2021 Yearbook

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ANNUAL YEARBOOK 2021 With Heart and Mind

For my final artwork, I explored the idea of different social aspects of people in the city, and how it would be represented visually. Through my visual diary I refined and developed upon the idea of ‘the city life’ by using iconic Melbourne landmarks, that reflected Melbourne’s built environments. To show the social aspects, I spent a lot of time early in the year, observing and drawing people, and capturing individual drawn studies of faces, gestures and body language.

My final artworks are a collage of the city, that show snapshots of the many and varied types of life, set against the backdrop of Melbourne.

Mark Skopakow | Year 12 Studio Arts

Editor:Credits George publicrelations@salesian.vic.edu.auKetels Photographic Contributions: Ms Suzie McErvale Arthur Reed Photography Paddy McKenna, ACC Melbourne Staff and Families of Salesian College Chadstone Graphic Design and Printing: DMC Group We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which Salesian College Chadstone stands. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and future.

CONTENTS From The Rector 3 From The Principal 4 2021 VCE Results 10 40+ Study Scores 11 2021 Dux Speech 12 Scholarship Program 14 2021 Salesian Awards 16 OMNIA Awards 17 Student Leadership 18 Student Leaders 21 From The College Captain 22 2021 Salesian Staff 24 Staff Farewells 27 Long Service Awards 27 From The Business Manager 28 Facilities Report 29 Information Technology 30 Development & Marketing 31 Canteen 32 Faith & Mission 33 Faith & Mission: Religious Education 34 Faith & Mission: Liturgy 35 Faith & Mission: Social Justice 36 Parents’ Association 37 Teaching and Learning 38 English 40 Humanities 41 Mathematics 42 Science 43 Visual Arts 44 Performing Arts 46 Languages 48 Technology Studies 49 Digital Technology 50 Human Development 51 RUA Resource Centre 52 Year 10 PreCal Program 53 Intermediate VCAL 54 Senior VCAL 55 Pathways 56 House Sport 57 ACC Sport 59 2021 ACC Premiership 62 ACC Captains 62 Sports Academy 63 Public Speaking & Debating 65 Student Wellbeing 66 Annecy House 68 Collinson House 70 Moroney House 72 Savio House 74 2021 House Competition 76 Year 12 79 Oratory 12A 81 Oratory 12B 82 Oratory 12C 83 Oratory 12D 84 Oratory 12E 85 Oratory 12F 86 Oratory 12G 87 Oratory 12V 88 Year 11 89 Oratory 11A 91 Oratory 11B 92 Oratory 11C 93 Oratory 11D 94 Oratory 11E 95 Oratory 11F 96 Oratory 11G 97 Oratory 11V 98 Year 10 99 Oratory 10A 101 Oratory 10B 102 Oratory 10C 103 Oratory 10D 104 Oratory 10E 105 Oratory 10F 106 Oratory 10G 107 Oratory 10H 108 Oratory 10P 109 Year 9 110 Oratory 9A 112 Oratory 9B 113 Oratory 9C 114 Oratory 9D 115 Oratory 9E 116 Oratory 9F 117 Oratory 9G 118 Oratory 9H 119 Year 8 120 Oratory 8A 122 Oratory 8B 123 Oratory 8C 124 Oratory 8D 125 Oratory 8E 126 Oratory 8F 127 Oratory 8G 128 Oratory 8H 129 Year 7 130 Oratory 7A 132 Oratory 7B 133 Oratory 7C 134 Oratory 7D 135 Oratory 7E 136 Oratory 7F 137 Oratory 7G 138 Oratory 7H 139 Student Roll Call 140 SALESIAN COLLEGE 1ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE


“We are gradually emerging from the very challenging and demanding period in our history full of hope and expectation of much better things to come in 2022 and beyond. ”

Then, as you Melburnians well know, we experienced a broad range of COVID-related lockdowns and restrictions in our fair city and state that changed the face of teaching and learning, spiritual and liturgical life, and human social interaction for the second consecutive year. Thankfully, as I write this yearbook article, we are gradually emerging from the very challenging and demanding period in our history full of hope and expectation of much better things to come in 2022 and beyond. As Rector of the College, I congratulate Mr Mark Ashmore on his appointment as the new Principal of Salesian College and commend him for the excellent start that he has made in Term 4 this year. At the same time, I sincerely thank Mr Neil Carter for the outstanding role he played as Acting Principal for the first three terms of 2021. At the same time, I warmly congratulate Br Joseph Ellul, a staff-member and stalwart of Salesian college for some 37 years on celebrating his 90th birthday in November this year, and acknowledge Fr Lawrence Moate who market the 50th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination in October 2021. Well done to these two fine Salesians!

Finally, I wish to formally announce that I will be concluding my three-year term as Rector of Salesian College at the end of the current year, and will be taking up a new appointment in the Salesian Parish of Massey in Auckland, New Zealand in early 2022. I will be succeeded as Rector by Fr Joseph Binh Dinh, who is currently Rector of the Salesian College in Sunbury. I am sure that you will make him very

Just like last year, we made a very purposeful start to our liturgical and sacramental year with our Whole School Opening Mass of St John Bosco, our Year 7 Camp Prayer Service, our Lenten Reconciliation Service, our Resurrection Masses in the Easter Season, our Mother’s Day Mass and our Mass for the Feast of Mary, Help of Christians which was celebrated by Fr Brendan Hayer, the representative of archbishop Peter Comensoli. During Term 1, we also hosted the Leadership Mass of the Associated Catholic Colleges in our Chapel.

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

Fr Greg Chambers sdb | Rector and Chair of the College Board





The diaspora of our Salesian College community embraces over 1100 students, 130 staff members, the Salesians of Don Bosco, countless families and thousands of Past Pupils.

FROM THE PRINCIPAL mr Neil Carter | Acting Principal (Terms 1 to 3) mr mark Ashmore | Principal (Term 4) Always remember that education is a matter of the heart.

Given the heft of these numbers and the heterogeneity of human experience, endeavouring to capture the essence of a year is a daunting exercise. Especially 2021. The year stimulated a whirling skein of emotions where we were variously joy-filled, disheartened, overwhelmed, stoical, optimistic, sad. Blighted rituals undoubtedly blunted hope. But, together, we remained resilient, we endured and we accomplished a great deal.

John’s Gospel tells us that ‘God is love.’ So, too, does the Koran, the Buddha and the Hindu sacred texts. We are made in the image of God and we are in communion with God when we reach out in love to one another. The adversity we have encountered over the past two years has taught us that we need others, that it is healthy to rely on others, and that it is profoundly human to help others and to let them help us. Maori have a name for this – kia kaha – staying strong together. We are strong and fully alive when we are together, for community fosters communion with one another and with our God. Staying strong together enabled staff, students, parents and guardians to radically alter our approach to remote teaching and learning when it became apparent that the processes which had served us so well in 2020 would not be as effective in the face of Lockdowns 3, 4, 5 and 6. The cohesiveness of our community was readily apparent in the way in which we all adapted to new and more rigorous pedagogical practices. It is to the inestimable credit of our students, parents and guardians that these new processes took root so quickly.

The triadic relationship of students, staff and parents created a powerful mandala which enabled boys to engage meaningfully with their studies. The essence of a Salesian education is embodied in Don Bosco’s beautiful exhortation, In a particular way, our teaching staff warrant the deep and abiding appreciation of our entire community for the manner in which they worked tirelessly to support our boys, to engage with them, to encourage and cajole. They gave from their hearts and were simply magnificent. It must be stated, however, our teachers could not have done this without the great work of our support staff who cheerfully and skilfully improvised, adapted and overcame the difficulties which beset us. The Performing Arts Department calmly coped with the cancellations of the joint production with Sacred Heart, the tour to the Gold Coast and the planned production of Oliver to conduct some wonderful events including Massacre at Myall Creek and a truly memorable Solo Music Competition. Instead of responding to lockdowns


The adversity we have encountered over the past two years has taught us that we need others, that it is healthy to rely on others, and that it is profoundly human to help others and to let them help us.

We are strong and fully alive when we are together, for community fosters communion with one another and with our God. DON BOSCO Class of 2021 High Achievers (ATAR of 90 or above) SALESIAN COLLEGE 6ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE FROm THE PRINCIPAL

The increasing COVID cases resulted in a delayed returned to face to face teaching for all members of the community. Year 12s gradually returned with their VCE teachers and welcomed the new Principal. Student and staff morale increased as the relationships that were cherished began to reignite being in person. Student learning was evident amongst our senior students as they embarked on the final phase of preparation for their examinations. After student and staff consultation, a decision was made to relocate VCE examinations to a ‘COVID bubble’, isolated from the returning year levels at our Bosco campus. Our Year 11 and 12 students successfully sat their VCAA VCE examinations without disruption. Our Year 12 students and families had a different looking Valedictory Mass and Dinner, albeit a virtual awards evening and then a subsequent event in the College Kimberley Hall and upper yard with food trucks. Whilst it didn’t have the usual fanfare, it was a fitting celebration for a cohort that has endured two years of studies in the context of a pandemic.

by jettisoning instrumental music lessons, students and instrumental music staff adroitly switched to remote ‘face-to-face’ lessons so that the boys could play and allow music to transcend the pandemic. In a similar fashion, our Sports Department responded to the abandonment of our much-loved House Athletics Carnival and the cancellation of the ACC program in the second half of the year to achieve some outstanding achievements in the ACC Athletics, Badminton and Triathlon competitions as well as recording encouraging performances in ACC Cricket, Football and Soccer. One of the high points of 2021 stemmed from the tremendous leadership of the College Captain Steven Tran, and his Vice Captains Robbie Miller and Keelan Corcoran. It would have been very easy for these young men to have yielded to the difficulties posed by lockdowns and to have gone through the motions. Instead, Steven, Keelan and Robbie were beacons of hope to their peers. They were consistently upbeat and optimistic. They worked hard to enthuse others. They never gave up. The trio were not interested in the flimflam of tokenistic projects. Instead, by virtue of their presence and determination to succeed and, as a consequence of working together, Steven, Robbie and Keelan animated the Student Congress so that our boys themselves shone a light on hugely important issues such as racism, misogyny and homophobia. The truly notable aspect of the boys’ leadership is that they germinated the idea, they developed coherent proposals and they commissioned their plans. In doing so, Steven, Keelan and Robbie have truly established a rich legacy for our 2022 leaders to embrace.

The second half of the year enabled the school community to be introduced to the incoming Principal, Mr Mark Ashmore prior to the formal commencement of his duties in Term 4. The intention of having Mr Ashmore commence in Term 4 was to provide him with a gentle introduction to College life. As Mark relates, the whirligig of 2021 continued in Term 4. Term 4 presented a new beginning for the College with a new Principal, yet school life in a pandemic continued to present challenges for the community.


The vibrancy of school life echoed the yard, classrooms and corridors of our Bosco campus with the return of students in Year 7-11, including our Year 9 students who joined the community. Student learning was evident across the campus as teachers and students alike reconnected with one another.

Year 7 Reflection Days provided an important faith experience and time of contemplation for our newest community members. It also provided a time for new friendships to be consolidated considering the time misplaced in the classroom during the year. The joy expressed by the boys from this rite of passage was wonderful to witness. The return to school ensured students had the opportunity to focus on their learning with the support of their teacher and peers. Final assessments and examinations provided an opportunity for each boy to demonstrate their learning throughout the year. It was valuable practice to embed learning habits and study skills as the academic year drew to a close with culminating assessments.


The highlight of Term 4 was witnessing the sense of belonging and school pride during the College final assembly. An unlikely occurrence during 2021, the assembly provided an opportunity to celebrate student achievements and student performances. It also presented a time to thank our much-revered Rector, Fr Greg Chambers sdb, for his enormous contribution to the College. The community has demonstrated resilience during times of ongoing change in 2021, ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines as well as the transition to a new school Principal. Students, families, staff and the community have successful come together to support, nurture, motivate and celebrate amidst the challenges. We look forward with great hope and optimism for what 2022 will bring to our Salesian community as we discover God’s will each day.


The truly notable aspect of the boys’ leadership is that they germinated the idea, they developed coherent proposals and they commissioned their plans. In doing so, Steven, Keelan and Robbie have truly established a rich legacy for our 2022 leaders to embrace.

Salesian College Chadstone congratulates 2021 Dux Travis Pemberton, who achieved an ATAR of 99.05, putting him in the top 0.95% of all Year 12 students in the state. Achieving a study score of 46 in Chemistry, English and Environmental Science, Travis is set to study Biomedicine at The University of Melbourne.


2021 DUX


The Salesian College Chadstone community commends all students from the Class of 2021 on the completion of their VCE and VCAL studies and acknowledges the dedication, commitment and support that staff and families have provided to ensure students reach their potential during the unprecedented 2020 and 2021 academic years. Class of 2021 High Achievers (ATAR of 90 or above) 2021 College Dux Travis Pemberton (ATAR of 99.05)

The College also congratulates College Captain Steven Tran (ATAR of 98.9) Savio Captain Ben Abraham (97.9) and Music Captain Robert Kosta McCance (87.95) whom excelled far beyond their formal leadership roles in 2021. In the face of many challenges, our leaders excelled and exemplified the Salesian values of Integrity and Dynamism.

THE HIGHLIGHTS median Score: 31 ATAR Exceeding 90: 16% ATAR Exceeding 80: 36% ATAR Exceeding 70: 54% VCE Completion Rate: 100% VCAL Completion Rate: 100% 8.49% of students who studied a Unit ¾ subject received a subjects score of 40 or more. 2 students were awarded the VCE Baccalaureate, which has been developed by VCAA to recognise students who undertake an English, a higher level mathematics and a language within their VCE program of study.


Steven Tran Ben Abraham Robert Kosta McCance

40+ STUDY SCORES CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS Year 12 student Nicholas Dimetriou-Dickson achieved a perfect study score of 50 in Media STUDY SCORE OF 50 Subject Name Media Nicholas Dimetriou-Dickson STUDY SCORE OF 49 Subject Name English Ben Abraham STUDY SCORE OF 47 Subject Name Further Mathematics Jayden Fernandes Environmental Science James Crockett English Johnny Ta STUDY SCORE OF 46 Subject Name Business Management John Vayenas English Steven Tran Chemistry Travis Pemberton English Travis Pemberton Environmental Science Travis Pemberton English Shanelle Algama STUDY SCORE OF 45 Subject Name English Thomas Ison English Daniel Sapozhnykov English Nicholas Dimetriou-Dickson STUDY SCORE OF 44 Subject Name Business Management Jake Johnston English Aaron Rajendra Business Management Nicolas Katsos STUDY SCORE OF 43 Subject Name Business Management Kevin Kang Further Mathematics Dhruv Israni Legal Studies Daniel Sirait Further Mathematics William Iverson Further Mathematics James Crockett Legal Studies James Crockett Software Development Daniel Sapozhnykov English Robert Kosta McCance English Andrew Keo English Ethan Hodinj Software Development Ben Abraham Economics Ben Abraham STUDY SCORE OF 42 Subject Name Business Management Emmanuel Louis Business Management Lachie Grewcock Chemistry Justin Vu Business Management Thomas Valle Mathematical Methods Steven Tran Software Development Luca Ianno Environmental Science Luca Ianno English Luca Ianno Environmental Science Christian Heil English Pranay Giri Business Management Jerine George STUDY SCORE OF 41 Subject Name English Justin Vu Psychology Johnny Ta Mathematical Methods Bangze Han English Daniel Duri STUDY SCORE OF 40 Subject Name Biology Michael Legg Business Management Don Suraweera Psychology Thomas Valle Business Management Daniel Sirait Creative and Digital Media Domenic Sesa Further Mathematics Dominic Russo Systems Engineering Alexander Forster Chemistry James Crockett Business Management Nicholas Orlando Product Design & Technology James Orlando Psychology Andrew Keo English Nicolas Katsos Environmental Science Raghav Jaitely Mathematical Methods Luca Ianno Further Mathematics Max Earnshaw-Fry Psychology Miren De Silva SALESIAN COLLEGE 11ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE 40+ STUDY SCORES


Good afternoon Mr Ashmore, Fr Dinh, staff, students and guests. It is a privilege to be here today representing the Class of 2021 alongside many other high achievers who I am proud to call my friends. I would also like to acknowledge the members of our cohort not in attendance today, who should be proud of their hard work, especially considering the circumstances of completing VCE through the COVID restrictions. The truth is, I would most definitely not be standing here today speaking to you all without the assistance and companionship of all my fellow classmates, and the collective success of the recent VCE results is an achievement that I cannot take credit for myself, as it is a representation of the diligence, dedication and comradery of the graduates both here today and elsewhere preparing for the next stage of their lives.

Travis Pemberton

Year 12 is built up to be one of the most stress-inducing years of schooling life, and there’s no doubt that alongside the effects of the Coronavirus, last year was made all the more challenging for not only all of the Year 12 students, but for the entire community. That is why I would like to convey my greatest appreciation for the teachers of Salesian College, who have also had to endure this rocky and tumultuous period of their lives whilst being accountable for the education of both my year level and the entire school. The immense dedication and support I have received from my teachers has been instrumental in my successes as a student, and in particular I would like to thank a few teachers that have had a profound impact on me, both as a student and as a person. Mr Chow, thank you for the past three years of English and Oratory. Your advice, wisdom and encouragement to explore every opportunity in life has unlocked a great depth of personal growth, particularly for my confidence and courage. Ms Romano, your compassion and interest in always regulating my workload whilst also pushing me to new limits were crucial in maintaining my mental fortitude and passion for writing. Mr Shaw, your eccentric ability to incorporate your own passions into teaching has made learning both Science in Year 7 and Environmental Science in the last two years the most immersive and enjoyable experience, and has led to me sharing similar interests to you in ecology. Mr McDonald, learning Methods has never been easier than with your intricate explanations of concepts and dedication to connecting with your students. Mrs Roberts and Ms Apostolopoulos, despite the challenges of remote learning you both made Chemistry the most interactive experience possible and alleviated a lot of the stress of Year 12 with our lighthearted chats. You all had belief in me and my abilities and I hope I made you all proud with my results. Finally, I’d like to thank Mr Chen for making biology an entertaining experience whilst also keeping an interest in my life outside of class, and being our coordinator before Mrs Rabot, who also did a great job creating opportunities amidst the unpredictable circumstances of the last two years. Thank you all for being a part of my schooling journey.


Furthermore, I would also like to extend my thanks to the parents of all the Year 12 students, who have shown excellent resilience and compassion to support us throughout 2021 and prior. Even if your hard work may appear to go unnoticed by your boys I can assure you that our love for you and your endeavors to assist us in reaching our full potential as both students and people in general goes beyond words. In particular, I’d like to send a big thank you to my parents, who are in attendance today, for everything you have done for me, not only throughout Year 12 but through my whole life. I know that I am sometimes a difficult person to manage, however you have my deepest gratitude and love that cannot be expressed in words for your support and receptiveness to my every need, and your ability to help me navigate and overcome every obstacle and boundary that I have faced.

To this year’s high school graduates, I implore you to make the most of your limited time here at Salesian College. Manage your time appropriately to excel in your studies, but do not forget to cherish the moments that you get to spend amongst the wonderful community that everyone has developed here, and use them as a springboard to catapult you into a bright future that I know every single one of you has the opportunity to embrace. This also relates to those of you in the lower year levels. Take advantage of all the experiences that are offered to you throughout the years to come, from camps to extracurriculars and community events. The time can be now to start establishing your influence on this world, it is up to you to take everything with both hands. Find a passion to motivate you, whether it be academic or elsewhere, dedicate yourself to what you wish to achieve, and you will find a way to extend yourself to new heights. Thank you all and I wish all of you every success for this year and into the future.

The time can be now to start establishing your influence on this world, it is up to you to take everything with both hands.


We wish to acknowledge the truly outstanding academic performance of our College Dux for 2021, Travis Pemberton. Travis received an ATAR of 99.05, placing him in the top 0.95 of all Year 12 students in the state. Travis received study scores of 46 in three subjects in a time of great uncertainty and change for our students. Travis worked consistently hard to attain this amazing result.

More than twenty years ago, a very significant decision was made by then College Principal, Fr Greg Chambers. This decision was to introduce a Year 9 Academic Scholarship program to both retain and attract students at that level.

Heartfelt congratulations also go to our 2021 College Captain and recipient of multiple scholarships over the years, Steven Tran. Steven has passionately led his cohort though the most difficult and uncertain two years that our Community has endured. He continued to develop selfrelevant and well-balanced study habits, incorporating some rest and utilising the flexibility that remote learning provided. Once again consistent work across the years has resulted in outstanding results for Steven, who shone as our student leader during difficult times.

From 2020, Sporting and Music scholarships have been added to the suite, encouraging excellence in these areas as well as in the academic sphere. Many boys with differing strengths are now benefiting from the Scholarship Program. It is not the prestige of being offered a scholarship that makes this program a success; it is the belief by the boys in their ability that drives them for excellence in these areas. All students have access to our Scholarships and are encouraged to work hard and consistently to achieve their very best over their six years at the College to be recognised with a scholarship.

Travis has been rewarded for his consistent academic rigour. He was successful in being awarded a Scholarship at every year level, from Year 7 though to Year 12. His contribution to the College is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. Travis is truly a fine example of his own commitment to study and unwavering desire to learn consistently, with the assistance of the caring, motivating and innovative staff at the College.

We thank and acknowledge the families of both Travis and Steven for the support they have shown their sons and for entrusting their educational, pastoral and spiritual care to the staff of Salesian College during the past six years.

To encourage his young pupils, St John Bosco said, ‘Do your ordinary duties extraordinarily well.’ These fine young Salesian men have definitely followed that advice. We too encourage all of our students to continue to strive to be the best they can.


Year 9 has always been and continues to be a time when Select Entry Schools and Private schools offer enrolment to those students they believe are capable of achieving excellent academic outcomes.

Congratulations to all of our scholarship winners, from the young Grade 6 boys to the Year 12 recipients. We encourage you all to strive to be your best, to continue to develop excellent study habits and utilise the amazing resources you have at the College – your teachers and other staff.

YEAR 7 Leo MinSriMichaelZacheriahDarcyCerreto-DillonHumphreysHuynhKarissonKarthikeyanWooKim Zac Raffa Senan ChrishanKishoreSeneviratneVaidyaVannitamby YEAR 8 Aidan Rhys Fernandes Abin TateMaxPeterMatthewRaveenHeroonWissamNethilSachinSpencerGautamGuzzoJamesMaddumahewaMalaebMarambageWijjarupageYapYipSchroderMole YEAR 9 Benjamin Brooks Abhav Chenanda Karumbaiah Oliver De Luca Costa AndrewZedJamesPatrickLiamAlexNathanielSamuelGiannikosGouldHrambanisMarinisMatteoSutherlandValiontisHadzicTan YEAR 10 Emmanuel Aquino Marcellino Baselyous Gavriel Hariyanto Peter PeterKaidenLiptaiSerranoHolland YEAR 11 Sam DanielAdamEmmanuelMichaelOskarCherryCisloLeggLouisD'SouzaAmendola YEAR 12 Ben NathanxStevenTravisAlexanderAbrahamForsterPembertonTranavierWilsonMcNamara Dux of Year 7 Chrishan Vannitamby Dux of Year 9 Liam Matteo Dux of Year 10 Emmanuel Aquino Dux of Year 11 Michael Legg Dux of Year 8 Aidan Rhys Fernandes SALESIAN COLLEGE 15ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM

2021 RECIPIENT OF GOLD SALESIAN AWARDS YEAR 12 ORATORY Nicholas Dimetriou-Dickson 12A Ben Abraham 12C Keelan Corcoran 12C Angus Fenton 12A Alexander Forster 12G Will Iverson 12D Nathan McCance 12E Trent Papenfus 12D Owen Plionis 12D Sanish Rajbhandari 12F Mitchell Savic 12B Steven Tran 12G Shanelle Algama 12C Peter De Marco 12C Sal Di Rienzo II 12V Emmanuel Efstathiou 12G Alexander Fassos 12V Sebastian Filipovic 12C Thomas Filipovic 12B Cosi Fornaro 12B Jerine George 12G Kellan Hill 12G YEAR 12 ORATORY Daniel Ho 12G Tom Ison 12D Saurav Jaikumar 12F Andrew Keo 12D William Kirkman 12E Christian Kotsinadelis 12E Christian Locantro 12E Robert Kosta McNamara 12E Robbie Miller 12E Theodore Nianiakas 12V James Orlando 12E Jake Parente 12E Travis Pemberton 12E Nicholas Pham 12V Tien Quach 12D Jordan Ratumu 12D Dominic Russo 12F Marcus Santaera 12V Daniel Sirait 12B Johnny Ta 12B Thomas Valle 12A Justin Vu 12A SALESIAN COLLEGE 16ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE 2021 SALESIAN AWARDS

The Salesian awards acknowledge individual student contribution to College life in the four areas of Academic, Cultural, Sport and Citizenship. They were introduced to encourage boys to get the most out of their time here by making the most of the many opportunities that the school provides. They allow us, as a community, to recognise the boys who are improving the college culture through their participation.

Academic points are largely based on a boy’s average overall mark in a given semester. Citizenship points come from doing the “ordinary things extraordinarily well”, for example, a teacher may award a Citizenship merit after noticing a boy helping others in his class. Students are also awarded for participation in school activities such as Don Bosco’s Oratory Week. Cultural points can be gained by participation in things like Debating, the College Production or Chess. Sport points can be gained through involvement in things like House and ACC sports. Every teacher is responsible for giving points towards the Salesian Awards, which means that all accomplishments from small to large are recognised. This list of boys who have achieved their Gold Awards this year includes some names that everyone would recognise due to the public nature of their accomplishments, through musical productions, leadership roles and sport. However, these public accomplishments are not a requirement of the Salesian Awards. Quiet, consistent and positive efforts are equally valuable. These boys are the example of what the Salesian Awards were established to acknowledge and should act as role models for others. We would like to congratulate these boys on their achievement. We also like to thank them for giving to the community through their consistent hard work and the example they have set. As they leave the school, they will have left the school community a richer place from them having been here.

| Assistant

Boys accumulate points in the four areas, and when they reach the requisite numbers, they will be awarded either the Bronze, Silver or Gold Salesian Award. Gold awards require special effort over many years at the school – boys need 1200 points in total for the Gold, with a minimum of 750 points in the Area of Academic and 300 in Citizenship. From Year 7 they start to accumulate points and at the end of every term the awards are presented at assembly.


