Life in Salford 31 • November 2020 16
Salford’s health and care system is starting a big conversation to help shape its future Salford’s health and care system has launched a ‘big reset’ and local people are being asked to join in the conversation and share their views. During the coronavirus pandemic, the way health services are delivered in Salford has changed to keep patients and staff safe. Now the city wants to shape the future of its health and care system to make sure people living in Salford receive the right care in the best way. Salford’s Big Reset Conversation will run until December, engaging with people living and working in the city, to determine what is working well and what can be improved to create a better and fairer system in Salford. The conversation is split into five themes – prioritising patients, accessing health services, health at home, mental health and new relationships between health and care and communities – so that local people can have a say on all aspects of health and care.
Alison Page, Chief Executive of Salford CVS, said: “Change happens when people come together in order to make a difference. Salford is full of passionate people – volunteering, voluntary and community action, mutual aid and being a good neighbour being some obvious examples – and during the coronavirus pandemic the Spirit of Salford has definitely shone through. “I would encourage everyone who lives or works in Salford to take part in the Big Reset Conversation to make sure a wide range of voices are heard from across Salford’s diverse communities. Together we can make a difference!” Over the last few months, some services temporarily stopped, including planned surgery and routine appointments, but now the health and care system wants to prioritise those who still need the care and explore other options for people whose needs may have changed. Making sure patients have access to a GP and emergency department is vital in getting the health and care system moving again. Salford GP Dr Girish Patel said: “Online, video, telephone we are still here for you in lots of different ways. The way you book an appointment with a GP has changed during the coronavirus pandemic, but we are still providing the best level of care to you. It just might not be face-to-face. If you need an appointment with your GP, just call or visit their website.” Please complete the survey here: For more information, please visit