Give Thanks for Little Things

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We thank You, God, we give thanks; we call upon Your name, declare Your wonderful deeds. Psalm 75:2 Compiled and edited by Jennifer Grimaldi Illustrated by Russell BushĂŠe, Maureen McCarthy, Paul Scully, and Robert VanSteinburg

Give Thanks for Little Things Page God Is Seen in All Creation 17 Morning Blessing ............19 Goodbye Fall .................. 20 Sing a New Song .......... 21 He Keeps Me Going ...... 22 Autumn Leaves Fall Like Confetti ................ 24 Autumntime.................... 25 Winter Wonderland ............ 26 Tomorrow ...................... 28 Beautiful Valleys ............ 29 A Friend for All Seasons .. 30 A Winter Dual Delight ....32

CONTENTS Page Every Sunrise Brings a Blessing ...................... 2 Time.................................. 4 We Feel His Presence ...... 5 In the Garden of My Heart ..6 Blessings at Daybreak ...... 8 Springtime Promise.......... 9 When Twilight Starts to Bend ........................11 I Thank Thee, Lord ..........13 Jesus Standing by Our Side........................14 I See the Lord ................16

We wish to thank the authors whose works have contributed to this book. Any omissions, upon notification, will be corrected in subsequent issues. Cover art: ŠLiliboas/ Š61693 Copyright 2010 by Salesian Missions All Rights Reserved.


Every Sunrise Brings a Blessing Every sunrise brings a blessing, A gift from God above, As He decorates the heavens In colors etched with love. The yawning sun begins to rise As the stars fade away; A lovely sight for sleepy eyes Is born anew each day.


Today a flock of geese passed by As dawn began to break. They formed a “V” against the sky Reflected in the lake. These lovely, fleeting moments Too quickly fade away But leave behind sweet memories That linger through the day. The hands of time do not stand still As centuries pass by, And God daily writes, “I love you!” Across the morning sky. The heavens are the handiwork Of His abiding love. Every sunrise brings a blessing, A gift from God above. Clay Harrison 3

Time Time is the length of our stay on earth With all of its joys, its pain, its mirth. A gift from God so each can be A vital part of eternity. How we use it is in our hands, Yet we must do what God commands… For He has a plan… unused, unspent, A purpose to which each one is sent – Geared to the soul to make it grow Into a life that has a glow! But we must choose; God will not force. We, alone, can determine our course. Reflect on each day, ask Him to guide you. Ask your Guardian Angel beside you. Then life will have meaning, each day be a rhyme And you will be thankful God gave you “Time.” Margaret Peterson But I pray to You, Lord, for the time of Your favor. God, in Your great kindness answer me with Your constant help. Psalm 69:14


We Feel His Presence I see God in the morning dew That sparkles on the grass And in the rainbow in the sky, There as the storm clouds pass. The flowers bloom in beauty there Along the path we trod; The beauty painted for us by The finger of our God. We walk along a garden path And hear the birds that sing; We feel His presence with us there, The joy He always brings. What foolish man would e‘er believe There is no God above. We see His hand in everything And feel His changeless love. He is the song inside our hearts When things are going well. He is our strength and comfort when We walk that cold, dark vale. Dear Lord, I thank You for Your love, The beauty that You give. Your blessings overflow my life Each moment that I live. Gertrude B. McClain 5

In the Garden of My Heart In the garden of my heart Dwells His word planted in me – Now of me a precious part, Showing love for all to see. I will water it each day – He’s entrusted it to me, And it brings to me His peace, Helps me live in victory. In this garden of my heart His word daily grows and lives; ’Tis a garden blessed by God, Daily strength to me it gives.


In this garden of my heart Is this treasure held secure; As it grows, its fragrant blooms Bring a fruit so strong and sure. As I tend this precious garden, Share its precious fruit each day, May it bring a special joy To those I pass along life’s way. Helen Gleason How precious is Your love, O God! We take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 36:8


Blessings at Daybreak I watch the dawn give way to morning splendor, And listen as the birds their songs employ. ’Round about, the earth awakes from slumber, Causing the heart to overflow with joy. Sparkling dew adorns the tender grasses, Flowers open in the sun’s warm rays. An early morning walk is so delightful In the midst of Nature, offering up praise. Refreshing is the breeze that whispers softly, I don’t know whence it comes nor where it goes. I’m reminded of the gracious Holy Spirit Who moves about as blessings He bestows. Regina Wiencek


Springtime Promise I see God’s special beauty In every springtime flower. I hear His whispered love In every gentle shower. I stroke the velvet rose And ponder on His care. I feel the balmy breath of wind And know that He is there. Yes, God is ever-present In the blossoming of Spring, For this season bears a promise That makes my soul to sing. A promise that transcends The shadows of the night, And assures me I will live again Where all is peace and light. Chris Ahlemann