Rob mercer Principal – School Organisation


It is my pleasure to announce our Omnia Recipients for 2021. These are prestigious awards, an important part of our Salesian story. Nominees should be incredibly proud of their place in Salesian History. Omnia Awards are presented to students who have made an outstanding contribution to community service within or behalf of Salesian College. These students have demonstrated a community mindedness and action, which is selfless, voluntary and regular, without the expectation of reward or recognition.


KEELAN CORCORAN Keelan is a mature and considerate young man who has involved himself in many elements of service inside and outside the College Community. Throughout his time at the college, he has demonstrated an outstanding level of participation in all aspects of Salesian life whilst ensuring he is diligent in his academic studies. His peers have always admired him for his ‘can do’ attitude. He has played a significant role in promoting environmental issues and the Share the Dignity campaign. He has also participated and demonstrated exceptional leadership skills facilitating workshops for the Time and Space events. He was valued member of the tour guide team for 3 years, and has been an integral member of student congress and the Student Leadership team. In the external community, he has volunteered as a martial arts instructor for young children. Congratulations, Keelan.

ROBBIE mILLER Robbie is considered an honest and loyal mate amongst his peers and someone who has the strength of character to share his story to help others in their journey. During his senior years has played a significant role in leading initiatives in the area of the environment, respectful relationships and the Share the Dignity campaign. In addition to this he has represented the college in sport, mental health programs, specifically the ‘Mullets for Mental Health’ initiative in 2020, raising over $2000 on his own. He is known to be a hands-on, proactive person who gets things done and always goes beyond what is expected. He is a testament to the rewards of undying determination and tenacity above all. Congratulations, Robbie.


mrs Nadia Knight | Assistant Principal – Mission and Staff Formation

Robert is a valued member of our Salesian College community, wellknown for the way he generously offers his time and talents across a variety of College activities, including debating, music and tutoring. He is greatly admired by his peers for the way he assists others, whether it be lending a listening ear or helping them with their learning in a mature and nonjudgemental manner. His positivity and determination stand out in all areas of school life. He often jumps in where there is a need without question or hesitation. His contribution to the arts, including his artwork in the Sharing Stories Anthology competition ‘Chasing Happiness’, is an outstanding way to represent his talent and the College. Congratulations, Robert. STEVEN TRAN Steven is an exceptional young man; mature, measured and open to ideas that assist in moving his peers and the College forward. He has consistently been a contributor in all facets of school life including sport, debating, school spirit, and connections to the wider community. He does this always giving his time, talents with a self-assured yet warm presence. He encourages his peers, ensuring that they all have the best possible Salesian experience they can during their time at the College. He is not only proactive in putting ideas forward, but follows through to bring about positive change. His greatest contribution has been in the area of raising awareness regarding discriminatory language within our community. Other areas of contribution include mental health, respectful relationship programs and Time and Space, which explores young people and their relationships with their parents. More recently he has been accepted as a volunteer for Health in Focus, an organisation which provides awareness and funds for developing countries and their hospitals, in particular Vietnam and Laos. He is an impressive person who is always thinking and working towards assisting others. Congratulations, Steven.



A special mention must go out to our three school captains Steven Tran, Keelan Corcoran and Robbie Miller. These humble, hard workers have proudly represented the college at both internal and external events. They have created an impact by changing our college culture for the better, all while navigating lockdowns and their own VCE journeys. I wish all the 2021 leaders nothing but the best in their bright futures and I know they will achieve remarkable things.

Cheers to the 2021 leadership team, and good luck to all who carry on the great work of the Salesian leaders in 2022. I look forward to seeing your plans and ideas come to fruition.

It is no coincidence that there are a large number of student leaders at Salesian college. We pride ourselves on student voice and the chance to give the boys as many opportunities to demonstrate their innovation, courage and passion for their school, whether they are a Class Captain, House Leader or part of the Year 12 leadership team. I congratulate you all on displaying these traits at events throughout the year, in person and online. You have showed resilience and maturity beyond your years. You have consistently upheld our college values and you should be extremely proud of yourselves.

It teaches all year levels about the major impact humans are having on the environment and encourages all students to make a difference.

Congress saw the implementation of Movie Club, bringing students together each Monday to connect and enjoy. It also saw the addition of more bike racks, a lunchtime ball hire program, ACC warm up tops and the new addition of an Environmental Captain in 2022.


This year our focus was to “bounce back” from the inconsistency that was 2020. Our Year 12 student leadership team set out to gain motivation, comradery and bring life back into the school grounds. Although it wasn’t a year we could have planned for, with lockdown again quickly becoming a reality, our team achieved exactly what we set out to do. Once again student congress allowed our students to have their voices heard and create direct change within their school. This was evident with the implementation of several new initiatives such as the environmental program, headed by captain Keelan Corcoran. The program highlighted the negative impact our attitude towards our school grounds was having and set out to create change.

Another major focus of our student leaders this year was to tackle the topics that have been shied away from in the past, such as racism, homophobia, sexism and other forms of injustice that many experience. Our student leadership team led the way, implementing strategies for positive change so that all members of the Salesian community feel safe, loved and welcomed. Wear it Purple Day saw our staff and students stand with the LGBTIQA+ community, while our “Share the Dignity” campaign saw the boys advocating for equal opportunities for women.

miss molly Tilley | Student Leadership Coordinator

YEAR LEVEL LEADERS - YEARS 7-11 Kellan Hill Thomas Valle Antony Bernardo MathiesonAlexander Emmanuel Louis Angus FentonDylan Suarez RobertMcCanceKosta Pranay Giri Mitchell Savic Mitchell Savic Blake Holding Ben Abraham Tom Cashman Captain CaptainCaptain CaptainVice Captain Vice CaptainVice Captain Vice Captain CAPTAINCOLLEGE CAPTAINVICE CAPTAINVICE HOUSE LEADERS CULTURAL COLLEGE CAPTAINS CAPTAINVCAL Steven Tran Keelan Corcoran Robbie Miller Sal Di Rienzo CalderaroBakalisAhujaKrishNikoJake BasbanasAllanJackLeoJacksonCerovac AmbawattaAndrewMarcellinoBaselyousThomasCharabie AmendolaDanielAryanBataviaBryanChea AmendolaDeanJamesBatsisPerryChurchill SinghSimranjotKrishAngiBatthChrisCiorciari CiorciariThomasBillingAounEliHarly D’RozarioAndrewArnottxavierByunHarry BabbingtonMatthewxavierCaifaJeremyDemeld ANNECY mORONEYLITURGYCOLLINSON SOCIAL JUSTICEPASTORAL Trent JordanPapenfusRatumu William AlexanderKirkmanForsterAmBASSADORSSPORTSCULTURALmISSIONACADEmIC mUSIC AmENDRAmA PUBLIC SPEAKING SAVIO We pride ourselves on student voice and the chance to give the boys as many opportunities to demonstrate their innovation, courage and passion for their school. SALESIAN COLLEGE 19ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT LEADERSHIP

DosHugoSantosCostaGianniko MouzakisSiddarthHollandPeterKapoorJackLucarelliStephenShenardRaheemRoeyShresthaMitchellWain GreenawayDupontDeonLuke HolmanJoshRoss Kapotas  MudiyanselageGenukaJamiesonLyMapaMathew Ramman  HamishSinclairJackWaters EdirisingheAkeinLiam Griffiths KattakayamHopkinsCharlieSharon Jeffery NunzianteChristianLyGusRoachValentino Talarico  WijjarupageRaveen ElijahJackEllisGuer MaddumahewaHumphreysDarcyWilliamKesumaNethilRohanParikhRyanRonaldCallumThieuPeterYip Aidan FernandesRhysSpencerGuzzo Maguire-NguyenHunashikattiDhruvJoelKnightThomasThomasParksEamonnRyanLucasTippetAndrewZiino Hagen-MujicaFernandezJaredDieter MathiesonKolendaIversonJackWillBejjiAriPereraHamish Saffin TsivranidisTerry HampsonFernandoGishainNicholai VannitambyMatsakasJohnstonJakeStefanLannoSamAayushPujarRahulSajanChrishan GangatharanArjunRafaelHampson Abel LachlanJosephEbi Le VagueresseLiamMatteoZac Raffa VarsamisSchroderJoshLeon GardnerHarryCharlieHawtin SenanayakeMilenkovskiEmmanuelYokwanKakLouisChristianKeyaanRaheemTharushaBenVu I wish all the 2021 leaders nothing but the best in their bright futures and I know they will achieve remarkable things SALESIAN COLLEGE 20ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT LEADERSHIP

STUDENT LEADERS SportsAmBASSADORS Trent Papenfus mission William Kirkman Cultural Jordan Ratumu Academic Alexander Forster CULTURAL COLLEGE CAPTAINS Liturgy Emmanuel Louis Pastoral Dylan Suarez Social Justice Angus Fenton music Robert Kosta McCance amenDrama Pranay Giri SpeakingPublic Mitchell Savic HOUSE LEADERS ANNECY COLLINSON Captain: Kellan Hill Captain: Antony Bernardo Vice Captain: Thomas Valle Vice Captain: Alexander Mathieson Year 11 Captain: Chris Ciorciari Year 11 Captain: Andrew Ambawatta Year 11 Vice Captain: Mitchell Wain Year 11 Vice Captain: Jake Johnston Year 10 Captain: Peter Holland Year 10 Captain: Dieter Hagen-Mujica Year 10 Vice Captain: Jack Iverson Year 10 Vice Captain: Gus Roach mORONEY SAVIO Captain: Mitchell Savic Captain: Ben Abraham Vice Captain: Blake Holding Vice Captain: Tom Cashman Year 11 Captain: Siddarth Kapoor Year 11 Captain: Emmanuel Louis Year 11 Vice Captain: Harry D’Rozario Year 11 Vice Captain: Daniel Amendola Year 10 Captain: James Batsis Year 10 Captain: Marcellino Baselyous Year 10 Vice Captain: Gishain Fernando Year 10 Vice Captain: Roey Shrestha SEmESTER 1 SEmESTER 2 YEAR 9 CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN 9A Andrew Ziino Stephen Mouzakis 9B Liam Griffiths Ryan Ronald Arjun Gangatharan Aayush Pujar 9C Costa Gianniko Hugo Dos Santos 9D Jeremy Demeld Christian Nunziante Stefan Lanno Ben Vu 9E Eli Aoun Deon Dupont Liam Matteo Krish Angi 9F Hamish Sinclair Christian Milenkovski Bejji Mathieson Yokwan Kak 9G xavier Caifa Jamieson Ly Ari Perera William Kesuma 9H Eamonn Ryan Joel Knight YEAR 8 CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN 8A Jack Allan Spencer Guzzo Andrew Byun Jack Waters 8B Aidan Rhys Fernandes Rohan Parikh Nethil Maddumahewa Thomas Maguire-Nguyen 8C Jack Lucarelli Peter Yip Jeffery Ly Simranjot Singh Batth 8D Aryan Batavia Jake Calderano Abel Ebi Joseph Will Kolenda 8E Harry Gardner Charlie Hawtin Josh Holman Josh Schroder 8F Luke Greenaway Niko Bakalis Raveen Wijjarupage Thomas Charabie 8G Nicholai Hampson Tharusha Senanayake Sharon Kattakayam Matthew Babbington 8H Valentino Talarico Shenard Raheem Mathew Ramman Ross Kapotas YEAR 9 CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN CAPTAIN CO-CAPTAIN 7A Thomas Ciorciari Jackson Cerovac xavier Arnott Harly Billing 7B Genuka Mapa Mudiyanselage Chrishan Vannitamby Jack Ellis Rahul Sajan 7C Rafael Hampson Callum Thieu Darcy Humphreys Krish Ahuja 7D Dhruv Hunashikatti Lachlan Le Vagueresse Akein Edirisinghe Elijah Guer 7E Leo Basbanas Zac Raffa Bryan Chea Sam Matsakas 7F Andrew Ziino Stephen Mouzakis Terry Tsivranidis Leon Varsamis 7G Perry Churchill Hamish Saffin Dean Amendola Thomas Parks 7H Keyaan Raheem Jared Fernandez Lucas Tippet Charlie Hopkins COLLEGE CAPTAIN Steven Tran COLLEGE VICE-CAPTAINS Keelan Corcoran and Robbie Miller VCAL CAPTAIN Sal Di Rienzo SALESIAN COLLEGE 21ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT LEADERS

Where has time gone?

To the boys in the junior years, I think the greatest pearl of wisdom I am keen to share, is to absorb everything. Immerse yourself within this school’s rich culture and most importantly, enjoy it and be yourself.

Steven Tran | 2021 College Captain


To my sister, thank you for all of the help over the years with my studies and my ideas; no doubt I will return the favour –there is a big future ahead for you

I think it’s fitting that I give my last word to my brothers of SCC21. Although it wasn’t exactly the fairy-tale ending that we had all hoped for, it was one that we certainly owned. I wish each and every one of you boys the greatest successes for the future. Take in your stride, all the qualities we have developed together as a group and come into your own; show the world what a Salesian boy of SCC21 is truly capable of.


To Miss Tilley, thank you for being such an inspiring presence for my leadership through this year.

To Mr Carter, I’m sure this was not how you had envisioned your first year into retirement, but I truly hope we’ve made it an enjoyable one. Your leadership and guidance this year has no doubt, been a source of inspiration for myself and our cohort, and for that, I thank you.

There will come a time when each and every one of us takes a final step outside the gates of our beloved Salesian College. With a bitter-sweet tinge of relief, fear and excitement, we’ve observed this on an annual basis, but in 2021, it’s my turn and the turn of some 160 boys before me.

Finally, to Ms Rabot: thank you for making the final years of high school, while easily the most challenging, also so enjoyable and memorable. Thank you also to the Year 12 leadership team, and especially, to Robbie and Keelan. Under the most difficult of circumstances, we have been able to forge such a strong bond as leaders and as mates. Though we had not achieved all of the ambitions that we set out to do under the conditions we were met with, I truly hope that the legacy that we have left behind is remembered and built upon. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the greatest inspiration in my life – my family. My parents are quite easily the hardest working individuals I have ever observed. The countless sacrifices and hours of working and driving us to school over the years have not been forgotten, nor have they gone to waste. I think it is only fitting that I say to them now: Con cám ơn bố mẹ cho nhửng gì mẹ và bố đã làm cho con trong 13 năm trời học hành. Con hứa là con sẽ tiếp tục cố gắng học cho mẹ và bố được hãnh diện và cho nhửng gì mẹ và bố đã làm cho con sẽ xứng đáng.


On February the 1st, 2016, just under 200 twelve-year-old boys ventured beyond any zone of comfort, embarking upon the beginning of a six-year journey at Salesian ToCollege.allof our teachers, regardless if I have personally had you as subject teachers, the smiles and greetings that I have received across the years from you all, have truly gone a long way towards making me feel at home. Thank you. To Mr Chen and Miss Capomolla, thank you for always being prepared to drop everything just to check up on me and reassure me. I would truly not be here today, had it not been for your guidance.

... absorb everything. Immerse yourself within this school’s rich culture and most importantly, enjoy it and be yourself. SALESIAN COLLEGE 23ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE FROm THE COLLEGE CAPTAIN

CapomollaMoniqueBielinskiAylwardMelissaAdelaRoslynKamilaHeath Chipperfield CristianoTerry SamanthaAitsinisJuliePaulAzarRitaBonneCareyDylanChowAdamCroft ChrzanowskiBarcellonaAnastasioAnthonyMelinaEmmaBradleyNeilCarterRobertDeclanCrowe AndrewsThomasKatBarnettLeonBrooksNickCarterTimothyClarkLoisCurry BeckhamAnsteeRubySteveMatthewBrooksJenniferCaseyMichelleCollinsAndreaCurtis ApostolopoulosIreneSamBentleyJoshuaBryanMaryanneChallisJasonCollinsMitchellCuzens BerminghamArnoldJuliePeterGesualdaCafassoGregChambersMaryCoxAmorDahlenburg CampisanoAshmoreMarkKimBeursAshleyReeceChangTimCoxMarisaDanese CampisanoAugustusStyronRheaBeursDanielByronChenGuyCristianoEmmaDodwellSALESIAN COLLEGE 24ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE 2021 SALESIAN STAFF 2021 SALESIAN STAFF

McClellandGarofaloAnneAmandaJamesNadiaKnightSimonLloydAnthonyMikaylaDomini Jean-PierreCraigGilesLilaPeterKnightRonLokDavidMcDonaldChrisDonaldson KavanaghGreelySimonHollyNiaKokorasStevenLoonstraSuzieMcErvaleSimonDorrat McKinnonKearneyHawkesJaydenNickJohnKydasAprilMaJackieBrendanDouglas StephanieKennedyStuartHillNoelLaiRobertMarleyMaryMenzGeorginaDow KhambeteRachaelHollandAtulChristinaLemonisLinzyMarsdenRobMercerMalwinaDwyer KhambeteHsiaoCindyRiaKathLewisEmmaMarshAbbyMilesiCarlEgan MonaghanMarianneJessicaSonnyIgustiKnightMattLittleMarshallBarbCarolynEllul LiyanageAngelaJoshuaIresonLizKnightDamian McAuliffe MoraisRachelNickFilippis GeordieNagle NaserZarak NathanLeonie FatimaNazar NenosGina NevilleDavid NicoloutsopoulosMontana O’BrienTristan O’SheaMolly SALESIAN COLLEGE 25ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE 2021 SALESIAN STAFF

NicholasPlaceJohnRussoFredaSibonisMollyTilley JamiesonWilliams SkarajewPouloseSaniChrisRyanTrudyLydiaTriafylos Darren Winfield SkopakowSalemmeDebbieRabotRosaDarleenAlexandraTsiavis DanielWood VanderhorstSchimmingRachaelHollandDeanMariaSmithJenny JessicaWu JohnathonSeeberRoachEmilyChrisStevensKenVerbyla AugustusSellwoodStephenRobertsAngelaXuSarahStyronHeatherWalsh RodriguesZhangAlvinNikitaLiaSenathaTimSwaynMarkWang SynadinosNicholasKathrynZwalfDaneRogersShawBobKimWeekes ShepherdsonGabrielleRolfeMichaelShilpaThomasSeanWest O’SullivanMary PahomisFreda PappasBilly PaprzyckiJulie PeacockScott PearsonLuke GaziellePinili PinirouNiki DanielPlace ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Simi IanSonnyEmmaDorianJennyAngelaAdeleAbrahamBelliziaBelmudaBraschBroomhallHallettIgustiMcKail Amanda EvanBrendanJosephineSerenaChristinaMorganRomanoTheanThomsonTooheyTweedie Sylvia Winfield SALESIAN COLLEGE 26ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE 2021 SALESIAN STAFF

Neil is a familiar face to you all, as he was on staff at the College for over twenty years. He joined the College Leadership Team in 1997 as Curriculum Coordinator and then served as Deputy Principal from 2000 to 2019. He has been the key driver of College Curriculum development following the ACER 2017 school review, and has been instrumental in developing the College’s new pedagogy, bringing it to life as the Salesian College Learning Matrix. This includes significant innovation in the areas of Project Based Learning and Problem Based Learning with the blending of subject areas.

Neil also served as Deputy Principal – Students and Staff, and in that role he enlivened the Vison and the Values of the College with his commitment to all in the Community.

Other roles that Neil undertook with great passion include membership of the College Advisory Council and Board, Head of English, LOTE and Humanities, Oratory teacher and Chess Club Mentor.

Neil’s willingness to accept the role as Acting Principal further displays his love for and commitment to the Community. He is an exemplary leader and educator and will be remembered with much affection.

STAFF FAREWELLS LONG SERVICE AWARDS We also farewell the following staff members and thank them for their contributions to the Salesian College Chadstone community. We also celebrate the following staff members for their longstanding service to the College. NAmE YEARS OF SERVICE Daniel Wood 1 Jen Casey 2 John Russo 2 Josie Thomson 2 Linzy Marsden 3 Tristan O’Brien 3 Craig Abernethy 4 Ruby Anstee 4 Molly Tilley 4 Christina Romano 5 Malwina Dwyer 6 Carolyn Ellul 6 Niki Pinirou 8 Julie Arnold 10 Mez Challis 11 Nick Kearney 11 Ian Mckail 16 Neil Carter 25 NAmE YEARS OF SERVICE Damien McAuliffe 10 Julie Arnold 10 Rob Chrzanowski 10 Peter Bermingham 15 Amanda James 20 Neil Carter 25 Marianne Marshall 25 Mary Menz 25 Melina Barcellona 35 SALESIAN COLLEGE 27ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STAFF FAREWELLS


FR GREG CHAmBERS SDB Fr Greg Chambers embodies the true commitment and loyalty to the charism of the Salesians and is a true Chaddy boy at heart. As a young local from Clayton, he first walked through the College gates as a student in 1962.

A proud member of the student body and a commitment to the Salesians saw Fr Greg become involved in the solidarity of St Joseph and was a member of many sporting Teams.

As a Salesian brother, Fr Greg served his beloved Chaddy as a teacher and the coach of many successful sporting teams. Fr Greg returned as College Principal from 1995 to 2001. Fr Greg served the College during the last three years as Rector.

Enjoy retirement!

Fr Greg was always a very keen supporter of the College’s sporting teams and attended as many games and carnivals as he could, both during his time as Principal and Rector. A keen Carlton supporter, great orator with a wonderful sense of humour and a tireless commitment to Chaddy, we are grateful for the great legacy he leaves to this College. We wish him all the best as he travels across the ditch to take up a role in a Parish in Auckland.

We are most grateful to the six former Advisory Council members who, along with Fr Bernie Graham, agreed to become our inaugural Board of Directors. In particular, we appreciate Fr Greg Chambers’ leadership as Board Chair in addition to his work as Rector and a colleague.

The College’s finances remain healthy and the College is poised to implement its new Masterplan once it is ready.

A key task for 2022 will be supporting our new Principal, Mr Mark Ashmore, in the developing of plans and revisiting of policies in advance of our cyclical school review.


It is important that Mr Neil Carter’s contribution to the new governance model be acknowledged. In what was a challenging year for all principals, Mr Carter also helped manage transition to the new governance structure and the transition to a new Principal.

mr Noel Kennedy | Business Manager

Over 2021, the focus of support staff continued to be on aiding staff engaged in remote teaching and learning. A number of support staff willingly contributed in unfamiliar areas to ensure that programs were delivered as smoothly as possible.

The program aimed at assisting families whose financial circumstances were strained as a result of COVID and related lockdowns was extended to 2021. The program

Although the College has operated as Salesian College Chadstone for many years, the College has operated as a company limited by guarantee since 1 January 2021.


Importantly, our Salesian Charism and philosophies of education have been enshrined in our Constitution. With a number of the Board’s own processes embedded, we look forward to introducing the Board to our community at events over 2022.

aimed to reduce information requirements, deliver faster approvals and minimise the stress that the process caused to families. Although it is hoped conditions improve in 2022, the College’s ongoing fees assistance programs will continue to operate.

In relation to facilities, the College commenced master planning processes but will revisit and extend consultation in 2022. Although planning for a new sports hall continued over 2021, the College will need to wait for the passage of time or more favourable market conditions to proceed. However, a number of general learning areas were refurbished, finishing the upgrade program that commenced in late 2019. The Facilities Team’s Building Asset Management Plan (BAMP) has been completed and will guide maintenance efforts over the next few years.

The Marketing Team continued to implement its programs whilst supporting teaching and learning with remote delivery. Its Marketing Strategy, that was endorsed by the Board in May 2021, will direct the team’s work over the next few years.

The Facilities Team delivered a number of key projects throughout the College in 2021 including:

• Mobile Dentistry Fit Out works in K102;

It was with a tinge of sadness that Leon Brooks announced his retirement in June 2021. The College said goodbye to Leon on Friday 30th July 2021. Leon and his partner Fleur are headed to windy Warrnambool to live and be closer to his family. Leon has given the College 14 good years of service… Thanks Leon.

mr Peter Knight | Facilities Manager

• Demonstrate the College’s commitment to best practice asset management;

• Bosco Plaza Landscaping rejuvenation works;

• Acoustic Panelling & Renewal works in K101;

2021 will be remembered as a year of lockdowns, mask wearing and vaccinations, along with long stretches of remote learning for our students and teachers.

• Garelli Building Renewal works. The renewal of 3 classrooms in the Garelli building brings the total number of classrooms refurbished across both campuses to 36 since November 2019; and

• Minimise the amount of reactive maintenance & its impacts on the teaching & learning of the students & staff delivering teaching outcomes.

• Provide principles for sound building asset investment decision making;

The BAMP became operational in Term 4, 2021. Once the Master Plan has been completed, the College will have a road map for facilities development which will guide capital project delivery going forward for the next ten years.



• Power upgrade to the Cricket Nets on the Bosco Campus;





• Continuing with the conversion of external light fitting across both Campuses to LED as part of the LED Replacement program. Approximately 91% of light fittings across the College are now operated by LED.

The Facilities Team has taken the opportunity, with a downturn in onsite learning, to progress a very important body of work that will drive the way the College responds to maintaining its building stock, the Building Asset Management Plan (BAMP).

• Provide a guide to managing building structures safely, efficiently and effectively; and

• Guide the long-term sustainable management of the College’s building assets;

In February 2021, the Facilities Team welcomed the arrival of Mitch Cuzens. Mitch comes to the College as a qualified and experienced electrician who managed his own electrical contactor business for 4 years.

