Our community suffered COVID, colds and flu during winter months, placing a strain on teacher availability. Despite these challenges, Don Bosco would be proud of our staff as they continued to welcome students and parents into our joy-filled dynamic community and to provide support for one another. The care and loving kindness displayed by my colleagues are outstanding. Thank you. The College looks forward to 2023 with clear strategic plans, and with the hope and optimism that all students and staff will learn in our joy-filled Catholic learning community. 7


Stephen J Moloney BA/ LLB – Chairperson, Salesian College Chadstone Board

The year of 2022 was a year in which all students, families, staff and the Board rejoiced in the freedom to return to ways of “usual” student and school life in the first year of the Melbourne post Covid 19 life.

A new Strategic Action plan has been prepared to guide all future development, to be worked together with an Annual Action plan, as worked upon and approved by the Board. In this way there will be clear direction for all future capital expenditures when decided to be performed. Planning for that has been well set in process.

Salesian College Chadstone, like many institutions, did the best it could over the challenging two year period prior to 2022, and 2022 was a year when so many sacrifices and preparations were able to be rewarded in so many ways.

Considerable work has also been performed by both Board sub-committee and the Board itself in preparing policy and practices to ensure that child safety is always present and considered in all aspects of College life, which is consistent with the charism and mission of St John Bosco.

2022 saw the continuation of a major structural change for the life of the College, while at the same time ensuring that all the rich traditions and practises of the Salesian Order are inculcated into the life of our students and their families.

During this year the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA) conducted a comprehensive audit of the school, and the school passed with “flying colours”. Of course there were things which were able to be seen as capable of improvement, but the Board were delighted to receive a pleasing comprehensive approval of the workings of the school.

Salesian Chadstone now operates under the legal control of a new corporate entity, Salesian Chadstone Ltd, which is an Australian public company, and its governance is thereby controlled by the Board. Salesian Chadstone has moved from being under the direct control of the Salesian Order Inc., but in doing so now still calls on the collective wisdom of the Salesian Order, which founded and operated the School since its first existence in 1956. The Board has two members of the Order, Fr Bernie Graham SDB and Fr Joe Dinh SDB, who are members of the Board. The Salesian Order remains in ownership of the school.

The Board has participated by presence in various ways to meet staff and understand the ways of the school. The VCE academic results for 2022 showed a marked improvement, and thereby demonstrate a genuine opportunity for all students to achieve academic excellence. The Board is committed to do all it can to provide opportunities for excellence for all students, regardless of their chosen or hoped for career paths.

Mr Stephen Moloney (BA, LLB) became the Chairman of the Board in August 2022 after the interim Chair, Fr Graham, acted in that role during a large part of 2022. Salesian Chadstone now has in its Board composition, five lay persons and the two religious mentioned who are drawn from a variety of life experiences and qualifications (and all being parents or past students), thereby bringing an energy and insight into the governance of the school.

I express my gratitude for all the hard work done by the Staff of the College and the Board during 2022 in their mission to provide a quality of education and the opening of pathways in life for our students that St John Bosco would smile upon. The Board will continue to do all it can to promote the best opportunities possible for its students, present and future.

Our new Principal, Mr Mark Ashmore, in his first full year, has led staff and students with a strong vibrancy in all action. 8

Class of 2022 High Achievers (ATAR of 90 or above)


Each Salesian student has had his own pathway supported by the College staff, peers and family. We recognise the young people who have graduated from our community who have completed the VCAL Applied Learning Program and our VCE Unscored Pathways, including VCAL Captain Athan Robotis who has secured an apprenticeship for 2023. Rightfully put by Don Bosco, “learning is a matter of the heart.”

Proxime Accessit Dux Kevin Kang and Dux Jake Johnston

As a community, we unite and congratulate the following boys and College results:

50 PERFECT SCORE: Further Mathematics Kevin Kang

2022 COLLEGE DUX Jake Johnston 99.45 College Vice-Captain

COLLEGE RESULTS: Dux: 99.45 Median: 31 Number of study scores of 40 and over: 70 A perfect study score of 50 in Further Mathematics One study score of 49 in Languages: Hungarian Three study scores of 48 in English and Business Management 14 Year 11 students studying a 3/4 subject achieved a 40 or over

Jake achieved the following Study Scores over 40: 47 English 47 Further Mathematics 46 Mathematics Methods 40 Physics 38 Specialist Mathematics 44 Business Management in Year 11> Jake intends to study his first preference of Engineering and Commerce at Monash University. 2022 COLLEGE PROXIME ACCESSIT DUX Kevin Kang 99.2

The last three years have presented extraordinary challenge for students, staff and families. With concentrated effort and focus, learning and teaching strategies were finetuned to further respond to boys’ needs and engagement. We commend every teacher and staff member within our community who have embraced our College values and amended strategies, giving boys the best possible opportunity to achieve their individual potential.

ATAR BREAKDOWN ATAR of 90 or Higher: 2022 16.8% - 1.4% ATAR of 80 or Higher: 2022 38.9% - 3% ATAR of 70 or Higher: 2022 57% - 3.5% VCE Completion Rate: 100% VCAL Completion Rate: 92% VCE Baccalaureate: 6 9


This year’s results have been exceptional by the boys and we would like to commend all students, staff, parents, and members within our community who have contributed to the many stories of boys within our care.

40+ STUDY SCORES Congratulations to the following students who achieved Study Scores over 40:

Study Score of 42

Study Score of 50



Peter Holland

Business Management

Evan Di Stasio

Creative & Digital Media (VCE VET)

Lochlan Hardie




Kevin Kang

Further Mathematics

Kevin Kang


Liam Kakarantzas

Study Score of 49

Maths: Further Mathematics

Anthony Papalia



Physical Education

Marnav Deo

Languages: Hungarian

Peter Liptai

Study Score of 41

Study Score of 48






Kevin Kang

Business Management

Hardu Ginoya

Business Management

Alex Iliuk


Emmanuel Louis


Kristian Aparo


George Velgakis


Jimmy Gantelas


Eric Jason






James Peluso


Jake Johnston


Gabriel Schiavell


Kevin Kang


Angus Stanton


John Vayenas


James Triskelidis

Further Mathematics

Jake Johnston


Mitchell Wain

Visual Communication Design

Eric Jason

History: Australian History

Sam Ison

Study Score of 46


Alexander Phylactou



Further Mathematics

Blake Mckenzie


Jayden Fernandes

Mathematical Methods

Jayden Fernandes

Further Mathematics

Samuel Yoshawirja

Mathematical Methods

John Vayenas

Mathematical Methods

Jake Johnston

Study Score of 40 Subject





Marcellino Baselyous

Physical education

Daniel Biviano

Business Management

Jimmy Gantelas


Don Suraweera


Dhruv Israni

Study Score of 45

Study Score of 44


Michael Legg



Creative & Digital Media (VCE VET)

Sam Cherry

Applied Computing Software Development

Michael Legg

Economics English

Nicholas Colaci James Ballantyne

Business Management

Jayden De Kauwe


Jason Ho


Pramishka De Alwis


Keegan Parker


Don Suraweera


Alvin Yala

History: Australian History

George Velgakis


Dylan Be


Jayden Fernandes

Maths: Further Mathematics

Keyan Bowker

Maths: Further Mathematics

Ruchith Akhila Navaratne

Study Score of 43 Subject



Jayden Fernandes

Maths: Further Mathematics

Gabriel Schiavello,


Nicholas Colaci

Maths: Further Mathematics

Robert Taylor


Lachie Grewcock

Maths: Mathematical Methods

Kevin Kang


Sam Ison


Jake Johnston


Kristian Aparo


Dylan Be


Dhruv Israni

Religion & Society

Alrin Jogi


David Hickey

Studio Arts

Noah Sharrock



Rob Mercer – Assistant Principal – School Organisation

One of the well-established traditions at the College is the Salesian Awards, which acknowledge individual student contribution to College life in the four areas of Academic, Cultural, Sport and Citizenship. They were introduced to encourage boys to experience all we have to offer in a full rounded education in the Catholic Salesian tradition. The Salesian Awards allow us as a community to recognise the boys who are improving college culture through their participation.

noticing a boy helping others in his class. Students are also awarded points for participation in school activities such as Don Bosco’s Oratory Week. Cultural points can be gained by participation in things like Debating, the College Production or Chess. Sport points can be gained through involvement in House and ACC sports. Every teacher is responsible for giving points towards the Salesian Awards, which means that all accomplishments from small to large are recognised. 2022 saw us back at school without interruption and it was refreshing to see all the students back to participating fully in events throughout the year. Regardless of any challenges however and these awards do recognise the quiet, consistent and positive efforts boys make as part of their school experience. We would like to congratulate these boys on their achievements. We would also like to thank them, as they have given to the community through their consistent hard work and the example they have set. As they leave the school, they will have left the school community a richer place for having been here.

Academic points are largely based on a boy’s average overall mark in a given semester. Citizenship points come from doing the “ordinary things extraordinarily well”. For example, a teacher may award a Citizenship merit after

Year 11


Narichard Chann


Daniel Kedis


Daniel Biviano


Sam Cherry


Lance Kieu


Lachlan Eames


Christopher Ciorciari


Liam Knight


Beau Mccallum


Domenic Colantuono


Brian Le


Joshua Perera


Ashton Curtis


Michael Legg


Dylan Rosario


Pramishka De Alwis


Emmanuel Louis


Kaiden Serrano


Marnav Deo


Jeremy Ly


Vin Talarico


Adrian Dimar


Lucas Muscara


Luca Tighello


Harry D'rozario


Tam Thanh Nguyen


Ronan Easton


Alex Nimmervoll


Christopher Tsakoumakis


Jimmy Gantelas


Keegan Parker


Paschalis Tzintzis


Maiki Giannakopoulos


Aris Polychronopoulos


Timothy Vo


Aaron Gomes


Athan Robotis


Jimmy Vu


Lachie Grewcock


Gabriel Schiavello


Sam Wallbridge


Lochlan Hardie


Tom Scown


Julian Wilson


Benjamin Harris


Angus Stanton


Year 12


David Hickey


Jake Tabaczynski


Dilenne Algama


Jack Hilliard


Lester Tanjutco


Angus Allan


Jason Ho


James Triskelidis


Andrew Ambawatta


Sebastien Huppe


John Truong


Daniel Amendola


Sam Ison


John Vayenas


Kristian Aparo


Alrin Jogi


Mitchell Wain


Dylan Be


Jake Johnston


Alvin Yala


Tom Blaikie


Liam Kakarantzas


Eric Zhu


James Bof


Kevin Kang

12E 11


Boys accumulate points in these four areas, and when they reach the requisite numbers, they are awarded the Bronze, Silver or Gold Salesian Award. From Year 7 they start to accumulate points, and at the end of every term the awards are presented at assembly. Gold Awards require special effort over many years at the school. Boys need 1200 points in total for the Gold Award, with a minimum of 750 points in the area of Academic participation, and 300 in Citizenship.


2022 DUX SPEECH Jake Johnston – Dux of 2022

Good afternoon Mr Ashmore, Fr Dinh, staff, students and guests.

off which was Shrove Tuesday. Three years running we were the best at cooking and eating pancakes, so I hope that the new blood can help to continue this trend. It really is an exhilarating feeling going out on the track, field or court and giving your all. SCC is a force to be reckoned with that incites fear in its adversaries… as long as we are competing in div 2. But I’ll tell you younger lads, nothing can beat that elation of avoiding relegation from div 1 athletics just a few years back. The cheers rang loud and true. We’ve come a long way since then, with the lower year levels holding their own against the heavyweights of ACC sport.

It’s quite a strange feeling being back in this hall after finishing Year 12 about three months ago now. It is an honour to be back here after what was the most stressful and difficult, yet rewarding and enjoyable, year of my life. It is somewhat challenging to comprehend how such contradictory ideas can be used to truthfully encapsulate what Year 12 is all about. It’s about study and school of course, exams and results. But it’s also about growing up and finding yourself. It’s about fun and laughter, friends and connections, triumph and celebration.

And of course, the memories of those last few days at school before our exams had started are to be savoured, such as the final game of condensed soccer on the covered courts, with about 100 of us chasing one ball like seagulls. The last time singing the Salesian anthem is to be cherished in the class of 2022’s minds far into the future.

So, to start us off, I’d like to talk about everything but the academics, the clear and undeniable positives of Year 12. 2022 was the best year of my life, not defined by my results, but by every event, every memory and every experience my final year brought. This is something that all of you can look forward to, especially the current Year 12s. When those older than I am said that Year 12 would be the best year of my life, I always shrugged it off and never thought much of it. Yet, what they said proved to be unmistakably true.

Here I have discussed everything but the academics, but I did of course study. I wouldn’t be up here otherwise. I am proud to say that I grinded last year. I worked hard, especially in those last couple of months as exams approached. I studied so that at the end I could be proud of the work I put in, and have no regrets about my results, knowing that I couldn’t have tried any harder or studied any more, whilst still maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

For example, the Year 12 formal was an absolute highlight, dressing up with all the lads and forming a raging mosh pit fit for the occasion. Mr Chow, Mr Augustus and Mr Donaldson also made a cameo appearance on the dance floor, hitting a jive to the “Dancing Queen”. What a sight!

School was not an easy journey as it had many ups and downs. There were days when I felt motivated and driven, and others when I felt lazy and disheartened. However, it was my fellow classmates who assisted me in overcoming these

I loved representing mighty Collinson, whether it be in sports or the prestigious pancake (word missed here. What is it?) 12

A strong piece of advice from me to attain and maintain a balanced Year 12 lifestyle is to figure out what’s important to you, and continue to do those things. Jake Johnston

left for England the year after just to get away from us. She always said it wasn’t because of us, but that she had already planned to go before the year had started, but I say don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story. Mr Augustus,

challenges in both keeping me accountable and making study more engaging and interactive. A special mention goes to Kevin Kang, who had his own way of keeping me accountable by laughing at any test mark that was lower than his. I guess that acted as a good source of motivation. On a serious note, that friendly competition between mates and studying in a group rather than individually was an effective method of working more often and more efficiently.

To all my Year 12 teachers: Mr McDonald, Mr Khambete, Mrs Polouse and Dr Barclay, thank you for all the dedication and commitment you gave towards my learning. The extra hours you put in and all the knowledge you shared enabled me to perform to the highest level, and for that I am extremely grateful.

I believe that having a balance between studies, leisure and work is vital to not only enjoying school, but also performing to the best of your ability. Continuing to work and play sports and socialise kept my mind at ease throughout the year, and put me in a strong mindset to study when I needed to.

To my parents. You have moulded me into the young man I am today, and I am so grateful to have you as role models and supporters. Your love and understanding throughout Year 12 helped me to stay healthy and dedicated as the arduous year went on. I also extend this praise to all the parents of last year’s cohort for the love and support you have shown your children, and also for dealing with our abruptness and mental meltdowns as the year concluded. To all you boys, be nice to your parents and consider what they sacrifice for you. Remember that they pay for you to come here, and they also probably make your lunch.

A strong piece of advice from me to attain and maintain a balanced Year 12 lifestyle is to figure out what’s important to you, and continue to do those things. Cut out the things in life which are not of benefit to you. Make time to socialise with the people you love and people you love to be around. Keep playing sport, keep going to work if that’s what you like. Play video games if that is what you enjoy! I sure did. However, all these activities should be done in moderation.

Lastly, to the class of 2022, my cohort. My Salesian experience was made so fruitful and memorable because of you. The sheer enjoyment that came from being at school with everyone made Year 12 an amazing year, and took the focus away from studies and academics. When it came to crunch time, all of you pushed me to my limit and helped me to overcome many challenges, as I too hope I did for you.

Thank you for listening to me ramble about my year. Hopefully you got something out of what I have said. But before I leave you there are a few people I must thank for their contribution to my schooling life. I’d like to take this time to show some gratitude to the teachers who played such a pivotal role in my Salesian journey.

This opportunity to come back and speak to you all has been an absolute honour. I wish the best for all of you here, and urge you all to face your current and future challenges head on, so that you can be proud of yourselves and have no regrets about the effort you gave.

Ms Tsiavis, From Year 8 when I arrived at Salesian you were a kind Oratory teacher who was supportive and helpful all the way through to Year 12. I still find it amusing that our Year 8 Biretta class was so disruptive and irritable that Miss Tsiavis

Thank you all for listening. 13


Throughout Year 12 you were an amazing support. You always considered our situations, giving us time to study and being an absolute legend to talk to. The banter of 12B and the chronicles of James Peluso vs the class were always entertaining. Thank you for being such a kind, considerate and supportive pillar in my final year of school.


STUDENT LEADERSHIP Dylan Chow and Georgina Dow – Student Leadership Coordinators

2022 was met with genuine excitement from our student leadership group, with the hopes to instil a sense of community that was lost over the last few years of remote learning. Therefore, the primary aim of the Year 12 Leadership group was to prioritise community involvement and to connect with schools in our surrounding suburbs. The Year 12s met with Sacred Heart College leaders in late 2021 to workshop their public speaking and communication skills. This was a rewarding experience for the students, who reflected critically on leadership styles, learning how to empower others and to better serve their community.

to deeply consider what it means to ‘Break the Bias’ and celebrate the achievements of women in their local and global community.

This initiative was in the forefront of our leaders’ minds as we prepared for Term 1 Congress, a significant event on our College calendar, where all 132 student leaders from Years 7-12 proposed ideas that sought to improve all aspects of schooling life. This year we had some incredible proposals tackling issues such as uniform, second-hand books, inclusivity, VCE entry requirements and the environment. This culminated in perhaps the most significant musical collaboration between Avila College and Salesian College Chadstone, where Music Captain Alvin Yala organised a series of performances and a bake sale, raising funds for the less fortunate.

We would like to specifically thank our three College Captains, Daniel Amendola, Mitchell Wain and Jake Johnston. Throughout the entire year these gentlemen have gone above and beyond to proudly represent what it means to be a Salesian College Chadstone student. They have ensured that, despite their busy schedules with the demands of Year 12, part-time work and basketball (Jake), they prioritised the needs of their College. This included attending and supporting various information nights, College events and voicing concerns on behalf of the cohort. All three boys have rightfully earned their titles as College leaders.

Our Year 12 College Captains, alongside our Mission, Liturgy and Social Justice captains, attended a breakfast to celebrate International Women’s Day at Avila College. The Avila student and staff leaders were then invited to a lunch hosted by Salesian College to celebrate this significant day. It was a truly rewarding experience for our student body

With the class of 2022 passing over the privilege of leadership to the class of 2023, we excitedly await the fresh ideas they bring. Most importantly, we would like to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2022 group as they leave behind their very own Salesian legacy. 14




Daniel Amendola


Jake Johnston






Athan Robotis

James Triskelidis

Ronan Easton

Liam Knight

Adrian Dimar

Mitchell Wain






Vice Captain

Year 11 Captain

Year 11 Vice Captain

Year 10 Captain

Year 10 Vice Captain

Chris Ciorciari

Jimmy Gantelas

Peter Holland

Jack Iverson

Will Thurston

Luca Mandile



Vice Captain

Year 11 Captain

Year 11 Vice Captain

Year 10 Captain

Year 10 Vice Captain

Gabriel Schiavello

Marvin Elliott

Dieter Hagen-Mujica

Sam Wallbridge

Christian Bernardo

Dylan Rayen



Vice Captain

Year 11 Captain

Year 11 Vice Captain

Year 11 Vice Captain

Year 10 Captain

Year 10 Vice Captain

Siddarth Kapoor

Harry D’Rozario

Gishain Fernando

Ryan Langworthy

James Batsis

James McLaughlin

Ben Brooks



Vice Captain

Year 11 Captain

Year 11 Vice Captain

Year 10 Captain

Year 10 Vice Captain

Emmanuel Louis

Oskar Cislo

Roey Shrestha

Marcellino Baselyous

Andrew Tan

Charlie Cochrane









Pramishka De Alwis

Lance Kieu

James Bof

Tristan Zammit

Alvin Yala

Angus Allan

Liam Kakarantzas









Snowy Evans

Oliver Mann

Jack Waters

Caleb Smith

Aidan Rhys Fernandes

Liam Noveloso

Thomas Maguire-nguyen

Finn power

Simranjot Singh Batth

Alexander Liberis

Jack Lucarelli

Peter Yip


Thomas Charabie

Jake Calderaro

Tharusha Senanayake.

Abel Ebi Joseph


Liam Gantelas

Harry Gardner

Nitish Kumaram

Abin Gautam


David Legg

Matthew Ramman

Shenard Raheem

Aryan Batavia


Matthew Babbington

James Bywater

James Gatto

Joshua Head


Angelo Apokis

Will Kolenda

Jacob Ty

Will Kolenda







Theodore Horiatellis

Daniel Cochrane

Thomas Ciorciari

Anthony Deayton


Jack Ellis

Alexander Stavros

Zac Raffa

Chrishan Vannitamby


Isaac Meseha

Lachlan Le Vagueresse

Nicholas Dermitzakis

Leon Varsamis


Rafael Hampson

Akein Edirinsinghe

Dean Amendola

Andrew Ziino


Tom Galitos

Callum Thieu

Krish Ahuja

Charlie Hopkins


Keyaan Raheem

Torin Williams

Seth Waduthanthirige

Bryan Chea


Isaac Amos

Austin Grenfell

Vimu Perera

Archie Mole


Jay Dogra

Costantino Georgiou

Hamish saffin

Stefan Funtusoff







Harry Valentine

Cooper Guzzo

Rennie Edwards

William Franklin


Liam Moore

Costa Vardavakis

Samuel Pirani

Liam Power


Dhilan Vijayalingam

Jack Sharp

Martin Ngo

Isaac Aoun


Anthony Trajkoski

Ben Momeni

Tehan Samarakoon

James McIntosh


Lucas Geros

Bafel Wal

Rehan Sarwer

Hamish Cooper


Oliver Filice

Emilio Bellistri

James Tanner

Will McCracken


James Moutafis

Lincoln Caruana

Lucas Drummond

Ryan Van Langenberg



9B 9C


FROM THE COLLEGE CAPTAIN Daniel Amendola – College Captain

“For those of you who may not know me, my name is Daniel Amendola, and over the last year I have had the honour and privilege of representing this incredible year 12 cohort as College Captain for 2022. Six years ago, in February 2017, together with you boys, I walked through the front gates of Salesian college for the first time, an experience that I will never forget. I can vividly remember the excitement of endless opportunities, the chance for new friendships and access to a canteen, which caused me to walk into school that day with a smile on my face. Luckily for me, I had two brothers who were already attending the college, which made my first experience a little less daunting. My brothers would always talk about Salesian, and before entering on that day, I was never really able to comprehend how words such as “brotherhood”, “passion”, and “pride” could be associated with a school. However, after six years, I find myself using those exact words to describe this great college, although it is not the college itself that inaugurated this high regard, but more so the people in it, and there is no better example of that than the class of 2022.

remains one of the many reasons why I have always spoken so highly about you. The undeniable camaraderie that we have shown throughout the years is admirable, and I am truly grateful to be standing here together with you boys as a brotherhood. It saddens me to know that departure awaits, and that eventually our time here at Salesian will become a distant memory, although I will always be indebted to what you have done for me, which is so much more than you know. Not only have you all gifted me with fond memories but, largely because of you, these last six years have been the best years of my life. Therefore, as you leave here today and continue your own individual journeys, I encourage all of you to strive for excellence, as I genuinely believe that you are all capable of doing whatever you desire, which is testament to the young men that Salesian College produces. However, before we leave today, it is important that on behalf of the class of 2022 I commend those who have had such monumental impacts on our development and have served as a catalyst for our overall maturation. Throughout our time here at Salesian, there have been an abundance of people who from our first day in Year 7 to the present day, ranging from our past and present year level coordinators, oratory teachers, learning support staff, I.T. Staff, student wellbeing, facilities team, canteen staff and anyone else whom I may have forgotten, have shown us constant support and guidance, which has not gone unnoticed, and once again I sincerely thank you for all you’ve done for us.

For the last two weeks I have been thinking diligently about how to best illustrate the class of 2022, a group of young, capable men, destined for greatness. Throughout my delineation, I discovered a Bible verse that adequately captures the brilliance of this year level. Jesus once said, “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity”. All you boys have accentuated the notion of fortitude, not only as individuals, but together we’ve been able to prosper in the face of adversity and support those around us to do the same. This

To our year level coordinator, Ms Rabot, thank you whole heartedly for all that you have done for us over the last 18

To Mr Beurs, you have always been someone whom I have admired greatly. You are undeniably an individual who emulates extraordinarily the core values of a Salesian. Throughout the year you have always put the needs of us boys above your own self-interests, despite your own personal hardships. Regardless, although you may often be the first person to tell boys to tuck their shirts in, put their blazers on, and take off their jewellery, we know that these high standards that you have set for us have been imperative in our development, and we thank you so much for that.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you too will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

I would also like to extend this gratitude to our college principal, Mr Ashmore. Sir, I sincerely thank you for your devotion and commitment to us boys over the last twelve months. Despite the short time we had together, you made constant efforts to familiarise yourself with us, and throughout this year you have been an individual who has personally helped me to develop into not only a better leader, but an overall better person.

Romans 12:2, NIV

Finally, before my Year 12 brothers and I depart this College for the last time, I want to conclude this speech with a Bible reference which I believe sufficiently reflects the nature of this College. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you too will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Never feel ashamed of who you are, show pride in your faith, show pride in your culture, and show pride in your College. Salesian remains a place that allows all of us to prosper, therefore relish the opportunities that this great College provides, and honour our story forever as part of the Salesian family. Therefore, on behalf of the entire Year 12 cohort, thank you for everything, and we wish you all the best.” 19


twelve months. Every day you have worked tirelessly to support and guide us through this stressful year and, whilst doing so, always maintained a positive and joyous attitude.



