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Stronger Together
Ethan Fernando | Year 12 Studio Arts
Credits Editor:
Nikita Rodrigues publicrelations@salesian.vic.edu.au Proofreader:
Dr Mavis Ford, La Trobe University Photographic Contributions:
Ms Suzie McErvale Arthur Reed Photography Paddy McKenna, ACC Melbourne Graphic Design and Printing:
DMC Group
Year 12 Dux of Studio Arts, Ethan Fernando explored the concept of ‘Dream Environments’ in his final artwork. Ethan explains, “My final artwork is a projection consisting of two dream environments. I want my audience to try to immerse themselves in my dream-like images and feel a sense of serenity, while reflecting on their own experiences of dream landscapes.”
CONTENTS From the Rector From the Principal 2020 VCE Results 40+ Study Scores Dux Speech Scholarship Program Salesian Awards Omnia Awards Student Leadership From the College Captain 2020 Staff Staff Farewells From the Business Manager Facilities Report Information Technology Development and Marketing Canteen Parent’s Association Teaching and Learning Faith and Mission - Religious Education Faith and Mission - Liturgy Faith and Mission - Social Justice Oakleigh Connections Don Bosco’s Oratory Week English Humanities Mathematics Science LOTE Technology Studies Digital Technology RUA Resource Centre Performing Arts Human Development Sports Academy Visual Arts The Year 10 PreCAL Program Intermediate VCAL Senior VCAL Pathways House Sport ACC Sport Public Speaking and Debating Student Wellbeing Annecy House Collinson House Moroney House Savio House 2020 House Competition Year 12 Report Oratory 12A Oratory 12B Oratory 12C
2 4 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 62 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86
Oratory 12D Oratory 12E Oratory 12F Oratory 12G Oratory 12V Class of 2020 Year 11 Report Oratory 11A Oratory 11B Oratory 11C Oratory 11D Oratory 11E Oratory 11F Oratory 11G Oratory 11V Year 10 Report Oratory 10A Oratory 10B Oratory 10C Oratory 10D Oratory 10E Oratory 10F Oratory 10G Oratory 10P Year 9 Report Oratory 9A Oratory 9B Oratory 9C Oratory 9D Oratory 9E Oratory 9F Oratory 9G Oratory 9H Year 8 Report Oratory 8A Oratory 8B Oratory 8C Oratory 8D Oratory 8E Oratory 8F Oratory 8G Oratory 8H Year 7 Report Oratory 7A Oratory 7B Oratory 7C Oratory 7D Oratory 7E Oratory 7F Oratory 7G Oratory 7H Roll Call
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Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
So, my good Salesian friends, I commend you all for your admirable qualities of hope, courage and perseverance during this past year...”
FROM THE RECTOR Fr Greg Chambers sdb | Rector and Chair of the Advisory Council Dear Parents, Students and Staff, As I come to write my Rector’s Article for this 2020 College Yearbook, it is simply not possible to do as I would normally do and describe the major religious and spiritual events that have taken place this year. This is so because, after a very promising start consisting of our Opening College Eucharist, Year 7 Camp Prayer Service, Ash Wednesday Liturgy and Lenten Reconciliation Services in Term 1, our school year has been completely dominated by the deadly Coronavirus and its far-reaching effects. As a consequence, from late March to late October this year, our whole school community at Salesian could not be together as one body at all! How then does one describe such an incredible year, perhaps the most extraordinary and challenging year of our lives? And how does one take into account all the highs and lows, triumphs and disasters, positives and negatives of the past year and try to make sense of them all? I truly believe that the answer to these key questions is given to us in the Bible, in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, where it is famously written in these time-honoured words: ‘There is a season for everything, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time for giving birth, a time for dying; A time for planting, a time for uprooting what has been planted. A time for killing, a time for healing; A time for knocking down, a time for building. A time for tears, a time for laughter; A time for mourning, a time for dancing. A time for throwing stones away, a time for gathering them up; A time for embracing, a time to refrain from embracing. A time for searching, a time for losing; A time for keeping, a time for throwing away. A time for tearing, a time for sewing; A time for keeping silent, a time for speaking. A time for loving, a time for hating; A time for war, a time for peace.’ This well-known excerpt from Ecclesiastes is so relevant because, as the Coronavirus pandemic has cut a swathe through the global community, including Australia and Victoria (twice!), we have seen so many of the negative
elements associated with the virus at work. We have indeed experienced a time of dying, of tears and of mourning as so many people, especially among the elderly, infirm and needy, have perished. We have witnessed, particularly in the United States of America, a time for killing, for hating and for war as so many citizens have protested against racial discrimination and police brutality. We have observed so many Victorians questioning and challenging their government in a time for speaking rather than keeping silent, in a time for searching rather than losing their basic human freedoms. And we have seen so many of our students from Years 7 to 12 uprooted, knocked down and forced to throw away so many joyous opportunities that were rightfully theirs in 2020. Yet, the passage from Ecclesiastes is also quick to remind all of us at Salesian College that there is a very positive upside to all of this! In this respect, it promises that we can look forward to a time of new birth, of planting and of healing as the effects of COVID-19 are reduced; of laughter, of dancing and of embracing as lockdowns and restrictions are eased; of love and peace as normal community living is restored; and of building and gathering up as we attempt to construct a more just and tolerant society. In short, it assures us that we will experience a deep-seated joy and contentment, something that we have partly glimpsed in our amazing videos for ANZAC Day, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Don Bosco Oratory Week and College Legacy Day, but will now be able to savour more fully as one united, visible community once again. However, above all, we will all need to come to the realisation that we have changed, grown and matured during this time of international upheaval and national suffering, and that because of it we have become more committed citizens and stronger people as a result of our incredible ordeal! In fact, I referred to this very same reality in one of my Rector’s articles earlier this year: ‘In such a demanding year as this, with all its uncertainties and disruptions, it is so vital that we discover in ourselves and in each other such qualities as persistence, patience and resilience; abundant reserves of courage and resolve; and real strength of body, mind and spirit. We also need a good deal of confidence in ourselves, faith in each other, trust in our God and hope for a better time and a brighter future.’ So, my good Salesian friends, I commend you all for your admirable qualities of hope, courage and perseverance during this past year, and I urge you to bring your obvious strengths of cheerfulness, confidence, balance and optimism very much to the fore in 2021 and in the decades to follow.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Rob Brennan | Principal I cannot help but feel nostalgic and a sense of great sadness as I sit here typing my final contribution to the school annual. I am finding it hard to believe and reconcile that my time at this great College is coming to an end. Maybe it befits the craziness of 2020. I’m sure that twelve months ago I would have thought that anyone who suggested that 2020 would turn out the way it has was crazy, and anyone who suggested that this would be my last year to be certifiable, but here we are. So, as I reflect on what can best be described as an unprecedented year, I do so with pride and joy, in spite of everything we lost and everything we had to do. It has been a hard year, but, as with anything in life, upon reflection you take learnings from the challenges, identify the positives and then celebrate the successes. Summing up a year like 2020, a year when so much has been taken away from us, a year that has caused so much uncertainty and damage physically, emotionally, economically and socially is difficult. When I look at this year in the light of how this community rallied and adapted, I bask in the resilience that I have witnessed. I looked on in amazement as the community banded together like never before to ensure that the fabric and essence of this great College were protected, and maybe even enhanced. My highlighting of a few examples might wrongly be interpreted as meaning that the other examples are of less importance, or worse still, don’t matter. This would be the furthest thing from the truth. Rather, these examples are simply that. These include the way in which so many of our boys adapted to remote learning and stayed engaged and connected, how our teachers rallied and embraced a whole new way of teaching, the support we offered each other as we made our way through the maze that the pandemic created, our remote Don Bosco’s Oratory Week, Virtual Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day celebrations, Virtual tours, Virtual information nights and initiatives organised by the Year 12 leaders to support each other. These are all examples of how we joined forces to ensure that 2020 was as good as we could make it. This year was a true lesson in making the most of every opportunity and not letting life’s obstacles become excuses that paralyse us. What I believe 2020 has shown us is that nothing can be
taken for granted, and that concepts such as resilience, agility and enjoying the simple things in life are not merely catch cries of life coaches and motivational speakers. Rather, they are crucial skills that we must hone to ensure that we are ready and able to meet any of the challenges that life throws our way. As we dealt with the trauma of COVID-19, we collaborated, pondered and stayed true to the rich traditions of our founder Saint John Bosco. Our school continued to be a home, a place of welcome where boys share a strong sense of belonging and, most importantly a place of rich learning where the boys come to understand the deeper meaning of what it means to be a good Christian and honest citizen. The year robbed us of many of our traditional joys and celebrations. However, there were still many of our students’ achievements to celebrate, and the charism of Don Bosco continued to be lived out here at Chadstone on a daily basis. We did not allow the restrictions and limitations placed upon us to derail or deter us. Whilst there were obstacles placed before us and many extra demands placed upon us, we continued to implement our re-imagined teaching and learning matrix, following the direction set in 2017 for a new way of approaching our teaching and learning for the years to come. We were also very successful in developing and implementing a continuity of learning plan to ensure that our teaching and learning were able to be maintained whilst we taught remotely. With the chaos of 2020 we lost the synergy or sameness that school years tend to have, as many of our rituals, events and activities were either cancelled or moved online into the virtual world. However, one thing stood out in my mind, that being the continued positive response of our community to the introduction and implementation of a new way of doing things. Celebrating important feasts was made more difficult this year, with COVID-19 restrictions preventing us from gathering to celebrate the Eucharist after Term One. The only College liturgy we were able to celebrate was the Opening School Year Mass, with all other masses, including the Mary Help of Christians Mass, Valedictory Mass and the end of year mass all replaced by virtual services. Whilst these were done to the best of our ability,
I looked on in amazement as the community banded together like never before to ensure that the fabric and essence of this great College were protected, and maybe even enhanced.”
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
College Leadership Team
Whilst there were obstacles placed before us and many extra demands placed upon us, we continued to implement our re-imagined teaching and learning matrix...” they were no substitute for the celebrations that we have become accustomed to. Student participation and the reverence they showed for our virtual liturgies were respectful. Our social justice and community service programs and events also took a hit in 2020, meaning that spreading the good news was limited to the formal Religious Education classes and a couple of activities that we could run online to ensure that our Catholic identity continued to be enhanced. Retreats were held very differently for each year level, whilst still providing the boys with significant occasions for spiritual reflection and discernment. The boys, and in particular the Year 12 boys, appeared to enjoy the opportunity to reflect on the people they are and the experiences and relationships that have formed them, as well as being able to contemplate their futures. Taking time out to ponder the questions of what part faith or God plays in their lives takes many of our boys out of their comfort zones. However, there is comfort in the knowledge that they do so in a safe and nurturing environment. Whilst our faith in action programs were limited, they still provided a framework for delivering a well thought out formation program to develop in our boys a sense of the other and a commitment for helping others in our community less fortunate than ourselves. The College Oratory Program has seen significant developments over the past three years, and we were able to continue to deliver the vibrant and relevant curriculum that we believe meets the demands placed on our boys in their
time here, and prepares them for life after Salesian College. The inability to hold our traditional fundraising events meant that our efforts were down on previous years. However, it remained a component of our commitment to educate our boys on the need to help the less fortunate in our world and to raise much needed funds to support these people around the world. The traditional walkathon was completed on the STRAVA app, and the boys were able to raise in excess of four thousand dollars for the Salesian missions. Community week became an online extravaganza, and I was amazed at how staff and students alike supported and participated in the week of activities. Don Bosco would have been proud. The College once again enjoyed the great support of the Salesian Community. The Provincial Fr Will Matthews, Vice Provincial Fr Bernie Graham and Fr Greg Chambers in his role as College Rector and chair of the College Advisory Council provided much needed support and leadership for the College. The members of the Chadstone community, including Fr Cantamessa, Br Joe Ellul, Fr Lawrie Moate and the rest of the Chadstone Community continued to assist and support the boys in a number of ways. The Salesians offer great support and spiritual guidance for myself and all others in the community. The student population grew again in 2020, increasing beyond 1,100 students to commence the school year. Enrolments continue to be strong, with in excess of two hundred boys in each year level from Years 7-10.
The College is in a healthy position, enjoying a positive reputation in the community. The College is pleased with the academic achievements of the Class of 2020 with 7.4% performing exceptionally well, achieving an ATAR score of 90 or above. The College Dux for 2020, with an ATAR score of 99.7 was Jordan Dam. Other pleasing aspects of the VCE results include 29.7% of the boys obtaining an ATAR score over 80 and 47.9% of the cohort of Year 12 boys gaining an ATAR of 70 or over. The College average ATAR score continues to be well above the state average for boys. I thank our staff and families for the dedication, commitment and support that they have provided to ensure our Year 12 students reached their potential this year.
Valedictory Assembly as results were announced. Even in a year when competitions were restricted, the House Shields and House Cup brought out the competitive nature in all the boys, with a real sense of enthusiasm and joy accompanying the presentation of the shields at the Valedictory Assembly. Once again, all results were very close, with Annecy House winning three individual shields, Academic, Citizenship and Sport, whilst Collinson won the Cultural Shield. Annecy House took out the Bosco House Cup, with Collinson finishing second, Moroney achieving third place and Savio finishing fourth.
The College sports program was hit hard this year, with all ACC competitions cancelled after Term One. We were fortunate to win the ACC second division swimming carnival before going into lockdown, as well as enjoying a strong performance in Athletics. Our boys participated enthusiastically in these events. The College also enjoyed success in the Junior Public Speaking Competition, winning the pennant, and also finishing a respectable fourth in the debating competition. All boys who represented the College did so with pride and in a sportsmanlike manner, doing themselves and the College proud whilst providing the community with a real sense of joy.
Music took centre stage in 2020 as students took a significant role in the virtual celebrations. We witnessed the inaugural Solo Music Competition, held in Term Three. The quality of the performances was outstanding, with the eventual winners being Robert Kosta McCance, Alvin Yala and Max Schroder. We hope that this event establishes a place in the College calendar for years to come. Our College virtual celebrations provided many of the boys with the chance to have some fun whilst exhibiting their musical talents. Our College musicians performed on numerous occasions in virtual videos. Our Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day videos, ANZAC Day video and Legacy Event were just a few of the virtual events at which our student musicians performed. The Music program continues to provide a very important vehicle for cultural growth for all in the community.
The House Cup was somewhat limited this year, with only the House Swimming and Athletics Carnivals being able to be run. This did not stop our excitement at the
Participation in interschool Debating and Public Speaking was strong, building on the participation of all boys in the public speaking program, run through the English
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
I will take with me memories of a warm and welcoming community, of boys who were friendly and respectful and of a community that came together to support each other...”
“The student population grew again in 2020, increasing beyond 1,100 students to commence the school year.” program. A good number of boys were involved in the House Debating Competitions. The development of the Public Speaking and Debating Program over the past few years has been very pleasing, much of which can be attributed to the wonderful work of Ms Samantha Carey and her team. The revamped Public Speaking and Debating Awards Night allowed us to recognise all the boys who have excelled in this area. This area of the College continues to develop and is becoming a robust part of our culture. We look forward to further growth and development in coming years. Student leadership in the College continued to mature and develop under the guidance of Ms Molly Tilley and Mr Paul Azar. College Captain Robert Amendola, Vice Captains Adam Stone and Jacob Curry and the rest of the Student Council had a great year in spite of spending a great portion of the year at home. They worked together to ensure that a positive culture was experienced by our students at all times. These boys provided great leadership for all students. The House Captains also did a wonderful job when it came to their turn at sporting carnivals and House events. I congratulate and thank all the Salesian College Chadstone staff for their tireless efforts in 2020. Whilst I am always very grateful for the great work they do, the way that they adapted to remote learning and continued to provide a wonderful remote learning environment was outstanding. The fact that they were able to juggle remote lessons whilst continuing to provide the pastoral care our boys have become accustomed to is testament to their dedication and love for the boys. The extra hours and their general willingness to do everything required for the success of the boys was more evident throughout this year. We would be hard pressed to find a more devoted, harder working staff, and the care and concern they demonstrate for the boys is exceptional. I would also like to recognise and thank the Parents’ Association, who did a wonderful job engaging the parent community and ensuring that they remained an important part of the College community, regardless of the fact that we were all in lockdown. This year they acted as a very important conduit between families and the College whilst we were isolated. I would like to thank Mrs Tracy Stone, Mrs Lois Curry, Mrs Lorena Bravo and the team for all the wonderful work they do in supporting the College.
the best in the future. On this note, it is with a great deal of sadness that I farewell this wonderful community and thank you all for the most wonderful nine years. I look back with a genuine fondness, reflecting fondly on the experiences I have enjoyed, lessons that I have learnt and, most importantly, the friends that I have made here at the College over the past nine years. I will take with me memories of a warm and welcoming community, of boys who were friendly and respectful and of a community that came together to support each other, celebrate and, most of all, have fun, for which I will be eternally grateful. I leave knowing that this community has given me much. There is not a single achievement, a single event, a single person, and not even a single moment more noteworthy than the rest. My memories are the sum of all the contributions made by each and every one of the staff, students and parents over the past nine years.
As I say to the boys, in life it is important that we know and accept when something has reached its end. Cherish the memories of the past and implement the lessons learnt in the future. Remember that ends are not bad things; they just mean that something else is about to begin. “We may regret that our time together has ended, but we should never regret what we had or the gifts we shared.” “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” So, it is with a great sense of joy and pride that I am able to reflect on my final year, the 2020 school year, as well as the past nine years, and on all that has taken place and all that we have achieved here at Salesian College Chadstone. May God bless.
The end of a year always sees staff moving on for various reasons, and this year is no different, with a number of staff (including myself) leaving the College to pursue their careers at other institutions or to take on different challenges. All these staff members are listed in our staff pages of this annual, and I wish each and every one all
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Class of 2020 High Achievers (ATAR of 90 or above). Absent on day of photo: Thiago Sawan and Kevin Pham
2020 DUX
Salesian College Chadstone congratulates 2020 Dux, Jordan Dam, who achieved an ATAR of 99.7, putting him in the top 0.3% of all Year 12 students in the state. Jordan achieved a study score of 49 in both Chemistry and Mathematical Methods, 46 in Physics and Specialist Mathematics and 40 in English. Jordan is set to study Biomedicine at The University of Melbourne.
The College also acknowledges College Captain Robert Amendola (ATAR of 88.05) and Vice-Captains Jacob Curry (88.05) and Adam Stone (82.4), who excelled far beyond their formal student leadership roles in 2020. Robert, Jacob and Adam balanced their academic responsibilities while remaining committed to supporting the student cohort through remote learning.
THE HIGHLIGHTS Median Score: 30 ATAR exceeding 90: 7.4% ATAR exceeding 80: 29.7% ATAR exceeding 70: 47.9% VCE Completion rate: 99% VCAL Completion rate: 99% 4% of students who studied a Unit 3/4 subject achieved a subject score of 40 or more. Three students were awarded the VCE Baccalaureate, which has been developed by VCAA to recognise students who undertake an English, a higher level mathematics and a language within their VCE program of study.
2020 College Dux Jordan Dam (ATAR of 99.7)
The Salesian College Chadstone community commends all students from the Class of 2020 on the completion of their VCE and VCAL studies, and acknowledges the dedication, commitment and support that staff and families have provided to ensure that students reached their potential during the unprecedented 2020 academic year.
40+ STUDY SCORES Congratulations to the following students: Study Score of 44 Subject
Travis Pemberton
Product Design and Technology
Scott Fisher
Further Mathematics
Keith Menezes
Study Score of 43 Subject
Keith Menezes
Keith Menezes
Further Mathematics
Matthew Juma
Health and Human Development
Maximilian Meeuwissen
Study Score of 42 Year 12 student Arjun Sajan achieved a perfect study score of 50 in English
Legal Studies
Liam James
Connor Hodinj
Study Score of 41
Study Score of 50
Keith Menezes
Steven Tran
Further Mathematics
Kevin Tom Martin
Sankaran Pillay
Arjun Sajan
Kevin Lee
Studio Arts
Ethan Fernando
Study Score of 49 Subject
Health and Human Development Matthew Chamakala
Thiago Sawan
Study Score of 40
Mathematical Methods
Jordan Dam
Jordan Dam
Jordan Dam
Sanish Rajbhandari
Study Score of 47 Subject
Further Mathematics
Jonathan Green
Visual Communication Design
Luca Airo-Farulla
Physical Education
Jacob Curry
Legal Studies
Oscar Milic
Further Mathematics
Matt Atsiz
Study Score of 46 Subject
Jordan Dam
Specialist Mathematics
Jordan Dam
Liam James
Rayyaan Raheem
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 DUX SPEECH Jordan Dam | 2020 DUX I would like to congratulate my peers for achieving extraordinary ATAR scores. They have all displayed dedication towards achieving academic success, and have overcome the difficult circumstances of remote learning. It is an honour to be able to stand here as the Dux of 2020. Ever since my very first Dux Assembly in Year 7, I have looked up to past Year 12 Duxes and have idolised their hard work and perseverance. During the challenges of 2020, these qualities have become the epitome of what makes a great student. I hope to become a role model for Salesian students, and inspire students to achieve their best, despite facing hardships in their own journeys. I would not have been able to achieve my results without the help of my teachers. I would like to first thank all the Salesian teachers who have had to adapt to delivering online classes in 2020. This has demonstrated the incredible devotion our teachers have towards all their students. I could not be more grateful to them. I must also thank my Year 12 teachers for their guidance throughout such a troubling year. Mr McDonald, your depth of knowledge in Maths, and your ability to convey this in a simple way made Specialist Maths one of my favourite subjects. Mrs Poulose, the clarity in the way you presented mathematical concepts made Methods a relaxing, but intriguing, subject. Mrs Roberts, to have my secondary education conclude with my Year 7 teacher makes me feel nostalgic about my time here. Even though you told me during a one-on-one meeting that I would have achieved my results without your help, your classes and the materials you provided were crucial to my learning of Chemistry. Mr Khambete, you have always had high expectations for me, and you constantly reminded me that I was going to get a study score of 50 in Physics. Although I did not achieve exactly what you were expecting, I have always appreciated the aspirations you had for my academic success. Ms Barakat, English has always been the most challenging subject for me. But with your feedback on my writing and your focus on class involvement, I felt less stressed out and more confident going into the notorious 3-hour English exam. Mr McAuliffe, although it was a bit intimidating being in a class filled with Year 12s as a Year 11 student, I genuinely enjoyed your engaging classes and the interesting content of business management. I would also like to thank you for helping me and many other uncertain Year 12s with our career pathways. And finally, to Mrs Beurs. You have been an amazing Oratory teacher and Year 12
coordinator, helping to lead us through such an uncertain and stressful year. I honestly enjoyed every Oratory period. The only regret I have as I move on to university, is that I didn’t have the opportunity to form stronger relationships with all my teachers here at Salesian. Most importantly, I want to thank my family for their immense support throughout my VCE journey, and throughout my life. I am lucky to have parents who continuously supported me. My father, whose only expectation of me, was to finish Year 12 and my mother who did her best to motivate me. I was encouraged by my parents to take responsibility for my own learning, and for this I am grateful. I would also like to thank my older sister. For most of my senior years at the College she has been an incredible study partner and academic role model, giving me help whenever I asked. She also had to undergo remote learning, and having her company at home made online learning a lot more enjoyable. I would also like to thank all the friends I have made throughout my time here at Salesian. They have all made school life exciting and something I looked forward to. I would not be here today without their constant motivation and encouragement. To the 2021 Year 12s, Year 12 is going to be academically demanding. Some of you may already feel stressed, knowing that your whole schooling life concludes with a single number. As I am someone who was focused on my academic results, I am not really in the position to tell you the cliché that your ATAR does not define you or that it does not matter in the long term. I hope that you get the most out of your final year at Salesian. Whether this means working your hardest to achieve your best or generally taking the time to enjoy your final year, everyone has their own goals. I hope you are all able to accomplish what you want, without being fixated on only your final ATAR results. To the rest of the Salesian students, cherish and enjoy every moment of your secondary education, as it goes by so quickly. Value all the teachers and friends you have here at Salesian, as they will ultimately influence how you will spend your years here. Take the opportunity to become involved with the tight knit community and get into the mindset of working a lot harder if you desire to achieve an outstanding result in Year 12. I hope everyone will be able to prioritise their own happiness during this year and the years to come.
I would not have been able to achieve my results without the help of my teachers... I could not be more grateful to them.”
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Mrs Mary Menz | Principal’s PA Twenty years ago, a very significant decision was made by the then College Principal, Fr Greg Chambers. This decision was to introduce a Year 9 Scholarship Program to both retain and attract students at that level. Year 9 has always been, and continues to be, a time when select entry schools and private schools offer enrolment to those students who they believe are capable of achieving excellent academic outcomes. From 2002, four scholarships were awarded, offered both to current and external applicants. The process included an application, an externally assessed three hour examination, and interviews for the top performers with the Principal and a member of the Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee constantly reviewed and improved the program in line with the aims of the College and the needs of the community at that time. From 2005, additional scholarships at Year 7 and Year 10 were added to attract high performing students to the College. Changes to the format of the program were initiated in 2009 with the introduction of internal scholarships at all year levels. A significant review of the program was undertaken prior to the awarding of the 2014 scholarships. One of the original aims of the program was to acknowledge and reward the achievements of our Salesian College boys, and this was further enhanced by an increase in the number of awards offered at each year level. From 2020, Sporting and Music scholarships have been added to the suite, thus encouraging excellence in these areas as well as in the academic sphere. We would like to acknowledge the significant work in this area by Ms Rozanne Misso, who was involved in the program from its inception until her retirement in 2018.
Since the inception of the program in 2000, 360 scholarships have been awarded, with over forty boys achieving the honour of receiving multiple awards. Tom Chang was the recipient of a Scholarship in 2002, and he joined the Year 9 cohort in 2003. Tom reflects fondly on his time at the College. “I am extremely appreciative of your investment in my education. The Scholarship Program provided not only financial assistance to my schooling, but was fundamental in creating a fully rewarding College life, both academically and in extracurricular activities, which shaped and prepared the young adult and person that I am today. Your scholarship paved the way for the many opportunities I have received, and I am deeply grateful for your generosity and guidance.” Since graduating with the highly successful cohort of 2005, Tom completed a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Arts at Monash University, followed by the successful completion of the Chartered Accountant Course. Tom worked as a Parliamentary intern to the Treasurer of Victoria, with the Victorian Government Parliamentary internship program providing him with a great opportunity. Before moving to London in 2018, Tom worked as an Associate Director at Deloitte Financial Advisory and Consultancy Practice, and is currently a Senior Manager at the Swiss based listed Fintech business, Temenos. The College is extremely proud of Tom and all our students who have gained from the Scholarship Program.
Year 7
Year 9
Year 11
Jack Allan
Philopatear Baselyous Marcellino Baselyous Harry Chetwin Jamie Csendes Ryan Daniel Dennis Joseph Dinatale Peter Holland David James Peter Liptai Stefan McCance Kaiden Serrano
Ben Abraham Travis Pemberton Daniel Sapozhnykov Steven Tran Robert Kosta McCance Nathan McNamara
Shaurya Gupta Sachin James Brendan Kang Hayagriv Mallichetty Anton Occhiuto Patrick Quach Alex Sabljak
Matthew Yap Year 8 Jordi Dermitzakis Nathaniel Hrambanis
Year 10
Alex Marinis
Oskar Cislo Kenny Le Michael Legg Emmanuel Louis Daniel Amendola Alvin Yala
Liam Matteo Sachith Meela Angelo Moutafis Thomas Nguyen Ronit Rehal James Valiontis Joseph Wrzesinski Zakk Ruwoldt Andrew Tan
Year 12
Jacob Curry Jordan Dam Scott Fisher Oscar Milic
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 Recipients of Gold Salesian Awards
Mr Rob Mercer | A ssistant Principal – School Organisation
One of the well-established traditions at the College is the Salesian Awards, which acknowledge individual student contribution to College life in the four areas of Academic, Cultural, Sport and Citizenship. They were introduced to encourage boys to experience all we have to offer in a full rounded education in the Catholic Salesian tradition. The Salesian Awards allow us as a community to recognise the boys who are improving college culture through their participation.
Ignatius CHAN
Jordan DAM
Jivan DATT
Brandon DO
Boys accumulate points in these four areas, and when they reach the requisite numbers, they are awarded the Bronze, Silver or Gold Salesian Award. From Year 7 they start to accumulate points, and at the end of every term the awards are presented at assembly. Gold Awards require special effort over many years at the school. Boys need 1200 points in total for the Gold Award, with a minimum of 750 points in the area of Academic participation, and 300 in Citizenship.
Jonathan GREEN
Academic points are largely based on a boy’s average overall mark in a given semester. Citizenship points come from doing the “ordinary things extraordinarily well”. For example, a teacher may award a Citizenship merit after noticing a boy helping others in his class. Students are also awarded points for participation in school activities such as Don Bosco’s Oratory Week. Cultural points can be gained by participation in things like Debating, the College Production or Chess. Sport points can be gained through involvement in House and ACC sports. Every teacher is responsible for giving points towards the Salesian Awards, which means that all accomplishments from small to large are recognised.