• Staff Room Fit Out works in D208 & O103;

The BAMP will provide a clear plan to manage the condition of, and use of the College’s building assets over the next ten years, including the development of a Collegewide capital works program in conjunction with the new Masterplan currently being developed. This plan will:

I would like to thank the Facilities Team: Anthony, Po and Mitch for their hard work and commitment to “getting the job done” with little fuss and, importantly, a smile on their faces during a challenging year. I am extremely proud of what my team has achieved in 2021, and I look forward to playing my part in continuing to make the College a great place for our young men to flourish and succeed.


We teamed with Performing Arts and Learning Diversity to create: (a) a standardized Instrumental Report that dovetails into the College Semester Reports System and, (b) reports that are more distinctly PLP-student-specific.


mr Terry Cristiano | IT Manager

Innovations in the idea phase for 2022 include investigating solutions for our major upgrade of Lenovo Servers and data storage which will streamline speed and efficiency for everyone, the network is too fast, said no one ever. Further refinements to the PA system are mooted, so stay tuned.

Even though Ian McKail has gone we still expect his type of question to live on: ‘Can you hear me?’, ‘How do you turn on the mic?’, ‘How do you turn off the mic?’, ‘What happens if I press this button?’ Few things vary like a digital IQ. With Guy at the helm of Father Elio’s Youtube channel, Catholic Art reviews have reached out to the wider world.

Thanks to Leadership, especially Neil and Noel, the two simple-sounding four-letter ‘N’ words who know about the let-alone principle and leave us be. Goodbye to Neil and to Leon - thanks for the memories. A tip of the hat to the Facilities Team, including sparky roof-dweller Mitch who has never once hot-wired my car. Finally, to this special IT team: Guy, Rob, Jamieson and Gerald, star performers, all. It has been kicks and COVID could never make it otherwise.

We continued our business association with Wave1, and bingo: the Bosco-to-Mannix wireless link across the freeway is now 10G, rather than 1G. Because we digitalized the Start-of-the-Year Pack, parents now use the College Community Portal to approve student consents and enrolment requirements. This releases Admin to work elsewhere, obviates paperwork and, of course, saves trees. For the digital-savvy supremos, the server room received a facelift with a cutting-edge Cisco-fibre core switch.

The accomplishments of the IT Department this year are manifold. They include the installation of wireless audiovisual which effectively allows access to a projector by all participants in a classroom. Our pop-up laptop imaging facility was installed and able to configure, update and distribute 400+ laptops covering Year Levels 7 and 10.

And happy though we are, our frayed mental health will continue if teenage boys along with the very occasional staff member persist with carrying a laptop outside its carry-bag. It’s a crime we hope will soon carry prison time or worse, a lunchtime detention.

Backing up work to OneDrive, Windows updates, password resets, the restoration of deleted files, computer repairs, and a myriad of other on-the-run daily tasks... are us.

Through Microsoft Teams, classes now include students at home petting the dog and cuddling the cat. Special thanks to Matthew Little and Guy Cristiano for cartoon-style digital animations for all students and parents. It’s not Warner Brothers, I grant you, but boys do walk away with learning embedded in the fun.



As we look back on the success of the 2021 year, we acknowledge the staff along the way who have contributed significantly to the team’s function. Acknowledgment must go to Nikita Rodrigues, who has played a pivotal role in the quality of Development and Marketing outputs, Michelle Collins in her role as Registrar, Matthew Little for his video and event delivery and Johnathon Stevens for his design expertise.

The success of key College events was made possible by the students, staff and parents who supported the busy schedule. To our Years 8 – 10 Tour Guides and their families, we thank you for your contributions. A special mention to the following boys who we farewelled from the Program at the conclusion of their three-year term: Stefan McCance, Lee Beltrami, Gabriel Kapaklis, Peter Liptai and Brodie Vanderhorst. Acknowledgement must also go to the Parents’ Association, in particular Lilian Talarico and Fiona Topliff who led a range of community initiatives throughout the year.

Head of Development and Marketing

As we continued to adjust to changes in our environment in the response to COVID-19, Development and Marketing supported a broad range of in-tune initiatives student leaders developed for their peers and College; environmental programs, cross-marking systems for VCE subjects and student-led campaigns reinforcing behavioural student standards. Supporting the Continuity of Learning Plan messaging with community was a priority during remote learning; community was engaged weekly through student blog articles, and events and videos were transitioned online. Sharing community stories that echoed the power of learning was crucial when fostering learning routines and results. Of course, all this was made possible with the input of students, staff, Tour Guides and alumni.

As we look forward to what exciting future plans together and what we can achieve for our students and community in 2022, we are thrilled to welcome Principal Mark Ashmore and Content Coordinator George Ketels.

As we say farewell to Acting Principal Neil Carter, and Fr Greg Chambers, I thank them both for their guidance and stewardship. To Content Manager Nikita Rodrigues, I thank her for her contribution to the non-teaching aspect of Salesian College Chadstone over her five-and-a-half years. She has played a crucial role in the evolution of the Marketing and Development team. I wish her all the best in the next step of her professional journey.

ms Suzie mcErvale |

During non-lockdown periods, events ran with consistent high attendance, including Secondary School Experience Day with local Primary Schools. Receiving record attendance, the Community 2021 Hall of Fame event (hosted by Simon O’Donnell) explored how personal and community connections enrich our lives to become better people. As a College we congratulate Sasha Lawrence (2021 Young Achiever), Road Safety Commissioner for Victoria Stephen Leane APM, LL.B, M.Ed, GAICD, Advisor to the Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the US Chris Becker, Parish Priest of Sacred Heart in St Kilda and St Columba’s in Elwood Fr John Petrulis and Director and Joint Founder of Elite Sporting Tours Terry Lucas into the Salesian College Chadstone Hall of Fame.

William Kirkman, Josh Skarajew, Thomas Valle, Mitchell Savic, Kellan Hill, Blake Holding. It is with great sadness that we are saying goodbye to Julie Arnold. Julie is leaving the college at the end of 2021 after nine years in the canteen. I wish Julie all the best for future, and thank her for all she has done for the school and myself. On behalf of the canteen staff, Julie, Jen, Darleen, Angela and myself, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you in 2022!











Karryn Papenfus 2016 – 2021 (6 years) Poldrugovac 2016 – 2021 (6 years) Raman 2016 – 2021 (6 years) Sesa 2016 – 2021 (6 years) Skopakow 2016 – 2021 (6 years) Stavrinidis – 2021 (6 years) Wellner – 2021 (6 years) Kralaglou – 2017 (8 years) Withers – 2021 (9 years)




CANTEEN mrs Barbara monaghan | Canteen Manager 2021, what a year! We missed our Parent Helpers most of the year due to COVID-19. We are of course very grateful to the generous parent volunteers whom we did get to see and Withoutmeet.their help, the canteen does not operate as efficiently or effectively as it can. We’re looking forward to having parents back for a big year in 2022. We acknowledge the eleven parent helpers who have left the college after volunteering for six continuous years or more with a small token of appreciation. The presentations were announced at the Year 12 Valedictory Family video on Friday the 22nd of October. The recipients were: We wish these wonderful people all the best in the future. We will miss you!!! A special mention and thank you to the six Year 12 students who so often gave up their recess and lunch breaks to serve at the counter at very busy times. They were presented with a small gift to say thank you.





Josie Hill 2016 – 2021 (6 years)

YEARS OF SERVICE Astuti 2016 – 2021 (6 years)


SimoneKaren SkarajewJosh



Along with our students to strive towards:

Throughout our daily work we recall that:

Despite today’s context posing many great challenges, the mission and message of Jesus instils a hope and possibility for each person. Learning brings forth this hope – a hope that is based on the experience of God’s love and care for all.

• Searching for truth,

• Committing to achieving the highest standards possible

A key event that was able to run this year, in-between our lockdowns, was the immersion to Cape York. I can’t imagine a better way of demonstrating how we bring the above to life than this wonderful experience for our students.

“My highlights of the immersion would be NAIDOC. Celebrating with the community of Hope Vale, we got to see the many talents and dances from local people. They were really open, even though we were the first group ever to join them for the day of celebration. We engaged in many activities such as dancing, a spear throwing competition, Salesian boys prepared a sausage sizzle for the community, playing rugby with the local kids and talking to the elders about the past of the land and their people.” - Nam Nguyen, 10H mISSION


• Making a difference in the world.

Although the vision and Mission of the Catholic is becoming clear, we must also recognise the challenges it faces in our contemporary world. It is in fact, our task to bring faith to life and life to faith with our work with young people.


• Honouring the sacred dignity of each person

• We are together united in making these things part of every day in all our words and actions

• Building a culture of learning together

• Engaging with the deep questions of life,

Salesian College is a Catholic School in the Salesian Tradition. In what has been another challenging year, we remind ourselves of the nature and purpose of what we do as a Catholic School and as educators. As a Catholic school we are committed to “… the mission, and privilege, of the Catholic school to build a community, where authentic relationships based on love provide the means and the support for all students to flourish and grow into the fullness of life” (Archbishop Denis Hart).

• His life, death and resurrection provide meaning for our lives and shows us how to live

Pope Francis stated recently that through Catholic education we celebrate all the opportunities which enable young people to embrace the hope of a better world with greater possibilities.

• Honouring equitable access and opportunity for all,


mrs Nadia Knight Assistant Principal - Faith & Mission

• We all, as individuals, have our way to share Christ and his vision as we continue to work to towards being a great Catholic and Salesian School

Embracing difference and diversity

The challenges of course, give rise to great opportunities and exhilarating challenges. The capacity to navigate the current landscape – to learn together, to work from evidence, to animate and support learners, and to lead in faith and Wetransformation.aseducators

“The raw connections myself and my friends were able to develop with the Indigenous community was really something special.” - Marvin Elliott, 11A

are called to meet these opportunities and challenges with courage and with faith, hope and love for their students.

Our School is a place where Gospel values are lived and made relevant to our times, a place where young people are provided with alternatives to the images and values that they are exposed to in today’s world; a place where human dignity is at its centre and where peace, justice and love are taught. Our Catholic faith calls us to embrace the contemporary world with a Catholic imagination, and a particular hope-filled view of the human person and all of creation. Our teachers invite students to make sense of their world and their lives within a faith community that is faithful to the mission of Jesus.

• Christ is at the centre

As a Catholic School in the Salesian tradition, we also work towards bringing the Salesian alive through Catholic teachings which exemplify the human dignity of every person, compassion, love and forgiveness. Our Oratory (school) based on Don Bosco ensures that we lead in all we do with reason, religion and loving kindness. This is brought to life through understanding oratory as; a home the welcomes, a parish that evangelises, a school that prepares for life and a playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves.

• To strive for a cohesive, high functioning team.

VCE Religion & Society continues to grow and develop; this year we were fortunate to go an interfaith excursion, visiting Buddhist, Russian Orthodox and Muslim places of worship and meet various religious leaders. The Senior VCE students have also been able to engage in incursions from guest speakers to provide depth and diversity to the learning experience. Our showcase of religious artefacts is in position adjacent to the entry to the RUA Resource Centre. The showcase contains artefacts from a variety of religious traditions, including Judaism, Islam and Catholicism. Artefacts on show include The Torah, The Qur’an, a model of the Sanctuary of a Catholic church and a Relief map of Palestine. The aim of the showcase is to make the abstract nature of some religious rituals and practices more tangible, and broaden the understanding of our students.


• To develop and review units of work and assessments.

Christopher Seeber | Head of Religious Education Tristan O’Brien Head of Religious Education

The Year 7 Reflection Day was the final event in our calendar, and took place in Term 4. Fortunately, the day was held on campus, Whether it was reflecting on their emotional challenges and growth in 2021, or racing around school during the Amazing Race, each student was offered multiple ways to nurture their sense of belonging in our Salesian family.

We acknowledge the efforts of the RE department to engage and inspire students this year. We will continue to strive for success in 2022.



• To develop and refine teaching skills and knowledge. To that end, the RE department developed two teams to redesign the RE curriculum at Year 7 and Year 8 level.

The focus of these teams has been to incorporate the elements of Project Based Learning that engages students in authentic learning experiences with real life outcomes. This provides students with the opportunity to participate in collaborative, socially connected and relevant learning.



Learning as encounter is a relational and optimistic teaching approach, one that opens up horizons of hope for the future for the individual learner, our school and the wider community. The Salesian Strenna for 2021 “Moved by hope See I am making things new.” Rev 21:5 has certainly proved to be prophetic this year. Students and teachers had expected to be past the worst of the pandemic, but as the year has progressed we have had to consolidate and refine our learnings and practices from last year. The RE department identified 3 goals at the beginning of the year:

The Year 10 Reflection Day was combined with the Social Justice Vinnies Sleep Out initiative and drew upon the Religious Education focus in Year 10, building the Kingdom of God and a just society. The Year 10s were called to learn, take action and reflect on the theme of homelessness as an injustice in our society.

None of these Reflection Days could have occurred without the generous support from staff. To all those who offered time to organise, prepare, lead and support the students I want to pass on my gratitude. A special mention must go to Barb in the canteen, who helped feed the students across all Reflection Days, and to the Year Level Coordinators who supported the programs with their organisation and leadership. A final thanks goes to Mrs Nadia Knight, the Assistant Principal (Faith and Mission) for her guidance and encouragement throughout the year.

The Reflection Day program opened in Term 1 with the Year 12 cohort spending the day at the Amberley Centre in Templestowe. We were joined by Sam Clear from Walk4One who spoke to the Year 12s of his experience travelling the world searching for prayerful unity among all humanity. In the words of a Year 12 student: “Hearing Sam’s inspiring and engaging story was a highlight of the day.” In Term 2, the Year 11s travelled down to the picturesque Don Bosco Camp & Centre, Safety Beach to join the Yellow Arrow team to discuss identity, relationships and healthy masculinity. The Year 9s were led by their teachers as they visited Don Bosco Retreat Centre, Lysterfield. Immersed in games, discussions and challenging activities, students were able to consider the theme of Identity, Belonging & Service.

Don Bosco said: “Be eager to go to Mass on weekdays also, even if it costs a sacrifice. Our Lord will reward you with His Blessings and make you succeed in your undertakings.”

There are always so many people to thank. Firstly, I wish to thank Father Greg. He is always so helpful and his sermons so meaningful and appropriate for the occasion, and to all the other priests who have come in to help celebrate Year level Masses and help with Reconciliation. I also wish to the thank the Altar Servers, the IT Department, and anyone who has helped throughout the year in making our Liturgies meaningful and memorable. Finally, I wish to thank Mrs Knight and the RE team who are always ready to step in when they are called upon.



Entrust everything to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are.

We were fortunate enough to have the Episcopal Vicar Fr Brendan Hayes celebrate this auspice occasion with us. You could hear a pin drop in the hall. The students were so reverend and well behaved. Of course, such events don’t just happen. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, especially with the music. Thanks to the great work of Mr Little, Mrs Xuereb and the music department; the musicians and singers all came in on cue and sounded wonderful. Hopefully in 2022 the Chapel and the Hall can once again be filled with celebrations, with music, singing and a time for thanksgiving and worship.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.

ms melina Barcellona | Liturgy Coordinator

We are guided by the Holy Spirit, and in these times of stress and uncertainty we find strength and resilience we didn’t know we had. Another year of confusion, another lockdown, but, hey, we got through it. We started the year well with a whole-school Mass and the welcoming of the new Year 7s. We were also fortunate enough to celebrate, as a community, significant events such as: Ash Wednesday, Reconciliation, The Resurrection, Mother’s Day, and of course, the biggest day on our calendar: The Feast of Mary Help of Christians. This was celebrated as only Salesian College knows how to celebrate. The Feast Day of Mary Help of Christians is one of the most special feast days for all the Salesians worldwide.


miss Angela Liyanage | Social Justice Promotions Coordinator Saint Oscar Romero once said “Aspire not to have more, but to be more”. Upon reflection, these simple words call us to remember that how we live our lives through caring for others, how we behave and how we demonstrate our values are all important measures as we continue to help fight the injustices that many members of our community face. We started Term 1 dedicating our fundraising efforts to Caritas, who continue their efforts both within Australia and globally to support communities that face poverty and injustices.

This year, our Social Justice Captain Angus Fenton, along with our Pastoral Captain Dylan Suarez and Mission Ambassador William Kirkman proposed some new initiatives that we are hoping to carry on into the next year, one of the most successful ventures being the fortnightly Kahoots that ran in Term 1 and 2. In his handover to the incoming Faith and Mission Captains for 2022, Angus made sure to emphasise the need to continue the Kahoots which was enjoyed by students and participating teachers alike (a special mention to Ms Milesi for assisting in the supervision of these sessions)!

Once again, we experienced an unexpected lockdown which prevented us from being able to run our Annual Don Bosco Oratory Week (and festival day) and hold our Homelessness awareness sessions, but as a College Community we embodied the call “to be more” by checking on each other during what was a very trying and difficult time. The Year 7s partook in Eat Up Australia where they made sandwiches for school-aged children across Victoria who often go to school without lunch, and the Year 8s fundraised for the Monash Children’s Hospital in Clayton, bringing in much-needed toys, books and activities for babies, toddlers, young children and teenagers. A special shout out to Menal Atapattulage, Seb Filipovic, Nick Orlando and Nic Katsos and for assisting in building the toy boxes that Ms Apostolopoulos and myself delivered to the Amongsthospital.thebusyness and craze of Term 4, the VCAL students ran a very successful sausage sizzle that donated all proceeds to St. Vinnies for their Christmas Appeal, and the 2022 Faith and Mission Leaders asked the school community (including Coles Oakleigh!) for voluntary donations to help support Amaroo Neighbourhood House provide much needed support to families during the Christmas Season.

Though it has been an incredibly challenging year, it is enlightening to be able to look back and see the acts of kindness that each of us have demonstrated. Every contribution, from $2 for casual dress to toys and clothes for families who are need, we at Salesian College embody the message of “aspire not to have more, but to be more”. I would like to personally acknowledge each and every one of you for the role you have played in furthering our Social Justice causes.


Starting the year strong and held our annual sausage sizzle, Shrove Tuesday and Easter Raffle. Unfortunately, due to the challenges of COVID we were unable to host our Social Justice stand at the House Athletics Carnival.


One of the standout ways we could support the school this year was bringing Tom Boyd, former AFL Footballer, in to the school to talk about his mental health struggle, providing Year 12 students with tips to help them through COVID.

The PA organised gourmet grazing platters and messages of support from Lavish, which was delivered to each home as a gesture of support to the Salesian families and staff who were in isolation in July. They were very much appreciated.

2021 was year full of hope, but as we know things did not go as planned. The Parents’ Association needed to adapt to COVID, and with the help of the school community’s donations we were able to provide Year 7 students with their welcome down balls, and the Year 12 boys with their ties.

The boys celebrated Father’s Day in their own special way, and the dads were gifted a beautiful “keep cup” (albeit a couple of months late).

The Year 7 Information Night was split over two weeks, and each student was given a goodie bag to take home. We spoke about how the Parent’s Association supports the school, and encouraged parents to join.

The Class of 2021 had a virtual graduation followed by a lovely grazing platter that they could share with their families.

The Mother’s Day Breakfast and Mass were well-attended. There were photo opportunities for Mum’s and their Sons, and a goodie bag with a treat from Mecca. It was a beautiful event.

The last event on the 2021 Calendar was welcoming the new Year 7 students for 2022. The PA presented each of the boys with a grazing box which they shared with their families at home.



We are looking forward to an exciting 2022 with the new Principal, Mark Ashmore. We are very grateful for all of the committee members: Sophie Milliotis, Adrian Head, Shay Occhiuto, Kate Smith and Nic Mathieson, as well as the school staff: Suzie McErvale, Nikita Rodrigues, Gesualda Cafasso, Jessica Knight and Brendan Douglas.

Mrs Fiona Topliff & Mrs Lilian Talarico | Parents’ Association Presidents

As we embark on a new academic year, it is important to reflect on what we have experienced and accomplished as a school and community. 2021 brought disruption and new opportunities like never before, it made us dig deep and adapt our approaches to continue to deliver and support high quality education for our students. Our community has shown immense strength and resilience in supporting each other through the stop-start lockdowns and periods of remote and hybrid learning. Congratulations to all students, staff and families for your commitment to learning and growth. | COmmUNITY VOICES

“Despite lockdown and COVID difficulties, the year was still very fulfilling. For myself, and many Year 9s, the highlight of the year had to be our week of city experience. Everyone found these couple of days in the city were a lot of fun, as we visited the Eureka Skydeck, the Old Melbourne Gaol, the Shrine of Remembrance, etc. Adapting back into remote learning then proved difficult. After such a long time at school, with my mates and having in-person lessons with my teachers, it was challenging to retain motivation for classes and keeping up to date, remotely. Despite these lockdown challenges, though, I’d say they’ve actually improved my ability to keep track of all of my homework and assessments, to manage my time effectively, and while it’s unrelated to my schooling, to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle. These periods have forced me to take control over my own learning and taught me to self-manage, something I daresay I’ll need for my future years of schooling.”

PRAYER: Earth teach me freedom, as the rainbow snake soars the land Earth teach me acceptance as the leaves that die each fall. Earth teach me renewal, as the seed rises in the spring

Harly Billing Year 7 Student

TEACHING AND LEARNING ms Kamila Bielinski | Assistant Principal – Learning, Teaching & Innovation ms Irene Apostolopoulos | Director of Curriculum


Patrick Cherry Year 9 Student

SALESIAN COLLEGE 38ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE TEACHING AND LEARNING The tribes of people lived together on the land the rainbow serpent had made for them

They always knew the land would always be theirs, as long as they all took care of it. They believed that no one should ever take it away from them

“This year, I learned to be more involved. I forced myself to express myself more through more engagement in group discussion and taking leadership roles. From simply answering questions in class to aiding in the Time and Space event, 2021 taught me the attitude of commitment and participation.”

Gavriel Hariyanto Year 10 Student

“Everyone has had their times where they feel like doing absolutely nothing, but we have all continued to put in effort and do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time. But some of the best moments of the year were getting back to school and seeing all of our friends and teachers, getting back into sport and spending time with family. Personally, when we were doing home learning, I loved to be able to kick the footy every day after school and finish early on some days.”

Alvin Yala Year 11

“Thank you for all that you do. We appreciate your adaptability to meet the learning needs of our son.” – Parent “Thanks for keeping my son motivated and engaged and providing him strategies to manage his learning.” – Parent We look forward to 2022 which we hope will bring stability and consistency centred upon learning and growth. We hope that the year will bring new opportunities that inspire life-long learning, critical thinking and active leadership. Best wishes for the year ahead.


Tristan O’Brien Head of Religious Education

“PerhapsStudentbecause of these intense times of remote learning I have grown in appreciation of my colleagues and the smaller joys of working in a school. The remote teaching period affirmed my own love for teaching and being in schools among the younger generations who offer so much vibrancy, hope and playfulness. This came across during College events or Oratory times during remote learning where the priority was about building connections and sharing conversations. I hope to take these new perspectives and reaffirmed convictions into 2022 and beyond.”

“Remote learning wasn’t kind to us. Thankfully, I’m not doing many practical subjects, so it was possible for me to learn from home, it was just a matter of how much effort I wanted to put in to school. Remote learning helped me to realise what subjects I enjoy. As a music student, practicing music was one way of relaxing myself when I was stressed and confused. I learnt that the instrument was a comfort place that allowed me to recollect myself then continue with the next day till lockdown ended.”

YEARS 9 & 10


Our Year 9 and 10 students were able to embrace an array of opportunities in the English realm this year. The Year 9 elective program offered exciting subject options in the realms of Journalism, Creative Writing and Myths and Legends, where students showcased their many talents in these subjects. Furthermore, the Year 10 English cohort were fortunate to experience an engaging face-to-face, live performance of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ to reinforce their learning.

YEARS 7 & 8

A highlight from our Year 7 and 8 classes this year was the implementation of a full Year 7 Literacy and Life cohort and piloting the program for two Year 8 classes – 8B and 8C. It was impressive how well the students adapted to this new challenge and it was evident that they were able to embrace their individual strengths in each project.

YEARS 11 & 12

It has been another unpredictable year in 2021 for the education profession, however it seems to have further highlighted the strength and resilience of our English teachers and students here at Salesian College Chadstone. Both physically and virtually, it was impressive to observe the passion and commitment to English and Literacy in each classroom throughout the College. This year, the department implemented significant changes to the curriculum, through planning and developing some exciting new subjects. In 2022 and beyond, we are looking forward to trialling subjects such as Year 9 Literacy and Life, which naturally builds upon our efforts and implementation of the subject in Years 7 and 8. Further, we are excited to pilot some creative and enriching electives in the future for Year 9, which we have been busy planning this year.

Approaching this year with a renewed outlook, the VCE English and Literature students quickly experienced change and uncertainty in their education settings. Despite the challenges and obstacles they were confronted with, they proved determination and endurance in their approach to the subject and their studies. Our ‘VCE English Help’ program was, yet again, a success, where students were able to seek extra help and support within the subject.

The Year 12 cohort especially, should be extremely proud of their commitment to producing outstanding work this year in English!

Lastly, through the Shared Stories Anthology writing opportunity, students showcased their refined skill and creativity in producing some top-quality pieces.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all members of the English Faculty in 2021. You have continued to inspire our students through your knowledge, passion, dedication and adaptability. It is wonderful to be a part of such an efficient and collegial department! ... it was impressive to observe the passion and commitment to English and Literacy in each classroom throughout the College.

Despite everyone’s hopes for a better year, we were all confronted with similar educational challenges to those experienced in 2020. Given our experiences and the new skills developed last year, however, the Humanities team was well prepared to continue offering our students the opportunities they deserve to develop their knowledge and understanding across the broad range of subjects that fall within our department.

In spite of the 2021 lockdowns, a number of excursions and incursions were able to be enjoyed by students. These included the Year 12 Economics students meeting online with an economist from the RBA to discuss the implementation of monetary policy in Australia, and the Year 12 Legal Studies students attending an online seminar hosted by the Victoria Law Reform Commission looking at the need for change in Victoria’s laws. The Year 9 Marvellous Melbourne class was fortunate enough to enjoy two visits to the city in between lockdowns, allowing students to experience Melbourne culture and landmarks such as the Melbourne Museum and Melbourne Star. Such activities enrich the learning experience of our Humanities students by adding a practical element to classroom learning.