Simi Abraham

Natasha Abrahams

Lucyanne Agius

Anthony Anastasio

Thomas Andrews

Mark Ashmore

Roslyn Aylward

Paul Azar

Melina Barcellona

Daryl Barclay

Steve Beckham

Sam Bentley

Peter Bermingham

Kim Beurs

Rita Bonne

Richard Bourbon

Matthew Brooks

Joshua Bryan

Peter Cadman

Gesualda Cafsso

Daniel Campisano

Monique Capomolla

Nick Carter

Reece Chang

Byron Chen

Heath Chipperfield

Andrew Cho

Dylan Chow

Robert Chrzanowski

Jason Collins

Michelle Collins

Terry Cristiano

Adam Croft

Declan Crowe

Lois Curry

Andrea Curtis

Mitchell Cuzens

Amor Dahlenbourg

Kelvin Dai

Marisa Danese

Joe Dinh

Emma Dodwell

Mikayla Domini

Simon Dorrat

Georgina Dow

Nicholas Dunmill

Barb Dziedzik

Cathy Eames

Ellaine Ellway

Ed Fairlie

Anne Garofalo

Craig Giles

Simon Greely

Sarah Hanger

Priscilla Hansen

Jayden Hawkes



Molly Hermon

Rachael Holland

Cindy Hsiao

Amanda James

Lila Jean-Pierre

David Jenkins

Holly Kavanagh

Joseph Kelly

George Ketels

Atul Khambete

Ria Khambete

Jessica Knight

Nadia Knight

Peter Knight

Sally Kuszner

John Kydas

Christina Lemoins

Katherine Lewis

Matthew Little

Mia Liu

Angela Liyanage

Simon Lloyd

Ron Lok

Steven Loonstra

April Ma

Robert Marley

Emma Marsh

Marianne Marshall

Damian McAuliffe

Anthony McClelland

David McDonald

Suzie McErvale

Joyce McGrath

Jackie McKinnon

Mary Menz

Rob Mercer

Abby Milesi

Gerald Mini Farfan

Barbara Monaghan

Rachel Morais

Kylie Morton

Geordie Nagle

Rupi Narwal

Leonie Nathan

Gina Nenos

Daniel Nguyen

Montana Nicoloutsopoulos

Luke Nunn

Ashley O’Brien

Molly O’Shea

Mary O’Sullivan

Freda Pahomis

Billy Pappas

Scott Peacock

Luke Pearson



Charles Hennessey



Gazielle Pinili

Daniel Place

Nicholas Place

Sani Poulose

Emily Roach

Sarah Roberts

Malaya Rodezno

Dane Rogers

Gabrielle Rolfe

Brett Ruehland

Chris Ryan

Rosa Salemme

Dean Schimming

Chris Seeber

Stephen Sellwood

Hellen Sharp

Michael Shepherdson

August Soliman

Owen Stephens

Rachel Stephens

Johnathon Stevens

Tim Swayn

Bob Synadinos

Ben Talko

Daisy Tang

Jessica Taylor

Shilpa Thomas

Peter Ton

Lydia Triafylos

Alexandra Tsiavis

Jenny Vanderhorst

Ken Verbyla

Heather Walsh

Mark Wang

Sean West

Angela Xu

Alvin Zhang

ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Adele Belizia Angela Belmuda Rhea Beurs Kamila Bielinski Mary Cox Lachlan Dwyer Carl Egan Nick Filippis Stuart Hill Tara Kimstra Zarak Naser Darlene Skopakow



Kamila Bielinski Kamila began at the College in 2008 as a graduate teacher full of enthusiasm and a deep understanding of curriculum. She taught a variety of subjects, including Religious Education, History and, in more recent times, Literacy and Life. Her dedication and love of curriculum soon saw her taking on the role of Head of Humanities. During this time, she was able to lead the Humanities Department in improving the teaching and learning, and initiated a school wide curriculum documentation review. Kamila was very passionate about sustainability, and began a number of initiatives, including recycling. Her passion for teaching and curriculum led her to take on the role of Director of Pedagogy. During this time, she researched a number of different methodologies and led the College in the implementation of the Learning Matrix: Visible Learning, Formative Assessment, Data, Literacy, Project and Problem Based Learning, all of which are directed at improving student outcomes and creating independent lifelong learnings prepared with skills for the future. In 2020 she was appointed Assistant Principal – Teaching and Learning, where she continued to lead and develop these initiatives. Kamila, we thank you for your 15 years of service.

Barbara Monaghan

Steve Beckham

Affectionately known as ‘Barb’, Barbara Monaghan began working at Salesian College in 2003. Over her 20 years of service she has prepared for and fed thousands of students, catered for many functions, supported fundraising and provided staff with substance for the day. She always went the extra mile to ensure that College events were supported by the canteen; yellow produce and decorations for RUOK Day, green slushies and icing on cupcakes for St Patrick’s Day and house coloured items for House competitions. Her cheerful and generous attitude provided a positive and caring atmosphere in the canteen for the volunteers, employees, students and staff. Barb ensured that the highest standards were met in the storage, preparation and hygiene levels of food, and as a result received several awards for our canteen. During her time at the College, Barb improved the overall health rating of the food that was sold, including procedures such as not selling lollies before school! She welcomed volunteers, including students, providing them with a sense of service, contribution to the school community and responsibility. Her tenacity during the COVID pandemic enabled the canteen to continue to provide for the school community whilst maintaining a high level of safety for all. Barb, we thank you for your 20 years of service.

Steven Beckham started at Salesian College in 1990. We have known him to be a wonderful teacher, mentor, Year Level Co-ordinator, a truly authentic and genuine individual who walked with the young along their journey. He was a great support to all, but particularly to his students, and a great mentor to teachers new to the profession. His service to the College has included, but is not limited to, classroom teacher, being present and assisting in all College events from the sporting carnivals to building sets for the College production, to driving buses, to hall set ups. He made his greatest impact as a Year 8 Co-ordinator for over 20 years. During this time, he encouraged his students to be good Christians and honest citizens, through word and action. He met with families and ensured that the needs of all students were meet. Regardless of the need, he put processes in place to ensure that all young people knew they were important and that he would do whatever he could to ensure that they were happy and reached their full potential. In the last few years, Steve has made a significant contribution to the Applied Learning area, working with students, ensuring that they have the necessary skills for the next chapter in their lives, whether it be apprenticeship, working or further study. Steve, we thank you for your 33 years of service.



Mark began his service at Salesian College in 2013. Mark was an enthusiastic member of the Maths Department and, along with others, really encouraged students to engage with maths, with before school classes and tutorials, where many students and other Maths teachers engaged with each other to further improve their understanding of mathematical concepts. Over the last couple of years, Mark has taken on the role as the Head of Maths. During this time, he introduced and trialled a number of different initiatives to improve all elements of maths, from the curriculum to student engagement to student results. During his time at the College, he also took on the role as Moroney House leader. As the leader of the ‘Knights’ he encouraged and challenged the students of Moroney House to do their best and have a go’ in the swimming and athletics carnivals and to support their house in fundraising activities such as the Shrove Tuesday Pancake competition. Mark was also the Badminton ACC Coach, gaining many premierships for the College at both the junior and senior levels. Mark, we thank you for your 10 years of service.

STAFF FAREWELLS We also farewell the following staff members and thank them for their contributions to the Salesian College Chadstone community.


Carl Egan Carl Egan began at Salesian College in 1983 as a young teacher with a very keen interest in sport. Carl began in the classroom, and his skill and passion for sport soon saw him heading up the sport program, as the Director of Sport. Whether in the classroom or the sporting field, it was Carl’s aim to make sure that every student had the opportunity to reach their full potential. Carl was often a coach and mentor to student athletes and those on the field. Carl has always played a significant role in establishing and sustaining the College’s sporting program, including Physical Education classes, House Sports, Carnivals, ACC (Associated Catholic Colleges) events, and has brought home many a premiership flag for the College. His greatest love, Football (Soccer), has also brought success to the College. Carl also invested in those students with a natural talent, desire and love of sport, ensuring that they not only experienced success during their time at the College but beyond, and as a result many have gone on to succeed in sporting careers, in particular AFL and Soccer. Carl, we thank you for your 40 years of service.

Mary Menz



Kelvin Dai


Luke Nunn


Ben Talko


Rupi Narwal


Andrew Cho


Holly Kavanagh


Luke Pearson


Shilpa Thomas


April Ma


Georgina Dow


Bob Synadinos


Lachlan Dwyer


Chris Ryan


Mark Wang


Kamila Bielinski


Mary Menz


Steve Beckham


Carl Egan



Mary Menz began her service to the College in 1996. Her contribution over the years has been outstanding and will be remembered fondly by all those with whom she came in contact. She began at the College managing the uniform shop and then worked in the office. I am sure that if you asked her, she would say that her fondest and greatest pleasure was being the registrar, welcoming students and their families for over 20 years. Her dedication to her work was exceptional. She was the inspiration behind ‘Salesian Kid Program’ and developing the Tour Guides, many of whom went on to be College leaders and School Captains. It was her attention to detail and gentle loving kindness that shone through. Staff describe her as a warm, kind, gentle and friendly person, a true successor of Don Bosco. During the end of her time at the College, Mary supported Rob Brennan and Mark Ashmore as the Principal’s PA. This role she took on provided her with an opportunity to shape the school and community she loved whilst also supporting the Salesians in residence. Mary, we thank you for your 26 years of Service.

We also celebrate the following staff members for their longstanding service to the College.




Kathryn Zwalf


Dean Schimming


Byron Chen


Mark Wang


Lila Jean - Pierre


Suzie McErvale


Ashley Campisano


Robert Marley


Kamila Bielinski


Stephen Sellwood


David Neville


Carl Egan


Daniel Nguyen – Business Manager COLLEGE BOARD APPOINTMENTS

As the new College Business Manager, I feel honoured and privileged to work with such a passionate and enthusiastic group of teachers, staff and students. I have seen firsthand the Salesian charism, energy and life throughout the College.

In 2022, we appointed Mr Stephen Moloney as the College Board Chair and Ms Rita Davis as the Deputy Chair. We also thank Fr Bernie Graham, who chaired the Board on an interim basis. In relation to facilities, the College refurbished the reception area to combine the main and student reception. This aligns with the goal to have one welcoming space for students, families and other visitors to the College. The College also undertook some external painting to refresh our buildings, and undertook landscaping works as part of the strategy to renew the gardens and grounds.

Having worked at Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) and its previous iteration, Catholic Education Melbourne, for eight years, I am delighted to be given the opportunity as the College’s Business Manager. I hope to bring my previous experience in financial management, funding and governance to implement and deliver on the 2022-26 Strategic Plan. As a father to a seven year old boy, I understand the value and important role of schools in forming the lives of our students.

The College finances remain strong, and provide a platform to deliver on an ambitious program of capital works via the Master Plan. This will need to be balanced with the current economic environment of high inflation, salary increases from the new enterprise agreement and potential changes to government funding.

I also look forward to working with our Principal Mark Ashmore, Board Chair Stephen Moloney and Finance and Audit Committee Chair, Rita Davis and other members of the College community.

The marketing team explored new partnerships with sporting clubs and community groups. It is hoped that there will be some exciting new announcements in the near future. There were also visits to local primary schools and parishes. It was also pleasing to host (in person!!) the reunion for the class of 2020 and class of 2021 students.

RETIREMENT OF NOEL KENNEDY – BUSINESS MANAGER It is with sadness that we farewelled Noel Kennedy in September 2022. We wish Noel and family all the best in his retirement. We thank Noel for his stewardship of the College finances, facilities and technology during his time here. He has superbly managed the College during the challenges of COVID, and its incorporation as a company limited by guarantee in the last two years. I personally thank Noel for a thorough handover and transfer of knowledge when I started at the College in September.

The key focus for 2023 will be appointing an architect to develop the College Master Plan. The Master Plan maps out the infrastructure investment and facilities renewal over the next decade. This will ensure that our students and staff maximise their learning and teaching opportunities. We will also be implementing the actions identified in the 2023 Annual Action Plan, which links back to the initiatives identified in the 2022-26 Strategic Plan. 25




FACILITIES REPORT Peter Knight – Facilities Manager Integrity, Mechanical Services (including: HVAC), General Maintenance & Interior / Exterior schedules (carpet, paint, tiling).

2022 heralded a welcome return of the boys to their studies at Salesian College. Owing to a hiatus in the employment market in relation to securing permanent staff for the Facilities Team in Term 1 2022, a number of temporary contract staff came and went from the team.

Other recurrent works throughout the year included:

In April 2022, the team was fortunate to secure the services of August Soliman (HVAC Specialist) and David Jenkins (Horticulturist), who have been welcome additions to the Facilities Team. The skill sets of our team are well balanced, and well positioned to attend to critical incidents around maintaining learning and teaching continuity through well maintained and operational building stock and open space. The Facilities Team have undertaken a number of capital projects throughout the year, including: •

Receiving funding under the State Government’s Shade Sail Program in early 2022 to install shade sails on the Mannix Campus to provide shade for the boys, particularly in summer and inclement weather.

Completion of staged works in the Cooper Building – Bosco Campus for the dual occupancy of Main & Student receptions.

Finalising tendering of work and completion of External Façade Painting across 5 buildings on the Bosco Campus during the Term 3 & Term 4 School Holidays, using the newly adopted external colour palatte.

Bracing of the retaining wall along the Timmings St driveway in response to an Engineer’s Report on its structural integrity.

Annual delivery of the BAMP (Building Asset Management Plan) deliverables across Building

Facilitating the procurement, delivery and installation of 98 individual air purifiers (APs) across both College campuses in response to the State Government’s allocation of APs promised to schools in 2021.

Preparing background information and developing a policy approach to External Hire of College Facilities, including a policy position, procedural processes and flowchart for easy navigation for internal stakeholders and external hirers.

Leading the College’s response to the MACS School Safety Assessment undertaken in June 2022, with the College substantiating evidence of compliance to 54 individual OH&S action items.

Development of an open space, grounds and garden bed maintenance program for the 2023 budget, including open space and garden bed development plan, machinery replacement program and consideration for new equipment capital purchasing.

I would like to thank Mitch, Anthony, August and David for their hard work and dedication over the year. I look forward to expanding delivery of the BAMP, the open space, grounds and garden bed maintenance program, and overseeing the appointment of the Architect regarding the adoption of the College Masterplan in 2023. The team is well placed to play an active role in the planning and delivery of future Masterplan stages, along with ramping up delivery of the Capital Works Program for 2023. 26

Terry Cristiano – IT Manager

In 2022, Cyber security remains cutting edge, with firewall protection and Wellbeing reporting updated and streamlined. That’s thanks to outside help and cooperation, partly Cyberhound. But it’s more than that. During the course of this year we developed relations with ECommunications, migrating our telephone system off Telstra, yet still using Telstra infrastructure, a significantly cheaper option. EComms entered the Internet Service Provider race and took us along with them down the optic highway. At Salesian, a number of paper-based processes are now digitalised to either Synergetic or Microsoft forms. IT has migrated the last virtual server from the old cluster to the new fully operational Lenovo servers and SAN.

There are a multitude of tasks that are encompassed by the IT department, including setting up Learning indicator and Semester reports, PLP NCCD data collection, back-ups, Windows updates, password resets, and computer repairs. Our thanks go out to leadership, notably Noel Kennedy for allowing us the scope to achieve what we have. We also pass on our thanks to each other in the spirit of teamwork and friendship. That’s Robert, Guy and lately newcomer Gerald, and yours truly.

Within the College Community, we have continued to deal with families and primary schools on platforms of shared understanding. Among the mutual benefits are NCCD data collection from Teachers, Year 6 transitions from Primary School Teachers, and College Re-enrolment processes. Salesian meets the outside world through number of interconnections, specifically JB HiFi, Fuji Xerox and Lenovo, which essentially embed us in the 21st century. Technology is constantly evolving and we have launched into new systems and featured updates, not the least of which is the procuration and configuration of year 7 and year 10 Lenovo laptops annually. Minecraft Virtual World is another innovation that has been introduced. This project is in collaboration with the Science Department. Students learn and thrive by building cities in their ‘World Around Us’ subject, helping to develop their imaginations. 27




DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING Suzie McErvale – Director of Development and Marketing Acknowledgement must also go to the Parents’ Association, in particular Lilian Talarico and Fiona Topliff, who led a range of community initiatives throughout the year. As we say farewell to these two key women stepping down from their PA duties, we acknowledge the countless hours and energy they have given the College.

As face-to-face learning returned uninterrupted, Development and Marketing efforts focussed on the theme of reconnection as a guiding value. We welcomed in an inclusive way, reengaging our diverse community and exploring the impact that belonging plays in learning and in life. In our 65th year of Salesian College Chadstone, plans were put in place and events were carried out to celebrate our achievements, share our story and remember all who have generously contributed to our community.

As we look back on the success of the 2022 year, we acknowledge the staff who have contributed significantly along the way to the team’s function. Acknowledgment must go to the following people who played a pivotal role in the quality of Development and Marketing outputs: George Ketels (Content Co-ordinator), Michelle Collins (Registrar), Matthew Little (Director of Events, Community Engagement) and Johnathon Stevens (Design Support Officer).

Events ran with consistently high attendance, including Secondary School Experience Day with local Primary Schools, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day and transition events. Receiving record attendance, the 2022 Hall of Fame event (hosted by past student Sasha Lawrence) explored how personal and community connections enrich our lives.

As we say farewell to Business Manager Noel Kennedy and Content Coordinator George Ketels, I thank them for their impactful contributions and expertise. I wish George all the best in the next step of her professional journey and Noel an enjoyable retirement. We also say farewell and best wishes for retirement to PA to the Principal, Mary Menz, who was a key pillar of the Development and Marketing Team in her role as College Registrar. Her legacy lives on at Chadstone.

As a College we congratulate Ten Tenors artist and vocalist Adrian Li Donni (2022 Young Achiever), Senior Specialist in Nuclear Medicine and Positron emission tomography (PET) Dr Salvatore Berlangieri and Former Australian rules footballer who played for Carlton and St Kilda in the VFL/AFL, Dean Rice, into the Salesian College Chadstone Hall of Fame. The success of key College events was made possible by the students, staff and parents who supported the busy schedule. To our Years 8 – 10 Tour Guides and their families, we thank you for your contributions. A special mention should be made of the following boys whom we farewelled from the Program at the conclusion of their three-year term: Anthony Saraullo, Brodie Grewcock, Eamonn Ryan, Zidane Heldt, Liam Matteo, Dylan Rayen and Will Thurston.

We also take the opportunity to thank Principal Mr Mark Ashmore, who plays a pivotal role in developing Salesian College Chadstone with integrity and vision. We look forward to what the Marketing and Development team will bring students and our community in 2023.


Helen Sharp – Canteen Manager incredible contributions she has made, not only to the Canteen, but to the Salesian community as a whole. In 2022 we finally were able to welcome back our Parent Helpers! We are always incredibly grateful to have our loyal and generous Parent Volunteers, who give their time to assist with the day to day running of the Canteen. We would not be able to run so efficiently without their support throughout the year. Thank you. PARENT HELPERS LEAVING US IN 2022:

Sadly, at the end of Term 3 we said “Happy Retirement” and farewell to our wonderful friend and colleague, Barbara Monaghan, who has been our Canteen Manager since 2007.

Patrick Mitchell Lara Tumilovics Sandrika Ambawatta Sharon Colantuono Mary Louis Tina Tabaczyriski Rosemary Park Pia Borghesi Sharon Curtis

Barb started out as a parent helper in 2000, and then became a part time assistant in 2003, working 2 days a week, then 3 days a week before becoming our full time Canteen Manager in 2007. Barb will celebrate 20 years of service with our Salesian Community early next year. Many parents and teaching staff will have many fond memories of their time with Barb, and I know myself, having been a parent helper for 7 years, that I looked forward to coming in, having a laugh, some lunch and enjoying a warm and always inviting atmosphere. Barb was well respected and loved by her student helpers, who looked at her as their ‘school mum’, as Barb’s door was always open.

2017-2022 2017-2022 2017-2022 2017-2022 2017-2022 2017-2022 2017-2022 2016-2022 2015-2022

(6 years) (6 years) (6 years) (6 years) (6 years) (6 years) (6 years) (7 years) (8 years)

We wish these generous people all the best in the future, and we will miss you!!! I also would like to acknowledge the incredible support of our Years 11 and 12 student helpers, who have given up their recess and lunches to help us serve. These young men are a wonderful addition to our team, and we appreciate their kindness and support throughout the year.

My staff and I would like to wish Barb all the best in her new endeavors as she looks forward to watching her 3 beautiful grandchildren grow, and enjoying her retirement with her husband and children. Barb will be missed and remembered for the wonderful woman she is and for the

On behalf of myself and my incredible staff, Jen, Darleen, Cath and Angela, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, and look forward to seeing you in 2023. 29




Lilian Talarico and Fiona Topliff – Parents’ Association Presidents

Thankfully, all the Parents Association functions were back with face-to-face contact. Our main goal was to demonstrate Salesian hospitality and to help bring together families from our community after the cancellation of many events over the last couple of years. The Year 7 Social Night was held earlier in the year, with the Parents Association welcoming the 170 families with light refreshments, giving them the opportunity to connect over a drink and a bite to eat.


Our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations exceeded all expectations. With record numbers at both events, the Parents Association contributed funds towards the delicious breakfast packs for the parents and muffins and muesli bars for the boys. Our final function of the year was the Year 7 Orientation for the new 2023 Year 7s and their families to the College. The Parents Association assisted with providing the new families with light refreshments and sweet treats. Our aim was to provide an opportunity for families to meet as they begin their secondary school journey. This year, the 2022 Committee worked together to establish our first ever pop-up shop for all our donated second-hand uniforms. The pop-up shop was presented to the new Year 7 families for 2023 at their orientation night. Our main goal was to promote sustainability and to raise funds for Salesian Mission. Thank you to all the families who donated their used uniforms. This was a successful event, and we were able to raise much-needed funds for a wonderful cause. We hope to organise the opportunity for another pop-up shop for all school years in 2023. The funds from the levy are also used to support the Parents Association initiatives that benefit all the boys during their journey by providing tap balls for all the new Year 7 students and the graduating ties to farewell the Year 12 students. The success of all our events has involved the amazing work of all our committee members. We would like to say a big “Thankyou” to Shay Occhiuto, Adrian Head, Sophie Miliotis and Christian Tanner, as well as welcome our newest member to the team, Richard Bourbon, Deputy Principal. There will be many opportunities and events in 2023. We welcome all to the Parents Association and invite you to attend the meetings once a term, where you have the opportunity to meet other parents, share new ideas and be a part of our wonderful community. We have enjoyed a rewarding year by “working together to build the school community”.


Dr Daryl Barclay – Head of Oratory

2022 has been a significant year for the College’s Oratory program, after a decision was made to combine the traditional Personal Development and Religious Education components under the one heading of Oratory. Underpinning this decision was the recognition that, in terms of Don Bosco’s own Oratory vision, the two components are closely interrelated and should be viewed as essentially the one reality.

Lastly, our Oratory experience involves a “playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves”, evident through attendance at and joyful involvement in College Carnivals and other celebrations across the school year. 2022 has also been a time for reassessing our students’ personal development needs at a time of extraordinary challenge and change in the broader socio-cultural context. In October this year on our Staff Faith Formation Day, the Oratory teachers were able to work in various sessions with the whole College staff in identifying ways of updating our programs in order to respond more effectively to the various developmental needs of our students. The decision to involve the whole staff was a recognition that all Salesian College teachers have an important share in the vision of the Charter.

At the same time, we wanted to draw on the inspiration of the Australian Charter for Salesian Schools and to embed its four pillars in the foundation of our whole-school approach. In all of this, the Oratory Department, which draws on the skills and dedication of some 48 different teachers, recognises its special responsibility for implementing the Charter within the framework of Religious Education provided by the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Currently, students in Years 7-10 follow a structured school-based Oratory program, while Year 11 students all complete Unit 1 of VCE Religion and Society (The Role of Religion in Society) and all Year 12 students complete Unit 2 (Ethics). At an elective level in 2022, the College also ran VCE Religion and Society classes for Years 10 and 11 students at Units 1 and 2 level, and for Years 11 and 12 students at Units 3 and 4 level. At Year 9 level, a team of teachers has worked across several months this year to develop a new program for 2023, using the Problem Based Learning model.

The Charter tells us that the school is “a home that welcomes”. In our response to this vision, we have come to see this as involving a commitment to personal wellbeing demonstrated principally through relationships, epitomised through the student led conferences, and enjoyed through participation in various activities. As a “parish that evangelises”, we have recognised the need for a commitment to and support of the Catholic Church’s liturgical life, an investment in personal faith development, and a passion for social justice activities.

Much has been achieved this year that promises to flourish in the year to come.

We also see ourselves in Charter terms as a “school that prepares for life”, with a solid commitment to study skills, a valuing of strong academic performance, and a vision for lifelong learning.






Gazielle Pinili – Liturgy Coordinator

With the sun blazing hot Term 1 started. There was a buzz in the air, students seeing their friends, updating one another about their break and a general readiness to start afresh. With restrictions still in place, the welcoming liturgy took place online. I introduced myself as the newly appointed Liturgy Coordinator, and welcomed both staff and students back. The Salesian Strenna for 2022 is “Do all through love, nothing through constraint”, spoken by St Francis De Sales, as a way to invite us to be with God. The liturgy also gave the 2023 student leaders an opportunity to make themselves known to the college. A new oratory model was introduced to the school, which encompasses who we are as a college community. This includes: • • • •

In Term 2 we welcomed the students back with a Resurrection service to commemorate Easter. It was compelling seeing all the symbols of Easter being brought up to the altar and blessed. The resounding noises of happiness and joy filled the room. To finish the term, we had a Mary Help of Christians service. Boys were able to witness the impact of Mary on the Catholic Church and all she has done for us.