Nathan KENT
Aaron LY
Sebastien MAMOTTE
Marcus MERRY
Rayyaan RAHEEM
2020 was of course an unusual year. However, we were able to adapt and modify most of the usual things for which boys would be awarded points. For example, instead of getting points for participation in the annual Walkathon, boys were awarded points for registering activity individually through an exercise app as part of the Strava Cup. This year did present many challenges, and these awards do recognise the quiet, consistent and positive efforts boys make as part of their school experience. We would like to congratulate these boys on their achievements. We would also like to thank them, as they have given to the community through their consistent hard work and the example they have set. As they leave the school, they will have left the school community a richer place for having been here.
OMNIA AWARDS Mrs Nadia Knight | Assistant Principal – Mission and Staff Formation This year, it was my pleasure to announce our Omnia Award recipients for 2020. The Omnia Awards are a tradition on Salesian Festival Day, and those nominated should be incredibly proud of their place in Salesian history. Omnia Awards are presented to students who have made an outstanding contribution to community service within, or on behalf of, Salesian College. These students have demonstrated a community mindedness and action that is selfless, voluntary and regular, without the expectation of reward or recognition. This year we have four nominations. EAMON MCKENZIE Eamon McKenzie is a young man who is an excellent representative of the College, and is always willing to put himself forward to offer assistance without the need for recognition or reward. He offers support and encouragement to fellow members of his year group. He has proved himself to be reliable and trustworthy when undertaking duties, and he is a friendly, decent young man. Eamon has been a College Tour Guide, has always been a helpful presence at school events, including Don Bosco’s Oratory Week, has participated in ACC Sport, captained a number of teams and always demonstrated great sportsmanship. He actively represented the College at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in 2019 and has made a considerable contribution to Student Congress. Congratulations. Eamon.
EDWARD FEEHAN Edward Feehan is a young man who does everything to the best of his ability. He has an inner strength that is recognised and admired by many. He never waits to be asked to assist. When he sees a need he jumps in to help, always without the need for recognition. In his time at the College, Edward has been a Class Captain, Tour Guide and Savio House Captain, has represented the College at after-hours events, including our Father and Son and Mother and Son evenings, has participated in many sports, has been the Soccer Captain every year and is currently Sports Ambassador, and has represented the College at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in 2019. Congratulations, Ed.
ADAM STONE Adam Stone is a mature young man who is always first to respond to the needs of others and assist the College whenever it is required. Over the last few years he has made considerable contributions to College events, assisting in the preparation of the event, as well as the event itself. Many of his contributions have been outside of school hours, and yet he has still been able to maintain the things expected of him as a student. Adam made a major contribution to the Respectful Relationships Forum, held for parents and families in our local area. He has planned and facilitated activities for young people and parents, which have been a real success on a number of levels. In his time at the College, Adam has also been an active College Tour Guide, supporting numerous College events, and a group facilitator at our Mother and Son and Father and Son evenings. Congratulations, Adam. JACOB CURRY Jacob Curry is a mature young man who cannot do enough for others. He demonstrates leadership in everything he does around the College. He is always respectful, friendly and willing to help wherever he can. He has a wonderful Salesian positive and joyful demeanour and a strong work ethic. He makes time for others, while attending to the things he needs to do as a student. In his time at the College, Jacob has assisted at Orientation Day events with the Parents’ Association, supported our Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day Breakfast events, spoken at Information Evenings, represented the College in ACC Sport, been a College Tour Guide and attended the 2019 Oz Bosco and Australian Catholic Youth Festival. Congratulations, Jacob.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
“This challenge is one that has seen the boys show resilience, initiative and maturity beyond their years.”
STUDENT LEADERSHIP Mr Paul Azar & Miss Molly Tilley | Student Leadership Coordinators What a year 2020 has been for our Student Leaders at Salesian College! None of us could have predicted the circumstances our students found themselves in this year. To represent their class, year level and school is an honour that these boys have demonstrated with great humility and pride, and with the added challenge of doing it all remotely. This challenge is one that has seen the boys show resilience, initiative and maturity beyond their years. We congratulate them for their commitment to their roles, and their willingness to adapt their leadership skills to ensure that their presence was still felt across the College. Our leaders have worked extremely hard to provide opportunities for all students and to keep our school spirits high. They have come together as a strong student body, making the effort to ensure that our College motto and values are upheld, and that our school environment remained positive when faced with challenging times. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, this year we have not had the opportunity to run our Student Congress and usual events. However, our leaders have shown the ability to think on their feet and come up with a range of new ideas to suit the 2020 remote school year. These included student-led videos that were shared with
the school community, supporting the Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day virtual celebrations, Don Bosco’s Oratory week activities, quizzes, competitions and more. This new normal has also provided our leadership body with new skills and ideas that we will be able to utilise as a student leadership body moving forward. We are extremely proud of our three College Captains, Robert Amendola, Adam Stone and Jacob Curry. We wanted to make a special mention of these three young men as they have rallied our school together to stay motivated and joyful, with great success. They have led from the front and set a great example for the rest of the boys at our College. Much of their work this year has gone unnoticed behind the scenes, with the boys putting in hours after school and during holidays. We were blown away by their ability to juggle their own school commitments online, whilst also meeting the obligations of being a school leader with such enthusiasm in what has been a very tough year. Congratulations, gentlemen. Cheers to all our 2020 team. What a year you have had! We are excited to see what new ideas our 2021 Student Leaders will bring.
College Captain: Robert Amendola College Vice-Captains: Adam Stone, Jacob Curry
VCAL Captain: Theodore Kalogeropoulos
House Leaders Collinson
Captain: Danny Ciorciari
Captain: Eamon McKenzie
Sports: Edward Feehan
Vice Captain: Peter Tzitzivakos
Vice Captain: Finnbar Donovan
Mission: Samuel Waldron
Year 11 Captain: Robbie Miller
Year 11 Captain: Alex Mathieson
Cultural: Phillip McKenzie
Year 11 Vice Captain: Keelan Corcoran
Year 11 Vice Captain: Antony Bernardo
Academic: Scott Fisher
Year 10 Captain: Christopher Ciorciari
Year 10 Captain: Andrew Ambawatta
Year 10 Vice Captain: Dantae Saouma
Year 10 Vice Captain: Jake Johnston
Captain: Joseph Curtis
Captain: Marcus Merry
Cultural College Captains
Vice Captain: Josh De Sa
Vice Captain: Rayyaan Raheem
Liturgy & Pastoral: Raul Spink
Year 11 Captain: Blake Holding
Year 11 Captain: Steven Tran
Social Justice: Gurmanat Bhullar
Year 11 Vice Captain: Seb Filipovic
Year 11 Vice Captain: Tom Cashman
Music: Oscar Milic
Year 10 Captain: Xavier Adams
Year 10 Captain: Daniel Amendola
Drama: Campbell Gruiters
Year 10 Vice Captain: Harry D’Rozario
Year 10 Vice Captain: Emmanuel Louis
Public Speaking: Connor Hodinj
Year Level Leaders Year 7 Year
Cooper Fry
Oliver Mann
Jack Allan
Matthew Yap
Themi Gounaris
Christian Fitzgerald
Nicholai Hampson
James Wright
Jake Calderaro
Will Kolenda
Raveen Wijjarupage Luke Greenaway
Andrew Byun
Jack Di Paolo
Nicholas Grillo
Julian De Marco
“Our Student Leadership program promotes our College value of belonging, ensuring that each student feels he can contribute to making positive change at the College.” - Robert Amendola, 2020 College Captain
Year 8
Year 9
Isaac McKnight
Bailey Edwards
Maximus Sykes
Toby Fenton
Liam Griffiths
Angelo Moutafis
James Salvatore
David James
Samuel Gould
Christos Tsoukalas
Luca Tighello
Hady Amro
Costa Giannikos
Steven Okoumousis
Tomas Wrzesinski
Sebastian Gatto
Xavier Caiafa
Chenura Nilaweera Patabendige
James Topliff
Will Hemsley
Vasili Papageorgiou
Shivaram Ramesh
Kaiden Serrano
Oliver Deng
Abhav Chenanda Karumbaiah Eamonn Ryan
Camillo Angelucci
Lee Beltrami
Liam Matteo
Anthony Papalia
Roey Shrestha
Guillermo Mollaneda
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Robert Amendola
Jacob Curry
Adam Stone
TJ Kalogeropoulos
Danny Ciorciari
Peter Tzitzivakos
Eamon McKenzie
Finnbar Donovan
Joseph Curtis
Josh De Sa
Marcus Merry
Rayyaan Raheem
Edward Feehan
Sam Waldron
Phillip McKenzie
Scott Fisher
Raul Spink
Gurmanat Bhullar
Oscar Milic
Campbell Gruiters
Connor Hodinj
Xavier Adams
Jack Allan
Andrew Ambawatta
Daniel Amendola
Hady Amro
Camillo Angelucci
Lee Beltrami
Antony Bernardo
Andrew Byun
Xavier Caiafa
Jake Calderaro
Tom Cashman
Christopher Ciorciari
Keelan Corcoran
Harry D Rozario
Julian De Marco
Oliver Deng
Jack Di Paolo
Bailey Edwards
Toby Fenton
Sebastian Filipovic
Christian Fitzgerald
Cooper Fry
Sebastian Gatto
Costa Giannikos
Samuel Gould
Themi Gounaris
Luke Greenaway
Liam Griffiths
Nicholas Grillo
Nicholai Hampson
Will Hemsley
Blake Holding
David James
Jake Johnston
Will Kolenda
Emmanuel Louis
Oliver Mann
Alexander Mathieson
Liam Matteo
Isaac McKnight
Robbie Miller
Guillermo Mollaneda
Angelo Moutafis
Steven Okoumousis
Vasili Papageorgiou
Anthony Papalia
Shivaram Ramesh
Eamonn Ryan
James Salvatore
Dantae Saouma
Kaiden Serrano
Roey Shrestha
Maximus Sykes
Luca Tighello
James Topliff
Steven Tran
Christos Tsoukalas
Raveen Wijjarupage
James Wright
Tomas Wrzesinski
Matthew Yap
Chenanda Karumbaiah
Nilaweera Patabendige
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
FROM THE COLLEGE CAPTAIN Robert Amendola | 2020 College Captain When I first enrolled at this school, I looked up to the senior boys with their blazers overflowing with badges, standing in the priority access lane at the Canteen. Now, five years later, I’m the kid with the annoying number of badges on his blazer, who constantly talks about his “experiences”. I have come to love this school and what it has brought to me and my family this year. Even with the challenges I have faced, the feeling of belonging has stayed constant. The most notorious challenge of COVID-19 has provided obstacles for everyone. In a time full of so many questions, there are so few answers. During the first lockdown, I was looking for some motivation when I came across a Latin phrase from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. His philosophy of “Amor Fati” translates to ‘a love in fate’. An “Amor Fati” attitude relates to treating each and every moment, no matter how challenging, as something to be embraced and not avoided, to not only be okay with each moment, but to love it and be better for it, so that, like oxygen to a fire, obstacles and adversity become fuel for your potential. This not only resonates with me and my experiences; this is the mindset of the cohort of 2020 and the rest of this school. It is only when we accept what happens to us and understand that certain things, particularly bad things, are outside our control, that we are left to love whatever happens to us and face challenges with unfailing cheerfulness and strength. This couldn’t be more apparent in our school. The unwavering support, joyfulness and fortitude present in the corridors, in our classrooms and over the countless online calls and Facetime chats have been something that gets me quite emotional. It has been an absolute honour to represent the College, and something I will never take for granted. The bottom line is that COVID-19 was, and continues to be, a tough complication. It challenges our ability to be persistent and remain connected. However, even in this strange time, there is reassurance that some things truly never change, for example, Dean Wu’s sleeping schedule or the size of Joseph Curtis’ biceps. I share great sympathy for the boys who listen to me today, who have spent extensive time at home, not being able to relish the feeling of walking through the gates at the end of Savio and Bosco Streets, not being able to wear the Salesian crest, and not being able to share moments with their friends and teachers. However, one thing that stays present, even in times of a pandemic, is the belonging and dynamism that live on through the actions of all of us. I would like to commend all the efforts of our teachers and staff, and their persistence in helping in any way possible.
This is the foundation that makes Salesian College the school it is today. Not only did our teachers continue to strive to improve our studies, more importantly, they provided much needed comfort and reassurance. Their dedication towards our learning is truly unmatched. Their ability to deal with students’ inconspicuous array of broken mics and dodgy internet will surely go down as a sign of the times. A special thankyou to all our Year 12 teachers who have worked agonisingly hard to keep us on track, even through all the challenges we have faced this year. Many thanks to Jacob and Adam for being amazing College Captains alongside me. It has been an honour working with such amazing young men, and I couldn’t have done my role without your support, along with the rest of the Student Leaders. On behalf of the graduating Class of 2020, I would like to extend my thanks to all our parents and guardians, family members and friends for their endless love and support throughout our schooling lives. Your company when we were stressed has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for your ongoing support and guidance. We are forever grateful for the countless sacrifices that you have made for us. Our successes will forever be a testament to your hard work and persistence. Thank you for raising us to be the men we are today. To the Year 7s; I understand that the year has been anti-climactic, but I encourage you to get involved when things go back to normal. Remember that this school is a special place. It will bring you hard times, it will bring you good times and, most importantly, it will mould you into the men you will become. My advice is to grasp any opportunity that arises. Go for Class Captain, join the band, play a sport you’ve never played before and get out of your comfort zone, as the moments you make for yourself will determine the extent of happiness you achieve at this school. Year 11 students; I’d like to bring you back to the start of
We always have a home here at Salesian ... and the Salesian spirit will always be embedded in the people we are. my speech. Amor Fati. Be present in your experiences, control what you can control and work hard. Embrace the moments, embrace your friendships, embrace your teacher relationships and embrace this school. To the future Student Leaders, I encourage you to learn, to be open to new ideas and to be approachable. Enjoy your last year at this school, and I wish you boys all the best in your future endeavours. To the 2020 cohort. This experience has at times separated us physically, but oddly enough it has brought everyone closer together in spirit. COVID-19 has showcased just how powerful our Salesian brotherhood is. Our “it is what is it is” mindset got us through the tough times and unprecedentedness. It would have been easy for us as a year level to succumb to the pressures of the limitations that were set upon us. However, our perseverance is something that will live on as an example at this school for years to come. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of each of your lives here since we were Year 7 students in 2015. There are so many aspects of school life that I will miss, the conversations and camaraderie in particular. It feels like only yesterday that we were settling our start of year nerves with a passing remark of “It’s only Year 12, she’ll be right”. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for all you boys, as I know that you are all capable of doing amazing things. We always have a home here at Salesian, and whilst our paths may not cross again, the Salesian spirit will always be embedded in the people we are. Good luck to all the boys from Years 7 to 11. Soon you’ll be finishing your time at Salesian, reminiscing on where the time has gone. Congratulations to the entire Class of 2020. Work hard and celebrate the good times. Once again, I am so humbled by the opportunity given to me to be this year’s College Captain. It has been an honour leading you all, and I hope I’ve done each of you proud. Remember that we will always be side by side with joyful pride, Salesians true.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 STAFF
ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Jenny Brasch Emma Hallett Sonny Igusti
Craig Abernethy
Simi Abraham
Melissa Adela
Anthony Anastasio
Ruby Anstee
Irene Apostolopoulos
Julie Arnold
Roslyn Aylward
Paul Azar
Nesrene Barakat
Melina Barcellona
Kat Barnett
Rafaelle Battista
Steve Beckham
Adele Bellizia
Angela Belmuda
Sam Bentley
Peter Bermingham
Kim Beurs
Rhea Beurs
Kamila Bielinski
Rita Bonne
Emma Bradley
Robert Brennan
Leon Brooks
Matt Brooks
Joshua Bryan
Gesualda Cafasso
Ashley Campisano
Daniel Campisano
Fr Oreste Cantamessa
Monique Capomolla
Samantha Carey
Neil Carter
Nick Carter
Jennifer Casey
Maryanne Challis
Fr Greg Chambers
Reece Chang
Joelle Chaperon
Byron Chen
Po Yen Chen
Heath Chipperfield
Dylan Chow
Robert Chrzanowski
Michelle Collins
Sally Cox
Tim Cox
Guy Cristiano
Terry Cristiano
Adam Croft
Declan Crowe
Lois Curry
Amor Dahlenburg
Marisa Danese
Mikayla Domini
Chris Donaldson
Simon Dorrat
Brendan Douglas
Georgina Dow
Lachlan Dwyer
Malwina Dwyer
Carl Egan
Carolyn Ellul
Br Joe Ellul
Nick Filippis
Anne Garofalo
Craig Giles
Simon Greely
Jayden Hawkes
Stuart Hill
Cindy Hsiao
Elizabeth Hutchins
Amanda James
Lila Jean-Pierre
Leah Karam
Nick Kearney
Noel Kennedy
Atul Khambete
Ria Khambete
Shruti Khazanchi
Jessica Knight
Nadia Knight
Peter Knight
Stephanie Lai
Christina Lemonis
Matt Little
Angela Liyanage
Simon Lloyd
Ron Lok
Steven Loonstra
April Ma
Robert Marley
Linzy Marsden
Emma Marsh
Marianne Marshall
Damian McAuliffe
Anthony McClelland
David McDonald
Suzie McErvale
Ian McKail
Jackie McKinnon
Mary Menz
Rob Mercer
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Abby Milesi
Gerald Mini Farfan
Barb Monaghan
Rachel Morais
Amanda Morgan
Zarak Naser
Leonie Nathan
Fatima Nazar
Gina Nenos
David Neville
Tristan O’Brien
Mary O’Sullivan
Freda Pahomis
Billy Pappas
Scott Peacock
Matthaus Phillips
Niki Pinirou
Daniel Place
Nicholas Place
Sani Poulose
Allan Qi
Debbie Rabot
Emily Roach
Sarah Roberts
Nikita Rodrigues
Gabrielle Rolfe
Christina Romano
John Russo
Chris Ryan
Rosa Salemme
Dean Schimming
Chris Seeber
Stephen Sellwood
Lia Senatha
Nicholas Shaw
Michael Shepherdson
Trudy Skarajew
Johnathon Stevens
Tim Swayn
Bob Synadinos
Serena Thean
Shilpa Thomas
Josephine Thomson
Molly Tilley
Lydia Triafylos
Alexandra Tsiavis
Jenny Vanderhorst
Ken Verbyla
Heather Walsh
Mark Wang
Sean West
Darren Winfield
Sylvia Winfield
Alvin Zhang
Kathryn Zwalf
Rob Brennan We farewell Rob Brennan from his position as Principal of Salesian College Chadstone. Rob began his career at Salesian in 2011, as the first Lay Principal in our history. In his role as Principal, Rob led the Salesian College Chadstone community with “energy, vision, honesty and integrity, and has made a significant impact in the key areas of teaching and learning, staff development and student leadership, involvement of parents and families, and provision of modern educational and administrative facilities”, wrote Rector Fr Greg Chambers on Rob’s departure. 2021 College Captains Steven Tran, Keelan Corcoran and Robbie Miller acknowledged, “Mr Brennan has made Salesian College a home, a community and a brotherhood.” We congratulate Rob on his appointment as Principal of Caroline Chisholm Catholic College, and thank him for his leadership and commitment to our values. We also farewell the following staff members and thank them for their contributions to the Salesian College Chadstone community.
Staff Awards: At our 2020 Staff Christmas Mass, we celebrated the following staff members for their longstanding service to the College:
Years of Service
Liz Hutchins
Years of Service
Alana Dare
Br Joe Ellul
Raffaelle Battista
Mary O'Sullivan
Mattaus Phillips
Ian McKail
Sally Cox
Gesualda Cafasso
Laurien Kennedy
Daniel Campisano
Allan Qi
Nicholas Shaw
Nesrene Barakat
Steven Loonstra
Leah Karam
Sarah Roberts
Shruti Khazanchi
Sani Poulose
Brendan Toohey
Rhea Beurs
Joelle Chaperon
Kim Beurs
Rob Brennan
Nick Kearney
Maryanne Challis
Terry Cristiano
Reece Chang
2020 Staff Service Awards
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
FROM THE BUSINESS MANAGER Mr Noel Kennedy | Business Manager Over 2020, administration’s attention was largely directed at supporting staff engaged in delivery of teaching and wellbeing programs. Our Marketing Department created materials to support teaching and learning programmes, developed ‘virtual’ events focused on maintaining connection and commenced preparation of a plan to guide future marketing efforts. Our Information Technology Department assisted in developing options for the delivery of remote learning and supported staff and students whenever difficulties were encountered. Our Facilities team kept the College site maintained, managed essential maintenance and assisted with implementing COVID-safe plans and approaches. Other Administration staff continued to support their departments with remote learning and student wellbeing, monitored changes in requirements and kept essential administrative functions moving. In addition to successfully delivering outcomes over the year, the willingness of staff to contribute in unfamiliar areas was most pleasing. The College implemented a new program to assist families who, often for the first time, found themselves in strained financial circumstances. The COVID-19 concession program sought to minimise information required for the approval of assistance in an attempt to secure faster approvals and avoid additional unnecessary stress to families. As uncertainty prevailed for most of the year, the program was adjusted as circumstances changed. Over 2020, planning continued for our new governance structure that will commence 1 January 2021. Since
its inception, the College has been conducted by the Salesians. From 1 January, ownership of the College remains with the Salesians but the College will be conducted by a company with a board of directors. A number of our current Advisory Council members have generously agreed to remain as directors and assist with the transition. Although these new arrangements will provide a more ‘robust’ governance structure, the new constitution recognises the College’s history and protects the Salesian charism, traditions and philosophy of education that are most important to our community. The College’s name will remain as Salesian College Chadstone. Physical improvements to the College site over 2020 were restricted but it was decided that the College should revisit its masterplan to guide future developments, so that work can commence as restrictions ease. A submission for a capital grant for development of a new sports facility was unsuccessful. However, the project will be incorporated into the new masterplan. Although 2020 has been a most challenging year, the willingness of staff to adapt, an understanding parent community and the willingness of our students to make the most of difficult circumstances is indicative of a strong Salesian community. The College’s finances are healthy, and the 2021 budget (and fees) will be mindful of the fact that many members of our community are recovering from extraordinary circumstances. In 2021, the College aims to embed its new governance structure, finalise its marketing plan and complete a masterplan to guide future developments.
FACILITIES REPORT Mr Peter Knight | Facilities Manager
Wow, what a year 2020 has been! It has been a busy year for the Facilities Team, who completed a number of high profile projects across the College. After successfully completing three building refurbishments in the Murdoch, De Sales and Mannix buildings for the return of the boys in Term 1, the team turned their attention to completing the Project Based Learning (PBL) dedicated room in the Murdoch building for early 2020. A big focus for the team in 2020 has been compliance and, in particular, reviewing and enhancing the College’s statutory, regulatory and workplace health and safety obligations. The introduction of a formalised contractor and bus driver induction system has streamlined how the team manages onsite contractors and the operations of the College’s bus fleet. The College’s Emergency Management systems have been enhanced with the development of multiple emergency control points across the Bosco Campus, implementing better communication systems to support the management of emergency events, and updating evacuation maps and plans to reflect more contemporary emergency management practices. In the Term 2 school holidays, works were undertaken to replace incandescent lighting throughout the College with new energy efficient LED fittings. The following outcomes were achieved: •
471 new LED light fittings are now installed across the College
87% of all light fittings across the College are now LED
Our new LED fittings will save the College approximately $17,000 per year
Our electricity usage will be reduced by approximately 69,024 Kilowatt hours per year
It is expected that the new LED lights will reduce the College’s C02 emissions by approximately 73.86 tonnes per year
Along with the LED installation program, works were undertaken in the Term 2 school holidays to install a new radiant heating system in the Hall (Kimberley Building). The new heating system has replaced our old, redundant heating unit, ensuring instantaneous heating to this large space. The Facilities team has embarked on implementing a long term asset strategy approach to managing the College’s buildings maintenance, through the development of a College-wide Building Asset Management Plan (BAMP). The BAMP will inform and guide budget and future building works, in order to keep the College’s building stock at its premium, thereby enhancing the teaching and learning of the boys. The BAMP will guide programmed building maintenance across the College’s 11 buildings for the next 10 years, with a lot of the work to develop the BAMP being undertaken in-house. It is expected that the BAMP will be operational in early 2021, guiding programmed building maintenance across both campuses of the College. During the month of December the Facilities Team facilitated the refurbishment of seven classrooms across the Kimberley, Murdoch and Fedrigotti buildings. In the past 14 months, the College has successfully refurbished 32 classrooms across both campuses. A focus for 2021 will be the development of a student furniture renewal program, which will guide how the College tailors classroom furniture to each year level cohort’s needs. The program will aim to enhance students’ teaching and learning outcomes as they progress through their secondary education journey with Salesian College. I would like to thank my team, Leon Brooks, Anthony McClelland, Po Chen and Josh Knight for their hard work and attention to detail, and for assisting me to complete the above works and to develop safe work systems across the Facilities unit to strengthen and espouse safety and compliance.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
COVID-19 essentially isolated staff and students, and it was our job to reunite teachers and classes.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mr Terry Cristiano | IT Manager 2020 was a mess to be dealt with. The bushfires began a lean year, and COVID-19 continued what was to be a prolonged nightmare. But as the British rock band Queen told us in song, ‘The show must go on’, we’re pleased to say that in IT, it did. Notably, this year we secured, implemented and monitored a new initiative that essentially took care of the remote learning that was induced by COVID-19. Microsoft Teams/Office functioned not without incident for our 1,500 staff and students. The introduction of MS Teams was exciting, as it facilitated the framework for teams to continue to work together remotely. Staff came together for meetings without coming together physically. Teachers could be offered flexibility to meet with classes of students or individuals as the case may be. Weekend classes were born. Remote learning is a new concept, and it taught us about more than just remote learning. It gave us the opportunity to believe that we as a department could respond successfully to the challenges that were perhaps unique to 2020. COVID-19 essentially isolated staff and students, and it was our job to reunite teachers and classes. Two classes were set up so that teaching and learning would continue with as little interruption as possible. Teaching remotely entailed infrastructure updates plus the ongoing need to rejig our learning of new technologies in relation to 21st century learning in this industry. Thus, once more we rediscovered our initiative and adaptability. Reports and indications would tell us we passed muster in this time of unprecedented hardship and taxing pressure. In addition, we set up PD opportunities, the functioning of One Note and the anchoring of Microsoft Teams. Firewall upgrades ensured continuing security in a climate of increased international attacks on our networks. With the aid of a state-of-the-art Community Portal, we spearheaded a Synergetic Client/College digital re-enrolment process. The laptop program also
continued. We researched, procured and rolled over 520 laptops at the beginning of Term Four, and by Week 4, 120 staff requirements had been satisfied. That program also included 400 laptops for the 2021 Year 7 and Year 10 year levels. At all times during this trying year, when the ability to be in two places at once seemed to have become a pre-condition, we managed to retain personnel at our office during both lockdowns. We are proud to say we survived it all with sanity intact. Things we are looking forward to doing next year In 2021 we anticipate using the Synergetic Community Portal to allow parents to make online payments, and also upgrading the Hall A/V systems to include bigger projectors and onstage displays. Acknowledgements Our thanks go to the following people: Rob Chrzanowski (Network Engineer) for his passion, reliability and evergrowing expertise to provide faultless support, and giving this without complaint, Guy Cristiano (Computer Technician) for his ability to shift between everyday IT trouble-shooter to project manager, and Matthaus Phillips (College Trainee) for his ability to get the job done, with no fuss. We need never tell Matthaus what is needed to be done for it to be reliably taken care of. Like Matthaus, Gerald Mini Farfan (our part-time Computer Technician) absorbs instructions, listens to advice and goes about his work with quiet efficiency. Thanks also to our former Business Manager Jack Palumbo and our current Business Manager Noel Kennedy for their trust in us and to Nadia Knight and Kamila Bielinski for supplying ongoing projects for IT. Thanks to staff, especially those of you who responded sensitively to IT advice, those who learned to upskill and the rare gift of those of you who know instinctively that a restart will assuredly fix most problems. To the students of the College, we owe a debt of thanks for your courtesy and respect. It has been our pleasure to serve you all.
DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Suzie McErvale | Head of Development and Marketing In early March 2020, the Development and Marketing (D&M) Department were putting the finishing touches on the 2020 Hall of Fame event, with record attendance numbers. But that soon altered. In what seemed like overnight, the world was catapulted into enormous change, uncertainty and the need to rapidly adapt to the immediate environment as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The mission of the D&M Department was to support staff engaged in delivering teaching and wellbeing programs to students and to provide enrolment guidance to families. As the first Catholic school which transitioned to virtual online Monday tours, action was quickly taken to ensure that families were best guided. Supporting ‘Continuity of Learning Plan’ messaging was important as we engaged with our community through blog articles, transitioned events and videos online and shared stories that echoed the power of community and the value of a collective approach. All this was made possible with the input of student leaders, Tour Guides, staff and alumni. Sharing the stories of past and present students was important in 2020. While classrooms presented differently from what they had been for the last 63 years, the essence of what the College was remained. As 2020 College Captain Robert Amendola reflects, our foundation is the “touchstone” that we look to in times of uncertainty. “Integrity, respect, belonging, joy and dynamism are not only our College values; they are the roots of our identity. The common anxieties we are now facing as we learn from home have not secluded us from
each other. Rather, they have brought us closer than ever, as we continue to elevate each other with motivation and encouragement.” Ensuring that students had a voice was a priority throughout the year. We worked with student leaders and ambassadors to remind younger students how to stay connected to classroom learning and to one another. As the year continued a range of projects were developed, such as re-enrolment transitioning to online and preparation and planning to guide future strategic marketing efforts – an important step for the new College Incorporation to endorse in early 2021. When we look back on statistics of engagement, feedback emails and surveys, we notice a well-connected, grateful community united in their mission to support students. I thank the core people in our D&M team who helped to bring together these outstanding results: Nikita Rodrigues and Michelle Collins, as well as the support of Leah Karam and Jessica Knight in Administration. A special mention goes to newcomer and Business Manager Noel Kennedy for his constant support, the Leadership Team, Mary Menz and Matthew Little for his role in video production. As the College farewells Principal Mr Robert Brennan, I thank him for his outstanding leadership and the contributions he has made to both teaching and nonteaching at Salesian College Chadstone over the past nine years. He has played a crucial role in the Salesian story and the evolution of the M&D team. I wish him all the best in the next step of his professional journey.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
CANTEEN Barbara Monaghan | Canteen Manager 2020, what a year! Due to COVID-19, we were only able to have parent helpers in Term One. We are very grateful to the generous parent volunteers whom we had the opportunity to meet this year. Without their help, the Canteen would not operate as efficiently or effectively as it does. We are looking forward to a big year in 2021. We acknowledged the eleven parent helpers who left the College after volunteering for six continuous years or more with a small token of appreciation. These presentations were announced via video at the Year 12 Valedictory Event on Monday 26 October.
Rohan Briglia
Sana Dabbous
Joylene Donovan
2015 - 2020
2015 - 2020
2015 - 2020
Ingrid Giles
Lori Marchese
Jen Waldron
2015 - 2020
2015 - 2020
2015 - 2020
Lorena Bravo
Natalie Colgrave
Anja Milic
2014 – 2020
2013 – 2020
2013 - 2020
Dorothy Toward
Marcia Roach
2013 - 2020
2012 - 2020
The recipients were: Name
Years of Service
Rohan Briglia
2015 – 2020 (6 years)
Sana Dabbous
2015- 2020 (6 years)
Joylene Donovan
2015 – 2020 (6 years)
Ingrid Giles
2015 – 2020 (6 years)
Lori Marchese
2015 - 2020 (6 years)
Jen Waldron
2015 – 2020 (6 years)
Lorena Bravo
2014 – 2020 (7 years)
Natalie Colgrave
2013 – 2020 (8 years)
Anja Milic
2013 - 2020 (8 years)
Dorothy Toward
2013 - 2020 (8 years)
Marcia Roach
2012 - 2020 (9 years)
We wish these wonderful people all the best in the future. We will miss you! A special mention and thankyou to the two Year 12 students who so often gave up their recess and lunch breaks to serve at the counter at very busy times. Both these students have helped us since they were in Year 10. They were presented with a small gift to say thank you. On behalf of the staff in the canteen, Julie, Jen, Angela and myself, we look forward to seeing you in 2021!
We are very grateful to the generous parent volunteers whom we had the opportunity to meet this year.
Joseph Curtis
Brandon Do
PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Mrs Tracy Stone 2020 Parents’ Association President As my last year at the College, 2020 was always going to be a year to remember. We began the school year with a mix of old and new faces ready to continue working to build our College community. With our calendar of events confirmed, it was great to see the enthusiastic buzz around the table as we discussed ideas and plans. However, in this unprecedented year, the Parents’ Association hosted our first and last event for 2020 three weeks into the school year. The Year 7 Social Night was held on 19 February. The Parents’ Association welcomed over 300 new families, giving them the opportunity to connect over a drink and a bite to eat as they commenced their journey together. I was humbled by the gratitude of all those who took the time to say ‘thank you’ to the volunteers on the night. The year took us all by surprise, and we were saddened that all the great events that bring everyone together were cancelled. However, the College community rallied to find ways to celebrate the traditions we hold dear. In lieu of our events, beautiful videos celebrating the Mums on Mothers’ Day and the Dads on Fathers’ Day were produced and shared so that we could reflect on the meaning of these special days. The challenging times of the year had a huge impact on all our lives, and the teachers and staff of the College provided tremendous support for and commitment to our boys throughout lockdown. To say ‘thank you’ on behalf of the entire parent community, the Parents’ Association organised a ‘brownie slab’ treat package for every staff member. It was a small gesture of appreciation that went a long way towards expressing our thanks.
The work the Parents’ Association does conveys the Salesian spirit of hospitality, and ensures that all families are welcomed and valued as members of the community.” My involvement with the Parents’ Association has been very rewarding, and I have loved being a part of the team. I have made wonderful friends, and have been privileged to join the amazing parents who form the committee, as well as the greater list of volunteers over the last six years. The work the Parents’ Association does conveys the Salesian spirit of hospitality, and ensures that all families are welcomed and valued as members of the community. The 2021 Committee is a fantastic group of parents who are committed to continuing the great events and initiatives for the parent community. I encourage you all, as I have always done, to participate and get involved when you can. There are many opportunities available. It may be one event that you attend, or one hour that you volunteer, and that is all that is required to continue to build a wonderful community. As I begin a new journey with my family, I go with the fondest of memories and leave you with this final thought: ‘Don’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers. The Titanic was built by professionals.’
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
TEACHING AND LEARNING Mrs Kamila Bielinski | Assistant Principal: Learning, Teaching and Innovation Ms Irene Apostolopoulos | Director of School Improvement: Curriculum As part of the consequences of COVID-19, Salesian College, like many schools across the world, closed its doors at various points throughout 2020. As a community we rose to the challenge of COVID-19 and exhibited resilience, unity and determination. As we delved into the unknown, our community banded together to ensure that high quality teaching and learning could take place remotely. The regular school day changed and our Continuity of Learning Plan came into effect. This saw students take on a more independent role in their learning, attending at least two Microsoft Teams classes per week for each of their subjects. SIMON and PAM became vital tools in communicating with and offering feedback to both parents and students alike. Our students exhibited skills in being independent, resilient and organised learners, and we are so proud of all their efforts. The refinement of these skills will see our students further develop and grow as they progress through their learning journeys. A few catch phrases that dominated the remote learning experience will eerily and fondly characterise this period in our history. If only we kept a tally every time a teacher said…. •
“Can you see me?”
“Who is not here?”
“Could you hear what was said?”
“So, I’m just going to share my screen….”
“Everyone please turn your mics off!”
“I think your mic is off….”
“Please stop removing others from the Teams Meeting!”
Or for each time students verbalised the following… •
“Sorry, it’s the WIFI…”
“It’s glitching …”
“You are lagging Miss!”
“My internet cut out.”
“Sorry I’m late, what were you doing?”
As we reflect on the key learnings of the year we recognise the importance of wellbeing and of staying connected as a community. We acknowledge the productivity and patience exhibited by staff, and commend our students on their independence, time management and ability to ask for help when needed. In particular, we commend the Year 7 group for their ability to adapt during this challenging first year of secondary education. We also congratulate and applaud the Year 12 Class of 2020 for their maturity, dedication and ability to unite as a group during their final year at Salesian College. We wish them all the very best as they pave a new path and direction into adulthood. We should all be incredibly proud of and inspired by the unity and optimism of our students, parents, families, teachers and staff. Thanks again to all members of our community for their ongoing commitment, support and resilience during these complex times. It is clear that our planning and preparation to deliver remote learning have built a high level of trust and confidence within our College community. Moreover, it has given us the flexibility to determine how we are best placed to provide quality teaching and learning, underpinned by the priority of the health and wellbeing of our staff and students.
Our students exhibited skills in being independent, resilient and organised learners, and we are so proud of all their efforts.”
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
FAITH AND MISSION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mr Chris Seeber and Mr Tristan O’Brien | Heads of Religious Education Our mission in a Catholic school is to teach a curriculum enriched by the values, beliefs, perspectives and experiences of each member of our community that actively engages with Catholic understandings of the human person. This year has truly been one filled with innovation and growth in Religious Education at Salesian College. The Salesian Strenna for 2020, “Good Christians and Upright Citizens”, has challenged the students over the course of the year to consider their role in society and community. This year, more than ever, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown has been the impetus for true collaboration, as teaching teams developed, refined and modified programs to suit remote learning, and students engaged in collaborative inquiry to satisfy learning objectives. The RE department identified three goals at the beginning of the year: 1. To strive for a cohesive, high functioning team.
year has been on encountering students with Religious Education in new and diverse ways. Where once the classroom was the predominant space for Religious Education, the innovation of remote learning has allowed RE teachers and all students to continue sharing stories and ideas related to topics ranging from scripture to sacraments, and from ethics to inter-religious dialogue. Each year the RE curriculum continues to refine Knowledge and Understanding, Reasoning and Responding and Personal and Communal Engagement as the framework for learning in RE. Assessments from Years 7-10 reflect this pedagogical framework, emphasising knowledge, reasoning and action. In addition, we are developing a showcase of religious artefacts and resources for the RE curriculum, in an effort to bring the abstract nature of some religious concepts into a tangible, experiential space.
We have continued to build on the successes of previous years by reviewing and evaluating every topic this year, in an effort to ensure that RE was taught authentically and effectively while remotely learning. There is now a clear pathway to VCE Religion and Society for all students from as early as Year 10 who are seeking a VCE course of study. RE teachers and students responded to the new teaching model of remote learning by exploring new ways to combine prayer, learning and growth across the year levels and their various topics.
Throughout the lockdown period our students relied on a variety of digital platforms, mainly One Note, which is in widespread use, and Microsoft Teams, which allowed students to talk to each other as they collaborated online to conduct research together. Our junior classes focused their learning on scripture, sacraments, traditions and beliefs of the Catholic Church in order to gain insight into the complexity and wisdom of the Catholic faith. Year 9s and 10s investigated national and international social justice issues and how Catholic social teaching informs our response. Our senior classes followed the VCE curriculum that explores the meaning of religion juxtaposed to scientific study and ethical issues in contemporary society.
RE is taught at Salesian College to engage our rational minds, our social understandings and consciences, leading to informed action. The essential focus of this
We acknowledge the efforts of the RE department to engage and inspire our students this year. We will continue to strive for success in 2021.
2. To develop and review units of work and assessments. 3. To develop and refine teaching skills and knowledge.
FAITH AND MISSION - LITURGY Ms Melina Barcellona | Liturgy Coordinator In this year of remote learning, of endless emails, of team meetings, hoping someone was listening on the other end, it is comforting that at any time of the day or night we can call on Jesus. He is always waiting, listening for our call. No phone needed, no emails needed, no Teams meeting needed, just a whisper. This is Faith at its best, and here at Salesian College no “lockdown” was going to stop us from celebrating who we are, and from showcasing the values which are important to us. We were all well and truly put to the test. We went beyond our comfort zone. We experienced solitude, found strength and maybe inner peace. We all learnt to deal with the pressures and struggles sent our way, yet somehow we managed to get through. Salesian College prides itself on our wonderful celebrations such as our Mother’s Day Mass, Father’s Day Mass, Don Bosco’s Oratory Week and other great Feast Days. The lockdown did not stop us. No! We could not be there physically, but we did have some wonderful celebrations via the internet. Thanks to the gifts and talents of staff and student leaders here at Salesian College, we were able to deliver an inspirational Mother’s Day Mass, and a wonderful celebration of fathers and grandfathers. In addition, the virtual Don Bosco’s Oratory Week was one we will
never forget. The gift boxes we all received, the creations that were conjured to win a prize, the amazing talented students who entered the various talent quests, all this was captured forever online. Thanks to technology, we can watch this event over again, whenever we want. “Where two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them.” (Matt: 18:20) There are many people we should acknowledge and thank this year, especially Mr Matthew Little and his team for his wonderful productions and coordination of all these celebrations, for his filming, editing, and organising the students. The list goes on. A huge thankyou to our College Student Leaders, in particular, Robert Amendola, Jacob Curry and Adam Stone. Also a big thank you to the House Leaders and Mrs Knight for their tireless work. Thank you also to the Year 12 VCAL students and the IT Department for their assistance, and to the many other people who contributed in any way, and, of course, thank you Father Greg – your words of wisdom were always delivered with sincerity and belief.
We should all be proud of our contributions to this wonderful College where joy, dynamism, respect, belonging and integrity shine through in everyone and in everything we do.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
FAITH AND MISSION - SOCIAL JUSTICE Ms Angela Liyanage | Social Justice Coordinator Term One began with our annual focus on Project Compassion. This year, the theme was to “go further together.” Little did we know how important this year’s Caritas theme would be for us as we headed into a busy term and year! “Go further together” encouraged us to become more harmonious, to continue to help end poverty, to promote justice and uphold dignity. Along with our House Leaders and students, the Social Justice team were able to raise $6,071.32. What an achievement! A big thankyou to everyone who participated in fundraising activities such as the Swimming Carnival sausage sizzle, selling noodles at the Athletics Carnival and all the other activities that took place in Term One. Unfortunately, we were unable to spend much of Term Two at school. Our efforts for St Vinnies took place in the last two weeks of Term Two, when we were fortunate enough to have all students back on site with us. The focus of this term was on the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Traditionally, our Oratory lessons would focus on how we can continue to raise awareness of the important issue of homelessness. This year, however, we decided to trial a different approach. A number of senior students from Years 10 – 12 planned a number of activities that took place in the Junior School Oratories. Activities such as “Toothpaste” and “Whose bag is that?” were developed and carried out, with the aim of the senior students helping the junior school students to engage with the topic of the seriousness of homelessness, and to encourage them to continue working together as a school community to support the homeless. This then led to a lunch time event where students were invited into the Kimberly Hall to participate in a number of activities at stalls and several Kahoot games tournaments. Even though students had only been back at school for two to four weeks, (depending on the year level), we were able to collect an impressive amount of goods (toys and non-perishable items) to donate to St Vincent de Paul. A special thankyou to the Years 10 – 12 students who volunteered their time to developing and running meaningful activities. On
behalf of the teachers who observed the activities taking place, I would like to congratulate these students on their maturity and the excitement they brought to activities, as they continued spreading the message of homelessness awareness to our junior school students. Term Three was a term like no other. We were challenged as a school to figure out how we could continue to spread the message of Social Justice while also navigating remote learning. Once again, the Salesian community banded together, and as Caritas encouraged us, we were able to “go further together.” Don Bosco Oratory Week ran differently to how we would normally experience the event. Regardless, we felt it was important to carry the spirit of Don Bosco, especially during a time when many of us felt challenged. While the focus of Term Three was to continue keeping each and every one of us connected, we were able to also raise $4,008.50 for the Salesian Missions in Cambodia! The generosity of families and staff alike reflects the message of Caritas, and is a testament to how our school community values supporting others through difficult times. Once more, Term Four began as busy as every other term this year. In lieu of our annual Christmas Hamper, students, the Salesian community and staff have been encouraged to donate gift vouchers this year to support the St Vinnies Christmas appeal. In addition to this, we are also having two casual clothes days, so that we are able to raise money to continue supporting the hard work of the St Vinnies group in supporting families who are facing a difficult Christmas this year. The success of these projects and the donations we received are all thanks to the kindness and altruism of the Salesian Community. On behalf of the Faith and Mission team and as the Social Justice Coordinator, I would like to sincerely thank every single person who has played an integral role in continuing our Social Justice efforts in 2020.
2020 Oakleigh Connections Group
OAKLEIGH CONNECTIONS Mr Peter Bermingham Oakleigh Connections Program Coordinator One of the longstanding traditions at Salesian College has been the welcoming of a group of disabled guests into our community. This program was first recorded in the 1985 College Yearbook and involved a group of visitors from the Kew Cottages. Today, whilst our visitors now come from Oakleigh Connections, the program continues to provide our students with an opportunity to offer their assistance and friendship in a truly Salesian way. Unfortunately, with the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, visits were restricted to just three weeks at the beginning of the year. Even so, a total of 10 students volunteered to spend their Friday lunchtimes with members of the broader community who live with intellectual disabilities. Students who attended in 2020: Gabriel Kapaklis 9C Seb Krueger 9C Malakai Harding 9B Ethan Coutts 9F Christian Moraes 8A Will Hemsley 9E Sam Dew 9C Ruchith Navaratne 9F Kaiden Serrano 9F Timothy Vo 9F
The Oakleigh Connections Program channels Don Bosco’s vision of building a community that welcomes everyone.” “It’s nice bringing happiness into the lives of our Oakleigh Connections friends.” – Kaiden Serrano “Participating in this program was a great experience. I made new friends and strengthened my connections with my existing friends.” – Ruchith Navaratne “It’s a lot of fun meeting new people and making new friends. The Oakleigh Connections Program channels Don Bosco’s vision of building a community that welcomes everyone. The program reminds me of Don Bosco’s motto, ‘Omnia Omnibus’, meaning ‘All Things to All Men.’” - Malakai Harding “This experience opened my mind to the struggles of others in our community.” – Gabriel Kapaklis We all look forward to the re-commencement of this program in 2021.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
DON BOSCO’S ORATORY WEEK Mrs Nadia Knight | Assistant Principal: Mission and Staff Formation Being part of the Salesian family at Chadstone means that we stand together, whatever the challenges that we face, and we are certainly being challenged now. However, we are facing these challenges the Salesian way, and we continue to live out our values of Integrity, Respect, Belonging, Joy and Dynamism. It is the living out of these values that allowed us to experience Don Bosco’s Oratory Week with a difference this year, still filled with the joy of Salesian Spirituality. As members of the Salesian family, we support our brothers and sisters wherever they are and whatever their need is. At Chadstone, we do this is by providing a focus in our Term Two program and, in particular, during Don Bosco’s Oratory Week. Don Bosco’s Oratory Week is an important event that aims to celebrate: •
Being part of the Salesian family
Being a faith-filled community
Who we are as a multi-cultural and diverse community
The week began with an Opening Ceremony, when Father Chambers reminded us of the meaning of Oratory and declared Don Bosco’s Oratory Week opened. Activities followed from there. Oratory teachers and senior leaders were integral to the week, inspiring all our students to get involved. Our aim for the walkathon was to try to collectively walk the distance of a return trip between Australia and Cambodia. Together we successfully walked over 9,000km, which certainly covered the distance from Australia to Cambodia, and a third of the way back! We also raised nearly $3,000 for our Salesian Missions in Cambodia. I would like to thank everyone for their donations. I am certain they will be well received. Congratulations to the following boys who were Walkathon leaders in their respective year levels: Walkathon Leaders: (Students) Year
The social justice work we dedicate ourselves to
Tate Mole (7A)
And of course, Don Bosco’s Oratory Week allows us to have lots of fun together!
Abhav Chenanda Karumbaiah (8G)
Ben Bawden (9A)
Andrew Avramopoulos (10D)
Jordan Ratumu (11D)
Kevin Joshua (12A)
70.4km 59.5km
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Don Bosco’s Oratory Week did not take place in Term 2. Plans were made to hold the event at the College in Term 3, but unfortunately this was not able to take place either. At Salesian College, we pride ourselves on the sense of community and belonging we share, and we really wanted to do something to celebrate. We felt that during this year in particular, it was important to feel and stay connected. Each member of our community received a parcel in the mail with all that they needed to participate in our virtual 2020 Don Bosco’s Oratory Week. This was a week-long event that took place each morning. The activities aimed to focus on ‘non-screen’ time, and all students were encouraged to take photos and send them in to Don Bosco’s email address!
Walkathon Leaders: (Staff) Name
Nes Barakat
Trudy Skarajew
Ria Khambete
Peter Knight
Scott Peacock
51.5km 45.7km 44.5km 40.3km 37.6km 36.1km
Atul Khambete Josh Bryan Stephanie Lai Craig Abernethy Georgine Dow
We had many staff and students send in photos of their competition entries. The following students are those who were our winners. Congratulations to all who participated in our Don Bosco’s Oratory Week activities!
Banner Creation Activity Winners: Spencer Guzzo 7A
Oscar Biviano 8C
Kolby Battye 7F
James Peluso 10B
Smauel Gould 8C
Josh Skarajew 11B
Cambodia Pen Pal Activity: John Truong 10F
Julian Geros 7C
Kosta Balakas 9B
Ruben D’Agostino 8B
Lance Kieu Year 10F
Ryan Thmoas 8G
Dean Gentile 7C
Tiernan Coyles 7H
Themi Gounaris 7C
Salesian Word Search Winners: Junior Winner
Jordi Dermitzakis 8F
Senior Winner
Pramishka De Alwis 10B
Tetris Winners:
Salesian and Sport Kahoot Winners: Junior Winners
Senior Winners
Anton Occhiuto 7F
Sam Cherry 10D
Alex Sabljak 7B
Jackson Luzares 10E
Harrison Window 7H
Liam Knight 10G
Jordi Dermitzakis 8F
Mindful Colouring Competition Winners: Dean Bombonati 7F
Mrs Garofalo
Abel Joseph 7G
Talent and Trick Shot Competition: Winners: Kristian Aparo 10C
Jacob Curry 12C
Francis Maimarosia 11E
Andrew Byan 7G
Scott Fisher 12A
Patrick Quach 7B
Lego Winners: Lego Provided
Additional Lego
Ben Vu 8E
Aidan Rhys Fernandes 7B
Keelan Corcoran 11C
Junior Winner
Julian Demarco 7H
Senior Winner
Aidan Tran 10G
Honourable Mention
Mrs Bellizia
Paddle Pop Stick Creators: Junior Winner
Aidan Rhys Fernandes 7B
Senior Winner
Daniel Muscat 12B
Don Bosco’s Oratory Week themed Meme Competition: Wissam Maleb 7A
Aidan D’Souza 9C
Derick Maimarosia 7A
James Topliff 9E
Drawing Competition Winners: Junior Winner
Andrew Doan 9D
Senior Winner
Mark Skopakow 11B
Honourable Mention
Pramishka De Alwis 10B
Ms Ellul Ms Thean
Pancake Competition Winners: Iskra Zlatanovski 8E
Pramishka De Alwis 10B
Staff Brownie Competition Winners: Mrs Skarajew
Mrs Triaylos
Mystery Noodle Box Challenge Winners: Andre Ghaly 8G
Mr Zhang
Alvin Yala 10G
Mr Azar
Staff Gardening Challenge Winners: Mrs Arnold
Ms Tsiavis
Congratulations to all our winners, and to everyone who contributed to making this Don Bosco’s Oratory Week such a success.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
ENGLISH Miss Alexandra Tsiavis | Head of English It has been an inspiring yet challenging year for both the English Faculty and our students in 2020. Students were tasked with adapting to a new way of learning this year, and they adopted this new method with exuberance, creativity and commitment to their studies. Whether in physical or virtual classrooms, there have been many enlightening moments for both teachers and students, showing our genuine love for the subject. This year, the department undertook and implemented a variety of activities and initiatives that bolstered an already enriching curriculum into something even more engaging and beneficial to student learning and outcomes. Years 7 & 8 A highlight from our junior year levels this year was the implementation of the Literacy and Life PBL pilot program, where students were able to engage with the wider world around them whilst still maintaining an English and History focus. Further, the Shared Stories initiative allowed students from our Year 7 and 8 Biretta classes to become published authors in the annual anthology. To further augment literacy skills in the English classroom, all Year 7 and 8 students participated in the ‘Bookflix’ program, a new reading program set up by the Rua Resource Centre. Years 9 & 10 Approaching this year with both a commitment to their studies, especially through online learning and a positive attitude, the Year 9 and 10 English students showed their ability to refine their English skills throughout the year. Not letting the virtual classroom hold them back, students were still able to submit oral presentations and participate in the Mary McKertich Public Speaking Competition. The Year 9 English elective program also offered an array of enrichment opportunities for the students through classes such as Journalism, Creative
Writing and Myths and Legends. Further to this, I would like to offer my congratulations and gratitude to Maiki Giannakopoulos for submitting and performing a written poem for the Legacy Writing Competition and Salesian Legacy Video. Years 11 & 12 This year our VCE students were thrown straight into the deep end with a new online learning setting, to which they adapted to with maturity and motivation. Staff and students worked exceptionally hard to ensure that this circumstance did not impede their teaching and studies. Moreover, we introduced a new ‘VCE English Help’ initiative that was supervised both in person and online as an extra session which students attended for clarification, to complete their homework, or work in groups, to further develop their English skills and knowledge. In the lead up to their exams, the Year 12 students were provided with extra lecture style sessions from experienced teachers and past students on the key elements of their exam: “The Women of Troy” Text Response, “Ransom” and “The Queen” Comparative and Argument and Language Analysis. Thank you to Mr Neil Carter (staff member) Joe Cefai and Bo De Silva (past students) for putting in the extra time to support our current Year 12s. To all our students, congratulations on your efforts and successes in your English classes this year. You have shown great strength and resilience, and your teachers are proud of you! Finally, I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to all members of the English Faculty in 2020. It has not been an easy year, but you have continued to inspire our students through your knowledge, passion, and dedication. We look forward to what 2021 throws at us!
HUMANITIES Mr Peter Bermingham | Head of Humanities In 2020 the Humanities Department welcomed new staff members Miss Josie Thompson, Ms Leonie Nathan, Miss Mikayla Domini, Mr John Russo and Ms Adele Bellizia to the teaching team. They quickly became key members of the hard-working Humanities staff, who collectively embraced the challenges brought on by COVID-19. Given the nature of 2020, all teachers were required to adapt their approach to the education of their students. At relatively short notice, the Humanities staff worked in small subject-based teams to restructure their teaching plans, adapting their style of delivery to suit the online format. At the same time, the challenge of upskilling in a number of technological areas was met with enthusiasm. I’m very grateful to the Humanities staff for the efforts they made to ensure the continued delivery of knowledge and understanding in a manner that both challenged students and stimulated their learning. During 2020 a number of Humanities Department staff successfully embedded Project Based Learning (PBL) in the form of Literacy and Life (History and English) into two Year 7 classes. Training was also undertaken by those staff who are involved in preparing for the introduction of PBL to the whole Year 7 cohort in 2021. The next stage of the PBL roll out involves two Year 8 classes in 2021, something that required a team of staff to carry out the associated planning in addition to their normal teaching responsibilities. Despite the challenges of remote teaching, the process of education continued throughout the year. One highlight
was the learning undertaken by students under the PBL umbrella. Students in the participating classes undertook a number of activities, including the creation of a board game that was inspired by not only ancient Egyptian history, but also by Jackie French’s novel ‘Pharaoh’. Continuing the Egyptian theme, another task required students to use household items to construct a pyramid, while they explored the nature and impact of The Black Death in Europe through the creation of an infographic. At Year 8 level, students were able to demonstrate their knowledge of medieval times by researching and creating a model of a historical artefact. Models included farming implements, weaponry and pieces of armour. This task culminated in a presentation, with students detailing interesting facts about their chosen artefact, such as what it was used for and who may have used it. One of the many negatives associated with the year was the inability to take students on excursions, or for the College to host incursions. The students of Year 11 Twentieth Century History were fortunate to be able to visit the Jewish Holocaust Centre immediately prior to the first period of remote learning. This valuable excursion allowed students to add some practical learning to the theory associated with the development and impact of ideology on the events leading to World War Two. In conclusion, I’d like to thank all Humanities staff for their hard work and support this year. Together, we all look forward with optimism to 2021.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
MATHEMATICS Mr David McDonald | Head of Mathematics ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’, and in 2020 invention was certainly needed in inventing new ways to enthuse our students with Mathematics, while teaching remotely. Mathematics teachers, like all other teachers, needed to become more creative and resourceful in delivering good quality lessons that allowed students to develop sound concepts and see Mathematics as a powerful tool for solving problems. This challenge was especially felt by the teachers of Years 7 and 8, who were unable to conduct their vital concept lessons, where students work in groups using concrete materials to make topics such as Fractions, Decimals and Algebra more real. A sense of uncertainty was also near to the surface for many of our Year 12 students as they passed their final year of school without the normality of other years. Online assessment was also a new feature and challenge of 2020, and many staff became very adept at creating effective assessments via Microsoft Forms, Education Perfect and JacPLUS. While these challenges were very real for staff and students, I congratulate all on their resilience and perseverance and how they responded to challenges. Our students worked to become more independent and accountable for their own learning as they could not rely on their teachers discovering their needs through a chance look over their shoulder or by overhearing a casual conversation. While this experience was difficult, we hope that our students have acquired new and valuable skills. The difficulties of this year will also demand a great effort next year to limit and compensate for any shortcomings in students’ learning and preparation due to the interruption of COVID-19. Unfortunately, the Australian Mathematics Competition was unable to run here in Victoria in 2020. A number of adjustments to dates were made by the organisers, but alas, the scope of the pandemic in Victoria rendered
these attempts ineffective. A real positive has been the way that different year level and subject teams have been able to plan, adjust and deliver an effective set of lessons to our students. Despite some evident issues such as the loss of internet connections at times, the general feedback was positive, with families grateful that staff made every effort to maintain our students’ learning. The attempt to extend the Targeted Teaching project into Year 8 managed to stay on course, despite limited opportunities to benefit from the planned professional learning days and valuable planning meetings with our consultant from Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM). The project gathered evidence of student understanding, using SMART tests, and trialled some targeted lessons on Algebra to address these needs. I am hopeful that we can again deliver a full targeted teaching programme in both Year 7 and Year 8 as originally planned.
