Life in Salford magazine issue 28

Page 24

Are you worried about a child? If you’re worried that a child is being neglected, abused or is not being looked after properly please don’t ignore it. Trust your instincts and get in touch with The Bridge team if you’ve seen or heard something that you thought wasn’t right. You can call the Bridge team on:

0161 603 4500

from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Outside these hours, you can call Salford City Council’s emergency duty team on

0161 794 8888 In an emergency ring 999 The Bridge team handles all concerns about the welfare or safety of a child in Salford. It’s made up of workers from different organisations including Salford City Council, Salford Royal NHS Foundadtion Trust, Greater Manchester Police, CAMHS (Children’s Mental Health Service) and Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. We work together to make sure any concerns are dealt with by the most appropriate service and avoid any duplication.

What happens when you call?

Who calls The Bridge team?

You’ll get through to a real person straightaway. The team members are all very experienced at talking to people who are worried about a child. You won’t get transferred to anybody else and you’ll only have to tell your story once.

All kinds of people, concerned neighbours, family members or even passers-by.

Why is it so important to call?

What if you’re not sure you’ve got it right? Please ring anyway. We rely on people’s common sense and instincts. We can make a judgement about the situation based on your knowledge and information.

You have to put the child first. It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe and protect them from harm. It doesn’t automatically mean the parents have done something very wrong. They may just need help and support to change the situation.

What happens after I call?

Do you have to give your name?

Salford City Council, Greater Manchester Police and Salford NHS Clinical Commissioning Group work together as the Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership to develop policies, procedures and strategies to keep children in Salford safe. You can find out more at

Not at all. If you do give your name and contact details these are never shared and are only used to call back and check information or get more details.

We will log the details you have shared as a referral, prioritise it and allocate it to a worker.

What else do we do in Salford to keep children safe?

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