A home that welcomes A parish that evangelises A school that prepares for life A playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves

As the term progressed, students and staff participated in a reconciliation service. This was run in oratories. Boys were given the opportunity to recognise their sins, and ask for forgiveness. Students acknowledged the importance of being close to God, and recognised that he is a being who loves and forgives all.

In Term 3, we had year level masses centered around love and kindness. The touching reading from Corinthians taught us that love is patient and kind. Father shared a beautiful homily about the kindness he received from the people of Australia when he first arrived.

The final service of Term 1 was the Ash Wednesday service, run in oratories. The students understood that this marked the beginning of Lent, a time for reflection, forgiveness and sacrifice. It was a prayerful service, where boys were heavily involved. The service ended with the boys using ashes to place a cross on one another’s foreheads. It was powerful to see the boys doing this action, and truly embodied the Salesian Charism.

To finish off the year we farewelled the Year 12s. They graduated with smiles and tears alike. This was followed by our Remembrance Day services, where we prayed and celebrated those we know who have passed. With our juniors still left on campus, we wished them well with a year level service, and hoped they had a safe and restful Christmas break! 32

Angela Liyanage – Social Justice Coordinator

In Term 1, Our Social Justice focus was on Caritas’ theme “For all Future Generations”. Caritas focused on creating sustainable change in vulnerable communities that allowed young people to feel and, more importantly, be empowered to create a sustainable future for their community and for generations to come. As a College, we led fundraisers through sausage sizzles, casual clothes day and the FairTrade Easter raffle to raise much needed money for Project Compassion. Thank you to the Faith and Mission Team, James Bof (Social Justice Captain 2022) and the other staff and students who helped us out along the way. In Term 3 a number of key events took place. One of the most exciting ones was the Music concert, which was a collaboration between the Music Students at Salesian College (headed by Alvin Yala and Adrian Dimar) and the Music students at Avila. Led by James Bof, a number of Year 11s helped to bake brownies, cookies and other baked goods to sell, raising money (over $800) for the Sisters of Missionaries, Fitzroy. Thank you to Luka Triantafyllou, Hardu Ginoya, Andrew Zaki, Ryan Daniel Dennis, Gabriel Kapaklis, Kaiden Serrano and Peter Liptai for baking up a storm in the Food Technology kitchens!

to find some stability and enjoy the luxuries that many of us take for granted. When volunteers from St Vinnies came out to collect the items to then distribute they were blown away by the generosity of the students and staff at Salesian. Finally, as Term 4 comes to a rapid close, we are once more turning our focus and attention to St Vinnies and their Christmas Appeal. To help families over the festive period, students and staff alike have donated various gift cards and money (casual clothes day) which we can pass on to St Vinnies.

In addition to this, the Year 11 Business Management students ran businesses over a week in an attempt to bridge their understanding and knowledge of Units 1 and 2 Business Management, and aimed to create a profitable business, with all money raised (over $600) to provide financial support to the Salesian Missions to continue their efforts overseas.

I would like to conclude by thanking James Bof (Social Justice Captain 2022), who embodied the care and pride of our Founding Father, Don Bosco. Along with James and the rest of the Faith and Mission team (staff and students) we would like to thank the Salesian Community for supporting us in fundraising for such important causes.

As a whole school community, we collected a number of key toiletries to donate to St Vinnies to help them continue their efforts in providing vulnerable people in our community with items that will help them on their journey 33





Kamila Bielinski – Assistant Principal – Learning, Teaching & Innovation

2022 has been the year of community and growth. We have been blessed with no lockdowns and the opportunity for all staff and students to attend school onsite. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Wellbeing Team and Pastoral Team, led by Richard Bourbon, who have played such an invaluable role in supporting our students. So too our Learning Diversity Team for their continued work with many students and families in our community. The year has not been without its challenges as COVID-19 infections resulted in increased student and staff absences, compounded by a shortage of teachers across Australia. In addition, both staff and students have been experiencing the lingering effects from the last two years. Once again, students and staff collectively rallied and preserved with great resilience, focussing on community and connection.

skills in the Salesian Mavericks Club, to witness young writers and orators in the Dante Alighieri Italian Recitation Competition, the DAV Debating Competition and the Mary McKertich Debating Competition. Opportunities for individual and collective growth are abundant, and I am very grateful for all the staff who have supported students to capitalise on their passions and talents both inside and outside the classroom.

As 2022 draws to a close, we have so much to celebrate and to be proud of. I would like to acknowledge and thank all members of staff for creating and supporting the very best learning opportunities and environment for the students entrusted to our care. I also extend my particular thanks to the Learning Team and their respective department teams for their continued work in developing curriculum and learning for our student body. Despite the challenges of this year, they have not wavered in their commitment to provide students with engaging and rigorous learning opportunities. I am truly thankful for their passion and expertise. It has been a pleasure to watch students showcase their learning growth in the Performing and Visual Arts, and to observe students challenging their intellect and problem-solving

As a College community we continue to be inspired by and seek to emulate the life and work of St Don Bosco, who sought to make a positive difference in the lives of young people. After 15 years at Salesian I would like to thank the community for the privilege of being able to walk alongside so many. In the words of Saint John Paul II, I wish the Salesian College community all the very best. May you “remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and look forward to the future with confidence”. 34




ENGLISH Monique Capomolla – Head of English

After two years of lockdowns and remote learning it has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to have students physically back in the English classroom!

of ‘Macbeth’. Complete Works put on a masterful show, a worthwhile and enriching experience. 2022 saw the exciting introduction of the Literacy and Life pilot program into year 9 for 9B and 9C. This program blends both History and English skills and content, and provides deeper and rich exploration into time periods through texts.

YEARS 7&8 Literacy and Life in the junior years provides students with an exciting and immersive entry into the world of text study and history exploration as they engage imaginatively and critically with literature and historical sources to expand the scope of their experience. The study of the film ‘How to Train your Dragon’ in the year 7 course continues to be a favourite across the cohort, and students delve into the world of character development and thematic exploration. All year 8 students participated in Medieval Day as an experiential entry event into their Medieval unit. This day was a highlight for the year 8s as they learnt all about medieval dance, costume and even participated in sword play and creation of a shield wall!

YEARS 11&12 Year 11 English’s first foray into VCE begins with a rousing and laconic (Is this this right word? It means “terse”) study of Wilfred Owen’s War Poems. Certainly, the introduction to the fast-paced and demanding requirements of VCE provides a stark reminder to students for the need to create good study habits. There was a similarly busy beginning to the Literature VCE course, as students grappled with a study of different genres and ways of reading texts. At year 12, students in both Literature and English were able to expand and refine the skills established in the previous year. Both courses are rigorous and challenging, as students critically consider a range of texts and different ways of thinking about texts from creative responses to analytical writing. This is undoubtedly marked by the embarkment on the demanding but rewarding campaign of trial exams in the lead up to the end of year exam. The opportunities for timed practice and implementation of feedback ensures that students can achieve their personal best.

YEARS 9&10 In both years 9 and 10 English, we saw the introduction of a closer focus on students’ own creative writing, drawing inspiration from mentor texts. The year 9s took on the challenging of creating their own pieces based on Robert Cormier’s novel ‘The Chocolate War’ and the blockbuster film ‘The Hunger Games’, whilst the year 10s considered the role of ambition spanning from their study of Shakespeare’s seminal ‘Macbeth’ to the David Fincher directed film ‘The Social Network’, based on the creator of Facebook. Finally, a real highlight of year 10 English was the performance

Thank you to all the students and teachers for their hard work and fortitude this year, and I look forward to what is to come in 2023. 36

Rachel Holland – Head of Humanities

2022 was another exciting year in the Salesian College Humanities department. It was our first full year back in the classroom after two COVID affected years, which students and staff alike were glad to see. Over the course of the year students continued to develop their skills in becoming informed global citizens, critical thinkers and confident communicators. Upon reflection, 2022 has been a busy and engaging year for the Humanities department. There have been many highlights within the department, both in and outside the classroom. Our classroom teaching was enriched by various incursions and excursions. These activities were linked to the curriculum, and offered students engaging and entertaining ways to participate in the world around them.

literacy skills, personal and social capability, as well as a taste of the VCE Commerce subjects they may choose the following year. Year 11 Business Management students undertook a year-long project, which asked them to develop and plan a business concept, market their idea and ultimately run their business at our Business Management Fair day in Term 3, with all profits raised being donated to the Salesian Missions in Pakistan (Flood Appeal).

During Term 3, our Year 8 students took part in two experiential learning days. On day one students engaged with the Victorian Electoral Commission to gain knowledge about the Australian Voting System and what it means to be in a democracy. On the second day, students discovered what it is like to be a small business owner, and developed a new product to launch to the market. Additionally, during 2022 Year 11 History students visited the Holocaust Museum, which humanised their learnings from the classroom and raised awareness amongst students of the terrible events that occurred during this dark time of human history.

Students studying Year 12 subjects, including Accounting, Business Management, Economics, Legal Studies and History have worked hard all year cementing their knowledge and skills by attending revision lectures, completing numerous practice exams, and have taken responsibility for their own learning. We are very proud of these students and wish them every success for their futures. As I approach the end of my first year as Head of Humanities, I would like to thank the Humanities team for their continued support and hard work. I am very grateful for their encouragement, and I look forward with confidence as we continue to support one another and develop our teaching of the Humanities into 2023.

Within the classroom, Year 10 students enjoyed electives such as Finance, Business & Work and Legal & Economics. These electives aim to provide our students with financial 37




MATHEMATICS Mark Wang – Head of Mathematics Our VCE 3/4 students enjoyed extra support offered by the after-school tuition program. As part of the exam revision program a special incursion provided an opportunity for the boys to further their understanding of all the three Mathematics that are available at the College for their end of the year exams.

Students enjoyed great success in Mathematics this year, with many programs and activities providing students with an opportunity to further their understanding of Mathematics and its usefulness in everyday life. The Mathematics Department’s Maths Club continued its successful academic integration as part of the college, especially this year after the interrupted Covid19 years. This year we saw a regular big turnout of students, and I would like to thank all the teachers who helped out, especially Mr David McDonald and Miss Angela Xu for their regular attendance in helping out the boys.

2022 has once again thrown up many challenges and changes, but students can be confident that their Mathematics have developed in an engaging and rewarding way.

All Biretta students from Years 7 to 9 were exposed to the Australian Mathematics Competition in Term Three, the largest school-based competition in the country. There were some outstanding results, especially Jonathan Prabhu in Year 7, Senan Seneviratne in Year 8 and Brendan Kang in Year 9, all scoring High Distinctions. Brendan was the highest scoring student, scoring in the top 0.53 percentile in the Intermediate Division (Years 9 and 10). In Term 4 the Year 7s enjoyed a special incursion run by World of Maths. In small groups the boys worked together to solve different mathematical puzzles and problems. The tasks were designed for students to use their mathematical skills and how they can be used in everyday life. The boys had a wonderful day, and all achieved solving many different problems.


Emma Marsh – Head of Science After several interrupted years, the Science team was excited to get back into the labs for 2022. We continued to build on incorporating opportunities for collaboration with peers, hands-on activities and learning through inquiry. Our Project Based Learning subject, World Around Us, was implemented with success across all Years 7 and 8 classes, with two Year 9 classes piloting an exciting program for 2023. Some highlights from Year 7 included students using their knowledge of forces to build a device to overcome gravity in an egg drop challenge. They also designed a renewable energy resource for a sustainable city to meet the needs of the future. Our Year 8 students put their learning of the human body to the test as they played the role of a gastroenterologist and diagnosed theoretical patients with gastric problems. They also explored energy transformations and basic electricity by building some impressive toys with moving parts.

experiences both in and outside of school, including: testing their physics understanding at Luna Park, visiting a local marine sanctuary, enjoying getting up close and personal with some of Australia’s threatened species, investigating the impact of adaptations on biodiversity at Healesville Sanctuary and exploring perception and illusions at ArtVo. They designed and carried out a range of investigations, from what influences taste perception and the effect of osmosis on gummy bears, through to how cooking carrots changes the concentration of vitamin C.

The Year 9s looked deeper into themselves, gaining an understanding of their own bodies in relation to sport science, and investigated the impacts of humans on the environment. We also sent our Big Bang students on a ‘Mission to Mars’ at the Victorian Space Science Education Centre, where they used their problem-solving skills to successfully complete a geological survey of the surface of Mars. Our Year 10 students had a very hands-on semester investigating chemical reactions in the body and designing an evolution-inspired glider.

The Science department congratulates all our Year 12 students on another fantastic year of commitment and dedication to their studies. In particular, we would like to congratulate our high achievers in each subject for 2022: Peter Holland in Biology, Michael Legg in Chemistry, Jayden Fernandes in Physics, Nicholas Suraweera in Psychology and Kai Van Der Sweep in Environmental Science. Finally, I would like to thank the Science team for their ongoing dedication to instilling a love of science in our boys and continuing to bring excitement and wonder to the classroom.

With five different VCE subjects running in Science, our senior students were exposed to a variety of learning 39




VISUAL ARTS Roslyn Alyward – Head of Arts

Getting back into the art rooms and pursuing practical skills have been great to witness this year in the Visual Arts Department. Face to face classes have had a welcome return, and students have appreciated the close and continuous guidance offered by their teachers.

Year 12 work this year, as students were keen to use the studio space and materials to create three-dimensional presentations. The use of a laser cutter transferring of 2D drawings using Illustrator into 3D models was also a highlight.

Students have largely shown a keen response to the opportunities available to them, and a willingness to try out their skills after the recent hiatus. The Year 7 Art program was tailored to have a more practical focus in Term 1, to develop confidence and exposure to a lot of different art materials such as wire, string, cellophane, plasticine and collage.

Year 11s explored typography to appreciate the way font and type can make a significant impact on communication. Years 11 & 12 students of Studio Arts tended to generate themes based on their own and the collective psychological journeys, a topic in the forefront of their experiences over the last couple of years. Exploring materials not previously exposed to was also a means to develop and enhance their ability to express these ideas in unique and interesting ways.

Likewise, Years 8, 9 and 10 Art and VCD classes enjoyed their first full semester in the Salesian College specialist rooms, and also were given opportunities to use materials and digital programs that they may not have had access to in previous years.

Year 10 Digital Photography students used the Department’s new set of Nikon DSLR D5600s, which was a technical as well as a photographic step up from the previous models, and resulted in some stunning photographs.

This year the Media students applied themselves in a myriad of ways, working collaboratively in planning and developing movies, utilising their knowledge to create movie posters and critiquing Hollywood blockbusters, both new and old, with a critical lens.

On a whole school level, the Visual Arts were actively involved in Book Week, with a number of drawing competitions. Other highlights included winning the open Monash Youth Art prize, a prestigious prize open to all in the city of Monash. Congratulations go to first place winners and runners up.

The VCE Media classes went all in with their folios, creating some truly mind-bending movies which pushed the barriers of what student films can look like, but also offering some in depth social commentaries on various topics ranging from the disparity between socioeconomic class, through to the consumerist nature of contemporary society.

The opportunity to get out beyond the classroom was limited. A pared back Art show this year in early November saw Years 7 – 10 works go online, but this delivery extended the views to local primary schools as a way of reaching out to our extended community once more.

Years 11 and 12 VCD students visited Top Designs at the Melbourne Museum in Term 2. Models were a key focus in 40





Strings: Ms. Jenny Brasch, Joe Kelly, Brass: Mr. Edward Fairlie, Ms. Emma Hallett, Guitars: Mr. Sonny Igusti, Michael Shepherdson, Woodwind: Ms Stephanie Lai, Ms Serena Thean, Drums / Percussion: Mr David Neville, Piano: Mr Paul Ton and Vocal: Mr Matt Little.

2022 has seen some fantastic dramatic work performed for a variety of audiences. In Semester 1 the Year 9 Drama class performed for St Peter’s Primary School Clayton, who loved their comical original work. The Year 10 Drama class performed to History classes at Years 10 and 11. Their work was selected scenes from The Investigation, a play by Peter Weiss concerning the atrocities committed at Auschwitz. For the audience this was a valuable opportunity to gain a different perspective to augment their studies of World War Two.

We thank them all for the wonderful job they have done, not only with our Year 7 Program this year, but also with all the other music instrumental students, in encouraging our boys to continue studying an instrument at Salesian College and becoming members of our 12 ensembles.

Our VCE class presented their interpretation of Harold Pinter’s absurdist classic The Caretaker to a small but appreciative audience. A huge thank you to our Performing Arts Administration Assistant, Andrea Curtis, for helping to bring this script to life, as well as the Year 10 Pre-CAL students and Mr Steven Beckham for their help with Set Construction.

Years 8 / 9 / 10 have gained foundation knowledge of musical theory and structure, through performance-based objectives, learning how to analyse music through studying film / animation soundtracks, studying the structure of songs and how to notate and read the language of music.


Performance has been at the centre of assessments, solo and ensemble, and learning how to build music in small groups. This has generated a great interest in writing music and gaining momentum to consider the VCE Music Program.

With no Covid-related lockdowns in 2022, senior students were also able to view and analyse some quality live theatrical works this year.

The senior students have been involved with many experiences throughout the year, especially performing with combined Catholic Schools at Hamer Hall for a wonderful ACC Concert, with our students front and centre, either as soloists or leaders of combined groups. Our Music Captain, Alvin Yala, and Cultural Captain, Liam Knight, were part of the advertising video and presentation. Concerts, Fetes and all College events have seen musical items at the forefront of our Salesian College Brand.

YEAR 7 MUSIC PROGRAM Students in Year 7 have worked very hard this year as they learnt to play musical instruments, some for the first time. Their efforts on woodwind, brass, strings and percussion, as well as guitars and vocals, have resulted in two fantastic semester concerts. It is always wonderful to see how quickly students master their chosen instruments, and it has been very encouraging to see a high uptake of students continuing their musical journey here at Salesian.

Performing Arts are integral to our internal and external communities, and continue to produce some of the finest musicians to pursue a professional career in the entertainment industry. We wish our 8 VCE students, the Class of 2022, every success in the future.

As always none of these musical accomplishments are possible without our super talented and enthusiastic Instrumental Music Teachers: 42




COLLEGE PRODUCTION Matthew Little – Production Producer / Music Director

Beast – Gabriel Kapaklis Lumiere – Peter Liptai Cogsworth – Liam Knight Gaston – Angus Allan Maurice – Ben Wheeler Monsieur D’Arque – Jett-Lucien Banyai Chip / Narrator – Will McCracken

After two years without a College Production, the choice of show had to be carefully considered. We needed a largescale production that would show our students at their best, and showcase their talents alongside Sacred Heart Girls’ College. “Beauty and the Beast” is believed to be one of the iconic Disney stage productions over the last few decades. Auditioning in February of this year brought out the best performers, and we knew this was going to be an exceptional cast from both schools.

We are extremely proud of what we have managed to produce in this short space of time, finding new friendships and like-minded individuals. Our heartfelt thanks go to our Principals, Mark Ashmore and Christopher Dalton, and all the staff at each college in their support of this venture.

The spirit of collaboration between the two schools has existed since 1957, when both were established as Catholic secondary schools for the increasing faith community in the South Eastern suburbs. Students have shared and enjoyed classes, faith experiences and leadership programs throughout the past 65 years. An important and ongoing connection between the schools is the pursuit of the Performing Arts.

Special thanks go to the production team: Producer / Musical Director – Matt Little Director - Adam Croft Assistant Director - Melissa Hann (Sacred Heart) Choreographer - Andrea Curtis They are a wonderful group of performing arts creatives, who have brought this show together whilst guiding the students with fun and commitment.

The production of “Beauty and the Beast” was to be the next exciting performance instalment between our two Colleges.

I’d also like to thank our musicians, as well as Sarah Wells and the exceptional staff at the Alexander Theatre.

It’s been a thrilling journey over six months of rehearsals from February to August, full of hard work and sheer joy, bringing the cast together as a close and happy community. Over three performances we saw some exceptional performances from all 24 students from Salesian, but especially to our wonderful principals:

Finally, to our students, the commitment and energy to bring this show to life has been inspiring. Thank you all for helping to tell this “tale as old as time...”





LANGUAGES Alvin Zhang – Head of Languages

After two years of exhausting remote learning, we finally made our language journey back to the real classroom. This year, we had the opportunity to do a lot of interesting activities within or outside of the classroom to promote language learning in the school. Some highlights include:

cultures around the world. Thanks to Ms. Barcellona and Ms. Bonne, our senior students had the experience of enjoying a traditional Italian lunch whilst practising their conversational skills with Killester College. For Chinese, we welcomed Australian Dunhuang Arts Academy students to introduce and perform with some famous Chinese musical instruments, such as pipa or erhu, for our years 8 and 9 students. Thanks to Ms. Salemme, our Chinese senior boys had the opportunity to visit the Chinese Museum, Melbourne, and participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival School Program. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a 3000-yearold tradition that occurs when the full moon appears largest in the sky. This is a family reunion day for Chinese.

In May, our year 7 Italian students compared school life between Italy and Australia. In Australia, schools traditionally have a shirt, pants, tie and a blazer as their main school uniform, whereas in Italy, school uniforms are traditionally made up of an art-smock like shirt, with a white collar, and a ribbon that usually signals the year level that you’re in, worn over casuals.

This year, we also congratulate Yianni Kourelis on his new role of Language Captain 2023.

Samuel and Matthew – Year 7 Italian students In September, Year 11 student Peter Holland shared his Chinese learning experience with his peers.

I will be looking forward to speaking with you and the other language teachers during Headstart in regards to ways to promote languages to students going into next year.

“It is important as language students that we conduct small amounts of study every night, and my preferred study method is watching Chinese cartoons. The animations add a level of enjoyment to the work as well as enabling me to improve my conversational skills.”

Yianni Kourelis – Year 11 Italian Student As this year ends, we would like to acknowledge and appreciate our students, teachers and staff members for their excellent contribution to our language program at Salesian College. We are excited to collaborate with you all next year, and make another successful year of language journey.

This year, we were able to enjoy the language week back on campus. For Italian, junior students watched a puppet show – The Jungle Book. Through the story and the characters, the students enjoyed and understood the diversity of 46

Fatima Nazar – Head of Technologies

If 2022 can be summed up in one word for our department it would be ‘Collaboration.’ This is the year when three departments of Salesian College have come under one collaborative umbrella. Food Studies, Product Design Technology and Digital Technology are now one big department, ‘Technologies’. This amalgamation of departments has provided us with many opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. Thank you to our amazing and hardworking members of the team. We have had an engaging and fruitful year.

Salesian Mavericks Club was established this year, yet another feather in our department’s cap. This club runs once a week after school, where interested students have been working on building and flying their model planes. The club has attracted students from Years 7,8 and 9. Students thoroughly enjoyed building their planes out of balsa wood, then flying them and recording their flight data. STEM Aviation Project ran successfully for two terms. The club will commence Term 1 next year with more projects on offer. The club ‘take-off’ wouldn’t have been possible without Mr Dorrat and Mr Synadinos, who regularly gave up their time and expertise during the club sessions.

Tech Week this year was another successful event. We had a guest speaker from Brainary, Sam, who gave a presentation on Robotics to the Year 7 cohort. He also conducted robotics workshops across both campuses. Students at Salesian got to play and code in Fable and EZ Robots during these workshops. We also ran lunch time activities that included Kahoots and some product design related activities.

Some student feedback included: ‘Good because - time off screens.’ ‘Creative - imaginative.’ ‘Hands-on thing’ ‘Educational.’ ‘Very good. Very much like real life - crash and burn.’ ‘Recommend to every aviation fan /geek.’

We have also introduced a new Year 10 elective in Digital Technologies called Coding and Robotics. In this course students worked on STEM based lessons that required them to use VEX robots. We were also fortunate enough to go to a VEX tournament in which teams from all over Victoria participated. The excursion was fun and useful, and provided our students with the chance to witness some great problem-solving challenges. We developed our first VEX team and built our first VEX 5 Robot. It was a complicated machinery that took many lunchtimes, but the team were very proud of their achievements.

I am delighted to be part of this amalgamated department because we all teach hands-on units of work where learning is fun, dynamic and collaborative. We ‘Tech-Heads’ keep coming up with innovative ways to teach. I hope we continue to build better things together.





TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Angela Xu – Design & Technology Key Teacher This past year in Design & Technology, amazing skills and creativity have been demonstrated by our boys across Year 7 to Year 12, and now is the time to celebrate! Students used design thinking and skills, along with design technologies, to plan, design and manufacture a wide range of products, from children’s toys to full size furniture. A lot of new, exciting design projects have been added to our curriculum to make sure that students’ learning incorporates relevant, real world skills needed in the design industry.

holder. Students then researched different design and art movements, and collaboratively produced various styles of amazing bedside tables, utilising a range of materials, tools, design technologies and skills. In Year 12, as always, we have seen some very cool projects by our future designers. In Mr Synadinos’ System Engineering class, a Year 12 student, Gabriel Schiavello, has developed a Pinball machine that utilises both electromechanical and electronic components, and developed a program which utilises an Arduino board to calculate the points displayed on an electronic scoreboard. The table itself will be intended to be playable both as a tabletop game or as a stand-alone piece with extendable legs.

In Year 7, the combination of the Slot Toy Projects and the Wooden Car Projects ensured that students gained hands-on woodwork skills as well as a solid understanding of advanced design technologies such as laser cutting and 3D modelling. The program was designed to expand students’ understanding of the scope of Design and the essential, transferable skills that are required to work as a designer, such as market research, brainstorming, project management and evaluation.

In Mr. Beur’s Year 12 Product Design and Technology Class, students have all shown an understanding of the relationship between the needs of individuals, communities and environments, while assessing the appropriateness of technologies when designing and producing an end product. All Year 12 students demonstrated their ability to become innovative, adaptable and reflective, as they selected and used appropriate materials, information, systems and processes to create solutions. As a result, the PD&T class of 2022 have produced a product at industry standard to meet the needs of their end user, all while hopefully learning design and production skills that they can be proud of.