Our students worked to become more independent and accountable for their own learning...”
The Science Department congratulates our best VCE Science students of 2020, who were Jordan Dam, Scott Fisher, Jacob Curry & Steven Tran.
SCIENCE Mr Nick Shaw | Head of Science In 2020 the Science team was very excited to welcome a new subject, Year 9 ‘The World Around Us’. This subject was undertaken by the Year 9 Biretta class, and is the first Project Based Learning subject to be introduced into the curriculum at Year 9. We also look forward to 2021, when every Year 7 class will undertake “The World Around Us”, a combined subject that covers the curriculums of both Science and Geography. We hope students will enjoy Project Based Learning, where each unit incorporates as much authenticity into the learning experience as possible. 2020 has proved to be a very different year for Science at Salesian. Remote learning provided many challenges for Science, due to the practical nature of the subject. However, staff and students took to the challenge and tried their best to get away from their computers to conduct some Science practical activities when they could. Year 7 students conducted a separating mixtures investigation at home, where they first mixed and then separated various substances, using scientific techniques. The Year 8 students unfortunately missed out on their chemical reactions unit at school, but they got involved in their own chemical reactions investigation on rusting. Students chose a variety of solutions and tested which would rust iron as quickly as possible. The results proved to be very interesting and surprising, such as the discovery that lemon juice will go mouldy!
Year 9 students adapted well to online learning by using online applications to investigate electric circuits. Year 10 students made their own nature inspired gliders to help learn the concepts of natural selection and flight physics. Our VCE students made the most of the year and the opportunities presented to them, particularly earlier in the year. Our Psychology students investigated the influence of our senses on taste perception, and Environmental Science students were still able to have an incursion with “Reptile Encounters”, who visited the College and provided students with the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of Australia’s threatened species. Physics students were also lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Luna Park for the first time to investigate the physics behind the rides and attractions at the park. The Science Department congratulates our best VCE Science students of 2020, who were Jordan Dam, Scott Fisher, Jacob Curry and Steven Tran. Well done this year, boys! We would also like to take this opportunity to recognise Joe Cefai from the Class of 2019, who scored the highest score in recent memory for any Science subject at Salesian. Joe received a perfect score of 50 for Environmental Science. Thanks again to all the Science students who got involved in our at-home experiments this year! We look forward to getting back into the laboratory in 2021.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
LOTE Mrs Rita Bonne | Head of Languages Learning a language is a challenge at the best of times. With the added constraints and pressures of remote teaching and learning, we were all certainly tested to our limits. The Languages Team had to stretch its creative repertoire to engage and motivate students, whilst at the same time ensuring accessibility and confidence in language learning. I am very proud to say that the boys and their families were very supportive and were willing to take on our new ideas. We asked boys to record their voices and their presentations using ‘Flipgrid’, watch clips and answer questions on ‘Edpuzzle’, video themselves introducing their families and record themselves on ‘Education Perfect’. The Year 12 Italian students had several video calls with another school to practise for their upcoming oral exam, as well as practise individually on ‘Extempore’ and more. The video calls were very successful, and the boys were able to not only add to their vocabulary bank, but also share their impressive speaking skills. We also ended a challenging Term Three with a remote celebration of LOTE Week. “LOTE Week was an anticipated event on the Salesian calendar. However, in light of COVID-19, we were unable to celebrate this auspicious event at school in the proper
Remote LOTE Week Bonbonniere Activity Salesian spirit. Despite this, staff were able to organise virtual events for both students and staff whilst in this time of isolation in order to maintain the spirit of the week. These activities included recording a Kung Fu Kick or soccer kick, cooking a Salesian inspired pasta dish, a cultural quiz and a fan/bonbonniere making competition. Throughout the College, many people participated in these activities, taking impressive photos and videos of their creations or skills, with the best of them earning prizes for their efforts. Overall, LOTE week during remote learning was still celebrated with the same spirit as it would have been if it had been celebrated at school, bringing an enjoyable and spirit-filled conclusion to the end of the term, as well as joy and a sense of community and belonging throughout the school.” - Alex Marinis, 8B All of this was possible through the hard work, dedication and creativity of a great team. Sincere thanks to Miss Melina Barcellona, Mrs Rosa Salemme and Mr Alvin Zhang for providing many meaningful learning activities to engage all students in such a difficult time. Congratulations to all the Language students for their resilience in taking up the challenges. This will surely benefit them in the future.
TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Mr Craig Abernethy Head of Technology Department As the Head of Design and Technology this year, I welcome the opportunity to report on the outstanding work done by students and staff in the Technology Department.
The Year 9 ‘Masterchef’ classes took inspiration from their own cultural heritages in creating dishes that they shared with us on their online blogs.
The Technology Department includes Product Design and Technology, Systems Engineering, Food Technology and Recycled Racers. The Year 12 VCE students in all Technology subjects achieved some excellent results this year, with outstanding and varied products produced by the boys. Unfortunately, several practical classes did not go ahead this year due to the COVID-19 lockdown. All students were taught through remote classes at various stages throughout Terms Two and Three. This was a challenge to both students and staff. I congratulate all the staff and students from the Technology classes for their hard work and resilience this year. This year the Design and Technology Show was unfortunately cancelled due to the COVID-19 indoor crowd restrictions. We look forward to a bigger and better show in 2021.
Some of the new technologies used by the students this year were the new laser cutter purchased for the department, and the 3D printers that assisted the VCE boys in completing their complex projects to a high standard of quality. We also introduced a new CAD drawing program that some of the boys embraced in completing their design options and working drawings for their folio criteria.
In Term One the Design and Technology Department took on a project to build bird boxes to help repair the damage done by the summer bushfires in Mallacoota. We managed to make 90 boxes in five classes from Years 8 to 10. This was an excellent opportunity for the boys to experience different forms of construction in making the bird boxes, and to learn about the damage done by the out of control bushfires in our forests. The wildlife organisation that we donated the boxes to was very grateful, and said that the boxes would help to return several native bird species to the Gippsland area. We were excited to see Food Technology taught in Units 3 and 4 this year for the first time, led by Ms Molly Tilley.
The Year 12 Product Design and Technology students used a variety of sustainable and exotic timbers in their projects. Scott Fisher used Jarrah and Tasmanian Oak on his table top, Marcus Merry used Tasmanian Oak for his Television Cabinet and Suban Krishshanthan made a well designed and constructed table from Redgum and Blackwood. Congratulations to the 2020 Dux of Product Design and Technology, Scott Fisher, and to the Dux of Systems Engineering, Alessandro Krejany. Lastly, I must acknowledge the efforts of the Technology Department staff, whose support and assistance has been most appreciated throughout the year. The teachers in this department often go out of their way to help the students by providing lunchtime, after school and holiday classes. Best wishes and good luck to Mr Raff Batista and Mr Allan Qi as they move on to other interests next year. I am sure thousands of boys will remember their compassion in teaching the subject. We look forward to Mr Timothy Clark and Ms Angela Xu joining us in Technology next year.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Mrs Fatima Nazar | Head of Digital Technology This year came with many challenges and surprises. We have tackled many problems regarding teaching and learning online and, more than anything else, regarding our health and safety. Our school community joined forces and worked collaboratively to solve and combat all challenges, and we passed with flying colours. Among all these ‘gladiator wars’, we managed to teach and engage our students to learn new and exciting things. Here is some student feedback on Digital Technology this year. Year 7 student Thomas Maguire-Nguyen enjoyed learning how to make a “How-To” guide on computer and digital literacy. “This task allowed us to demonstrate our knowledge of Digital Technologies in two different ways. Firstly, we got to show off our video editing skills, which I particularly enjoyed because I have my own small YouTube channel. This was fun, because we got to add in effects and music. Secondly, most of the topics that people created their guides on were information which isn’t common knowledge, allowing us to showcase our Digital Technology knowledge. This was a really fun activity that I want to do again, in a more advanced way.” Year 8 student Shivaram Ramesh reflects on his learnings from the year. “Something cool I learned in Digital Technologies this year was Microsoft Excel. I found the Excel assessment task interesting because I learned new things I never knew before. It was fun because I enjoy Maths, and in Excel you can add formulas which interested me. I also enjoyed making a PowerPoint because it was really fun adding the questions about the internet. It was really fun testing my classmates.” Year 8 student Christos Babatsias enjoyed learning Scratch3 this year. “It was fun because it gave me an idea of what it’s like to be a game developer, and all the work that goes into making games.” Year 9 student Hardu Ginoa enjoyed learning Photoshop,
Maya and Unreal. “It was fun because it was a new experience. I have wanted to learn how to use Photoshop for a long time. Maya and Unreal were interesting because I had never opened them before. I got to learn how to model through this subject.” Year 9 student Will Hemsley enjoyed designing and creating a 3D environment with colours and shapes. “I got to see my creation first hand and tailor it to my own liking. I liked the originality and imagination that this task required.” Year 10 student Dhruv Israni wrote about his 3D Game Development elective. “I learnt new things in this elective. While I ran into some problems, it was fun to solve these with my friends. I liked the challenge of researching and implementing different ideas to solve a problem. “ Year 10 student Dylan Be reflects on his Digital Business elective. “We created a non-lethal invention that would not create any casualties, but instead create jobs and opportunities. It was fun creating an idea and working on it with my partner.” Year 11 student Sanish Rajbhandari enjoyed learning Visual Basic. “It was fun because I felt as if I had accomplished something. Once I was done, I felt quite happy with the result.” Year 11 student Ben Abraham enjoyed the virtual reality sessions. “Interactive Virtual Reality sessions are always cool and fun.” I want to thank my team of wonderful teachers who kept their classes exciting, engaging and innovative. We look forward to bringing new and creative challenges to our students in 2021.
RUA RESOURCE CENTRE Mrs Ria Khambete | Head of Information Services
Despite COVID-19 and the uncertainty that surrounded it, the Rua Resource Centre (RRC) was able to run activities on site and remotely in 2020. The library offered support in remote learning and teaching and continued to undergo some physical changes. Maker Space A welcome addition to our library spaces was the creation of a Maker Space. Supporting Project Based Learning and encouraging creativity and collaborative approaches, this space will be used by students in 2021 during lunch times for activities like Lego Tournament, electronics and VR sessions. Students will be able to learn, create and share their experiences with peers in an informal environment. eResources The library continued adding new eResources to the collection in 2020, and we made sure that these were available to students and teachers to access from home. Over 1,000 new eBooks and eAudio books were added to our existing collection of over 2,500 eBooks and 750 eAudio books. Remote access to “The Age” newspaper and Britannica Encyclopedia was established, and the Global Issues database was subscribed to. A complimentary Wellness eBook and eAudio book collection was added to help students cope with situations beyond their control in 2020. It offered a discreet way for students to borrow titles on personally challenging topics, and to read these in private without fear of judgement. The library also created many LibGuides, which included topics such as Editing and Proof Reading. New Print Collections Another highlight of 2020 was the creation of various print collections, such as our Australian Collection and Classics Collection. These special collections were developed to support teaching and learning at Salesian College. Reading and Quiz Competitions This year, Reading Programs were designed and developed by the RRC and were run throughout the year as competitions. Each term had a different theme, to generate student interest. Over 500 students from across all year levels participated in the reading program. Over 200 students successfully completed it. They were awarded merits and prizes to recognise their fantastic efforts.
Following the theme of the term, weekly book reviews and character reviews were added to Salesian Blog by staff and students. Quiz competitions were organised once every term for all staff and students. It was exciting to note that over 300 staff and students participated in the Quiz competitions, and winners received some fabulous prizes. To celebrate the annual CBCA Book Week during August, we promoted a range of activities such as book displays, a movie week and a quiz competition. Information Literacy In Term One the Rua Resource Centre welcomed Year 7 boys to the library by offering a Library Orientation Program. In the two 40-minute sessions, new students were introduced to the library photocopier process, policies and collections and, in particular, our eResources. Our popular virtual reality sessions in Term One also enhanced students’ learning outcomes. Acknowledgements Throughout 2020, which has proved to be a very different year to others, I met many amazing staff members who encouraged the library team to keep going and to keep achieving their goals. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the IT Team for their support, Ms Nikita Rodrigues for always being so helpful with marketing and promotional material, Ms Jessica Knight and Ms Leah Karam for organising student prizes, Mr Johnathon Stevens for creating Maker Space signage, Mr Anthony Bowen for creating our Lego Wall, our Facilities Team for always being so responsive, the English Department for their support with the Reading Program in Terms One and Four, the Leadership Team for their understanding and continuous support and our Library Technician Mr Joshua Bryan, who has been such a great colleague to work with.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
PERFORMING ARTS Mrs Maryanne Challis Head of Performing Arts & Instrumental Music Coordinator Mr Adam Croft | Head of Performance Mr Matt Little Director of Performing Arts Events & Ensembles The Performing Arts Department has achieved many successes throughout an incredibly challenging year. By no means has 2020 been the year we hoped that it would be, but we have managed to continue with what both students and staff love to do, which is learn and develop our knowledge in both music and Drama. Music Camp this year was the last camp/excursion at the College in Term One. This camp included three days of intense rehearsals, concluding with a refined concert. Our boys showed incredible concentration over the camp, whilst also connecting with the musicians they play alongside. Camp also prepared our students for what would have been their annual performance at the Victorian School Music Festival in August, plus our Music Tour to Hawaii. Unfortunately, we were only a few days away from flying out to Hawaii when the COVID-19 virus hit hard and our tour was cancelled. Even though this news was deeply disappointing, the boys showed a great deal of maturity in accepting the gravity of the situation. As we moved to remote learning, our staff and students were keen to continue teaching and learning. The Performing Arts department set up our laptops, began teaching via Microsoft Teams and continued to have face-to-face lessons. We worked through a number of challenging technical issues, but soon realised that the staff and students were thoroughly enjoying playing their instruments again. I had some wonderful feedback from parents, students and staff about the enthusiasm during lessons, many remarking on how the instrumental and classroom-based lessons brought light relief to the restrictive nature of the lockdowns. What an experience this turned out to be! So much so, that the boys generously gave of their time in making video performances for our Autumn Virtual Concert at the end of Semester 1. We wanted to continue with this enthusiasm in Semester 2, and introduced the Solo Music Competition in Term Three. What a magnificent event, with 66 applicants! Congratulations to all our talented musicians who entered videos for the competition, and huge congratulations to Robert Kosta McCance, Alvin Yala and Max Schroder for becoming our Senior, Intermediate and Junior champions respectively. I look forward to watching you all perform live in 2021 at this now annual event.
“...huge congratulations to Robert Kosta McCance, Alvin Yala and Max Schroder for becoming our Senior, Intermediate and Junior champions respectively.” Sadly, due to the pandemic, we missed out on so many events throughout the year, but we look forward to participating again next year with renewed vigour. Hopefully we can get back to some normality, have the opportunity to attend our Music Camp in Term 1 and continue with our exciting tour to Queensland in August 2021. Drama students from Years 7-12 had a difficult time during 2020, as this practical, creative and collaborative subject moved mainly to performing monologues, due to remote learning. Most students still managed to generate some high-quality work, despite the challenges they faced. Our Unit 3/4 Theatre Studies students still managed to produce a play, an innovative and original interpretation of Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. The play was performed in the round in our Drama Room, and a red dirt road was constructed, weaving its way through the performance space. It is a credit to the College that we have such a flexible space that enables our senior students to be as creative as they can. As another busy year draws to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff in the Performing Arts and Instrumental Music Departments, including Adam Croft (Head of Performance), Matthew Little (Vocals and Director of PA Events and Ensembles), Melissa Adela (Piano), Jenny Brasch (Viola/Cello), Sonny Igusti (Bass Guitar), Emma Hallett (Brass), Amanda Morgan (Cello), David Neville (Drums), Stephanie Lai (Flute), Michael Shepherdson (Guitar), Serena Thean (Clarinet/Sax), Sylvia Winfield (Violin) and Lia Senatha (PA/Admin Assistant). Without all these wonderful, dedicated staff, my job would not be so enjoyable and fulfilling. Thank you for your support, enthusiasm and awesomeness in supporting and teaching our boys your magnificent talents. And lastly, to our students’ parents. Without your support, our program would not exist. We thank you for allowing your son to be part of our wonderful program. We look forward to working with you and your son in 2021 and beyond.
2020 Solo Music Competition Winners
Alvin Yala
Max Schroder
Robert Kosta McCance
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Mr Nick Kearney | Head of Human Development 2020 has caused many challenges for the Physical Education team. Going into remote learning, our staff placed a strong emphasis on both the mental and physical wellbeing of our students, and tried to limit screen time during our lessons. Staff worked tirelessly to make sure that opportunities were provided for all students to partake in physical activity, regardless of their ability to access equipment. Students recorded their physical activity in a journal, and took photos and videos which were uploaded and shared in Microsoft Teams virtual classrooms, creating an engaging online space. Returning from the first lockdown, PE became a very different program for all students and staff. The use of sanitiser for hands and equipment, limiting the sharing of equipment and avoiding any games with contact were all new challenges to overcome during lessons. Unfortunately, this return was short lived, and we were soon back in lockdown and facing greater challenges, with restrictions limiting daily physical activity outside of our homes. While there were many difficulties during this time, staff and students once again adapted well, working through the digital physical education classroom. In Term Three many students participated in National PE Day, completing challenges and uploading videos to Microsoft Teams. These challenges included a Sports Quiz for Years 7-9, won by Steven Okoumousis. The Years 10-12 quiz was won by Kristian Aparo. Enrique Soria won the trick shot challenge with a nice AFL snap on goal, 2nd
Going into remote learning, our staff placed a strong emphasis on both the mental and physical wellbeing of our students, and tried to limit screen time during our lessons.” place went to Nathan McNamara with his nice golf chip, and 3rd place went to Kai Petersen with his long range soccer kick into a wheelie bin! The eventual return of all students to campus in Term Four returned life to the Bosco Oval. Students enjoyed a return to physical education classes, with sports including tee-ball, cardio tennis, finska, bocce and cricket, to name a few. It was great to see students out in the sunshine and active again, enjoying the social benefits of sport with their friends! I would like to make a special mention of our PE staff, who worked under some tough conditions to make sure that the PE program was engaging for our students. Thanks to Steven Loonstra, Stephen Sellwood, Tim Cox, Carl Egan, Paul Azar, Dan Campisano, Matt Brooks, Stuart Hill, Simon Greely, Jayden Hawkes and Linzy Marsden. We look forward to more normality in 2020 and a return to a full physical education program.
SPORTS ACADEMY Mr Stephen Sellwood | Sports Academy Coordinator The 2020 Sports Academy groups started the year by participating in a Trademark session led by performance improvement facilitators, Leading Teams. During this session the students created an agreed behavioural framework and the following purpose statement, which will set the expectations for students and staff in the program each and every year.
“The purpose of the Salesian College Sports Academy is for us to be united and belong to one team, create the opportunities for us to be the best we can be both on and off the field, and challenge us to leave a legacy” COVID-19 had a significant impact on the program throughout the year, with the students missing out on a number of opportunities. However, they were still able to experience some of the following aspects of the program: Strength and Conditioning Program Early in the year, the College’s Sports Academy students participated in weekly strength and conditioning sessions in the College gym. During both periods of flexible and remote learning, our Sports Academy students still continued with their strength and conditioning program from home, via a number of training videos that were filmed by our ACE Performance coaches.
Specialised Theory Program Students completed a specialised theory program which involved the following athlete/sport specific topics required for athlete development: Year 7 Sports Injuries Musculoskeletal System Sports Nutrition and Hydration Year 8 Training to Improve Performance Cardiorespiratory System Decision Making in Sport Year 9 Develop a travel & accommodation plan Prepare a pre or post event meal Develop personal media skills Develop a personal financial plan
Sports Dietician Sports Dietician Ola Luczak was able to present a number of sessions to the boys at the start and end of the school year. Ola covered topics including an introduction to a basic training diet, the role of macronutrients in sport, the power of protein, tournament eating and travel and game day eating. I would like to congratulate the boys who participated in the 2020 Sports Academy program amidst very challenging times, and I look forward to working with the participating students in 2021. I would also like to thank all the staff who taught the Sports Academy classes, particularly Mr Steven Loonstra and Mr Chris Ryan, who mentored the Years 8 and 9 classes.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
VISUAL ARTS Ms Ros Aylward | Head of Visual Arts The opportunity for Visual Arts students to explore and gain insight from their own environments was a common theme across many year levels in the Visual Arts subjects of Art, Media and Visual Communication and Design in 2020. The quote from Dr. Seuss reflects the idea that constraints can often bring about a whole new approach to problem solving. This year, our students considered their home environments as a source of creative endeavour. The biggest constraint for both learning and teaching Visual Arts, which is mainly practical, was the students’ access to materials and equipment to complete artworks, designs and media products. Students therefore were required to consider alternatives, and to use these constraints to apply the creative thinking needed in order to still achieve, while expressing these outcomes in new ways. From Year 7 through to the senior years, students were much more experimental this year with materials. In addition to the more traditional materials with which they were familiar, students were also encouraged to look beyond their pencil cases. Materials sourced from their home environments; not considered as artworthy previously, were re-defined as possibilities. Some examples were tea bags, Lego, coffee granules mixed with water, LED lights, leaves, wool and wood, celluloid photographic film and toothpaste, just to name a few! It has been delightful to see what students were able
If you’re someone who writes or paints, don’t be afraid to try constraints!” - Dr. Seuss to create using these non-traditional materials, and in many ways students have become more conscious of how these materials can enrich the ideas and meaning in their work. In addition to materials and equipment, students developed more sensibility and close observations of their home environments and backyards as sources of wonder. New ways of perceiving and appreciating were expressed in Year 7 Wildlife drawings, capturing reflective surfaces in Year 10 Photography, observing simple domestic objects and re-imagining them in a new form in VCD, or narratives played out in their domestic lives in Media. VCE classes engaged with online seminars, SAC preparation presentations, and virtual gallery and museum spaces in order to continue with VCE requirements. This year the annual Art and Technology Show was produced as a virtual online show. The Shared Stories Anthology also continued. The College has contributed to this anthology over a number of years. Contributions of artworks and writing are published in the anthology, which is housed in the State Library of Victoria. The theme this year was ‘Respect’, featuring artworks selected from Years 7-10. This year has certainly been a tricky one for everyone in the community, but the importance of continuing to learn throughout 2020 saw a rich variety of students’ contributions.
Daniel Trang, Intermediate Winner
Trung Le, Intermediate Runner-Up
Jeffrey Ly - Junior Runner Up
Francis Maimarosia, Senior Winner
Luca Airo-Farulla, Senior Runner-Up
Roshan Gunatalake, Junior Winner
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
THE YEAR 10 PRECAL PROGRAM Mr Steven Beckham | Year 10 PreCAL Oratory Teacher
The phrase ‘The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often awry’ means ‘The most carefully prepared plans may go wrong.’ And didn’t they do just that in 2020? I’ll leave the full verse I’m referring to, from Robert Burns’ 1786 poem ‘To a Mouse’ for the end of this article. It all started on Friday 13 March (an ominous date) when the boys were to go to the Australian Grand Prix. Due to the pandemic the scheduled event was cancelled, but not until the boys were on their way to Southern Cross Station. I was at a professional development session and couldn’t join them (another disappointment), but through it all we were able to stay in contact via phone and navigate our way either back to school or home. And it didn’t seem to stop after that. So many planned events and experiences had to be abandoned. 2020 is a bit like that present you get but you don’t really want. You either put it away in a cupboard to be looked at again much later, or you use it and possibly appreciate it. In most subjects the boys did well during the lockdown periods. They turned up to classes, engaged in conversations, did their work, submitted their work on time and generally stayed positive throughout the whole experience. At times we struggled, but overall we did well. To try and do a ‘hands-on’ subject online is difficult, but to the boys’ credit, they tried their best.
However, it’s important for the boys to understand that in a few years (two, in fact), they will be joining the workforce (the real world). You can’t turn up when you want, or just do the work that you want to do. Sometimes there are people with whom you will not get along or who will not get along with you. It’s important to always be respectful and willing to do what is required to get by. VCAL is a different educational experience. Hopefully, what our students have been able to learn from PreCAL will stand them in good stead for the years ahead. VCAL is based around proficiencies (knowing how to do things). So, boys, do them all, and do them to the best of your ability. Back to Robert Burns’ 1786 poem, ‘To a Mouse’. It tells of how while ploughing a field, he upturned a mouse’s nest. The poem is an apology to the mouse. “But mouse-friend, you are not alone In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes of Mice and Men Go often awry, And leave us only grief and pain,For promised joy!” My wish and prayer is that 2021 will be an ‘ordinary year’.
The students of 11V have remained positive and upbeat about everything that 2020 has had to offer.
INTERMEDIATE VCAL Mrs Emily Roach | Intermediate VCAL Oratory Teacher The students of 11V are to be congratulated on the mature way that they approached the VCAL Intermediate course this year. The Intermediate VCAL students thrived on the different approach to the way in which they achieved each of their ‘Learning Outcomes’, compared to the academic mainstream structure. I believe that this gave the students more confidence in their abilities, and this could be seen in the successful completion of their Learning Outcomes both at school and in a remote environment.
they have shown to the students in what has been a tricky year. The students of 11V have remained positive and upbeat about everything that 2020 has had to offer. Here are some of their highlights: “Year 7 Peer Mentoring in Term One,” - Marcus Santaera “Working as a team when completing projects in Literacy, PDS and WRS.” - Yianni Failadis
Throughout the year the students attended TAFE every Wednesday. Students undertook a variety of TAFE courses that they chose in accordance with their interests, including Building and Construction, Hospitality, Plumbing and Paint and Panel.
“Presenting the VCAL program to the Year 9s before they made their Year 10 subject selections.” - Alex Fassos
Some of the students were lucky enough to gain Structured Work Placement on Tuesdays.
“Just being in VCAL is a highlight for me.” - Phil Kasimis
As the Intermediate VCAL Oratory teacher and on behalf of the students, I would like to thank Mr Paul Azar, Mrs Deborah Rabot and Mr Steve Beckham (and special mention of Mr Declan Crowe, Mrs Lois Curry and Ms Ruby Anstee) for all their hard work and the dedication
“Presenting the Term Two Report at Assembly.” - Sal Di Rienzo II
And to you, the students, I would like to thank you for giving me so many highlights this year. You have made me laugh every day. It has been a privilege to have been the Oratory teacher for 11V in 2020. I am looking forward to seeing you all achieve great things in your Senior VCAL year.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
SENIOR VCAL Mrs Kathryn Zwalf | Head of Applied Learning It has been a pleasure to watch so many of the boys of 12V grow into such wonderful, responsible young men during this very unusual year. As their Oratory, Work Related Studies (WRS) and Numeracy teacher, I have had wonderful experiences with these young men, and it’s been so impressive to witness the resilience that so many have demonstrated during such a challenging year.
their future careers. Structured Workplace Learning on Thursdays also provided students with many opportunities to put these newly learnt skills into action. These onsite practical days seemed to be a highlight of 2020 for our Senior VCAL students, providing them with a wonderful opportunity to prepare for their future careers.
We had so many activities planned this year, but COVID-19 had other plans. The Grand Prix excursion turned into a ‘train ride and Southern Cross station’ excursion. The World’s Greatest Shave turned into an opportunity to grow very long hair for some! Even through all these challenges, opportunities for activities were still taken wherever possible. Our ‘Pie and Coca-Cola’ fundraiser was a huge success, as well as all the organisation that went into Don Bosco’s Oratory Week (DBOW), a highlight on the school calendar.
Our Senior VCAL students were able to attain more employability skills by completing their Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) qualification remotely during lockdown, in addition to their Public Safety course. Both of these qualifications will ensure that the boys are given even more opportunities to learn valuable life-long skills.
The Senior VCAL group really stepped up when organising Don Bosco’s Oratory Week. They worked closely with Mrs Nadia Knight to organise engaging activities for the whole school to participate in remotely, to still foster the sense of spirit that is so special and unique to Salesian College. The activities organised included two MasterChef challenges, a pancake challenge, a twominute noodle challenge, a ‘trickshot’ challenge, a Lego challenge, a Word Find activity, a Kahoot competition, colouring competitions, drawing competitions, a ‘best Meme’ challenge and a Tetris competition. It was a real highlight to see the positive effect our class of 16 students had on the whole school community. TAFE on a Wednesday (and on a Tuesday afternoon for some) was a constant, providing the boys with an opportunity to develop many practical skills for
I would like to thank all the teachers who have taught this class during their years at Salesian, and in particular the wonderful VCAL teachers who have worked with these boys while they have been in Applied Learning. Thank you also to our brilliant support staff, who have given our Senior VCAL students the specific support they require. A huge thankyou to Mrs Emily Roach for teaching the Senior VCAL class Personal Development Skills (PDS) and Literacy with tireless enthusiasm and love this year. Thanks must be given to Mr Declan Crowe for his continual support of the class, and for assisting the boys wherever needed. 2020 has been a real team effort by all our staff and students involved to get the most out of the year. It has been a true pleasure to teach this wonderful class this year. I wish you nothing but happiness in your future, and remember, if you want to achieve anything good in life, you have to work for it.
PATHWAYS Mr Damian McAuliffe | Pathways Co-ordinator It goes without saying that 2020 has been an unprecedented and very challenging year for our boys, their families and Salesian staff. Despite this, some highlights for the year included:
teachers provided students with information on the subjects available in Year 10 and the pathways they needed to take to study various subjects in VCE.