Humanities staff also spent considerable time and effort developing new Year 9 electives. As part of the reinvigoration of the Year 9 program offered at the Mannix Campus, staff were given the challenge of planning for the delivery of new Humanities subjects that are not only educational, but also engaging and relevant to 15-16 yearold boys. This work will continue into 2022.

The rollout of Project Based Learning (PBL) continued at the College this year, with the entire Year 7 cohort and two Year 8 classes adopting this approach to teaching and learning in 2021. Next year, the whole Year 8 cohort will also adopt PBL, so the training and development of staff continued in preparation for this significant change.

I have enjoyed another year in my role as Head of Humanities. The challenges I have faced have been made easier through the support and hard work of the Humanities team. I am very grateful for their encouragement and wish them all continuing success in 2022 and beyond.

The Humanities team was able to once again adapt effectively to the demands of both face-to-face and remote teaching in a most professional manner. Staff utilised their experience from last year, putting into practice the skills fine-tuned during our first experiences with teaching from home. This reflected very highly on all staff members, highlighting their passion for teaching and their commitment to engaging and motivating students to continue on their journey of growth and education.

We welcomed a number of new staff to the team in 2021, including former students Styron Augustus and Tom Andrews. Other new additions to the team included Tim Cox, Rachel Timos, Rachel Holland, Molly O’Shea, Gazielle Pinili and Jason Collins. Our new colleagues quickly developed into valued and respected members of the department and positive contributors to our team’s achievements.

This reflected very highly on all staff members, highlighting their passion for teaching and their commitment to engaging and motivating students to continue on their journey of growth and education.


Remote learning has not stopped our dedicated staff from implementing Individual Learning Plans for our students with special needs. The use of Essential Assessment, Education Perfect to set individual goals and tasks has benefitted these students as well as provided additional activities for all students.



mr mark Wang | Head of Mathematics

Adaptation, flexibility and resourcefulness have been the themes of this difficult yet exciting year, as we learn to live with COVID-19. I am proud and honoured to lead a team of teachers that have embraced remote learning and incorporated engaging programs such as Edpuzzle and Nearpod into their teaching. Technology is ever-becoming vital in our world, as demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data is becoming hugely relevant, and maths is taking centre stage. These powerful tools for solving problems greatly improve how we communicate every day. Thanks to the sophistication of statistical and data analysis techniques, we can now assess how previous pandemics played out, and understand their impacts.

As I approach the end of my first year as Head of Mathematics, I reflect on all the challenges the boys, my fellow colleagues and myself have faced during another difficult year and am immensely proud on the collaborative approach taken by all members of the team, and the support they have given me. I look forward with confidence as we work on new ways to improve the way we deliver Mathematics education.

The need to raise awareness of the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has never been greater. Confidence and competence in Mathematics remains then an integral part of this goal. We in the Mathematics Department are continuing to do our part to make mathematics accessible, achievable and relevant. With the support of the Catholic Education Office (CEO), the Mathematics Department has been working for a number of years on techniques to develop a deeper understanding of some fundamental mathematical concepts and skills in our students, through the Targeted Teaching Program. We hope to implement these ideas and activities into our daily teaching plans soon.

The Science Department congratulates our best VCE science students of 2021, Will Iverson in Physics, Johnny Ta in Psychology, Shanelle Algama for Biology and Travis Pemberton for both Environmental Science and Chemistry.

mr Nick Shaw | Head of Science Science at Salesian took another step towards our goal of incorporating project-based learning (PBL) in all of our Junior classes. The aim of learning through PBL is for students to build 21st century skills, build student independence and for students to have a higher engagement in their learning due to the authenticity of the projects. In 2021, all Year 7 students undertook ‘The World Around Us’, a combined subject that covers the curriculum of both Science and Geography. Some of the units that the students studied were, lab safety, water in the world, liveability, ecosystems and space.



Some of our VCE students were lucky to still attend some incursions and excursions earlier in the year.

The Environmental Science students enjoyed ‘Reptile Encounters’, who visited the school and the gave the opportunity for students go to get up close and personal with some of Australia’s threatened species. Physics students were also very lucky to get the chance to go to Luna Park for the day to investigate the physics behind the rides and attractions at the park.

In 2022 the Science Department looks forward to incorporating the newly rejuvenated veggie patch into the Year 9 PBL unit on food security. In Year 10 we look forward to getting back into the lab, particularly for units such as chemical reactions. In 2022 we also look forward to every Year 8 class undertaking ‘The World Around Us’, a combined subject that covers the curriculum of both Science and Geography. This will hopefully provide students more opportunity to get out into the local area, particularly for the units on geology and urbanisation.

Learning onsite, learning from home, and back again, and repeat, was the challenge and opportunity within the Visual Arts Department throughout 2021.

In applying and practicing process-based and creative skills, students were encouraged to go beyond the traditional understanding of what could be utilised with their creative projects, as well as alternatives they may not have considered. I hope that students were mostly encouraged by this as an opportunity to expand their possibilities, rather than feeling a sense of contracted Despiteopportunity.the


challenges, there were many highlights to celebrate across the Visual Arts this year. The ACC Art and Technology Show was held in mid-May, which saw an esteemed selection of Salesian artwork and technology projects on exhibition for public viewing at Federation Square. Congratulations to those students who were represented. Other highlights included the Shared Stories Anthology in collaboration with the English Department, which saw some outstanding artworks that resonated with the theme of “Chasing Happiness”. My congratulations go to those students who were selected across the year levels, who are now effectively published artists, as part

ms Roslyn Aylward | Head of Visual Arts of the State Library of Victoria collection. Book week was also celebrated in the Visual Arts Department this year in conjunction with the RUA Resource Centre, with a drawing competition that reflected the 2021 theme of “Old World, New World, Other World”. The competition ran mid-way through Term 3, and was open to all Year levels, with some fantastic entries. The winners received Art prizes for the best entry at each year level. My acknowledgements to all those who entered, and congratulations to all those who won. As we all know, 2021 was particularly tricky. No doubt the Senior students did it tough with their practical studies drastically being affected by lockdowns. I want to acknowledge the staff who maintained the continuity of learning for students to the students who showed their continued dedication to their creative endeavours despite their situation, and to parents and support staff. It’s times like these that community is really the crux of what it means to still achieve in trying times.

Students of Art, Media and Visual Communication Design looked to the familiarity of their home environment, local parks, backyards and other locally-accessed areas to provide creative inspiration and ideas. Other projects, which first were developed at school, had to be adjusted and changed for continuity and completion at home, which presented both hurdles and creative thinking opportunities!


PRESENTATION 1 BATTINGPROPOSEDCAGE PAVILION North Elevation West Elevation Steel Netting Cement bricks Glass 7A xavier Arnott ACC Art and Technology Exhibition Morgan Wenas Icarus Julian De MarcoLouis Palma Jeffery Ly Noah Mahan Kellan Hill Liam PramishkaGantelasDe Alwis Aidan Rhys Fernandes Iggy Palma SALESIAN COLLEGE 45ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE VISUAL ARTS

Sadly, due to the lockdowns we missed out on so many events throughout the year, but we look forward to participating again next year with a renewed vigour. Hopefully we can get back to some normality, attend Music Camp in Term 1 and continue with our planning for future Dramatours.students from Years 7-12 had another year of remote performing, while some classes still managed to perform live. Our Semester 2 Year 9 students were able to perform their original plays for an audience of sixty-six Grade 1 students from Oakleigh Primary School. Our Unit 3/4 Theatre Studies students produced an innovative and original interpretation of the play Massacre at Myall Creek by John Summons. After consultation with Indigenous bodies and organisations, it was determined that our production needed to tell the truth from the Colonial perspective and to not attempt to speak for the victims; our First Nations people do not need us to talk for them. The performance space was designed as a Union Jack, with the actors performing in the vertical and horizontal cross sections with seating on the edge of the cross, very close to the actors, for this intense and confronting 1-hour play. As another busy year draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff in the Performing Arts & Instrumental Music Departments –Adam Croft (Head of Performance), Matthew Little (Vocals & Director of PA Events & Ensembles) Melissa Adela (Piano), Jenny Brasch (Viola/Cello), Sonny Igusti (Bass Guitar), Emma Hallett (Brass), Amanda Morgan (Cello), David Neville (Drums), Stephanie Lai (Flute), Michael Shepherdson (Guitar), Serena Thean (Clarinet/Sax), Sylvia Winfield (Violin) & Lia Senatha (PA Admin Assistant). Without all of these wonderful, dedicated staff, our department would not be

mrs maryanne


PERFORMING ARTS Challis | Head of Performing Arts mr Adam Croft | Head of Performance mr matt Little | Director of Performing Arts Events, Ensembles & Instrumental Music Coordinator

The Performing Arts Department has shown many successes throughout an incredibly challenging year. By no means has 2021 been the year we hoped it would be, but we have managed to continue with what both students and staff love to do: learn and develop our knowledge in Music and Drama. This year began with Music camp, which included 3 days of intense rehearsals, concluding with a refined concert. Our boys showed incredible concentration over the camp, whilst also connecting with the musicians they play alongside. Camp prepared our students for what would have been their annual performance at the Victorian School Music Festival in August, plus our Music Tour to the Gold Coast for the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival. Unfortunately, we were only a few weeks away from flying out to the Gold Coast when lockdown hit hard again, and our tour was cancelled. This news was deeply disappointing, but the boys showed a great deal of maturity in accepting the brevity of the situation.

As we moved to remote learning, the Performing Arts department set up our laptops and began teaching via Microsoft Teams. We worked through a number of challenging technical issues, but soon were thoroughly enjoying playing again. We had some wonderful feedback from parents, students and staff about the enthusiasm during lessons, remarking on how instrumental lessons brought light relief to the restrictive nature of the lockdowns. We continued with this enthusiasm into Semester 2 with the Solo Music Competition in Term 3. What a magnificent event, with 66 applicants! Congratulations to our talented musicians who entered their video for the competition, but a huge congratulations to Jordan Ratumu, Patrick Cherry & Alex Sabljak for becoming our Junior, Intermediate and Senior Champions respectively.

2021 hasn’t been the year we hoped it would be, but we have managed to continue with what both students and staff love to do: learn and develop our knowledge in Music and Drama. so enjoyable and fulfilling. Thank you for your support, enthusiasm and awesomeness in supporting & teaching our boys your magnificent talents.


And, lastly to our parents: without your support, our program would not exist. We thank you for allowing your Son to be part of our wonderful program. We look forward to working with you and your Son in 2022 and beyond.

Finally, a farewell from Maryanne Challis. Thanks to all staff, students and parents for the wonderful journey over the past 11 years. The Salesian College Performing Arts department will forever be in my heart. Until we meet again… Stand side by side with joyful pride, Salesian true!



• 7 Distinctions went to Ruben D’Agostino, Anthony Saraullo, Ryan Ronald, Marcellino Baselyous, Yianni Kourelis, Emmanuel Louis and Roman Velona.

ms Rita Bonne | Head of Languages

Sincere thanks to Miss Melina Barcellona, Mrs Rosa Salemme and Mr Alvin Zhang for providing many meaningful learning activities to engage all students in such a difficult time. Congratulations to all the Language students for their willingness in taking up the many challenges helping them through another difficult year.

• 1 Merit was awarded to Jamie Ubachs.

One such occasion was the Dante Poetry Recitation, which was held online this year and adjudicated by Dr John Lando, Senior Lecturer in Education. Despite the difficult circumstances and cancellations, our students from Year 9-11 persisted in their efforts to impress. Some excellent results were achieved and we are very proud of our students’ commitment and performance.

Yet again the Language teachers and students were faced with the constraints and many challenges of lockdowns and remote learning. Nevertheless, resilience, patience and perseverance helped us through. Our Language students continued to practise their Communication Skills in Chinese and Italian, surprising us when we least expected.

• 1st and 2nd prizes were awarded to Dylan Rayen (1st) and Patrick Cherry (2nd).

Results for Salesian:

Congratulations to all our Poets! Our junior students put their Speaking skills to the test also: “In Italian class we have worked on learning to say family members’ names, and making sentences to describe them in Italian. In this task we had to create a fictional family and answer questions about them. We had to produce 2-3 different sentences for each person, explaining their name, personality, age and what role they had in the family (e.g. Nonno = grandpa). Breakout rooms on Teams were great to practise our sentences and perfect our fluency and pronunciation. The breakout rooms were also a fun chance to socialize with friends and new people.”

“In our Chinese classes during the lockdown period, we engaged in numerous individual cultural activities exploring how to develop our understanding of our daily routine in Chinese. Alongside this, we explored how to develop our Chinese vocabulary and sentence structure in relation to particular situations, such as ordering food at a food court or making a shopping list for the week. These tasks were completed collaboratively with a partner to enhance our understanding of the Chinese language thoroughly, and allow us to mimic real-life situations and interactions with those capable of speaking Chinese.”

Perry Churchill-King and Xavier Nicholls Year 7 Students One of the highlights was using objects at home to assemble difficult Chinese characters. This helped our students to improve their reading skills and their understanding of Chinese character structure.George Mastrapas (7B) did a great job in showing his excellent Chinese knowledge and ‘My‘Whatcreativity.isyourname?’nameisGeorge’

• 2 Honours prizes went to our Year 11s, Michael Amedeo and Daniel Amendola.

Special thanks to Johnathan Stevens, Nick Place, Dan Place, Ruby Anstee and Lois Curry - our wonderful assistant staff: we couldn’t have produced these amazing results without your ongoing support! Best Wishes to Ms Molly Tilley and Ms Ruby Anstee on their departure from Salesian College Chadstone. We look forward to welcoming Mr Andrew Cho, Ms Ashleigh O’Brien and Ms Lucyanne Aguis joining our Food Technology Team in

GardnerHarry 8E GounarisThemi 8C Krish Ahuja 7C Christmas cupcake by Year 8 Students COLLEGE

STUDIES ms Angela Xu | Design and Technology Key Teacher

Retro Arcade Machine by Alexander Forster (Y12) Infographic poster by Matthew Babington

In Year 12 System engineering, there are some impressive products being made. Alexander Forster developed a retro arcade machine with a high resolution LCD display, two joysticks, two sets of player buttons, a mini HDMI display board and sensors which measure CPU temperature, VRAM usage, frames per second ingame and CPU clock speed. The design also incorporated a fan and a coin mech, as well as castor wheels so it can be moved around. It was constructed from pinewood and some of the pieces were laser cut so that the monitor and speakers could fit perfectly.

Technology, our boys applied Computer Aided Design (Adobe Illustrator) to produce cool laser cut clocks. One enthusiastic student even created two designs with two materials: both wooden and acrylic sheets.


7B students work 7C: James Redlich (Owl) & Issac Ng (Frog)

Lastly, let’s not forget to acknowledge the wonderful effort and dedication of our Technology Studies staff, who spent many extra hard-working hours to make sure students enjoyed a smooth, meaningful remote learning experience.

As we have completed the second year of remote learning, it’s time to celebrate our achievements and highlights in Technology Studies. All students and staff members in Product Design Technology, System Engineering and Food Technology overcame numerous remote learning challenges with calmness, motivation and a great amount of dedication and effort.

In Food Technology, students and staff continue to produce delicious food at home. In Food Technology, students and staff continued to cook delicious cuisine at home. They also spent a great amount of effort in the theory study, such as writing comprehensive evaluations about their cooking journey, learning about healthy diet and creating aesthetic magazine recipes and informative food infographics.

In Product Design and Technology, our Year 7 students learned about Computer Aided Design for the first time, ultilising 3D modelling, laser cutting and augmented reality technologies to produce user-centred design solutions: an animal slot toy and a wooden car toy. Our Year 7 boys developed a solid foundation using the 3D modelling software ‘Onshape’ which lays a firm foundation of 3D Invisualisation.Year9Design


Clock by Iskra Zlatanovski (Y9) Clock by Christos Tsoukalas (Y9)

A beautiful occasional table by Sean Cahill (Y11 Product Design & Technology) Steady Hand Game by Brendan Kang (Year 8B System Engineering)


Leon Varsamis Year 7

I am learning to code using Python in my Digital Technology class which is inspiring because I love video games and they require coding skills.

2021 was another year that tried our patience and resilience. Our team had to adapt different ways to teach certain units (Robotics, Arduino etc) online as well as keep students engaged and motivated. On the other hand, our students have learnt ways to cope through lockdowns and continue to produce excellent work. Congratulations to our students and team for showing true grit. Enjoy some student insights below.

This is an image of a game I developed in CDM. It was developed in a 48-hour time frame and inspires me to push to learn new things and persist with challenging projects.




Abel Abi Joseph Year 8

This is my workspace. Online school can be stressful however I have my Teams meetings which keeps me going as I can see my classmates and teachers.

Nikolas Popovic Year 9

mrs Fatima Nazar | Head of Digital Technology

When I saw that 3D multimedia was an elective in Year 9 I thought, “I enjoy playing video games, why don’t I have a try at creating them!” 3D multimedia has introduced me to the basic skills used in game development. It is an amazing stepping stone for taking Game Development as a career. This photo is a part of my 3D multimedia project so far. I still have many hours of work to go, and I am enjoying every second I work on my project.

Lochlan Hardie Year 11

I would like to thank all of the PE staff for their continued endeavour to provide active and engaging physical education lessons throughout what has been a difficult year.

HUMAN DEVELOPmENT mr Nick Kearney | Head of Human Development


The start of Term 4 showed the light at the end of the tunnel; Strava running and cycling challenges with Rebel Sport and Bicycle Superstore Carnegie vouchers up for grabs became the focus. Some outstanding efforts were recorded in both competitions across all year levels. The return of all students on site in early November resulted in a hive of activity during PE lessons with a real focus on movement and enjoyment. The oval and courts once again resembled a PE class with activities including cardio tennis, tee ball, tchoukball, European handball and lacrosse just to name a few.

Physical activity has played a pivotal role in keeping students strong over the past two years. Activity is essential for the physical, mental and social wellbeing of our students, with research also showing strong links to improved academic performance. The first half of 2021 provided students and teachers with great joy, getting outdoors and participating in sporting activities focusing on the development of fitness, skills and game awareness. Term 3 and a return to remote teaching and learning provided many challenges. Physical activity journals were reintroduced as a personal tracking tool for students as they aimed to complete 60 minutes of moderate/vigorous physical activity each day. National Health & PE Day was once again reduced to online activities with a variety of quizzes, which registered over 440 entries among staff and students competing for vouchers and sporting equipment.

Year 9 Outdoor Education was once again able to thrive with outdoor activities and a surf camp in Semester 1. Boys were able to participate in activities such as rock climbing, orienteering, surfing, stand up paddle boarding, kayaking and high ropes, all of which exposed them to different challenges and environments, enhancing their understanding of human impacts and sustainable practices. Boys who undertook this subject in Semester 2 had a wonderful end to the year, participating in rock climbing, high ropes and a surf camp. Outdoor Education assists boys to build leaderships qualities, resilience and team work.


What a year it has been for the RUA Resource Centre. What started out like a busy and fun year was soured by the resurgence of COVID-19 and the need to be placed back into a lockdown. Despite it all, the library team had an amazing year full of accomplishments and some new furniture! Make sure you keep your eye on this space, with more exciting stuff to come to Salesian in 2022.

Many would have seen the new chairs in the main space, one of many achievements for the year, with bonus new whiteboard tables, and new display walls on the end of the shelving units. These have added new life to the library. Keep your eye out for more things to come next year.

• Thursday – Electronics


RUA RESOURCE CENTRE mr Joshua Bryan | Library Technician




A huge and massive thank you for another fun year must go to the IT team; your ongoing support is invaluable. Thank you to the CRTs who helped out, and the amazing Admin team for all the assistance offered. To learning support, you made the lockdowns fun. To leadership, a massive thank you for your ongoing support. Finally, to Ria Khambete: an amazing boss and an amazing friend.

mAKER SPACE GOT UNDERWAY Alongside Mr Sean West the library offered three activities: Monday – Tuesday Lego Tournament Wednesday – VR Exploration

Just prior to the lockdown the team begun this year’s Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Over the course of Term 2 and 3, students from Years 7-10 read 10 books from a set list and 5 mystery books of their choosing. In total, 17 students managed to complete the challenge through a lockdown. Congratulations to all who completed.

The year started out for the library in full swing, the introduction of a reading program for Year 7 had the team creating a new tailored collection. It was a huge success and the students thoroughly enjoyed the wide range of books. Looking forward to continuing this next year.



In a year like 2021, COVID-19 came and spoiled the party. During a large part of the year, the library hosted varying numbers of students. The learning support team, supervision of the students and just being allowed out of the house (for a day), made lockdown less chaotic.

The team saw huge success, with many students participating the whole week. Keep your eye out for more fun activities going into 2022.

This year’s PreCAL class started at school with five students. As the weeks and months went by, we continued to add more desks and chairs to G103, as we grew to fourteen students by the start of Semester 2. Then we went to online learning! A lot has happened in 2021. Some of the major accomplishments this year have been:

They have grown into fine young men and have shown a level of maturity that will benefit them in the years to come.

• Joining with the VCAL boys and supporting their Fundraising activities was a highlight. In Term 1, the PreCAL boys organised a lolly drive. As part of a Maths project, they bought the lollies, packaged them, created posters and sold them and raised money for the World’s Greatest Shave. The boys were also always willing to lend a hand to help with any of the VCAL initiatives.

• In Technology and Applied Learning Projects the boys have been very productive. Some of the projects included building a moveable stage for the Performing Arts Department, folding stools, solar models, mousetrap cars, hydro-dipped pots for Mother’s Day, and cooking for the family.

Many thanks to Mr Steve Beckham, Mr Styron Augustus, Mrs Debbie Rabot and Mr Declan Crowe for teaching and supporting the class.


It has been an absolute privilege to work with my PreCAL boys in 2021! They have grown into fine young men and have shown a level of maturity that will benefit them in the years to come.

• Attending TAFE in Semester 1. During this time the boys were able to gain their White Card and experienced plumbing, welding and automotive fields of study.

With many of our projects having to be re-imagined this year, unique challenges were met with positive attitudes and resilience. The boys have shown great initiative working together on Teams with tasks that had to be completed at home.

Thankfully the beds were watered by the Facilities team and photos were taken by a number of staff to show the boys how well the garden was growing.

YEAR 10 PRECAL PROGRAm ms Carolyn Ellul | PreCAL Oratory Teacher

• Maintaining and watering the garden beds and growing herbs, vegetables and flowering plants was a daily activity. Using the Woolworths Discovery Garden pots and seeds, the boys raised these plants in the “little green house” and then transplanted them into the garden beds. Unfortunately, the boys were unable to see their work flourish in person due to the Lockdown.

• For English, the boys worked on a War Veteran Portfolio. The boys researched a person of interest from World War I or World War II, highlighting information about the person, the battle they fought and the legacy they left. An excursion to the Shrine of Remembrance also supported this work. This will hopefully culminate in a presentation at the Remembrance Day assembly.

What an adventure 2021 has been for the Intermediate VCAL students of Salesian College. We welcomed many new faces to the Year 11 class this year. Each of the students were able to build on their skill set with the many projects that we undertook as a class throughout the year. All of the projects that they undertake are built around the Learning Outcomes the students need to gain in order to complete their Intermediate Certificate.

mrs Emily Roach | Intermediate VCAL Oratory Teacher

To the students of 11V, you have navigated a tough year in and out of remote learning with courage, determination and most importantly success. I look forward to continuing this journey with in you in Senior VCAL next year.


On behalf of the students I would like to thank Mr Steve Beckham, Mr Paul Azar, Mrs Kathryn Zwalf, Mr Declan Crowe, Mrs Lois Curry, Ms Ruby Anstee and Barb.


Many of the students were lucky enough to secure Structured Work Placement which they attended on Tuesdays.

Throughout the year the students attended TAFE every Wednesday. Our students undertook a variety of TAFE courses that they chose in accordance with their interests in future employment opportunities. The courses attended this year by our students were Electrical, Plumbing, Allied Health, Hospitality, and Building & Construction. Special thanks to the dedicated staff that worked closely with the class to ensure all of their Outcomes were met.

The Year 11 class proudly ran a ‘Staff Car Wash’, ‘The Missions Cup’ football match and BBQ that included a staff members section to watch the game, and the ‘Vinnies Christmas Appeal’ Milkshake and BBQ fundraiser. In all, the students raised over $4000 towards very worthy Charites.

SENIOR VCAL mrs Kathryn Zwalf | Head of Applied Learning


It has been a pleasure to watch so many of the boys of this 12V class grow into such wonderful, responsible young men during 2021. As their Oratory, WRS and Numeracy teacher I have had such wonderful experiences with these young men, and it’s been so impressive to witness the resilience demonstrated during yet another challenging year. We were so lucky to be able to run some of the projects that we had planned – including the World’s Greatest Shave, where the boys raised over $19,000 for the Leukemia foundation. Their groupwork through this project was incredible. The 12V class also assisted with the 11V Missions Cup fundraiser to raise money for COVID support in India.

A huge thank you to Mrs Emily Roach for her tireless enthusiasm and love of the boys while teaching the group this year for PDS and Literacy. Thanks must be given to Mr Declan Crowe for his continual support to the class as well in giving assistance to the boys wherever it’s been needed. It’s been a real team effort by all the staff involved, as well as the boys, to get the most out of this year. It has been a true pleasure to teach this wonderful class this year. I wish you nothing but happiness in your future.

TAFE on a Wednesday (and Tuesday afternoon for some) was a constant, where so many practical skills were developed for 12V’s future careers. Structured Workplace Learning on Thursdays gave so many opportunities to put these newly learnt skills into action. These onsite practical days seemed to be a highlight and a wonderful opportunity to set our students up for their futures. We were able to attain more employability skills by completing the Responsible Serving of Alcohol course. The boys took every opportunity to develop their employability skills and constantly challenged themselves to develop these valuable life-long skills. I would like to thank all the teachers of this class during their years at school, in particular to the wonderful VCAL teachers who have worked with these boys while they have been part of Applied Learning. It has not only been teachers, but the wide variety of brilliant support staff at Salesian College that has given this group the specific support required - thank you!