In Year 8, Mr. Synadinos’ class, our students produced good quality spice racks and Noughts and Crosses game boxes, incorporating laser cut technologies and great woodwork skills. In Year 9, students in both learning groups have produced great products, using the same design thinking process. In Mr. Marley’s group, students were intrigued by and immersed in the Wooden Box Guitar Project, where they used mostly recycled materials to make a functional instrument. In Ms Xu’s group, some very creative and interesting laser cut lamps, wooden clocks, wooden table top organisers and flatpack furniture were produced.

We thank all our student designers for their great effort, creativity and passion put into their projects. A big thankyou to all our teachers and technicians (Johno, Nick and Dan) for your dedication in supporting our students to aim high and achieve great results. In 2023, our teaching team looks forward to continue introducing more exciting projects and 21st century skills into our curriculum, and we cannot wait to welcome more motivated young designers into our classrooms!

In Year 10, students started their semester with a project that focused on the finishing of a product. Each student took his time to sand, varnish and spray paint a quality plant 48

Andrew Cho – Food Technologies Key Teacher 2022 was another productive year for Salesian students going through the rigorous training in the kitchens to improve their cooking skills, confidence, teamwork skills, efficiency and effectiveness in the kitchen, from Year 8 Food Technology beginning their journey making tomato bruschetta all the way to the Year 12 Food Studies class incorporating the theory they learn to produce healthy and yet tasty recipes for their SACs. All students have had a vital experience that not only allows them to show their families what they are capable of doing, but also to develop lifelong skills that will be useful for them during their time at Salesian and beyond in their bright and promising futures. The food subjects would not have run so smoothly without the tireless work of the dedicated and enthusiastic food teachers, kitchen assistants and our supportive Head of Department. Thank you all for your efforts in 2022. Food Technology has become a very popular and important part of the Salesian College experience.

Throughout Year 11 VCE Food Studies I really enjoyed all the different recipes and cultures we got to explore, whilst also understanding exactly how food goes from being in the ground to being on our plates. I found this year very useful in further building on my culinary skills to use in every aspect of my future. I have grown and started to cook for myself and my family regularly. My favourite recipes throughout this year include the Veggie Spring Rolls, the Lamb Snack Packs and the Potato Pancakes. They were all very fun to make and tasted incredible! This year has been very busy, and it was great to be able to balance all the heavier theory-based subjects with the practical cooking lessons in Food Studies. Gabriel Kapaklis – Year 11 2022 VCE Food Studies student

Year 12 VCE Food Studies was by far my favourite subject of the year, having a new teacher who actually taught us and left us with lifelong skills. We cooked up a variety of recipes which were all enjoyable. However, the chicken wrap, while being quick to prepare and cook, was one of the better dishes we made. Moreover, the variety of kitchen skills we learnt will be taken away and used in the future. Food preparation and storage was by far the best skill, as we learnt about food safety, temperature control, danger zones and cross-contamination.

Food Tech this semester was a very fun elective that taught us many different lessons about the kitchen workspace. Our class was fortunate enough to have a practical lesson every Monday, when we cooked many delicious dishes such as Apple Strudel, Chicken Tender Wraps, Zucchini Slice, Spaghetti Bolognese, Halloween Cupcakes and much more. The recipes started off with the basics, and increased in difficulty as the weeks went by and our skills improved. During theory lessons we wrote food blogs after each practical class and designed a magazine recipe page and an infographic on healthy lifestyles. Overall, Food Tech was a very fun and memorable elective where we were able to learn many new skills in the kitchen, while having lots of fun making our own dishes each week.

Remy Puidokas – Year 12 2022 VCE Food Studies Dux

Noah White – Year 8H 2022





HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Stuart Hill – Head of Human Development

This year has been a great year to get the boys back moving, learning and enjoying themselves at school within their Health and Physical Education classes. As this was one of the most affected departments in previous years, it was particularly exciting to see the courts and ovals filled up with practical classes, and to hear that enthusiastic energy of those classes both when directly teaching them and just passing by those classes. • • • •

We welcomed new teachers in Mr Luke Nunn, Ms Ashleigh Jones and Outdoor Education Assistant and teacher Mrs Holly Kavanagh. It has been great to have them involved in our program. On the other side of things we saw our beloved Mr Carl Egan depart at the end of Term 1. Carl has been nothing short of amazing over the past 40+ years at Salesian, teaching thousands of boys the love of movement and going above and beyond to provide lasting experiences. We wish him all the best for whatever his future holds.

The Year 10 course equipped students with the knowledge and skills involved in analysing fitness training to improve performance, as well as illegal and legal ergogenic aids to enhance physical outcomes. Practical classes were flipped with student led ‘SEPEP’ models used to facilitate netball and AFL programs

Over the course of 2022, students in Years 7 – 9 have had the opportunity to analyse: • • • • • •

Target sports Invasion games Net/wall games Striking/Fielding games

Our senior students were able to elect to study either Physical Education, Health or both courses. Physical Education students participated in a range of learning experiences to complement their theoretical knowledge with practical application. We thank Mr Chris Ryan for all his efforts in teaching Senior PE in recent years, and wish him all the best at his new school. Human Development students also investigated the physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of health and human development at a local, Australian and global level.

How mental health and wellbeing can be enhanced and strengthened at an individual and community level. The role of food and nutrition in enhancing health and wellbeing. The impact drugs can have on individuals, families and communities. The factors that influence respectful relationships. Physical, social and emotional safety issues that students may encounter within their daily lives. How participation in physical activity can enhance health related issues.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all our Human Development staff. The sustained effort to create great learning environments that are fun-filled and meaningful for the boys has been great to be a part of, and was, I’m sure, much appreciated by the boys.

As well as completing theoretical components, students also participated in a range of individual and teams sports to develop their game sense, practical problem solving, social skills and skill outcomes. 50


2022 was the first full year after two years of pandemic, where students and staff were able to enjoy on campus teaching and learning. It was great to see students visiting the Rua Resource Centre for various activities throughout the year. Along with regular reading programs every term, the Rua Resource Centre implemented some new initiatives and activities for students.

The RRC also run popular lunch time Virtual Reality sessions every Wednesday during term. Some entertaining 3D videos were enjoyed by students on topics like Star Wars, Roller Coaster and Harry Potter. MARVEL COMICS DONATION The Rua Resource Centre was pleased to receive a donation of about 200 Marvel Comic Books from a staff member, Mr. Simon Lloyd. Mr Lloyd’s generous donation is truly appreciated.

MANNIX BOOK NOOK The new Book Nook at Mannix was opened in July 2022. With 300 newly-purchased books, recommended by our Year 9 students, the Rua Resource Centre’s mini-wing is fully functional and ready for reading.

AUTHOR TALK The Rua Resource Centre was excited to welcome Phillip Gwynne, author of the award-winning book Deadly Unna? when he visited the College in July this year.

The grand opening ceremony was celebrated with Principal Mark Ashmore checking out the Book Nook’s first loan.

Phillip talked to students from Years 7, 8 and 9 about many interesting topics, and shared his life experiences with our students. His talk was engaging, inspiring and entertaining.

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE This Victorian state-wide initiative started in Term 2. This reading challenge was open to students from Year 7 to Year 10. The RRC was pleased to see active participation from many students over terms 2 and 3. Over 30 students completed the challenge and received certificates and prizes for their efforts. Well done to all the participants!

BOOK WEEK Book Week was celebrated with great enthusiasm this year at Salesian College. There were many activities organised based on the theme “Dreaming with Eyes Open”. Activities included posters, quizzes, movies, art competitions, music, book bingo and finally a character parade. We reflected on our love of reading as a school by remembering the stories, characters and worlds that come alive when we’re reading and how they inspire us.

LEGO CLUB The Lego Club was popular amongst students, and they enjoyed building Lego to create masterpieces like The White House, The Cargo Train, which runs on batteries, and The City of Singapore among others. The Lego Club also challenged students’ creativity to create many pieces from scratch by using their imagination. This activity was also good for building students’ teamwork abilities. Students enjoyed the Lego Club by working together on building various Lego projects.



Ria Khambete – Head of Information Services


Steven Beckham – PreCAL Oratory Teacher

The Year 10 PreCAL program is an opportunity for students to sample some of the Applied Learning Program offered in Years 11 & 12’s VCE-VM course. This includes a Taste Tester at TAFE and work experience. In the classroom the students are provided with a range of projects and assignments to suit their learning styles. Whilst PreCAL is a hybrid program, it still incorporates the Year 10 mainstream curriculum in Literacy, Mathematics, Humanities and Science. We are able to integrate topics across the curriculum areas by utilising an applied learning and hands-on approach. Here are some of the areas that the boys undertook this year: Science: Construction of trolley cars and conducting experimentation to investigate forces, momentum and speed. This unit culminated in an excursion to the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix. History: Students researched facts about the World Wars within the ANZAC Unit. They also went to the Shrine of Remembrance and the education centre. They also made ANZAC biscuits. VCAL Camp at Dromana and the Great Melbourne Race at the end of the year.

Applied Learning Projects: The boys were involved in a range of projects, from fundraising, cooking and assisting with Senior and Intermediate VCAL fundraising. Also achieved was the construction of 2 Coffee Carts and a movable base for the Chapel piano. These projects all involved the boys having to develop detailed project proposals, research and establish materials required, determine costings, and present their proposals to various members of the College Leadership team.

On behalf of Mrs Kathryn Zwalf and myself I wish to thank the Year 10 PreCAL boys for the work they have done this year. Well this is my last time to write an end of year report as I’ll be retired by the time you receive this. In closing I’d like to leave you with this little saying that I’ve used before: To be a male is a matter of chance. To be a man is a matter of age. To be a gentleman is a matter of choice.

In addition to the range of projects undertaken throughout the year, the boys were also able to participate with Sacred Heart Girls College in the Year 10 Dance Program. They were also involved in a range of My Futures program events, including the Prince’s Trust Achieve Fest. There was also the

I wish you all the best in your future, gentlemen. 52

INTERMEDIATE VCAL Emily Roach – Intermediate VCAL Oratory Teacher

I liked it when Mr Ashmore came and watched our proposals for our major projects.

We welcomed many new faces to the ever growing VCAL team Year 11 this year. The students were able to build on their skill set with the many projects that we undertook as a class throughout the year. Each of the projects that they undertake is built around the Learning Outcomes the students need to gain in order to complete their Intermediate Certificate.

Joshua Perera My favourite thing we did this year was going to the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Harry Lee

The Year 11 class proudly ran a ‘Staff Car Wash’, ‘The Missions Cup’ football match and BBQ that included a staff members section to watch the game, and the ‘Vinnies Christmas Appeal” Milkshake and BBQ fundraiser. In all, the students raised over $4000 towards very worthy charities.

I like the way we are treated and respected by the teachers, which creates a good culture and a family feel. Oliver Mulvouge

Many of the students were lucky enough to secure Structured Work Placement with the support and assistance of Ms Kathryn Zwalf, which they attended on Tuesdays.

I liked being in VCAL because of the positive energy and great class. I also loved all the excursions we went on. Peter Vouronikos

Throughout the year the students attended TAFE every Wednesday. Our students undertook a variety of TAFE courses that they chose in accordance with their interests in future employment opportunities. The courses selected this year by our students were Electrical, Plumbing, Allied Health, Hospitality and Building and Construction.

To all the Year 11 VCAL students I would like to thank you for making all of us laugh every single day. It has been our privilege to be your teachers for 2022, and we look forward to continuing this journey with in you in Senior VCAL next year.

Special thanks to the dedicated staff who worked closely with the class to ensure that all their Outcomes were met. On behalf of the students I would like to thank Mr Sam Bentley, Mr Styron Augustus, Mr Nick Dunmill, Ms Kathryn Zwalf, Mr Declan Crowe, Mrs Lois Curry, Mrs Amor Dahlenburg, Mr Terry Cristiano and the I.T. Team.




The students of 11VA and 11VB are to be congratulated on the mature way that they approached the VCAL Intermediate course this year.


Kathryn Zwalf – Head of Applied Learning

It has been a pleasure to walk along with the class of 12V and to see them to grow into such wonderful, responsible young men during 2022. As their Work Related Skills and Numeracy teacher I have had such wonderful experiences with these young men, and we were very happy to be back in the classroom this year. It was in completing our major projects that the boys excelled, including the World’s Greatest Shave, Vinnies Cup fundraiser, organising the Applied Learning camp and assisting with Don Bosco Oratory Week. Their groupwork through these projects was outstanding. TAFE on a Wednesday was a real highlight, where so many practical skills were developed for their future careers. Structured Workplace Learning on Thursdays gave so many opportunities to put these newly learnt skills into action. These onsite practical days seemed to be a highlight and a wonderful opportunity to set themselves up for their futures. The boys were able to attain more employability skills by completing their Responsible Serving of Alcohol course. They took every opportunity to develop their employability skills, and constantly challenged themselves to develop these valuable life-long skills.

class as well giving assistance to the boys wherever it was needed. It’s been a real team effort by all the staff involved, as well as the boys, to get the most out of this year.

I would like to thank all the teachers of this class during their years at school, in particular the wonderful VCAL teachers who have worked with these boys while they have been a part of the Applied Learning part of the school. It has not only been teachers, but the wide variety of brilliant support staff at Salesian College that has given this group the specific support required. Thank you!

The students were able to set up their futures with securing either apprenticeships, jobs or further study, and I would like to wish all the students my best for their futures. Massive congratulations go to the whole class of 2022, but special mention must be made of Athan Robotis, who led the Applied Learning area with enthusiasm and dedication, and also to Alan Regi, who worked tirelessly this year and was our 2022 VCAL student of the year.

A huge thankyou to Mrs Emily Roach for her tireless enthusiasm and love of the boys while teaching the group this year for Oratory, PDS and Literacy. Thanks must be given to Mr Declan Crowe for his continual support to the 54

PATHWAYS Damian McAuliffe – Pathways Coordinator

YEAR 10 FUTURE FOCUS DAYS In Term One the Year 10 students participated in a range of activities aimed at developing their awareness of their vocational interests and strengths. This information was then used to guide their investigation of potential career paths and to begin to develop a Career Action Plan. The Year 10 program concluded with the boys having the opportunity for a one on one course advisory session to assist them in selecting their subjects for Years 11 & 12. It was also pleasing to see the growth in the number of boys choosing to incorporate vocational subjects into their final years of study at Salesian College, with a record number of boys to undertake VET programs in 2023.

encourage our boys to continue exploring a range of pathways events in 2023. YEAR 12 Terms 3 and 4 activities for our senior boys involved information sessions focussed on completing the VTAC application process and individual meetings with each Year 12 student regarding their desired pathways, potential tertiary course options and the topics of special consideration assistance and scholarships.

YEAR 9 FUTURE FOCUS PROGRAM In late Term Two the Year 9 students participated in a number of Pathways activities designed to develop our boys’ understanding of their interests and to encourage students to begin to explore a range of potential careers. This program culminated in the Year 9 Subject Expo, where Heads of Department and senior subject teachers provided students with information on the subjects available in Year 10, and the pathways they needed to take to study various subjects in VCE.

I’d like to acknowledge the enthusiastic involvement of the Years 9, 10, 11 & 12 Oratory Leaders, and the fantastic support of the Year Level Co-ordinators, Paul Azar, Alexandra Tsiavis, Chris Ryan and Deborah Rabot throughout 2022. Also, thanks go to the incredible staff who volunteered for the Year 10 Course Advising program and the Heads of Departments and presenters who contributed to the Year 9 Future Day. In addition, a massive thankyou to the following people: Gina Nenos for arranging staffing, the IT Department for their excellent support and the Maintenance crew for all their help in setting up for events throughout the year.

STRONG ATTENDANCE AT PATHWAYS EVENTS One of the most satisfying elements of 2022 has been the way in which our students have embraced the opportunities to explore the many world-class tertiary institutions we have in Melbourne. Through visits to pathway events such as open and experience days, information sessions, faculty and campus tours and a variety of specialist workshops, they have been able to experience pathway options first hand and gain knowledge far beyond what is available from a course guide or website. We will continue to strongly

Finally, I’d like to express my utmost respect to the Year 12 class of 2022 for the incredible determination and resilience they have displayed throughout the past few years. I wish them all the very best in their future endeavours. 55


2022 has been a very busy and exciting one in the Pathways area. Some significant highlights included:


Geordie Nagle – Sports Manager TERM ONE

the term. This structure works well, with boys most likely not playing these sports outside of school, and gives them the chance to try something new.

After the summer break, Salesian College hit the ground running, with the House Athletics Carnival being held on the 15th February, 2022. The weather was fantastic, and contributed to the success of the day. Many students participated during the day, especially after a few hard years of having no carnivals at the College. Once again, a crowd favourite was the Salesian Gift, which got the crowd involved during the day. The final scores were: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Annecy Collinson Savio Moroney

TERM THREE Similar to Term One, we had another House Carnival, which would be our last carnival for the year. This time it was the House Cross Country Carnival. Thankfully, the weather was not too bad. It is always tough to arrange such an event during that time of the year with Melbourne’s weather. The boys toughed it out, with the boys completing the course at Mannix Campus. The participation levels were fantastic, with Years 7-9 all participating, and 20 boys from each house from Years 10-12 participating. There were amazing results from the day. Annecy yet again won another House Carnival, making that two from three in 2022. The final scores were:

(1140 points) (1005 points) (901 points) (780 points)

After a very successful House Athletics Carnival, we shifted our focus to go from land to water with our House Swimming Carnival. Thankfully, the weather was good again, the competition and participation during the day were incredible, and everyone gathered around for the crowd favourite with the tug of war. The final scores were very tight all day, and it came down to the final few races to decide the winner. The final scores were: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Savio Moroney Annecy Collinson

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Annecy Savio Moroney Collinson

(386 points) (324 points) (255 points) (254 points)


(595 points) (594 points) (551 points) (498 points)

The final term allowed boys to relax and enjoy time with each other. Only the Years 7-9 boys had house sport all term. The Year 10 boys finished the year in week 5 of the term. Similar to term 2, house sport had a variety of sports. The weather was a lot better in term 4, which made sports like soccer, touch rugby, spikeball and many more outside sports enjoyable.

TERM TWO The term began with our Years 7-9 participating in house sport on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The structure of house sport allows the boys to experience and participate in a variety of sports. These include cardio tennis, futsal, soccer, spikeball, cricket, dodgeball, euro handball and many more. This structure works with the boys having a two-week cycle, allowing them to understand and experience new sports. This gives the boys a chance to learn skills from one sport, then move on to the next sport and do the same throughout

On behalf of myself and the Sport Department, we would like to thank everyone for their support during a busy but enjoyable 2022. All students and staff participated with an incredible attitude during House Sport and House Carnivals. We can’t thank you enough. We look forward to a bigger and better year in 2023! 56




ACC SPORTS Steve Loonstra – Head of ACC Sport

After the last two years it was great to see our students and coaches out there participating in a range of ACC sporting activities in 2022. The year started in a rush, trying to prepare for the ACC athletics carnival. In the first 4 weeks of term students trained twice a week in the lead-up to this event. On the day we had some great performances and took home several gold medals. Special mention goes to our first-place finishers: M. Langworthy (discus and shot putt), J. Ly (triple jump), N. Goodman (100M & 200M), C. Ramachandran (high jump), P. Holland (400M) and our U15 4X100 relay team. A great team effort across the board helped us to finish 6th overall and maintain our position in Division 1 for 2023. Well done to all the boys and coaches on a great performance.

The ACC Triathlon was once again up and running in Term 1. We had 10 students participate in the event this year, and with some wonderful performances we were able to win the overall individual team race pennant. A special mention goes to Liam Scott, who finished 1st overall in the ACC for this event.

Term 1 also saw the start of the senior summer sport season for volleyball, cricket and tennis. Our cricket team had a great year, going through the season undefeated, before unfortunately losing the semi-final on the last ball. A special mention goes to Jack Iverson, who scored two centuries during the season, including a record breaking 197 not out against Emmanuel College. Our volleyball A team also had a great season, finishing on top of their pool before losing to a strong Parade side in the semi-finals. The senior tennis team also made it through to the semi-finals, but were outplayed by the eventual winner, St Bede’s. A special mention goes to Sam Ison, Connor Montgomery, Jack Iverson (cricket), Avellino Jones (tennis) and Jake Johnston (volleyball), who made the respective ACC Teams of the Year.

In the last week of Term 1 our swimming squad headed to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre to compete in the ACC competition. It was a wonderful evening, with so many great individual and team performances helping us take out the Division 2 Championship. On the night we took home the Under 13, 15 and 16 age groups, as well as the Junior and Intermediate Cups. This victory gives us a promotion to Division 1, and we look forward to the challenge that this brings in 2023. 58

3-2. Well done to the coach Mr Azar and the students of this team on a wonderful season. We look forward to seeing our basketball continue to improve in future years. Congratulations to Daniel Amendola and Gus Roach, who made the ACC hockey Team of the Year during Term 3. ACC Cross Country took place once again out at Bundoora Park towards the end of Term 3. Students trained twice a week during the term to prepare for this event. We had some solid performances across the board that helped us maintain our spot in division 1 for the first time in the College’s history. The standout on the day was the performance by Peter Holland, who won a gold medal in the U/17 race.

Our football teams also put up some great performances during the season. Our Years 7, 8 and senior teams all made it to the semi-finals, but were beaten by better teams on the day. The highlight of the season was winning the Davis/Johnson Cup in our annual match against Mazenod. Well done also to Andrew Avramopoulos, who made the ACC Football Team of the Year. Badminton is also a large part of our Term 2 sports program. Under the guidance of Mr Wang the students train after school twice week in the lead-up to the ACC events. We had many great performances during the event, but unfortunately came up just short of being able to bring home a win. Our senior team finished 2nd overall by 1 point. Our intermediate team finished 3rd and our junior team finished 2nd. Well done to all the boys who dedicated many hours of training to prepare for these events.

Term 4 saw the Years 7-10 students compete in cricket, tennis and volleyball. Our volleyball teams had a fantastic season, with our Year 7B team making the semi-finals. The 9B team had a strong season, making it through to the grand final, but went down to a very strong Mazenod team. Our Year 10B team went through the season undefeated, and put on a strong performance in the final, defeating St Bede’s 3 - 0 to take home the championship. Well done to this team and their coach Chris Ryan. Our tennis teams also performed well during a rain affected season. Both our Years 7 and 9 teams made it through to the final, but unfortunately were beaten by better teams on the day. Our cricket teams struggled to get on the field at times due to the enormous amount of rain during the season. When they did we saw some good performances. Well done to all the coaches and students who participated in Term 4 sports.

Basketball, hockey and table tennis were the sports for Term 3. Our basketball teams continued to improve during the season, with the standout being our Year 8A team, who made it all the way to the final, going down in a close match to Whitefriars 58-55. We also had a number of teams make semi-finals during the term, including our 10A basketball team, Year 9 table tennis and Year 10 and Senior hockey teams. The highlight of the term was our Year 8 hockey team, who went through the season undefeated. They took on Emmanuel College in an epic final that ended up going to penalties. We were able to hold our nerve, winning

ACC Sport at Salesian College would not run without the help of the teachers and parents who support the students throughout the year. A big thankyou to all the teachers who give up their time each week to coach and train the students. Also, to the parents who support their sons, making sure they have all their equipment and uniforms, we thank you for your support. Finally, thank you to all the boys for their efforts throughout the year. We hope you have enjoyed being able to pull on the Salesian uniform once again, and have enjoyed being back out on the sporting field. We look forward to building upon the successes of this year into 2023. 59


Term 2 saw the start of our soccer and football seasons. Our soccer teams had some great performances throughout the term. Some highlights included our 8B team going through the season undefeated and going on to win the grand final 3-1 against Mazenod. Our Years 7A and 9A teams also had a great year, making it through to a semi-final, but unfortunately both going down in close matches. Although our senior team narrowly missed out on the finals, we were able to win back the Davey/Egan Cup. This Cup is awarded to the winning team of the annual senior soccer game played against our archrivals Mazenod. Congratulations to Dimitri Palisades and James Triskelidis who made the ACC Soccer Team of the Year.

ACC SPORTS ACC PREMIERSHIPS TERM 1 Triathlon Individual Event Swimming • Division 2 Overall Winner • Junior and Intermediate Cups • Under 13, 15 and 16 Pennants TERM 2 Year 8B Soccer Davie/Egan Cup (Soccer) Davis/Johnson Cup (Football) TERM 3 SALESIAN COLLEGE CHADSTONE 2022 ANNUAL

Year 8 Hockey TERM 4 Fr. Terry Jennings Shield (Cricket)


ACC SPORTS SENIOR AWARD WINNERS Volleyball A Volleyball B Cricket Best Bowler Cricket Best Batsman Tennis Athletics Badminton Triathlon Soccer 2nd XI Runner Up Soccer 2nd XI Winner Soccer 1st XI Runner Up Soccer 1st XI Winner Football Runner Up Football Winner Sheridan Asuncion (Best Team Player) Will Liston Trophy (Best Senior Swimming Performance) The Jacko Trophy (Most Determined Senior Footballer)

Jake Johnston Harry Chetwin Sam Ison Jack Iverson Avellino Jones Jackson O’Meara Narichard Chann Liam Scott Camillo Angelucci Kosta Balakas Kosta Balakas James Triskelidis Mitchell Wain Andrew Avramopoulos James Peluso Roman Velona Calvin Lehr SALESIAN COLLEGE CHADSTONE 2022 ANNUAL


Jack Iverson Sam Ison Connor Montgomery


Avellino Jones


Jake Johnston


Andrew Avramopoulos


Dimitri Palisades James Triskelidis


Daniel Amendola Gus Roach









Enrique Soria

Jake Johnston

Roman Velona

Benjamin Harris

Mitchell Wain

Jake Johnston

Daniel Amendola

Mitchell Wain





Narichard Chann

Harry D’Rozario

James Peluso

Domenic Colantuono


SPORTS ACADEMY Stephen Sellwood – Sports Academy Coordinator The 2022 Sports Academy program involved 115 Years 7-11 students balancing their sporting ambitions and academic studies through a specialised and accelerated curriculum, with an emphasis on long term athlete development. STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING SESSIONS Facilitated by the coaches from ACE Performance, Sports Academy students participated in a weekly strength and conditioning session in the college gym. SPECIALISED THEORY PROGRAM


Students completed a specialised theory program, which involved the following athlete/sport specific topics required for athlete development:

Play to Your Strengths 2022





• Sports Injuries • Musculoskeletal System • Sports Nutrition and Hydration • Biomechanics in Sport

• Training to Improve Performance • Cardiorespiratory System • Decision Making in Sport

• Develop a personal management plan • Develop a travel and accommodation plan • Prepare a pre or post event meal • Develop personal media skills • Develop a personal financial plan • Sports recovery strategies

• Sports Psychology • Sports Journalism, Game Reporting and Match Commentary • Sports Coaching • Energy Systems and Interplay


Responsible Gambling. Our Years 10 and 11 students participated in an information session where they analysed the potential influences that may shape gambling attitudes and behaviour. Students viewed, analysed and discussed a wide variety of media content, including gambling ads that highlight the normalisation of gambling, in order to minimise harm and encourage informed choices.