How varied are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You have wrought them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. Look at the sea, great and wide! It teems with countless beings, living things both large and small. Psalm 104:24-25


When Twilight Starts to Bend When the day is over And twilight starts to bend, It’s then I sing my praises To my Lord, my God, my Friend. I thank Him for the blessings That He bestows on me each day And for His tender mercies That keep me from harm’s way. How great He is, this God of mine Who showers me with His love And guards me with a watchful eye From His throne in Heaven above. Let me be forever thankful For the countless joys He sends. May I never fail to praise Him When twilight starts to bend. Shirley Hile Powell



I Thank Thee, Lord I thank Thee, Lord, for sunny days, Refreshing rain that comes our way, For skies of blue, a morn that’s new, A friend that kneels with me to pray. I thank Thee, Lord, for things that grow, For gentle cooling winds that blow, For harvests reaping food to eat, A cooling breeze in a Summer heat. For flowers that spread their colors gay On a lovely Spring or Summer day, For mountains high and valleys too, A sunset with its varied hues. For trees that bear sweet fruit to eat, For plants that spread their fragrance sweet, For ears to hear bird melodies, And hands to touch and eyes to see. For beauty ’round for us to see, For miracles that all are free, A heart to love, Your Word to trust, For faithful friends that pray for us. For these I thank You and for more, Mansions that wait by Heaven’s door, Eternal Life for us above, But most of all, for Your Great Love. Helen Gleason


Jesus Standing by Our Side If storms begin violently raging With lapping waves tossed to and fro, Lean on Jesus and press forward – By all means, with bold courage onward row. O’er restless sea we’ll sail in life For some days are bleak and drear, Yet with Jesus standing by our side Release those dark and gloomy fears. Relax, oh weary sailor, Though faced with rushing, billowy tides – Steer towards the nearest lighthouse Where our Lord humbly abides.


Peek out in faith; link your hand in His And believe He’ll lead the way: His beam – the Holy Spirit, His voice – the Holy Word each day. As we persistently paddle onward, Someday with assurance we’ll reach the golden shore. Hallelujah! With love, Jesus will happily greet us, Welcoming us home forevermore. Linda C. Grazulis But he, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked up intently to Heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Acts 7:55 15

I See the Lord In flaming sunset glow, In moonlight on the snow, Dashing waves upon the shore, I see the Lord and I adore! On purple mountains high, In rainbows in the sky, Flowers around my door, I see the Lord and I adore! In little birds that fly, And bunnies all so shy, Kittens on the floor, I see the Lord and I adore! In pine trees, oh so tall, Where raindrops softly fall, Where mighty eagles soar, I see the Lord and I adore! Bernice Laux


God Is Seen in All Creation Have you ever stopped to marvel At the wonder of a tree – So tall, and so majestic, Firmly rooted, but so free? Have you ever watched a sunset So breathtaking you could cry; Or have you tried to count the stars So high up in the sky? Have you watched the lightening flashing, Listened to the thunder roll? Have you seen God’s hand in Nature And acknowledged His control? He is seen in all creation; To deny, there is no use. One day soon we’ll stand before Him, And we’ll be without excuse. Shirley W. Langley 17

For I will refresh the weary soul; every soul that languishes I will replenish. Upon this I awoke and opened my eyes; but my sleep was sweet to me. Jeremiah 31:25-26


Morning Blessing As I awoke to the sounds Of a pending gloomy day, I sat and mused of all God’s gifts And then began to pray. “Thank You, God, for allowing me To hear the thunder roar. Thank You for my eyes to see The rain that plants adore.” “Thank You for my dusty house, A place to rest my head. Many have no place to live; They have no home or bed.” “You’ve given me all I need To cope with life today, A healthy mind and spirit; Your light to lead the way.” “So, thank You for Your gifts, dear Lord, Please stay by my side. I can handle any task With You as my guide.” Donna Hammerbacher


Goodbye Fall The trees are dressed in red and gold, The geese are on the wing, The air is cool and crisp, And gone is flowery Spring. The football’s flying through the air And baseball has gone to bed. The children are all dreaming Of snow and a brand new sled. Goodbye crispy Fall And hear our joyous call. Praise the Lord and His creation And crown Him King of all. Dona M. Maroney


Sing a New Song Say goodbye to the darkness of night As morning breaks through bright and fair; Watch how the colors blend in just right As they seem to appear out of nowhere. The leaves on the trees sparkle and gleam With the golden sun’s bright ray. ’Tis the morning’s light that makes perfect and right The beginning of a brand new day. Sing a new song as daylight appears – Keep right in tune with the birds; Open your eyes, your heart, your ears To the sweetest music that ever was heard! Then, thank God for the blessings He’s brought – For all things that His dear hands wrought, For His love and care along life’s way… Let’s sing a new song to His brand new day! Lou Ella Cullipher 21

He Keeps Me Going It’s God that keeps me going When my world just falls apart; It’s He who lifts my spirit When I grow faint in my heart. His love always sustains me In my trials and distress; I don’t think I could make it Without God, I must confess. It’s not my cup He fills up – It’s the bucket that I bring. It’s not a song He gives me – It’s a symphony to sing.