YEAR 12 We were also able to organise an opportunity for Year 12 students to attend the VCE and Careers Expo, a great chance to gather course information directly from institutions.

Mr Damian McAuliffe | Pathways Coordinator 2021 has been another very challenging year for our boys, their families and Salesian staff. Despite this, some Pathways highlights included:


In late Term 2, the Year 9 students participated in a number of Pathways activities designed to develop understanding of their interests and begin to explore a range of potential careers. This program culminated in a series of lunchtime Subject Expos, where Heads of Department and senior subject teachers provided students with information on subjects available in Year 10 and the pathways they needed to take to study various subjects in VCE.

In Term 1, Year 10 students participated in a range of activities aimed at identifying their vocational interests and strengths. This information was then used to guide their investigation of potential career paths and to begin to develop a Career Action Plan. In Term 2 we had a brief respite from COVID restrictions and the boys were taken to the VCE and Careers Expo. This half-day excursion gave them an invaluable opportunity to speak to representatives from tertiary institutions and employers Australia wide. The career, course and employment advice they received proved to be of great assistance in planning their VCE subject selections. The Year 10 program concluded with the boys having a oneon-one course advising session to assist them in selecting their subjects for Year 11 & 12.


Term 3 and 4 activities involved information sessions focused on completing the VTAC application. and individual meetings with each Year 12 student regarding their desired pathways, potential tertiary course options and the topics of special consideration assistance and scholarships.


I’d like to acknowledge the enthusiastic involvement of the Year 9, 10, 11 & 12 Oratory Leaders and the fantastic support of the Year Level Coordinators Chris Ryan, Rhea Beurs, Heath Chipperfield, Malwina Dwyer and Deborah Rabot throughout 2021. In addition, a massive thank you to Gina Nenos for arranging staffing, the IT Department for their excellent support and to the Maintenance crew for all their help in setting up for events throughout the Year. Finally, I’d like to express my utmost respect to the Year 12 Class of 2021 for the incredible determination and resilience they have displayed throughout the last two years. I wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.

TERm 3

mr Jayden Hawkes | Sports Manager

The term began with our Years 7-10 students being provided the chance to play ACC Sport. This is something that these students hadn’t had the opportunity to do since 2019. The boys who did not play ACC were included in the House Sport program, which allows the boys to experience a variety of different sports, some of which they have never played before. The sports rotate over a two-week cycle, ensuring that the students are continually being challenged each week. The variety of sports included Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, European Handball, Futsal, Cricket, T-Ball, Spikeball, Table Tennis, Badminton and many more. This format worked well, and gave the students an opportunity to play in some sports that they might not have considered playing outside of school.

Much like Term 1, we began the term with a big event. The Cross Country Carnival was initially postponed due to a snap lockdown, but thankfully we were able to complete it in Week 3. The course was mapped out at the Mannix Campus, which includes the boys running on gravel, grass, uphill & downhill. The participation levels were fantastic with a number of boys giving it their best go. Annecy were dominant from start to finish, winning a majority of the Year levels thanks to tremendous depth from the Year 12 boys through to the Year 7 boys. The final results were:

1. Annecy – 557 2. Collinson – 415 3. Savio – 409 4. Moroney – 393 There was not a lot of opportunity for the boys to complete House Athletics in Term 4 due to some abnormally poor weather and the lockdown. After having 4 different carnivals postponed, we’re hoping that 2022 has a much more positive outlook for House Sport. Thank you to all staff and students who participated in House Sport this year and put in effort in to help run a successful program!



Our Swimming Carnival took a while to get up and going after being postponed, but it ran as smoothly as ever. It was a slightly overcast day out at Oakleigh, but a bit of early rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of our boys. All four Houses swam fantastically, with the results being extremely close right up until the final race. The final scores on the day were as follows:

1. Annecy – 595 2. Moroney – 590 3. Savio – 569 4. Collinson – 567 Unfortunately, the House Athletics Carnival could not be held. We were tremendously unlucky with the weather and it became too difficult of a task to reschedule after it was postponed twice within the first semester.

TERm 1

TERm 2


2021 was like a Sandy Koufax curveball, trying to predict what was going to happen next was near-impossible.

The year started in a relatively normal way with senior tennis, volleyball and cricket played each Wednesday. We had some great performances from these teams during Term 1, with our senior tennis team making the semifinals. The senior volleyball teams also had a great year; our A team made the semi-final and the B team the final, before going down to Mazenod in a one-sided match. A special mention to Mitchell Wain and Sam Ison (cricket), and Shanelle Algama (tennis) on making the ACC Team of the Year. This is a great recognition for being amongst the best performers in the ACC for these sports.


Towards the end of Term 1, the ACC swimming carnival was held at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre. We competed in Division 1, which was a great challenge and experience. We had some wonderful individual and relay performances, with each member of the squad giving their best on the night. Our under 16 team were the standout on the night, taking home their age group pennant. Unfortunately, we were unable to stay up in Division 1 after finishing 6th overall. Term 2 was the start of the soccer and football seasons. Our soccer teams were strong again with junior teams being the standouts. Both our Year 7 teams made the final, with our A team going down in a great match 1-0. Our 7B team went through the season undefeated, and were able to hold their nerve and win the final 2-1. Well done to these boys and their coach Mr Bentley on this wonderful achievement. We also had our 8B team make the final, but they came up against a very strong St Bede’s team, going down 5-0. Our Year 9 and Senior teams also put in some good performances throughout the year, but unfortunately, they had their season cut short due to another snap lockdown. Congratulations to James Triskelidis and Daniel Amendola for making the ACC Soccer Team of the

Year.ACC SPORT mr Steve Loonstra | Head of ACC Sport ACC Badminton ACC Lawn Bowl ACC Athletics ACC TriathlonACC Road Relay

Athletics training started early in Term 1 in preparation for the ACC athletics carnival, which was scheduled to take place in week 4 of the term for the first time. Unfortunately, our first of many snap lockdowns occurred a week before the carnival. Our House Athletics Carnival wasn’t able to go ahead, and we returned to school just days before the ACC event. We managed to run trials on the Bosco oval, and were able to select a strong squad to go off and represent the College at Lakeside Stadium. After missing the carnival in 2020, the team was excited to test themselves in Division 1. We had some great performances on the day, including Nick Goodman winning the U14 100 and 200 meters, Andrew Byun winning the U14 triple and long jump and Cooper Fry winning and breaking the ACC record for the U14 high jump with a jump of 1.75m. The amazing efforts of all team members helped us to finish 5th overall and remain in Division 1 for 2022. The ACC triathlon has become a key event on the Salesian sporting calendar. Once again, we had a strong team take part in this year’s events. We had some great individual performances on the day, with Trent Papenfus finishing 1st overall for all schools in Victoria. We also were able to win the team event with a team performance from Patrick Forster (swim), Max Sykes (bike) and Daniel Valle (run). In the individual team event, we finished 2nd overall. Many thanks to Mr Peacock for all his efforts with the triathlon team.

Congratulations to Thomas Filipovic on making the ACC Football Team of the Year.

Term 3 kicked off with the hope that we would get to play some basketball, hockey and table tennis after missing out last year. The first round of matches started as normal, with some strong performances from various teams. However, week two of term saw another snap lockdown, and the season was interrupted. For the remainder of the term, we were only able to play one more game.

Our normal Term 4 program involves weekly sports of cricket, tennis, volleyball and junior golf. Unfortunately, with restrictions still in place, all ACC events were cancelled for the remainder of the year. 2021 has been another extraordinary year, and we pray that we can return to the sports we love in 2022. On a personal note, I would like to thank the staff who assisted with sport this year for their continual dedication and hard work. I’d also like to say a special thanks to Jayden Hawkes, our Sport Manager, who leaves the sport department at the end of the year to become a teacher. His work over the last three years has been exceptional, and I thank him for all his support. Finally, to the boys who represented the College in ACC sport this year, thank you for all your hard work and effort throughout the year. Let’s continue to build upon the successes of this year into 2022.

Our football teams had a mixed season with some up and down results. Our Year 9 team was the standout, going through the year undefeated. They came up against St Bernard’s in the final, and after a slow start, they were able to run out the game and win by 19 points. Well done to the boys, and to their coaches Mr Ryan and Mr Anastasio. Unfortunately, the season was cut short for all other teams due to the lockdown at the end of Term 2.

Term 2 also saw continued outstanding performances by our badminton teams, prepared immaculately by Mr Wang as usual. Our open and junior teams had dominant performances, winning the Junior and Open tournaments. We had some fantastic performances too by our intermediate team, finishing 3rd overall. Well done to all the boys who dedicated themselves to many hours of training to prepare for these events.


ACC Football ACC FootballACC Soccer ACC Swimming Team ACC Junior Badminton ACC Senior Badminton SALESIAN COLLEGE 61ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE ACC SPORT

TERm 1 Triathlon Teams Event Swimming under 16 pennant TERm 2 Year 7B Soccer Year 9 Football Senior Badminton Junior Badminton * Due to COVID-19 restrictions, ACC Sport did not run in Terms 3 and 4 of 2021 2021 ACC PREMIERSHIP ACC CAPTAINS McNamaraNathanEamesJosh PapenfusTrentTienQuach McNamaraShanelleAlgamaNathan CashmanTomJackNenos IoakimidisAngeloPatrickVu BalakasPetrosAthleticsFootball BadmintonSwimming HockeyTennis BasketballCricket TableVolleyballTennis Soccer ACC VolleyballACC Triathlon ACC Swimming SALESIAN COLLEGE 62ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE ACC CAPTAINS

Congratulations to Year 8 Sports Academy student Cooper Fry, who equalled the Under 14 High Jump Record at the 2021 ACC Athletics Championship, with a height of 1.75m.

Facilitated by Tom Follett from ACE Performance, Sports Academy students participated in a weekly strength and conditioning session in the college gym when onsite, and through online workouts during our periods of flexible and remote learning.


Although COVID-19 continued to impact the program, students were still able to experience the following:

The 2021 Sports Academy program involved close to 100 students balancing their academic studies with sporting ambitions, through a specialised and accelerated curriculum with an emphasis on long-term athlete development.

This year the college welcomed new coaches Andreas Papanicolaou (Soccer) and Steve Blundell (Tennis) into the program to work alongside our existing coaches Paul Hudson (AFL), Bryce McGain (Cricket) and Matthew Brooks (Basketball), with tennis being included in the Year 7-8 program for the first time.

Also, a congratulations to Year 10 Sports Academy students Patrick Forster, Max Sykes and Daniel Valle, who won the team event at the 2021 ACC Triathlon.

I would like to congratulate the boys who participated in the 2021 Sports Academy program. I look forward to working with participating students in 2022, and developing the program further.

SPORTS ACADEmY YEAR 7 Sports MusculoskeletalInjuries System Sports Nutrition and Hydration Biomechanics in Sport YEAR 8 Training to Improve Performance Cardiorespiratory System Decision Making in Sport Biomechanics in Sport YEAR 8 Develop a personal management pan Develop a travel and accommodation plan Prepare a pre or post event meal Develop personal media skills Develop a personal financial plan Sports recovery strategies YEAR 10 Sports Psychology Sports Journalism, Game Reporting and Match EnergySportsCommentaryCoachingSystemsand Interplay SALESIAN COLLEGE 63ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE SPORTS ACADEMY


I would like to thank all the staff who taught the Sports Academy classes throughout the year, particularly Mr Paul Azar, Mr Chris Ryan and Mr Steven Loonstra who mentored the Year 8-10 classes, and went above and beyond with their effort and assistance to the boys.




The boys were able to experience a number of guest speakers/presenters throughout the year, including 2021 Oakleigh Chargers & Vic Metro girls and boys AFL coach Jason Davenport, who took our football players through a training session. In Term 3, the students had a Q&A session with Olympian Brooke Stratton, who had recently returned from the Tokyo Olympics. She discussed her athletics career, including achievements and setbacks, and provided the boys with some advice for their sport and school.


mr Stephen Sellwood | Sports Academy Coordinator

Students completed a specialised theory program which involved the following sports- specific topics required for athlete development.

SPORTS DIETICIAN Dietician Ola Luczak was able to present a number of sessions to the boys, as well as provide fortnightly tips to both students and parents throughout the year. She also shared a number of healthy recipes throughout the year for the boys and their families to try.


The Debating Association of Victoria (DAV) continued to host interschool competitions, and the Salesian cohort from 8-12 competed fiercely. Students spent five school nights spread throughout the year working collaboratively in teams. Our debating coaches worked closely with our debating teams as they prepared arguments backed with evidence to support their claims. Matthew Yap was a clear standout in the Junior Division, contesting issues surrounding animal testing and access to public transport.

Public Speaking and Debating Coordinator

Peter Holland was our best speaker in the Intermediate Division as he expertly contested beliefs surrounding plain packaging laws and mandatory national service. Finally, debating mainstay Robert Kosta McCance represented our Senior Division with a typical grace, as he unpacked conceptions surrounding cancel culture and international trade agreements. Whilst the DAV competition was cut short due to lockdowns, Peter Holland ended the season as our best speaker, receiving yet another accolade to his tally.

The annual McKertich competition is a comprehensive process that requires all students in the school to prepare a persuasive speech about a contemporary issue of choice. From there, the best speaker from each class is selected to mr Dylan Chow |

PUBLIC SPEAKING & DEBATING CLASS STUDENT NAmE 7A Marcus Mercuri 7B Michael Karrision 7C Nicholas Mousakis 7D Elijah Guer 7E Leo Basbanas 7F Leon Varsamis 7G Noah Phillips 7H Noah White 8A Hayagriv Mallichetty 8D Jake Calderaro 8E Noah Mahan 8F Ethan Collins 8G Nicholai Hampson 8H Matthew Ramman 9A Andrew Tan 9B Alex Marinis 9C Alessandro Pozzoli 9D Stefan Ianno 9E Liam Matteo 9F Elijah Ancora 9G Ethan Karagianis 9H Jordi Dermitzakas CLASS STUDENT NAmE 10A Harry Chetwin 10B Roey Shrestha 10C Sven Vas 10D James Batsis 10E Peter Holland 10F Kosta Balakas 10G Andrew Zaki 10H Keyan Bowker 11A Louis GabrielEmmanuelSchiavello 11B Liam Kakarantzas 11C Dantae Saouma 11D George Velgakis 11F Jake Johnston 11G Olly Bastien-Silva 12 Steven Tran present in a year-level competition before participating in the prestige evening in front of a live audience. Whilst the evening was unable to progress due to lockdown, students are to be congratulated for their courage in representing their classes. SALESIAN COLLEGE 65ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE PUBLIC SPEAKING & DEBATING

With the ongoing challenges associated with COVID-19, Salesian boys showed determination and enthusiasm in relation to Public Speaking and Debating. With thoughtprovoking topics ranging global policies, human rights and the dangers of digitisation, the students continued to widen their world view. The boys spoke eloquently about contemporary issues with a genuine joy for learning and informing. It was incredible to witness such critical thinking, and I’m optimistic that our future leaders will have a refined awareness of their roles as active citizens.

Credit must also go to Molly Tilley who has worked as Student Leadership Coordinator. Of particular note were the initiatives raised through student leadership that ended up being effectively pursued in meeting with members of leadership including the acting College Principal Mr Carter. The Wellbeing and Pastoral Care traffic light check in system assisted teachers, parents and boys to create awareness of how the boys were travelling, and enabled us to check in with boys and their families who identified that they were struggling while they were in remote learning. This idea came through the sharing of ideas from other schools.

STUDENT WELLBEING mr Brendan Douglas | Assistant Principal - Students

Praying! I’ve been doing a lot of that these days. My number one daily prayer is that 2022 will see the end of remote schooling for our College. It’s been a tough two years. Without a shadow of a doubt, the boys graduating Year 12 at the end of 2021 have had their resilience tested more that any other year level in my memory. I’m delighted to add that they have lifted to the challenge as well. In my time at the College I don’t think I have ever experienced student leadership of the like demonstrated by our College Captains Steven Tran, Keelan Corcoran and Robbie Miller. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep our boys connected, focus on their mental health and made great strides in raising awareness of the need to tackle discriminatory language and homophobia.

The Wellbeing team was reshaped this year with the resignations of Joelle Chaperon and Shruti Khazanchi. On board came Montana Nicolotsolopoulos and Dan Wood (ex-student Class of 2013), who have worked positively with Tim Swayn in counselling students, running programs for staff and boys, and refining administrative processes that have enabled them to be more effective in their work as part of the Pastoral Team as a whole. In 2021 there was a change to the Year Level Coordinator team as Rhea Beurs took maternity leave to settle in her new baby daughter. Heath Chipperfield stepped into the breech and has done an outstanding job with the boys. His focus on the boys trying to be their best, supporting each other and positively enjoying every moment of their time with each other really resonated with the year level as a Christinawhole.Romano, Craig Giles, Chris Ryan, Malwina Dwyer and Deb Rabot continued their remarkable efforts led by Deans of Junior and Senior school Byron Chen and Kim Beurs. The Pastoral team go above and beyond for our boys. They have a deep love for the community, and their commitment to it brings the charism of St John Bosco and the teachings of our Lord Jesus alive in the daily lives of all they come into contact with.





Shrove Tuesday is always a delicious highlight of the year, our leaders arriving at school at the crack of dawn to feed the hungry masses. Chris Ciorciari, a born natural behind the BBQ, flipped hundreds of pancakes as the rest of the boys piled on the toppings and coaxed in the crowds. Annecy’s admirable efforts went towards helping those who need it most.

ANNECY HOUSE miss Georgina Dow | Head of Annecy House


Annecy House put its whole heart in every single day this year. The spirit and unity within its members led them to the House Cup win in back-to-back years. I have been blessed to work alongside dedicated Year 12 Captains Kellan Hill, Thomas Valle, Keelan Corcoran and Robbie Miller. We wish these boys and the Year 12 group every success as they graduate and in their future endeavours. I also wish to extend my sincere appreciation to the amazing Annecy Leaders Chris Ciorciari, Mitch Wain, Peter Holland and Jack Iverson. Annecy, you make me so proud, keep on roaring!

It was an absolute blast leading Annecy to another year of victory. What a win! HILL 12 ANNECY HOUSE CAPTAIN


A rocky start to the 2021 House calendar, with wild weather and COVID restrictions resulting in multiple postponements and cancellations to our carnivals. Yet, with arguably the best leadership team Annecy has ever seen, fearlessly led by Captains Kellan Hill and Thomas Valle, we were ready to take on any challenge that crossed our path. When the time finally came to jump into the swimming pool, Annecy was ready and eager. The participation throughout the whole day from Annecy members was something to be proud of, we manned every race and ultimately participated our way to the top. Sitting in second position all day, it all came down to the relays. With Robbie Miller shouting encouragement through the megaphone, our captain Kellan jumped in the pool for his first ever swimming race, proving to all that it’s never too late to get involved. The surprising carnival win for Annecy made it all the more special. After a cancelled Cross Country in 2020, it can only be assumed the other three Houses forgot to show up for this year’s event. Annecy easily took first place in all but one year level. Honourable mentions to champions: Trent Papenfus (12), Enrique Soria (11), Peter Holland (10), Marcus Churchhill-King (9) and Ethan Gemetzis (7). Annecy can certainly run!

It has been a pleasure to be around so many hard working and dedicated people. A group of boys that have led Annecy to victory for two years in a row! Annecy will continue to strive for excellence and integrity! KEELAN COLLEGECORCORANVICECAPTAIN SALESIAN COLLEGE 69ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE ANNECY HOUSE

HOUSE mr Dylan Chow | Head of Collinson House



Collinson’s rebuild to form continued its momentum in the 2021 year, led by House Captain Antony Bernardo and Vice-Captain Alex Mathieson. The Green Machine swam, ran and ate in pursuit of the revered House Cup, looking to improve from the bronze medal the previous year. In Salesian tradition, the Swimming Carnival was the first opportunity for us to assert our dominance. In Collinson tradition, we fought courageously but ultimately fell short. Trung and Nam Le (10) were dominant, filling every swimming event. Alessandro Pozzoli (9) was a clear standout competing with Savio’s best Andrew Tan. The esteemed Year 10 Tug of War team, spearheaded by Sam Wallbridge continued its perfect streak. Despite the admirable efforts, we held up the ladder in 4th place. We are beginning to establish ourselves as the House with the biggest appetite and deepest pockets; continuing to obliterate the competition with our fundraising efforts on Shrove Tuesday. We backed this up with a better running effort in both the Athletics and Cross Country (3rd and 2nd respectively). Whilst it was another year disrupted by the numerous lockdowns, the Collinson spirit remained strong. It was truly inspiring to see our Senior House leaders work with the juniors as they prepared for House Debates that were sadly cut short. Antony and Alex, Jake and Andrew and Dieter and Gus were excellent representatives for the House and I would like to congratulate them for their efforts. Beyond this, the efforts of the countless Collinson boys who assisted throughout the


Another interrupted year did little to curtail the enthusiasm of the Moroney cohort of 2021. Led brilliantly by our senior captains Mitch Savic & Blake Holding as well as their understudies Sid, Harry, Gishain & James, our Moroney Knights aimed to claim their first House Cup trophy since our all-famous three-peat!



The annual Swimming Carnival was the first opportunity for our boys to put their skill on display, and what a performance they dished up! Going in as massive underdogs, the Moroney swimmers tried their hearts out and fell agonisingly short to finish 2nd overall. The entire team was brilliant all day, however I would like to give a special mention to three boys in particular: Cooper Fry, Narichard Chann & Roman Velona, each of whom competed in every single event across their respective age groups! Well done! We have been known as a house who are all to willing to put ourselves forward and assist others, and Shrove Tuesday proved to be no different. With a completely unbiased view having surveyed staff & students from across the school, it was without a doubt Moroney had the best tasting pancakes and most generous servings. I was proud of the way the entire Moroney team stepped out to support one another for a great cause. A number of interruptions from then on threated to derail the spirit of the group, however as soon as school resumed again our junior and senior debaters showed their strength and Moroney won the majority of their first-round match ups against the other houses. Another interruption ruined our chances to take home the prize, but our teams can hold their heads high, knowing how well they performed. The final event for the year was the House Cross Country –an event which has never really been a strong suit of ours. However, both our Junior and Senior teams put their best foot forward and ran with pride to the line. They showed the spirit and strength of a Knight and I was glad to see so many smiles on faces on what was otherwise a cold and rainy Lastly,day.Iwould

mr Paul Azar | Head of Moroney House

like to personally thank every single Moroney staff member and student across the school who wore their colours with pride. Although we did not manage to win the House Cup, it was delightful to witness the effort each boy displayed throughout the year. I wish you all a restful break, and hope you come back ready to go again in 2022! Stay strong & stay loyal!



What a tumultuous year we’ve had! The Savio boys competed across many events throughout the year; in the water, on the track, and in the community – under the expert guidance of our Year 12 House Captains Ben Abraham and Tom Cashman.

mr Chris Donaldson | Head of Savio House

I consider myself so lucky to not only lead Savio, but to watch these young men grow and develop into a strong community, held up and supported by its leaders...

The year started with our feature event; the Swimming Carnival. Historically, the mighty Savio boys dominate in the water. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t our year as we had many unplanned absences in the Middle and Junior years that resulted in empty lanes. However, Andrew Tan of Year 9 proved again that he’s half man, half shark as he devoured all those that dared enter the pool with him! Similarly, the senior boys asserted their dominance and culminated their period of sustained success both in the swimming events, and more importantly in their unbeaten streak from Year 7 in tug of war. After such an exhausting day in the pool, it makes sense that the next house event is a well-earned feed. Shrove Tuesday is the day I look forward to the most in the house events calendar year for several reasons. It’s great to see the leaders, aspiring leaders, and Year 12 students rock up early to help out and create the atmosphere. It’s even greater to see the boys so generously purchase pancakes to help raise funds for those less fortunate than us. Whilst we didn’t win this event, there are definitely no losers.

2021 was yet again another year disrupted by numerous lockdowns, which has many and varied challenges associated with it. Throughout all of this, the Savio spirit was unwavering and strong. I consider myself so lucky to not only lead Savio, but to watch these young men grow and develop in to a strong community held up and supported by its leaders: Ben Abraham, Tom Cashman, Daniel Amendola, Emmanuel Louis, Roey Shrestha and Marcellino Baselyous. I cannot thank these boys enough for their hard work and commitment to the Savio cause throughout the year. Whilst 2021 wasn’t our year on the scoreboard, we are reinvigorated and ready for an all-out war in 2022. Let’s go Bulls!



mr Brendan Douglas | Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing

3. Collinson

Not only did the dreaded COVID-19 continue to give us all headaches in 2021, we also had issues with the rain. Bad weather intervened and meant we were not able to get our Athletics Carnival to run. Such a shame!

1. Collinson

2. Savio






The Citizenship Shield is awarded to the House that encourages its students to be outwardly supportive of fundraising and charitable events during the year. Once again, this was made harder this year due to the pandemic. Annecy backed up again to take their second shield in a row.

4. Savio

3. Annecy

2. Collinson

The Cultural Shield is awarded to the House that gains the most points for participating in Debating, Public Speaking and other cultural events on the College calendar. Collinson continued on with the excellent form winning the Cultural Shield two years in a row.

1. Annecy

Over the year, points are given for participation in social justice activities, sporting carnivals, debating, striving for academic excellence and in particular the merits given for those acts of spontaneous kindness that are present here at Salesian College Chadstone. Heads of House are challenged to bring this positive and joyous spirit to the surface, and in 2021 we had some fine leaders in this area. Georgia Dow led Annecy, Dylan Chow Collinson, Paul Azar Moroney and Chris Donaldson Savio house. Georgina Dow and Annecy were the holders of the 2020 Cup and the other Houses were desperate to take it away from them.