Dietician’s Ola Luczak and Georgia Walker presented a number of sessions to the boys, as well as providing fortnightly tips to both students and parents throughout the year. They also shared a number of healthy recipes throughout the year for the boys and their families to try. GUEST SPEAKERS / PRESENTATIONS


The boys were able to experience a number of guest speakers/presentations throughout the year, including:

The students were involved in a number of technical sports training sessions throughout the year with the following coaches:

AIS Mental Fitness Program. The Black Dog Institute and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) program aims at building mental health, wellbeing, and resilience. The program was delivered by elite athletes, and involved two 30-minute presentations delivered 6 weeks apart to our Years 7 and 9 students, with these students completing the Bite Back Mental Fitness Challenge in between presentations.

AFL - Paul Hudson Soccer - Andreas Papanicolaou and Robbie Wielaert Cricket - Bryce and Liam McGain Basketball - Matthew Brooks Tennis - Steve Blundell These sessions also included a number of practice games against the following Sports Academy programs in Term 3:

St Kilda FC Play To Your Strengths. Using Saints players as inspiration, Play To Your Strengths (PTYS) introduced our Year 8 and Year 10 students to Values in Action (VIA) Character Strengths in a fun and engaging manner. Through interactive exercises, students learnt about the 24 universal strengths, explored their top strengths and ways they can flex these in all aspects of life, as well as gain an insight into the strengths of others.

• • •


Rowville College (Soccer and Tennis) Heathmont College (Basketball) Maribyrnong College (Cricket)


Basketball 7-8

Basketball 9-10

Ice Bath

SPORTS PERFORMANCE CAMP At the end of Term 4, 15 Sports Academy students, along with three staff, participated in our 2022 Sports Academy High Performance Camp based at the Hyundai Surfing Australia High Performance Centre. The HPC is an Olympic training facility where students/staff were able to experience a high performance training environment, completing a surfing lesson, a number of gym sessions, a skate and trampoline experience, and a contrast water recovery over a 4 day period. Students also enjoyed a day at Dreamworld/White Water World in a beautiful 27 degrees!


ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to Year 8 Sports Academy student Angus Cormack, who won the Gold Medal in the U55kg Senior Boys Division at the 2022 Judo Australia National Championships. I would like to congratulate the boys who participated in the 2022 Sports Academy program, and look forward to working with the participating students in 2023.






PUBLIC SPEAKING AND DEBATING Molly O’Shea – Public Speaking Coordinator

Speaking in front of a large crowd is, undeniably, a daunting prospect. Speaking in front of a large group of your peers, however, is the most challenging task of all.

In the words of Aristotle, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain without accepting it”. This is all the truer when you look at the wide range of issues that the students debated this year. For each debate students are allocated a side, often one they may not necessarily agree with, yet they must persevere and collaborate with their team to form a line of argument. Through this, students demonstrate their creativity, adaptability and critical thinking ability, skills that are not only integral to the art of debating, but also to becoming learners in the real world. This year there were many students back for Debaters’ Association of Victoria (DAV) debating, along with some fresh faces who performed excellently over the five debates. Special congratulations to Thomas Maguire-Nguyen, who was the top scorer of the Glen Waverly competition and in the Top 5 of the state.

The Mary McKertich Public Speaking Competition sees students from each class, voted by their teacher, presenting in front of their respective year levels and then, if finishing in the top two, in front of the school community at a formal evening during Term Three. These students are to be commended, with many of them representing the school community in external public speaking competitions. A special acknowledgement must be made to Year 9 student Thomas Maguire-Nguyen, who came third in the Ainger Peck Public Speaking Award. I would also like to mention Liam Kakarantzas of Year 12 and Liam Kelly of Year 7, who also participated in this momentous event. Congratulations too to the ACC Public Speaking team, who won the ACC Intermediate Championship for Public Speaking.

A huge thankyou also to the teachers who assisted with coaching this year: Monique Capomolla and Dylan Chow (Year 12), Nick Carter and Daryl Barclay (Year 11), Thomas Andrews (Year 10), Molly O’Shea (Year 9) and Chris Seeber (Year 8).

MARY MCKERTICH PUBLIC SPEAKING AWARDS WINNERS Year 7 - Liam Kelly and James Turner Year 8 - Nathan D’Mello and Drew McLaughlin Year 9 - Nicholai Hampson and Finn Power Year 10 - Ryan Ronald and Andrew Tan Year 11 - Marcellino Baselyous and Andrew Zaki Year 12 - Jake Johnstone and Liam Kakarantzas Junior Champion - Liam Kelly Intermediate Champion - Ryan Ronald Senior Champion - Marcellino Baselyous Overall Champion - Marcellino Baselyous

Congratulations and thank you to all the boys who debated this year. They all did excellent work and put in a huge amount of effort. B Grade Top Scorer - Kyle Flechsig C Grade Top Scorer - Brodie Grewcock D Grade Top Scorer - Thomas Maguire-Nguyen


Richard Bourbon – Assistant Principal - Students and Engagement

As we reach the conclusion of the 2022 academic year, I feel that we have been very fortunate to see the resumption of many of the activities which have occurred in the years before 2020. The restarting of these activities and a return to normality represented a significant opportunity for our students. The willingness of our student body to make the most of these opportunities and to take part in the vast array of college activities is to be applauded. We have been so proud of the manner in which so many students have developed their talents, made the most of their opportunities and gained in confidence over the course of this year.

going on Long Service Leave after 12 years’ service to the Salesian College community. Thank you to our hardworking team of Year Level Coordinators: Mr. Chipperfield (Year 7), Mr. Giles (Year 8), Mr. Azar and Mr. Anastasio (Year 9), Ms. Tsiavis (Year 10), Mr. Ryan (Year 11) and Ms. Rabot (Year 12). I would like to wish Mr. Ryan all the best as he concludes his time at Salesian College. Finally, thank you to the college counsellors, Ms. Nicoloutsopoulos and Mr. Swayn, for the care they have demonstrated to all the students this year. They are part of a very committed team of people who are dedicated to the welfare of the students at Salesian College.

The strong sense of community spirit and the pride our students have in our school were evident to me when I commenced at the College at the beginning of the Third Term. Events such as the Vinnies’ Appeal and Vinnies’ Cup football match, Fathers’ Day breakfast, college production, music concerts and sport presentation evening demonstrated the high level of engagement that our students and parents have in the different activities which occur in the school. The college values of Dynamism, Integrity, Joy, Belonging and Respect are embraced by all who are part of our community.

Congratulations to our graduating Year 12 class. They have been an exceptional group of students throughout their time at Salesian College, and have set a strong example of the significance of care and compassion for each other, being respectful, working hard and taking part in all the activities that the school has to offer. I wish all of them the best for their future endeavours, and hope that they are proud of their accomplishments and can reflect on the happy times they have enjoyed at the college.

Thank you to the dedicated Oratory teachers who have been responsible for guiding our students through the past year. They work tirelessly to create an atmosphere which allows our students to flourish, and to ensure that the welfare of all their students has been of paramount importance to them. In particular, I would like to recognise the efforts of the Dean of Middle School, Mr. Chen, and the Dean of Senior School, Mr. Beurs, who work tirelessly to support the students. In particular, thank you to Mr. Beurs who is

To our parents and students, thank you for all your support over this past year. You help to ensure that Salesian College is an excellent school with a strong sense of community. I would like to give our best wishes to all our staff and students who are leaving Salesian College at the end of this year, and I hope you take away fond memories of your time here.





DON BOSCO’S ORATORY WEEK Nadia Knight – Assistant Principal - Mission and Staff Culture

Finally, after a couple of years of being unable to hold our traditional festival day, 2022 saw the reinvigoration of Salesian Festival Day.

Students had lots of fun engaging in games, including chess, kite making, art work creations, Lego, cooking, Sing Star and computer competitions. If that wasn’t enough to keep everyone entertained, other options included a mega obstacle course, inflatable soccer target handball, high striker, inflatable basketball and a great favourite, a dunking machine. It never ceases to amaze me how excited and involved students become when they are provided with the chance to dunk their teachers! All for fundraising of course.

Salesian festival Day is a true and authentic day modelled around the Salesian Charter: • • • •

A Home that welcomes A Parish that evangelises A School that prepares for life A Playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves

I am very appreciative of the work of many, including the Faith and Mission Team, Facilities Team, IT Team, Canteen and all staff who assisted on the day to make the 2022 Salesian Festival Day a wonderful celebration of Salesian joy-filled spirituality.

The day began in prayer. David Jenkins (Facilities Team), who is a member of the indigenous community, organised a traditional acknowledgment to country and smoking ceremony. The staff and students walked through the smoke into our hall, where we began our service. This year we were blessed to have the input of Dr Daryl Barclay (Head of Oratory), who wrote and co-ordinated a beautiful service. The service authentically celebrated our diversity with a procession of flags, and prayers, read by students, in a number of languages. It was quite inspiring to hear our students speak so proudly in the language of their culture.

Another element of the day, besides food and fun, was raising money for our Salesian Brothers and Sisters and projects in Salesian communities in the South Pacific. Despite the difficulties many families have faced during and post COVID, I am thrilled and so grateful to announce that our community raised over $17,000 for the Salesian Missions. I am looking forward to hearing from the communities, and finding out how our donations were used to improve the education of the young.

Our traditional and very competitive Oratory competition ensued soon after, with 8B taking out the honour board this year. Congratulations to Mr Chris Seeber and 8B for their stupendous team work and knowledge to win this year.

I keenly look forward to Salesian Festival Day continuing to bring joy to many at Salesian College.

Lunch and festivities went hand in hand. Hunger pains were quietened by a number of food options, including pizza, baked potatoes, hot dogs and a variety of burgers. The crepe van was also a big hit with staff, as was the coffee van! 66




ANNECY HOUSE REPORT Georgina Dow – Head of Annecy House

What a joyous and lively affair it has been for Annecy House as we proudly wore our yellow and channelled our inner lion. Annecy boys started the year loudly, as our athletes dominated in Athletics and Cross Country, breaking numerous records and showing the other houses how it’s done.

Our futsal teams were strong as our year 12s broke into the finals, only to be robbed by Mr Augustus’ umpiring (Savio obviously paid him). The remaining year levels were also strong in futsal, yet we did not take home the chocolates. This year the culture surrounding Annecy was more amazing than usual. The commitment and spirit in all our Annecy boys was unbelievably strong, and we showed that through our Shrove Tuesday Pancake cook off!

However, Annecy boys have many talents beyond the track. This year the Year 7 students created a new Annecy banner, with a strong lion centrepiece designed by the talented Jacob Mathews. Year level debates drew in huge crowds as Annecy made finals in three year levels (9, 11 and 12), taking the win in Years 11 and 12.

After Annecy becoming back to back champions in recent years, Jimmy and I knew we had a tough task ahead. Thank you to the Year 11 leaders, Peter and Jack, and Year 10 leaders, Will and Luca, for helping Ms Dow, Jimmy and myself to lead Annecy through another successful year!

It has been a privilege leading Annecy House for the last three years. It is a strong, passionate house, with students of so many gifts and talents. Annecy, you should be so proud of your continued passion, camaraderie and house spirit. A huge shout out to our amazing leaders of 2022, with the biggest thankyou to Chris Ciorciari, a truly exemplary captain. Annecy will miss you dearly.

Thank you Ms Dow! You are an amazing Head of House! The way you operate and organise everyone and everything, allowing for success to come back to Annecy, is outstanding! I know Jimmy and I will be forever grateful for granting us all the success we have had in our last year at the college! Finally, thank you to all the boys in Annecy and all the staff as well for helping to support our beloved yellow lion! I know Annecy will be in safe hands in 2023!”

Lastly, some thoughts on the 2022 Annecy year from our 2022 Annecy House Captain, Chris Ciorciari: “The 2022 Salesian College house season was definitely Annecy’s best year yet! We did not accomplish winning the swimming carnival this year, though we were able to take out the athletics carnival and the majority of the debates!





COLLINSON HOUSE REPORT Dylan Chow – Head of Collinson House

The 2022 year brought much anticipation. The prospect of a Collinson gold as a culmination of a three-year rebuild was in sight, and the return to on-site school left many of our students rearing to compete for the Green Team. Spearheaded by two fresh but enthusiastic Year 12 leaders, Gabriel Schiavello and Marvin Elliot, the wind was well and truly in our sails moving into Term One.

Whilst Collinson did not manage to win either of the events, we continued our reign as back-to-back champions of the most important event, the Shrove Tuesday fundraiser. Jack Lucarelli (9) and Peter Yip (9) emptied the piggy banks to dig deep and donate to those in need. The house followed suit, and as a school community shattered the record amount of money raised. The house futsal competition brought crowds of students to witness the talent of Nathan Kotsinadelis (10) and team mascot Jon Katsos (10).

The lineage of Collinson talent was in full force at the Swimming Carnival. Will Scalzi (7) and Samuele Pozzoli (7) did their brothers proud as they debuted strongly for the juniors. Typical dominance was on full show from the likes of Trung Le (11), Nam Le (11) and Alessandro Pozzoli (10). The Athletics carnival also provided an opportunity for our house to flourish on the track and field. Jackson O’Meara (12) was stereotypically quick (despite needing to borrow someone else’s shoes). Jake Johnston (12) competed in almost every event. The Mathieson twins (10) tested the laws of physics throwing that shotput.

From an academic standpoint, the Collinson crew worked diligently preparing for inter-house debates. Both our Year 7 (Masashi, Jack, Tayshaun) and Year 8 teams (Isaac, Genuka, Noah) managed to get through to the finals, but ultimately fell short, although the comedic improvisation from Alex Marinis (10) has initiated some roster changes in 2023. As I pass over the role of Head of Collinson House, I’d like to congratulate and express gratitude to the countless students who have embodied what it means to be a Salesian College student. Your enthusiasm, commitment to school culture and pride in the house are what makes this school so special. I’d like to particularly thank our incredible student leadership team in 2022: Gabriel Schiavello and Marvin Elliot (12), Dieter Hagen-Mujica and Sam Wallbridge (11) and Dylan Rayen and Christian Bernardo (10). You have all gone above and beyond to ensure that all students have been given their opportunity to shine. Our success as a house is defined by the sense of belonging and pride we share in all our achievements, whether that be in the swimming pool, behind a microphone stand or serving our communities.





Styron Augustus – Head of Moroney House

2022. What a year it has been! After the unprecedented challenges of the last few years, the House Competition was back in full swing. Students and teachers alike were excited and eager to join in and show the college community just how integral house events are to our unique Salesian culture. We didn’t have to wait long at all to see the house spirit alive and well again amongst our Moroney family.

This year the House Competition expanded its reach to include two new events, House Debating and a House Futsal Competition. Both events garnered great student involvement and support at lunchtimes during Terms 2 and 3. Well done to all those students who participated in both Debating and Futsal. To wrap up the competition, the Cross Country Carnival was held in Term 3. The cold winter months are a tough time for our red-hot Moroney men, with the preference always being to showcase their stuff under the warm sunshine. It was a hard-fought 3rd place finish, led by Year 11 Student Tyler De Sa, who ran his heart out on the day.

Week 3 saw the Athletics Carnival take place. It has been a long time since Moroney has walked away with bragging rights on this momentous day, and frankly… not much had changed. Our Moroney men had clearly been enjoying their off-season Christmas lunches, which saw us finish in 4th place in the overall Athletics Carnival standings. A special mention needs to go to Year 12 student Aris “Shot-Put Star” Polychronopoulos and Year 11 Student Ethan “Catch-me-ifyou-can” Paul for their tremendous efforts on the day.

Penultimately, I would like to extend a sincere thankyou to each and every Moroney student of 2022. Each of you plays a vital role in building and sustaining the wonderful culture that our school community offers. If you didn’t get a chance to participate in many events this year, please endeavour to sign up next year. At Moroney, we pride ourselves on support, love and inclusivity. We cheer each other on, we smile when we come first and laugh when we come last. We are a team.

A week and a half later Oakleigh Recreation Centre hosted the Swimming Carnival. This is where those Christmas lunches really paid off for our boys, who seemed to float across the water with the class and elegance of Ian Thorpe. Our 1-2 punch of ACC Swimming Captain Roman Velona and his ever-reliable counterpart Narichard Chann were unstoppable on the day, coming 1st and 2nd in all their events. The two of them steered Moroney to a nailbiting 2nd place finish overall, losing to the Savio Bulls by one point.

Finally, I would like to recognise the efforts of our Moroney staff and student leaders. The work each of them does behind the scenes, organising events, signing students up, coordinating schedules and giving up their time is what makes the House Competition so special. A massive thankyou and well done to Year 10 leaders Benjamin Brooks and James McLaughlin, Year 11 leaders Gishain Fernando, James Batsis and Ryan Langworthy and, in particular, our Year 12 Captain Siddarth Kapoor and Vice-Captain Harry D’Rozario, two very special young men who will be sorely missed. If not for their dedication and commitment, we simply would not have been able to get the House events up and running again.

Arguably the most important event is the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Sale, which occurred a couple of weeks later. Students from all year levels load up their pockets with 20 and 50 cent pieces straight out of broken piggy banks in a chance to show off to their friends just how many pancakes they can devour. The best part? All money went towards the fundraising focus for the term, Caritas. Our boys did exceptionally well, scoffing down pancakes at a rate of knots that would have seen a few fathers tearing up while whispering, “That’s my boy”. Is it generosity or just sheer growing boy hunger? I’m still not sure, but I’m super proud regardless.

Thanks for a wonderful year Moroney family. The Knights will be surging back up to the top in 2023!





SAVIO HOUSE REPORT Chris Donaldson – Head of Savio House

What a tumultuous year we’ve had! The Savio boys competed across many events throughout the year, in the water, on the track and in the community, under the expert guidance of our year 12 House Captains, Emmanuel Louis and Oskar Cislo.

In 2022 the Savio spirit was unwavering and strong. I consider myself so lucky to not only lead Savio, but to watch these young men grow and develop into a strong community held up and supported by its leaders: Emmanuel Louis and Oskar Cislo, Roey Shrestha and Marcellino Baselyous, and Andrew Tan and Charlie Cochrane. I cannot thank these boys enough for their hard work and commitment to the Savio cause throughout the year. Whilst 2022 wasn’t our year on the scoreboard, we are reinvigorated and ready for an all-out war in 2023. Let’s go Bulls!

The year started with our feature event, the swimming carnival. Historically, the mighty Savio boys dominate in the water, and 2022 was no different. We claimed victory by a single point. Andrew Tan of Year 10 proved again that he’s half man, half shark as he devoured all those who dared enter the pool with him! Similarly, the senior boys asserted their dominance, completing their period of sustained success in the swimming events. After such an exhausting day in the pool, it makes sense that the next house event is a well-earned feed. Shrove Tuesday is the day I look forward to the most in the house events calendar year for several reasons. It’s great to see the leaders, aspiring leaders and year 12 students rock up early to help out and create the atmosphere. It’s even greater to see the boys so generously purchase pancakes to help raise funds for those less fortunate than us. Whilst we didn’t win this event, there are definitely no losers. 74




HOUSE CUP COMPETITION Richard Bourbon – Assistant Principal - Students and Engagement

The House system is an integral part of life at Salesian College, and events are eagerly anticipated by students in all year levels. Whether it is one of the many sporting events such as swimming, athletics or cross country, cultural pursuits such as debating or supporting one of the many fundraising events which occur such as Shrove Tuesday, there are regular events which cater for a wide variety of interests.

Thank you to Ms. Dow (Annecy House Leader), Mr. Chow (Collinson House Leader), Mr. Augustus (Moroney House Leader) and Mr. Donaldson (Savio House Leader) for their tireless efforts over the course of this year. In particular, I would like to recognise the contribution of Ms. Dow, who is moving to a new school, Mr. Chow, who will be on extended leave for 2023 and Mr. Donaldson, who is stepping down from the role of Savio House leader.

The Salesian College students approach these events with gusto, whether it is as participants or spectators. My favourite moments this year have involved watching students encouraging their peers in a variety of different events. This supportive behaviour lies at the heart of the spirit which exists at Salesian College, and is regularly mentioned by students of all ages as one of the most positive aspects of our school.

THE FINAL RESULTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Academic Shield: Collinson House Citizenship Shield: Collinson House Cultural Shield: Collinson House Sports Shield: Annecy House

Congratulations to our House Captains and Vice Captains, who are listed below, for their efforts this year. I have been very proud of their efforts to promote participation, inclusivity and a spirit of support in their houses. HOUSE




Chris Ciorciari

Jimmy Gantelas


Gabriel Schiavello

Marvin Elliott


Siddarth Kapoor

Harry D’Rozario


Emmanuel Lois

Oskar Cislo

Overall House Cup: Collinson House Congratulations to students and teachers of all houses for taking part in the many different events which took place this year, and for ensuring that the House Events are such a key aspect of life at Salesian College.





YEAR 12 REPORT Deborah Rabot – Year 12 Year Level Coordinator Being part of the Year 12 Class of 2022 has been an exciting and privileged experience. We began the year on a high with students across all houses participating in Swimming Sports and the Athletics Carnival. The atmosphere created by the Year 12 House Captains made it an amazing day. Further extracurricular activities included ACC Sport and music, debating, art festivals and, lest we forget, the unforgettable sell out school production of “Beauty and the Beast”.

Throughout the year I have cited many examples of solidarity, key friendships, genuine concern for others and a sense of unity and brotherhood amongst this cohort. This was prevalent in late term three as thoughts turned to assessments, final exams and ATARs, where solidarity in the form of friendships came to the fore, with students offering advice on study techniques and managing stress. I would like to take this opportunity to say a special thankyou to all the Year 12 Student Leaders who successfully juggled their personal lives and academic studies, and selflessly gave up their time for the College in their respective roles. A heartfelt thankyou to the College Captains, Daniel Amendola, Jake Johnson, Mitchell Wain and Athan Robotis. You did an amazing job representing the College this year and your commitment was unwavering.

The Year 12 Formal was another highlight of the year, with the boys suiting up for this special occasion and proudly introducing their partners to their teachers. It was a night they had been looking forward to for some time. The boys enjoyed a trip for the first time to the Don Bosco Campsite in Safety Beach for their Year 12 Retreat. This was an opportunity for them to celebrate being together and to enjoy each other’s company, whilst reflecting on their future life journeys.

It is with heartfelt thanks that I give my personal appreciation to your Year 12 Mentors: Mr Styron Augustus, Ms Georgina Dow, Mrs Nadia Knight, Mr Peter Bermingham, Mrs Emily Roach, Ms Angela Liyanage and Mr Chris Donaldson, for their passion, commitment and support throughout the year. As we bid farewell to the Class of 2022, we acknowledge that your departure is a time of mixed emotions. Whilst we are sad to see you leave, we feel privileged that we were able to share in your journey, and wish you the very best in whatever paths you take into the future. May God empower you to live your life as Strong Salesian Men, upholding the values of Integrity, Respect, Belonging, Joy and Dynamism. “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But above all don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” 78




I feel extremely privileged to have taught 12A, the Class of 2022, who proved to be a fantastic group of students who managed to see the “lighter side of life”, even on some of the most challenging days throughout the year. I am truly proud of each member of 12A and wish each and every one of you the best that life has to offer. All the best on your new adventure, and keep in touch.


Mrs Deborah Rabot

Luke Ajani

Michael Amedeo

Zach Blair

Christopher Ciorciari

Dilantha Cooray

Ben Draga

Ronan Easton

Marvin Elliott

Aaron Gomes

Alexander Gounaris

Maison Grosso

Darcy Hair

Siddarth Kapoor

Thomas Martiniello

Nick Pearson

Max Sikuler

Edward Sinclair

Xavier Soldati

Enrique Soria

Michael Steen

Sam Thurston

Mitchell Wain

Tristan Zammit


Over the past year, I’ve watched these boys grow into young men. They’ve grown taller. They’ve grown smarter. They’ve grown wiser. Meanwhile, I’ve grown 2 belt sizes from the stresseating they have caused. Each one of them is special. Each one of them is unique. Each one of them will be remembered as wonderful, honest, kind Salesian graduates. Congratulations 12B. I could not be prouder. Enjoy all that life offers you. Smile and be thankful. All the best.


Mr Styron Augustus

Jerwin Arino

Narichard Chann

Nicholas Colaci

Pramishka De Alwis

Aaron Fernandes

Nicholas Ghanakas

Lochlan Hardie

Sebastien Huppe

Sam Ison

Jake Johnston

Lleyton Machaya

Blake McKenzie

Fletcher McPhee

Justin Mean

Jacob Mitchell

Tam Thanh Nguyen

Keegan Parker

James Peluso

Aris Polychronopoulos

Will Rice

Dantae Saouma

Tom Scown

Kai Van Der Zweep

Eric Zhu



Angus Allan



It’s been a real treat walking side by side with these boys as they finish their final year here at Salesian College. I can honestly say that as they leave us, they leave as mature, respectable young men ready for the next stage of their lives. I thank them for the memories and the life lessons they have taught me along the journey. All the best, gents.