Year 10 Future Focus Days
One of the brighter developments of 2020 has been the way in which Melbourne’s many world-class tertiary institutions have tried to engage prospective students with a range of innovative online pathways events. It’s true that virtual events may not provide as full an experience as an open day or campus tour, but they have been a tremendous source of information for our senior boys.
In Term One the Year 10 students participated in a range of activities aimed at developing their awareness of their vocational interests and strengths. This information was then used to guide their investigation of potential career paths and to begin to develop a Career Action Plan. Under the guidance of Ms Nesrene Barakat, the Assistant Pathways Coordinator, the boys also engaged in an afternoon of activities aimed at developing their skills in job seeking, resume preparation and interview situations. In Term Two, the restrictions brought on by COVID-19 unfortunately led to the cancellation of a planned visit to the VCE and Careers Expo. Remote learning also necessitated a switch to a self-paced, online careers program which enabled the boys to explore career options, as well as related tertiary courses. The Year 10 program concluded with the boys having the opportunity for a one-on-one course advising session to assist them in selecting their subjects for Years 11 and 12. It was also pleasing to see the growth in the number of boys choosing to incorporate vocational subjects into their final years of study at Salesian College, with a record number of boys set to undertake VET programs in 2021. Year 9 Future Focus Program In late Term Two the Year 9 students participated in a number of Pathways activities designed to develop our boys’ understanding of their interests, and to encourage students to begin to explore a range of potential careers. This program culminated in a series of lunchtime Subject Expos, where Heads of Department and senior subject
Virtual Pathways Events
Year 12 For our boys in their final year, Term Three and Four activities involved information sessions focused on completing the VTAC application process, and individual meetings regarding their desired pathways, potential tertiary course options, special consideration assistance and scholarships. I’d like to acknowledge the enthusiastic involvement of the Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 Oratory Leaders and the fantastic support of the Year Level Co-ordinators, Chris Ryan, Malwina Dwyer, Deborah Rabot and Rhea Beurs throughout 2020. In addition, a massive thankyou to the following people: Ms Nesrene Barakat for her innovation and enthusiasm, Gina Nenos for arranging staffing, the IT Department for their excellent support and the Maintenance crew for all their help in setting up for events throughout the year. Finally, I’d like to express my utmost respect for the Year 12 Class of 2020 for the incredible determination and resilience they have displayed this year. Ms Barakat and myself wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
We had a number of school records broken, and it was awesome to see the competitive spirit of the students on display.
HOUSE SPORT Mr Jayden Hawkes | Sport Manager Term One After a fantastic year of sport at Salesian in 2019, the boys returned after their summer break full of energy. As always, we were straight into the action in the second week of term, with the House Swimming Carnival taking place in Oakleigh. The weather was great, and the boys gave it their all. We had a number of school records broken, and it was awesome to see the competitive spirit of the students on display. Savio continued their strong performance from last year’s Swimming Carnival. The final scores on the day were as follows: 1. Savio – 680 2. Moroney – 531 3. Annecy – 510 4. Collinson – 486 There was no time to rest after our Swimming Carnival, as the House Athletics Carnival was held shortly after. Unfortunately, we had to reschedule the carnival due to poor weather, but the boys were as enthusiastic as ever when they finally had the chance to compete in the middle of term. There was a lot of action both on and inside the track, with our boys making an effort to help earn points for their houses. Savio were unable to have a repeat of 2019, when they won back-to-back carnivals in Term One. Congratulations to Annecy on their victory! The final scores on the day were as follows: 1. Annecy – 988 2. Moroney – 925 3. Collinson – 904
Term Two Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Term Two began with online learning. This meant that our boys were not able to complete their regular rotations for House Sport. The boys were encouraged to remain active at home through various activities, and to take up the Associated Catholic Colleges’ (ACC) challenges. Unfortunately, COVID-19 social distancing restrictions prevented the students participating in regular House Sport upon their return to the College halfway through the term. However, we were able to hold some tryouts for Term Three ACC Sport, even though the boys were unfortunately unable to play, due to COVID-19. Term Three All students from Years 7-10 spent the entirety of Term 3 at home whilst learning remotely. This again meant that students were unable to complete House Sport in Term Three, as they have in the past. Due to the challenges of COVID-19, the College decided to use the Strava App to remotely hold our House Competition. We encouraged students to use Strava to track the activities they completed throughout the term. The competition was open to all students, with the boys being awarded house points for each activity that they completed. All types of physical activity were included; however, running, cycling and walking were the most common. The final results were: 1. Annecy 2. Savio 3. Collinson 4. Moroney
4. Savio – 828
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
ACC SPORT Mr Steve Loonstra | Head of ACC Sport If I were to compare 2020 to a famous sporting moment, I would compare it to Shane Warne’s Ball of the Century. The famous delivery was Warne’s first on English soil, a ripping leg break that landed outside leg stump before spinning away to clean bowl Mike Gatting. The aftermath of the delivery left Gatting standing there, looking at the pitch and shaking his head, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I think we have all felt a little like Gatting during 2020, just shaking our heads and trying to work out what has transpired. The sporting year started in a typical way, with the Swimming Squad venturing off to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre to compete in the ACC Competition. Our Captain Charlie Briglia led from the front and let his actions in the pool do the talking, while the voice of Rayyaan Raheem continuously motivated the boys throughout the night. We had some wonderful individual and relay performances, with each member of the squad finding a little bit extra within themselves, to help us take out the Division 2 Championship. On the night we won in the Under 13, 14, 15 and Senior Divisions, and took home the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Cups. This victory promotes us to Division 1, and we look forward to the challenges that this brings in 2021. Term One also saw the start of the senior summer sport season for volleyball, cricket and tennis. We had some inconsistent performances from all of these teams
On the night we won in the Under 13, 14, 15 and Senior Divisions, and took home the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Cups.” throughout the term, and although they all had some good wins during the season, we were unable to make any finals. A special mention goes to Prajay Paramesh, Tom Cashman, Joe Papalia (Cricket), Shanelle Algama (Tennis) and Adan Sieng (Volleyball) on making the ACC Team of the Year. This is a great achievement, and is recognition for being amongst the best performers in the ACC for these sports. We also took part in the ACC Lawn Bowls Championships during Term One. It was a wonderful day out at MCC Hawthorn Bowls Club, with our senior boys enjoying the afternoon and our highest ranked team finishing 5th overall. As we continued through Term One, we also had athletics training every Tuesday and Thursday in preparation for the ACC Athletics Championship at the end of term. Students were training well and, with the team selected, we were all prepared to take on the best in the ACC. Unfortunately everything came to a screeching halt, with the pandemic making its way to Australia and the government enforcing the first round of restrictions. Before long, all gatherings were stopped, and we would all soon be learning remotely. School looked very different in Term Two, with remote learning and teaching taking place. ACC sport also looked very different as we engaged in virtual ACC sporting events. The ACC offered students the opportunity to be involved in the virtual ACC Running Challenge and Trick
Shot Challenge. Our students contributed to both of these events. Our best results came from the running challenge that had two different aspects: Participation and Performance. Participation was all about getting as many students as possible to clock up the kilometres. As a College, we finished 2nd overall for this event, which was a wonderful achievement. The Performance aspect of this challenge was a timed event, run over set distances of 3km and 5km. Congratulations to John Stasinos, who set the fastest time in the ACC for a Year 11 student over 5km. Towards the end of Term Two, with the declining Covid-19 numbers, we returned to school and hoped for a return to sport in Term Three. We worked hard towards the end of Term Two to run tryouts and select teams for the upcoming hockey, basketball and table tennis seasons. However, the second wave hit, and once again we found ourselves in lockdown at the start of Term Three. Term Three was a long term for all involved, with remote learning taking place for most students. Once again, the ACC provided opportunities for students to be involved in virtual events. We participated in the Sports Knowledge Challenge, in which weekly knowledge challenges were set by the ACC. We also participated in the Running Challenge 2.0, in which the ACC tried to virtually run around Australia and see which school could run the most kilometres. We covered a consistent number of
kilometres throughout the term. In Week 9 the College was able to run over 4,500km, which meant that we finished first overall for this event. Well done to all the students who got involved in these events, and a special mention to Enrique Soria who ran the most kilometres for a Year 10 student in the ACC. Unfortunately, with the restrictions still in place during Term Four, all physical ACC events were cancelled for the remainder of the year. 2020 has been an extraordinary year in so many ways, but we look forward to the return of some normality in 2021 and hopefully the opportunity to once again be able to represent Salesian College on the sporting field. On a personal note, I would like to thank the teachers who assisted with sport this year. We look forward to seeing you coach teams again soon. To the Year 12 students who represented us throughout their time at the College, thank you for your dedication to the College’s sporting program. I wish you well for the future. Finally, to the boys who represented the College in ACC sport this year, whether it be at our physical events at the start of the year or contributing to a virtual event, thank you for your efforts throughout the year. We look forward to 2021 and to seeing our students back out there, giving it their best.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
ACC Swimming
Term Three
Running Challenge (virtual event)
Division 2 Overall Winner Junior, Intermediate & Senior Athletics Cups Under 13, 14, 15 and Open pennants * Due to COVID-19, ACC Sport did not run in Terms 2 and 4 of 2020.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
PUBLIC SPEAKING AND DEBATING Miss Samantha Carey | Public Speaking Coordinator “Suddenly normal people start doing something... strange. They start buying toilet paper. A LOT of toilet paper. Like vultures pecking the store shelves clean! There are lines that go for kilometres…. for toilet paper. Absolutely crazy.” – Olly Bastien-Sylva, Year 10 student “Human rights platforms such as Fair Trade and Ethical Clothing Australia work with businesses to ensure that their clothing products are made in safe and secure factories, ensuring that workers receive fair pay and are treated with human rights. Take the time to research ethical clothing and brands.” - Rohan Parikh, Year 7 student “We as a society are treated with perhaps the greatest luxury that mankind has ever encountered; being able to learn, express and communicate, all at the click of a button. The support for bushfire ravished communities epitomises this, as countries all across the globe were able to band together in support of small country towns.” - Steven Tran, Year 11 student The quality and scope of speeches during Salesian’s Mary McKertich Public Speaking Competition is always high, and this year was no exception. Each student utilised the opportunity to educate his audience about an issue that had sparked his interest or engaged him in a topic which ignited his passion. There were hilarious speeches that made the judges gasp in laughter, thought-provoking speeches that reminded everyone of their role as global citizens and inspiring speeches that highlighted the goodness of humanity and what we can accomplish together. Our finalists were exceptionally dedicated this year, rerecording their prepared speeches until they were near perfect, and diligently attending impromptu speech practices, seeking additional feedback. Consequently, our first ever virtual public speaking competition ran without a hitch, and video technology enabled us to instantly see the joy of winner’s faces as their names were read out. Mary McKertich Public Speaking Award Winners Year 7: Rohan Parikh and Isaac Peluso Year 8: Nathaniel Hrambanis and Jordi Dermitzakis Year 9: Peter Holland and Stefan McCance Year 10: Olly Bastien-Sylva and Nicholas Colaci Year 11: Steven Tran and Mitchell Savic Year 12: Connor Hodinj, Rayyaan Raheem & Ryan George Junior Champion: Nathaniel Hrambanis Intermediate Champion: Olly Bastien-Sylva Senior Champion: Steven Tran Overall Champion: Steven Tran
Whilst our debating season was cut short, there were still a number of small-scale competitions that ran through the Debating Association of Victoria and Associated Catholic Colleges. A number of students across all year levels enthusiastically competed in these events, often spending hours of their own time researching various government policies, perfecting their speeches and working collaboratively with their team mates through phone calls and emails. A special congratulations to Thomas Valle in Year 10 and Rohan Parikh in Year 7 who excelled in their respective competitions, as well as the ACC Junior Public Speaking (Rohan Parikh, Alex Sabljak, Nathaniel Hrambanis and Alex Marinis). This year’s Public Speaking Captain Connor Hodinj has done a phenomenal job, stepping in as a judge at times, delivering heartfelt speeches and leading a highly engaging seminar on how to structure a persuasive speech. In addition, many of our Year 11 debaters have taken on more of a mentoring role this year, teaching Year 7 and 8 students about the logistics of debating and helping to give them feedback during practice debates. With so many students showing resilience and leadership this year, the future of public speaking and debating have never looked brighter!
Our finalists were exceptionally dedicated this year, rerecording their prepared speeches until they were near perfect...
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
The Salesian College community worked together to ensure that the health and wellbeing of our boys, families and staff was at the forefront of our minds.”
I don’t feel safe and can’t speak with an adult at home
Emergency Contacts - Remote Learning Specialised Youth Services
I need help and would like to talk to someone from Wellbeing today
I am struggling and would like to talk to my Oratory teacher
Everything is great - I’m OK!
Kids Helpline www.kidshelpline.com.au 1800 55 1800
headspace www.headspace.org.au 1800 650 890
Process 1. Reflect on the traffic lights. 2. Communicate your traffic light with your Oratory teacher through your private channel by 11am on Mondays and Fridays. 3. Your Oratory teacher will follow up with you and other teachers at the College when required. If in doubt, just ask! There are no silly questions. Take care, and stay safe!
Monash Youth Services www.monashyouth.org.au
STUDENT WELLBEING Mr Brendan Douglas | Assistant Principal - Students With all the challenges that have been thrown at us in 2020, it would be easy to concentrate on what we have lost throughout the pandemic. I think, though, that what we should marvel at is the resilience of our community and its students, teachers and families. As every new challenge confronted our school, we communicated with parents positively while adapting our methods to each new direction from the government. The Salesian College community worked together to ensure that the health and wellbeing of our boys, families and staff were at the forefront of our minds. Working in a remote environment, especially in Wellbeing, has immediate and concerning challenges. No longer being able to assess the needs of boys in person each day, we had to come up with plans to ensure that the boys knew that we were mindful of the extraordinary pressures that the remote learning environment presented. A wonderful aspect of this was the communication between leaders of local Catholic schools, both junior and senior, who helped each other out and shared resources as we learned how to manage the challenges that we faced together. The Wellbeing and Pastoral Care traffic light check in system assisted teachers, parents and boys to create awareness of how the boys were travelling, and enabled us to check in with those boys and their families who identified that they were struggling. This idea arose through the sharing of ideas with other schools. A new element of our Pastoral Care administration structure in 2020 saw the appointment of two critical roles. Mr Byron Chen was appointed as the Dean of Middle School (Years 7-9), and Mr Kim Beurs took up the position of the Dean of Senior School (Years 10-12). Byron and Kim took on the challenge of overseeing the work of our wonderful Year Level Coordinators and the Wellbeing and Learning Support teams in what can only be described as the most difficult year in memory. Their calm and measured leadership was a significant factor in how well the boys and their families managed throughout the pandemic.
keeping up with their increasing caseloads, while checking in with the boys and ensuring that those particularly at risk were cared for. The learning support needs of our boys were heightened in the lockdown periods of 2020. Under the direction of Mrs Freda Pahomis, the Learning Support team continued its high standard of care for the boys, working with particularly difficult cases at school as well as checking in regularly to the remote classes of teachers. We are so blessed to have such a professional learning support team. In 2020 there were two changes to the Year Level Coordinator team as Mr Byron Chen and Mr Kim Beurs took on their new roles. Mrs Malwina Dwyer managed to do a fantastic job with the Year 10s while having a baby towards the end of Term Three and returning to the College at the start of Term Four! What a woman! Mrs Deb Rabot took over as Year 11 Coordinator after a successful stint as the Head of VCAL. Her calmness and care for the boys and their families are already evident as she follows them into Year 12 in 2021. Anyone who works in a school would know that the Year Level Coordinators (YLCs) are at the heart of what makes a school tick. On the front line in relation to the administration and management of so many issues, the YLCs really are the face of our College to many in our community. For me they are an incredible support, never failing to volunteer when help is needed for any issue. I have been truly blessed to work with such wonderful people. 2020 will be a year that we will definitely never forget, and one which the Pastoral, Wellbeing and Learning Support Teams should be very proud of. They have managed to uphold a high standard of Salesian love and care for our boys and their families, keeping this at the forefront of their work.
Under the direction of the Head of Wellbeing, Ms Joelle Chaperon, the Wellbeing team, comprising Miss Shruti Khazanchi and Mr Tim Swayn, did an incredible job
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 was the year of the lion!”
ANNECY HOUSE Miss Georgina Dow | Head of Annecy House
To quote Katy Perry, “Cause I am a champion, and you’re gonna hear me roar!”, and roar Annecy did. After the House Cup slipped through our fingers in 2019, Annecy were out to prove themselves and take the top spot in 2020. Annecy had a strong start to the year at the Swimming Carnival, with overwhelming participation and enthusiasm throughout the day. Annecy’s newest recruits in Year 7 were keen to get involved, and they did not disappoint. Highlight swimmers of the day included Joshua Athas, Trent Papenfus, Kynan Davis and Owen Plionis. All swimmers were blessed with motivational speeches from our passionate leader, Danny Ciorciari, before diving in for their events. Years 7 and 8 Annecy sportsmen took out first place in one of the most talked about events of the day, the infamous Tug-of-War. We achieved third overall for the day, and left with a fire in our bellies for the next House showdown. Nobody can recall when Annecy last won an Athletics Carnival because it has been far too long! Hungry for the taste of success, excitement was in the air from the beginning of the day, when Annecy took an early lead. Victory was in our sights and we were sprinting after it. Annecy’s record-breaking athletes were Sasha Ung, Enrique Soria, and Peter Holland. Annecy broke the curse and took a victorious first place trophy! There was much to enjoy off the field as well. Shrove Tuesday holds a special place in the spiritual heart of the College and in the very hungry stomachs of our boys. The Annecy pancake team was headed by Peter Tzitzivakos, the pancake flipping machine, who served up traditional
and choc-chip pancakes all morning. Shrove Tuesday was a great day of College spirit, with some friendly competition between houses and lots of money raised for a great cause. Once Salesian switched to remote learning a new and exciting competition was introduced to keep students active whilst at home; the 2020 Strava Cup. Annecy’s strong athletes took to the street either on foot or by bike to build up those kilometres. Yet again, hard work paid off as Annecy reigned champion. A landslide overall win for Annecy in 2020 comes down to the team effort from every member. We not only took out the House Cup, but also the Academic, Sports and Citizenship Shields. 2020 was the year of the lion! It has been a difficult year for all of us, but I am really proud of how Annecy has stuck together and achieved such outstanding results. I would like to extend a big, heartfelt thankyou to the superstar 2020 Student Leaders of Annecy House: Danny Ciorciari, Peter Tzitzivakos, Robbie Miller, Keelan Corcoran, Chris Ciorciari and Dantae Saouma. You have all consistently given 110% and have made my first year as Head of House truly memorable. The lions will be back roaring next year. “Annecy went from never winning a House Athletics trophy to winning one in my final year. This just shows how much hard work the Annecy boys put in”. - Danny Ciorciari, Year 12 Captain “We won without even being at school!” - Tom Valle, Year 11 “Annecy is the best house. I love being in yellow.” - Spencer Guzzo, Year 7
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
COLLINSON HOUSE Mr Dylan Chow | Collinson House Leader
Amongst the highs and lows of a turbulent 2020, the Collinson House saw a return to form, fearlessly led by House Captain Eamon McKenzie and Vice-Captain Finn Donovan. After an underwhelming 2019, the Collinson family’s mantra entering the new year was ‘The Rebuild Begins’, leading to an inspired performance across the range of House activities that took place throughout the year. In the swimming pool, valiant efforts from new star recruits Trung and Nam Le (9), Alessandro Pozzoli (8), and Beau Van Der Zweep (7) gave us an overall boost, whilst the undefeated Year 9 Tug of War team, led by Sam Wallbridge, continued its form, dominating the competition for their third year running. A commendable effort by all those involved, although unfortunately we just missed out on third place. Staying true to our mascot, dragons do not like the water. Our Year 7s breathed new life into the competition, with star runners Jack Allan (7) and Damon Guerrieri (7) leading the way on Athletics Day. The school had the pleasure of witnessing the excellence of veteran sprinter Thomas Lambiris (12) one last time, in what was a dominant tenure as our top seeded runner. There were admirable efforts by Year 10 House Captain Jake Johnston (10), Jun Lee (8) and Yokwan Kak (8), who competed in what seemed like every event. Christian Heil (11) continued to jump high, which is symbolic of Collinson House jumping over the 2019 champions, Savio, to take third place on the day.
Collinson House was on full display on Shrove Tuesday as we dug deep into our pockets and filled our bellies with the most pancakes, to raise an incredible $416 for Project Compassion. It felt natural to sit at the top of the leader board once again as we mixed, flipped and spruiked pancakes like no other. House leaders Alex Mathieson (11) and Antony Bernardo (11) ensured that our toppings reigned supreme, whilst Andrew Ambawatta (10) played the tunes to attract the masses. All in all, Collinson remained united through the remote learning period, with our Year 12 leaders trying their hand at acting in the Becchi and Strava Competition videos. Whilst an acting career might be out of the question for Eamon McKenzie and Finnbar Donovan, their smiles and banter were a nice reminder of the joys that are a part of being a Salesian College student. As Collinson House looks forward to 2021, we wish our Year 12 group the very best as they graduate. You will always be a part of this community, and I hope the memories stay with you as you continue to grow in the years to come. As we celebrate the success of ‘The Rebuild Begins’ initiative in 2020, we shift our focus now to maintaining this improvement as we take on new leadership and new ideas, and make the most of the opportunities of 2021. Thank you to all the staff and students who have generously volunteered their time throughout the year. Your efforts are at the heart of our success.
Coming together is the beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Being a part of this house doesn’t just mean wearing a red badge and red clothes. It also means being a part of a movement that respects the legacy that Louise Moroney and past captains have left behind...”
MORONEY HOUSE Mr Mark Wang | Head of Moroney House
In my final year as Head of Moroney House, I am filled with a tremendous deal of pride as I recall the year we’ve had to deal with. Dealing with COVID-19 and remote learning, Moroney students’ diligence and resilience were shown throughout. Though we did not achieve the ultimate success in reestablishing our dominance of the House Cup as we did in 2015-2018, I am ultimately grateful for the effort that all the boys gave towards the Moroney cause during this difficult year. This year belonged to Annecy House, and I would like to congratulate them on a fabulous year. I would like to thank all the Moroney House leaders of 2020, including Xavier Adams, Harry D’Rozario, Sebastian Filipovic, Blake Holding, our Year 12 Captain Joseph Curtis and our Vice-Captain Josh De Sa. I would also like to thank all the staff who have helped me along the way in the last three years. I look forward to hearing about plenty more Moroney successes in the years to come. Lastly, I would like to give this space to our 2020 House Leader Joseph Curtis, who will share his final thoughts on what it is like to be part of Moroney House.
“As Moroney Captain for 2020, it has been a privilege to lead a large group of boys at College events, as House Captains have done in the past. Being a part of this house doesn’t just mean wearing a red badge and red clothes. It also means being a part of a movement that respects the legacy that Louise Moroney and past captains have left behind, whilst also establishing new ideas and ways to strengthen this house. Being Moroney Captain this year has taught me to take initiative in all activities and to compete in events to represent and promote Moroney House. I have also learnt that everyone must work together in team spirit to achieve great success and reap the rewards after. Despite students being absent from school for a great part of this year, I must commend many students in Moroney for trying to continue to make this house even better by participating in a wide range of activities and communicating with their peers, leaders and teachers throughout these uncertain times. I wish this house all the best in the future, and congratulate the leaders who will take over from Josh and me. The memories of our successes and the friends that I have made over the past six years in Moroney House will stay with me forever.” - Joseph Curtis, 2020 Moroney House Leader Onwards to 2021.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
SAVIO HOUSE Mr Lachlan Dwyer & Mr Chris Donaldson Savio House Leaders After the glorious year of triumph that was 2019, Savio crushed the competition to take the House Cup. We entered 2020 with a great sense of pride and anticipation. I’m sure we can all agree that 2020 was a year that no one saw coming. Through it all, however, the boys in Savio came together for another sterling year. It was certainly a year when we had to adapt, get creative and persevere, but through it all the Savio family has carried on. We started the year as we always do, in the pool. The Savio boys put on a masterclass to take us to an early lead on the day, and we never looked back from there. Dominant performances from Andrew Tan, Patrick Forster and the new recruit, Snowy Evans, put us ahead of the competition, and the participation from the rest of Savio’s students, who got involved in every event, was what really blew away the rest of the competition. The Savio Bulls certainly proved that they are not just land animals! The Athletics Carnival this year was not to be the fairytale of 2019. The Savio boys put in a gallant effort. Strong performances from Nic Clifton, Daniel Amendola and Ed Feehan looked to be keeping us in the competition, but it just wasn’t meant to be. The boys took the disappointment on the chin and will re-group for 2021. Shrove Tuesday saw the Year 12 Savio boys and the Savio House leaders leading by example. They were at school at 6am on the dot, ready to get started! Marcus Merry looked like a natural behind the BBQ, churning out pancakes, whilst the rest of the boys piled on the toppings and filled the till with cold, hard cash. Rayyaan Raheem spruiked pancakes to anyone and everyone. Overall, our
Savio Leaders’ effort was really commendable, as was the effort of our Year 12 Savio boys who came along to help without being asked. Despite not winning the competition, it was still great to know that all our hard efforts went towards helping those who need it most. From that point in the year the world as we know it changed. Suddenly we all found ourselves learning and working from home. There was a lot of doubt about when life would return to normal, but even through the uncertainty the Savio family found a way to come together. The boys downloaded the Strava app and, despite being apart in person, every boy was still able to contribute to Savio House points through their daily walks, runs and bike rides, so that we were able to achieve second place. As 2020 comes to a close, on behalf of myself and Mr Chris Donaldson I want to extend my sincere thanks to our Savio House Leaders, Marcus Merry, Rayyaan Raheem, Steven Tran, Tom Cashman, Emmanuel Louis and Daniel Amendola. They have been of great assistance throughout the year, and have made my role as Head of House a great deal easier. Special mention should be made of both Marcus and Rayyaan. They have led by example and have persisted through what has been an incredibly tough year. Finally, to our Year 12 Savio boys, we wish you all the very best with your future endeavours. This year has stripped away many of the things that make Year 12 such a special experience, but your contributions this year have been greatly appreciated. You will always remain part of the Savio Family. In the words of Rayyaan Raheem, “It was a blast”.
The Savio boys put on a masterclass to take us to an early lead on the day, and we never looked back from there.”
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 HOUSE COMPETITION Mr Brendan Douglas Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing While the pandemic got in the way of many of our House activities through 2020, we were fortunate enough to be able to run the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, allowing our Year 7s to experience the school spirit that Salesian is famous for. We continued to be as creative as possible in finding ways in which the boys could contribute to the school culture. Over the year, points were given for participation in social justice activities, sporting carnivals, debating, striving for academic excellence and, in particular, for those acts of spontaneous kindness that are present here at Salesian College Chadstone.
In an amazing turnaround year, Annecy House, under the guidance of Miss Georgina Dow, improved on their strong form of 2019 to steal their first House Cup for some years. CITIZENSHIP SHIELD 1. Annecy 2. Collinson 3. Moroney
Heads of House were challenged to bring this positive and joyous spirit to the surface, and in 2020 we had some fine leaders in this area. Miss Georgina Dow led Annecy, Mr Dylan Chow was the Head of Collinson House, Mr Mark Wang led Moroney House and Mr Lachlan Dwyer was the Head of Savio House. Mr Lachlan Dwyer and Savio House were the holders of the 2019 House Cup, and they were certainly going to make it difficult for any other House to wrestle it away from them.
The Citizenship Shield is awarded to the House that encourages its students to be outwardly supportive of fundraising and charitable events during the year. This was made harder this year due to the pandemic. Moroney were the holders of the 2019 Shield, but this year it was Annecy that came forth to take the shield.
4. Savio
1. Annecy
1. Collinson
2. Moroney
2. Savio
3. Savio
3. Annecy
4. Collinson
4. Moroney
Points are awarded to boys over the year for the quality of the academic work that they submit to staff. The Academic Shield is awarded to the House which manages to achieve the most points for the year. Last year it was Annecy House which took the prize, and they managed to keep their strong form into 2020.
The Cultural Shield is awarded to the House that gains the most points for participating in Debating, Public Speaking and other cultural events on the College calendar. Savio House showed significant improvement in this area last year, but in 2020 it was Collinson that managed to take first place.
1. Annecy
1. Annecy
2. Savio
2. Savio
3. Moroney
3. Collinson
4. Collinson
4. Moroney
The Sport Shield is awarded to the House that performs best at the House Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country carnivals. As we were not able to run the Cross Country carnival this year, the points for this section were earned in the Strava House Cup Competition that all boys were invited to participate in during Don Bosco Oratory Week. While it’s great to have athletes who can star, the real winners are the teams who ensure that they have the utmost in participation. Points are also awarded for positive cheering on of competitors at various events. Annecy House kept its stellar 2020 form going, and emerged with the Sport Shield.