2. Moroney

3. Moroney


1. Annecy

4. Moroney

Points are awarded to boys over the year for the quality of the academic work they submit to staff. The Academic Shield is awarded to the House which manages to achieve the most points for the year. Last year it was Annecy House which took the prize, and their strong form continued on into

4. Savio

1. Annecy 2. Savio 3. Collinson 4. Moroney

The Sport Shield is awarded to the House that performs best at the House Swimming, Athletics and Cross-Country carnivals. As we were not able to run the Athletics Carnival this year, the points for this section were taken from the Swimming Carnival and Cross Country. While it’s great to have athletes who can star, the real winners are the teams who ensure that they have the utmost in participation. Points are also awarded for positive cheering on of competitors at various events. Annecy House kept it stellar 2020 form going and emerged with the Cup.


1. Annecy 2. Collinson 3. Savio 4. AnnecyMoroneyhaveshown that pulling together, turning up and doing your best once again will always get your team over the line. A wonderful sustained effort by Annecy who demonstrated that 2020 was by no means a fluke. Miss Georgina Dow has done an amazing job as leader of Annecy House. The work that student House leaders do in support of the Head of House cannot be underestimated. Their enthusiasm to make our school one where we all feel that we belong is outstanding. My sincere thanks to them all. I’m sure we are all looking forward to a year in which we are all at school every day so we can continue to contribute to and improve the positive culture of our school in 2022.




forward.YEAR 12

A special thank you to our three College Leaders Steven Tran, Keelan Corcoran and Robbie Miller, who had the difficult task of leading in 2021. You have contributed an enormous amount of time and effort behind the scenes. We are all extremely proud of you. Thank you for the manner in which you have conducted yourselves, and the way you have responded and risen above the challenges thrown at you. Lastly, together with the staff, I would like to wish you the best in your journey moving

It is no secret that 2021 was a defining milestone for many of the boys in the “Class of 2021”, for more reasons than one. None of them expected that they would endure the limitations and restrictions and complete both years of their VCE program amidst a continuing global pandemic.

Our Year 12 boys have been extremely fortunate in having a wonderful team of Oratory mentors supporting them through this difficult year. I would personally like to thank Ms Abby Milesi, Mr Sam Bentley, Mr Peter Bermingham, Ms Emma Marsh, Mr Dylan Chow, Mrs Nadia Knight and Mrs Kathryn Zwalf for their tireless work mentoring our boys this year. You have all been an incredible team to work with in 2021.

It’s fair to say that the experience of the three lockdowns, in particular the extended period of remote learning and the continual disruption to learning made the school year unlike any other; extremely challenging for both VCAL and VCE students.

mrs Deborah Rabot | Year 12 Coordinator

Term 1 began as normal, with the regular structure of Year 12: assessment tasks, study halls, banter about upcoming Year 12 events such as the Formal, the wearing of the Year 12 College Jumper and the usual chaos at the lockers. The boys were beginning to settle into their programs, managing to enjoy the Motivational Breakfast and squeeze in the Annual Swimming Carnival, before being interrupted by our first 5-day snap lockdown. Upon our return was the Year 12 Retreat, before we were locked down for a second time, forcing us to miss a lot of our Term 1 events.

The GAT, Year 12 Formal and Valedictory were among the many events that were disrupted, not to mention the venue for the final exams. In spite of this, as a Year 12 cohort, you all managed to take it in your stride and get on with the task.



ORATORY12A DeMirenSilva While this year hasn’t been what we expected, I am proud of the way 12A have navigated the many challenges thrown their way. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your final three years at Salesian. I wish you all the best for the future. ms Abby milesi DeAngelloZilva Dimetriou-DicksonNicholas EamesJosh FentonAngus RamananAsutosh TandocJamesJustinVuXavierWilson WithersDeakinTranPatrickVuDarcy TsouparidisNikitaZachariahWattAlexYounes WeerasingheMatthewTuLavindu WellnerAdrianBevanUng BenjahminThomasValleWilkinson ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Jude Vulling SALESIAN COLLEGE 81ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

Three years. Three long and storied years. They were 10B, then 11B, and eventually 12B, now exemplary young adults out in the wide and wonderful world (some cause for concern). “We’ll always have Paris”, said Humphrey Bogart’s character in Casablanca. And we will always have the National Silent Ball League; and memories, great memories. Thanks boys. Salad Days. mr Sam Bentley CuthbertsonTed ThomasFilipovic RyanFord FornaroCosi IannoLuca

KraloglouAnthonySam Sciffer SkopakowMark RojeroBraulioMartinezDomenicSesaJohnStasinos RosenbergerAaronAdanSiengJohnStavrinidis SantaeraAndreDanielSiraitDylanSuarez SivashankarShreyasDarrittSaoJohnnyTa SkarajewMitchellSavicJoshuaSALESIAN COLLEGE 82ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

CashmanTom 12BORATORY

ORATORY12C AbrahamBen Congratulations to the young men of 12C as they graduate from Salesian College. Despite the challenges put before them, they have proven themselves to be made of sterner stuff! I have fond memories of the two years we’ve been together, and know that their Salesian years have prepared them well as they now embark on the journey of life post-secondary school. Good luck boys. mr Peter Bermingham ShanelleAlgama ChristianAthans MiyuruBalage BalakasPetros LachlanBaxter SebastianBelivanisMichaelAaronCheaFilipovic GeorgoudisBernardoAntonyKeelanCorcoranIlias ParameshCrockettAndrewBishopJamesPrajay D’AgostinoBongiornoAaronPaulKyeNathanael CastilloJoshuaVasDabos ChristopherCharlesPeterDeMarco SALESIAN COLLEGE 83ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY


ms Emma marsh CandrisBilly TomIson IversonWill NathanKent AndrewKeo RatumuDamienLamRickyPhungJordan MathiesonAlexanderOwenPlionisNitpreetRikhiraj PoldrugovacHaydenNguyenJacobKarchRojas NicholasOrlandoTienQuachTristanWhite PapenfusTrentAaronRajendra RamachandranPeacockThomasJeromeSALESIAN COLLEGE 84ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

Congratulations 12D on completing your VCE journey! It has been such a pleasure to be your Oratory teacher. I am so proud of the resilience and maturity have demonstrated throughout the past few years. hope remember your time at Salesian fondly, wish all the very best for your future endeavours.

CooperBrooks 12DORATORY



and I


ORATORY12E FausettRyan The bittersweet feeling of watching 12E graduate will forever conjure up memories of joy. It has been a blessing to witness you make such significant leaps in your development over our last three years together. I am so proud of the resilience and character you have all shown, particularly through these testing times. All the very best in the future as you leave Salesian as respectable young men, you will be missed! mr Dylan Chow NicolasKatsos KirkmanWilliam KotsinadelisChristian KoutsikosDean YiannisKyritsis MathewLlagunoTyroneAlbertJakeParente RobertJeremyLoboKostaMcCanceTravisPemberton McNamaraLocantroChristianNathanSimeonRoukakis MaimarosiaTsakistarasAlexanderFrancisRobbieMiller ManokaranCailanJackNenos MatthewMarinoJamesOrlando SALESIAN COLLEGE 85ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

BrkicRiley 12FORATORY

The class of 2021…what a group! These students are top of the class in my book; respectful, supportive, funny and all-round good people. They have worked so hard over the last two years which has certainly been difficult for them but they have done so with a great deal of determination and pride. Congratulations 12F on a job well done. I am very proud of you!

mrs Nadia Knight HodinjEthan HoldingBlake HubertsThomas StevenHuynh IndovinoJacob

IoakimidisAngeloGeorgeKarvounis RajbhandariJaikumarSauravSanish RossingtonRaghavJaitelyJay DominicJohnsonJackRusso SalvatoreMichaelKanarisLachlan ZendenKapoorShivamWenasSALESIAN COLLEGE 86ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

ORATORY12G CerdaAlexsi Once again, in this unique time 12G embraced challenges and persevered. I will miss the incessant giggling from Bao, Pranay and Co. at the back of the classroom, to the deadly silence during online learning, as boys struggled to wake up for period 1. Gentlemen, despite the remoteness of the past two years, I hope you remember Salesian fondly. I wish you all a future full of happiness, joy and great opportunity. mrs Deborah Rabot DjungLuke DanielDuri Earnshaw-FryMax EmmanuelEfstathiou ElEyadHajj AlexanderForsterChristianHeilSchronSatheesh HewadonatapattulageFortuneSidMenalNathanSeager GuneetGalleyKellanHillStevenTran GeorgeJerineDanielHo BaoPranayGiriKhangHoang SapozhnykovDanielPeterHan SALESIAN COLLEGE 87ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

Sal Di Rienzo II FailadisYianni AlexanderFassos AbridPhilipJo KasimisPhilip MacalusoAngus TheodoreNianiakas NicholasPham RodriguesDelwyn SantaeraMarcus ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Chris KaltsisSALESIAN COLLEGE 88ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 12 ORATORY

mrs Kathryn

The Year 12 VCAL class of 2021 have shown a determination and resilience that has been incredible to be a part of. They have worked hard at TAFE and Structured Workplace Learning, organised the World’s Greatest Shave, assisted with the Missions Cup and organised Don Bosco Oratory Week. Well done on staying strong through lockdown, and being such an amazing group of young men. Zwalf

ColleyBailey 12VORATORY


We began 2021 full of joy and hope that this year would be different, that it would be back to ‘normal’. We were able to start off the year together onsite and, luckily, were able to finish it in the same manner. Although it was another year with disruptions and distance – and we had to really dig deep for perseverance, motivation or optimism – the times physically shared on the Salesian grounds became ever so precious. Most of our boys began their VCE journey, with some undertaking Year 12 units. Some of us continued our VCAL journey while others excitedly joined the class after realising this pathway was more suited to their career choices upon graduation. One of the big events this year was our Year 11 retreat. This was held towards the start of Term 2 and saw the year group travel to a beautiful scenic location in Lysterfield, where we engaged in a guided program that challenged the toxic traits of masculinity and subsequent detrimental expectations by society. The boys did a wonderful job identifying positive masculinity, and genuine connections were formed discussing the concept of manhood. The day was sunny and the boys played mostly outside. In the sea of casual clothing and smiling faces, I remember the stilled moment of joy at the sight of us all being together again. The numerous snap lockdowns and the extended lockdown were hard: hard for the boys, hard for the families and our community as a whole. Honestly though, our time apart isn’t what we’ll remember. The memories which will last are the favourite recess or lunch spots for hangouts (covered courts, under the chapel stairs, near our lockers), participating (albeit perhaps limited) in sport, drama or music this year, the hype about the local Guzman Y Gomez opening up, the running jokes about my height or my shuffling days back in the Year 9 staff mockumentary. The best memories I will take away will be how special the boys made me feel. The boys and even some families regularly enquired about my baby boy’s health or development. It was so wonderful to see how tight-knit we were as a community (and how could we not after 3 years together?) and as I continued to watch the boys grow, they also witnessed me become a mum. At the end of the year, a handful of students concluded their journey with us for various reasons, including apprenticeships, and we wish them all the very best of luck! This is such a fine year level and, since Mr Ashmore’s commencement as Principal this term, I have been unbashful in raining compliments about this year group. I am certain that these boys will be an extraordinary example of what our college represents and stands for as Year 12s and leaders of the college in 2022. I will always remember these boys as my first year group, how can I not when they’ve made such a big

YEARimpression?11ms malwina Dwyer | Year 11 Coordinator



AjaniLuke Another year with 11A has been brilliant, especially with our new additions in 2021. Our Oratory wanted to be onsite, but we didn’t limit our bonding during remote learning! We stayed connected and made Oratory fun with trivia quizzes, riddles, breakout room chats and check ins, and Scattergories. The boys in 11A are going to crush Year 12, no matter what life throws at them! mrs malwina Dwyer AmedeoMichael ZachBlair CahillSean ChristopherCiorciari DilanthaCooray ZammitTristanSoldatiXavierDragaBenDarcyHair ThurstonSamSiddarthEastonRonanKapoorEnriqueSoria MitchellWainMartinielloThomasMarvinElliottMichaelSteen DengWal PearsonGomesAaronNick AlexanderGounarisMaxSikuler EdwardMaisonGrossoSinclair SALESIAN COLLEGE 91ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY

AngusAllan 11BORATORY 11B were an absolute joy to mentor in 2021. They have faced many challenges throughout the year and have approached each one with maturity and a positive attitude. All have proven to be excellent role models and essential to the fabric that makes up our Salesian College community, we are so proud of you. All the best with Year 12 and beyond, you will be great! ms Alexandra Tsiavis JerwinArino NarichardChann NicholasColaci PramishkaDeAlwis FernandesAaron GhanakasNicholasBlakeMcKenzieJamesPelusoEricZhu PolychronopoulosFletcherLochlanHardieMcPheeAris SebastienHuppeJustinMeanWillRice SaoumaMitchellJacobSamIsonDantae TamJohnstonJakeThanhNguyenTomScown Kai Van Der MachayaLleytonZweepKeeganParkerSALESIAN COLLEGE 92ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY


ORATORY11C DilenneAlgama It has been an absolute pleasure to watch the boys of 11C grow and flourish this year. Despite the difficulty of again being back in remote learning, I am so proud of the way the boys were able to show great fortitude and dedication in beginning their VCE journey. I look forward to seeing them finish their time at Salesian next year. miss monique Capomolla KristianAparo BallantyneJames Bastien-SylvaOlly LeonardoBittarello ChamnanchangBrendan ChristodoulopoulosDeanLachlanKumicAngusStantonBenWheeler

Van Der ZweepMaralandeNicholasEastonAidenNicholasSuraweera VelgakisGeorgeEmmanuelGinigeAaryanNatarajanLesterTanjutco RomanVelona NimmervollGrewcockLachieAlex PegiouLucasLucaHill HorvatFlynnPierceQuach SALESIAN COLLEGE 93ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY

What a pleasure it’s been to watch this amazing bunch of boys mature into young men. I am so proud of how 11D has navigated challenges with resilience, a sense of humour and support for their mates. I look forward to seeing you all flourish in your final year as Salesian Men. I hope it will be more ‘normal’, but trust that it will be a year of great success for you all.

BrightonAlphred 11DORATORY

miss Georgina Dow AvramopoulosAndrew DylanBe CherrySam OskarCislo Collier-MurphyKai CordeiroLiamDavidHickeyThomasParkAndrewZhang KynanDavisOmKarAlanRegi SchiavelloKrivanekMichaelNavrajGillGabriel GreenawayJakeMichaelLeggDanielTrang GiuseppeKennyHaMatusanIvanTruong HariharanHarshanLachlanTurtonGeorgePappasSALESIAN COLLEGE 94ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY

ORATORY11E AmbawattaAndrew 11E has been a great class to call home in the mornings this year. Great characters, future leaders and all brilliant young men. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you all this year. I’m excited to see what your future at Salesian and beyond holds for you. Congratulations for getting through challenges, and thanks for the fun and friendship throughout the journey. I wish you all the best. mr Stuart Hill ArsabhuvanaEthan MatthewAwad BalasuriyaSaeran CaminosBlake Raffy Casals BenjaminCurtisKobiHarrisKennyLeJacksonWright TheodoreMilonasDeaytonLachlanJasonHoSpiroLouras SpencerSamDewapakshageHeshanDhruvIsraniJacksonLuzares ThomasWilson AdrienFaronKevinKang KatzourakisFernandesCalvinKirk GiannakopoulosMaikiAshleyKearns SALESIAN COLLEGE 95ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY

BlaikieTom 11FORATORY F is for fashionably late, fun and fantastic! All of which sums up 11F perfectly. Cheers to another year of fun and laughter, all the best for Year 12! miss Angela Liyanage JamesBof ColantuonoDomenic AshtonCurtis MarnavDeo AdrianDimar EmmanuelAlrinJogiLouisYashPilankarJohnVayenas KakarantzasWestcottLachlanLiamGatluakMataiThomasRusso TabaczynskiMcNidderLanceKieuJaiJake KrishshanthanThesiganJustinNguyenThiedusThai PanagiotakopoulosBrianLePeteJamesTriskelidis LokheeTruongJohnNigelJudePereraSALESIAN COLLEGE 96ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY

mr Kim


It’s been a pleasure to get to know 11G this year. They have impressed me with their friendly banter and resilience, especially as we have tackled another lockdown. Each member of 11G has engaged in meaningful conversations throughout the year, and demonstrated a maturity that reminds of what it means to be a young Salesian Man. I am very thankful for the memories they have given me in 2021. Beurs

MatthewCarrig D’RozarioHarry D’SouzaAdam AmishFazi FernandesJayden GantelasJimmyJeremyLyBrodySharp AidanTranSharrockManiatisGeorgeFrankHugoNoah VengadachellumVarounenMunHattersleyZakJaydenWaiNgKonnorTavlas AlvinYala O’MearaJacksonKnightLiam LanyonAustinShanePerera PuidokasCalvinLehrRemy SALESIAN COLLEGE 97ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY




What a year have had! The tenacity and resilience the and the amazing friendships that these terrific young have fostered, have bought positivity to very trying times. been a pleasure to teach, have no doubt that that will all achieve great

and I

11V have


class displayed,

OlivierAlija 11VORATORY

things in Year 12. mrs Emily Roach JacksonDias FacchinoLeon HilliardJack DanielKedis LuyJet MuscaraLucas PettigrewAlex PolitesJames JonathanRavipati RobotisAthan TaylorAlex ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Ned BrooksSALESIAN COLLEGE 98ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 11 ORATORY


The Year 10s were challenged to become positive leaders by being ‘followers’ within the college community, not just through their words, but by their actions or deeds.

I would like to acknowledge the continued efforts and dedication of our Year 10 Oratory Leaders throughout the year, especially for their support of our cohort throughout remote learning: Mr Steven Loonstra (10A), Ms Emma Bradley (10B), Mr Brendan Douglas (10C), Ms Molly Tilley (10D), Mr Jason Collins (10E), Mr Tristan O’Brien (10F), Ms Molly O’Shea (10H) and Ms Carolyn Ellul (10P). Thank you!! Also, a special mention to Mrs Rhea Beurs for her initial leadership during Term 1 and Mr Kim Beurs for his continued support as Dean of Senior Students.


Within school-based events, students were also provided with a variety of opportunities, watching a stage production of William Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ for Year 10 English, attending the Careers Expo at the Caulfield Racecourse, engaging in reflective practices such as the online learning conferences and utilising the Year 10 Future Focus Days to inform their individual pathways. Through these experiences, we found that many students were able to utilise these approaches and become actively informed in selecting a purposeful pathway option.

Whilst remote learning provided some disruptions to our school year, there were a magnitude of events that embodied these values, including our remote St Vinnie’s Winter Sleepout, Wear it Purple Day, the efforts of students such as Roey Shrestha shaving his head for the World’s Greatest Shave, the Year 10 PreCal students’ ‘Shakes and Snags’ fundraiser, and the participation of Year 10 students in the Cape York Indigenous Immersion program.

2021 was a year of great change for the Year 10 cohort.

These acts of community leadership also translated into the immediate context of the college, with the continued high standards of the Year 10 Sports Academy, the phenomenal lunchtime concerts by our musicians, the Remembrance Day presentation by our Year 10 PreCal students and further signified by Gabriel Kapaklis who was awarded the Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award.

Gents, it has been an absolute pleasure working with you throughout the past two years and I have no doubt that this year level will achieve phenomenal results, throughout the next two years and beyond. All the best in whatever you choose to pursue, and I look forward to watching your ‘dance moves’ as your transition into Senior mr Heath Chipperfield | Year 10 Coordinator

During an assembly early in the year, we watched footage of a music festival where a lone dancer instigated a movement. Through the actions of the courageous first follower, it was orchestrated to the bystanders that these bizarre actions were of acceptable social behaviour. Rapidly, the movement grew to the point where those watching were ridiculed if they weren’t ‘dancing’.

Throughout the course of 2021, we witnessed great growth, development and a fundamental movement based on our year level’s principles: Doing our best • Helping others achieve Respecting our environment


The Year 10s were challenged to become positive leaders by being ‘followers’ within the college community, not just through their words, but by their actions or deeds.

ORATORY10A ArnottOliver 10A is wonderful group of young men. We shared many laughs and enjoyed each other’s company while taking part in various competitions throughout the year. I wish them all the best as they enter their final years of school and I thank them for the fun-filled journey of 2021. mr Steven Loonstra ChetwinHarry CliftonNic FentonToby FernandoGishain ForsterPatrick NikolopoulosIversonJackPeteMaximusSykes JacksonLeeLouisNousisAlexValle SakellariosHaydenLoftStevenDanielValle LoiaconoJackJackScalzi DylanMackLiamScott StathopoulosMcFarlaneLachlanLucas ABSENT ON DAY OF PHOTO Dimitri Palatsides SALESIAN COLLEGE 101ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

AmroHady 10BORATORY 2021 has been an eventful journey for everyone in 10B. We have shared countless laughs, games of spoons and of course way too many snacks! I have seen you develop into young men, who are kind, caring and thoughtful. I am proud of all of you, and I look forward to walking alongside you as you enter VCE. miss Emma Bradley BanyaiJett BleekerNicolas BoloutisPaul BoulgourisJames MatthewByrden AlexanderHarrisonClarkHastingsHughRossDillonWilliams ShresthaDiEvanStasioWillHemsleyRoey McCanceEastonJakeStefanEthanSimon ChristopherFlechsigKyleRajivNairStefanatos PanoussisHardingMalakaiPatrickFarrellSusilo TriantafyllouLukaDarrenHarridgeAnthonyPapaliaSALESIAN COLLEGE 102ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

ORATORY10C PhilopatearBaselyous While it’s been a difficult year in many ways with remote schooling affecting the amount of time we had together, 10C have shown enormous resilience to keep their learning going. There’s been lots of laughs and good spirit and I know that 2022 will be a fantastic VCE/VCAL experience for them all. mr Brendan Douglas BillingNoah CavoloMax ChauhanVansh CsendesJamie GinoyaHardu PolychronopoulosNicholasThomasHurleyJamesThalassinos ChristianNicholasLinRaucciSvenVaz ManarasEvanBrendanRussoJulianWilson NavaratneRuchithJacobSands PapasotiriouDionMarkSarandakis RobbieEthanPaulTaylor ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Joshua Hee Keng Tyrone Corbett SALESIAN COLLEGE 103ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

MarcellinoBaselyous 10DORATORY

It has been a pleasure to get to know the boys of 10D this year. Considering the turbulence of remote learning, they’ve shown resilience and maturity beyond their years. I’ve enjoyed the great banter this year, and it’s been fantastic to see the group come together. I wish 10D nothing but they best as they move forward into their VCE journey. I have no doubt they will all achieve great things. miss molly Tilley JamesBatsis BeltramiLee WilliamCai AlexanderChann Coutts-HawkingEthan

DellChristianArcipreteSamHolmanOliverMulvogue SkarajewAndrewDoanZavierKhanTyler LangworthyBradmanDochertyRyanPaschalisTzintzis LachlanEamesAidenLatiefNamVu MaximusGardnerTomLeongHoratioZhang Hagen-MujicaDieterSebastianMillaresSALESIAN COLLEGE 104ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

It has


AntonopoulosFrancis a year like no other, showed great determination. many challenges, including lockdowns and the ordeal of the on-again-off-again Dance were all looking forward to, had some memorable days, including the Future Focus day. been a pleasure to lead this group, look forward to seeing all step up to the role of students next year.

Despite our




you all




mr Jason Collins EmmanuelAquino Avedissian-BrownJames ChristpherBenny ClarkeBryan DambrosiSam SebastianDeTylerSaGattoDamonOcchiuto TighelloLucaHattersleyDiMichaelPaoloJacobBenPeacock JordanVazHollandPeterDionDiazManrajSingh JimmyVu AnthonyFerraraMananMehta MiliotisCharlieTobithFrantz Nosworthy-MagillGalluccioChristianDylan SALESIAN COLLEGE 105ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

AngelucciCamillo 10FORATORY It’s been a year of many challenges, 10F, and in the face of it all you have constantly shown a beautiful spirit of playfulness, optimism and friendship. I cannot recall a week without moments of laughter. I have truly appreciated getting to know you all more and more across 2021; it will be a privilege to teach you again in the future. Congratulations for taking the year in your stride. mr Tristan O’Brien BalakasKosta BivianoDaniel DownardAngus GalanteAdrian HariyantoGavriel Jeff YoshawirjaPinzoneAdamNamHsuLeSamuel RodriguesNicholasJohnsonOliLinStionl SalvatoreKarissonPaulRyanMcCreaJames NelsonKhoreAryanJakeNoahSimoni SebastienKruegerXander Oorloff VanderhorstBrodie TimothyVoJackLeChristopherVagueressePetkaris ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Morgan Wenas SALESIAN COLLEGE 106ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

ORATORY10G AdamFaris The self-proclaimed 10 ‘Goats’ lived up to their title, demonstrating the ability to excel throughout challenging and adverse circumstances. Despite our limited time on-site, I will miss our silent-ball competitions, word puzzles and even the Wii MarioKart failings! I wish these fine young men all the best with their future endeavours! Mr Heath Chipperfield MassimoBelmuda BurbySethh MaxwellChable MatthewCurmi D’SouzaAidan KarvelasAndreasD’SouzaKeenanDanielRoberts WrzesinskiTomasDanielRyanDennisTrungLeKaidenSerrano YankovJamesTsakoumakisChristopherDeJaydenKauweLukeMarino AndrewZaki ElustondoHarrisonRoryPaterson Sean-PatrickGoAlexanderPhylactou KapaklisGabrielGusRoach SALESIAN COLLEGE 107ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY


in 10H! Remote

challenges, but

countless laughs

years at Salesian! miss molly O’Shea BrooksJordan DalamagasJason DawerParas FrangotsinosChris AlexIliuk AvellinoJonesSamuelRizkallaJames Topliff VanKourelisYianniDylanRosarioIsaacDenBosch SchultzLiptaiPeterBenFinn Van Der Zweep LoukosAaronJavierShean MontgomeryConnorVinTalarico WallbridgeSam NguyenNamAidanTenace ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Matthew Menzies SALESIAN COLLEGE 108ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY


BowkerKeyan 10HORATORY



year and I look forward

them grow as they

pleasure to lead these boys

What a great year has been learning brought again brought new that didn’t stop the from having and building great It was a this to seeing enter final

ORATORY10P DewSam 10P started the year with 5 students and grew to 14 by Semester 2. Each student has brought with them their unique story, which makes this group the best! We have worked, we have laughed, played footy and Uno, planted herbs and veggies, sold lolly bags, and most importantly, eaten donuts to celebrate birthdays! May the next stage of your journey be just as fun. ms Carolyn Ellul JordanLe HarryLee LoAlexRosso McCallumBeau JoshuaPerera ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO George Biliew Luca PeterQuadaraVouronikos SALESIAN COLLEGE 109ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 10 ORATORY

To the boys: it has been a pleasure to get to know each of you and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you this year. Thank you for giving your best during another challenging year and I wish you well on your return to the senior school. Enjoy the rest of your time at Salesian College. Good luck!


