Hope on the Horizon - Inspirational Volume Sampler

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…listen from Your heavenly dwelling place, hear their prayer and petitions, and uphold their cause. Forgive Your people who have sinned against You. 2 Chronicles 6:39


Just a Prayer Away Sometimes it seems, life hands us lemons, When troubles come our way. But if we petition our God of Love, He will hear us when we pray. “Ask, and it shall be given,” The Holy Scriptures say. If we ask with a contrite heart, God can take our troubles away. Help is just a prayer away, A loving God is always there. When tribulations overwhelm us… The answer is – “Go to God in prayer.” Charles Clevenger

You listen, Lord, to the needs of the poor; You encourage them and hear their prayers. Psalm 10:17


Cast Worry Aside Trust in God our Creator And cast your worries aside – There isn’t a need to fret and tremble, For our Heavenly Father will provide. He fashioned each decorative flower So dainty in grace and in form, Created the multicolorful rainbow After a springtime shower and storm. Every single hair on our head and wee fingerprints Were numbered and designed by Him, So just have faith that God is nearby When your candle burns slow and dim.


Rolling mountains and deep valleys, God simply spoke into place, For nothing is impossible – Remember, He saved us by grace! So cast aside that web of worries Unto God’s throne and He’ll show you the way, To have peace of mind and a joyful life By simply “trusting” in Him today. Linda C. Grazulis


Words Only a few words… But how they can bless A soul that’s discouraged And in deep distress. How easy to choose The word that can bring New hope and courage To cause hearts to sing. Only a few words… And yet they hold power Of blessing or cursing This very hour. Will we choose words Of discouragement or sadness? Or will our words bring Joy, comfort and gladness? Helen Gleason 10

While Singing Songs of Laud (A Shakespearean Sonnet) With earnest thoughts, my mind is set on Thee, My Savior, God, Who saved me from sin; Deep in my heart there sings a melody Of praises that repeats over again. The love You shower o’er me every day Fills up my soul and sets all sorrows free. No greater gift could ever come my way Than the sacrifice made at Calvary. The love of God has healed my broken heart, No more will I be orphaned and alone; Forgiven, now, I’ve found a brand new start And one day, I will kneel before His throne. I’ll lay my crown of life at Jesus’s feet, WhileHave singing laud, sothe soft and sweet. yousongs ever of watched sunrise

Life’s Sunrise and Sunset

As it rose in the eastern Nancy Watson Dodrillsky, How it slowly leaves the horizon And a new day dawns on high? Have you ever been amazed by its beauty When the sun sets in the western sky, How it leaves behind an array of color And recedes from its watchful eye? Now darkness is soon to follow, ’Tis the final hours of the day; When compared to the span of our lifetime, We’ll liken our days this way. So we must live each day to the fullest, And to God be faithful and true; From the time of our life’s sunrise Until life’s sunset is due. Hazel Yoho 11


Never Alone When life seems it isn’t worth living, And burdens are too hard to bear, Heartaches and trials surround you – It seems there is no one to care. In the midst of this grief and sorrow, Look up to God on the throne: He has promised never to leave you, He will never forsake His own. He will comfort when your heart is breaking, He will answer when you feel so unknown, He will be there whenever you seek Him, And He never will leave you alone. Frances Culp Wolfe

God alone is my rock and salvation, my secure height; I shall never fall. Psalm 62:3


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