Finally, the 2020 House Cup is awarded to the House that has performed best across all four disciplines. In an amazing turnaround year, Annecy House, under the guidance of Miss Georgina Dow, improved on their strong form of 2019 to steal their first House Cup for some years. Annecy have improved significantly on previous years, and Moroney and Collinson House members have a challenge in front of them. The work that student House leaders do in support of the Head of House cannot be underestimated. Their enthusiasm in making our school one where we all feel that we belong is outstanding. My sincere thanks to them all. I’m sure we are all looking forward to a year in which we are all at school every day, so that we can continue to contribute to and improve the positive culture of our school in 2021.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
The Class of 2020 has taken a lot of hits this year… But they have continuously and unfailingly kept moving forward.”
Mrs Rhea Beurs | Year 12 Coordinator There is no doubt that 2020 has been a year like no other for the entire world. For the Class of 2020, none of them would have expected that they would complete their most important year of secondary schooling amidst a global pandemic. The year began ordinarily enough during Headstart, with the boys enjoying their first official Year 12 milestone, the Year 12 Retreat. For many of the boys, this was the time to get to know their new Oratory teachers. This year, the Class of 2020 was privileged to be guided by a wonderfully caring group of teachers, to whom I extend my sincere appreciation: Mr Kim Beurs, Mrs Nadia Knight, Miss Nesrene Barakat, Miss Emma Bradley, Miss Molly Tilley, Mr Brendan Douglas and Mrs Kathryn Zwalf. The attitude and behaviour of the boys on this day really set the tone for what they wanted their Year 12 experience to be; enthusiastic, positive, and leaving a lasting and meaningful legacy. Term One began as normal. The boys quickly became accustomed to the routines of Year 12, particularly the seemingly never-ending cycle of assessments, catching up with teachers for help, study halls and banter at the lockers. The boys enjoyed the usual Year 12 chant in the pool at the Swimming Carnival, and the opportunity to dress up at the Athletics Carnival. Then, suddenly, we were all faced with a pandemic, and remote learning became our reality. In typical Class of 2020 style, the boys just got on with the business of learning, and made the best of a difficult situation. There was brief respite mid-year, before the boys showed their adaptability once again when there was a return to remote learning. There were just a few short weeks together at school before it was time to say farewell. This year has been a life lesson for all of us. Sometimes we’re faced with challenges through no fault of our own,
and we just have to pick ourselves up and carry on. When I reflect on the way that the Class of 2020 managed a difficult year in such a mature and level-headed way, I know that they have developed great resilience and fortitude. One of my favourite quotes is from Rocky Balboa, who says, “Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life – but it ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward”. The Class of 2020 has taken a lot of hits this year. There have been numerous rites of passage that were just not possible for them. But they have continuously and unfailingly kept moving forward. They have been challenged and have risen to the occasion and grown as people. They leave us as a respectful, funny, helpful and truly likable group of young men who epitomise the Salesian spirit. To the Class of 2020, I would like to say thank you on behalf of all the staff who had the privilege of working with you. We are grateful to have been afforded the opportunity to guide and mentor you, and your unique impact on our lives will be remembered. Thank you especially to the Student Leaders and to our College Captains, Rob, Adam and Jacob. You are the only captains I know who have had to juggle academic responsibilities, leadership responsibilities and a global pandemic, and you have done an outstanding job at leading your cohort. It is always difficult to say goodbye to a year group, particularly one for whom you have so much respect and admiration. It is even more difficult when you feel that the time you spent with them was so fleeting. As you now leave the College and begin the next exciting phase of your lives, know that you have left a wonderfully positive and lasting legacy as the Class of 2020. Know that you will be remembered with much affection and fondness, and that any time you wish to come back and visit us, you will be welcomed with open arms. All the best for your future endeavours!
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Luca Airo-Farulla
Irving Arsabhuvana
Lucas Axford
Dhanush Reddy Batreddy
Charlie Belmuda
Do Viscom they said, it will be fun they said.
You mirin brah?
Yeah aye.
Life is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment.
IMAHZD matches my car and my knee.
Lawson Colgrave
Joe Dabbous
Scott Fisher
Thomas Johnson
Kevin Joshua
“Lawson! It’s not their birthday” – Carl Egan
Anyone tryna make 10 bucks?
Have the will to succeed as bad as you want to breathe.
Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going.
Therry Lam
Thomas Lambiris
Oscar Milic
Matthew Mortaruolo
Catch you at AAMI.
28.9.13, 27.9.14, 3.10.15
Woo Back Baby.
Ralph Omutiali
Nicholas Peres
Sankaran Pillay
Roshan Ravi
Arjun Sajan
Free my boy Deng.
Social distancing with my grades.
If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it, then how bad of a decision can it really be?
My first name rhymes with my last name.
Riley Skalamera
Matthew Steen
James Taylor
Sam Waldron
Oh no! Riley stole my girlfriend again!
“I wanna tell you that you can do anything you set your mind to, period.” Juice Wrld
Nothing to say.
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Kim Beurs
How do I say goodbye to a group of some of the finest young Salesian men who I have had the pleasure of working with over the past three years? The answer is, I don’t! The door is always open boys, and Beursy will always be here for you! 12A, thank you. The pleasure has been mine! Mr Kim Beurs
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Luke Avedissian-Brown
Will Bartels
Jivan Datt
Shevin Fernando
Christopher Hatzigeorgiou
Have you had your Inner Health plus today?
Cheeky Cobba.
“There is no Passion. There is no Vision. There is no Aggression. There is no Mindset in this club.” - Salesian Soccer B Team
Spesh Exam 2 on my birthday... sums the year up pretty well.
Is that what you think?…… It doesn’t matter what you think!
Suban Krishshanthan
Calvin Lam
Kevin Lee
Kevan Ly
Albin Mathew
PP Cookie Monster.
Procrastination is motivation.
Year 11 was harder.
If nothing seemed right, look to the left for a solution. Instead of looking down on concrete, look up to the vastness of the sky.
How was Formal... Oh, wait...
Phillip McKenzie
Akash Meethal
Sam Megalakakis
Keith Menezes
Daniel Muscat
A better tomorrow is only possible if we blow away the ashes of the past.
Akash me outside?
In life if you’re shredded, you can get away with anything.
These young guys are playing checkers. I’m out there playing chess.
Can I go to the toilet?
Kenny Pham
Max Phillips
Allen Saji
Theodore Soldati
Thomas Tran
Surely send us yeah?
Did someone say KFC?
Anything’s possible, you gotta dream like you never seen obstacles.
Question is, Who do you wish to die as, Johnathan? The baba yaga, the last thing many men see, or as a man?
What Homework?
Dean Wu
Nader Youssef
My dog ate my homework.
I know, straight out of a telenovella right? Which this is after all.
Mrs Nadia Knight
Year 12B Oratory…What a crew! It has been a very interesting year for them, but to their credit they have done a great job of managing the situation. I am really proud of them. I have enjoyed their camaraderie and their ability to make others laugh and not take each other too seriously. Their approach has supported those who were struggling to get through. 12B certainly exemplified our College values…integrity, respect, joy, belonging and dynamism. Mrs Nadia Knight
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Theo Athans
Vincent Chieu
Danny Ciorciari
Jacob Curry
Edward D’Rozario
“The stewards are watching.” - dojunior1
Born just in time for COVID-19.
“What ‘cha gonna do, brother?” - Hulk Hogan
If 2020 was a footy team it would be Carlton… high expectations, yet still fails miserably.
That’s a call.
Ryan George
Anthony Grizos
Campbell Gruiters
Lukas Herrera
Benjamin Lo
Yes, I do have two first names.
Follow @supercoachroyalty on Instagram. Best Supercoach page on Instagram.
Cool cool cool, no doubt, no doubt.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
“If at first you don’t succeed, blast’em with your Blue-eyes White Dragon again!” - Seto Kaiba
Jake McCredie
Eamon McKenzie
Joe Papalia
Rewniz Patell
Rayyaan Raheem
I beat the enderdragon, fight me.
2020 failed by 1 leg.
Gate 5, half time.
“He may be cast in bronze, but he’s still capable of producing truly golden moments.” - Henry goal vs Leeds 2012
Was released from his 5 year sentence.
George Roukakis
Jarrod Sands
Adam Stone
Luke Strik
Eric Tran
When in doubt, double down.
“On a scale of 1-10 how wet is the grass?” “Probably not.”
No, I’m not related to The Rock.
Love the game, not the odds.
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela
Ethan Tran
Max Vanderhorst
Winnable, don’t FF.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
Ms Nesrene Barakat
It has been a pleasure spending time with 12C, and such a shame that more of it couldn’t be in person. They’re a fantastic group of young men who share a close bond and enjoy a bit of banter to keep things lively! Amongst the group we have some fine leaders, talented artists and performers, keen sportsmen and quiet achievers, creating a diverse and vibrant team. I wish them every success in their chosen pathways in life, and congratulate them on completing a challenging final year. Ms Nesrene Barakat
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
John Burns
Ignatius Chan
Paris Chivers
Linford Collins
Joseph Curtis
Are you seriously watching Edrolo by yourself?
They say nothing is impossible. I do nothing all the time.
You’ve got to have faith and be persistent in what you’re doing, and not take no for an answer.
Whey here comes Joeyyyy Curtis.
Josh De Sa
Zach Dell’Arciprete
Brandon Do
Ethan Fernando
Jonathan Green
Flagpies 2021, or at some point in the next 100 years....maybe.
Chase your losses, they can’t run forever.
I’m the crown, amongst these clowns.
My last quote got provisionally denied.
#2020 The Year That Almost Never Was.
Niall Heaphy
Kevin Ho
Connor Hodinj
Aaron Ly
Jack Martyn
I’m on the posh side of my family.
*Grumble Grumble*
Teacher: “How was your day?” Me: “Sleepy”
1:03:52 - 1:03:57, “Hamilton”
Max Meeuwissen
Thomas Minns
Shivam Nair
Adam Tan
Marco Tse
“You only live once? False. You live every day. You only die once” - Dwight Shrute
I’m just here so I won’t get fined.
Uhhh leave it blank.
Had a great time in remote learning 10/10. Great review.
Peter Tzitzivakos Hey Barb, could I please have a tender roll and some garlic bread please, and also a can of Pepsi, thanks.
Ms Emma Bradley
What a journey we have been on together! From the loud and crazy Year 10s you all were, to the kind, caring and independent young men you are today, I am so proud of all of you. We have shared laughs, tears, food (and more food) together and have made some everlasting memories. I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your final years at Salesian and I wish you all the best for your bright and amazing futures. I will miss you all! Ms Emma Bradley
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Robert Amendola
Jason Apidopoulos
Yafet Areaya
Matt Atsiz
Abel Ben Joseph
“It doesn’t matter what you think.” - Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Theo Athans is the most toxic F1 driver, even rams into you when you’re not on the track.
“All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.” - Roy Batty
eats-b3w2mf for $10 off Uber Eats.
Just use menu 3, 1.
Gurmanat Bhullar
Charlie Briglia
Joel Childs
Kuat Chuol
Nem Fernando
I didn’t know I had to give in a quote today, but if i did it would have been from the heart.
Empty barrels make the most noise.
Yeah nah, can’t do Friday boys.
DJ Kuat Dog.
In life, there is no gulag.
Liam Higginson
Joel Hill
Matthew Juma
Michael Kasiaras
Sam Loiacono
Local halal business owner.
Bravo six going dark.
Why fit in when you were born to stand out.
Nah nah nah nah, listen.
You can steer yourself in the direction you choose.
Xander Madden
James Papanikolaou
Samuel Russell
George Sarandakis
Alexander Thomopoulos
It’s fine, it’s not Corona, it’s just Asthma.
It’s Funky Monkey Friday!
I am suss.
Omnia Omnibus.
I’ve got nothing to say.
Jason Toward
Matthew Vovos
Yejun Yun
Let’s hit the tables.
A small price to pay for liquid divinium.
Spesh drop out.
Miss Molly Tilley
What a year 2020 has been! No one could have predicted the events of 12E’s last year at Salesian. I am so proud of the way 12E have taken challenges in their stride, got on with business and still have had a laugh every day. I’m extremely excited to see what awaits 12E in the future. You are all fantastic, capable men, and you will achieve anything you put your mind to, unless it’s a Don Bosco Oratory Week quiz. Cheers, lads. Miss Molly Tilley
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Harry Boxshall
Nathan Bui
James Carrig
Mathew Chamakala
Tony Doan
The Answer is always B or C.
Look at Curry man, so inspirational.
“Do an inspirational quote, not something stupid.” - Dad
Aka. The Pretty Heavyweight.
What’re the properties of a parallelogram, Vincent?
Finnbar Donovan
Massimo Facchino
Edward Feehan
Alex Lemberiadis
Julian Lieu
Mum always thought I wouldn’t accomplish anything laying in bed all day, but look at me now…I’m saving the state.
I’m leaving school with 3 things - Friends, memories and SWAG.
Hannah Montana said nobody’s perfect, but here I am.
If you love Salesian, you’ll love Salesian live.
Martial Arts number 1.
Anthony Loiacono
Vincent Lu
Dean Magdalinos
Marcus Merry
Kirk Monteiro
Did someone say KFC?
Adiós, amigos.
No one. Not a sound. Sam playing submarine pulse on 100 volume in business class
Coupla 2.8s and a 3 metreie
“Hang on a minute. I teach my spesh boys that!” – David McDonald
William Novak
Finn Palma
Thomas Scott
Ryan Sharp
Rylie Shields
Blink-182: EOTS (1999) Side 1/Track 6 - 2:28
When I was 11, I turned 13…
“Don’t make me the bad guy.” - Nick Shaw
Trust The Process.
Unfortunately, this is what this year has come to.
Kevin Tom Martin
Michael Vu
I’ll do it later.
Don’t miss or your contract is terminated.
Mr Brendan Douglas
While 2020 hasn’t been what we hoped it would be, the last three years as Oratory teacher for 12F have been a wonderful ride. 22 quality human beings finish their journey at SCC and enter the world well prepared for all that will come. My love, best wishes and thanks to their families for allowing me the privilege of being their teacher. Mr Brendan Douglas
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Aidan Cahill
Jordan Dam
Joshua David
Joshua Dean
Thuan Duong
Lower your expectations until they match reality - you won’t be disappointed.
What’s the property of a parallelogram?
Rest in peace Kobe, legends never die.
Flight Team Stand Up.
We have a SAC today???!!!
Luke Iuliano
Liam James
Sam Kattakayam
Areeq Khondkar
Alessandro Krejany
Memento mori.
Mavs in 6 2024.
It is what it is.
Always ten toes down.
The FFV banned me, they said no vehicles on the pitch.
Richard Lim
Sebastien Mamotte
Dipinder Panesar
Jack Parisi
Kevin Pham
Could I please take your order please?
Channel ORANGE, track 11.
We know its been a hard year but....
Sorry Sir, my Mic isn’t working.
Lol, just one more game.
Adarsh Rao
Thiago Sawan
Pano Skoufos
Raul Spink
Jacob Tran
It’s beauty in the struggle, and ugliness in the success.
“Soooooo...anyone want an apple juice box?”
Do the ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Boys can we please stop blasting the heater all the way to 28 degrees? It’s making everyone sleepy and sweaty.
Omnia Omnibus.
Aidan Varmalis I wish someone told us we were in the good old days before we left them.
Mrs Rhea Beurs
12G, what can I say? A class who did a lot of JetPunk, a group of young men representing a multitude of cultures, and home of the 2020 College Dux (probably). The 12G boys have taken everything in their stride this year, and have faced new challenges with humour. In what has been a tough year, they have remained upbeat and positive. I will miss you 12G, but I am confident that you will take these skills with you as you enter the next phase of your lives. All the best! Mrs Rhea Beurs
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
ORATORY 12V Ms Kathryn Zwalf
The Year 12 VCAL Class of 2020 have had a school year unlike any other. They have experienced learning at TAFE, structured workplace learning, a failed Grand Prix excursion, camp and organising Don Bosco Oratory Week while remaining determined to make the most out of their Year 12 experience, whatever the circumstances. What a privilege it has been to be your Oratory Teacher. Thanks, boys! Ms Kathryn Zwalf
James Adams
Harry Antoniadis
Zak Ekonomopoulos
Gatkouth Gatkouth
Sam Fairnie
To the moon and back.
“There are two types of people in this world. People who are Greek and people who want to be Greek.” - My Big Fat Greek Wedding’
It’s alright, I got the $50 bonus bet.
You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. And you can’t love someone that doesn’t want to be loved.
Rule #1 of life. Do what makes YOU happy.
Stephen Fazio
TJ Kalogeropoulos
Dimitrios Kintidis
Lukas Kintidis
Brandon Lam
How do you like your steaks?
I’ve never been so proud of VCAL!
Ela re Covid.
Freezing cold mornings are the worst.
Welcome to the Gulag, get back to work to survive.
James Marchese
Daniel Nunziante
Cooper Roach
Nikolas Simas
Andrew Smirneos
Michael Stamatakis
Losing it.
I’m glad I failed Year 9 because I would’ve never considered VCAL.
Hey miss, can I go to the toilet please?
Next goal wins.
I may be a slow walker but I can assure you I never walk backwards.
Ella I’ll C you at the Q re.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
YEAR 11 REPORT Mrs Deborah Rabot | Year 11 Coordinator What an interesting and unprecedented journey 2020 has been! 2020 was a year of solidarity and determination, as all Year 11 students not only had to tackle the demands of VCE and VCAL for the first time, but also the uncertainty of undertaking their studies via remote learning. As this was my first year as Year 11 Coordinator with a group I hardly knew, I expected challenges. However, I took comfort in the knowledge that history would prove correct, and this group of boys would be an absolute pleasure to work with. There’s no denying that it has been a whirlwind year for all students. For Year 11s the beginning of the year was filled with activities and the ‘usual’ business of school life. Boys passionately participated in Term One activities, including the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, and commenced tryouts for ACC Sport. The boys had just enough time to set up the Peer Support Program and meet with their Year 7 buddies to forge relationships with them as their peers and mentors. The Year 11 VCAL students commenced the year by creating and delivering a presentation to the Year 9 cohort about the VCAL program, to assist with their subject selection. Students were limited to completing the theory component of their VET course online, and continued to work feverishly on planned projects for the year, including preparing their soup kitchen project for Work Related Skills. However, this was to be interrupted by remote learning. I am immensely grateful to the 2020 VCAL team, Mrs Kathryn Zwalf, Mrs Emily Roach, Mr Paul Azar, Mr Steven Beckham and Mr Tim Cox for continually inspiring and supporting these boys to make the best of a bad situation. As your Year Level Coordinator, I would like to congratulate all Year 11 students on the resilience you have demonstrated under such challenging circumstances. Whilst there have been many events and experiences that are part and parcel of being a Year 11 student, and that have been missed, I feel so incredibly proud of the way you have conducted yourselves and have risen to the challenge. Whether it be preparing for exams, online SACs, checking in on your Year 7 Buddies as part of the Peer Mentor Program, or simply just getting
on with the business of everyday learning remotely, you have truly demonstrated a willingness to step up and prove yourselves. The year has been equally demanding for staff, and on behalf of all Year 11 students I would like to thank all the teachers who have taught and encouraged the boys to give their best. In particular, I would especially like to acknowledge the dedication and support of the Year 11 Oratory team. The support and guidance of Miss Abby Milesi (11A), Mr Sam Bentley (11B), Mr Peter Bermingham (11C), Miss Emma Marsh (11D), Mr Dylan Chow (11E), Mr Stuart Hill (11F) and Mrs Emily Roach (11V) have ensured that all Year 11 students have been looked after and supported throughout this difficult time. Although this has been a truly unique year, being Year 11 Coordinator in 2020 has been an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience, and that’s thanks to many of you who have made my job so much easier. As our Year 11 students move into 2021, I would like to extend my congratulations to them on a year well done. If you got through 2020 unscathed, you can get through anything! I am extremely proud to have been a part of your Year 11 journey, and wish you all the best as you embark on your final year at Salesian.
As your Year Level Coordinator, I would like to congratulate all Year 11 students on the resilience you have demonstrated under such challenging circumstances.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
As I was their mentor last year, it has been a pleasure to see how the young men in 11A have matured as the year has progressed. They have approached challenges with a positive attitude, sense of humour and ongoing support for each other. I wish them all the best for their final year at Salesian College in 2021. Ms Abby Milesi
Miren De Silva
Angello De Zilva
Nicholas Dimetriou-Dickson
Josh Eames
Angus Fenton
Asutosh Ramanan
James Tandoc
Deakin Tran
Nikita Tsouparidis
Matthew Tu
Bevan Ung
Thomas Valle
Justin Vu
Patrick Vu
Jude Vulling
Zachariah Watt
Lavindu Weerasinghe
Adrian Wellner
Benjahmin Wilkinson
Xavier Wilson
Darcy Withers
Alex Younes
To borrow from the roller-coaster cliché, 2020 was an undulation of highs and lows for 11B. Highs: The glitzy premiere of John Stasinos Vlogs; Wednesday RE hosted by Sam Sciffer; Anthony Kraloglou was on time a couple of mornings. Lows: The lockdown-enforced hiatus of the National Silent Ball Competition; Tom Cashman’s dreadful lack of humility. Mr Sam Bentley
Tom Cashman
Ted Cuthbertson
Thomas Filipovic
Ryan Ford
Cosi Fornaro
Luca Ianno
Anthony Kraloglou
Braulio Rojero Martinez
Aaron Rosenberger
Andre Santaera
Darritt Sao
Mitchell Savic
Sam Sciffer
Domenic Sesa
Adan Sieng
Daniel Sirait
Shreyas Sivashankar
Joshua Skarajew
Mark Skopakow
John Stasinos
John Stavrinidis
Dylan Suarez
Johnny Ta
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
The opportunity to meet and work with the young men from 11C has been a highlight of the challenging year that was 2020. We have endured what has come our way, always striving for the best outcome in line with our College’s values. Thank you for your efforts, boys, and I trust that 2021 will be a year of great success. Mr Peter Bermingham
Ben Abraham
Shanelle Algama
Christian Athans
Miyuru Balage
Petros Balakas
Lachlan Baxter
Michael Belivanis
Antony Bernardo
Andrew Bishop
Kye Bongiorno
Joshua Castillo
Christopher Charles
Aaron Chea
Keelan Corcoran
James Crockett
Nathanael D’Agostino
Vas Dabos
Peter De Marco
Sebastian Filipovic
Ilias Georgoudis
Prajay Paramesh
Aaron Paul
It has been such a pleasure to get to know the boys of 11D this year. 2020 has been quite a journey for us all, and I have been very proud to watch the boys develop and mature as they navigated the many challenges thrown their way. They are a fine group of young men and I wish them all the best for their final year of school! Ms Emma Marsh
Cooper Brooks
Billy Candris
Tom Ison
Will Iverson
Nathan Kent
Andrew Keo
Damien Lam
Alexander Mathieson
Hayden Nguyen
Nicholas Orlando
Trent Papenfus
Thomas Peacock
Ricky Phung
Owen Plionis
Jacob Poldrugovac
Tien Quach
Aaron Rajendra
Jerome Ramachandran
Jordan Ratumu
Nitpreet Rikhiraj
Karch Rojas
Tristan White
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 has definitely been a challenging year, although the 11E group has faced it with a strong work ethic and smiles on their faces. It has been a memorable year filled with laughter, joy and many discussions about what I’m sure will be very bright futures. I look forward to seeing you all flourish in your final year as Salesian men, and cannot wait to see all of you accomplish great things. Mr Dylan Chow
Ryan Fausett
William Kirkman
Christian Kotsinadelis
Dean Koutsikos
Yiannis Kyritsis
Jeremy Lobo
Christian Locantro
Francis Maimarosia
Cailan Manokaran
Matthew Marino
Albert Mathew
Robert Kosta McCance
Nathan McNamara
Robbie Miller
Jack Nenos
James Orlando
Jake Parente
Travis Pemberton
Absent on day of photo: Nicholas Katsos Tyrone Llaguno Simeon Roukakis
Alexander Tsakistaras
This group of boys is a class of many characters, and it has been a privilege to start my time at Salesian with these young men. They have bounced through the doors of both our actual and virtual classrooms every morning, and it has been very pleasing to see 11F persist through this uniquely challenging year with great energy and optimism. I wish them all the best for both their last year at Salesian and the exciting future that awaits them Mr Stuart Hill
Riley Brkic
Ethan Hodinj
Blake Holding
Thomas Huberts
Steven Huynh
Jacob Indovino
Angelo Ioakimidis
Saurav Jaikumar
Raghav Jaitely
Abrid Jo Philip
Jack Johnson
Chris Kaltsis
Michael Kanaris
Shivam Kapoor
George Karvounis
Nicholas Pham
Sanish Rajbhandari
Jay Rossington
Dominic Russo
Lachlan Salvatore
Zenden Wenas
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
11G are an amazing bunch of students, who must be commended on their ongoing motivation and resilience throughout the year, given the challenges of remote learning. 11G are an extremely respectful group, who are quiet in nature. Thanks for coming together and making this class so enjoyable to teach. I am extremely proud of each member of 11G, and wish the boys all the best as they embark on their final year at the College. Mrs Deborah Rabot
Alexsi Cerda
Luke Djung
Daniel Duri
Max Earnshaw- Fry
Emmanuel Efstathiou
Eyad El Hajj
Alexander Forster
Sid Fortune
Guneet Galley
Jerine George
Pranay Giri
Peter Han
Christian Heil
Hewa Don Atapattulage
Kellan Hill
Daniel Ho
Bao Khang Hoang
Blaike Klok
Daniel Sapozhnykov
Schron Satheesh
Nathan Seager
Steven Tran
Bailey Colley
Sal Di Rienzo II
Yianni Failadis
Alexander Fassos
Philip Kasimis
Angus Macaluso
Absent on day of photo: Jeremiah Hup Theodore Nianiakas
Delwyn Rodrigues
Marcus Santaera
The students of 11V have been positive and upbeat with everything that 2020 had to offer. Here are some of their highlights: “Year 7 Peer Mentoring in Term One” (Marcus Santaera) “Working as a team when completing projects in Literacy, PDS and WRS.” (Yianni Failadis) “Presenting the VCAL program to the Year 9s before Subject Selection.” (Alex Fassos) “Presenting the Term 2 report at Assembly.” (Sal Di Rienzo II) “Just being in VCAL is a highlight.” (Phil Kasimis) It has been a privilege to have been the Oratory teacher for 11V in 2020. Thank you for a wonderful year. Mrs Emily Roach
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
The boys returned from remote learning with longer hair and a few extra centimetres in height, but I also believe that they grew in perseverance and strength of character, and were more appreciative of the little things...”