9 mr Chris Ryan | Year 9 Coordinator I would like to thank all the Year 9 teachers for their hard work throughout 2021. In particular I would like to acknowledge the permanent Mannix staff, Mr John Russo, Mr Nick Filippis, Ms Gabrielle Rolfe, Mr Anthony Anastasio, Mr Dane Rogers, Ms Emma Dodwell, Ms Josephine Thomson, Mr Andrew Papanikolaou, Ms Linzy Marsden and Ms Kat Barnett for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year.


2021 began with a sense of positivity and eagerness to return to the classroom environment. The students welcomed one another, and were clearly excited to be sharing the Mannix Campus. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces back on site and it was clear that both staff and students were looking forward to the year together. Throughout the year, the students involved themselves in all school events and showed a commitment to upholding the College values in all that they did. The retreat days afforded the boys an opportunity to stop and think about the decisions they make and the impact this may have on themselves and those around them. The themes from our retreat days carried across all aspects of campus life as our Year 9s acted with compassion and care in 2021. Term 1 was full of fun, starting with the House Swimming Carnival. All boys participated with exceptional house spirit and represented their campus with pride. We also managed to ‘sneak in’ our city experience excursion before an unexpected snap lockdown. This excursion was a real highlight of 2021 as the boys gained a deeper understanding of the rich history of the city of Melbourne and experienced some of the great attractions it has to offer. The excursion provides staff and students the opportunity to build strong and positive relationships and creates the foundations for our time together at the Mannix Campus. Unfortunately, our time on the Mannix Campus was short lived as we continued working from home for long stretches throughout 2021. Although challenging, the Year 9 students made the best of the circumstances and developed greater resilience and organisational skills. Hopefully this will serve them well in the coming


9AORATORY BabatsiasChristos It has been such a pleasure to work with the boys in 9A throughout 2021. Our classroom was always full of energy and laughter, both in person and while learning online. Thank you for giving your best and for making the Mannix Campus a better place. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey at Salesian College in 2022 and beyond. mr Chris Ryan BernardoChristian CochraneCharlie DeaytonIsaac EdwardsBailey EmmanouilRafael RamachandranGoodmanNicholasJunLeeCalvin LeonardoTimperioMaimarosiaGrenfellAngusDerickAndrewTan GavinToneTheodoropoulosMandileLucasJonesLucaRicky EliasYau McKnightNicolasKatakisIsaac KotsinadelisNathanJamesMcLaughlin MetsiosLazosLukeJulian ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Noah Alessi SALESIAN COLLEGE 112ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY

BenjaminBrooks ORATORY9B For 9B, 2021 will always be suspended in time and space, being neither here nor there – at school one day, at home for endless others. Thank you for the memories 9B. You were so valiant, so strong and so brave to have met the bombardment of disruptions that faced us all year. Stay strong and true to your convictions and in your faith! May God bless you always! mr Nick Filippis PatrickCherry D’AgostinoRuben GangatharanArjun Liam Griffiths AbhavKarumbaiahChenanda MarinisAlexJustinOnley McGuinnessAidenAayushPujar Angelo Moutafis RayenDylan NatsioulasRonaldRyanIlia AnthonySaraulloOwenNguyen SutherlandPatrick ThurstonWill ValiontisJames ThomasNguyen SALESIAN COLLEGE 113ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY

9CORATORY AndeSai 2021 has been a year filled with challenges, however, 9C showed consistent resilience. The year was filled with obscure tangents, lots of laughter, positive moments and a strong sense of family. I loved being a part of my 9C family, it was truly a pleasure teaching such a mature, respectful and kind group of students.

YEAR 9 ORATORY BivianoOscar BraganzaAyden CharlesEthan Churchill-KingMarcus

Don’t forget to mention me when you’re making positive changes in the world. miss Josephine Thomson DeAydenGuzman

DosHugoSantosNathanLimAlessandroPozzoliChristosTsoukalas MacauleyLachlanAndreGhalyJacob Raffa GiannikosCostaBaseerMazarrShivaramRamesh GrewcockBrodieTysonNgMatthewRickwood ShahabadiHrambanisNathanielTadhgO’DriscollSaman SebastianKotagalChetanPearsonLucasSimunicSALESIAN COLLEGE 114ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY

BattyeKoby ORATORY9D 9D 2021, where do I start…? A group made up of wonderfully unique individuals, all with their own exceptional personalities, came together to face another year full of challenges and obstacles. Despite this, they never faltered, and overcame everything in their way to become an extremely tight-knit group. We shared laughs, tears, and the occasional fiercely competitive soccer game during Oratory – I will miss them. All the best boys! mr Anthony Anastasio YEAR 9 ORATORY BlenkhornXavier CasuscelliJoseph BrodieDavis DemeldJeremy EdwardsXavier ZlatanovskiMatthewFantonBaileyNgodaraNathanSiraitIskra StefanoFazioAidanNippsOwenSpieth ValamparampilHatzigeorgiouMatthewChristianNunzianteAlbinJose AnthonyStefanIannoPascoeBenVu DavidJeremyJamesLucasRankinAshwinWestcott WrzesinskiMathiesonSpencerHaydenSelliahJoseph SALESIAN COLLEGE 115ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY

9ORATORYE KrishAngi 2021 for 9E was filled with joy and enthusiasm with the boys gelling well. 9E embraced the Mannix experience, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Despite going in and out of remote learning, they continued to keep their morale high, striving to achieve their best. I would like to congratulate the boys on a fantastic year and wish them all the best in their future endeavours. mr Dane Rogers AunEli YianniBallas Liam Chong Ah Min DiamatarisBilly DicksonWill KuruvillaDupontDeonAdamNikolasPopovic RayanSinghFernandezNathanealPeterLuakDeanRalston AshtonSmolicChristopherGrosdanisAlexMartinezZakkRuwoldt SungRyan Bryar Jefford MatteoLiam OkoumousisNathanKaoSteven ParenteKarthikSaranLukeSALESIAN COLLEGE 116ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY

NathanAwad ChamnanchangRyan BenjaminFord GarduceDaniel GasperSam VyHadzicZedJamieLiberisQuangNguyen MastorasZidaneHeldtPaulHamishSinclair MathiesonYokwanKakBenjiChiangThiep MilenkovskiChristianAyaanKhalilJamieUbachs VenturanzaMollanedaGuillermoDylanKiongVincent MorrisonJoshuaLiBailey SALESIAN COLLEGE 117ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY


AncoraElijah ORATORY9F

I feel so lucky to have taught and mentored the boys in 9F! the year we shared many special moments and created long-lasting memories. Their good natures and excellent sense of humour made coming to work each day such a pleasure. have enjoyed getting to know the boys and couldn’t have had a nicer class for my first year of teaching. All the best! Dodwell


miss Emma

9GORATORY CaiafaXavier “Sir, my camera doesn’t work”, “My Wi-Fi went down”, “Hi Sir, how was your weekend?”, “Boys, we really need to support each other” – and we did. This past year has been challenging. Whether online or face-to-face, I have been privileged to be a part of our growth, focusing on responsibility and respect. Well done and good luck for 2022. mr John Russo ChamnanchangTyson DunneZac FerraraMatteo GatkouthAussie GreenBen McHenryHusseinFadhalAllenOscarRyan GeorgeVagasNamdarianLachlanHuynhTysonRyanThomas WillersJuanKaragianisEthanHarisOrfanosJonathanTolmacev WintleHenry PapageorgiouKesumaWilliamVasili JamiesonLyAriPerera ManarasPeterCharliePiperSALESIAN COLLEGE 118ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY

MichaelidesFourlzeTarrantVasSholanceThomas ChenuraSamuelGouldNilaweeraPatabendigeNicholasTsamis KaramanavisPatrickLawrencePeraltaKaelTzintzis BenjaminJonathanKatsosPrabhuJoelWheeler EamonnKnightJoelRyanDieselWilliams WoolrichMarcJacksonLeopoldJakobSchock SALESIAN COLLEGE 119ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 9 ORATORY



What a rollercoaster 2021 has been for 9H! With the “quick changes” from face-to-face to remote learning, 9H approached all challenges with resilience and perseverance. New friendships were forged, old ones strengthened, leadership and ownership of learning skills were developed. There was never a dull moment with 9H. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know and mentor each of these fine young men. ms Gabrielle Rolfe CammarotoTory CampbellJulian CandrisLeigh DeOliverLuca DermitzakisJordi

Returning to school in Term 4 was something all the staff and students were looking forward to. I continue to get great feedback from Oratory and subject teachers on the behaviour and respect that this year level shows; I’m disappointed that we haven’t had more time together in what was a pretty disjointed year.

YEAR 8 mr Craig Giles | Year 8 Level Coordinator

On behalf of all Year 8s, I’d like to thank all of the teachers that have taught and encouraged the boys to give of their best, in particular, the Orators: Mr Azar (8A), Mr Seeber (8B), Ms Barcelona (8C), Mr Chen (8D), Mr Verbyla (8F), Ms Pinili (8G) and Mr Campisano (8H). I look forward to following the development of these boys, and hope they have an enjoyable and productive time at our Mannix campus in 2022.


Greeting the new Year 8 boys at the start of the school year, there was a real sense of anticipation as the boys caught up with friends and schoolmates. There were lots of questions and excited discussions: Who are my new teachers? What classes am I in? Will I be with my friends? Can Richmond make it three-peat? Unfortunately, COVID made the year difficult again, and through Term 2 and 3 we spent more time in remote learning than we did in the classroom. In all honesty, I was amazed by how well the boys managed the experience and the maturity and resilience they showed. Remote learning meant the boys had to be more organised and prepared to ask questions where they needed help. Microsoft Teams became an essential tool and the chat function was a great way for the boys to share their knowledge and help each other when needed. The support and involvement of families became critical during remote learning, and I congratulate all our families for the encouragement and care they showed in often very difficult times.

As Year Level Coordinator, I’d like to congratulate the boys for the way they have managed the year and all the challenges they have overcome. Hopefully the experiences of the year contribute to the building of capable, resilient and respectful young men who will continue to make a positive contribution to the school and their communities.

Letter writing is always a great experience; hopefully parents enjoyed reading their son’s letter as much as the boys enjoyed receiving one back.

In one amazing piece of luck, we were able to have our Year 8 retreat at Phillip Island in Term 3. It was a great chance for the boys to spend time with their friends and challenge themselves in a range of outdoor activities.

Whilst we were restricted in the Year-level activities we could do, the virtual Father/Son Evening was a great night. Dads and their sons reflected and chatted about the role they play in each other’s lives, sharing some special memories. With all the worry and uncertainty present this year, the chance to share an evening together without distractions made it a memorable occasion, and the feedback from attendees was extremely positive.


8AORATORY AllanJack Another year, and more lockdowns. 8A could have thrown in the towel, but this bunch of resilient young men pushed on and made it a memorable year. Our silent ball competition became online games, our gym sessions became YouTube workouts, all of this done with a smile! Boys, you have shown great character to overcome exceptional circumstances. Good luck for Year 9 & beyond. Thank you for the memories. mr Paul Azar AnthonySamuel AndrewByun D’RozarioJaiden EmmanouilLucas SnowyEvans NicholasFranklinSamuelIversonTateMoleSashaUng WatersJack SeverinoJulianNikolopoulosChristianFranzoniAlvinLeeKosta SmithCalebSchroderCooperFryXavierLoftMax TsotsosDeon GunatilakeRoshanWissamMalaeb MallichettyHayagrivSpencerGuzzo AlexanderImpalaOliverMannSALESIAN COLLEGE 122ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY

mr Chris Seeber JamesDeng DevendraThenuk DinataleDaniel Aidan Rhys Fernandes ShauryaGupta

Avila-EscobarLukas ORATORY8B

Maguire-NguyenThomasSachinJamesThomasPhillips MarambageBrendanKangHeroonFinnPower KukulovskiHarrisonLiamNovelosoAlexSabljak OcchiutoMatthewLindenAntonTanvirSingh ShreyasRohanAndyLuyParikhVemula MaddumahewaMatthewYapNethilIsaacPeluso SALESIAN COLLEGE 123ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY

To teach 8B is to be attuned to the unusual and exceptional. A group that supports and cares for each other. A group that is prepared to risk failure in pursuit of success and a group that delights in learning. Savouring the joy of school and appreciating the blue sky. 8B is built different.

to grow, and lockdowns


us to work harder, they

next chapter

our journey. (Peter Yip and Julian Geros 8C) ms melina Barcellona ArapisTheo JoshuaAthas SinghSimranjotBatth D’RozarioRowan ThomasDew FitzgeraldChristian Geoffrey Kong Shing Cheong MilonasEliPeterYip RyleyScottAlexanderGardinerJoleLiberisSpencerO’Shea DominicSejasLucarelliGentileDeanJackJackPeluso Beau Van Der Zweep GerosJulian Jeffery Ly GounarisThemiGabrielMainey HamiltonLewisAndreManiatisSALESIAN COLLEGE 124ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY

we will not forget. Looking

8CORATORY AndersonBen

This has been challenging yet to continued motivated have left lucky enough, an experience forward to the of


us frustrated. We were

however, to go on our Year 8 Camp;

Oratory Class 8C. While our good comradery

Thom-TydellOrion VourvoutsiotisEmanuelle AmedeoSteven ORATORY8D It has been an eventful year as it was last year, but I am confident that watching you all grow and develop over such challenging times, you will be the very best versions of yourselves when it’s time to graduate at the end of Year 12. All of you, including those who hide in a bush. mr Byron Chen BataviaAryan BombonatiDean CalderaroJake Cohen-BudgeThomas GuerrieriDamon HatzimihelakisAlexanderZoranLatinStefanPegiou EbiAbelJosephJiakieLinRayPerera LochlainKeleherIbrahimMahdyPeterRomios MatsakasJonathonKolendaWillChoedenSee KoupouzosPeterLucasMerrySamuelSfetsas KumaranSharmaSatyamNitishIggyPalma SALESIAN COLLEGE 125ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY

8ORATORYE PriyanshAgarwal 2021 was a challenging year. I was very impressed by the way the boys in 8E handled the changes we faced. Whether in class or learning at home, they maintained a positive outlook and provided great support for each other. A fun group whom I really enjoyed, I look forward to seeing these boys around the school; hopefully I’ll have the chance to teach them again at some stage. mr Craig Giles AnagnostopoulosNicholas AndronisGeorge AntonioBasile BuxtonJed Cohen-BudgeNoah VanCuthbertsonRobbieHarryGardnerConnorKeleherJacobDenBosch WelcomeJordan MartinZacGhanakasDeJulianMarcoChristianNoahMahan MilanRegiDiZanderPettaMehulGirdharHarryMann SchroderJosh DilmahomedEmaadJamesGordon ForsterOliverCharlieHawtin GantelasLiamJoshHolman ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Michael Stavrinidis SALESIAN COLLEGE 126ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY


ZachariahCrellinJoshHeadLouisQuirk Dimetriou-DicksonDanielBillyKakarantzasAnthonyRiccardi DimitrakakisEmmanuelAnthonyKimNathanSoares KuruppuncherilMikhailFotisRyanAnthonySpano VincenziniChristianGautamAbinDavidLegg WijjarupageRaveenLukeGreenawayEmilioLopez ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Kael Tzintzis SALESIAN COLLEGE 127ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY


Yet another very interrupted year for the class 8F. We are now experts in remote learning – a dubious honour. But our class has adapted to the radically changed circumstances extremely well in spite of everything. Some of us still struggled to make it to Period 1 on time, even with extra sleep-in time not having to travel to school. But we improved as the year progressed. Well done 8F –great accomplishment. Ken Verbyla BakalisNiko CharlieBoyles CharabieThomas CheonDaniel CollinsEthan


8GORATORY BabbingtonMatthew Having come to Salesian mid-year, I didn’t expect to be greeted with such bright, interesting and enthusiastic students. 8G never failed to put a smile on my face; their optimistic attitude was always refreshing. Thanks for putting up with me on Thursdays (when I saw them 3 out of 5 periods!) and for making me feel welcome! All the best boys - I can’t wait to see you flourish into gentlemen! miss Gazielle Pinili BondesanRyan BywaterJames CaimakamisHarley JustinChea TiernanCoyles DavidsonTomKobyHeerahAnthonyOresti SenanayakeTharusha Jack DiJacobsOscarPaoloBrianQuan TorcasioJamesKaramanlisAlexanderLachlanFlynnYiannisRoussos JacobTy KattakayamSharonJamesGatto NicholasGrilloJinsueKim HampsonNicholaiJensenLee ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Cooper Clothier Zac Djeri SALESIAN COLLEGE 128ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY

AyaanAyaanAhmed ORATORY8H 8H were a terrific group of young men. Our Oratory class got through COVID and shared many laughs together along the way, which made for a fun and friendly learning environment. I wish you all the best for the future and I look forward to following your future achievements. mr Dan Campisano CasuscelliDaniel GeorgiouThomas KapotasRoss LabourKaleb LaoSky Lechi-MereginiAkachukwuShenardRaheemValentinoTalarico RammanMatthewMaxLeeChrisThia LiberatoscioliLiamWillRobertsDuTran WouterszMackayMiloJackRogersTristan McCredieLachieHugoRossiJamesWright Archie Oorloff SebastianSaouma ABSENT OF DAY OF PHOTO Amir Almansouri Thaar Nicholas Kyriakoulis SALESIAN COLLEGE 129ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 8 ORATORY

With timid faces and baggy blazers, the Year 7 cohort of 2021 began the year on a really positive note with their cool confidence. The focus of the year was ‘responsibility’ as the students were encouraged to show leadership in their organisation, relationships with others and extracurricular activities. Despite the challenges that 2021 brought, the students showed impeccable resilience and determination in their studies.

YEAR 7 miss Christina Romano | Year 7 Coordinator

Building on resilience and sense of responsibility were central themes for the year as the Year 7s navigated remote learning and developed their organisational skills. The Mother and Son Evening was a celebration of the positive relationships the boys have with their mothers or an important female mentor in their lives. Despite this being an online event, the boys and their mothers and guardians thoroughly enjoyed this heart-warming experience in the comfort of their own homes. Music and Performance took centre stage across the year, with all students having the chance to pick up a musical instrument (many for the first time!) and getting to perform in front of their families. It came to my attention that we have some brilliant singers and musicians in the cohort!

The rolling green hills of Gippsland served as a background for the first experience as a cohort, for our Camp Rumbug experience. Students particularly enjoyed canoeing, archery and group activities in the muddy country terrain. Despite some tears and homesick hearts, overall the camp set the tone for the remainder of the term and allowed students to establish lasting friendships.

From a pastoral perspective, the Year 7 and 11 Mentoring Program was a great addition to our oratory program which allowed the students to build and foster positive relationships with senior students. Unfortunately, the usual program was disrupted by COVID, nevertheless the Year 7s relied on the counsel and advice of their senior buddies throughout the year. Overall, the program allowed the boys to feel part of the Salesian community and enabled them to feel a greater sense of belonging. Overall, the year presented the students with challenges, both good and bad. They sailed the ebbs and flows that come along with being new students and overcoming various lockdowns; I am proud to say that the boys embraced these challenges and learnt more about themselves and others through the process. It has been a pleasure supporting and building rapport with such an eclectic group of young men and taking the time to celebrate their various talents during the year. Now with a more confident presence and a few extra centimetres – I wish the cohort every success as they continue on their high school journey.


In 2021, the Year 7s quickly warmed to the various College events including House and College Carnivals where they ardently participated in friendly house competition. Furthermore, demonstrating their understanding of the Don Bosco spirit, students learnt the importance of almsgiving through the Eat Up Australia activity which allowed the boys to give back to the local community.

All the very best, boys!


BillingHarly CerovacJackson CiorciariThomas CochraneDaniel CormackAngus

McLaughlinDeaytonAnthonyDrewTylerSember TrcekBenjiGemetzisEthanMarcusMercuriLucasSmith VanJaiHoosHoriatellisTheodoreChristianNogaLuisSutton WongTheo JohnstonRileyTysonRabel LangworthyMitchellJamesRashio Misha-ElLazosAlexSeane RossZois SALESIAN COLLEGE 132ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

7AORATORY ArnottXavier

mr Stephen Sellwood

The 7A class has made a great start to life at Salesian. The boys demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm and work ethic, and became resilient and independent learners throughout remote learning. Highlights of the year were our weekly strength and conditioning sessions, held onsite in the gym or online in lockdown. It has been a pleasure to mentor this group, and I look forward to watching them grow.



Ms Carey and I have been honoured to spend 2021 with 7B! Every boy has begun their Salesian journey in an excellent fashion, despite the many disruptions of lockdown. There wasn’t a dry eye in the class when Class Captain Jack Ellis gave a stunning rendition of ‘Driver’s License’ by Olivia Rodrigo. It was a true pleasure to have such a wonderful Oratory! mr Thomas Andrews HamishBrooks Cerreto-DillonLeo JackEllis HariharanAbi ZacheriahHuynh

MudiyanselageGenukaKarissonMichaelMapaJjSleeman KarthikeyanSriGeorgeMastrapasAlexanderStavros WooMinKimOlleyPeraicKaushikVaidya LeadbetterNedRahulSajanKishoreVaidya VannitambySchiavelloJaydenLimDanteChrishan SeneviratneMacasaFrancisQuanVuSenan SALESIAN COLLEGE 133ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

7CORATORY AhujaKrish

mrs Leonie

What a fantastic but challenging year 7C has had in 2021. I have enjoyed every moment of being with this class, whether in person or via remote learning. They are a resilient, funny and friendly group of boys who have become wonderful contributors to the Salesian Community. I have watched them work hard, grow, and learn throughout the year, and I wish them all the best for their years ahead. Nathan

AjaniJoel EdwardBacon BiliewBiliew TimmyBurns CalderaroJordan SchneiderCharlesJakeLukeKearnsBen SkinnerJackConfortiMichaelSamuelMillaresTobiasSerrano CallumThieuMouzakisNicholasCorbenDanielFletcherShaw HampsonRafaelIsaacNg RambukwellaHassakisNicholasDheera HumphreysDarcyJamesRedlichSALESIAN COLLEGE 134ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

ColonnelliChristian ORATORY7D What an eventful year! Just when we thought we were out of the woods in 2020, COVID got us again. 2021 provided quite a few challenges but the 7D boys just ploughed on – making the best of a tricky situation. Thankfully they were resilient and hard-working and survived their first year of secondary school. Well done gentlemen! mr Simon Greely DermitzakisNicholas Marc Di Guglielmo MarcusDooley DownesCharlie EdirisingheAkein MassimoFazzinoKokwachKakElliottRogers Stefan Funtusoff Lachlan Le VagueresseJaxonSahib LiakakosGalileosCooperWilliamJaydenSee SollecitoLachlanGibsonArchieMoleLuca StantonNguyenTristanElijahGuerHarry HunashikattiTomlinHenryDhruvLukeRickwood SALESIAN COLLEGE 135ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

The students of 7E have demonstrated many times that they are a caring and generous group of young men. They embraced the challenges of remote learning and became more autonomous learners. The pandemic will end, while the resilience, persistence and optimism they have developed will bring lifelong benefits.


ms April ma BasbanasLeo LachieBayne BryanChea D’MelloNathan FitzgeraldJoshua RichardsonHagioglouSethSeamusO’DriscollBayley TurnerJordanKiridenaSachiJosOrfanosEthanRizinger VouronikosDimitriShoji-ColaricLazarouLucasChrisPeppasCalum ZelderOliver MatsakasSamVimukthiPerera PullenayegamMatusanLucaHenry MurrayJakeZac Raffa SALESIAN COLLEGE 136ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

CostantinoGeorgiou WilliamHuang

SamuelKerr Myers-HatelyKolivasEvanDieselLeonVarsamis WaduthanthirigeNathanielMandileJamieJadonSeth PapaioannouMcKennaWilliamJonnyTorinWilliams MitsioulisEthanAnthonyPhungAndrewZiino SchneiderMkhsianHaroutCharlie TsivranidisMouzakisStephenTerry SALESIAN COLLEGE 137ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY




From timid Year 7s to spirited young men, 7F grew with confidence in 2021. The students of 7F were respectful towards each other, as their Oratory Teacher it was wonderful to observe the culture of inclusion they established inside and outside of the classroom. In class they were known as good listeners and inquisitive learners. I wish them all the very best as they begin their Year 8 journeys! Christina Romano FishlockLucas KarissonCristian

7GORATORY AmendolaDean What a memorable year for 7G! Despite the challenges of remote learning, we discovered life-long friendships and the determination to be the best we could possibly be. It has been a pleasure to mentor this group of fine young men and I look forward to watching them grow in their Salesian journeys. All the best! miss mikayla Domini BaxterDaniel BrooksDaniel Churchill-KingPerry ColleyHarry Anthony Di Pietrantonio DissanayakaOninduIsaacMesehaBillyRyan VanAshWykNichollsDograJayBaileyHamish Saffin YoussefRamyPapanotasFowlerOscarJacobAaronShibu GeorgeJordanTomParks GrenfellAustinNoahPhillips AadamKhanJoshuaRussoSALESIAN COLLEGE 138ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