Mr Chris Donaldson

Dilenne Algama

Kristian Aparo

James Ballantyne

Olly Bastien-Sylva

Leonardo Bittarello

Dean Christodoulopoulos

Emmanuel Ginige

Lachie Grewcock

Luca Hill

Flynn Horvat

Lachlan Kumic

Jackson Luzares

Aiden Maralande

Aaryan Natarajan

Alex Nimmervoll

Lucas Pegiou

Pierce Quach

Angus Stanton

Nicholas Suraweera

Lester Tanjutco

Tom Van Der Zweep

George Velgakis

Roman Velona

Ben Wheeler

Absent: Nicholas Easton


Three long and eventful years with the 12D boys. What a journey we have travelled together! It has been an honour to witness you all develop into young gentlemen. There have been ups, downs and utter confusion (and laughter) from the numerous Spiritual Paps lectures. I commend you all on the resilience shown over the years, and the strong friendships you have formed here at Salesian. Shout out to the best Class Captain, Mr Cordeiro. I wish you all a future of great happiness and opportunity. You will be missed!


Ms Georgina Dow

Andrew Avramopoulos

Dylan Be

Sam Cherry

Oskar Cislo

Liam Cordeiro

Kynan Davis

Navraj Gill

Jake Greenaway

Kenny Ha

David Hickey

Om Kar

Michael Krivanek

Michael Legg

Giuseppe Matusan

George Pappas

Gabriel Schiavello

Daniel Trang

Ivan Truong

Lachlan Turton

Andrew Zhang



Brighton Alphred


2022, the year that was supposed to be back to normal, was anything but normal. 12E survived many peer and staff absences, missed SACs, returning to on campus routines, including getting to school on time, wearing the correct uniform and a super spreader formal event. However, they stuck it out and together they made it through all the challenges. We enjoyed some laughs along the way and ensured that the ‘ordinary things were done extraordinarily well’. My final message to 12E students: ‘You are enough’.


Ms Nadia Knight

Andrew Ambawatta

Ethan Arsabhuvana

Saeran Balasuriya

Blake Caminos

Raffy Casals

Kobi Curtis

Lachlan Deayton

Heshan Dewapakshage

Adrien Faron

Calvin Fernandes

Maiki Giannakopoulos

Benjamin Harris

Jason Ho

Dhruv Israni

Kevin Kang

Kirk Katzourakis

Kenny Le

Spiro Louras

Theodore Milonas

Sam Spencer

Thomas Wilson

Jackson Wright


They were a vibrant, hilarious and insightful group of young men who have weathered a number of challenges this year. All the best for your future. It’s been a great three years being your Oratory teacher.

Ms Angela Liyanage


James Bof

Domenic Colantuono

Ashton Curtis

Marnav Deo

Adrian Dimar

Alrin Jogi

Liam Kakarantzas

Lance Kieu

Thesigan Krishshanthan

Brian Le

Nigel Lokhee

Emmanuel Louis

Jai McNidder

Pete Panagiotakopoulos

Jude Perera

Yash Pilankar

Thomas Russo

Jake Tabaczynski

Thiedus Thai

James Triskelidis

John Truong

John Vayenas

Lachlan Westcott



Tom Blaikie



The time has come to wish the young men of 12G well as they venture out into the world. As we bid you farewell, I trust that your time here at Salesian has prepared you for the amazing adventures that await. Remember, “The school was not the end; it was rather the instrumental means for improving the way of life.”

Mr Peter Bermingham

Daniel Amendola

Matthew Carrig

Harry D’Rozario

Adam D’Souza

Amish Fazi

Jayden Fernandes

Jimmy Gantelas

Frank George

Zak Hattersley

Eric Jason

Liam Knight

Austin Lanyon

Calvin Lehr

Jeremy Ly

Hugo Maniatis

Jayden Mun Wai Ng

Jackson O’Meara

Shane Perera

Remy Puidokas

Brody Sharp

Noah Sharrock

Aidan Tran

Varounen Vengadachellum

Alvin Yala


12 V is a class full of personalities. The last couple of years have made them resilient, and they have bonded through their shared experiences. Congratulations on completing your Salesian journey! The class has worked hard at TAFE and Structured Workplace Learning, organised the World’s Greatest Shave, assisted with the Missions Cup, The Grand Prix excursion, Camp and organised Don Bosco Oratory Week activities. It has been a pleasure to teach you, and an honour to watch you all grow into amazing young men. I wish you every success in the next phase of your journey.


Mrs Emily Roach

Matthew Awad

Senio Chamnanchang

Jack Hilliard

Ashley Kearns

Daniel Kedis

Gatluak Matai

Lucas Muscara

Thomas Park

Alex Pettigrew

Alan Regi

Athan Robotis

Alex Taylor

Deng Wal

Absent: Jonathan Ravipati



Olivier Alija


YEAR 11 REPORT Chris Ryan – Year 11 Year Level Coordinator It was a pleasure to reconnect with this group of young men after saying goodbye to them at the end of Year 9. The growth that had occurred throughout Year 10 was evident, as a mature and motivated cohort returned to on campus learning at the beginning of the school year. There were many opportunities to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones as the students embarked upon their VCE journey. Students were challenged to be positive leaders in our community, and were asked the following questions in our opening assembly: • • •

day, facilitated by Tomorrow Man. This was a powerful experience, and provided opportunities to challenge the harmful stereotypes stemming from a “traditional” view of masculinity. All Year 11 students engaged deeply with the materials, and left feeling moved by the content, so much so that it formed the basis of Marcelino Baselyous’ winning McKertich speech. Congratulations, Marcelino! The St Vinnies Cup football match, organised by the Year 11 VCAL students, was another highlight of the 2022 school year. While staff enjoyed the event from the “corporate area”, the Year 11 students put on a clinic as they defeated the highly fancied Year 12 team. A special mention must go to Lucas Stathopoulos for kicking goal of the year, and to Sam “Dusty” Wallbridge for captaining the team on the day. Thanks go to Mr Heath Chipperfield and Jimmy Cho for taking on the assistant coaching roles. Well done on all your hard work, boys!

How will you take responsibility this year? How will you contribute positively to the College environment? What will others say about our year level when our time at the College has ended?

Each student responded to these questions throughout the year in both word and action, building a culture of respect and care for each other, their teachers and the school environment. It was evident that each boy strived to do his best in his own unique way.

I would like to thank all the Year 11 teachers for their hard work throughout 2022. In particular I would like to acknowledge the Oratory team members: Ms Sarah Roberts, Dr Daryl Barclay, Ms Rachel Stephens, Mr Jayden Hawkes, Mr Kim Beurs, Ms Joyce McGrath, Mr Sam Bentley, Mr Dane Rogers, Ms Kathryn Zwalf and Ms Emma Bradley for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year.

The year began with the excitement of the annual House swimming and athletics carnivals. In preparation for these days, Years 11 and 7 students engaged in housebased activities through the peer mentoring program. Opportunities were provided for the new Year 7 students to meet their Year 11 “buddy” and learn about the house system. Friendships were quickly made as all boys participated with exceptional house spirit and represented their year level with pride. The carnivals were quickly followed by the retreat

To the boys - I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you again, and am glad to have shared my final year at the College with each of you. Thank you for giving your best and making a positive contribution to the College. All the best for your Year 12 year and all that will follow. Enjoy your final year at Salesian! 88





It has been such a pleasure to work with the boys of 11A in 2022. The maturity and positive attitude you bring makes each morning a wonderful experience. Thank you for giving your best and for making Salesian College a better place. All the best in your final year at Salesian College and beyond. You will be great!

Mr Chris Ryan

Oliver Arnott

Keyan Bowker

Jordan Brooks

Paras Dawer

Chris Frangotsinos

Alex Iliuk

Avellino Jones

Yianni Kourelis

Peter Liptai

Jack Loiacono

Aaron Loukos

Matthew Menzies

Connor Montgomery

Nam Nguyen

Gus Roach

Dylan Rosario

Javier Shean

Lucas Stathopoulos

Vin Talarico

Aidan Tenace

James Topliff

Isaac Van Den Bosch

Finn Van Der Zweep

Absent: Jason Dalamagas, Samuel Rizkalla


11B… where to begin? Boisterous, balanced and blessed. This group of young men faced every challenge of year 11 with great courage and passion, and shared many laughs and birthday cakes throughout the year. The excitement continues as I carry on with these boys as they become 12B next year and continue to tackle every challenge ahead.

Mrs Sarah Roberts


Paul Boloutis

James Boulgouris

Matthew Byrden

Harrison Clark

Evan Di Stasio

Jake Easton

Kyle Flechsig

Malakai Harding

Darren Harridge

Alexander Hastings

Will Hemsley

Stefan McCance

Lachlan McFarlane

Rajiv Nair

Pete Nikolopoulos

Patrick Panoussis

Anthony Papalia

Hugh Ross

Roey Shrestha

Ethan Simon

Christopher Stefanatos

Farrell Susilo

Luka Triantafyllou

Dillon Williams



Nicolas Bleeker


Obviously, a unique group, the 11C Oratory class of 2022 turned out to be an impressive and friendly cohort, easily bribed with rewards of various kinds. Mostly high achievers and committed students, they enjoyed each other’s company, and developed a special liking for Chuppa Chups and their teacher’s excellent animal impersonations. The risk of ending up at the “red desk” encouraged most to behave in exemplary fashion. They even produced some perfect scores on their Religion and Society SACs.


Mr Daryl Barclay

Philopatear Baselyous

Noah Billing

Vansh Chauhan

Harry Chetwin

Nic Clifton

Jamie Csendes

Toby Fenton

Hardu Ginoya

Joshua Hee Keng

Thomas Hurley

Nicholas Lin

Evan Manaras

Ruchith Navaratne

Joshua Nolan

Zac Palatsides

Dion Papasotiriou

Ethan Paul

Nicholas Polychronopoulos

Christian Raucci

Brendan Russo

Steven Sakellarios

Jacob Sands

Robbie Taylor

Sven Vaz

Absent: Dimitri Palatsides


Despite the pandemic bringing a myriad of challenges over the last couple of years, the students in 11D stepped into VCE in an exemplary manner by setting a wonderful example to their Year 7 buddies during the Peer Mentoring Program, undertaking a range of leadership positions, working hard to complete their SACs throughout the year, and overall relating to their teachers and peers in such a lovely (and often humorous) manner. I wish everyone in 11D a fantastic Year 12 experience in 2023. It has been a pleasure working with you this year!


Mrs Rachel Stephens

Jett Banyai

Marcellino Baselyous

Lee Beltrami

William Cai

Alexander Chann

Christian Dell Arciprete

Joesph Dinatale

Bradman Docherty

Tom Gardner

Dieter Hagen-Mujica

Sam Holman

Jack Iverson

Zavier Khan

Ryan Langworthy

Aidan Latief

Maximus Leong

Sebastian Millares

Oliver Mulvogue

Liam Scott

Tyler Skarajew

Nam Vu

Horatio Zhang

Absent: James Batsis, Andrew Doan



Aiden Angus



It’s been an absolute joy to teach 11E this year. There were plenty of highlights throughout 2022, including Don Bosco Oratory Week and the Year 11 Reflection Day. I am particularly proud of the amount of growth that all these boys have shown, and I can’t wait to see them progress as Year 12s in 2023. All the best for next year, gentleman!

Mr Jayden Hawkes

Emmanuel Aquino

Christpher Benny

Bryan Clarke

Sam Dambrosi

Tyler De Sa

Michael Di Paolo

Dion Diaz

Gishain Fernando

Patrick Forster

Tobith Frantz

Sebastian Gatto

Jacob Hattersley

Peter Holland

Jackson Lee

Manan Mehta

Charlie Miliotis

Dylan Nosworthy-Magill

Damon Occhiuto

Ben Peacock

Manraj Singh

Maximus Sykes

Jordan Vaz

Jimmy Vu

Absent: Francis Antonopoulos


It’s been an honour to guide and mentor my Oratory class in 2022. I have had the pleasure of witnessing the boys of 11F grow and mature into outstanding young men throughout the course of the year, and set themselves up for every success in year 12. Each member of this Oratory class has every reason to be proud of not only their academic growth, but also their personal growth, and I hope they are as proud of themselves, as I am of them. All the best, boys.


Mr Kim Beurs

Kosta Balakas

Daniel Biviano

Angus Downard

Adrian Galante

Gavriel Hariyanto

Oli Johnson

Paul Karisson

Aryan Khore

Sebastien Krueger

Jack Le Vagueresse

Nam Le

Ryan McCrea

Jake Nelson

Christopher Petkaris

Adam Pinzone

Stionl Rodrigues

James Salvatore

Jack Scalzi

Noah Simoni

Brodie Vanderhorst

Timothy Vo

Morgan Wenas

Samuel Yoshawirja

Absent: Daniel Valle



Camillo Angelucci


What a pleasure it has been to lead such an impressive group! Each student in 11G has contributed to making Salesian a better place, and has made me feel so welcome as a new teaching member of the college. It has been such an honour to watch these boys grow and mature over the year, and I am looking forward to following their successes in their final year at Salesian. Enjoy the break and come back ready to conquer Year 12!


Mrs Joyce McGrath

Massimo Belmuda

Sethh Burby

Maxwell Chable

Matthew Curmi

Aidan D’Souza

Keenan D’Souza

Ryan Daniel Dennis

Jayden De Kauwe

Sean-Patrick Go

Gabriel Kapaklis

Andreas Karvelas

Trung Le

Hayden Loft

Luke Marino

Louis Nousis

Rory Paterson

Alexander Phylactou

Daniel Roberts

Kaiden Serrano

Christopher Tsakoumakis

Tomas Wrzesinski

James Yankov

Andrew Zaki

Absent: Alex Valle


What a year 11VA had! It has been a pleasure working with such a great group of boys. Having taken over from Mrs. Zwalf halfway through the year, there have been some major highlights, such as the VCAL camp, various sausage sizzles and The Vinnies Cup. It was fantastic to see the boys organise and run these events. All the best for the future, boys. We are looking forward to working with you next year!!


Mr Dane Rogers

Anthony Ferrara

Jeff Hsu

Joshua Perera

Mark Sarandakis

Peter Vouronikos

Harry Lee

Alex Lo Rosso

Dylan Mack


Sam Dew

Absent: Tyrone Corbett, Christian Galluccio



There was Soccer Squares, footy chat and that “scooter incident.” There was some nerves before our project proposals, then there was the Car Wash and Vinnies Cup. There was Jordan Le. There was 11VA next door, then we covered over the window and 11VA wasn’t there anymore – what a relief. There was more footy chat, and lots and lots and lots of work completed (promise).


Mr Sam Bentley

James Avedissian-Brown

Lachlan Eames

Jordan Le

Paschalis Tzintzis

Sam Wallbridge

Julian Wilson

Beau McCallum


Xander Oorloff

Luca Tighello

Alexandra Tsiavis – Year 10 Coordinator

2022 was a year of transition for the Year 10 cohort. They returned to our Bosco Campus as senior students, after spending Year 9 at the Mannix Campus. As the year progressed, we proudly saw these boys become mature young men. For the first time in their high school experience, they had the ability to become House Leaders, representing Annecy, Collinson, Savio and Moroney. They soon learnt, however, that as senior school students they were all leaders, regardless of whether they wore a badge or not.

able to participate in a social evening that allowed them to make new friends, share fun memories and show how respectful they are as members of our Salesian community. Some other meaningful opportunities the Year 10s experienced this year included their Future Focus lessons, where they explored interests and education/career options post-secondary school, and the Pat Cronin Foundation presentation, where they learnt about the tragic impacts of a ‘coward punch’.

Our assemblies throughout the year often reflected upon how we represent the College Values: Integrity, Respect, Belonging, Joy and Dynamism. The boys were given time each term to think about the following questions:

As they move on to their VCE journey, I know that these students will take whatever is thrown at them in their stride. It is not about the obstacles and challenges that they will face, but how they will use what they’ve learnt this year to overcome them. With a positive attitude, a willingness to help and a respect for community, the Year 10s are sure to achieve great things in the coming years. I look forward to seeing them thrive and succeed.

• • •

How will I uphold the College expectations of me? How will I embody what it means to be Salesian? How do I want my teachers, classmates, friends to see me?

On behalf of myself and all the Year 10s, I would also like to share my appreciation of the other Year 10 Oratory teachers: Mr. Steve Loonstra (10A), Ms. Rupi Narwal (10C), Mr. Dylan Chow (10D), Mr. Jason Collins (10E), Mr. Nick Dunmill (10F), Miss. Molly Hermon (10G) and Mr. Steve Beckham (10P). I would also like to express gratitude to Mr. Kim Beurs (Dean of Senior School) for his support throughout the year. Thank you for everything you have done for myself and these students!

I can confidently say that I see the College Values reflected in each member of our cohort. These students made up a diverse group of musicians, performers, athletes, public speakers and debaters, scientists, mathematicians, businessmen, tradesmen and more. Whichever group they considered themselves to be a part of, they proved to work tirelessly, passionately and proudly. A significant highlight of the year was our Year 10 Social Evening with Sacred Heart College. Excitingly, the boys were 99





The Year 10 Sports Academy class was a passionate and entertaining group of young men. They always brought plenty of energy, laughter and competitive nature to all aspects of their schooling. I wish them all the best as they enter their final years of school, and I thank them for a wonderful 2022.

Mr Steven Loonstra


Charlie Cochrane

Isaac Deayton

Bailey Edwards

Aussie Gatkouth

Nicholas Goodman

Lucas Jones

Nicolas Katakis

Jun Lee

Jackson Leopold

Derick Maimarosia

Peter Manaras

Luca Mandile

Isaac McKnight

James McLaughlin

Julian Metsios

Haris Orfanos

Luke Parente

Calvin Ramachandran

Ricky Theodoropoulos

Leonardo Timperio

Tom Washington

Elias Yau

Absent: Luke Lazos, Luca Mandilea



Christos Babatsias


10B have been a joy to teach and mentor throughout this year. They proved themselves to be respectful, responsible and mature young men throughout the year, taking great care and ownership of our learning space (and always moving the desks back!). We started each day on a positive note, sharing a laugh, as they strengthened their bonds and friendships with each other. I look forward to seeing them thrive as they continue on their Salesian journey into VCE.


Ms Alexandra Tsiavis

Koby Battye

Oscar Biviano

Xavier Caiafa

Patrick Cherry

Jeremy Demeld

Hugo Dos Santos

Xavier Edwards

Nathaneal Fernandez

Alex Gadzinski

Samuel Gould

Christopher Grosdanis

Adam Kuruvilla

Peter Luak

Alex Marinis

Matthew Ngodara

Jacob Raffa

Shivaram Ramesh

Oscar Ryan

Andrew Tan

Will Thurston

Gavin Tone

Christos Tsoukalas

Vincent Venturanza

Juan Willers

Absent: Sam Gasper


2022 has been an interesting year for me joining a new school and learning about a new cohort of students and the way they learn. 10C was my oratory group. They were a lovely group of young men who enjoyed coming to school and thriving in each other’s company. They knew the College values and implemented them in all their interactions.

Mrs Rupi Narwal


Alex Andrea

Tyson Chamnanchang

Daniel Garduce

Christos Giakoumatos

Costa Giannikos

Liam Griffiths

Nathaniel Hrambanis

Nathan Kao

Saran Karthik

Joshua Li

Liam Matteo

Aiden McGuinness

Bailey Morrison

Steven Okoumousis

Vasili Papageorgiou

Alessandro Pozzoli

Aayush Pujar

Ryan Ronald

Lucas Simunic

George Vagas

Lukas Vamvakitis

Ben Vu

Ashwin Westcott

Joel Wheeler

Joseph Wrzesinski



Sai Ande


Energetic, excitable and endearing, 10D have been an absolute joy to mentor in 2022, and I will certainly miss working with them. Always remember the importance of showing kindness, standing up for what is right and taking responsibility for your actions. All these qualities will serve you well as you embrace your unique journeys ahead. Thanks for the memorable year, gentlemen. I wish you all the success in your bright futures.


Mr Dylan Chow

Elijah Ancora

Krish Angi

Eli Aoun

Nathan Awad

Xavier Blenkhorn

Tory Cammaroto

Julian Campbell

Joseph Casuscelli

Oliver De Luca

Matteo Ferrara

Brodie Grewcock

Ayaan Khalil

Dylan Kiong

Jamie Liberis

Nathan Lim

Spencer Mathieson

Baseer Mazari

Tyson Ng

Tadhg O’Driscoll

Dylan Rayen

Zakk Ruwoldt

Hayden Selliah

Jamie Ubachs

Albin Jose Valamparampil

Lucas Zerveas


It has been such a pleasure to work with the boys of 10E throughout 2022. Our classroom was always full of energy and laughter, especially during our daily uniform checks. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey at Salesian College in 2023 and beyond.

Mr Jason Collins


Ethan Charles

Brodie Davis

Jordi Dermitzakis

Billy Diamataris

Will Dickson

Tarrant Fourlze

Zidane Heldt

Fadhal Hussein

Tyson Huynh

Yokwan Kak

Jonathan Katsos

William Kesuma

Paul Mastoras

Benji Mathieson

Aidan Nipps

Hudson Nolan

Christian Nunziante

Justin Onley

Nikolas Popovic

Dean Ralston

Eamonn Ryan

Saman Shahabadi

Hamish Sinclair

James Valiontis



Benjamin Brooks


What an experience it has been getting to know the boys of 10F. The mornings were always filled with laughter, excitement and joy. The boys can hold their heads high, knowing that they will find success in whatever they wish to achieve, be it in their academic or extracurricular pursuits. I wish the boys all the best in their future at Salesian and beyond, and look forward to continuing to guide them along this journey.


Mr Nick Dunmill

Ayden Braganza

Ryan Chamnanchang

Abhav Chenanda Karumbaiah

Liam Chong Ah Min

Zac Dunne

Arjun Gangatharan

Ben Green

Matthew Hatzigeorgiou

Stefan Ianno

Lachlan Macauley

Allen McHenry

Vas Michaelides

Christian Milenkovski

Guillermo Mollaneda

Lachlan Namdarian

Ilia Natsioulas

Chenura Nilaweera Patabendige

Anthony Pascoe

Ari Perera

Jeremy David Rankin

Anthony Saraullo

Jakob Schock

Ryan Sung

Diesel Williams

Marc Woolrich


It has been a pleasure to get to know 10G this year. They are a compassionate, supportive and kind group of young men, who have taken every challenge in their stride and embraced all the opportunities which have come with Year Ten. I would like to wish 10G all the best as they begin their Year 11 journey. All the best, boys!

Miss Molly Hermon


Ruben D’Agostino

Ayden D’Ayden

Deon Dupont

Benjamin Ford

Andre Ghaly

Zed Hadzic

Lucas James

Ethan Karagianis

Joel Knight

Chetan Kotagal

Jamieson Ly

Angelo Moutafis

Thomas Nguyen

Vy Quang Nguyen

Lawrence Peralta

Benjamin Prabhu

Rayan Singh

Nathan Sirait

Ashton Smolic

Owen Spieth

Patrick Sutherland

Ryan Thomas

Sholance Thomas

Iskra Zlatanovski



Marcus Churchill-King


As I am retiring, I’d just like to say that it has been an honour and privilege to have served at Salesian. To 10P, thank you for a memorable year. I hope I have been able to impart some knowledge, good sense and sound judgement in practical matters. I hope that you all do well with your VCE – VM course. You are all capable. Make the most of every opportunity, whether that be at TAFE, Work Experience or in the classroom. I wish you all the best in your future, gentlemen.


Mr Steve Beckham

Yianni Ballas

Christian Bernardo

Leigh Candris

Rafael Emmanouil

Stefano Fazio

Bryar Jefford

Nathan Kotsinadelis

Alex Martinez

Sebastian Pearson

Charlie Piper

Alexander Roukakis

Chiang Thiep

Jonathan Tolmacev

Nicholas Tsamis

Kael Tzintzis

Absent: Henry Wintle


Paul Azar – Year 9 Year Level Coordinator

It was with a mixture of nerves and excitement that the 2022 Year 9 boys entered the Mannix gates for the first time. Who knew what the year would bring after having such significant interruptions in their previous two years of secondary school? Thankfully, 2022 provided the students with an opportunity to finally complete a full school year. The boys were afforded a chance to undertake new electives, transition back and forth between campuses, and develop into much bigger, taller and more mature young men. As a former student, I have very fond memories of completing Year 9 at Mannix Campus, and as their coordinator for the first time, I challenged the boys to leave their legacy and to make their experience a memorable one, just as I had done many years before. The boys began the year in typical fashion, with our annual House events. The boys got used to life as a year 9 student, and finished the term off with an entire week exploring Melbourne and learning about what makes our city one of the world’s very best. The boys visited historical sites such as The Shrine and The Old Melbourne Gaol, played a variety of sports games at the Australian Sports Museum, toured Eureka Skydeck and completed an Amazing Race challenge in small groups to end the week. The year 9s then settled into their stride in Terms Two and Three. Lunch time became the undisputed fan-favourite

for the boys. Mannix Campus turned into a carbon copy of the Melbourne Sporting Precinct, with down-ball, 3 v 3 basketball, cricket and soccer games taking place every lunchtime. Some incredible jump shots were made, classic catches taken and goals scored. Could we have some potential A-graders coming through the ranks? Only time will tell. The Respectful Relationships Forum with Sacred Heart in Term 4 was a big highlight for the boys and a great way to finish the year. They had the opportunity to sit down and discuss healthy behaviours, listen to guest speakers and work on team building activities with our local sister school. The boys showed just how much they had grown and matured across the year. They truly showed the best version of themselves and left their legacy as a great Year 9 cohort. I would like to also acknowledge all teachers across Bosco and Mannix who worked with the boys throughout the year. A special thankyou must go to the Oratory teachers: Miss O’Shea, Mr Anastasio, Mr Rogers, Mr Filippis, Miss Dodwell, Mr Douglas, Mr Bourbon, Mr Peacock, Miss Rolfe, Mrs Barnett and Ms Hansen. You are the reason this year has been so successful. Thank you for everything each of you has done to support the boys. Gentlemen, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and good luck with whatever you choose to do moving forward. Remember to leave your mark!