YEAR 10 REPORT Mrs Malwina Dwyer | Year 10 Coordinator Our Year 10 journey began last year on transition day at the very end of Term 4. We crossed the bridge over the Monash Freeway and returned to Bosco campus. Although this walk only lasted a few minutes, the symbolism was immense, as the boys walked towards senior school and the second half of their school experience here at Salesian College. We also welcomed a number of new students into our Year 10 family and tried to make them feel as welcome as possible. Some Year 10 students endeavoured to enrol in Units 1 and 2 subjects, beginning their VCE journey early, while others chose to undertake PreCal, and were keen to learn in a different environment. Term One was busy as usual (a good kind of busy), with our masses, assemblies, carnivals, school photos and other big celebrations. Although we didn’t know it at the time, this would be something we would soon miss. An important event that sets Year 10s apart from other year levels is the Future Focus Days, which are whole days dedicated to exploring possible future pathways, such as TAFE or university, for our students to pursue once they graduate from the College. This year there were also lectures and activities on resume writing and mock interviews. As the year progressed we selected our subjects for VCE or decided that VCAL was a better fit for Year 11. The boys had to undergo their Semester One exams digitally, which was no easy feat, as this had not been done before. By and large, the Year 10s did an excellent
job and met the challenge head on. I was impressed by numerous Year 10s for various reasons throughout the year, but a notable standout was Angus Stanton, who was awarded the 2020 ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award for his efforts in the ‘Webster Runners’ Police Legacy fundraiser, where he ran in memory and recognition of four Victorian Police officers killed in the line of duty. Well done Gus! You are an asset to the wider community and an inspiration to your peers. As we venture towards the end of the year, our Year 10 boys will become our Year 11 boys. They will experience two weeks of Year 11 in the ‘Head Start Program’, which endeavours to give them a taste of what next year will be like in terms of workload and expectations. Despite the obvious challenges of this year, it was another year that we spent as a cohort, united amidst the lows and highs. The boys returned from remote learning with longer hair and a few extra centimetres in height, but I also believe that they grew in perseverance and strength of character, and were more appreciative of the little things and the social side of their schooling. I am extremely proud of my Year 10s, and grateful that I was able to teach so many of these boys again or for the first time. I hope that next year we can continue to grow and mature, learn and socialise, and I am thrilled to be able to watch it happen from the sidelines as their coordinator.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Whether learning from home or at the College, 10A persevered through all the challenges that were thrown their way this year. In Term Two, we counteracted the negative challenges by setting positive challenges to complete each week, for which prizes were given and a tally counted. 2020 has been a wild ride, but we kept it real with a lot of talk of food. Wishing 10A all the best for 2021! Mrs Malwina Dwyer
Luke Ajani
Michael Amedeo
Zach Blair
Sean Cahill
Christopher Ciorciari
Dilantha Cooray
Alex Di Cioccio
Ben Draga
Ronan Easton
Calvin Fernandes
Aaron Gomes
Alexander Gounaris
Maison Grosso
Darcy Hair
Siddarth Kapoor
Thomas Martiniello
Nick Pearson
Max Sikuler
Edward Sinclair
Xavier Soldati
Enrique Soria
Michael Steen
Sam Thurston
Mitchell Wain
Deng Wal
Tristan Zammit
10B have been an exceptional class to teach in 2020. They have effortlessly adapted to their ever-changing learning environment, and have received glowing reviews from their subject teachers. It has been a pleasure to lead and mentor this group of supportive and driven young men this year. I look forward to seeing you thrive as positive role models in our College community as you continue your Salesian journey. Miss Alexandra Tsiavis
Angus Allan
Jerwin Arino
Narichard Chann
Nicholas Colaci
Pramishka De Alwis
Jackson Dias
Leon Facchino
Aaron Fernandes
Nicholas Ghanakas
Lochlan Hardie
Sebastien Huppe
Sam Ison
Jake Johnston
Lleyton Machaya
Fletcher McPhee
Justin Mean
Jacob Mitchell
Tam Thanh Nguyen
Keegan Parker
James Peluso
Aris Polychronopoulos
Will Rice
Dantae Saouma
Tom Scown
Kai Van Der Zweep
Eric Zhu
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
It has been a great privilege to get to know 10C this year. The boys showed an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm, perseverance and fortitude this year! Despite the challenges, they have excelled in their studies and, most importantly, in coming together and supporting each other as an Oratory community. I wish them the best as they move into their VCE years. Ms Monique Capomolla
Dilenne Algama
Kristian Aparo
James Ballantyne
Olly Bastien-Sylva
Leonardo Bittarello
Brendan Chamnanchang
Dean Christodoulopoulos
Nicholas Easton
Emmanuel Ginige
Lachie Grewcock
Luca Hill
Flynn Horvat
Lachlan Kumic
Aiden Maralande
Aaryan Natarajan
Alex Nimmervoll
Pierce Quach
Pravin Rupasinghe
Angus Stanton
Nicholas Suraweera
Lester Tanjutco
Tom Van Der Zweep
Jeremy Varkatzos
George Velgakis
Roman Velona
Ben Wheeler
2020 has been a wild year for 10D on their return from Mannix Campus, but these resilient young men have found a way to stick together and plan their future years. The year has been filled with laughing at too many bad jokes, hearing about Alan’s chickens and getting inspiration from George’s quotes. I wish them all the best for their VCE years at Salesian and thank them for a very memorable year. Ms Georgina Dow
Xavier Adams
Brighton Alphred
Andrew Avramopoulos
Dylan Be
Sam Cherry
Oskar Cislo
Kai Collier-Murphy
Liam Cordeiro
Kynan Davis
Jake Greenaway
Harshan Hariharan
David Hickey
Om Kar
Michael Krivanek
Michael Legg
Joe Matusan
George Pappas
Thomas Park
Alex Pettigrew
Alan Regi
Gabriel Schiavello
Daniel Trang
Ivan Truong
Lachlan Turton
Andrew Zhang
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Considering the challenges we faced collectively and as individuals, it has been a privilege to accompany 10E through 2020. The maturity and engagement shown throughout the year is a testament to 10E’s perseverance and self-respect. I am proud to say that I journeyed with 10E this year, and I wish them success as they enter their senior years at Salesian College. Mr Tristan O’Brien
Andrew Ambawatta
Ethan Arsabhuvana
Matthew Awad
Saeran Balasuriya
Blake Caminos
Kobi Curtis
Lachlan Deayton
Heshan Dewapakshage
Adrien Faron
Maiki Giannakopoulos
Benjamin Harris
Jason Ho
Dhruv Israni
Kevin Kang
Kirk Katzourakis
Ashley Kearns
Kenny Le
Spiro Louras
Jackson Luzares
Theodore Milonas
Spencer Sam
Kevin Siddawala Dewage
Alex Taylor
Thomas Wilson
Absent on day of photo: Raffy Casals Jackson Wright
2020 was a year in which we spent a lot of time as an Oratory hanging out on Teams. Despite this, 10F have got involved in every Oratory trivia, Kahoot and game of Bingo we’ve ever had, even after 1204 reminders to make sure they got all their other work done, otherwise Friday games would not happen! Thank you to each of you for getting involved and making Fridays that much better! Ms Angela Liyanage
Tom Blaikie
James Bof
Domenic Colantuono
Ashton Curtis
Marnav Deo
Adrian Dimar
Liam Kakarantzas
Lance Kieu
Thesigan Krishshanthan
Brian Le
Nigel Lokhee
Emmanuel Louis
Gatluak Matai
Jai McNidder
Justin Nguyen
Pete Panagiotakopoulos
Jude Perera
Yash Pilankar
Thomas Russo
Jake Tabaczynski
Thiedus Thai
James Triskelidis
John Truong
John Vayenas
Absent on day of photo: Alrin Jogi Lachlan Westcott
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
No words can describe what we went through this year. Voice recognition has become a skill and a talent. Waking up to be online for Oratory was a real struggle! I would like to commend the vast majority of 10G for doing what was necessary and for ‘hanging in there’ and doing the best they could. I hope that 2021 will make up for what you have lost this year! Ms Melina Barcellona
Daniel Amendola
Matthew Carrig
Harry D Rozario
Adam D Souza
Amish Fazi
Jayden Fernandes
Jimmy Gantelas
Frank George
Zak Hattersley
Liam Knight
Austin Lanyon
Calvin Lehr
Jet Luy
Jeremy Ly
Hugo Maniatis
Jayden Mun Wai Ng
Jackson O’Meara
Shane Perera
James Polites
Remy Puidokas
Brody Sharp
Noah Sharrock
Konnor Tavlas
Aidan Tran
Varounen Vengadachellum
Alvin Yala
Olivier Alija
Jordy Assetta
Luca Assetta
Ned Brooks
Jack Hilliard
Daniel Kedis
Absent on day of photo: George Biliew Lucas Muscara
Athan Robotis
With most of this year spent remote learning, here are some comments from the boys of 10P: “PreCAL was enjoyable because as we were in such a small class, we could have a few laughs but also complete our work.” – AR “I enjoyed all the sleep-ins, staying up late and not worrying about being late to school.” – DK “I have enjoyed being able to sleep in, but I have missed all my friends.” – JH “This year has been ok, but it would have been even better if there was no lockdown and we could go to school and see everyone.” – LM “This year has been good. I really enjoyed it, even with everything going on!” – NB “I loved sleeping in and answering ‘Yes sir, I’m here’ on MS Teams.” – OA “PreCAL has been great for my classmates and I. I have learned a lot from my teachers.” – GB Mr Steve Beckham
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
YEAR 9 REPORT Mr Chris Ryan | Year 9 Coordinator 2020 began with an enthusiastic group of boys arriving at the Mannix Campus to begin their journey as Year 9 students. With a focus on respect, resilience and relationship building, the students developed into responsible young men by the time they left the campus at the end of the year. The students made a real effort to involve themselves in all school events, and showed a commitment to upholding the College values in all that they did.
continued for a little longer than we would have liked! There was a brief break towards the end of Term Two, and it was wonderful to see the smiling faces of Year 9 students back on the Mannix Campus! Unfortunately, this was short lived, as we continued working from home for the best part of Semester 2. Although challenged, the Year 9 students made the best of the circumstances and developed greater resilience and organisational skills. Hopefully this will serve them well in the coming years.
Term One started quickly with both the House Swimming and Athletics Carnivals held. All boys participated in these events with exceptional house spirit, and did themselves and their campus proud. Only a few weeks later, we were off on our City Experience excursion! During these days, the boys gained a deeper understanding of the rich history of the city of Melbourne and experienced some of the great attractions it has to offer. The excursion provides staff and students with the opportunity to build strong and positive relationships, and creates the foundations for our time together at the Mannix Campus. As the end of the city experience excursion approached, little did we know that this would be one of the final times that we would see each other face to face for the early part of the year.
I would like to thank all the Year 9 teachers for their hard work throughout 2020. In particular I would like to acknowledge the permanent Mannix staff, Mr Heath Chipperfield (Assistant Year 9 Coordinator), Mr Nick Filippis, Mr Lachlan Dwyer, Mr Daniel Campisano, Ms Sally Cox, Ms Gabrielle Rolfe, Mr Anthony Anastasio, Mr Dane Rogers and Ms Kat Barnett for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year.
We began remote learning at the end of Term One. This
To the boys, it has been a pleasure to work with you this year, and I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you. Thank you for giving of your best during an extremely challenging year. I wish you well on your return to the senior school. Enjoy the rest of your time at Salesian College. Good luck!
Although challenged, the Year 9 students made the best of the circumstances and developed greater resilience and organisational skills.”
Bronze Salesian Awards Presentation
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Mr Chris Ryan
Oliver Arnott
Ben Bawden
Ollie Bawden
Max Cavolo
Harry Chetwin
Nic Clifton
Toby Fenton
Patrick Forster
Jack Iverson
Ryan Langworthy
Jackson Lee
Hayden Loft
Jack Loiacono
Lachlan McFarlane
Pete Nikolopoulos
Louis Nousis
Kai Petersen
Gus Roach
Steven Sakellarios
Jack Scalzi
Liam Scott
Lucas Stathopoulos
Maximus Sykes
Alex Valle
Daniel Valle
Well, wasn’t 2020 different! This group of budding young sportsmen showed their competitive side in our weekly remote learning Kahoot, proving that they are a talented and intelligent bunch of young men. It has been an absolute pleasure to mentor this group throughout the year. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey at Salesian College.
Taking over from Schillaci’s Superstars was always going to be tough, but 2020 was ridiculous! After a promising first term, the remainder of the year was marred by interruptions and trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Maybe there was a message in all of this - the challenge of building up our faith, our hopes and dreams for a better future. It is this challenge that I hope 9B takes to 2021 and beyond. Best wishes to all! Mr Nick Filippis
Emmanuel Aquino
Kosta Balakas
Marcellino Baselyous
Philopatear Baselyous
James Batsis
Keyan Bowker
Jamie Csendes
Matthew Curmi
Ryan Daniel Dennis
Joseph Dinatale
Chris Frangotsinos
Hardu Ginoya
Malakai Harding
Gavriel Hariyanto
Alexander Hastings
Peter Holland
Alex Iliuk
David James
Paul Karisson
Peter Liptai
Damon Occhiuto
Hugh Ross
James Salvatore
Robbie Taylor
Isaac Van Den Bosch
Andrew Zaki
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Whilst 2020 has been a unique and unprecedented year, 9C has been able to rise to the occasion! As Oratory Leader, it has been a privilege to support and witness the growth of these fine young men. Whether learning remotely or at school, all have been able to flourish in the face of adversity, developing independent skills that will help to prepare them for future success. I wish 9C all the best with their future endeavours! Mr Heath Chipperfield
Hady Amro
James Avedissian-Brown
Daniel Biviano
Sethh Burby
Maxwell Chable
Bryan Clarke
Aidan D’Souza
Nicolas Davis
Sam Dew
Dion Diaz
Harrison Elustondo
Sean-Patrick Go
Sam Holman
Gabriel Kapaklis
Yianni Kourelis
Sebastien Krueger
Raymond Kuah
Jack Le Vagueresse
Jordan Le
Samuel Rizkalla
Stionl Rodrigues
Luca Tighello
Luka Triantafyllou
Christopher Tsakoumakis
Sven Vaz
Julian Wilson
What a year it has been with 9D! While we could never have anticipated that we would be attending school while in our homes on our laptops, the boys rose to the occasion and have made the most of their Year 9 experience. On behalf of myself and Mr Dane Rogers, I wish the boys all the best for next year as they continue on their journeys to Year 10. Mr Lachlan Dwyer and Mr Dane Rogers
Jett Banyai
Christpher Benny
Evan Di Stasio
Andrew Doan
Angus Downard
Jake Easton
Orlando Fotis
Tom Gardner
Sebastian Gatto
Dieter Hagen-Mujica
Jacob Hattersley
Oli Johnson
Andreas Karvelas
Dylan Mack
Ryan McCrea
Matthew Menzies
Oliver Mulvogue
Rajiv Nair
Luca Quadara
Ben Schultz
Noah Simoni
Finn Van Der Zweep
Peter Vouronikos
Wilbur Whitehead
Absent on day of photo: Nam Le Tomas Wrzesinski
James Yankov
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Mr Daniel Campisano
Matthew Byrden
William Cai
Keenan D’Souza
Jason Dalamagas
Tyler De Sa
Michael Di Paolo
Tim Duong
Anthony Ferrara
Will Hemsley
Avellino Jones
Zavier Khan
Nam Le
Manan Mehta
Charlie Miliotis
Connor Montgomery
Dion Papasotiriou
Christopher Petkaris
Alexander Phylactou
Adam Pinzone
Jacob Sands
Mark Sarandakis
Tyler Skarajew
Christopher Stefanatos
James Topliff
Dillon Williams
This year I had the pleasure of teaching 9E, who were an amazing group of young men. We shared many laughs together along the way, which made for a fun and friendly learning environment. It’s been a pleasure teaching my Oratory class, and I look forward to watching them grow throughout their Salesian journey. I wish you all the best for the future, boys.
The ‘Real 9F’ have been an absolute pleasure to teach this year. Despite the trials and tribulations that 2020 has thrown at us, 9F have always had a positive attitude towards remote learning. They always brought a great energy to class, with endless enthusiasm and enjoyment. It has been an honour to guide these boys through the school year, and I wish them all the best for the years to come. Ms Sally Cox
Paul Boloutis
James Boulgouris
Ethan Coutts-Hawking
Christian Dell Arciprete
Oliver Deng
Simir Dhawan
Bradman Docherty
Gishain Fernando
Adrian Galante
Thomas Hurley
Aryan Khore
Alex Lo Rosso
Sebastian Millares
Ruchith Navaratne
Xander Oorloff
Patrick Panoussis
Joshua Perera
Christian Raucci
Brendan Russo
Kaiden Serrano
Javier Shean
Vin Talarico
Timothy Vo
Nam Vu
Absent on day of photo: Dimitri Palatsides Horatio Zhang
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
9G started the year with enthusiasm and noise! They were a class full of personalities, with different strengths, interests and gifts. With the challenging move to remote learning, these young men adapted with resilience, showing incredible growth as they became more independent learners. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with this group of students, and wish them all the best on their journey into Year 10. Ms Gabrielle Rolfe
Faris Adam
Camillo Angelucci
Francis Antonopoulos
Jack Barlow
Tom Barlow
Massimo Belmuda
Lee Beltrami
Noah Billing
Jordan Brooks
Felix Cassou-Dessus
Vansh Chauhan
Harrison Clark
Sam Dambrosi
Paras Dawer
Darren Harridge
Joshua Hee Keng
Maximus Leong
Luke Marino
Stefan McCance
Jake Nelson
Rory Paterson
Ethan Paul
Aidan Tenace
James Thalassinos
Paschalis Tzintzis
Jeff Hsu
What a great year 2020 has been in 9H! It was a year like no other, but that didn’t stop us from creating great memories, having countless laughs and building life-long friendships. Our Monday morning chats (and cries) about the weekend’s football games will be remembered for years to come. I could not have asked for a better group with which to start my teaching career. All the best! Mr Anthony Anastasio
Alexander Chann
Tyrone Corbett
Lachlan Eames
Kyle Flechsig
Tobith Frantz
Christian Galluccio
Trung Le
Harry Lee
Aaron Loukos
Evan Manaras
Beau McCallum
Nam Nguyen
Dylan Nosworthy-Magill
Anthony Papalia
Ben Peacock
Nicholas Polychronopoulos
Daniel Roberts
Dylan Rosario
Roey Shrestha
Ethan Simon
Manraj Singh
Brodie Vanderhorst
Jordan Vaz
Jimmy Vu
Sam Wallbridge
Samuel Yoshawirja
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
YEAR 8 REPORT Mr Craig Giles | Year 8 Coordinator Whilst greeting the new Year 8 boys at the start of the school year, there was a real sense of anticipation and enthusiasm as the boys caught up with their friends and schoolmates. There were also lots of questions and excited discussions. Who are my new teachers? What classes am I in? Will I be with my friends? Can Richmond win back to back premierships? As always, the first half of the year, and Term One in particular, is a busy time for the boys. There is always lots to organise and a number of new teachers for students to get to know. Whilst we worked through all the busyness of Term 1 we were all becoming increasingly concerned with the news of the Coronavirus and the increasing number of cases across Australia and the world. Whilst there was a lot of anxiety and many unknowns in the early days of this crisis, I was impressed by the focus the boys maintained on their school work, and the humour and mateship they continued to display when we were together. It is fair to say that the experience of the two lockdowns and the extended periods of remote learning made the 2020 school year unlike anything we could have imagined or prepared for. In all honesty I was amazed by how well the boys managed the experience, and the maturity and resilience they showed. Remote learning meant that the boys had to be more organised and prepared to ask questions when they needed help. The support and involvement of families became critical during remote learning, and I congratulate all our families on the encouragement and care they showed in often very difficult times. Whilst we were restricted in the year level activities that we could do, the virtual Father/Son Evening was a great night and a rare opportunity for Dads and their boys to take some time out and have real conversations with each other. With all the worry and uncertainty present this year, the chance to share an evening together without distractions made this virtual event a memorable occasion. The feedback from all who attended was extremely positive. We also enjoyed Don Bosco’s Oratory Week at the end of Term Three. The week was an imaginative celebration, with a range of fun activities and competitions the boys could
Hopefully the experiences of the year have contributed to the building of capable, resilient and respectful young men who will continue to make a positive contribution to the school and their communities.” undertake. The Year 8s joined in with great enthusiasm, showing off their creative and artistic talents and raising some valuable funds. During this time we also ran some specific Year 8 activities to further engage the boys, and the Year 8 MasterChef competition suggested that a number of our families would have been very well fed by their sons during remote learning. Returning to school in Term 4 was something all our staff and students were looking forward to. Hopefully the boys were able to reconnect with each other on our return, and build on the new friendships that were developed whilst we were away. I continue to get great feedback from Oratory and subject teachers on the behaviour and respect that this year level shows, and I am disappointed that we haven’t had more time together in what was a pretty disjointed year. As Year Level Coordinator, I’d like to congratulate the boys for the way that they have managed the year and all the challenges they have overcome. As I said at our Term Four Assembly, most of our boys do the right thing all the time, and do so with a smile on their faces and a level of respect and care for those around them. It was a year like no other, but hopefully the boys developed a greater understanding of their ability to stay focused and overcome uncertainty and challenges. Hopefully the experiences of this year have contributed to the building of capable, resilient and respectful young men who will continue to make a positive contribution to the school and their communities. On behalf of all Year 8s, I’d like to thank all the teachers who have taught and encouraged the boys to give of their best, and in particular the Year 8 Oratory teachers: Mr Steven Loonstra (8A), Mr Chris Seeber (8B), Mr Allan Qi (8D), Miss Samantha Carey (8E), Mrs Adele Bellizia (8F), Mr Paul Azar (8G) and Mr Byron Chen (8H). Thank you so very much. I look forward to following the development of these boys, and hope that they have an enjoyable and productive time at our Mannix campus in 2021.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Mr Steven Loonstra
Noah Alessi
Christos Babatsias
Christian Bernardo
Charlie Cochrane
Isaac Deayton
Bailey Edwards
Rafael Emmanouil
Nicholas Goodman
Angus Grenfell
Lucas Jones
Nicolas Katakis
Nathan Kotsinadelis
Luke Lazos
Jun Lee
Derick Maimarosia
Isaac McKnight
James McLaughlin
Julian Metsios
Christian Moraes
Owen Nguyen
Andrew Tan
Ricky Theodoropoulos
Leonardo Timperio
Gavin Tone
Elias Yau
The 8A Sports Academy class was a welcoming, fun and enthusiastic group of boys. They were always in high spirits and had a healthy competitive nature. They worked well together in the classroom and during remote learning to overcome the great challenges that 2020 presented. The boys have grown into a group of enthusiastic young men who are destined to conquer all that is ahead of them. I wish them all the best for the years ahead.
2020 was a year of surprises. Who would have thought that snakes would be the prime motivation for 14 year old boys, or that the judging of cooking would have been crucial? The young men of 8B adapted well to the new circumstances of life, and some have flourished. Compassion, camaraderie and collaboration have been hallmarks of this group as they have shared their journey through a challenging 2020. Mr Chris Seeber
Benjamin Brooks
Ruben D Agostino
Arjun Gangatharan
Jonathan Gosal
Liam Griffiths
Rooney Ho
Luca Mandile
Alex Marinis
Aiden McGuinness
Sachith Meela
Angelo Moutafis
Ilia Natsioulas
Aidan Ng
Thomas Nguyen
Justin Onley
Jay Pan
Milan Panjetta
Dylan Rayen
Ronit Rehal
Ryan Ronald
Vishnu Sudarshan
Patrick Sutherland
Will Thurston
James Valiontis
Ben Yang
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
2020 was certainly a different year. I was very impressed by the way the boys in 8C handled the changes and disruptions we faced. Whether in class or learning at home, they maintained a really positive outlook and provided great support for each other. 8C were a fun group whom I really enjoyed teaching. I look forward to seeing these boys around the school in the future, and hopefully I will have the chance to teach them again at some stage. Mr Craig Giles
Prnav Ahuja
Sai Ande
Oscar Biviano
Leigh Candris
Will Dickson
Nathaneal Fernandez
Aussie Gatkouth
Samuel Gould
Zidane Heldt
Nathan Kao
Ayaan Khalil
Jamieson Ly
Spencer Mathieson
Vas Michaelides
Christian Milenkovski
Matthew Ngodara
Haris Orfanos
Charlie Piper
Jacob Raffa
Luke Roberts
Jakob Schock
Lucas Simunic
Hamish Sinclair
Christos Tsoukalas
George Vagas
Albin Jose Valamparampil
While the erratic year of 2020 cooped us all up, the class of 8D persevered in high hopes of coming back together. 8D are sportsmen, masterchefs and academic high achievers in the making, who maintained companionship, camaraderie, and many memes. I have high hopes for these soon-to-be men. It truly has been a great pleasure to lead and mentor this wonderful group, and I wish them all the best for their future. Mr Allan Qi
Krish Angi
Eli Aoun
Liam Chong Ah Min
Oliver De Luca
Xavier Edwards
Benjamin Ford
Sam Gasper
Costa Giannikos
Brodie Grewcock
Nathaniel Hrambanis
Yokwan Kak
Dylan Kiong
Paul Mastoras
Benji Mathieson
Tadhg O’Driscoll
Steven Okoumousis
Lawrence Peralta
Alessandro Pozzoli
Dean Ralston
Saman Shahabadi
Ryan Sung
Sholance Thomas
Juan Willers
Diesel Williams
Julius Zelder
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Ms Samantha Carey
Nathan Awad
Yianni Ballas
Koby Battye
Xavier Blenkhorn
Ayden Braganza
Xavier Caiafa
Joseph Casuscelli
Matteo Ferrara
Fadhal Hussein
Lucas James
Ethan Karagianis
Patrick Karamanavis
William Kesuma
Joshua Li
Peter Manaras
Bailey Morrison
Nilaweera Patabendige
Aayush Pujar
Matthew Rickwood
Michael Stavrinidis
Thomas Sutherland
Jamie Ubachs
Ben Vu
Ashwin Westcott
Iskra Zlatanovski
It’s been wonderful having 8E for Oratory and Religion this year, a group of entertaining, intelligent and talented young men. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better through our show and tells, seeing your creativity though the ‘Rate my Plate’ challenge and hearing your passion and humour through various class discussions. All the best at Mannix next year!
What an adventure 2020 has been for 8F! Many of you have grown both personally and academically this year as you faced the challenge of remote learning and strengthening your friendships and community amidst a pandemic. It has been a pleasure to be your Oratory Teacher this year and to mentor such a cohesive and dynamic group of young men. I wish you every success as you continue your journey at Salesian College. Ms Adele Bellizia
Julian Campbell
Ryan Chamnanchang
Jeremy Demeld
Jordi Dermitzakis
Hugo Dos Santos
Zac Dunne
Daniel Garduce
Zed Hadzic
Matthew Hatzigeorgiou
Tyson Huynh
Stefan Ianno
Chetan Kotagal
Adam Kuruvilla
Jamie Liberis
Nathan Lim
Lachlan Macauley
Vasili Papageorgiou
Luke Parente
Shivaram Ramesh
Nathan Sirait
Owen Spieth
Chiang Thiep
Jonathan Tolmacev
Kael Tzintzis
Vincent Venturanza
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Mr Paul Azar
Elijah Ancora
Tyson Chamnanchang
Chenanda Karumbaiah
Patrick Cherry
Billy Diamataris
Bailey Fanton
Tarrant Fourlze
Andre Ghaly
Joel Knight
Peter Luak
Allen McHenry
Tyson Ng
Christian Nunziante
Sebastian Pearson
Ari Perera
Nikolas Popovic
Jeremy David Rankin
Eamonn Ryan
Anthony Saraullo
Hayden Selliah
Rayan Singh
Ashton Smolic
Ryan Thomas
Henry Wintle
Joseph Wrzesinski
2020! What a year! Who would have thought that the Oratory of 8G would be remote learning for the majority of the year? The boys have showed nothing but strength of character, resilience, patience and support for one another. I am super proud of you all! You have grown as young men through this experience, and I wish you all the best for the future.
2020 has been an unprecedented year that has been like no other we have experienced in our lifetimes. Whilst the reduced face-to-face time in classes has meant that I have not got to know you as well as I would have liked, I can fairly confidently say that the group of you have adapted well to a very challenging environment. Stay safe, stay strong, and let’s remember to enjoy our pizza lunch! Mr Byron Chen
Alex Andrea
Tory Cammaroto
Brodie Davis
Ayden De Guzman
Deon Dupont
Stefano Fazio
Ben Green
Christopher Grosdanis
Jonathan Katsos
Elijah Lawrence
Hayden Lin
Alex Martinez
Liam Matteo
Guillermo Mollaneda
Lachlan Namdarian
Vy Quang Nguyen
Aidan Nipps
Anthony Pascoe
Benjamin Prabhu
Calvin Ramachandran
Asher Richardson
Zakk Ruwoldt
Oscar Ryan
Nicholas Tsamis
Absent on day of photo: Marcus Churchill-King Marc Woolrich
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
YEAR 7 REPORT Miss Christina Romano | Year 7 Coordinator With oversized bags, timid faces and genteel greetings, the Year 7 cohort of 2020 started the year eager for the high school experience, and brilliantly sailed the ebbs and flows that come along with being new students at a school. The year began with the infamous Camp Rumbug, which gave students an opportunity to become familiar with their Oratory teachers and establish lasting friendships. Despite some tears and homesick hearts, the students embraced new challenges, and participated in orienteering, canoeing and archery in the muddy country terrain. Overall, I know the cohort will reflect on Camp Rumbug for years to come with fond memories. In Term One, students warmed to the various College events, including the house sporting carnivals, where they ardently participated in friendly house competitions, quickly becoming impassioned supporters of their houses. In Term Two the cohort demonstrated immense resilience and independence through the remote learning period, as they took responsibility for their learning, keeping up with assessment tasks and meeting due dates. The remote learning journey wasn’t always plain sailing, but I was incredibly proud of the Year 7s and the way that they managed this challenging experience. In reflecting on their experiences of remote learning, students responded to the question ‘What do I appreciate?’ Some of their responses included “the help offered by my teachers,” “time with my friends at school” and “my family.” Overall, the students acknowledged that
they improved their organisation skills and developed an appreciation for the simple things in life. The 2020 school year and various Year 7 events were mostly virtual. Despite this, the students welcomed a host of activities and events for Don Bosco’s Oratory Week, such as the various Oratory challenges, including weekly quizzes and bake-offs. When it came to returning to school, the students were thrilled to be back, and settled into the classroom with ease. Building positive relationships was a central theme for the year as Year 7s navigated their social circles and developed an understanding of what constitutes a positive relationship. This was the focus during the Years 7 and 11 Mentoring Program, which was a feature of Term One. Furthermore, the Mother and Son Evening was also a celebration of the positive relationships the boys have with their mothers or important female mentors in their lives. Despite this event being virtual, the boys and their respective parents or mentors thoroughly enjoyed the evening. I know that the cohort of 2020 are prepared for any challenge that may come their way in the years to come, and they have certainly learnt more about themselves and others through this experience. I am incredibly proud of everything the boys have achieved this year, and I wish them every success as they continue on their high school journey, now with a more confident presence and a few centimetres taller. All the very best, boys!
In Term Two the cohort demonstrated immense resilience and independence through the remote learning period, as they took responsibility for their learning, keeping up with assessment tasks and meeting due dates.