It’s not a lamp He offers – It’s a floodlight as I walk. It’s not a voice that whispers – But a heart-to-heart heard-talk. It’s not just showers of blessings Teeming riches does He give; It’s God that keeps me going Every moment that I live. Betty Purser Patten You are my lamp, O Lord! O my God, You brighten the darkness about me. 2 Samuel 22:29 23

Autumn Leaves Fall Like Confetti The leaves fall like confetti Outside my windowpane, For on this earth of seasons It’s autumntime again. The colors are resplendent, Words can’t describe the scene. It is a lovely contrast To leaves once shaded green. The leaves fall like confetti Upon the Autumn sod; The hues are a reflection Of the beauty of our God. Loise Pinkerton Fritz


Autumntime I took a walk in autumntime When orange pumpkins were in their prime; When trees were wearing their autumnal best For God the Fall season had blessed. The sky was wearing a bonnet of blue, Sunsets were colored a purplish hue; Chrysanthemums along the way Made a beautiful bouquet. As I walked along the countryside, Squirrels were looking for nuts to hide; Then suddenly I heard church bells chime As God proclaimed, “It’s autumntime!” Nora M. Bozeman

May the favor of the Lord our God be ours. Prosper the work of our hands! Prosper the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17


Winter Wonderland God worked a miracle last night Without the slightest sound; He bid the snowflakes gently fall Upon our little town. Each pine and fir tree is robed In a sequined bridal dress; Small bushes hold snowflake bouquets, Most surely to impress. The lamppost in a white top hat Is elegant to see. Fence palings, like a white-robed choir, Add a note of piety.


Each little home so peaceful, Snuggled in a snowdrift high; Smoke curling up from chimneys Write love notes on the sky. God worked a miracle last night While I was sleeping sound. He made a Winter wonderland Of our little town. Kay Hoffman


Tomorrow The days go quickly by us, Then the days turn into years; We wonder whatever happened To all our dreams and fears. We always thought tomorrow Would be a better day To start things that we would do To make life go our way. But suddenly the time is gone, Tomorrows are no more. The time has come to answer As we stand before our Lord. May we always be ready For what we are to say; Let’s make all our tomorrows Better than our yesterdays. Ruth A. Grubb 28

Beautiful Valleys The mountaintop experience Is wonderful, it’s true; But even in life’s valleys, Your beauty, too, shines through. We all know of the lovely days When everything seems bright; We all know of the gloomy days That seem as bleak as night. But in the valley walks of life, If we would but pursue Our search for soft and fragrant grass And brooks meandering through… We’ll surface and look up again And head toward sunshine bright. We’ll overcome the valleys! In their beauty we’ll delight! Ruthmarie Brooks Silver


A Friend for All Seasons Jesus walks the road with me When springtime flowers bloom; He lifts the veil so I can see The beauty without gloom. The Summer is upon me, With birds and bees around. The roses are all blooming, As farmers till the ground. How quickly Fall approaches, With leaves of red and gold. The world is filled with magic And such beauty to behold.


The Winter now approaches, With snow so pure and white. The ponds are frozen over; Everything’s a lovely sight. Each season is so lovely, As I travel through each one; But I never have to go alone – My companion is God’s Son! Frances Culp Wolfe Look up to the skies and behold; regard the heavens high above you. Job 35:5


A Winter Dual Delight The feathery snowflakes fell to earth Throughout the Winter night, And by the following morning The countryside was white. A quiet beauty filled the air Across the country land, But then the wind began to blow; Snow drifted like the sand. The winds created snow drifts high In various designs. Huge snowdrifts, snowdrifts everywhere, But just one of a kind. The downy flakes that fell from Heaven Brought with them dual delight‌ A terra firma coverlet And snowdrifts, sculpture-like. Loise Pinkerton Fritz


Salesian Inspirational Books A SALESIAN MISSIONS PUBLICATION 2 LEFEVRE LANE NEW ROCHELLE NY 10801-5710 TEL. (914) 633-8344 E-mail:

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