EngelanderChristianNicholasKatanasRyderStodal FernandezJaredJojoManualLucasTippett MatthewWilliamFrancisBrytonMorrisTsakos ThomasGalitosXavierNichollsDionVorilas RaheemKeyaanHadzicSamNoahWhite HopkinsZammitAshtonCharlieJamesSourris SALESIAN COLLEGE 139ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE YEAR 7 ORATORY

The boys of 7H took every challenge like it was just a small bump in the road, growing with every step. Being new to the school as well as a dealing with COVID challenged them. With friendships, resilience and a bit of humour along the way, these once young boys handled it with maturity far beyond their years. I can proudly say they have grown into promising mature young men! Brooks BayardZac JoshuaBayne BruigomRory CoyleSam DownardEamon

mr matthew


STUDENT ROLL CALL SURNAmE PREFERRED YEAR 7 Ahuja Krish Ajani Joel Amendola Dean Amos Isaac Arnott xavier Bacon Edward Baker Liam Basbanas Leo Baxter Daniel Bayard Zac Bayne Joshua Bayne Lachie Biliew Biliew Billing Harly Booth Zac Brooks Daniel Brooks Hamish Bruigom Rory Burns Timmy Calderaro Jordan Cerovac Jackson Cerreto-Dillon Leo Charles Jake Chea Bryan Chirambaguwa Adriel Churchill-King Perry Ciorciari Thomas Cochrane Daniel Colley Harry Colonnelli Christian Conforti Michael Corben Daniel Cormack Angus Coyle Sam Deayton Anthony Dermitzakis Nicholas Di Guglielmo Marc Di Pietrantonio Anthony Dissanayaka Onindu D'Mello Nathan Dogra Jay Dooley Marcus Downard Eamon Downes Charlie Edirisinghe Akein Ellis Jack Engelander Christian Fazzino Massimo Fernandez Jared Fishlock Lucas Fitzgerald Joshua Fowler Oscar Francis William Funtusoff Stefan Galileos Cooper Galitos Thomas Gemetzis Ethan George Jordan Georgiou Tino Gibson Lachlan Grenfell Austin Guer Elijah Hadzic Sam Hagioglou Seth Hampson Rafael Abinayan Hariharan Hassakis Nicholas Hopkins Charlie Horiatellis Theodore Huang William Humphreys Darcy Hunashikatti Dhruv Huynh Zacheriah Johnston Riley SURNAmE PREFERRED Kak Kokwach Karisson Cristian Karisson Michael Karthikeyan Sri Katanas Nicholas Kearns Luke Kerr Samuel Khan Aadam Kim Min Woo Kiridena Sachi Kolivas Evan Langworthy Mitchell Lazarou Lucas Lazos Alex Le Vagueresse Lachlan Leadbetter Ned Liakakos William Lim Jayden Macasa Francis Mandile Jamie Manual Jojo Mapa Mudiyanselage Genuka Mastrapas George Matsakas Sam Matusan Luca McKenna William McLaughlin Drew Mercuri Marcus Meseha Isaac Millares Samuel Mitsioulis Ethan Mkhsian Harout Mole Archie Morris Bryton Mouzakis Nicholas Mouzakis Stephen Murray Jake Myers-Hately Diesel Nathaniel Jadon Ng Isaac Nguyen Tristan Nicholls Bailey Nicholls xavier Noga Christian O'Driscoll Seamus Orfanos Jos Papaioannou Jonny Papanotas Jacob Parks Tom Peppas Chris Peraic Olley Perera Vimukthi Phillips Noah Phung Anthony Pullenayegam Henry Rabel Tyson Raffa Zac Raheem Keyaan Rambukwella Dheera Rashio James Redden Emmett Redlich James Richardson Bayley Rickwood Luke Rizinger Ethan Rogers Elliott Russo Joshua Ryan Billy Saffin Hamish Sahib Jaxon Sajan Rahul Schiavello Dante Schneider Ben Schneider Charlie Seane Misha-El See Jayden SURNAmE PREFERRED Sember Tyler Seneviratne Senan Serrano Tobias Shaw Fletcher Shoji-Colaric Calum Skinner Jack Sleeman JJ Smith Lucas Sollecito Luca Sourris James Stanton Harry Stavros Alexander Stodal Ryder Sutton Luis Thieu Callum Tippett Lucas Tomlin Henry Trcek Benji Tsakos Matthew Tsivranidis Terry Turner Jordan Vaidya Kaushik Vaidya Kishore Van Hoos Jai Van Wyk Ash Vannitamby Chrishan Varsamis Leon Vorilas Dion Vouronikos Dimitri Vu Quan Waduthanthirige Seth Walker Ben White Noah Williams Torin Wong Theo Youssef Ramy Zammit Ashton Zelder Oliver Ziino Andrew Zois Ross YEAR 8 Agarwal Priyansh Allan Jack Almansouri Thaar Amir Amedeo Steven Anagnostopoulos Nicholas Anderson Ben Andronis George Anthony Samuel Apokis Angelo Arapis Theo Athas Joshua Avila-Escobar Lukas Ayaan Ahmed Ayaan Babbington Matthew Bakalis Niko Basile Antonio Batavia Aryan Batth Simranjot Singh Bombonati Dean Bondesan Ryan Boyles Charlie Buckland Logan Buxton Jed Byun Andrew Bywater James Caimakamis Harley Calderaro Jake Casuscelli Daniel Charabie Thomas Chea Justin Cheon Daniel Clothier Cooper Cohen-Budge Noah SALESIAN COLLEGE 140ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT ROLL CALL

SURNAmE PREFERRED Cohen-Budge Thomas Collins Ethan Coyles Tiernan Crellin Zachariah Cuthbertson Robbie Davidson Tom De Marco Julian Deng Penghong Derbyshire Ryder Devendra Thenuk Dew Thomas Di Paolo Jack Di Petta Zander Dilmahomed Emaad Dimetriou-Dickson Daniel Dimitrakakis Emmanuel Dinatale Daniel Djeri Zac D'Rozario Jaiden D'Rozario Rowan Emmanouil Lucas Evans Snowy Fernandes Aidan Rhys Fitzgerald Christian Flynn Lachlan Forster Oliver Fotis Mikhail Franklin Nicholas Franzoni Christian Fry Cooper Gantelas Liam Gardiner Jole Gardner Harry Gatto James Gautam Abin Gentile Dean Georgiou Thomas Geros Julian Ghanakas Christian Girdhar Mehul Gordon James Gounaris Themi Greenaway Luke Grillo Nicholas Guerrieri Damon Gunatilake Roshan Gupta Shaurya Guzzo Spencer Hamilton Lewis Hampson Nicholai Hatzimihelakis Alexander Hawtin Charlie Head Josh Heerah Koby Holman Josh Impala Alexander Iverson Samuel Jacobs Oscar James Sachin Joseph Abel Kakarantzas Billy Kang Brendan Kapotas Ross Karamanlis Alexander Kattakayam Sharon Keleher Connor Keleher Lochlain Kim Anthony Kim Jinsue Kolenda Will Kong Shing Cheong Geoffrey Koupouzos Peter Kukulovski Harrison Kumaran Nitish Kuruppuncheril Ryan Labour Kaleb SURNAmE PREFERRED Lao xiaotian Latin Zoran Lechi-Meregini Akachi Lee Jensen Lee Alvin Lee Max Legg David Liberatoscioli Liam Liberis Alexander Lin Jiakie Linden Matthew Loft xavier Lopez Emilio Lucarelli Jack Luy Andy Ly Jeffery Mackay Milo Maddumahewa Nethil Maguire-Nguyen Thomas Mahan Noah Mahdy Ibrahim Mainey Gabriel Malaeb Wissam Mallichetty Hayagriv Maniatis Andre Mann Harry Mann Oliver Marambage Heroon Martin Zac Matsakas Jonathon McCredie Lachie Merry Lucas Milonas Eli Mole Tate Nikolopoulos Kosta Noveloso Liam Occhiuto Anton Oorloff Archie Oresti Anthony O'Shea Spencer Palma Iggy Parikh Rohan Pegiou Stefan Peluso Isaac Peluso Jack Perera Ray Phillips Thomas Power Finn Quan Brian Quirk Louis Raheem Shenard Ramman Matthew Regi Milan Riccardi Anthony Roberts Will Rogers Jack Romios Peter Rossi Hugo Roussos Yiannis Sabljak Alex Saouma Sebastian Schroder Josh Schroder Max Scott Ryley See Choeden Sejas Dominic Senanayake Tharusha Severino Julian Sfetsas Samuel Sharma Satyam Singh Tanvir Smith Caleb Soares Nathan Spano Anthony Talarico Val Thia Christian SURNAmE PREFERRED Thom-Tydell Orion Torcasio James Tran Du Tsotsos Deon Ty Jacob Ung Sasha Van den Bosch Jacob Van Der Zweep Beau Vemula Shreyas Vincenzini Christian Vithana Hiruja Vourvoutsiotis Emanuelle Waters Jack Welcome Jordan Window Harrison Wijjarupage Raveen Woutersz Tristan Wright James Yap Matthew Yip Peter YEAR 9 Alessi Noah Ancora Elijah Ande Sai Andrea Alex Angi Krish Aoun Eli Awad Nathan Babatsias Christos Ballas Yianni Battye Koby Bernardo Christian Biviano Oscar Blenkhorn xavier Braganza Ayden Brooks Benjamin Caiafa xavier Cammaroto Tory Campbell Julian Candris Leigh Casuscelli Joseph Chamnanchang Ryan Chamnanchang Tyson Charles Ethan KarumbaiahChenanda Abhav Cherry Patrick Chew Tian Jun Chong Ah Min Liam Churchill-King Marcus Cochrane Charlie D'Agostino Ruben Davis Brodie De Guzman Ayden De Luca Oliver Deayton Isaac Demeld Jeremy Dermitzakis Jordi Diamataris Billy Dickson Will Dos Santos Hugo Dunne Zac Dupont Deon Edwards Bailey Edwards xavier Emmanouil Rafael Fanton Bailey Fazio Stefano Fernandez Nathaneal Ferrara Matteo Ford Benjamin Fourlze Tarrant Gangatharan Arjun Garduce Daniel SALESIAN COLLEGE 141ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT ROLL CALL

STUDENT ROLL CALL SURNAmE PREFERRED Gasper Sam Gatkuoth Aussie Ghaly Andre Giannikos Costa Goodman Nicholas Gosal Jonathan Gould Samuel Green Ben Grenfell Angus Grewcock Brodie Griffiths Liam Grosdanis Christopher Hadzic Zed Hatzigeorgiou Matthew Heldt Zidane Ho Rooney Hrambanis Nathaniel Hussein Fadhal Huynh Tyson Ianno Stefan James Lucas Jefford Bryar Jones Lucas Kak Yokwan Kao Nathan Karagianis Ethan Karamanavis Patrick Karthik Saran Katakis Nicolas Katsos Jonathan Kesuma William Khalil Ayaan Kiong Dylan Knight Joel Kotagal Chetan Kotsinadelis Nathan Kuruvilla Adam Lazos Luke Lee Jun Leopold Jackson Li Joshua Liberis Jamie Lim Nathan Luak Peter Ly Jamieson Macauley Lachlan Maimarosia Derick Manaras Peter Mandile Luca Marinis Alex Martinez Alex Mastoras Paul Mathieson Benji Mathieson Spencer Matteo Liam Mazari Baseer McGuinness Aiden McHenry Allen McKnight Isaac McLaughlin James Metsios Julian Michaelides Vas Milenkovski Christian Mollaneda Guillermo Morrison Bailey Moutafis Angelo Namdarian Lachlan Natsioulas Ilia Ng Tyson Ngodara Matthew Nguyen Owen Nguyen Thomas Nguyen Vy Quang PatabendigeNilaweera Chenura Nipps Aidan SURNAmE PREFERRED Nunziante Christian O'Driscoll Tadhg Okoumousis Stelios Onley Justin Orfanos Haris Papageorgiou Vasili Pan Jiasheng Panjetta Gurmilan Parente Luke Pascoe Anthony Pearson Sebastian Peralta Lawrence Perera Ari Piper Charlie Popovic Nikolas Pozzoli Alessandro Prabhu Benjamin Pujar Aayush Raffa Jacob Ralston Dean Ramachandran Calvin Ramesh Shivaram Rankin Jeremy Rayen Dylan Rehal Ronit Rickwood Matthew Ronald Ryan Ruwoldt Zakk Ryan Eamonn Ryan Oscar Saraullo Anthony Schock Jakob Selliah Hayden Shahabadi Saman Simunic Lucas Sinclair Hamish Singh Rayan Sirait Nathan Smolic Ashton Spieth Owen Stavrinidis Michael Sung Ryan Sutherland Patrick Tan Andrew Theodoropoulos Ricky Thiep Chiang Thomas Ryan Thomas Sholance Thurston Will Timperio Leonardo Tolmacev Jonathan Tone Gavin Tsamis Nicholas Tsoukalas Christos Tzintzis Kael Ubachs Jamie Vagas George Valamparampil Albin Jose Valiontis James Venturanza Vincent Vu Ben Westcott Ashwin Wheeler Joel Willers Juan Williams Diesel Wintle Henry Woolrich Marc Wrzesinski Joseph Yang Benjamin Yau Elias Zlatanovski Iskra YEAR 10 Adam Faris Amro Hady Angelucci Camillo SURNAmE PREFERRED Angus Aiden Antonopoulos Francis Aquino Emmanuel Arnott Oliver Aryal Sachin Avedissian-Brown James Balakas Kosta Banyai Jett Baselyous Marcellino Baselyous Philopatear Batsis James Belmuda Massimo Beltrami Lee Benny Chris Billing Noah Biviano Daniel Boloutis Paul Boulgouris James Bowker Keyan Brooks Jordan Burby Sethh Byrden Matthew Cai William Cavolo Max Chable Maxwell Chann Alexander Chauhan Vansh Chetwin Harry Clark Harrison Clarke Bryan Clifton Nic Corbett Tyrone Coutts-Hawking Ethan Csendes Jamie Curmi Matthew Dalamagas Jason Dambrosi Sam Daniel Dennis Ryan Davis Nicolas Dawer Paras De Kauwe Jayden De Sa Tyler Dell 'Arciprete Christian Dew Sam Di Paolo Michael Di Stasio Evan Diaz Dion Doan Andrew Docherty Bradman Downard Angus D'Souza Aidan D'Souza Keenan Eames Lachlan Easton Jake Elustondo Harrison Fenton Toby Fernando Gishain Ferrara Anthony Flechsig Kyle Forster Patrick Frangotsinos Chris Frantz Tobith Galante Adrian Galluccio Christian Gardner Tom Gatto Sebastian Ginoya Hardu Go Sean-Patrick Hagen-Mujica Dieter Harding Malakai Hariyanto Gavriel Harridge Darren Hastings Alexander Hattersley Jacob Hee Keng Joshua Hemsley Will SALESIAN COLLEGE 142ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT ROLL CALL

SURNAmE PREFERRED Holland Peter Holman Sam Hsu Jeff Hurley Thomas Iliuk Alex Iverson Jack Johnson Oli Jones Avellino Kapaklis Gabriel Karisson Paul Karvelas Andreas Khan Zavier Khore Aryan Kourelis Yianni Krueger Sebastien Langworthy Ryan Latief Aidan Le Vagueresse Jack Le Jordan Le Nam le Trung Lee Harry Lee Jackson Leong Maximus Lin Nicholas Liptai Peter Lo Rosso Alex Loft Hayden Loiacono Jack Loukos Aaron Mack Dylan Manaras Evan Marino Luke McCallum Beau McCance Stefan McCrea Ryan McFarlane Lachlan Mehta Manan Menzies Matthew Miliotis Charlie Millares Sebastian Montgomery Connor Mulvogue Oliver Nair Rajiv Navaratne Ruchith Akhila Nelson Jake Nguyen Nam Nikolopoulos Pete Nosworthy-Magill Dylan Nousis Louis Occhiuto Damon Oorloff xander Palatsides Dimitri Panoussis Patrick Papalia Anthony Papasotiriou Dion Paterson Rory Paul Ethan Peacock Ben Perera Joshua Petkaris Christopher Phylactou Alexander Pinzone Adam Polychronopoulos Nicholas Quadara Luca Raucci Christian Rizkalla Samuel Roach Gus Roberts Daniel Rodrigues Stionl Rosario Dylan Ross Hugh Russo Brendan Sakellarios Steven Salvatore James Sands Jacob SURNAmE PREFERRED Sarandakis Mark Scalzi Jack Schultz Ben Scott Liam Serrano Kaiden Shean Javier Shrestha Roey Simon Ethan Simoni Noah Singh Manraj Skarajew Tyler Stathopoulos Lucas Stefanatos Christopher Susilo Farrell Sykes Maximus Talarico Vin Taylor Robbie Tenace Aidan Tighello Luca Thalassinos James Topliff James Triantafyllou Luka Tsakoumakis Christopher Tzintzis Paschalis Valle Alex Valle Daniel Van den Bosch Isaac Van Der Zweep Finn Vanderhorst Brodie Vaz Jordan Vaz Sven Vo Timothy Vouronikos Peter Vu Jimmy Vu Nam Wallbridge Sam Wenas Morgan Williams Dillon Wilson Julian Wrzesinski Tomas Yankov James Yoshawirja Samuel Zaki Andrew Zhang Horatio YEAR 11 Ajani Luke Algama Dilenne Alija Olivier Allan Angus Alphred Brighton Ambawatta Andrew Amedeo Michael Amendola Daniel Aparo Kristian Arino Jerwin Arsabhuvana Ethan Avramopoulos Andrew Awad Matthew Balasuriya Saeran Ballantyne James Bastien-Sylva Olly Be Dylan Bittarello Leonardo Blaikie Tom Blair Zach Bof James Brooks Edward Cahill Sean Caminos Blake Carrig Matthew Casals Raffy Chamnanchang Brendan Chann Narichard Cherry Sam Christodoulopoulos Dean Ciorciari Christopher SURNAmE PREFERRED Cislo Oskar Colaci Nicholas Colantuono Domenic Collier-Murphy Kai Cooray Dilantha Cordeiro Liam Curtis Ashton Curtis Kobi Davis Kynan De Alwis Pramishka Deayton Lachlan Deo Marnav Dewapakshage Heshan Dias Jackson Dimar Adrian Draga Ben D'Rozario Harry D'Souza Adam Easton Nicholas Easton Ronan Elliott Marvin Facchino Leonardo Faron Adrien Fazi Amish Fernandes Aaron Fernandes Calvin Fernandes Jayden Gantelas Jimmy George Frank Ghanakas Nicholas Giannakopoulos Maiki Gill Navraj Ginige Emmanuel Gomes Aaron Gounaris Alexander Greenaway Jake Grewcock Lachie Grosso Maison Ha Kenny Hair Darcy Hardie Lochlan Hariharan Harshan Harris Benjamin Hattersley Zak Hickey David Hill Luca Hilliard Jack Ho Jason Horvat Flynn Huppe Sebastien Ison Sam Israni Dhruv Jason Eric Jogi Alrin Johnston Jake Kakarantzas Liam Kang Kevin Kapoor Siddarth Kar Om Katzourakis Kirk Kearns Ashley Kedis Daniel Kieu Lance Knight Liam Krishshanthan Thesigan Krivanek Michael Kumic Lachlan Lanyon Austin Le Brian Le Kenny Legg Michael Lehr Calvin Lokhee Nigel Louis Emmanuel Louras Spiro Luzares Jackson Luy Jet Ly Ly Jeremy Machaya Lleyton Maniatis Hugo Maralande Aiden SALESIAN COLLEGE 143ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT ROLL CALL

STUDENT ROLL CALL SURNAmE PREFERRED Martiniello Thomas Matai Gatluak Matusan Giuseppe McKenzie Blake McNidder Jai McPhee Fletcher Mean Justin Milonas Theodore Mitchell Jacob Muscara Lucas Natarajan Aaryan Ng Jayden Mun Wai Nguyen Justin Nguyen Tam Thanh Nimmervoll Alex O'Meara Jackson Panagiotakopoulos Pete Pappas George Park Thomas Parker Keegan Pearson Nick Pegiou Lucas Peluso James Perera Jude Perera Shane Pettigrew Alex Pilankar Yash Polites James Polychronopoulos Aris Puidokas Remy Quach Pierce Ravipati Jonathan Regi Alan Rice Will Robotis Athan Russo Thomas Sam Spencer Saouma Dantae Schiavello Gabriel Scown Tom Sharp Brody Sharrock Noah Sikuler Max Sinclair Edward Soldati xavier Soria Enrique Stanton Angus Steen Michael Suraweera Nicholas Tabaczynski Jake Tanjutco Lester Tavlas Konnor Taylor Alex Thai Thiedus Thurston Sam Tran Aidan Trang Daniel Triskelidis James Truong Ivan Truong John Turton Lachlan Van Der Zweep Kai Van Der Zweep Tom Vayenas John Velgakis George Velona Roman Vengadachellum Varounen Wain Mitchell Wal Deng Westcott Lachlan Wheeler Ben Wilson Thomas Wright Jackson Yala Alvin Zammit Tristan Zhang Andrew Zhu Eric Zhang Andrew Zhu Eric YEAR 12 Abraham Ben SURNAmE PREFERRED Algama Shanelle Athans Christian Balage Miyuru Balakas Petros Baxter Lachlan Belivanis Michael Bernardo Antony Bishop Andrew Bongiorno Kye Brkic Riley Brooks Cooper Candris Billy Cashman Tom Castillo Joshua Cerda Alexsi Charles Christopher Chea Aaron Colley Bailey Corcoran Keelan Crockett James Cuthbertson Ted Dabos Vas D'Agostino Nate De Marco Peter De Silva Miren De Zilva Angello Di Rienzo II Sal Dimetriou-Dickson Nicholas Djung Luke Duri Daniel Eames Josh Earnshaw- Fry Max Efstathiou Emmanuel El Hajj Eyad Failadis Yianni Fassos Alexander Fausett Ryan Fenton Angus Filipovic Sebastian Filipovic Thomas Ford Ryan Fornaro Cosi Forster Alexander Fortune Sid Galley Guneet George Jerine Georgoudis Ilias Giri Pranay Han Peter Heil Christian Hewa Don Atapat tulage Menal Hill Kellan Ho Daniel Hoang Bao Khang Hodinj Ethan Holding Blake Huberts Tommy Huynh Steven Ianno Luca Indovino Jacob Ioakimidis Angelo Ison Tom Iverson Will Jaikumar Saurav Jaitely Raghav Jo Philip Abrid Johnson Jack Kaltsis Chris Kanaris Michael Kasimis Philemon Kapoor Shivam Karvounis George Katsos Nicolas Kent Nathan Keo Andrew Kirkman William Kotsinadelis Christian Koutsikos Dean Kraloglou Anthony Kyritsis Yiannis SURNAmE PREFERRED Lam Damien Llaguno Tyrone Lobo Jeremy Locantro Christian Macaluso Angus Maimarosia Francis Manokaran Cailan Marino Matthew Mathew Albert Mathieson Alexander McCance Robert Kosta McNamara Nathan Miller Robbie Nenos Jack Nguyen Hayden Nianiakas Theodore Orlando James Orlando Nicholas Papenfus Trent Paramesh Prajay Parente Jake Paul Aaron Peacock Thomas Pemberton Travis Pham Nicholas Phung Ricky Plionis Owen Poldrugovac Jacob Quach Tien Rajbhandari Sanish Rajendra Aaron Ramachandran Jerome Ramanan Asutosh Ratumu Jordan Rikhiraj Nitpreet Rodrigues Delwyn Rojas Karch Rojero Martinez Braulio Rosenberger Aaron Rossington Jay Roukakis Simeon Russo Dominic Salvatore Lachlan Santaera Andre Santaera Marcus Sao Darritt Sapozhnykov Daniel Satheesh Schron Savic Mitchell Sciffer Sam Seager Nathan Sesa Domenic Sieng Adan Sirait Daniel Sivashankar Shreyas Skarajew Joshua Skopakow Mark Stasinos John Stavrinidis John Suarez Dylan Ta Johnny Tandoc James Tran Deakin Tran Steven Tsakistaras Alexander Tsouparidis Nikita Tu Matthew Ung Bevan Valle Thomas Vu Justin Vu Patrick Vulling Jude Watt Zachariah Weerasinghe Lavindu Wellner Adrian Wenas Zenden White Tristan Wilkinson Benjahmin Wilson xavier Withers Darcy Younes Alex SALESIAN COLLEGE 144ANNUAL2021CHADSTONE STUDENT ROLL CALL

James Redlich & Isaac Ng | Year 7 Design & Technology Developed in 3D design software OnShape, James and Isaac created animals that come alive in 3D with interlocking joints. After design, a small model was cut using a cardboard material, and later upscaled in pine, cut out by CNC laser.

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Articles inside

Year 10

pages 101-102

Year 9

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Year 7

pages 132-133

Year 8

pages 122-123

Year 12

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Year 11

pages 91-92

2021 House Competition

pages 78-80

Savio House

pages 76-77

Moroney House

pages 74-75

Annecy House

pages 70-71

Collinson House

pages 72-73

Student Wellbeing

pages 68-69

House Sport

pages 59-60

Sports Academy

pages 65-66


page 58

Senior VCAL

page 57

Intermediate VCAL

page 56

Year 10 PreCal Program

page 55

RUA Resource Centre

page 54

Human Development

page 53

Technology Studies

page 51

Digital Technology

page 52


page 50

Performing Arts

pages 48-49


page 45


page 43


page 42


page 44

Teaching and Learning

pages 40-41

Parents’ Association

page 39

Faith & Mission: Social Justice

page 38

Information Technology

page 32

Faith & Mission: Liturgy

page 37

Development & Marketing

page 33

From The Business Manager

page 30

Faith & Mission: Religious Education

page 36

Faith & Mission

page 35

Facilities Report

page 31

2021 VCE Results

page 12

From The College Captain

pages 24-25

From The Rector

page 5

OMNIA Awards

page 19

2021 Dux Speech

pages 14-15

From The Principal

pages 6-11

2021 Salesian Awards

page 18

Scholarship Program

pages 16-17
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