Having taught 9A for consecutive years, I think I am well placed to say I know the boys quite well. After spending the previous year doing classes online and gym sessions individually, it was nice to have the boys back as a collective. Our weekly silent ball comp, gaming discussions and fantasy league chats are memories I will cherish moving forward. I hope you have learned a thing or two along the way as well! I am proud of you all. Best of luck for year 10 and beyond!


Mr Paul Azar

Samuel Anthony

Andrew Byun

Jaiden D’Rozario

Lucas Emmanouil

Snowy Evans

Nicholas Franklin

Cooper Fry

Roshan Gunatilake

Spencer Guzzo

Alexander Impala

Samuel Iverson

Alvin Lee

Xavier Loft

Wissam Malaeb

Oliver Mann

Tate Mole

Kosta Nikolopoulos

Max Schroder

Julian Severino

Caleb Smith

Deon Tsotsos

Sasha Ung

Jack Waters

Absent: Christian Franzoni



Jack Allan


This year 9B never ceased to find enjoyment in their work and classmates. A year filled with laughter, rigorous discussion and one too many puns, the relationships these boys have created will last for years to come. It has been a true pleasure to watch this group of boys mature into bright, diligent and dynamic young men, and I cannot wait to see what the senior years have in store for them!


Miss Molly O’Shea

Lukas Avila-Escobar

Thenuk Devendra

Daniel Dinatale

Aidan Rhys Fernandes

Mehul Girdhar

Themi Gounaris

Sachin James

Brendan Kang

Harrison Kukulovski

Matthew Linden

Thomas Maguire-Nguyen

Liam Noveloso

Anton Occhiuto

Isaac Peluso

Thomas Phillips

Finn Power

Alex Sabljak

Nathan Soares

Orion Thom-Tydell

Jacob Van Den Bosch

Shreyas Vemula


2022… finally back to some sort of ‘normality’ and the first full year of traditional schooling for all of us in 9C since we started our time here at Salesian. And what a year it was! We had our ups and downs throughout, but we made it through with lots of laughs along the way. New bonds were formed and old friendships were enhanced. It was a privilege to mentor these boys. All the best with your future years at Salesian!


Mr Anthony Anastasio

Theo Arapis

Joshua Athas

Simranjot Singh Batth

Logan Buckland

Rowan D’Rozario

Thomas Dew

Christian Fitzgerald

Jole Gardiner

Dean Gentile

Julian Geros

Lewis Hamilton

Geoffrey Kong Shing Cheong

Alexander Liberis

Jack Lucarelli

Gabriel Mainey

Eli Milonas

Spencer O’Shea

Stefan Pegiou

Jack Peluso

Ryley Scott

Dominic Sejas

Beau Van Der Zweep

Peter Yip



Ben Anderson


Being a lively and opinionative group of enthusiastic and forward-looking young men, this group of discerning students embarked on their learning with a sense of purpose, ready to tackle the challenges which lay before them. And so they cheerfully did - by fulfilling their duties and progressing to the following stage of their lives. May God bless each of their future paths and illuminate them to realise all that is good.


Mr Nick Filippis

Nicholas Anagnostopoulos

Ayaan Ayaan Ahmed

Niko Bakalis

Dean Bombonati

Charlie Boyles

Jake Calderaro

Thomas Charabie

Justin Chea

Ethan Collins

Tiernan Coyles

Julian De Marco

Ryder Derbyshire

Lachlan Flynn

Nicholas Grillo

Alexander Hatzimihelakis

Koby Heerah

Abel Ebi Joseph

Lucas Merry

Nicholas Papageorgiou

Tharusha Senanayake

Samuel Sfetsas

Anthony Spano

Jordan Welcome


It has been an enjoyable year teaching and mentoring the boys in 9E! We have shared many special moments and created long-lasting memories. It has been wonderful to witness the boys’ personal growth and achievement, and their good natures made coming to work each day such a pleasure. Congratulations on a successful year, boys, and all the best!


Mrs Emma Dodwell

Harley Caimakamis

Noah Cohen-Budge

Robbie Cuthbertson

Emaad Dilmahomed

Daniel Dimetriou-Dickson

Emmanuel Dimitrakakis

Liam Gantelas

Harry Gardner

Abin Gautam

Damon Guerrieri

Alexander Karamanlis

Connor Keleher

Nitish Kumaran

Ryan Kuruppuncheril

Zoran Latin

Jiakie Lin

Brian Quan

Peter Romios

Emanuelle Vourvoutsiotis

Tristan Woutersz

Absent: Priyansh Agarwal, Zac Djeri



Steven Amedeo


The boys of Year 9F epitomise the College values of Dynamism, Integrity, Joy, Belonging and Respect in their interactions with each other and their contribution to the life of the College. This year we have adopted the qualities of the falcon in our classroom. Falcons are Fast, Awesome, Loyal, Courageous, Observant, Noble and Strong. We have made these traits the hallmark of our group. Thank you for making me feel so welcome at Salesian College, and for your excellent efforts over the course of terms three and four. Good luck in Year 10!


Mr Richard Bourbon

Jed Buxton

Tom Davidson

Jack Di Paolo

Luke Greenaway

Nicholai Hampson

Alexander Hollenbach

Ross Kapotas

Sharon Kattakayam

Anthony Kim

Max Lee

David Legg

Emilio Lopez

Zac Martin

Syed Mohammadi

Archie Oorloff

Shenard Raheem

Matthew Ramman

Sebastian Saouma

Choeden See

Valentino Talarico

James Torcasio

Absent: Aryan Batavia, Liam Liberatoscioli, Yiannis Roussos


The boys of 9G brought a diverse collection of talents, temperaments and backgrounds to the Oratory, yet they gelled quickly as a group. They implemented the Mind your Mannix program and took ownership of the unique school environment ‘over the road’. While many needed work to improve their habits as students, they demonstrated sensitivity to social issues and maturity in discussing opinions on the many issues of our times. My hope is that the boys’ physical, spiritual and intellectual growth from this year carries them confidently into their future.


Mr Scott Peacock

Matthew Babbington

Antonio Basile

James Bywater

Daniel Casuscelli

James Gatto

Charlie Hawtin

Josh Head

Kaleb Labour

Akachukwu Lechi-Meregini

Jensen Lee

Milo Mackay

Ibrahim Mahdy

Jonathon Matsakas

Anthony Oresti

Ray Perera

Louis Quirk

Will Roberts

Hugo Rossi

Josh Schroder

Du Tran

Christian Vincenzini

Absent: Mikhail Fotis



George Andronis


What a year 2022 has been for 9H! Whether it was at school or out on activities such as City Experience, 9H showed great flexibility and resilience, overcoming any challenges thrown their way. As a class, there was much enjoyment found in the weekly class Kahoot, a game of silent ball or getting out to play down ball or soccer outside. Finally (and most importantly!), they survived a full school year in the classroom! Congratulations, boys, and I wish you all the best as you move into senior school.


Mrs Gabrielle Rolfe

Angelo Apokis

Kat Barnett

Thomas Cohen-Budge

Zachariah Crellin

Zander Di Petta

Oliver Forster

Christian Ghanakas

James Gordon

Josh Holman

Billy Kakarantzas

Lochlain Keleher

Will Kolenda

Peter Koupouzos

Noah Mahan

Milan Regi

Anthony Riccardi

Satyam Sharma

Jacob Ty

Harrison Window

James Wright

Absent: Thomas Georgiou, Lachie McCredie, Iggy Palma, Jack Rogers


YEAR 8 REPORT Craig Giles – Year 8 Year Level Coordinator

As always, the first half of the year, and Term 1 in particular, is a busy time for the boys, and there is always a lot to organise and a number of new teachers for them to get to know. We had heard good things when these boys were in Year 7, and their transition to Year 8 went extremely well. Given that Term 1 has lots of events, including the swimming and athletics carnivals, pleasingly the boys were able to keep up with their academic workload and complete their assessments. A number of special highlights in Year 8 are the Medieval Day, our Democracy/Shark Tank experiential days, Father/Son Evening, Don Bosco’s Oratory week and the Retreat/Camp at Phillip Island. Medieval Day was filled with interesting activities. The boys learnt about the lifestyle of the time, and experienced many of the skills, games and customs that were a part of the life and times of the people in medieval society. It was a very interesting and informative day, and the boys didn’t miss the opportunity to practise some medieval combat. Election Day continued the experiential week, with the boys having to form political parties, develop policies and hold a mock election overseen by the Australian Electoral Commission. The Father/Son evening was another great night, and is one of those rare opportunities for Dads and their boys to take some time out and have real conversation with each other. The night is all about Dads and their sons playing together, having a chat about the role they play in each other’s lives and then sharing some special memories. With all the busyness in our lives, the chance to share an evening together without distractions made it a memorable occasion, and the feedback from all who attended was extremely positive.

challenge themselves in a range of outdoor activities meant that this was again a unique time. We had great weather, which meant that the boys could fully enjoy all the outdoor activities on offer, and it was great to see them challenging themselves and supporting their mates. The letter writing is always a great experience, and hopefully parents enjoyed reading their sons’ letters as much as the boys enjoyed receiving letters from their parents and guardians. Don Bosco’s Oratory week was a great way to finish Term 3, and the week was a celebration of food and activities. The day itself was a real celebration and a significant amount of fundraising, but the boys did seem to enjoy seeing their YLC splash-down in the dunking activity. As Year Level Co-Ordinator, I’d like to congratulate the boys for the way they have interacted with each other and the staff. As I said to the boys at Term 4 Assembly, most of our boys do the right thing all the time and do so with a smile on their faces and a level of respect and caring for those around them. Whilst we drive the boys to achieve academically, we have the chance through the Oratory classes to develop boys who are empathetic and community-minded and work towards a better understanding and tolerance of each other. This has been achieved through valuable programs such as Respectful Relationships and a number of presentations from our Wellbeing team. Hopefully this contributes to the building of tolerant, resilient and respectful boys who have a sense of justice and are prepared to speak up when they see something unacceptable. On behalf of all Year 8s, I’d like to thank all the teachers who have taught and encouraged the boys to give of their best, in particular the Orators: Mr Hill (8A), Mr Seeber (8B), Ms Barcelona (8C), Mr Verbyla (8D), Mr Campisano (8E), Ms Pinili (8G) and Ms Bonne (8F). Thank you so very much. I look forward to following the progress of the boys, and hope they have an enjoyable and productive time at our Mannix campus in 2023.

For most boys the Phillip Island Retreat is the highlight of Year 8, and the chance to spend time with their friends and 119


Whilst greeting the new Year 8 boys at the start of the school year there was a real sense of anticipation and enthusiasm as the boys caught up with friends and schoolmates. There were also lots of questions and excited discussions. Who are my new teachers? What classes am I in? Will I be with my friends? Can Richmond challenge for the premiership?



I have had the pleasure of working with 8A this year and enjoyed every bit of it. They have a great energy and class spirit to them which I hope never leaves. From Monday afternoons heading to the gym together and training together, camp, sporting sessions and our enthusiastic oratory chats, this is a group of terrific young men who will go on to do many great things both at Salesian and beyond. I wish them all the best for next year at Salesian and the exciting future that awaits them.


Mr Stuart Hill

Harly Billing

Jackson Cerovac

Thomas Ciorciari

Daniel Cochrane

Angus Cormack

Anthony Deayton

Ethan Gemetzis

Theodore Horiatellis

Mitchell Langworthy

Drew McLaughlin

Marcus Mercuri

Christian Noga

Tyson Rabel

James Rashio

Misha-El Seane

Lucas Smith

Luis Sutton

Benji Trcek

Jai Van Hoos

Theo Wong

Ross Zois

Absent: Riley Johnston, Alex Lazos, Tyler Sember



Xavier Arnott



On February 1st 2022, 8B embarked on a new journey with many amazing new challenges. What could they discover together? This is the question they answered as a group throughout the year as they collaborated and used teamwork to overcome obstacles. 8B developed quickly into a hard-working environment and experienced special events that only strengthened their friendly bond. The events at camp were special moments for everybody in the class to come together as a team. With Mr. Seeber leading 8B, they enjoyed a successful and friendly year. Mr Chris Seeber

Zac Booth

Leo Cerreto-Dillon

Jack Ellis

Darcy Humphreys

Zacheriah Huynh

Michael Karisson

Sri Karthikeyan

Min Woo Kim

Ned Leadbetter

Jayden Lim

Francis John Macasa

Genuka Mapa Mudiyanselage

George Mastrapas

Olley Peraic

Zac Raffa

Rahul Sajan

Dante Schiavello

Senan Seneviratne

JJ Sleeman

Alexander Stavros

Kaushik Vaidya

Kishore Vaidya

Chrishan Vannitamby

Quan Vu

Absent: Hamish Brooks


This year was a great success. 8C have overcome many challenges and have shared many special memories together. Some of these special memories include Festival Day and Year 8 Camp. 8C are sometimes a noisy bunch; however, they mean well. 8C are very kind hearted and caring and sympathetic to each other.

Miss Melina Barcellona


Harry Colley

Christian Colonnelli

Nicholas Dermitzakis

Onindu Dissanayaka

Christian Engelander

Lucas Lazarou

Lachlan Le Vagueresse

Jamie Mandile

Jojo Manual

Isaac Meseha

Harout Mkhsian

Jadon Nathaniel

Isaac Ng

Seamus O’Driscoll

Jos Orfanos

Anthony Phung

Dheera Rambukwella

Charlie Schneider

Jayden See

Henry Tomlin

Leon Varsamis

Ashton Zammit

Absent: Ramy Yousserf



Perry Churchill-King


I consider myself blessed with the class of 8D, an intrepid mix of individuals who quickly adapted into the 8D system that worked well for all. Day 1 presented a new wave of eager faces, mixed in with a whole lot of awe and curiosity as to at what the first day would bring. The work demands went up a level, and this came as shock to some. But all rose to the challenge and largely succeeded. It was a pleasure to teach 8D, and I wish them all the very best for their future here at the college.


Mr Ken Verbyla

Dean Amendola

Liam Baker

Daniel Baxter

Joshua Bayne

Adriel Chirambaguwa

Marcus Dooley

Akein Edirisinghe

Lucas Fishlock

Rafael Hampson

William Liakakos

Nicholas Mouzakis

Diesel Myers-Hately

Tristan Nguyen

Chris Peppas

James Redlich

Bayley Richardson

Ethan Rizinger

Billy Ryan

Dimitri Vouronikos

Andrew Ziino

Absent: Zac Bayard, Jared Fernandez


8E were a fantastic oratory that I relished teaching this year. We shared lots of banter and laughs together along the way, which made for a fun and friendly learning environment. It has been a pleasure teaching my oratory class, and I look forward to watching them grow throughout their Salesian journey. I wish this amazing group of young men all the best for the future.


Mr Daniel Campisano

Joel Ajani

Biliew Biliew

Joshua Fitzgerald

Thomas Galitos

Sam Hadzic

Charlie Hopkins

Dhruv Hunashikatti

Kokwach Kak

Samuel Kerr

Evan Kolivas

Tom Parks

Noah Phillips

Emmett Redden

Joshua Russo

Ben Schneider

Jack Skinner

Luca Sollecito

Absent: Cristain Karisson, Elliott Rogers Callum Thieu



Krish Ahuja


The boys in 8F were a polite and well-behaved group with whom I always looked forward to being in class. It was great to have such a diverse group of boys. We all developed a better understanding of each other as we shared stories and experiences throughout the year. Going through the weekly footy tipping results was always entertaining, and the boys were particularly excited whenever Richmond had a win. I will really miss this group, but I look forward to following their progress.


Mr Craig Giles

Leo Basbanas

Lachie Bayne

Bryan Chea

Nathan D’Mello

Lachlan Gibson

Elijah Guer

Luca Matusan

William McKenna

Bailey Nicholls

Xavier Nicholls

Jonny Papaioannou

Keyaan Raheem

Tobias Serrano

Fletcher Shaw

Calum Shoji-Colaric

James Sourris

Harry Stanton

Terry Tsivranidis

Jordan Turner

Seth Waduthanthirige

Ben Walker

Torin Williams

Absent: Jacob Papanotas


Where do I start? The year has flown by, and so much has changed! You boys have grown into good young men, creating good relationships with one another and sharing some good memories. Good luck with the rest of your journey at Salesian College

Ms Gazielle Pinili


Edward Bacon

Timmy Burns

Marc Di Guglielmo

Anthony Di Pietrantonio

Massimo Fazzino

Austin Grenfell

Seth Hagioglou

Nicholas Katanas

Luke Kearns

Aadam Khan

Sachi Kiridena

Samuel Millares

Archie Mole

Bryton Morris

Stephen Mouzakis

Vimukthi Perera

Henry Pullenayegam

Jaxon Sahib

Finn Shaw

Ryder Stodal

Lucas Tippett

Dion Vorilas



Isaac Amos



It has been a pleasure being Oratory teacher for 8H this year. They are a lively group of boys, with energy to burn and huge potential. Our class Captains, Jay Dogra and Costantino Georgiou (Semester one), and Hamish Saffin and Stefan Funtusoff (Semester two), led the way in modelling our College Values with pride. Over the year, 8H has grown in so many ways. They have strived to improve in their academic pursuits by embracing all their subjects, and they have grown socially and emotionally, becoming more aware of themselves and others. Well done, boys! Mrs Rita Bonne

Daniel Brooks

Jordan Calderaro

Jake Charles

Michael Conforti

Daniel Corben

Sam Coyle

Jay Dogra

Eamon Downard

Charlie Downes

Oscar Fowler

William Francis

Stefan Funtusoff

Cooper Galileos

Jordan George

Costantino Georgiou

Nicholas Hassakis

William Huang

Sam Matsakas

Ethan Mitsioulis

Hamish Saffin

Matthew Tsakos

Ash Van Wyk

Noah White


Heath Chipperfield – Year 7 Year Level Coordinator

It has been with great pride that we have acknowledged their substantial growth in independence throughout the course of the 2022 school year. The nervous, shy and introverted boys from our Orientation Evening quickly became valued contributors to the College, immersing themselves within the community and the opportunities available.

TERM 1 NOMINEES Cooper Guzzo (7A) Elbert Kim (7B) Martin Ngo (7C) Calvin Gillespie (7D) Patrik Bakalis (7E) Lucas Drummond (7F) James Moutafis (7G)

TERM 2 NOMINEES William Franklin (7A) Sam Pirani (7B) Isaac Aoun (7C) James McIntosh (7D) Ayden Harryman (7E) Mitchell Loeding (7F) James Tanner (7G)

At the beginning of the year, we introduced our ‘tree’ theme to the cohort, discussing the symbolism of the seeds and the root system in allowing the tree to flourish and grow. These were painted out the front of each of our Oratory classrooms in the Murdoch building, with students encouraged to reflect on their achievements and the challenges they have overcome throughout their transition into high school. These concepts were underpinned by our ‘root system’ or Year 7 values, which included:

TERM 3 NOMINEES Noah Montgomery (7A) Liam Kelly (7B) James Sourris (7C) Archie Rizzi (7D) Milan Caceres (7E) Evan Tsoukalis (7F) William McCracken (7G)

TERM 4 NOMINEES Noah Panjkovic (7A) Tayshaun Liyanage (7B) Dhilan Vijayalingam (7C) Josh Packham (7D) Hamish Cooper (7E) Rafaele Floros (7F) Rio D’Rozario (7G)

What a year it has been for our Year 7 cohort in 2022!

• • •

Doing our best Helping others achieve Respecting our environment

In recognising the actions and behaviours of students that personified these attributes, we acknowledged our inaugural ‘Garelli Medallist’, the award aptly named after Bartholomew Garelli, who was the first member of Don Bosco’s Oratory in Turin. Each term our Oratory teachers nominated one student from their Oratory, culminating in our last Year 7 Assembly, where we tallied votes from our pastoral team and crowned Mitchell Loeding (14 votes) as the inaugural recipient. We also congratulate the following boys who were nominees throughout the year:

While it was wonderful to recognise the positive contributions that these students had made to the community, it is worth noting that all Year 7 students have been magnificent in terms of their conduct both in and out of the classroom. Considering the context of this year’s cohort, our overall aim was to ensure that we supported the boys’ transition back into the classroom following two years of previous interruptions. Through the implementation of a number of activities throughout the school year, we focused on providing opportunities for boys to collaborate, be organised, increase social interactions, build resilience and to form a spiritual connection through social justice.





Opportunities such as the Year 7/11 Peer Mentoring program allowed the year level to form new relationships with older students, creating house banners and other resources for the house athletics and swimming carnivals. This provided a great insight for our boys to understand the Salesian culture and to form a sense of belonging within the school. In addition, events such as the Becchi morning, Year 7 Social Night and the Mother and Son Night invited Salesian families to partake in activities and further build on relationships within the wider school community. From a curriculum perspective, the boys had their first experience of different classes, teachers and classrooms, which can be quite disconcerting as they move on from primary school. Even though the 7s had initial challenges in reading their timetables, accessing their lockers and resources, eventually the expectations became second nature. Throughout the year we encouraged the boys to continue to reflect on their achievements, using activities such as the ‘Year 7 Challenge Day’ at Enchanted Adventures, our Year 7 Reflection Day at the Don Bosco Centre and numerous assemblies as opportunities to pause and consider their individual growth. Other extra-curricular activities such as ACC sport, music performances and the College production of “Beauty and the Beast” also catered to the different interests and abilities of our boys. Lastly, I would just like to acknowledge the tremendous Year 7 Oratory team from 2022, all of whom provided amazing support to the cohort throughout the challenges experienced this year: Stephen Sellwood (7A), Nick Shaw & Thomas Andrews (7B), Rosa Salemme & Nadia Knight (7D), Leonie Nathan (7E), Simon Greely (7F) and Byron Chen (7G), to them, a massive thank you! Their hard work and dedication allowed the boys to feel this sense of belonging and support which will form the seeds of their growth as they continue to develop, succeed and flourish during their time here at Salesian College. Good luck to all the Year 7s as they continue to branch out next year and beyond!


The 7A class of 2022 transitioned into the college with confidence, and have participated in all college and Sports Academy programs with energy, enthusiasm and a good sense of humour. Throughout the year they have continued to develop as better students, athletes and young men. It has been a pleasure to guide and mentor this group of students, and I look forward to continuing to work with them throughout their school journey. I wish them all the best in Year 8 in 2023.


Mr Stephen Sellwood

Harry Cashman

Brodie Downes

Luke Edwards

Rennie Edwards

William Franklin

Cooper Guzzo

Harley Howard

Ollie Howell

Jiho Lee

Luke Liberatoscioli

Shaan Loganathan

Oskar McCulloch

Noah Montgomery

William Newman

Noah Panjkovic

Sopho Papamarkou

William Scalzi

Brady Shipton

Yianni Spyropoulos

Harry Valentine

Rhyle Vaz

Luke Yankov

Hez Yu

Absent: James Manolis



Lucas Caia


7B have developed into valued members of the Salesian community through their first year at the college. Having been guided by Mr Shaw through first semester, the students of 7B have approached their schoolwork with diligence and vivacity. It has been a pleasure spending the second half of the year with this group, and I wish them all the best for their Salesian journey.


Mr Thomas Andrews

Harjas Chadha

Dhivesh Chenduran

Evert Eykman

Jesse Gosal

Lewis Jung

Ilya Kalinin

Liam Kelly

Elbert Kim

Andy Koukoumanos

Tayshaun Liyanage

Liam Moore

Gianluca Morelli

Aditya Pillai

Samuel Pirani

Liam Power

Jonathan Prabhu

Navik Rathnasinghe

Matthew Rowley

Matthew Sejas

Jashn Shah

Marsdon Thom-Tydell

Luka Treharne

Costa Vardavakis

Absent: Zak Dakis


It has been a pleasure being the 7C Oratory Leader for 2022. Throughout the year we witnessed substantial growth in the learning, social interactions and overall independence of all students. From the shy, introverted boys who first attended our Orientation night, they have now forged their own identity and are an integral part of the Salesian College community. I will miss the jokes and games of silent ball in M209, but wish the boys all the best as they continue their high school journey.


Mr Heath Chipperfield

Ari Artopios

Matthew Barczynski

Jamie Brekalo

Alexander Diosi

Oliver Exton-Anderson

Patrick Kennedy

Preston Llaguno

Casper Mackay

Jacob Mathews

Charlie Morris

Charlie Musgrave

Martin Ngo

Masashi Ogino

Christopher Papadimitropoulos

George Quirk

Matthew Scherian

Jack Sharp

Anwin Shiraj

James Sourris

Cillian Thomas

Giorgi Tragomalas

Dhilan Vijayalingam

Absent: Shrihan Gosavi, Billy Rallis



Isaac Aoun


It has been a very interesting year for 7D. There have been a few ups and downs and a witnessing of boys who have come together and created special bonds. A key feature of 7D is seeing the majority of them playing together at soccer or football out on the oval, be it before school or at lunch or four-square out on the lower yard. A group of boys who were mostly strangers bonding together is truly a welcome sight.