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
The 7A class of 2020 were a kind, humble and thankful group of young men. They enjoyed being challenged by the interrupted year and the need for more independent learning. Highlights included the weekly online workouts and Friday morning Kahoot quizzes during remote learning. It has been an honour to mentor this group during a challenging year. I wish them all the best on moving into Year 8. Mr Stephen Sellwood
Samuel Anthony
Harley Caimakamis
Jaiden D Rozario
Lucas Emmanouil
Snowy Evans
Nicholas Franklin
Christian Franzoni
Cooper Fry
Christian Ghanakas
Roshan Gunatilake
Spencer Guzzo
Alexander Impala
Samuel Iverson
Xavier Loft
Wissam Malaeb
Hayagriv Mallichetty
Oliver Mann
Tate Mole
Kosta Nikolopoulos
Max Schroder
Julian Severino
Deon Tsotsos
Sasha Ung
Jack Waters
It has been a fun year for 7B! They formed friendships quickly on camp in Term One, and came together happily as a cohesive group online, working competitively towards strong academic outcomes. They have supported each other both academically and socially on Microsoft Teams, with Don Bosco’s Oratory Week a particular highlight. They are a fine group of young men and I wish them all the best on their Salesian journey. Ms Jennifer Casey
Jack Allan
Lukas Avila-Escobar
James Deng
Thenuk Devendra
Daniel Dinatale
Aidan Rhys Fernandes
Thomas Georgiou
Sachin James
Brendan Kang
Harrison Kukulovski
Matthew Linden
Nethil Maddumahewa
Thomas Maguire-Nguyen
Heroon Marambage
Liam Noveloso
Rohan Parikh
Thomas Phillips
Finn Power
Patrick Quach
Alex Sabljak
Tanvir Singh
Caleb Smith
Shreyas Vemula
Hiruja Vithana
Matthew Yap
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Ms Christina Romano
Theo Arapis
Joshua Athas
Simranjot Singh Batth
Rowan D’Rozario
Thomas Dew
Christian Fitzgerald
Jole Gardiner
Dean Gentile
Julian Geros
Themi Gounaris
Lewis Hamilton
Alvin Lee
Alexander Liberis
Jack Lucarelli
Jeffery Ly
Gabriel Mainey
Andre Maniatis
Eli Milonas
Spencer O Shea
Aebel Sabu
Ryley Scott
Dominic Sejas
Beau Van Der Zweep
Peter Yip
Absent on day of photo: Jack Peluso Geoffrey Kong Shing Cheong
From timid Year 7s to spirited young men, 7C grew with confidence in 2020 to be bold individuals. ‘Inquisitive’ and ‘quirky’ are words which really capture the dynamic in 7C, and I was truly impressed by the inclusive environment the boys created. I wish them all the best as they fly the Murdoch nest and begin their Year 8 journeys!
What an eventful year for 7D! Despite the challenges of remote learning, 7D discovered new friendships and talents, as well as the resilience and determination to become the best students they can possibly be. It has been a pleasure to lead and mentor this group of fine young men, and I look forward to watching them grow throughout their Salesian journey. Ms Mikayla Domini
Nicholas Anagnostopoulos
Aryan Batavia
Ryan Bondesan
Muhammad Dilmahomed
George Dimopoulos
Harry Gardner
Abin Gautam
Damon Guerrieri
Nicholai Hampson
Josh Holman
Lochlain Keleher
Nicholas Kyriakoulis
Kaleb Labour
Xiaotian Lao
Zoran Latin
Liam Liberatoscioli
Zac Martin
Archie Oorloff
Shenard Raheem
Milan Regi
Tharusha Senanayake
Satyam Sharma
Christian Vincenzini
Emanuelle Vourvoutsiotis
Jordan Welcome
James Wright
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
7E have demonstrated many times that they are a caring and generous group of young men. They embraced the challenges in remote learning and became more resilient and autonomous learners. The pandemic will end, while the scientific breakthroughs and the systems we developed can benefit everyone. I believe the new skills we learnt in 2020 will make us better and stronger! Ms April Ma
Priyansh Agarwal
Steven Amedeo
Charlie Boyles
Jake Calderaro
Daniel Casuscelli
Thomas Charabie
Justin Chea
Daniel Cheon
Zachariah Crellin
Koby Heerah
Oscar Jacobs
Ross Kapotas
Connor Keleher
Anthony Kim
Jinsue Kim
Will Kolenda
Ryan Kuruppuncheril
David Legg
Andy Luy
Ibrahim Mahdy
Anthony Oresti
Brian Quan
Chris Thia
Jacob Ty
Absent on day of photo: Jack Peluso Tristan Woutersz
What a different and memorable year it was for 7F! We began the year with a wonderful camp, where we made many friendships. The work ethic and enthusiasm of the group were amazing as we stepped up to take on the challenge of remote learning. Each individual has brought something special to 7F this year. It has been a privilege to teach and guide these fine young men. Best wishes for 2021! Ms Leonie Nathan
George Andronis
Dean Bombonati
Jed Buxton
Noah Cohen-Budge
Ethan Collins
Tom Davidson
Daniel Dimetriou-Dickson
Emmanuel Dimitrakakis
Zac Djeri
Luke Greenaway
Billy Kakarantzas
Alexander Karamanlis
Akachukwu Lechi-Meregini
Jensen Lee
Max Lee
Emilio Lopez
Anton Occhiuto
Ray Perera
Matthew Ramman
Jack Rogers
Sebastian Saouma
Choeden See
Samuel Sfetsas
Orion Thom-Tydell
Absent on day of photo: Alvin Lee Raveen Wijjarupage
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
What a year 7G has picked to begin their secondary schooling! We have all run out of superlatives to describe the year of 2020, but our class has adapted to the radically changed circumstances of remote learning extremely well. Some of us still struggled to make it to Period 1 on time, even with the extra sleep-in time of not having to travel to school. We got better as the year progressed. Well done, 7G. Great effort. Mr Ken Verbyla
Ayaan Ayaan Ahmed
Matthew Babbington
Niko Bakalis
Andrew Byun
James Bywater
Jack Di Paolo
Zander Di Petta
Lachlan Flynn
Liam Gantelas
James Gatto
Mehul Girdhar
Abel Ebi Joseph
Sharon Kattakayam
Peter Koupouzos
Nitish Kumaran
Jiakie Lin
Noah Mahan
Harry Mann
Jonathon Matsakas
Lachie McCredie
Anthony Riccardi
Yiannis Roussos
Nathan Soares
Anthony Spano
James Torcasio
Jacob Van Den Bosch
7H made a wonderful start to 2020. Before long, COVID-19 challenged us all to learn in a whole new way. For the most part, we took it in our stride and did the best we could. We achieved a lot, and the boys should be very proud of how they coped with everything that was thrown their way. I hope 2021 is more ‘normal’ for this great group of young men. Mr Simon Greely
Angelo Apokis
Antonio Basile
Thomas Cohen-Budge
Tiernan Coyles
Robbie Cuthbertson
Julian De Marco
Oliver Forster
Mikhail Fotis
James Gordon
Nicholas Grillo
Alexander Hatzimihelaki
Charlie Hawtin
Josh Head
Milo Mackay
Lucas Merry
Iggy Palma
Isaac Peluso
Louis Quirk
Will Roberts
Peter Romios
Hugo Rossi
Josh Schroder
Valentino Talarico
Lucas Taylor
Du Tran
Harrison Window
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Priyansh Jack Steven Nicholas George Samuel Angelo Theo Joshua Lukas Ayaan Matthew Niko Antonio Aryan Simranjot Singh Dean Ryan Charlie Jed Andrew James Harley Jake Daniel Thomas Justin Daniel Noah Thomas Ethan Tiernan Zachariah Robbie Tom Julian James Thenuk Thomas Jack Zander Emaad Daniel Emmanuel Daniel Zac Jaiden Rowan Lucas Snowy Aidan Rhys Christian Lachlan Oliver Mikhail Nicholas Christian Cooper Liam Jole Harry James Abin Dean Thomas Julian Christian Mehul James Themi Luke Nicholas Damon Roshan
Gupta Guzzo Hamilton Hampson Hatzimihelakis Hawtin Head Heerah Holman Impala Iverson Jacobs James Joseph Kakarantzas Kang Kapotas Karamanlis Kattakayam Keleher Keleher Kim Kim Kolenda Kong Shing Cheong Koupouzos Kukulovski Kumaran Kuruppuncheril Kyriakoulis Labour Lao Latin Lechi-Meregini Lee Lee Lee Legg Liberatoscioli Liberis Lin Linden Loft Lopez Lucarelli Luy Ly Mackay Maddumahewa Maguire-Nguyen Mahan Mahdy Mainey Malaeb Mallichetty Maniatis Mann Mann Marambage Martin Matsakas McCredie Merry Milonas Mole Nikolopoulos Noveloso Occhiuto Oorloff Oresti O’Shea Palma Parikh Peluso Peluso
Shaurya Spencer Lewis Nicholai Alexander Charlie Josh Koby Josh Alexander Samuel Oscar Sachin Abel Billy Brendan Ross Alexander Sharon Connor Lochlain Anthony Jinsue Will Geoffrey Peter Harrison Nitish Ryan Nicholas Kaleb Sky Zoran Akachi Alvin Jensen Max David Liam Alexander Jiakie Matthew Xavier Emilio Jack Andy Jeffery Milo Nethil Thomas Noah Ibrahim Gabriel Wissam Hayagriv Andre Harry Oliver Heroon Zac Jonathon Lachie Lucas Eli Tate Kosta Liam Anton Archie Anthony Spencer Iggy Rohan Isaac Jack
Perera Phillips Power Quan Quirk Raheem Ramman Regi Riccardi Roberts Rogers Romios Rossi Roussos Sabljak Saouma Schroder Schroder Scott See Sejas Senanayake Severino Sfetsas Sharma Singh Smith Soares Spano Talarico Thia Thom-Tydell Torcasio Tran Tsotsos Ty Ung Van den Bosch Van Der Zweep Vemula Vincenzini Vithana Vourvoutsiotis Waters Welcome Wijjarupage Window Woutersz Wright Yap Yip
Ray Thomas Finn Brian Louis Shenard Matthew Milan Anthony Will Jack Peter Hugo Yiannis Alex Sebastian Josh Max Ryley Choeden Dominic Tharusha Julian Samuel Satyam Tanvir Caleb Nathan Anthony Val Chris Orion James Du Deon Jacob Sasha Jacob Beau Shreyas Christian Hiruja Emanuelle Jack Jordan Raveen Harrison Tristan James Matthew Peter
YEAR 7 Agarwal Allan Amedeo Anagnostopoulos Andronis Anthony Apokis Arapis Athas Avila-Escobar Ayaan Ahmed Babbington Bakalis Basile Batavia Batth Bombonati Bondesan Boyles Buxton Byun Bywater Caimakamis Calderaro Casuscelli Charabie Chea Cheon Cohen-Budge Cohen-Budge Collins Coyles Crellin Cuthbertson Davidson De Marco Deng Devendra Dew Di Paolo Di Petta Dilmahomed Dimetriou-Dickson Dimitrakakis Dinatale Djeri D’Rozario D’Rozario Emmanouil Evans Fernandes Fitzgerald Flynn Forster Fotis Franklin Franzoni Fry Gantelas Gardiner Gardner Gatto Gautam Gentile Georgiou Geros Ghanakas Girdhar Gordon Gounaris Greenaway Grillo Guerrieri Gunatilake
YEAR 8 Alessi Ancora Ande Andrea Angi Aoun Awad Babatsias Ballas Battye Bernardo Biviano Blenkhorn Braganza Brooks Caiafa Cammaroto Campbell Candris Casuscelli Chamnanchang Chamnanchang
Noah Elijah Sai Alex Krish Eli Nathan Christos Yianni Koby Christian Oscar Xavier Ayden Benjamin Xavier Tory Julian Leigh Joseph Ryan Tyson
Chenanda Karumbaiah
Abhav Patrick Liam Marcus Charlie Ruben Brodie Ayden Oliver Isaac Jeremy Jordi Billy Will Hugo Zac Deon Bailey Xavier Rafael Bailey Stefano Nathaneal Matteo Benjamin Tarrant Arjun Daniel Sam Aussie Andre Costa Nicholas Jonathan Samuel Ben Angus Brodie Liam Christopher Zed Matthew Zidane Rooney Nathaniel Fadhal Tyson Stefan Lucas Lucas Yokwan Nathan Ethan Patrick Nicolas Jonathan William Ayaan Dylan Joel Chetan Nathan Adam Luke Jun Joshua Jamie Nathan Peter Jamieson Lachlan Derick Peter Luca Alex
Martinez Mastoras Mathieson Mathieson Matteo McGuinness McHenry McKnight McLaughlin Meela Metsios Michaelides Milenkovski Mollaneda Morrison Moutafis Namdarian Natsioulas Ng Ng Ngodara Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen
Alex Paul Benji Spencer Liam Aiden Allen Isaac James Sachith Julian Vas Christian Guillermo Bailey Angelo Lachlan Ilia Aidan Tyson Matthew Owen Thomas Vy Quang Chenura Aidan Christian Tadhg Stelios Justin Haris Jay Milan Vasili Luke Anthony Sebastian Lawrence Ari Charlie Nikolas Alessandro Benjamin Aayush Jacob Dean Calvin Shivaram Jeremy Dylan Ronit Matthew Ryan Zakk Eamonn Oscar Anthony Jakob Hayden Saman Lucas Hamish Rayan Nathan Ashton Owen Michael Vishnu Ryan Patrick Andrew Ricky Chiang Ryan Sholance
Thurston Timperio Tolmacev Tone Tsamis Tsoukalas Tzintzis Ubachs Vagas Valamparampil Valiontis Venturanza Vu Westcott Willers Williams Wintle Woolrich Wrzesinski Yang Yau Zlatanovski
Will Leonardo Jonathan Gavin Nicholas Christos Kael Jamie George Albin Jose James Vincent Ben Ashwin Juan Diesel Henry Marc Joseph Ben Elias Iskra
Cherry Chong Ah Min Churchill-King Cochrane D’Agostino Davis De Guzman De Luca Deayton Demeld Dermitzakis Diamataris Dickson Dos Santos Dunne Dupont Edwards Edwards Emmanouil Fanton Fazio Fernandez Ferrara Ford Fourlze Gangatharan Garduce Gasper Gatkuoth Ghaly Giannikos Goodman Gosal Gould Green Grenfell Grewcock Griffiths Grosdanis Hadzic Hatzigeorgiou Heldt Ho Hrambanis Hussein Huynh Ianno James Jones Kak Kao Karagianis Karamanavis Katakis Katsos Kesuma Khalil Kiong Knight Kotagal Kotsinadelis Kuruvilla Lazos Lee Li Liberis Lim Luak Ly Macauley Maimarosia Manaras Mandile Marinis
Nilaweera Patabendige
Nipps Nunziante O’Driscoll Okoumousis Onley Orfanos Pan Panjetta Papageorgiou Parente Pascoe Pearson Peralta Perera Piper Popovic Pozzoli Prabhu Pujar Raffa Ralston Ramachandran Ramesh Rankin Rayen Rehal Rickwood Ronald Ruwoldt Ryan Ryan Saraullo Schock Selliah Shahabadi Simunic Sinclair Singh Sirait Smolic Spieth Stavrinidis Sudarshan Sung Sutherland Tan Theodoropoulos Thiep Thomas Thomas
YEAR 9 Adam Amro Angelucci Antonopoulos Aquino Arnott Avedissian-Brown Balakas Banyai Barlow Barlow Baselyous Baselyous Batsis Belmuda Beltrami Benny Billing Biviano Boloutis Boulgouris Bowker Brooks Burby Byrden Cai Cavolo Chable Chann Chauhan Chetwin Clark Clarke Clifton Corbett Coutts-Hawking Csendes Curmi Dalamagas Dambrosi Daniel Dennis Davis Dawer De Sa Dell ‘Arciprete Dew Di Paolo Di Stasio Diaz Doan Docherty
Faris Hady Camillo Francis Emmanuel Oliver James Kosta Jett Jack Tom Marcellino Philopatear James Massimo Lee Chris Noah Daniel Paul James Keyan Jordan Sethh Matthew William Max Maxwell Alexander Vansh Harry Harrison Bryan Nic Tyrone Ethan Jamie Matthew Jason Sam Ryan Nicolas Paras Tyler Christian Sam Michael Evan Dion Andrew Bradman
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Downard D’Souza D’Souza Eames Easton Elustondo Fenton Fernando Ferrara Flechsig Forster Frangotsinos Frantz Galante Galluccio Gardner Gatto Ginoya Go Hagen-Mujica Harding Hariyanto Harridge Hastings Hattersley Hee Keng Hemsley Holland Holman Hsu Hurley Iliuk Iverson Johnson Jones Kapaklis Karisson Karvelas Khan Khore Kourelis Krueger Langworthy Le Le le Le Vagueresse Lee Lee Leong Liptai Lo Rosso Loft Loiacono Loukos Mack Manaras Marino McCallum McCance McCrea McFarlane Mehta Menzies Miliotis Millares Montgomery Mulvogue Nair Navaratne Nelson Nguyen Nikolopoulos Nosworthy-Magill Nousis
Angus Aidan Keenan Lachlan Jake Harrison Toby Gishain Anthony Kyle Patrick Chris Tobith Adrian Christian Tom Sebastian Hardu Sean-Patrick Dieter Malakai Gavriel Darren Alexander Jacob Joshua Will Peter Sam Jeff Thomas Alex Jack Oli Avellino Gabriel Paul Andreas Zavier Aryan Yianni Sebastien Ryan Jordan Nam Trung Jack Harry Jackson Maximus Peter Alex Hayden Jack Aaron Dylan Evan Luke Beau Stefan Ryan Lachlan Manan Matthew Charlie Sebastian Connor Oliver Rajiv Ruchith Akhila Jake Nam Pete Dylan Louis
Occhiuto Oorloff Palatsides Panoussis Papalia Papasotiriou Paterson Paul Peacock Perera Petkaris Phylactou Pinzone Polychronopoulos Quadara Raucci Rizkalla Roach Roberts Rodrigues Rosario Ross Russo Sakellarios Salvatore Sands Sarandakis Scalzi Schultz Scott Serrano Shean Shrestha Simon Simoni Singh Skarajew Stathopoulos Stefanatos Sykes Talarico Taylor Tenace Thalassinos Tighello Topliff Triantafyllou Tsakoumakis Tzintzis Valle Valle Van den Bosch Van Der Zweep Vanderhorst Vaz Vaz Vo Vouronikos Vu Vu Wallbridge Williams Wilson Wrzesinski Yankov Yoshawirja Zaki Zhang
Damon Xander Dimitri Patrick Anthony Dion Rory Ethan Ben Joshua Christopher Alexander Adam Nicholas Luca Christian Samuel Gus Daniel Stionl Dylan Hugh Brendan Steven James Jacob Mark Jack Ben Liam Kaiden Javier Roey Ethan Noah Manraj Tyler Lucas Christopher Maximus Vin Robbie Aidan James Luca James Luka Christopher Paschalis Alex Daniel Isaac Finn Brodie Jordan Sven Timothy Peter Jimmy Nam Sam Dillon Julian Tomas James Samuel Andrew Horatio
Ambawatta Amedeo Amendola Aparo Arino Arsabhuvana Avramopoulos Awad Balasuriya Ballantyne Bastien-Sylva Be Bittarello Blaikie Blair Bof Brooks Cahill Caminos Carrig Casals Chamnanchang Chann Cherry Christodoulopoulos Ciorciari Cislo Colaci Colantuono Collier-Murphy Cooray Cordeiro Curtis Curtis Davis De Alwis Deayton Deo Dewapakshage Dias Dimar Draga D’Rozario D’Souza Easton Easton Facchino Faron Fazi Fernandes Fernandes Fernandes Gantelas George Ghanakas Giannakopoulos Gill Ginige Gomes Gounaris Greenaway Grewcock Grosso Hair Hardie Hariharan Harris Hattersley Hickey Hill Hilliard Ho Horvat Huppe Ison
Andrew Michael Daniel Kristian Jerwin Ethan Andrew Matthew Saeran James Olly Dylan Leonardo Tom Zach James Ned Sean Blake Matthew Raffy Brendan Narichard Sam Dean Christopher Oskar Nicholas Domenic Kai Dilantha Liam Ashton Kobi Kynan Pramishka Lachlan Marnav Heshan Jackson Adrian Ben Harry Adam Nicholas Ronan Leon Adrien Amish Aaron Calvin Jayden Jimmy Frank Nicholas Maiki Navraj Emmanuel Aaron Alexander Jake Lachie Maison Darcy Lochlan Harshan Benjamin Zak David Luca Jack Jason Flynn Sebastien Sam
YEAR 10 Ajani Algama Alija Allan Alphred
Luke Dilenne Olivier Angus Brighton
Israni Jogi Johnston Kakarantzas Kang Kapoor Kar Katzourakis Kearns Kedis Kieu Knight Krishshanthan Krivanek Kumic Lanyon Le Le Legg Lehr Lokhee Louis Louras Luy Luzares Ly Machaya Maniatis Maralande Martiniello Matai Matusan McNidder McPhee Mean Milonas Mitchell Muscara Natarajan Ng Nguyen Nguyen Nimmervoll O’Meara Panagiotakopoulos Pappas Park Parker Pearson Peluso Perera Perera Pettigrew Pilankar Polites Polychronopoulos Puidokas Quach Regi Rice Robotis Russo Sam Saouma Schiavello Scown Sharp Sharrock Sikuler Sinclair Soldati Soria Stanton Steen Suraweera
Dhruv Alrin Jake Liam Kevin Siddarth Om Kirk Ashley Daniel Lance Liam Thesigan Michael Lachlan Austin Brian Kenny Michael Calvin Nigel Emmanuel Spiro Jet Jackson Jeremy Lleyton Hugo Aiden Thomas Gatluak Giuseppe Jai Fletcher Justin Theodore Jacob Lucas Aaryan Jayden Mun Wai Justin Tam Thanh Alex Jackson Pete George Thomas Keegan Nick James Jude Shane Alex Yash James Aris Remy Pierce Alan Will Athan Thomas Spencer Dantae Gabriel Tom Brody Noah Max Edward Xavier Enrique Angus Michael Nicholas
Tabaczynski Tanjutco Tavlas Taylor Thai Thurston Tran Trang Triskelidis Truong Truong Turton Van Der Zweep Van Der Zweep Vayenas Velgakis Velona Vengadachellum Wain Wal Westcott Wheeler Wilson Wright Yala Zammit Zhang Zhu
Jake Lester Konnor Alex Thiedus Sam Aidan Daniel James Ivan John Lachlan Kai Tom John George Roman Varounen Mitchell Deng Lachlan Ben Thomas Jackson Alvin Tristan Andrew Eric
Galley George Georgoudis Giri Han Heil
Guneet Jerine Ilias Pranay Peter Christian Menal Kellan Daniel Bao Khang Ethan Blake Tommy Steven Luca Jacob Angelo Tom Will Saurav Raghav Abrid Jack Chris Michael Shivam George Philip Nicolas Nathan Andrew William Christian Dean Anthony Yiannis Damien Tyrone Jeremy Christian Angus Francis Cailan Matthew Albert Alexander Robert Kosta Nathan Robbie Jack Hayden Theodore James Nicholas Trent Prajay Jake Aaron Thomas Travis Nicholas Ricky Owen Jacob Tien Sanish Aaron Jerome Asutosh Jordan Nitpreet Delwyn Karch Braulio Aaron
YEAR 11 Abraham Algama Athans Balage Balakas Baxter Belivanis Bernardo Bishop Bongiorno Brkic Brooks Candris Cashman Castillo Cerda Charles Chea Colley Corcoran Crockett Cuthbertson Dabos D’Agostino De Marco De Silva De Zilva Di Rienzo II Dimetriou-Dickson Djung Duri Eames Earnshaw- Fry Efstathiou El Hajj Failadis Fassos Fausett Fenton Filipovic Filipovic Ford Fornaro Forster Fortune
Ben Shanelle Christian Miyuru Petros Lachlan Michael Antony Andrew Kye Riley Cooper Billy Tom Joshua Alexsi Christopher Aaron Bailey Keelan James Ted Vas Nate Peter Miren Angello Sal Nicholas Luke Daniel Josh Max Emmanuel Eyad Yianni Alexander Ryan Angus Sebastian Thomas Ryan Cosi Alexander Sid
Hewa Don Atapattulage
Hill Ho Hoang Hodinj Holding Huberts Huynh Ianno Indovino Ioakimidis Ison Iverson Jaikumar Jaitely Jo Philip Johnson Kaltsis Kanaris Kapoor Karvounis Kasimis Katsos Kent Keo Kirkman Kotsinadelis Koutsikos Kraloglou Kyritsis Lam Llaguno Lobo Locantro Macaluso Maimarosia Manokaran Marino Mathew Mathieson McCance McNamara Miller Nenos Nguyen Nianiakas Orlando Orlando Papenfus Paramesh Parente Paul Peacock Pemberton Pham Phung Plionis Poldrugovac Quach Rajbhandari Rajendra Ramachandran Ramanan Ratumu Rikhiraj Rodrigues Rojas Rojero Martinez Rosenberger
Stronger Together
| 2020 ANNUAL
Rossington Roukakis Russo Salvatore Santaera Santaera Sao Sapozhnykov Satheesh Savic Sciffer Seager Sesa Sieng Sirait Sivashankar Skarajew Skopakow Stasinos Stavrinidis Suarez Ta Tandoc Tran Tran Tsakistaras Tsouparidis Tu Ung Valle Vu Vu Vulling Watt Weerasinghe Wellner Wenas White Wilkinson Wilson Withers Younes
Jay Simeon Dominic Lachlan Andre Marcus Darritt Daniel Schron Mitchell Sam Nathan Domenic Adan Daniel Shreyas Joshua Mark John John Dylan Johnny James Deakin Steven Alexander Nikita Matthew Bevan Thomas Justin Patrick Jude Zachariah Lavindu Adrian Zenden Tristan Benjahmin Xavier Darcy Alex
Curry Curtis Dabbous Dam Datt David De Sa Dean Dell’Arciprete Do Doan Donovan D’Rozario Duong Ekonomopoulos Facchino Fairnie Fazio Feehan Fernando Fernando Fernando Fisher Gatkuoth George Green Grizos Gruiters Hatzigeorgiou Heaphy Herrera Higginson Hill Ho Hodinj Iuliano James Johnson Joshua Juma Kalogeropoulos Kasiaras Kattakayam Khondkar Kintidis Kintidis Krejany Krishshanthan Lam Lam Lam Lambiris Lee Lemberiadis Lieu Lim Lo Loiacono Loiacono Lu Ly Ly Madden Magdalinos Mamotte Marchese Martyn Mathew McCredie McKenzie McKenzie Meethal Meeuwissen Megalakakis Menezes
Jacob Joseph Joe Jordan Jivan Joshua Josh Joshua Zach Brandon Tony Finnbar Ed Thuan Zak Massimo Sam Stephen Edward Ethan Nem Shevin Scott Gatkuoth Ryan Jonathan Anthony Campbell Christopher Niall Lukas Liam Joel Kevin Connor Luke Liam Thomas Kevin Matthew TJ Michael Sam Areeq Dimitrios Lukas Alessandro Suban Brandon Calvin Therry Thomas Kevin Alex Julian Richard Benjamin Anthony Sam Vincent Aaron Kevan Xander Dean Sebastien James Jack Albin Jake Eamon Phillip Akash Max Sam Keith
Merry Milic Minns Monteiro Mortaruolo Muscat Nair Novak Nunziante Omutiali Palma Panesar Papalia Papanikolaou Parisi Patell Peres Pham Pham Phillips Pillay Raheem Rao Ravi Roach Roukakis Russell Sajan Saji Sands Sarandakis Sawan Scott Sharp Shields Simas Skalamera Skoufos Smirneos Soldati Spink Stamatakis Steen Stone Strik Tan Taylor Thomopoulos Tom Martin Toward Tran Tran Tran Tran Tse Tzitzivakos Vanderhorst Varmalis Vovos Vu Waldron Wu Youssef Yun
Marcus Oscar Thomas Kirk Matthew Daniel Shivam William Daniel Ralph Finn Dipinder Joe James Jack Rewniz Nicholas Kenny Kevin Max Sankaran Rayyaan Adarsh Roshan Cooper George Samuel Arjun Allen Jarrod George Thiago Thomas Ryan Rylie Nikolas Riley Pano Andrew Theodore Raul Michael Matthew Adam Luke Adam James Alexander Kevin Jason Eric Ethan Jacob Thomas Marco Peter Max Aidan Matthew Michael Sam Dean Nader YeJun
YEAR 12 Adams Airo-Farulla Amendola Antoniadis Apidopoulos Areaya Arsabhuvana Athans Atsiz Avedissian-Brown Axford Bartels Batreddy Belmuda Ben Joseph Bhullar Boxshall Briglia Bui Burns Cahill Carrig Chamakala Chan Chieu Childs Chivers Chuol Ciorciari Colgrave Collins
James Luca Robert Harry Jason Yafet Irving Theo Matt Luke Lucas Will Dhanush Reddy Charlie Abel Gurmanat Harry Charlie Nathan John Aidan James Mathew Ignatius Vincent Joel Paris Kuat Danny Lawson Linford
Scott Fisher | Year 12 Design and Technology Year 12 Design and Technology student Scott Fisher designed and constructed a modern interpretation of a traditional desk, using a combination of materials such as hardwood and metal. Scott combined the hardwood species of Jarrah and Victorian Ash for their strength, durability and aesthetic value. The design of the desk’s customised steel side panel was inspired by the semi-symmetrical veins of oakleaves. Scott duplicated the irregular angles of the side panel’s design across the desk’s drawers. The desk was ergonomically designed, allowing the end user to efficiently study with adequate storage available to them.
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