Mrs Rosa Salemme

Cooper Allan

Max Gentile

Calvin Gillespie

George Gourgiotis

Dante Harbis

Nadia Knight

Navindu Korale

Theodore Koutelas

Archie Lafrank

Griffin Maralande

David Marinovic Selak

James McIntosh

Daniel Mejalli

Ben Momeni

John Munafo

Josh Packham

Isaac Pickering

Archie Rizzi

Zach Sahib

Tehan Samarakoon

KV Singh

Alexander Sioulas

Ned Sutherland

Anthony Trajkoski

Absent: Jelan Weeramuni Troy Vu


It has been such a pleasure to be with 7E this year. The students all grew in confidence in 2022, showing respect towards each other and myself as their Oratory teacher. It was wonderful to observe the boys as they faced challenges and successes over the year. In class they were good listeners and inquisitive learners, showing persistence and optimism. Congratulations on a great start to Secondary School, and I wish you all the best in your years ahead.


Mrs Leonie Nathan

Will Bakas

Xavier Biviano

Andreas Boukouras

Milan Caceres

Hamish Cooper

Cassiel Di Gregorio

Finn Ellaby

Lorenzo Fiorello

Lucas Geros

Jeswin Gurupatham

Ayden Harryman

Andrew Holzschuster

Ehan Kalam

Ethan Lane

Corban Matusewicz

Tristin Nguyen

Mason Pinto

Samuele Pozzoli

Marcus Ramman

Rehan Sarwer

Gadwich Thiep

Andy Tran

Syd Vaz

Bafel Wal



Patrik Bakalis



7F have proved themselves to be a hard-working, respectful and friendly group of young gentlemen. It has been wonderful to see them connect to the Salesian community and transition so positively into Year 7. Thank you 7F for a very enjoyable year of learning.

Mr Simon Greely

Gabe Battye

Emilio Bellistri

Archie Carter

Jordan Deo

Lucas Drummond

Oliver Filice

Rafaele Floros

Noel Geevarghese Johns

Harry Katanas

Hudson Lee

Mitch Loeding

Theodore Lygoyris

John Miliotis

Alden Nguyen

Nam Nguyen

Liam Nikitas

Joseph Pahljina

Christos Papageorgiou

Brian Phung

Oliver Redden

Niko Soultanidis

Evan Tsoukalas

Ryan Van Langenberg

Vass Varvaras

Karl Wursthorn


7G, you have a been a group of students who have undoubtedly made me work to get through the content each day. Whether it’s the endless conversation of students talking about themselves and anything but oratory, or whether it be individuals googling Liverpool FC or themselves, I have enjoyed the time regardless. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you the very best for 2023 and for the holidays ahead.


Mr Byron Chen

Hugo Badge

Mitchell Bloxham

Leon Botakis

Lincoln Caruana

Jimmy Cho

Rio D’Rozario

Andrew D’Souza

Steven Grammaticopoulos

Risindu Kirindaliyanage Don

Aurelien Kong Shing Cheong

Daniel Lane

Dante Lay

William McCracken

Giorgos Minopoulos

James Moutafis

Atticus Neumann

Luke Nickas

Lucas Piper

Adhi Prathish Menon

Gianluca Scrivano

Peter Sfetsas

Oliver Smart

James Tanner

Nicolas Yingkriengkrai



Noah Asmar



YEAR 7 Cooper Allan Isaac Aoun Ari Artopios Noah Asmar Hugo Badge Patrik Bakalis Will Bakas Matthew Barczynski Gabe Battye Emilio Bellistri Xavier Biviano Mitchell Bloxham Leon Botakis Andreas Boukouras Jamie Brekalo Lachie Burk Milan Caceres Lucas Caia Archie Carter Lincoln Caruana Harry Cashman Harjas Chadha Lambros Charalambous Vlad Chepurov Jimmy Cho Hamish Cooper Rio D’rozario Andrew D’souza Jordan Deo Dhivesh Dhivesh Cassiel Di Alexander Diosi Brodie Downes Lucas Drummond Luke Edwards Rennie Edwards Finn Ellaby Oliver Exton Evert Eykman Oliver Filice Lorenzo Fiorello Rafaele Floros William Franklin Noel Geevarghese Max Gentile Lucas Geros Calvin Gillespie Jesse Gosal George Gourgiotis Steven Grammaticopoulos Jeswin Gurupatham Cooper Guzzo Dante Harbis Ayden Harryman Ryker Hiu Andrew Holzschuster Harley Howard Ollie Howell

Lewis Jung Ehan Kalam Ilya Kalinin Harry Katanas Liam Kelly Patrick Kennedy Elbert Kim Risindu Kirindaliyanage Aurelien Kong Navindu Korale Andy Koukoumanos Theodore Koutelas Archie Lafrank Daniel Lane Ethan Lane Dante Lay Hudson Lee Jiho Lee Luke Liberatoscioli Tayshaun Liyanage Preston Llaguno Preston Llaguno Mitch Loeding Shaan Loganathan Theodore Lygoyris Casper Mackay Griffin Maralande David Marinovic Jacob Mathews Corban Matusewicz William Mccracken Oskar Mcculloch James Mcintosh Daniel Mejalli John Miliotis Giorgos Minopoulos Ben Momeni Noah Montgomery Liam Moore Gianluca Morelli Charlie Morris James Moutafis John Munafo Charlie Musgrave Neil Nanda Atticus Neumann William Newman Martin Ngo Alden Nguyen Nam Nguyen Tristin Nguyen Luke Nickas Liam Nikitas Gurman Oberoi Masashi Ogino Josh Packham Joseph Pahljina Noah Panjkovic Christopher Papadimitropoulos Christos Papageorgiou Sopho Papamarkou

Brian Phung Isaac Pickering Aditya Pillai Mason Pinto Lucas Piper Samuel Pirani Liam Power Samuele Pozzoli Jonathan Prabhu Adhi Prathish Adhi Prathish George Quirk Billy Rallis Marcus Ramman Navik Rathnasinghe Oliver Redden Archie Rizzi Matthew Rowley Zach Sahib Tehan Samarakoon Rehan Sarwer William Scalzi Matthew Scherian Gianluca Scrivano Matthew Sejas Peter Sfetsas Jashn Shah Jack Sharp Brady Shipton Anwin Shiraj KV Singh Alexander Sioulas Oliver Smart Niko Soultanidis James Sourris Yianni Spyropoulos Ned Sutherland James Tanner Timmy Test Gadwich Thiep Marsdon Thom Cillian Thomas Giorgi Tragomalas Anthony Trajkoski Andy Tran Luka Treharne Evan Tsoukalas Harry Valentine Ryan Van Costa Vardavakis Vass Varvaras Rhyle Vaz Syd Vaz Dhilan Vijayalingam Troy Vu Bafel Wal Jelan Weeramuni Karl Wursthorn Luke Yankov Nicolas Yingkriengkrai Heze Yu


YEAR 8 Krish Ahuja Joel Ajani Dean Amendola Isaac Amos Xavier Arnott Gabriel Awad Edward Bacon Liam Baker Leo Basbanas Daniel Baxter Zac Bayard Joshua Bayne Lachie Bayne Biliew Biliew Harly Billing Zac Booth Daniel Brooks Hamish Brooks Timmy Burns Jordan Calderaro Jackson Cerovac Leo Cerreto Jake Charles Bryan Chea Adriel Chirambaguwa Perry Churchill Thomas Ciorciari Daniel Cochrane Harry Colley Christian Colonnelli Michael Conforti Daniel Corben Angus Cormack Sam Coyle Nathan D’mello Anthony Deayton Nicholas Dermitzakis Marc Di Anthony Di Onindu Dissanayaka Jay Dogra Marcus Dooley Eamon Downard Charlie Downes Akein Edirisinghe Jack Ellis Christian Engelander Massimo Fazzino Jared Fernandez Lucas Fishlock Joshua Fitzgerald Oscar Fowler William Francis Stefan Funtusoff Cooper Galileos Thomas Galitos Ethan Gemetzis Jordan George

ROLL CALL Isaac Ng Tristan Nguyen Bailey Nicholls Xavier Nicholls Christian Noga Seamus O’driscoll Jos Orfanos Jonny Papaioannou Jacob Papanotas Jacob Papanotas Tom Parks Chris Peppas Olley Peraic Vimukthi Perera Noah Phillips Anthony Phung George Psarros Henry Pullenayegam Tyson Rabel Zac Raffa Keyaan Raheem Dheera Rambukwella James Rashio Emmett Redden James Redlich Bayley Richardson Ethan Rizinger Elliott Rogers Joshua Russo Billy Ryan Hamish Saffin Jaxon Sahib Rahul Sajan Dante Schiavello Ben Schneider Charlie Schneider El Seane El Seane Jayden See Tyler Sember Tyler Sember Senan Seneviratne Senan Seneviratne Tobias Serrano Finn Shaw Fletcher Shaw Calum Shoji Jack Skinner JJ Sleeman Lucas Smith Luca Sollecito James Sourris Harry Stanton Alexander Stavros Ryder Stodal Luis Sutton Callum Thieu Lucas Tippett Henry Tomlin Benji Trcek Matthew Tsakos

Terry Tsivranidis Jordan Turner Sothyrak Tuyhor Kaushik Vaidya Kaushik Vaidya Kishore Vaidya Kishore Vaidya Jai Van Ash Van Chrishan Vannitabmby Chrishan Vannitamby Leon Varsamis Dhishan Vijay Siddharth Vinod Zac Vogue Dion Vorilas Dimitri Vouronikos Quan Vu Seth Waduthanthirige Ben Walker Noah White Torin Williams Theo Wong Ramy Youssef Ashton Zammit Ashton Zammit Andrew Ziino Ross Zois

YEAR 9 Priyansh Agarwal Jack Allan Steven Amedeo Nicholas Anagnostopoulos Ben Anderson George Andronis Samuel Anthony Angelo Apokis Theo Arapis Joshua Athas Lukas Avila Ayaan Ayaan Matthew Babbington Niko Bakalis Antonio Basile Aryan Batavia Singh Batth Dean Bombonati Charlie Boyles Logan Buckland Jed Buxton Andrew Byun James Bywater Harley Caimakamis Jake Calderaro Daniel Casuscelli Thomas Charabie Justin Chea Noah Cohen


Thomas Cohen Ethan Collins Tiernan Coyles Zachariah Crellin Robbie Cuthbertson Jaiden D’rozario Rowan D’rozario Tom Davidson Yannick De Julian De Ryder Derbyshire Thenuk Devendra Thomas Dew Jack Di Zander Di Emaad Dilmahomed Daniel Dimetriou Emmanuel Dimitrakakis Daniel Dinatale Zac Djeri Zac Djeri Fletch Downs Lucas Emmanouil Snowy Evans Ben Fardell Rhys Fernandes Christian Fitzgerald Lachlan Flynn Oliver Forster Nicholas Franklin Christian Franzoni Cooper Fry Liam Gantelas Jole Gardiner Harry Gardner James Gatto Abin Gautam Dean Gentile Thomas Georgiou Julian Geros Christian Ghanakas Mehul Girdhar James Gordon Themi Gounaris Luke Greenaway Nicholas Grillo Damon Guerrieri Roshan Gunatilake Spencer Guzzo Lewis Hamilton Nicholai Hampson Alexander Hatzimihelakis Charlie Hawtin Josh Head Koby Heerah Alexander Hollenbach Alexander Impala Samuel Iverson Stefan Ivkovic Sachin James Ebi Joseph


George Georgiades Costantino Georgiou Lachlan Gibson Austin Grenfell Elijah Guer Elijah Guer Sam Hadzic Seth Hagioglou Rafael Hampson Nicholas Hassakis Charlie Hopkins Theodore Horiatellis William Huang Darcy Humphreys Dhruv Hunashikatti Zacheriah Huynh Zacheriah Huynh Riley Johnston Kokwach Kak Cristian Karisson Michael Karisson Sricharan Karthikeyan Nicholas Katanas Luke Kearns Aston Kennedy Samuel Kerr Aadam Khan Woo Kim Woo Kim Sachi Kiridena Evan Kolivas Tyson Kong Mitchell Langworthy Lucas Lazarou Alex Lazos Lachlan Le Ned Leadbetter William Liakakos Jayden Lim John Macasa Jamie Mandile Jojo Manual Genuka Mapa Genuka Mapa Nathan Marashinghe George Mastrapas Sam Matsakas Luca Matusan William Mckenna Drew Mclaughlin Marcus Mercuri Isaac Meseha Samuel Millares Ethan Mitsioulis Harout Mkhsian Archie Mole Bryton Morris Nicholas Mouzakis Stephen Mouzakis Diesel Myers Jadon Nathaniel


ROLL CALL Billy Kakarantzas Brendan Kang Ross Kapotas Alexander Karamanlis Sharon Kattakayam Connor Keleher Lochlain Keleher Anthony Kim Will Kolenda Geoffrey Kong Peter Koupouzos Harrison Kukulovski Nitish Kumaran Ryan Kuruppuncheril Kaleb Labour Angus Laing Akachukwu Lechi Alvin Lee Jensen Lee Max Lee David Legg Liam Liberatoscioli Alexander Liberis Jiakie Lin Matthew Linden Xavier Loft Emilio Lopez Jack Lucarelli Milo Mackay Thomas Maguire Noah Mahan Ibrahim Mahdy Gabriel Mainey Wissam Malaeb Oliver Mann Jonathon Matsakas Lachlan Mccredie Lucas Merry Eli Milonas Fawaz Mohammadi Tate Mole Michael Nguyen Michael Nguyen Kosta Nikolopoulos Liam Noveloso Spencer O’shea Anton Occhiuto Anthony Oresti Iggy Palma Nicholas Papageorgiou Stefan Pegiou Isaac Peluso Jack Peluso Ray Perera Thomas Phillips Finn Power Brian Quan Louis Quirk Mikael Raheem Matthew Ramman Milan Regi

Anthony Riccardi Will Roberts Jack Rogers Peter Romios Hugo Rossi Alex Sabljak Mahdyar Sabzi Sebastian Saouma Josh Schroder Max Schroder Ryley Scott Dominic Sejas Tharusha Senanayake Julian Severino Samuel Sfetsas Satyam Sharma Caleb Smith Nathan Soares Anthony Spano Zydane Stuart Valentino Talarico Orion Thom James Torcasio Du Tran Deon Tsotsos Jacob Ty Sasha Ung Jacob Van Beau Van Shreyas Vemula Christian Vincenzini Emanuelle Vourvoutsiotis Jack Waters Jordan Welcome Harrison Window Tristan Woutersz James Wright Peter Yip

YEAR 10 Elijah Ancora Sai Ande Alex Andrea Krish Angi Eli Aoun Lambros Argiriou Nathan Awad Christos Babatsias Yianni Ballas Koby Battye Christian Bernardo Jonah Biviano Oscar Biviano Xavier Blenkhorn Ayden Braganza Benjamin Brooks Xavier Caiafa Tory Cammaroto Julian Campbell

Leigh Candris Joseph Casuscelli Ryan Chamnanchang Tyson Chamnanchang Ethan Charles Karumbaiah Abhav Chenanda Patrick Cherry Ah Min Liam Chong Nicholas Christodoulou King Marcus Churchill Charlie Cochrane Ruben D’agostino Brodie Davis Guzman Ayden De Luca Oliver De Isaac Deayton Jeremy Demeld Jordi Dermitzakis Billy Diamataris Will Dickson Santos Hugo Dos Zac Dunne Deon Dupont Bailey Edwards Xavier Edwards Rafael Emmanouil Stefano Fazio Nathaneal Fernandez Matteo Ferrara Benjamin Ford Tarrant Fourlze Alex Gadzinski Arjun Gangatharan Daniel Garduce Sam Gasper Aussie Gatkuoth Andre Ghaly Christos Giakoumatos Costa Giannikos Nicholas Goodman Samuel Gould Ben Green Brodie Grewcock Liam Griffiths Christopher Grosdanis Zed Hadzic Matthew Hatzigeorgiou Zidane Heldt Nathaniel Hrambanis Fadhal Hussein Tyson Huynh Stefan Ianno Lucas James Bryar Jefford Lucas Jones Yokwan Kak Nathan Kao Ethan Karagianis Saran Karthik Nicolas Katakis Jonathan Katsos


William Kesuma Ayaan Khalil Dylan Kiong Joel Knight Chetan Kotagal Nathan Kotsinadelis Adam Kuruvilla Joshua Lam Luke Lazos Jun Lee Jackson Leopold Joshua Li Jamie Liberis Nathan Lim Peter Luak Jamieson Ly Lachlan Macauley Derick Maimarosia Peter Manaras Luca Mandile Alex Marinis Alex Martinez Paul Mastoras Benji Mathieson Spencer Mathieson Liam Matteo Baseer Mazari Aiden Mcguinness Allen Mchenry Isaac Mcknight James Mclaughlin Julian Metsios Vas Michaelides Christian Milenkovski Guillermo Mollaneda Christian Moraes Bailey Morrison Bailey Morrison Angelo Moutafis Lachlan Namdarian Ilia Natsioulas Tyson Ng Matthew Ngodara Thomas Nguyen Vy Quang Nguyen Patabendige Chenura Nilaweera Aidan Nipps Hudson Nolan Christian Nunziante Tadhg O’driscoll Steven Okoumousis Justin Onley Haris Orfanos Vasili Papageorgiou Luke Parente Anthony Pascoe Sebastian Pearson Lawrence Peralta Ari Perera Charlie Piper

ROLL CALL YEAR 11 Francis Antonopoulos Emmanuel Aquino Oliver Arnott James Avedissian Kosta Balakas Jett Banyai Marcellino Baselyous Philopatear Baselyous James Batsis Massimo Belmuda Lee Beltrami Christpher Benny Noah Billing Daniel Biviano Nicolas Bleeker Paul Boloutis James Boulgouris Keyan Bowker Jordan Brooks Sethh Burby Matthew Byrden William Cai Maxwell Chable Alexander Chann Vansh Chauhan Harry Chetwin Harrison Clark Harrison Clark Bryan Clarke Nic Clifton Jamie Csendes Matthew Curmi Aidan D’souza Keenan D’souza Jason Dalamagas Sam Dambrosi Ryan Daniel Paras Dawer Jayden De Tyler De Christian Dell’arciprete Sam Dew Michael Di Evan Di Dion Diaz Joseph Dinatale Andrew Doan Bradman Docherty Angus Downard Lachlan Eames Jake Easton Toby Fenton Gishain Fernando Anthony Ferrara Kyle Flechsig Patrick Forster Chris Frangotsinos Tobith Frantz

Adrian Galante Christian Galluccio Tom Gardner Sebastian Gatto Hardu Ginoya Patrick Go Dieter Hagen Malakai Harding Gavriel Hariyanto Darren Harridge Alexander Hastings Jacob Hattersley Joshua Hee Will Hemsley Peter Holland Sam Holman Corbin Howes Jeff Hsu Thomas Hurley Alex Iliuk Jack Iverson Oli Johnson Avellino Jones Gabriel Kapaklis Paul Karisson Andreas Karvelas Zavier Khan Aryan Khore Yianni Kourelis Sebastien Krueger Ryan Langworthy Aidan Latief Jordan Le Nam Le Nam Le Trung Le Trung Le Jack Le Harry Lee Jackson Lee Maximus Leong Nicholas Lin Peter Liptai Alex Lo Alex Lo Hayden Loft Jack Loiacono Aaron Loukos Dylan Mack Evan Manaras Luke Marino Beau Mccallum Stefan Mccance Ryan Mccrea Lachlan Mcfarlane Manan Mehta Matthew Menzies Charlie Miliotis Sebastian Millares Connor Montgomery Oliver Mulvogue


Rajiv Nair Ruchith Navaratne Jake Nelson Nam Nguyen Pete Nikolopoulos Joshua Nolan Dylan Nosworthy Louis Nousis Damon Occhiuto Xander Oorloff Dimitri Palatsides Zac Palatsides Patrick Panoussis Anthony Papalia Dion Papasotiriou Rory Paterson Ethan Paul Ben Peacock Joshua Perera Christopher Petkaris Alexander Phylactou Adam Pinzone Nicholas Polychronopoulos Christian Raucci Samuel Rizkalla Gus Roach Daniel Roberts Stionl Rodrigues Dylan Rosario Hugh Ross Brendan Russo Steven Sakellarios James Salvatore Jacob Sands Mark Sarandakis Jack Scalzi Liam Scott Kaiden Serrano Javier Shean Roey Shrestha Ethan Simon Noah Simoni Manraj Singh Tyler Skarajew Lucas Stathopoulos Christopher Stefanatos Max Stopajnik Farrell Susilo Maximus Sykes Vin Talarico Robbie Taylor Aidan Tenace Luca Tighello James Topliff Luka Triantafyllou Christopher Tsakoumakis Paschalis Tzintzis Alex Valle Daniel Valle Isaac Van Finn Van


Nikolas Popovic Alessandro Pozzoli Benjamin Prabhu Aayush Pujar Jacob Raffa Dean Ralston Calvin Ramachandran Shivaram Ramesh Jeremy David Rankin Dylan Rayen Ryan Ronald Alexander Roukakis Liam Rusli Zakk Ruwoldt Eamonn Ryan Oscar Ryan Anthony Saraullo Jakob Schock Hayden Selliah Saman Shahabadi Lucas Simunic Hamish Sinclair Rayan Singh Nathan Sirait Ashton Smolic Owen Spieth Owen Spieth Ryan Sung Patrick Sutherland Andrew Tan Ricky Theodoropoulos Chiang Thiep Ryan Thomas Sholance Thomas Will Thurston Leonardo Timperio Jonathan Tolmacev Gavin Tone Nicholas Tsamis Christos Tsoukalas Kael Tzintzis Jamie Ubachs George Vagas Albin Jose Valamparampil James Valiontis Lukas Vamvakitis Vincent Venturanza Ben Vu Tom Washington Ashwin Westcott Joel Wheeler Juan Willers Diesel Williams Henry Wintle Marc Woolrich Joseph Wrzesinski Elias Yau Lucas Zerveas Iskra Zlatanovski Camillo Angelucci Aiden Angus



Brodie Vanderhorst Jordan Vaz Sven Vaz Timothy Vo Peter Vouronikos Jimmy Vu Nam Vu Nam Vu Sam Wallbridge Morgan Wenas Dillon Williams Julian Wilson Tomas Wrzesinski James Yankov Samuel Yoshawirja Andrew Zaki Horatio Zhang

YEAR 12 Luke Ajani Dilenne Algama Olivier Alija Angus Allan Brighton Alphred Andrew Ambawatta Michael Amedeo Daniel Amendola Kristian Aparo Jerwin Arino Ethan Arsabhuvana Andrew Avramopoulos Matthew Awad Saeran Balasuriya James Ballantyne Olly Bastien Dylan Be Leonardo Bittarello Tom Blaikie Zach Blair James Bof Blake Caminos Matthew Carrig Raffy Casals Brendan Chamnanchang Narichard Chann Sam Cherry Dean Christodoulopoulos Christopher Ciorciari Oskar Cislo Nicholas Colaci Domenic Colantuono Dilantha Cooray Liam Cordeiro Ashton Curtis Kobi Curtis Harry D’rozario

Adam D’souza Kynan Davis Pramishka De Lachlan Deayton Marnav Deo Heshan Dewapakshage Adrian Dimar Ben Draga Nicholas Easton Ronan Easton Marvin Elliott Adrien Faron Amish Fazi Aaron Fernandes Calvin Fernandes Jayden Fernandes Jimmy Gantelas Frank George Nicholas Ghanakas Maiki Giannakopoulos Navraj Gill Emmanuel Ginige Aaron Gomes Alexander Gounaris Jake Greenaway Lachie Grewcock Maison Grosso Kenny Ha Darcy Hair Lochlan Hardie Benjamin Harris Zak Hattersley David Hickey Luca Hill Jack Hilliard Jason Ho Flynn Horvat Sebastien Huppe Sam Ison Dhruv Israni Eric Jason Alrin Jogi Jake Johnston Liam Kakarantzas Kevin Kang Siddarth Kapoor Om Kar Kirk Katzourakis Ashley Kearns Daniel Kedis Lance Kieu Liam Knight Thesigan Krishshanthan Michael Krivanek Lachlan Kumic Austin Lanyon Brian Le Kenny Le Michael Legg Calvin Lehr Nigel Lokhee

Emmanuel Louis Spiro Louras Jackson Luzares Jeremy Ly Lleyton Machaya Hugo Maniatis Aiden Maralande Thomas Martiniello Gatluak Matai Giuseppe Matusan Blake Mckenzie Jai Mcnidder Fletcher Mcphee Justin Mean Theodore Milonas Jacob Mitchell Lucas Muscara Aaryan Natarajan Wai Ng Justin Nguyen Thanh Nguyen Alex Nimmervoll Jackson O’meara Pete Panagiotakopoulos George Pappas Thomas Park Keegan Parker Nick Pearson Lucas Pegiou James Peluso Jude Perera Shane Perera Alex Pettigrew Yash Pilankar Aris Polychronopoulos Remy Puidokas Pierce Quach Luca Quadara Alan Regi Will Rice Athan Robotis Thomas Russo Spencer Sam Dantae Saouma Gabriel Schiavello Tom Scown Brody Sharp Noah Sharrock Max Sikuler Edward Sinclair Xavier Soldati Enrique Soria Angus Stanton Michael Steen Nicholas Suraweera Jake Tabaczynski Lester Tanjutco Alex Taylor Thiedus Thai Sam Thurston Aidan Tran


Daniel Trang James Triskelidis Ivan Truong John Truong Lachlan Turton Kai Van Tom Van John Vayenas George Velgakis Roman Velona Varounen Vengadachellum Mitchell Wain Deng Wal Lachlan Westcott Ben Wheeler Thomas Wilson Jackson Wright Alvin Yala Tristan Zammit Andrew Zhang Eric Zhu







Brody Sharp | Year 12 Design & Technology This beautiful entry table was created from a rough-cut slab of redwood. In what was originally going to be a coffee table, the organic shape of the timber allowed the perfect form for an entrance table. The deep, dark red grain of the timber is complemented by the matte black legs, which were welded to provide a lightweight yet sturdy design.

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